Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Beast -

Beast turned to glance back at his hut, watching Bam-bam storm out of the door and stomp her way towards the elder as she was told to. He waited for Puff and Oscar to decide whether they wanted to accompany him or not, his ears flicked back catching Oscar's question. "Sure, come on lets go find something-" Beast started saying, jolting as Jazz bounded over to him he lifted his head back in surprise careful not to disturb Amara who was still perched on his back. He lifted his jowels in an attempt to grin at the energetic Jolteon though without the cubs to direct his speech at, the huge Arcanine looked uneasy for a moment. "H-hey Jazz" He greeted her, nodding his head at her question as he looked down at the floor.

"We...erm..." Beast started to say though his words seemed to hang onto his tongue refusing to leave his mouth, As was typical of the Arcanine when it came to talking with someone nearer his own age, he became a tongue tied bag of nerves which he was often ridiculed for. His ears flickered as he subtly padded at the ground beneath his feet. "...need to...f-find the cubs" He finished his tail sweeping behind him. "For breakfast...Luke's orders" He managed to blurt out more coherently, though his facts weren't entirely true it was the basic gist. "Missing Rin and Maw...where's Altaire? I-is he hungry?" Beast continued, seeing no way ou of this interaction he forced himself to battle through. It wasn't because he disliked Jazz, he'd always thought fondly of everyone in the village whether they were new around town or had been here a while. He also got the feeling Jazz would make an amazing adventure partner.

- Bam-bam -

Bam-bam grumbled and folded her arms as Max teased her. "I can do what I want" She stated to the elder pokemon as she reached the top of the hill, flopping down in front of him she continued to sulk. "Beast told me off for playing with Akira" Bam-bam murmured to the elderreaching forward to draw spirals in the ground. "I didn't do anything wrong though...Akira's just overreacting" Bam-bam huffed reaching up to adjust her skull helmet, looking up at the old Alakazam with the best 'innocent' eyes she could muster at this moment, see she was a sneaky little pokemon. "You believe me right, Max?" She asked him, knowing full well the elder could read her mind she was deliberately keeping her thoughts platonic, at this moment she was running up a list of all the berries she knew of and picking out the ones she particularly fancied for breakfast today just to keep her devious thoughts at bay. She wasn't sure whether this would fool the alpha and although she was trying her hardest to keep up the charade, it was obvious she had deliberately gone out of her way to cause trouble this morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The Jolteon mearly grinned as she watched the larger pokemon fidget shyly in front of her. His eyes avoiding hers and instead stared down at the ground as the large paws shuffled in place. It was quite amusing such a big powerful pokemon like a Arcanine be so shy talking with her, a much smaller pokemon. At first, she had thought it was just her he acted like this to, but as she saw him interact with the other few adults in town, he acted much the same. Him and Altaire were like two peas in a pod really.

"Need to the find cubs for breakfast? By Arceus how could you think of eating the poor young souls?!" The Jolteon gave a dramatic gasp before laughing and waving her right paw. "Naw naw just joking. If they're anything like me when I was their age, they probably went into the forest for exploring. Bet Altaire can help find them. Jazz said with a grin.

Long ears twitching as the Arcanine questioned about the timid Latios, she chuckled and nodded. "Ah yeah I think he flew off to hide after he saw the Professor. He shouldn't be too far off. Said he wanted some Oran Berries so I would take a bet that he's pretty hungry. Kid doesn't ask for much even if he needs something." she answered.

Stretching out her yellow form smoothly, she quickly hopped side to side to get her legs jazzed up. "Ya know Beast, no need to be so nervous dude. I'm not exactly burn your face in like Powderpuff, nor do I admit I'm one of those 'pretty little dames' like her. Unless your into the rugged type?" the Jolteon teased, playfully bumping a paw against his leg before bounding along.

