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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rosemary Ivy

Rosemary was glancing around her, it appeared nobody noticed her speaking, and how could they when people walking making loud noises, like the blond boy on his knees. And a few others who looked to be loners. She sighed. It will be quite awkward if no one introduced themselves.
But her prayers has been answered by a young girl in a apron as she introduced herself as the Super High School Level Waitress. That seems to be an oddly specific skill to come to this school? Doesn't matter, she trying to unite them under a banner some kind.
"I agree with your idea Miss Jensen." Rosemary said while walked next to the waitress. "We should get to know each other, so as to not sow distrust amongst ourselves, names and our level titles should be decent enough for now." She continued in a calm tone with a calm smile on her lips.
"Like Miss Jensen said, I was also invited here to Orion Academy for my skill as the Super High School Level Fashion Designer, and I can throw my two cents in and say that everyone else was in an empty classroom when we awoken?" She said loudly so that everyone in the room can hear her.

"We must find a reason why we're here and also how to get out, if this place proves to be dangerous as it looks, but that seem pretty obvious to everyone I'm guessing." She continued, hoping no one objects to her plans.

Conrad Shepherd

As he continued his mantra in fear of impending doom, he felt a hand on his shoulder, he flinched but didn't move nor scream. If he was gonna die he might die with the little dignity he had to his name.

The hand turn out to belong to a girl in a nun outfit. She tried to comfort him, at least she trying, Conrad was never a religious person but it was oddly calming to hear someone trying to calm him down, people back at home never tried to help but Instead tell him to either toughen up to be the hero he was. " T-thanks...I-I hope your right... And a little." He replied, with some small hiccups between words.
He heard the plans and he didn't object but decided to calm down a tiny bit before replying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silas von Wainright

Silas didn't care that there were more boys in the room now, the only thing that had changed now is that there couldn't be a harem. Shortly after everyone had entered a girl suggested that everyone should introduce themselves, as they all were in the same school. Her name was Edie, but Silas quickly changed that to Edamame in his head. She was a SHSL Waitress, which means she could get him some food! Another girl only said her name was Iris which somehow Silas would affiliate with Acro Iris, which translates to Rainbow. The last one to introduce herself was the SHSL Fashion Designer, Rosemary, or for Silas Rosmarinus.

Now that the waitress had been revealed, he found the power to stand up from the pillar he was sitting against. He then introduced himself to everyone. "I'm Silas and I have been invited for my special talent as Super High School Level Artist! And I'm hungry!" he added. He pointed to Edie. "Edamame! As waitress you should know where to get some food! Please, get it for me!" he shouted, ignoring how rude he sounded.
Maria Oathkeeper

"Know that God is always with you." she added with a friendly smile to cheer Conrad on. She was happy that everyone introduced themselves, and was amazed by the talent in this room already. She was startled a bit by the loud voice of Silas. "I shall introduce myself as well." she said with a calm voice, hoping they would hear it. "I am Maria Oathkeeper, daughter of head nun Mrs. Oathkeeper. I was allowed to go here for my title as Super High School Level Catholic. I hope we have a great time together, as soon as this whole incident has been cleared up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Elend Carrol

"Um y-yeah, it's nice t-to meet you t-too." Elend's eyes darted arcoss the room, taking in the faces of each of the other people in the room. Sixteen total. So many, why? Again speaking to the redhead boy, El started to ask, "S-so uh, do you know wh-why we're all-"

A voice drifted through the air and hit his ears, his eyes found the speaker within milliseconds. A girl dressed up as a nun was spouting convenient lies to try to console a boy. She couldn't really believe that bull, could she? No facts, no evidence, no proof, no science. No, Elend did not believe in God. The mere idea of some benevolent overlord screwing up the natural progression of science disgusted him.

Another voice pulled him back to the situation at hand, though El found that he had no idea what he had been asking. Thankfully, the new voice was asking for attention, an excuse to not finish the question he had no clue how to finish. Introductions? Talents? Oh yeah, he had a talent just like them. Elend raised his hand, which was completely unnecessary and only attracted further attention to the awkward dark-haired boy, not exactly helping his moment of stupidity. Why had he raised his hand? He should put it down now, shouoldn't have put it up in the first place. People doing introductions had reminded him of his old English class so much that he'd mistaken one for the other.

Elend put his hand down a little too quickly and stood nervously, hands stuck like planks of wood to his sides. "U-u-u-um, I'm-m E-e-el-l-end C-carrol. My S-super High School Level t-talent is S-scientist. U-um, ch-chemistry m-mostly, but I know a li-little bit of ph-physics and b-biology as well." El stood there, staring at his feet, not daring to look up until everyone else in the room had long died and fossilised and he was all alone again. Why did there have to be other people? Other people meant groups, and groups meant cliques, and cliques meant he would be on the bottom, and being on the bottom meant he would be a loner, and being a loner meant getting picked on again. El took a few steps backwards, almost walking right into the redheaded boy that he had forgotten was behind him. Jumping ten feet in the air from surprise certainly did nothing positive for his uncharacteristic outburst. He just wanted to disappear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Karyl sighed at everyone's jumpiness. Ok, yes, this was all strange, and more than a bit weird, but they didn't even know what was going on. There was no reason to overreact yet and, if they didn't calm down, she'd seen what stage managers did. She could try, she figured. Rustling paper from her side caught her attention. She looked down to see the girl with the grey hair and violin (or viola? Cello?) bow trying to wave a piece of paper to get attention.

"They're never going to listen if you don't speak up." She rolled her eyes. The girl picked up a second sheet of paper and held it up to Karyl.

'I'm mute. I can't speak.'

"Oh." Well, that was embarrassing, but she couldn't apologize now. "Fine, I'll read it for you so everyone can hear." She grabbed the first piece of paper, glanced it over, and then spoke up, her tone abruptly sweet and calm. "Hey, everyone? This is Octavia, and she was invited here as a Super High School Level Violinist." She glanced to the girl - Octavia - who nodded in confirmation. Yeah, what she was invited for, of course it'd be her talent. Also explained what the bow was for. "She was also wondering if anyone's seen any teachers." She handed the paper back to Octavia, who continued writing on it. Karyl read over her shoulder. "Octavia Arterbury, to be exact." Ok, actually, she had heard of her, spoken of by players in the orchestra pit. Wait until those people heard. "Me, I'm Karyl delle Campane, a Super High School Level Ballet Dancer. Trust me, ballet dancing teaches you discipline and strength, so I better not hear any jokes about it, alright?"

