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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPCWhite
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eh i ain't worried Dark Raven, cause he gonna be fairly useful when the shit hits the fan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When it comes to all the stuff you get from the security checkpoint, do you just want us to freeform that, or do you have set plans?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Man, I knew it would be hard to come up with a post following mine. Basically every PC is going to Echo squad. I was thinking to provide more opportunity for character interaction but I might have gotten a little greedy on that :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

In other words, it would be great if you'd include such details.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

No problem. I'll get something written up and put it in my post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RIengo

RIengo Lurker Status: Broken

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This is my first time filling out a character sheet this exhaustive, or really any character sheet on this site. Hope I didn't do too badly!

UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 1 - Personal Particulars A

First Name/Given Name: Maria.

Surname/Family Name/Last Name: Salcedo.

Age: 31.

Birthdate: August 15th, 1989.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation(Optional): Straight.

Blood-Type: A-.

Race: Hispanic.

Height: About 1.5 metres.

Weight: She weighs in at around 58 kilograms.

Appearance/Description: Maria is not exactly the most imposing physical specimen. Her muscles are obviously well-defined, but her choice of overly-baggy clothing almost entirely hides it. A sound tactical choice, but one that often draws ridicule from those she works with. At one and a half metres, she has to look up to almost everyone and everything, however, she manages to keep a straight face about it, and laughs at the short jokes. She's a very plain woman, not extremely attractive. A fairly normal face, brown eyes, dark hair, middle-ish cheekbones, a slightly upturned nose, and a pair of ears that stick out a bit too much. In fact, if you've never seen her in action, Maria seems extremely... Normal. The only “unique” thing about her is her ethnicity, which she hardly cares about. Yet despite her height, her body, and essentially everything that causes people to underestimate her, Maria is a battle-hardened veteran with several scars, from where she didn't duck in time. A particularly long one cuts through her stomach, but several miscellaneous ones criss-cross their ways up and down her arms and legs. Her hands, in particular, bear the marks of an unpleasant couple of days spent tied to a chair in a basement, and several of her fingers are still quite crooked.

UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 2 - Personal Particulars B

Nationality: Mexican.

City/Town/Village of Origin: Mexico City.

Educational Background: “Self-educated”, didn't finish high school.

Political Background: Apolitical.

Interests/Hobbies: Recreational shooting, binge-watching TV shows on Netflix, trying to catch up on her failed education.

Personality: Maria is a VERY blunt person. She doesn't mince words, and thinks that life's too short to try and keep a bunch of little lies and such going. Unfortunately, her honesty, and tendency to not mince words means that she has trouble making friends. She doesn't try to offend people, and isn't anti-social, and would quite like to make a circle of friends. However, she doesn't exactly have an advantage on that front. Maria, internally, is actually an optimist. Despite seeing some of the worst that humanity has to offer, she's also seen the improvements that have come so rapidly to the situation in Mexico. Often, though, she doesn't actually show that optimism, as she fears that she may be ridiculed as unrealistic. Indeed, socially, Maria is actually very insecure. She has several core values that she refuses to compromise on, and will stick to those as long as she lives, but once you thrust her into a normal, everyday conversation, she grows extremely quiet and, indeed, tends to yield leadership to others. Maria is happy to be in a subordinate role, having been in one for years now, and actually going out and fulfilling orders, doing things herself instead of delegating to others, gives her the most satisfaction.

Biography: Maria was born on a sweltering August evening, after an extremely stressful marathon of several hours of her mother struggling to give birth. However, in the end, both child and mother made it through alive, if not exhausted and slightly blood-splattered. Maria's extended family celebrated almost immediately, as her mother had been wanting for a daughter for quite some time. Unfortunately, Maria's mother wouldn't get exactly what she wanted. Growing up, Maria was a very bright child. Certainly not SMART, but Maria picked up on things very fast, and could watch people for hours on end, if her mother would let her. She struggled with her early schooling, finding that she'd much rather play outside with her many brothers and cousins, rather than stay inside and learn about grammar or mathematics. This, naturally, disappointed Maria's mother, since she was looking forward to a precious little girl to raise, after the stress of bringing up three boys that were all close in age. Unfortunately, Maria ended up more precocious than precious.