Laughing a bit as she went, she tilted her head toward the forest in a swift motion. "Well if we are going, we better get moving looking for them before they run into a Scolipede or something." she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Spike loved his bed. He was sitting on a pile of hay, having a little snooze when suddenly he woke up. He was still in the village....right? he looked around. Yup he was still there, he hadn't changed colour and his mind hadn't been wiped. Yup, the king had awakened! He sat up proudly and quickly checked his amazing royal arms. He flexed them like some famous celebrity and hopped out of his royal bed. He looked back at it. It needed to be bigger. The Cacnea that proceeded to walk around, really bored and looking for things to do. Why was all the people ignoring him? HE WAS THE KING!

He continued to swagger around, poking things with his quite spikey arms, if he accidentally touched anyone they would've been in pain. After a while he hopped around in annoyance. "WHERE IS EVERYOOOOOOONE?" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He sighed and then noticed a sight that made him grin mischeviously, Beast was carrying Amara around. He loved to hang around Amara, she didn't try to kill him or anything, when Spike regained control of his kingdom, she would be given lands and riches!

He sniggered a bit as he ran up behind Beast and did a hop onto his back beside Amara. "Hey Amara!" He said cheerfully before falling quiet. He fixed his crown on with a nervous grin. [b]"So....whatcha doing?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Max just sat on top of the rock, listening to what the small Cubone had to say. After she finished, he took a deep breath and said "Little one, of course you can do what you want. That's why this this village exists and that is why Oak decided to keep the location of this region a secret from the rest of the human world so we, the Pokemon living here could have the freedom to do anything. But that doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to deliberately disturb the peace. You should have known by now that Akira is a very light sleeper and that she gets very angry if you wake her up abruptly in the mornings. Did she ask you to wake her up? Did she consider what you did 'just playing with her'? I don't think so. I'm not scolding you or anything, I'm just pointing out some things you should think about the next time you decide to go 'play' with her in the morning" he finished.

"Oh and if you want to eat berries so much, there you go" he said and laughed as he teleported a bunch of berries on top of her, almost burying her under them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He chuckled, looking at his mate and let himself fall onto the ground near her, rolling around in the grass. He stopped after a few moments and slide his way closer to her, positioning his head above her. One could see him visibly smile and his eyes soften. Something a serperior never did. Still, Akira was one of the few souls that was able to return his glare and even scare the living daylight out of him... She was a force to be reckoned with.

"Just what the doctor order, hm?" Luke asked, nudging her on the side. "I feel like you getting away for a bit would be good for you. And me... Living with them for so long can get on your nerves... Even mine." Luke confided in her, laying his head on her stomach as he looked over the meadow. "I love them to death but God can they be annoying." He told her, chuckling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"I feel sorry for whatever doctor has me as a patient," Akira chuckled. "They say I'm a handful, you know," she said, pretending to be oblivious to her standing in the village. She laughed as he continued. "Oh Luke. Your nerves may be significantly less easily ignited than mine (whose aren't?), but that doesn't mean they aren't still easily ignited. You were always a hothead," she said, nudging him back. "It's probably why you can put up with me. I'll still never know for sure why you willingly took me as a mate," she said with a chuckle.

"Honestly, I don't mind all of them. Amara, for example. She's never gotten on my nerves, though she could stand to be a touch less afraid of me," she chuckled. "Though I guess I should expect that. It's who I am...a fact you know all too well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

“Is something there?” Vee asked, looking around when the young Poochyena stopped and called out behind them. She also stopped to sniff the air, but couldn’t be too sure of herself like Rin could be. There still too many different scents she was trying to get used to in the village and the surrounding areas. If she stopped to check each and every foreign scent she detected, Vee would probably lose every hour of the day looking at plants not native to where she came from, following one of the pokemon from the village, or accidentally wandering into a marked territory.

Before Rin could answer her, however, the one following behind them decided to show himself. “Hm?” Vee’s ears flickered up in curiously with mild alertness at the unfamiliar pokemon. “I didn’t know there was another Poochyena around.” She commented. Her fluffy tail swished back and forth as she looked at the Poochyena with a thoughtful expression, as if trying to decide what to do with him.