"Nothing of the sort from me," the - girl? That was an exceptionally strange look for a boy - said as she pocketed the card deck. "If there are no other showmen, I suppose I'll go next." She bowed deeply - Karyl caught a slight movement near her face. "Ladies, gentlemen, and others, I present to you your Super High School Level Magician, Morgan Oakley!" She stood up straight, arms up - and Karyl shrieked. Morgan's eyepatch had been flipped up showing the eye underneath: black schlera, white pupil, and a neon orange iris. Certainly at least rather startling. Karyl just began to catch her breath as Morgan laughed. "Sorry, sorry, but I couldn't resist a little trick. I have others, if you'd prefer."

"No thanks." Karyl glowered. Stupid disruptive idiot, wrecking her composure like that. More like SHSL Attention Whore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


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Serena Bellerose

When the orange-haired girl—apparently she was a waitress—suggested that everyone start introducing themselves, Serena knew it would be a good idea, at least to know who everyone was. Although she had a thought that even with the introductions of everyone’s talents, she still wouldn’t be quite comfortable with her fellow students still, at least if they were dangerous, that REALLY wouldn’t do anything to help her rampant paranoia. She didn’t quite trust everyone yet (Morgan, who lifted up… their eyepatch to reveal a rather scary “eye” underneath, was definitely on the top of her list of people who made her nervous), but she knew she would have to put on a brave face in the midst of her peers. She took a brave (brave for her at least) step forward, adjusting her tiara slightly, ready to be strong and introduce herself to her peers.

”H-Hello, everyone,” she started, gulping hard after. ”My name is Serena Bellerose, and, as you can see by the tiara I’m wearing, I am a Super High School Level Princess,” she said, her face almost turning paler than it already was. ”You may feel free to address me as Serena, or Miss Bellerose, or Princess Serena, or Princess Bellerose, or… well, any of those, really,” she said, now turning from pale to bright red, since all eyes would probably be on her at the announcement of there being a princess present. Sure, there could have been other royalty there, but, well, Serena didn’t quite think so, at least based on initial appearances of everyone and from the people who had introduced themselves thus far.
She glanced around at her classmates, ”I-I hope that we can all be good friends and be nice to each other…” she stuttered out nervously and quietly, before taking a few steps back to her original position, still bright red from introducing herself.

Edie Jensen

Edie’s head started to spin a bit as everyone started to announce their talents. It was a bit saddening to her to hear about all of these great talents everyone had: scientist, artist, fashion designer, ballet dancer, magician just as a few… geez, everyone was impressive compared to the Super High School Level Waitress. So far, everyone seemed mostly nice—at least the girls who introduced themselves did. The only two boys who introduced themselves were… well, they were definitely out there.

However, the artist—Silas was his name—definitely ticked her off. She had dealt with annoying customers before, but considering the situation they were in, she wasn’t going to have much of it. ”I don’t know where any edamame is! Believe me, I don’t know where any food is as much as you don’t! And I’m not even on duty! This isn’t the time to be worrying about food!” she shouted, putting her hands on her hips as she narrowed her eyebrows at the artist. If he was this demanding about food all the time, Edie had a feeling they wouldn’t get along too well.

Of course, the Catholic and the princess who introduced themselves had Edie feeling even more nervous. ”I guess I shouldn’t be speaking so out of turn with such authority figures here… huh?” she asked, trying to pass it off as a slight joke and laughing a bit nervously.

Although Edie was confident as could be when she planned to come here, now with the people she was around, she wasn’t too sure about things.

Iris Bradley

Iris remained as quiet as usual, thinking about things as everyone had introduced themselves to the whole group of students. Sure, she had introduced herself to the one boy, but she’d have to introduce her talent and herself to them all soon, which she still wasn’t looking quite forward to. She quietly listened to all of the introductions, examining each person who introduced themselves. The waitress, the fashion designer, the artist, the Catholic, the scientist, the violinist, the ballet dancer, the rather… showy magician, and the princess. She noticed that not all of them seemed to be too stable in the situation, with some stuttering, and a few rather angry.

This wouldn’t do well for all of them, not in conjunction with how her despair seemed to be so pervasive. Was it already taking its grip on people? Iris hoped not, otherwise, whether this was a prank or not, it wouldn’t turn out good in the slightest. Iris took a deep breath, stepping away from her corner where the boy had started talking to her and now revealed herself to the room as she walked to the center, as she assumed (or hoped, at least) that people hadn’t noticed her.

She put her hands in her pockets as calmly as possible, and looked around at everyone. ”Hello, everyone. My name is Iris Bradley, and my talent is Super High School Level… Despair,” she said with a gulp, morbidly curious about the responses she would surely get.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anna Brunhild and Lucas Archwood

It seemed an awkward silence had pervaded the group after the announcement of this 'Super High School Level Despair' character. It seemed like a suspicious SHSL talent, and it seemed most had come to a conclusion as such. The mere seconds that passed seemed more like hours to the two, despite both being on opposite sides of the room. Really, it seemed nobody would was willing to say anything after that little displ-

"Well if nobody wants to continue I guess I will~"

Astolfo Garneau
It seemed like everyone got all shy after the Super High School Level Despair, Iris, gave her introduction. He didn't really know why, but maybe everyone got cold feet or something. After all, the rest of the Super High School Level students who gave their intros were stuff like Scientists and Princesses and Catholics and stuff, so maybe they thought that they couldn't measure up? Well, maybe if he went up and showed off his own talent, people would decide to step up. After all, 'Gamer' isn't really something 'majestic' like the rest.

And so, he did.

Astolfo skipped up to center stage right beside the Super High Schooler with the funny talent. How could someone 'despair' at a super high school level anyway? Well it wasn't as if it really mattered anyway. They were all friends there anyway, right? And so, turning to face all the Catholic, the waitress, the princess, the artist, the magician, the violinist, and the rest of the Super High School Levels, he flashed a big, bright smile and gave an exaggerated 'hello' wave to the group.

"Hiya everyone!" he called out cheerfully, putting his hands politely behind his back and rocking back and forth on his heels, "I'm the Super High School Level Gamer and my name's Astolfo! Garneau, if you wanna know my last name. Pleasure to meet'cha all~ Hope we can alllllll be great friends!" He did a nice little bow to the crowd before taking the hand of the Super High School Level Despair and dragging her off stage with a "Looks like our turns're done~"

Anna Brunhild
The Thief blinked twice after viewing Astolfo's introduction. The kid was certainly flashy, to say the least. Perhaps even more so than the damned Magician, and everyone knew a magician's job was to be flashy as hell in order to use subterfuge to pull off things that seemed impossible. In a way, she herself could be described as a magician of sorts, except her only trick was making things disappear and reappear in the form of money in one of her many overseas bank accounts.

