Well thank heaven things are moving to a good new normal Dot! Drive safely, have a great trip, and we'll be looking forward to hearing from you after you arrive at your new place

And so sorry Hellis, but... For whatever it's worth? The summer thunderstorms
can be something to enjoy - actually one of my favorite parts of summer, whether in Virginia or New York. Everything turns the strangest shade of silver grey ominous, darker - like the world is being covered with a blanket, and lightning is beautiful to catch and the thunder is just magnificent. But of course (obviously) ymmv...
As sorta-kinda-sad as it will be to see this episode of Pieces end, in another way it's a bit like an accomplishment really. Everyone still here, should be
extremely proud of the magnificent work they've done. And it feels like such a success, to be able to point to a finished RP and know your hand was there in its creation, just like finishing a story.