Now she knew pokemon of the same types tended to seem similar to one another, but this one looked uncannily similar to Rin. It was rather interesting to see two young pups that appeared almost identical but seemed to have polar opposite personalities. ‘This one seems a lot more timid.’ Vee thought with a smile, thinking that Rin would’ve probably just run up to them excitedly even if he had come across a group of unacquainted pokemon. “We’re just going to explore the forest for a bit if you want to join us.” She told him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Beast -

Beast lifted his head blinking in surprise at her comment, he opened his mouth as if to protest against such an idea when she laughed and waved her paw at him, he exhaled in relief. The side of his muzzle turning up as if the Arcanine were trying to smile at her jest. “That was mean...” He murmured though he was obviously amused and the jest had made him appear less nervous, though he daren’t lift his eyes to her face yet. He turned his gaze towards the forest, pricking his ears forward inspecting the treeline he nodded his head at her, his tail swished as he watched her long ears twitch. “I-I have some Oran berries...if you want them...” He trailed off, his ears flicking out to the side.

He watched her stretch out before hopping from side to side, the ridge above his right eye lifted questioningly as she begun to talk again. His ears twitched back and padded his front paws a second time. Powderpuff? Don’t laugh... Beast lifted a paw looping it over his muzzle as he tried to stop himself from snickering at her nickname for Akira. His amusement flooded from his face as finished her tease, if it was possible for an Arcanine to blush, then Beast was certainly doing so right now. He blinked at her as she playfully bumped a paw against his leg before bounding away, his jowls lifted into an amused grin as he shook his head and trotted after her. “Keep your tail on...I’m coming” He murmured with great effort he kept his stutter at bay though he still looked bashful.

He had been so preoccupied with following Jazz he hadn’t heard King Spike awaken not far from them, he in fact only became aware on the pokemon as he landed on his back causing the Arcanine to skitter forward with a small yelp of surprise. “Holy...cactus, don’t do that Spike!” Beast exhaled turning his head to inspect the newcomer and check Amara was still OK before he trotted after Jazz heading towards the forest not bothered by the extra passenger, he could usually hold the majority of the younger pokemon on his back without bother. “J-jazz...where should we look first?” He asked her, as much as he wanted to explore it was rare for Beast to get a moment to himself to do so. Any free time he did get he would use to hone his abilities to keep himself sharp.

– Bam-bam –

Bam-bam looked over at Max as he spoke to her, she persisted in playing her skull helmet as he spoke. Only scowling once Akira was mentioned, of course the elder had seen straight through her facade. She reached down picking up her bone and hitting it against the floor lightly in front of her as she listened to him; she stopped as he finished lifting her large eyes to look at him. She blinked as a bunch of berries thundered down on top of her, she curled into a ball a squeal of laughter escaping her as she was practically buried in them. She poked her head back out of the pile a grin crossing her features as she grabbed a berry and threw it at the elder playfully.

Max! What’d you do that for?” The Cubone questioned, wriggling free of the pile she dug around for her bone shoving a few berries into her mouth as she did so. “I thought it would amusing to wake Akira up...I’ll try to be more considerate in the future” She decided to say in answer to his reaction. “I just wanted some attention you know? Beast is always so busy with everyone else...and if annoying Akira gets me noticed” The little Cubone said to the elder, pulling her bone from the pile she lifted it above her head triumphantly showing it to Max with a grin on her face before she lowered it allowing the heavy end to drop with a soft thump. “Max, do elders play games?” She asked him, clearly enjoying his full attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


She physically jumped off of Beast's back when Spike came crashing in, yelling things at her. Her eyes went wide as she stared up at Beast's back where Spike now sat. She tried her hardest not to cry, but to no avail. The little azurill sobbed and in doing so, soaked everyone within 5 feet of her in her tears. After a few minutes, she stood up and waddled over to Beast's leg to wrap her tail around him and cry into his leg.