The blonde hair in the black and grey suit looked around at the rest of the people who hadn't introduced themselves. Since it seemed nobody would take initiative just yet, she decided to give an indifferent shrug and waltz right up to center stage. Of course if you weren't looking, you wouldn't hear her walking to the middle. The light steps she had were so deeply ingrained in her mind that she did it instinctively. With a rather loud cough to get everyone's attention, she gave a curt wave with her gloved hand and started up her introduction.

"Hello everyone. Anna Brunhild, Super High School Level Thief, at your service."

Short, simple, and professional. Just like how a heist briefing should be, and often was. Besides, she found no reason to make it flashy or try to justify why she wasn't as malevolent as people probably thought she was based solely on her SHSL Talent. "By the way, if your cellphones are gone, it wasn't me. Mine's gone too," she added before walking off center stage. Really, she didn't need any pissed off kid trying to interrogate her for the location of their precious cellphone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Conrad Shepherd

Conrad nodded to as the nu spoke to him, she introduced herself to everyone as SHSL Catholic Maria Oathkeeper. That a nice name. He didn't pay attention to the other title as intently as the others, the only nephew took note was Despair... He didn't know what to say to that. Thief sounded bad also... "Ummm?... Miss Anna... Do you steal stuff... Or lives...?" he said in a worried tone almost crying at the end. He had an expression do worry across his face, he looked like he was about to faint. "S-sorry!... I guess I also say my weird title..." he said shivering, his teeth were shaking, it was annyoing. "U-ummmm... I'm Super High School Level...L-lucky... I-I guess am here because of me...stopping that bomb last year...or something." he said aloud that was barely out of a whisper.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jester Acharis
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Jester Acharis Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dieter Bauer

Following the appron-wearing girl's suggestion, everyone gradually started to calm down and introduce themselves, name and special talent and all. Dieter wasn't really sure if he liked the idea, however; while most of the others seemed to have fairly normal titles, ranging from a Gamer to a Fashion Designer, his was one that could possibly change the others' view on him and, should this really be a test from a foreign government, even get him in trouble. Then again, they did also have a thief in their midst, one who didn't seem to have too big trouble revealing herself. So maybe it... wouldn't hurt to follow suit.

"I'm..." Dieter began, nervous like quite a few others had been. His eyes were cast low, and his hands fidgeted as he tried to find a standing position comfortable enough. "I'm Dieter Bauer," his voice grew gradually more and more quiet as he continued: "T... th-the Super High School Level Torture Specialist."

He didn't raise his gaze after he was done.

Fyodor "Fedya" Vasnetsov

The girl's - Iris, he believed she had said her name was - confusion amused Fedya a great deal, but before he could really form any other opinions or think of what to talk about next, something even more intriguing had been set in motion. Namely, an introduction round. Now, while usually that wouldn't have been worth the listen, the group he was in now consisted of super talented students - and they were all stuck together in a school for whatever reason, for who knew how long. Learning the names and skills of people he would most likely spent quite a bit of time with didn't sound bad at all.

From the sounds of it, they really were an interesting bunch too, both personality and talent-wise. Fedya couldn't wait to get to socialize with them all, and see if he could find out more about them while at it. Their views on life, interests, hobbies, and, above all else, their view on what "truth" meant - especially since they had a scientist and a catholic too, and no doubt both would have very differing views on the subject.

Oh, but it was about his turn by now, wasn't it?

"My name's a bit long," Fyodor chuckled, scratching the back of his head almost sheepishly. "It's what being Serbian does to you but... ah, Fyodor Nikolayevich Vasnetsov. Just Fedya is fine though - it's what friends call me." He smiled brightly, even if it didn't show from behind his mask. It could be heard in his tone though, no doubt. "I'm Super High School Level Liar. Nice to meet you all!" He crossed his arms and nodded a few times.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anna Brunhild

"..." the blonde thief was silent as she took a few moments to process the utterly inane question that this 'Super High School Level Lucky' had posed to her. 'Did she steal things?' Of course she did, she was a fucking thief. What kind of thief would she be if she didn't steal peoples' things? She internally facepalmed before doing her best to play nice and answer the idiot's question without inciting some type of fight. "...No," she said simply, "I do not take lives. I'm a thief, not a barbarian. I steal, I do not pillage. And yes, that means I steal stuff."

To be completely honest, she knew she probably could've been less passive-aggressive in her statement, but this kid was just...! She took her attention away from Conrad and listened to the introduction of the Torture Specialist and the Liar. The Torture Specialist seemed a bit meeker than she would've expected, to consider all things. The Liar was... Well, even if he were lying, people would probably refer to him as Feyda anyway, and there's nothing contradicting the claim of his SHSL talent, so Anna figured it was safe to say she couldn't care less.

Astolfo Garneau

"...Hello Feyda! Nice to meet'cha~" Astolfo called out randomly.

Lucas Archwood

The redhead looked around the group. Scientists, Thieves, Princesses, Catholics, Torture Specialists... These people were a rather motley crew of students, weren't they. It was actually a bit overwhelming for the young man. He was in a state not unlike the one people get when confronted with someone with much more power and prestige than themself. The slight lack of breath, the jelly legs, all of it pointed to nervousness on his part. Could he even compare to these guys? Even the meekest ones seemed to have more presence than he did, barring Anna who, all things considered, wasn't supposed to have presence in the first place. He shoved the thoughts out of his head as he listened to the last two's introductions. The Torture Specialist was... Okay, he supposed. Probably not someone he'd like to anger any time soon. The Liar on the other hand... Well he just gave him a headache. Too much 'is he lying, is he not' going on. He figured he'd probably just try to avoid that guy in the future to avoid potential migraines. Once 'Feyda' stepped off.

Lucas counted off the people and realized that it was his turn. In truth, the ??? felt like he was rooted in place, acting as a spectator watching himself walking to the center and saying words that were both his and not his.

"Hey everyone, hah," Lucas said with a rather limp wave, "I'm Lucas, last name Archwood. My talent is... My... Talent... Is..."

What was his talent anyway?

"I... I have no idea," he confessed, allowing his shoulders to go limp and giving a rather noticeable sigh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Karyl had begun to calm down - no thanks to anyone else. Liar? Thief? Torture specialist? Despair? What kind of sociopaths was she staying with? She could count the number of people she could trust not to murder her on one hand! And when Morgan chuckled, flipping her eyepatch back down and shuffling her cards once more, Karyl struggled to mask her distaste.

