I need more time on my sheet as well. My mother seems to be insisting on dragging me out with her when I could be working on this.
Jannah said
I need more time on my sheet as well. My mother seems to be insisting on dragging me out with her when I could be working on this.
Ampharos said
I'm going to have to withdraw my reservation for this game. Real life is getting kinda hectic, so I don't want to hold you guys up.
Dutchbag said
A friendly reminder to you commie scum that, thanks to President MacArthur,
So Boerd said
I (will) maintain the East Indies.
Dutchbag said
I've got my own carrier battlegroup. More steel than your shitty navy will have for a long time :D
Dutchbag said
A friendly reminder to you commie scum that, thanks to President MacArthur, Je maintendrai les Indes orientales.
Jannah said
What? I don't speak surrender ;).
Pepperm1nts said
Order in Walmart
Pepperm1nts said
Order in Walmart
Dutchbag said
Am I authorised to edit my sheet, adding the bits about still keeping the Indies and an ongoing guerilla?