However, despite her longing for a real adventure to go on with her older brothers, whom she looked up to like demigods, Maria's early childhood was extremely uneventful. She'd argue with her mother occasionally, make up with her, struggle through her schoolwork, and eventually would give up on it and go outside to play. Maria grew up in an impoverished family, her father barely scraping by, trying to run a barbershop out of the ground floor of his home. Despite, or perhaps because of, the extremely destitute area they lived in, he had to pay monthly “insurance” to the local cartel men that came by monthly. However, despite this, Maria's brothers actually loved to see the well-armed men come into their home, and so Maria shortly followed suit. And, indeed, despite their criminal status, the cartel men returned their enthusiasm, entertaining the young boys and girl by letting them try and hold their heavy rifles.

It wasn't to last. Things in the Mexico City cartel scene aren't exactly black-and-white, no matter how well you're treated, in the end, if you miss payments, and then continue to miss payments, you won't come out unscathed. One night, the men that Maria and her siblings had come to love so swung on by to their house, demanding for Maria's father to come on out. Of course, she happily led her sleepy father to the door, and... Well. No matter how hard she tried to not see what went on, peeking through fingers, she saw them break her father's hands.

That was that for Maria. As soon as she turned 18, she joined up with the Federal District Police, hoping to bring some order to her chaotic life and city. At first, she was supposed to simply join the blue-uniformed Sectoral Police, however, the year was 2007, and the cartels were hanging onto what they had left with a death-grip. So, she got lumped into División de Investigación, where she found out she'd be mostly doing investigations work, instead of trying to, say, take down the cartels like she wanted to. Despite this, she managed to slouch her way up the ranks. It wasn't that she was lazy, it was simply because the job wasn't exactly what she had imagined it would be. Bribery and corruption were treated as commonplace things, despite the fact that the cartels were slowly being beaten back. Yet Maria refused to engage in any sort of corruption, and did her best to stay on the straight and narrow. This obviously meant that she didn't go very far up the chain of command, at all, and she suspects that more than a few times higher-ups had attempted to hire people to take her life. However, she continued her quiet “crusade” against all the corruption in the department.

Then, almost out of the blue, she got called to the office of, of all people, her Sergeant! She was apparently due to be volunteered to some odd UN program or another. Maria, unfortunately, wasn't informed of all the details. However, her sergeant “praised” her for her unflinching dedication to, ahem, investigational integrity. Of course, the man seemed to have smelled something unpleasant as he said this, however, a more amused look on his face popped up when he told her where she'd be going: Africa.
Of course, Maria realized what was really going on. Despite the fact that the cartels had largely been beaten back, and Mexico was on its way to a slow recovery, taking bribes is a hard habit to drop, whether they're from cartels or run-of-the-mill criminals. This way, she'd be out of the sergeant's hair, and he could do as he pleased. However, orders were orders, and Maria had long-resigned herself to the fact that she couldn't do everything on her own. So, she saluted the Sergeant, packed her things, and by the end of the week, was on her way to UNXIPU, whatever the heck it was supposed to be.

UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 3 - Service Record

Previous Service Affiliation/s: Policía Federal Preventiva (Federal Preventive Police).

Previous Unit/s: División de Investigación (Investigation Department)

Current Vocation/Specialisation: Private First Class in the División de Investigación.

Previous Vocation/s/Specialisation/s: N/A.

Formal Training & Skills Attained: Maria was mostly trained for investigations work, meaning that her combat experience is less than what could be expected of, say, a normal patrolman. However, the reality of living in the center of Mexico City means that she rapidly became handy with a handgun, and has learned more than just the basics of using a machine gun.

Informally Recognised Skills Attained: Counter-Interrogation skills, urban “free-running” while pursuing suspects.

Current Native Rank: Private First Class.

Previous Native Rank/s: Private.

Years of Security/Police/Military Service: 13.

History of Active Combat Deployments: N/A.

Awards/Medals/Certificates/Citations Achieved: N/A.


UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 4 - Packing List

Uniforms/Clothing Manifest: Black fatigues, boots, and civilian clothes.