"It can't be anything worse than what we've heard so far," she said in response to Lucas' introduction. Octavia's bow clattered on the ground and Karyl sighed as she picked it back up. "You're fine, Octavia." Octavia accepted the bow back, looking much less despondent.

"Am I?" Morgan asked.

"No." Karyl looked to the steel door. "Well, Anna, if you steal, think you could get this door open?" She was already fed up with this little joke. It looked solid, yeah, but if she was so good, she could give it a shot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anna Brunhild

The Super High School Level Thief looked at Karyl, then at the door. Then up at the machine guns directed at the door. "Yeah... No," she said simply, "if I had the necessary tools and someone to be a meat shield for the hundreds of bullets that would be raining down on me, there's a rather low chance that I would fail. But unfortunately, the guys who set this up have a brain cell." The thief gave a shrug, "if you want me to give it a shot, you're taking the shots."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


Member Offline since relaunch

All sixteen of the Super High School Level students of Orion Academy had introduced themselves to each other. Now, it was time for their wonderful Headmaster to welcome them to their wonderful school life they would face!

As if out of nowhere, a puff of smoke appeared in front of the vault-esque door, and what appeared after was… what would appear to the students as a black and white teddy bear.

”No you can’t get that door open! Nobody’s getting that door open anytime soon! Think about it like a bank vault! You’re all stuck inside!” the bear told them all, waving his arms in the air.

”Oh, that reminds me, my name is Monokuma! And I’m your Headmaster here at Orion Academy!” he told them simply, before taking a few steps forward, scanning the room to look at all of them.

”I’m glad you all got introduced finally! You bastards took forever to introduce yourselves to each other! I had a wonderful opening ceremony planned in the gymnasium but you all took so long I had to scrap it all!” he shouted at them. ”All of my hard work was for nothing…” he said, letting out a sigh.

”However, I’m sure you’re all wondering what’s happening, right? Well, I’m here to tell you all about what will be happening with your school lives here at Orion Academy! Since you all have some of the greatest talents in this world, you all have a hope like no other!" he told them, pausing for a moment before continuing.

”Therefore, in order to protect and preserve the talent you all hold; you will all be living a communal lifestyle within these walls. Forever,” he said simply, looking at them all dead on. Boy, would their reactions be great!

”No more outside world! Of course, we have more than enough money to spare, you’ll all be with whatever you need or want while you live here! No more outside world to worry about!” Monokuma told them.

Monokuma paced back and forth for a moment, before eventually turning back to look at the students.

”However… in case any of you feel like leaving the school for whatever reason… I could always arrange it, as I am the Headmaster…” Monokuma said, taking a paw to his chin, looking to be deep in thought for a moment.

”Graduation!” he said abruptly, jumping up slightly, arms in the air. ”It’s a fantastic rule, the Graduation rule, let me tell you all about it! I know I’ve told you all that you need to live a nice, safe, orderly life inside our wonderful school hallways, but if someone destroys that order, they and they alone can leave the school!” he said frantically, waving his arms.

”By destroying that order, of course I mean, killing a fellow classmate,” he said slowly, letting it all sink in for the students. Monokuma stayed quiet for a moment before finally speaking again.

”Only a student who kills another student may leave. Yes, that’s the rule of Graduation! Watching all of the students of Orion Academy, some of the brightest hope, go to such despairful actions… oh, it is all much too much!” Monokuma said with a loud cackle.

”That is about all we have left for our wonderful opening ceremony! But—oh! Before you all leave, there are two last things! First, a gift to you all as new students here at Orion Academy! It is an Electronic Student Identification Card! I call it… the Electronic Student Identification Card! As I hand them out, you should all see that it has your real name displayed on the front of it, as well as our school rules,” Monokuma said before speeding through the room, handing each of the sixteen students their cards.

”Just note that breaking any of the rules is strictly forbidden! You will be punished for doing so!” he told them, before moving his arms behind his back.

”Finally, I would like to give you all a good motive, as I’m sure some of you are very excited to kick off your new school life, and some of you are most definitely excited for Graduation! As such, until a murder occurs, there will be no working locks throughout the school! Of course, the front entrance will be locked, and any door that needs to be locked WILL be locked, but dormitories will remain unlocked at all times! Except for the bathrooms though, you all have to have your private time!” Monokuma said, another laugh escaping his mouth. ”Of course, don’t think of just hiding in your bathroom forever, you’ll starve after all!” he added.

”Anyways, that concludes the Orion Academy opening ceremony! Make sure you take notice of the rules in your Electronic Student Identification Cards, and I can’t wait to see you all enjoy this School of Mutual Killing!” Monokuma told them before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

For the students who would look down at their cards, they would notice the rules were as follows:

1. The students will live a communal lifestyle with no time limit inside the school walls.
2. The time between 10pm and 7am is called “Night Time”. During Night Time there are places that are forbidden to enter, so please take care.
3. Sleeping is only permitted in the personal rooms prepared for you in the dormitory area. Anyone intentionally falling asleep elsewhere will be punished.
4. You may investigate the school as you please. There are no special restrictions on your actions.
5. No violence is permitted against the school’s headmaster, Monobear. Destruction of the surveillance cameras is forbidden.
6. A “culprit” who kills a fellow student will graduate the school. However, they must not let any other student know they are the culprit.
7. Anyone caught eating in their dormitory room will be punished.
8. Additional rules may be added by the school at any time.

Now that all of the students had been told about their new lives at Orion Academy, it would all be up to see how everything would unfold…
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silas von Wainright
Silas took interest when the weird bear appeared. It was obviously a stuffed animal, but it was fun to see. A headmaster who is a stuffed animal, could this school get any better? Yes, if there was some food that could fill the empty hole in his belly. He however was shocked when Monokuma, as the bear introduced himself, said that the only way to graduate here is to kill a fellow classmate. Silas stood silent for a moment, he couldn't kill anyone. And more importantly, he also didn't want to be killed. If he would die, he wants to die of food allergy or something like that. He could accept having to live in this school forever. There was a plenty amount of food, and he could paint and draw here too. The only bad side of it, is that his family wasn't with him.

Monokuma handed out the ESIC's, as Silas shortened it to. There were eight rules listed on it, didn't seem much for a school he could make much more rules. But they also had to live here, so too much rules would be bothersome. He kept reading until he reached the second-to-last rule, rule #7: "Anyone caught eating in their dormitory room will be punished."

