All right, so you wanna go to the City, eh? Well, it's going to take a little bit more than what you've got on your back and in yer pockets.. What do you want to go there fer anyways? E'rebody avoids th' Electorate, at least those who want to live longer than normal... Oh, fine, go ahead, climb aboard... The City has a long and brutal history of being where outsiders go to die, and where natives to the city don't live to long if they break the norm. A certain stench hangs in the air over the city, one of smoke, ash, and death. However, if they abide by the rules and side with the Holy Imperial Electorate, one just might find that they can acquire a modest amount of money, depending on their rank.
In a broken land, strange and twisted energies emanate from ragged chasms that scar the land. Weird and terrible creatures roam the depths, and little can grow for miles around. The only places where anything grows are in the fog-covered river valleys outside of the plateau where the City is located. These are kept under tight control by the Imperial Electorate. Other villages survive in the dead wastes, but they are dependent upon the valleys as well. This is a delicate balance that is kept in place by the Imperial Electorate.
Even in the best of times, the rates of the dead or missing among the common folk in the City have been high. Nonetheless, the population still keeps growing, either from those born in the City, or from those kidnapped from elsewhere. However, more strange disappearances have been taking place. In the thick smog over the Residential District, entire families disappear, and in the dirty smoke and ashfall of the Manufacturing District, entire factories disappear. Among the higher echelons of the Electorate's ruling class, whispers of an enemy returning. The High Inquisitor, SteamArch, and Holy Elector all display signs of knowing what's happening, but they all try to hide what's going on or try to act like nothing's wrong.
But any fool can tell that there's something insidious on the streets.
Most of the employment options in the city are in the factories, or various maintenance options. Those in administration may find themselves in charge of a factory, maintenance center, or police force, as a low-ranking official with the empire. For commoners with more creativity, (and money), there are a few more options open in the way of jobs. Being the owner/ bartender of an inn or tavern is the most common one, but sometimes musicians make their way to a decent tavern and work there as a floor show for the patrons. The Electorate has specially sanctioned bars, just for officials, and if one can gain a job in one, as waiter, bartender, or musician, they have a secure position in the city. A job in maintenance is valued by the Electorate as well as the commoners, so if one has a job there, almost no one will try to rob or murder you, unless they want the power in that section of the city to go out, or all of the water pipes under their apartment complex to explode.
Sections In the City There are five main areas of the city, the Administration district, the Manufacturing district, the Inquisitorial Control, the Residential District, and the Maintenance Command.
The third largest district in the city, this houses all of the buildings that the electorate manage the city from, such as dispatch centers, archives, and offices. This district also houses the personal homes of the officials, and is the most guarded out of all the districts, (except for maybe the Inquisitorial Control.) The sanctioned bars for the officials are located here, and has a number of other entertainment buildings, such as theaters and other buildings found in a Red Light district.
This is the district in which all of the general work takes place, and factories of all shape and form are here. Mainly commoners live in the sparsely spaced homes, but some officials do live in their offices in the factories. This is also the second largest district.
This is the smallest district, but the one most under control by the military. The buildings consist of eight barracks, stacked upon one another, a central command tower, training facility, armory, motor pool, canteen, and prison. The inquisitors are the ones who kidnap outsiders to put them to work in the factories, and the ones who enforce the will of the Holy Imperial Electorate. The High Inquisitor holds sway over all others.
A typical Inquisitor assassin
The rank-and file Inquisitors.
The largest district by far, this is where everyone except the Imperials and those who live in the factories live. It contains most of the poor man's entertainment, such as bars, cheap theaters, and whorehouses. They also have run-down churches, hospitals, and orphanages. The Residential District's street level is usually covered in a smog and the buildings are run-down, but the insides of the buildings are (sometimes) nicer than the outsides. This is where all Non-Imperial, Engineering, and Inquisitorial PCs will live.
This is one of the smaller districts, the Maintenance Command is where all Engineers live. Some Inquisitors will live here as guards, but 95% of the population of this district is Engineering. There are comm stations and transport chutes that spiderweb all over the city, allowing engineers to be transported all over at crucial points. The SteamArch is the Imperial-appointed leader of the engineers.
1-No godmodding (which is a given.) I shall determine what is godmodding and either PM or post in the OOC thread to you to intervene.
2-Don't put down others. For their writing style, PC(s), or whatever. I don't care. Just don't do it.
3-Try to have fun, and if you're going to drop out, try to give warning and resolve your character first. If that's not possible, then I bid you farewell, nonetheless.
The Insecton are... special, and thus require certain limits. If you play an Insecton, there are certain things you should know.
1- Those creatures with a Hive Mind shall have the population of their Hive severely reduced by violence, smog, whatever. The main advantage of a hive mind is that a singular Insecton can work in unison with others, under the leadership of a Matriarch or Queen. Use this with care.
2- Insectons are heavily prejudiced against by humans and halflings. This means if you play an Insecton, you have to deal with such hate.
Bee/Hornet Insecton- Pros-
Hive Mind: Can communicate/act in unison with up to ten other Insectons.
Flying: Can fly.
Brittle Exoskeleton: While they can take a hit, they cannot take a sustained beating.
CS: (Feel free to add anything else.)
Race- (Human, Insecton, and Halfling)
Physical appearance- (A picture is fine, but try to make a short description.)
Other- (Where you add any other categories, like Character Personality, and stuff.)
There are no Character limits for now, but if it gets crowded in here, I'll post a list of slots taken.
There is one position that is on a first-come, first-served basis, and that is the position of an Inquisitor Assassin. Ready, set, go.
Inquisitor Assassin - -> [6Deadly6Venom6]