Protective Gear Manifest: A single, fairly old tactical vest is all.

Field Equipment Manifest: A battered old pair of binoculars and a Swiss Army Knife, with tools such as the titular knife, a screwdriver, can opener, magnifying glass, and corkscrew.

Weapons/Ammunitions Manifest: An older Beretta 92F and an IMI Tavor TAR-21, with plenty of the corresponding ammunition for each, 9x19 Parabellum and 5.56×45mm NATO, respectively.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pete
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Good to see that people are still coming aboard on this. Your profile looked good to me, and once it's accepted I don't think the gm will have any problems with us bumping into you downstairs and saying that you showed up with a previous group. I'll be posting tonight, hopefully some of you other guys can squeeze something in tonight as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So far the CS looks good. You don't have to come in from a previous group though. You could just be in the same group as they aren't even inside the base yet.

I'll add your character to the list soon as I get back home. Hope to see some posts soon.

Just some things that may or may not be a problem though:

- She was promoted through the ranks.and yet she's still private first class. What's going on?

- Do take note that by 2016 onwards, the drug cartels are mostly reduced in power greatly and by 2020, are insignificant to the point of resembling common criminals.

- Also, are you sure your character's 1.5m? Because that's extremely short, even by Hispanic and Asian standards...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Will be posting within the next 24 hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll reply tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I can't wait to see what you guys will be posting. In the meantime I'll be on standby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Proser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Looks like there'll be nine people if all three of those get in. I can try to get a profile up soon too if things aren't closing up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPCWhite
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Do we all have to be on echo squad or can we divide up if we want to?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pete
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

RPCWhite said Do we all have to be on echo squad or can we divide up if we want to?

From my understanding, the GM wants us all in echo for the sake of IC proximity.

Proser said Looks like there'll be nine people if all three of those get in. I can try to get a profile up soon too if things aren't closing up.

Go for it, man. I don't think anyone will have an issue with more people hopping on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Proser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Will do. I have a couple of concepts so I'll either post 'em both in hiders or PM the GM and ask which they'd rather I go with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Weak, but, mostly just going with the plot right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hi Proser, lemme have it when you're ready.

I'll wait for the rest to post before I do so.

Also, Rlengo, I've thought about it and I would like you to polish your CS before I accept it. Those questions I pose to you, for example, needs answering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Proser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It's coming along, I'll probably focus on this first one at least just to make sure I get something in. Keep an eye on your inbox because when I finish I'll PM you a draft to avoid clutter in here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RIengo

RIengo Lurker Status: Broken

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry for the fairly late response, but my job's been taking over my life, heh. Anyways, I fixed everything you asked me to, including the height! Note that really, the main changes were in the latter half of the bio, after Maria enlists, so you don't really need to waste your time by looking over EVERYTHING ELSE again.

UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 1 - Personal Particulars A

First Name/Given Name: Maria.

Surname/Family Name/Last Name: Salcedo.

Age: 31.

Birthdate: August 15th, 1989.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation(Optional): Straight.

Blood-Type: A-.

Race: Hispanic.

Height: About 1.7 metres.

Weight: She weighs in at around 58 kilograms.

Appearance/Description: Maria is not exactly the most imposing physical specimen. Her muscles are obviously well-defined, but her choice of overly-baggy clothing almost entirely hides it. A sound tactical choice, but one that often draws ridicule from those she works with. At one and a half metres, she has to look up to almost everyone and everything, however, she manages to keep a straight face about it, and laughs at the short jokes. She's a very plain woman, not extremely attractive. A fairly normal face, brown eyes, dark hair, middle-ish cheekbones, a slightly upturned nose, and a pair of ears that stick out a bit too much. In fact, if you've never seen her in action, Maria seems extremely... Normal. The only “unique” thing about her is her ethnicity, which she hardly cares about. Yet despite her height, her body, and essentially everything that causes people to underestimate her, Maria is a battle-hardened veteran with several scars, from where she didn't duck in time. A particularly long one cuts through her stomach, but several miscellaneous ones criss-cross their ways up and down her arms and legs. Her hands, in particular, bear the marks of an unpleasant couple of days spent tied to a chair in a basement, and several of her fingers are still quite crooked.

UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 2 - Personal Particulars B

Nationality: Mexican.

City/Town/Village of Origin: Mexico City.

Educational Background: “Self-educated”, didn't finish high school.

Political Background: Apolitical.

Interests/Hobbies: Recreational shooting, binge-watching TV shows on Netflix, trying to catch up on her failed education.

Personality: Maria is a VERY blunt person. She doesn't mince words, and thinks that life's too short to try and keep a bunch of little lies and such going. Unfortunately, her honesty, and tendency to not mince words means that she has trouble making friends. She doesn't try to offend people, and isn't anti-social, and would quite like to make a circle of friends. However, she doesn't exactly have an advantage on that front. Maria, internally, is actually an optimist. Despite seeing some of the worst that humanity has to offer, she's also seen the improvements that have come so rapidly to the situation in Mexico. Often, though, she doesn't actually show that optimism, as she fears that she may be ridiculed as unrealistic. Indeed, socially, Maria is actually very insecure. She has several core values that she refuses to compromise on, and will stick to those as long as she lives, but once you thrust her into a normal, everyday conversation, she grows extremely quiet and, indeed, tends to yield leadership to others. Maria is happy to be in a subordinate role, having been in one for years now, and actually going out and fulfilling orders, doing things herself instead of delegating to others, gives her the most satisfaction.

Biography: Maria was born on a sweltering August evening, after an extremely stressful marathon of several hours of her mother struggling to give birth. However, in the end, both child and mother made it through alive, if not exhausted and slightly blood-splattered. Maria's extended family celebrated almost immediately, as her mother had been wanting for a daughter for quite some time. Unfortunately, Maria's mother wouldn't get exactly what she wanted. Growing up, Maria was a very bright child. Certainly not SMART, but Maria picked up on things very fast, and could watch people for hours on end, if her mother would let her. She struggled with her early schooling, finding that she'd much rather play outside with her many brothers and cousins, rather than stay inside and learn about grammar or mathematics. This, naturally, disappointed Maria's mother, since she was looking forward to a precious little girl to raise, after the stress of bringing up three boys that were all close in age. Unfortunately, Maria ended up more precocious than precious.

However, despite her longing for a real adventure to go on with her older brothers, whom she looked up to like demigods, Maria's early childhood was extremely uneventful. She'd argue with her mother occasionally, make up with her, struggle through her schoolwork, and eventually would give up on it and go outside to play. Maria grew up in an impoverished family, her father barely scraping by, trying to run a barbershop out of the ground floor of his home. Despite, or perhaps because of, the extremely destitute area they lived in, he had to pay monthly “insurance” to the local cartel men that came by monthly. However, despite this, Maria's brothers actually loved to see the well-armed men come into their home, and so Maria shortly followed suit. And, indeed, despite their criminal status, the cartel men returned their enthusiasm, entertaining the young boys and girl by letting them try and hold their heavy rifles.

It wasn't to last. Things in the Mexico City cartel scene aren't exactly black-and-white, no matter how well you're treated, in the end, if you miss payments, and then continue to miss payments, you won't come out unscathed. One night, the men that Maria and her siblings had come to love so swung on by to their house, demanding for Maria's father to come on out. Of course, she happily led her sleepy father to the door, and... Well. No matter how hard she tried to not see what went on, peeking through fingers, she saw them break her father's hands.