"WHAT!!!" Silas shouted through the room. He went to his knees. "How am I to survive in this place if I can't even eat in my room." he almost cried. He stood up again, looking more brave now. "Then it only means I have to eat twice as much during the day! Who's joining me to the kitchen?" he said completely forgetting the situation they were in. When it came to food, it was the only thing on his mind.
Maria Oathkeeper
Maria was looking confused at the teddy bear. Certainly something that she hasn't seen before in her life. It looked like a demon, but as a cute teddy bear at the same time as well. However Maria thought many of the people in the room here had demons inside of them for example the thief, the torturer and of course despair. Could that person fall even deeper into despair, and let her inner demon take over maybe? Maria slowly got the feeling she was the only one without an inner demon in this room.

"W-We have to.... k-kill... someone?" she said frightened. Never would Maria kill someone, it went against her religion. Murder is one of the biggest sins to be committed, one that God shall not forgive. "I could never do such a horrible thing." she added with her soft and innocent voice. Yes, she would hurt someone if they did something wrong, but killing would go too far. She received the Electronic Student Identification Card and examined it. She never had electronic devices before, so she had troubles with the machine.

"Rules... yes there have to be some rules. Without rules there would be chaos." she mumbled. They were all reasonable rules. However where the rules were created for was ridiculous, stupid even. Once she was is her room, she would put the device somewhere so she couldn't see it, she doesn't want to use it, or any other electronic device. She listened to the others. "What now?" she asked before Silas shouted through the room with his own personal problem.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rosemary Ivy

Rosemary was watching the introductions of the others, a few caught her interest. Like the Liar, Thief and especially the Torture specialist. Even though they seemed normal getting those titles are a danger sign on them. She lifted one of her legs off the ground and balance on the other she does she calm her nerves, this will certainty be a eventful day.

But her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the puff of smoke by what could be called a door, and what appeared to be a stuff bear, half white and cute the other half was black with a creepy half grin and glaring eye. It gotten the attention of the student body for sure. The bear spoke with an annoying voice. It tone was quite unneeded. But she listen you can't simply ignore a talking stuff animal. She lift her head up to look at him as speak about leaving this façade of a prison. But her hopes of leaving here was crushed by the mention of how graduation works, she couldn't help but asked about that bloody crazy idea. "Y-you want one of us kill so we can leave?" she asked aloud, but she already knew this wasn't a joke.

He continued, confirming her worries. And giving her and the rest of students the ESI cards. She quickly looked though it, like the derange bear said it had all her information. Why did he go out of way saying it had all their real names? Could somebody be hiding their identity? The liar could be possible doing so, but who to say that the super high school level liar could be a fake title and only to confuse by using a double lie of sorts? No, you will not assume anything yet, if she goes ahead and a accusing others she could get a target on her head she will not do that to herself. But she also hopes nobody is weak enough to fall for it. She needs to keep her head cool so nothing will explode into a bloody mess. That bear is this trying to get people to murder each other like some kind of terrible game. But she will not fall for it. She will not take apart in this mad game.

She breath slowly so she won't seem nervous. But a few person seem to be already losing their cool, but for honestly a stupid reason. Rosemary decided to leave him be, the others could use a cool thinker. Okay she quickly read up on the rules, a few thing caught her attention, she noticed that their was noting about going to another room at night or wandering the halls at night. She needs the group to agree on a few things if she can keep everyone safe. This really stressful, but she has to help these people safe.

"Okay before anyone panics, we need to stay calm and think of agreements for ourselves!" She yelled aloud, she learn some leadership from working in the hectic back rooms of fashion shows she hopes it enough for this group. "We need rules for ourselves that the crazy bear hasn't made up, and let's be honest we don't know need seeds of fear being sowed and end up killing each other in paranoia." She continued to telling them her ideas, "We need to think of ideas, like not leaving our rooms wherever they are during the night, or not to go wander the school by yourself this would work best groups of three." She sighed after speaking, she hopes nobody hates her being the voice of reason. "Does anyone else have ideas?" she asked the group.

Conrad Shepherd

"O-oh that okay then...I guess." Conrad replied to Anna replied to his honestly a stupid question of his.

As he kept his eyes on everyone he was spacing out yet again not hearing of one of the people talents, for the best to keep his nerves from being shot again. But his eyes were attracted to the smoke and quickly right after a weird monotone bear. Conrad looked at it worryingly, it looked like it could kill him, well anything could kill him if tried hard enough. To his shock it spoke in a weird voice, he didn't know what to do. Each sentence filled him with worry and fear. until he started talking about leaving, conrad look less worry he has to leave this crazy school. But as it talks, his look of mild fear turn into terror, his shades were hiding tears that were starting to willow up. He went back to his knees and started a new mantra to try in vain to leave. "nononononononononononononononononononononono...." He whispered to himself as the bear give him his card, but he kept on going his quiet mantra of fear.

He kept on his mantra as people started to speak, he was freaking out quietly. He doesn't want to die. Nor does he want to kill. He trapped here forever until he dies. "nonononononononononononononononononononononno..." He sobbed as he tried to calm his nerves.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


When the bear first showed up, Octavia stared - where had - it? he? - come from? How had he slipped past them all? Then again, she didn't recall seeing everyone enter, so perhaps the bear had snuck in similarly. But when he called himself their headmaster, her jaw slackened. But... he was just a toy. How could he be in charge? She raised her bow, but apparently he had no intention of taking questions. Just kept talking. Kinda soothing in an odd way - added a dose of normalcy to the tense quiet entryway. Regardless, she kept her bow raised, hoping to get a chance to ask how he had accomplished that, being a toy and all.

And then the topic of murder came up. Her bow hand trembled, causing the bow to seize in the air. She could hear Morgan's cards fall from his hands and hit the floor. Murder... no, she could stay here. She could learn to make do. She could not kill. She hoped everyone else felt the same. It wouldn't be so bad, right? Living together, becoming friends, maybe even showing off their skills. She nodded faintly as the bear handed her the card. Though the lack of locks bothered her. She clutched the handle of her violin case a bit tighter. Yes, she could write, but the theft of her violin would be as bad as stealing a person's voice. Writing lacked emotion and sentiment.


"...this can't be happening," Karyl finally said once Monokuma vanished in smoke. "Oi, Magician-"

"If you were going to ask about trap doors, floor looks solid to me," Morgan replied, sounding distracted. Karyl rolled her eyes.

"Go look." Morgan shrugged, picking up her cards before walking to where Monobear had vanished, looking over the floor. Two guys were freaking out - one was the guy she'd seen fallen in the hallway, who claimed to have a talent of Luck. Maybe send them both off to the cafeteria. And then the Fashion Designer - Rosemary, right - spoke up. Right track, but...