Why did this kind of stuff always happen to her?

"You most certainly are a handful. Both literally and figuratively. Those tails are everywhere!" He told her, jokingly, hoping to god she didn't take it as a fat joke. He sat up slowly as she told him about himself. He really could only agree. His patience wasn't the best which made him wonder how he ever became the Alpha. Tough luck, he guessed. Probably wouldn't be long before someone else came and tried to take his place.

Luke looked down at the ground as Akira finished. He looked up at her with a smile on his face. "You know... Despite your temper there are a lot of things I do like about you." He started, sliding around her, looking her up and down.

"Despite your temper, you're one of the most capable women I know. Not that I know very many." He told her, sliding on.

"Your tails do something to me, I could never explain. You're adorable and so smart. You make me feel invincible and strong. And..." He trailed off, getting closer to her. "You're one of the only ones that has ever been able to return my gaze." He finished, putting his nose on hers.

"Yes, I know who you are. And I wouldn't change you for the world." He told her and looked into her eyes. "Besides, I don't think Amara likes anyone besides Beast. Maybe if you took the time to try and get her to talk to you, she'd warm up. I think you two could be good friends." Luke explained, his eyes softening as he looked at his mate.

Something about this pokemon set Rin on edge. His fur stood straight up and he let his teeth show, growling at the other poochyena. Why did this guy look so much like Rin? He didn't like it. And he didn't like how casual Vee was about it. Sure, letting Maw come was one thing. Letting a new poochyena come along? It felt weird. His nose didn't like it. The pokemon didn't smell like a poochyena.

Rin jumped out in front of Vee, separating her from the strange pokemon. "It doesn't smell right. That's not a poochyena..." Rin growled, still watching the fake poochyena. One wrong move...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The Jolteon chuckled at the Arcanine's reaction, pleased she could make the shy fire type laugh. Grinning brightly at the kind offer of Oran Berries, she nodded happily. "That would be great! Thanks a lot buddy!" she chirped before blinking a bit as a ball of green and spikes bounced on top of Beast's back, eagerly greeting the little shy water pokemon.

Jazz couldn't help but laugh as she watched the Arcanine jump in surprise before calming down enough to ask where should they start. Before the electric pokemon could reply though, little Amara got scared from Spike's surprising entrance and got off of Beasts's back. Then severely sobbed and soaked them all with tears.

Blinking a little as her yellow fur was now fully spiked from shock. Jolteon fur was actually pretty soft but once they get surprised, angry, and of scared then their fur turns dangerously sharp and spikey. However, Jazz soon relaxed and simply shook her fur before chuckling a little as she looked at Amara.

"Awe c'mon little Ammy! It's okay he was just being friendly. Boys get a bit too rowdy, ya get use to it." Jazz joked playfully but kindly. "Come on, we can go on a little adventure as we look for the others. I'll teach ya all about being a adventurer." she said before flicking her tail towards the ground by the forest.

"Like how to track down some troublemakers. They always leave clues." Jazz smirked as she noted the small paw prints and crushed grass.

Perking his ears a little at the Eevee's kind offer, his makeshift tail slowly wagged in response and he was about to reply, but he instantly coward lower to the ground as the young Poochyena growled at him. His body trembled and his ears dropped to the side. Although he honestly shouldn't be afraid of such a young and in reality smaller Pokemon, Altaire couldn't help it. He didn't like fighting nor did he like being disliked.