That was that for Maria. As soon as 2007 came to past and she turned 18, she joined up with the Federal District Police, hoping to bring some order to her chaotic life and city. At first, she was supposed to simply join the blue-uniformed Sectoral Police, however, the year was 2007, and the cartels were hanging onto what they had left with a death-grip. So, she got lumped into División de Investigación, where she found out she'd be mostly doing investigations work, instead of trying to, say, take down the cartels like she wanted to. Despite this, she began to half-slouch her way up the ranks... Before almost entirely losing all momentum, and stagnated at Private First Class. It wasn't that she was lazy, it was simply because the job wasn't exactly what she had imagined it would be. Bribery and corruption were treated as commonplace things, despite the fact that the cartels were slowly being beaten back. Maria had hoped that she would be out there HELPING solve these problems, but as an Investigations Officer, she hardly even got to patrol. Despite her belief in the police beginning to crack, however, she did her best to try and help people, taking any small-scale case that she could, that would skirt around the notice of the higher-ups. Of course, staying on the straight and narrow grew VERY hard after a while, and she was threatened by more than just a few thugs who weren't afraid to get physical, but Maria still had enough faith in herself, though not the rest of the department, to continue. Despite not climbing the chain of command, Maria felt comfortable in her position at the bottom. She got to interact with people more, and could at least joke around occasionally. Plus, she was terrified of failing and getting people under her command killed. So, she kept on making a quiet change on her own...

And change did indeed come. Since her initial enlistment in 2007, Maria saw VAST improvements in the department, and Mexico City as well. They were actually WINNING against the cartels, as completely insane as that sounded, and Maria gained a bit more faith in the rest of the police. It was a slow, messy, and terribly costly victory, but the satisfaction of knowing that she'd be helping future generations kept Maria going, and actually prompted her to collaborate a bit more with her fellow employees in the department.

Then, almost out of the blue, she got called to the office of, of all people, her Sergeant! She was apparently due to be volunteered to some odd UN program or another. Maria, unfortunately, wasn't informed of all the details. However, her sergeant “praised” her for her unflinching dedication to, ahem, investigational integrity. Of course, the man seemed to have smelled something unpleasant as he said this, however, a more amused look on his face popped up when he told her where she'd be going: Africa. Maria was fairly infamous in the department, her snagging almost all of the smaller cases, yet still managing to stay near the bottom of the chain of command, was looked on with intense amusement by the rookies, and with disappointment and irritation by her superiors. And, in this case, the superior in question, her sergeant, decided to DO something about it. Sending Maria to some God-forsaken desert for a good, long time ought to teach her a lesson, and get her constant nagging and pestering about taking kickbacks out of the way.

Despite her internal protesting, orders were orders, and Maria had long-resigned herself to the fact that she couldn't do everything on her own. So, she saluted the Sergeant, packed her things, and by the end of the week, was on her way to UNXIPU, whatever the heck it was supposed to be.

UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 3 - Service Record

Previous Service Affiliation/s: Policía Federal Preventiva (Federal Preventive Police).

Previous Unit/s: División de Investigación (Investigation Department)

Current Vocation/Specialisation: Private First Class in the División de Investigación.

Previous Vocation/s/Specialisation/s: N/A.

Formal Training & Skills Attained: Maria was mostly trained for investigations work, meaning that her combat experience is less than what could be expected of, say, a normal patrolman. However, the reality of living in the center of Mexico City means that she rapidly became handy with a handgun, and has learned more than just the basics of using a machine gun.

Informally Recognised Skills Attained: Counter-Interrogation skills, urban “free-running” while pursuing suspects.

Current Native Rank: Private First Class.

Previous Native Rank/s: Private.

Years of Security/Police/Military Service: 13.

History of Active Combat Deployments: N/A.

Awards/Medals/Certificates/Citations Achieved: N/A.


UNXIPU Enlistment Form Section 4 - Packing List

Uniforms/Clothing Manifest: Black fatigues, boots, and civilian clothes.

Protective Gear Manifest: A single, fairly old tactical vest is all.

Field Equipment Manifest: A battered old pair of binoculars and a Swiss Army Knife, with tools such as the titular knife, a screwdriver, can opener, magnifying glass, and corkscrew.

Weapons/Ammunitions Manifest: An older Beretta 92F and an IMI Tavor TAR-21, with plenty of the corresponding ammunition for each, 9x19 Parabellum and 5.56×45mm NATO, respectively.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPCWhite
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I know this post is short, I am sorry but life is happening. I most likely won't be posting until the 21st of this month. I have Football camp which will be having me out and about for 9 hours of the day. and I stat school tuesday which will take up the rest of my free time. If I can post I will but most likely I will not. If you wanna make me an NPC or whatever fine. Sorry I figured we would get further in the rp before it started.
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