"There are sixteen of us. Groups of three aren't going to work out so well. Not that it'll help anyways if two of them gang up on the third." Perhaps she had been in too many performances, but it struck her as a legitimate concern. If people wanted out, they'd find loopholes. "How about we start easy? Who actually wants to leave?" She had begun to raise her hand - she wasn't going to lie, she'd get rusty staying here, and she'd miss the stage before long. Might as well figure out who else might take advantage of the motive.

Then Morgan coughed, the kind of sound meant to grab attention. Karyl nearly threw both hands up into the air. "What?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about Monokuma's words. A few just struck me as a bit odd. 'Despairful actions', right?" She glanced to Iris - who, Karyl realized, had a rather familiar color scheme. "Iris, what was your talent again?" Karyl took a step back, stepping on some of Octavia's papers in the process. The mute violinist seemed too unnerved to complain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


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Serena Bellerose

The sudden appearance of the teddy bear was shocking—to say the least. It felt like the bear was speaking at a million miles a second, jumping from one topic to the next, and making little to no sense with everything he was talking about. Monokuma? Headmaster? That bear was their headmaster!? How!? And they were trapped in here? FOREVER? Serena was pretty sure she was about to either have a breakdown or go insane that very moment—or both. As soon as the bear talked about the Graduation rule and murder, Serena was more than confident that her heart completely stopped for a moment or two.

There was the risk of getting murdered in here!? All that her new classmates knew about her was that she was a princess! She would get picked off in an instant! There was a torture specialist, a liar; she had no doubt that she was the prime target for all of these people! As soon as their apparent Headmaster handed them the Electronic Student Identification cards, she quickly clutched it to her chest, she had no intention of anyone having more information on her, not when she didn’t know any of these people.

Once Monokuma had left, she frantically looked around at all of her fellow classmates, ”N-No one is going to murder anyone… are they?” she asked meekly, before seeing the ballet dancer, Karyl, start to raise her hand. Her eyes widened and she visibly panicked, ”You better not dare try and kill me!” she shouted, pointing accusatorily at Karyl, before glancing over at the door that led into the school halls. Even though there were no locks working in Orion Academy, Serena just didn’t want to be around any of these people. She couldn’t trust them. Ever since she started to shout at Karyl, she didn’t pay attention to anything else that anyone had said, she was too paranoid.

Edie Jensen

The apparent Headmaster of the school—Monokuma—had frightened Edie as much as it frightened everyone else. She stood there, in stunned silence during its entire explanation about how things would apparently be working. They would be trapped? What the hell did they come to this school for? How would there be any classes if there were no classes and they were trapped? Was coming to Orion Academy really a bad idea after all? She didn’t exactly want to believe that, but, well… things weren’t looking too good right now.

The whole killing thing, however, turned Edie completely pale. They were being told to kill their classmates in order to get out? How the hell could anyone do that!? She hoped that none of the others would go for this; after all, they were classmates! Sure, Edie had some bad times with customers, but she never got to the point where she’d consider killing one of them even if she was angry!

Edie tucked her Electronic Student Identification Card in her apron’s pocket when it was handed to her, and let out a long sigh when Monokuma finally left. ”Look… I know everything that was just said was crazy… but we need to keep calm, right?” she suggested, however, she could tell tensions were already rising. The princess was already shrieking at the ballet dancer, and most attempts at trying to remain calm and keep the group together weren’t exactly working. ”Look, guys, maybe we should just try and find the cafeteria, get some food in all of us, and just talk and calm down. Don’t you guys think this is what Monokuma is after?” she asked, folding her arms and frowning, glancing to the ground. She wasn’t confident about anything she just said, to be honest. She wanted out, and she knew everyone else would too, but she needed to try and put on a strong face. It would be what her parents would want, after all.

Iris Bradley

Iris would have quickly admitted with the rest of the group that seeing a black and white, rather sinister looking teddy bear, reveal that he was their apparent headmaster scared her. Of course, all of the other details were more frightening: They were trapped in the school, he wanted despairful actions to be caused, and in order to get out, they would have to kill.
Of course, that just ended up leading to an apparent motive of no working locks, which Iris was just as uneasy about. No one knew each other that well yet, this would turn out to be a huge recipe for disaster, which she figured was exactly the point of all this.

Of course, that all just led back to the whole despairful actions part. Her Super High School Level title was SHSL Despair… did this have something to do with her? She closed her eyes momentarily, thinking, but she turned up with a blank. She had no clue if her supposed talent had anything to do with the situation at hand. She knew she was a rather… sad, depressed, melancholy person, and for whatever reason Orion Academy wanted to see said talent… was this part of that?

She did her best to remain absolutely calm amidst the rather large amounts of panic that was going on between everyone at the moment. Surely, she was a part of this too. She knew her despair was a bit… contagious, but at this point almost everyone was going insane. Hell, one of the girls admitted to wanting to get out of here!

Of course, she was asked her talent by the magician, and Iris frowned, before walking forward. ”My talent is Super High School Level Despair, yes,” she stated simply. ”But I don’t know anything about what’s going on,” she added. ”If you don’t want to trust me, that’s fine, we don’t know each other, after all. But, I’m not part of whatever is going on,” she said firmly. She was probably already enemy number one within the group, but she would do her best to prove that she could be trusted. She wouldn’t let her despair get the best of any of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jester Acharis
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Jester Acharis Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fyodor "Fedya" Vasnetsov

Fedya had just been about to raise his hand in greeting to the SHSL Gamer who had so enthusiastically offered him a hello, when something he hadn't in a million years expected to see happened; in a poof of unexplainable smoke, a black and white teddy bear had popped up from nowhere just in front of the sealed exit. And, as if its entrance hadn't been peculiar enough, it had also turned out the thing could talk - and walk, and even jump as it had launched into a sudden introduction, followed by an explanation on why the group had been gathered there. Apparently, they were there in order to live out the rest of their lives together, confined within the school walls - or kill someone trying to get out.


Now that... that was definitely far more interesting a reason for their lockup than he'd ever expected. His first reaction was, of course, to assume it was a lie. He was picky when it came to placing trust in the first place, so when presented with such a bizarre concept, was it any wonder he was suspicious? And yet, perhaps because the whole concept was as ridiculous as it was, Fedya found himself believing the stuffed toy. Truth was, more often than not, far more bizarre than fiction - he, if anyone, knew that. So for now, he'd assume the bear told the truth, especially since he was sure many others would do the same. Nobody would want to risk playing this off as a joke and dying, he presumed. The gun hanging from the ceiling was convincing motivator enough.

Still, threatening as the situation was, Fedya couldn't stop a small smile from forming on his lips. He'd come to the school in hopes of finding the oh-so-much-talked-about "truth" that he never believed in, and now suddenly found himself a participant in a game where the objective, should you pursue it, was to kill - and then lie about it. The irony was almost delicious. He would not find any truths here. He would find lies and deception, just like everywhere else in the world.

And he was fine with it.

He gave only a brief glance at the card they were given. He hadn't lied about his name for a reason, so there was no need for him to panic over it being displayed in his card. His face, too... while he had kept it hidden so far under the mask, there was no greater reason why he wouldn't want to show it. It was just more fun this way, was all. This card did nothing to bust any of his lies. He would be hardly deserving of his title if it did.

His three sizes though, ah, now that was a bit embarrassing.
Dieter Bauer

Dieter wasn't sure how to react.

How was one supposed to react when a plushie popped up and told you that if you didn't kill someone, you would never get out, anyway? The whole situation, the barred windows, the gun, the bear, and the ominous message he'd left them with... none of it made any sense. It felt like a psychological experiment of some sort and if so, he didn't really like standing on this side of the deal. Usually, he was the one doing the testing. Nothing helped you torture a person better than knowing their mind, after all. And so, if this was a similar experiment to seek out their weaknesses, he'd need to be careful. Very, very careful. Someone could be gauging every word and reaction he showed.

"But why..." He mumbled to himself as he took a better look at the card he'd been given, reading through and memorizing the rules as he went through them. Dieter turned the card in his hands, his own face staring back at him from the info screen displayed. He still wasn't sure if any of this was real or not, but he knew very well that it hardly mattered. If so much as one person believed in it and felt desperate enough to kill to get out, he could be in danger. Any of these people here could kill him at any time just to get out. Well...

Dieter took in a shaky breath to calm himself, and took another look at the faces of his classmates. No. Not any of these people. Most of them didn't look like they had it in them to kill - which made sense, of course. No normal people would be prepared to kill another. He'd seen that in his line of work. Even first time torturers seemed to have a hard time inflicting their first wound upon someone, silly as that seemed. But then, normally people weren't trapped in a school with a talking stuffed animal, and he was familiar with the effects panic and desperation had on the human mind. Killing another human wasn't difficult, and if you ever got your mind set to it enough, if you could just once cool your heart and do it, the second time wouldn't feel special. You wouldn't care anymore, not as much. And every time you did it, you would distance yourself from the act more and more, until it became just a line of work. Or, well, that's what he assumed. He'd never killed, just tortured. Heck, part of his job was to make sure the victim didn't die prematurely during interrogation. He didn't know how taking a life felt.

"Geez..." Dieter mumbled to himself, heart rate still fast and his mind a mess. Why was he thinking about stuff like that, anyway?

Just then, two people - both girls, surprisingly - tried to say how the group should calm down. Dieter agreed, and instantly found himself straightening his back. Yeah, the girls were right. Panicking hardly did them any good. Humans were easy prey when their emotions took over their mind.

Then the conversation shifted to talking about who wanted to leave and splitting up, as well as going to the cafeteria. At that Dieter scoffed a tad.

"I... I don't think there's anyone who'd actually... w-want to stay." It was weird - despite how collected his thoughts were in the face of a morbid situation like this, his words were still shaky. Just went to show death was far less intimidating to him than talking to people was. "Anyone who says o-otherwise is just... lying."

"That's true!" Fedya piped in just then, and Dieter grumbled at the sound of his voice. The guy sounded almost... happy.

"I think everyone'd like to get out. I would," Fedya continued, shrugging casually. "Ah, probably enough that I might kill one of you if I get the chance. I did happen to bring a knife with me, so it shouldn't be difficult! Hm, that is, not to say that people can't kill without a knife. Especially in this school, it should be easy." He pointed up at the gun.

Dieter gave him a silent, suspicious glare.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anna Brunhild

'What. The. Actual. Fuck.' Anna thought bluntly the moment a black and white bear appeared in a poof of smoke before the gathered Super High School Level students. Even more so when the monochromatic bear had decided to give a huge spiel going on and on about how they weren't allowed to leave the school, the damn thing was supposedly their headmaster, and, get this, that they'd have to kill each other to get out.

...Okay, maybe the latter point wasn't such a laughing matter.

Especially since it seemed like most were actually considering taking those words to heart.

Anna herself wasn't really concerned about the whole scenario, to be completely honest. She was pretty sure grand larceny could be a death sentence depending on the location, and the Thief was pretty damn certain there had to be a catch to the whole 'kill a guy, get out of jail free' card. There was no way in hell it was going to be that simple for fuck's sake. Especially with that 'you must not let another student know you are the culprit' clause. The Thief looked around at the rest of the students once again and took in what exactly they were all saying. Some seemed to already be having some type of mental breakdown, the pansies, and two of the girls had taken it upon themselves to act as the 'leaders'. How trite.

"Groups of three will still be efficient. If the rule concerning 'you must not let another student know you're the culprit' is all encompassing, allowing your accomplice to know is still allowing another student to know," Anna began in her usual blunt, efficient manner, "however, as you stated previously, 16 isn't evenly divisible by 3, so the best we could have is four groups of three, and one group of four. Furthermore, your idea of not leaving your rooms during night time... Sufficient enough, I suppose. Though I would like to add a clause to that: we must all gather at the cafeteria for breakfast. Gives a good idea as to who exactly is still 'with us'." At that notion, the Thief paused to allow the others to consider her words. The meaning of the last bit wasn't exactly hard to figure out, after all. After a sufficient time had passed, she turned to Iris. "And you, Super High School Level Despair," she started off sounding rather... accusatory before continuing, "I doubt you're as much of an idiot as to give blatant reference to your talent in an introduction speech, if 'your' rather thorough actions previously are a good indication of intellect. As such, I believe nobody here has good reason to suspect you."

The blonde became silent after she finished saying that. She leaned against her patch of wall and looked over her Electronic Student ID Card once more. 'Know the rules so you can exploit them' was probably a philosophy somewhere, but at the moment, it was going to have to be her greatest tool.

Lucas Archwood

'This... is some kind of joke... right?' Lucas though after the bear, Monokuma, had appeared and gave them all the run down on how things would be running. They wouldn't really have to kill each other, right? They'd just go to their dorms, rest, and maybe wake up to a jumpscare, but all in all, they'd be able to get to the regular school life, right?


Normally he wouldn't be one to worry, but this was indeed a worrying situation. He just remained silent, not panicking outwardly but rather more in the way similar to the 'I can't believe this is actually happening' internal panic. The redhead listened to everyone's words, and it brought him some relief that a few had their heads screwed on straight and were prepared to act rationally... But then there were the ones having panic attacks and suggesting that people would totally kill to get out of there.

After steeling his mind, Lucas piped up, "Ah, yeah... I don't think Iris is the bad guy here... And I agree with Edie. We should all gather 'round and get our priorities and thoughts straight. Definitely with food in our bellies, hah..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Elend Carrol

It took a moment for the shock of a magically-appearing teddy bear to wear off, but the talking bit didn't surprise Elend at all. He'd seen robots before, and this one was no different. It moved better, and the voice was very well done, but it was just a robot, a tool, like the guns and the cameras, of... who? Someone else? But who would want to do this to him, and to these other people too?

And then the robot said something, something Elend had to process before it truly registered.

"..killing a fellow classmate."

What!? Elend's brain went from buzzing a mile a minute to flatlining in an instant. What? What had it said? Kill? Kill a fellow classmate? No, that wasn't right. That would be... insane. He couldn't kill someone. He could barely talk to someone else. Cassie! He needed to get out of this place. He couldn't kill someone. He couldn't. He couldn't, he couldn't he couldn't he couldn't hecouldnthecouldnthecouldnthecouldnt...

At some point, his feet had begun moving on their own. He hadn't, he couldn't, hear anything that the others were saying. His panic had filled his ears with a roaring waterfall of confusion and emotion. Panic threatened to overwhelm him, to sweep him away. So the strong, the cold, analytically, rational side of his mind took the confusion and fear and pushed it away to burn itself out unfelt by their owner.

Elend found himself standing in the middle of the room, exactly where the robotic stuffed bear had appeared, a camera looking at him with a single cold eye from above. He felt numb, cold inside not that the wave of irrational panic had passed. Right now, the last thing he could be was irrational; that could very likely get him killed. There was so much he still didn't know about his current situation. He needed to gather more information. For all anyone knew, that ear was full of crap. Too bad no one was willing to call that particular bluff, especially not after seeing those guns.

The dark-haired boy collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down his face. "Why? Why me, I'm nobody? Why would we have to kill ourselves? You can't just say something like that!" Elend's two glassy, tearful eyes met the camera's singular dark one. "You can't be serious! Right? Monokuma, or whoever it is that's doing this, please stop! It's not funny anymore! I just want to go home!" And with that, Elend's voice broke, and he colapsed into a ball on the cold, tiled floor. "Why, why us," he muttered under his breath. One arm was wrapped around his chest,as if to try and hold its owner together with sheer strength of grip, and the other slipped the corner of the plastic tile that Monokuma had been standing on, and the small tack used to cut it loose, into Elend's pocket. Rule four did say that investigating the school was permitted, but Elend wasn't sure how the headmaster would appreciate being investigated personally.

"Why, why, why us," he repeated, his head pressed up against his knees, rocking on the smooth tile. Later on he'd search his clothing for any hairs that the bear had dropped. A stuffed animal would almost always be covered in traces of its owner, and if he could shrink down the list of suspects, that would be enough. That would be enough to keep him sane. So long as he was Elend, Super High School Level Scientist, he didn't have to be Elend, shy and scared little boy who just wanted to be crying real tears and scream for his sister to save him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


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Serena Bellerose

Despite the amount of time that had passed since Monokuma’s announcement (which, in reality, wasn’t all that much time really) that they would all be stuck in Orion Academy—and that they would have to kill a fellow classmate if they wanted to get out—Serena hadn’t calmed down at all. If anything, her paranoia was reaching an all-time peak now. Her eyes were constantly darting around at all of her fellow classmates. She couldn’t trust any of them. And with some crazy talents—that torture specialist in particular—she didn’t want to be near them.

”W-We have dormitory rooms here, right?” she stuttered out, though half expected no one to answer. Not that she necessarily wanted any of THEM to answer her, anyways. ”There is… I-I’m going to mine! I don’t care if it doesn’t have any locks—I’m staying in my room!” she shouted, starting to head towards the doorway that would lead back to the main hall. ”And I better not see any of you lurking near my room! O-Or else!” she stuttered out, before running out of the entryway, heading back to her dorm room.

She would hide in the bathroom and eat when no one else was around, if she had to. She wasn’t ready to be around people who would probably jump at the chance to kill her if they could.

Edie Jensen

Things were somehow getting more tense, and despite everyone seemingly trying to calm everyone else down… nothing seemed like it was working. At all.

”Look, you guys… We really should just all manage to stick together and… I dunno, try to find some way to escape? I mean… maybe there’s some secret passage,” Edie suggested as she folded her arms and scrunched her mouth up, thinking. Chances were that this Monokuma… thing, whatever it was, might have missed a spot when it came to closing the whole school up. She didn’t quite imagine he would, but she could always hope. She thought on everything for a few moments, before finally deciding.

”Well, a lot of us ARE hungry, right? How about we find the cafeteria… maybe get some food in our stomachs, and talk about things all calmly and figure out what to do from here?” she suggested. Hopefully everyone would be good with the idea. She was pretty hungry to, to be honest. She didn’t have much to eat that morning—mostly due to nerves of coming to the school, so if they could find something good to eat, she’d definitely appreciate that.

As the princess—Serena was her name—ran out of the room, screaming out staying in her room—Edie frowned. She would have hoped that they’d all be a strong group unit in spite of what they were told… but she had a feeling that hope was long gone the second the whole Graduation rule was announced. She started to head to the doorway, waiting for the rest of the students.

”So, who’s coming along? And… none of you wouldn’t happen to be a Super High School Level Cook on the side, would you? I’m not so much good at cooking as I am serving…” she admitted with a nervous laugh.

Iris Bradley

Mass panic more or less kept filling the whole of their student body. Iris let out a long, internal sigh. She wished she could do something about it—that anyone could do something about it, but that wasn’t going to be happening.

As some started to panic loudly, and others ran off, Iris frowned. That Monokuma talked about despairful actions, and just about all the actions so far were despairful without a doubt. ”Whatever our apparent Headmaster wants, he’s already getting,” she said out loud, to no one in particular.

As the thief, Anna, spoke up, Iris looked over to her, offering as much of a smile as she possibly could (which really wasn’t all that much), ”Thank you. I’m glad you feel you can trust me. We should, of course, work on making sure we can all trust each other. With our current situation, I think that would probably be best,” she said simply. Iris’s frown grew bigger when the princess ran away, ”This doesn’t bode that well thus far…” she mumbled, mostly to herself.

When the waitress suggested they all head to the cafeteria to calm down with food and discussion, Iris nodded, ”That’s probably the best idea right now. We should all go in a group to make sure nothing happens along the way… we can always bring the princess over later,” she added to the situation. Hopefully things would start going better… but Iris still didn’t quite think it would.
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