It didn't take long for the disguised Latios to bolt behind the tree, hiding and shaking behind it. He would have bolted away from them by now, but his good heart didn't really want to leave them all alone either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She followed the two into the forest a bit as they stopped Rin found something intresting. Another Rin was standing right in front of them she was confused now how could there be two Rins here. It wouldnt be that weird if there was a group poochyena but inside a forest suddenly a same sized poochyena. Vee seemed to be the only one who didnt find it suspicious that there would be two Rins. Maw got closer to the pokemon hiding behind the tree and gave a closer look bending down over him with her big eyes watching him closely. The huge mouth on the back of her head opened up slightly ready to grab the pokemon if it started to run "What is your name"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Max laughed at the little Cubone's antics as she tried to free herself from the pile of berries he had buried her under. Her response was something he didn't expect though. After he listened to what she said, he pondered for a moment, trying to find the right words and after a minute he said, "Why don't you play with the others pokemon in Beast's care? I heard Amara is quite shy and lonely and doesn't open up to hardly anyone other than Beast. Why don't you try to make friends with her? I'm sure she would accept you if you are nice with her. You know, as I grew older, I started to pay less and less attention to what others said and instead started watching what they did. I'm sure that other pokemon would approach you if only you could just cut down on all the wild stuff" the last phrase just came to him instinctively. "Now, games you say? Well, not all elderly pokemon play games" he reached closer to her "but between you and me, those are most of the times the boring ones" he whispered in her ear and then bursted into laughter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Letting out a small grunt of dissatisfaction, Vee gave Rin a light head-butt. “Look what you’ve done, you’ve scared the poor thing.” But to show that she wasn’t really mad at him, she gave the young Poochyena a small lick on the cheek. “We’re a group of three, and that one approached us alone. We’d be fine even if that one was planning something strange don’t you think?” Then purposely trying to get on Rin’s prideful side she added, “Or are you worried that you wouldn’t be able to keep yourself safe without getting the first strike?” She grinned, her tail swishing back and forth as she waited for the Poochyena’s response.

“Now go dissipate the hostility you just showed.” She ordered, ready to actually act like a responsible adult for once and give Rin a lecture if he refused. Or just tackle him. The latter sounded a like a lot less trouble really. Vee looked at Rin and gave him a chance to follow her, but whether or not he did she bounded over to join Maw to greet the new pokemon again.

Her ears her flopped down and she slowly approached him at a low crouch and her tail gently wagging side to side, indicating that she was relaxed and meant the other Poochyena(?) no harm as she approached him. “If you ran from a Skitty, you would’ve been pounced on by now.” She told him, chuckling. Though she wanted to get closer, Vee kept a respectable enough distance to give the newcomer some room to move away if he needed to. The last thing she wanted to do was to corner him while he was obviously shaking. “Rin, the Poochyena you just met, was just being cautious. He didn’t mean any harm.” If Rin followed her as she hoped, then she gave him a look that suggested he affirm what she had just said. “Come on out of there, and let’s get off on the right paw this time.” She continued, keeping her voice light and friendly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He couldn't shake the feeling he had, despite Vee talking to him. That smell... He didn't like it. It smelled familiar but... not a poochyena. If only he could put his paw on it...

He was staring down at the ground when he heard Vee mention his name to the other pokemon. He lifted his head, his eyes still focused intently on the strange pokemon. He didn't really know what to do at this point. Play along and see what happened or go with what his nose was telling him? But then... Why was he doubting his nose? He sighed and rolled his eyes.

He padded his way over to the group and stood tall, staring down at the new pokemon. "Sorry..." Rin apologized, not able to make eye contact with anyone.

Not my fault he scared me...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Spike grinned as he made himself comfortable on Beast's back. He enjoyed sitting on Beast, he was fluffy and nice, Spike's favourite kind of person. He tilted his green head when Amara bounced off of Beast in surprise, causing him to scratch his head. Did he scare her? Ah well, he was the king, he could do what he wanted. He laughed on Beast's back and hopped off to land beside Amara, causing his crown to slip off his head. He scarmbled to the floor and fitted it back on his head. "Phe, that was a close one!" He grinned at Jazz and Amara with an innocent grin.

"Did I scare you Amara?" He said with a confused tone, tilting his head. "Sorry, but I just wanted to talk to you! I got bored! So I decided to jump on Beast's back!" He laughed and began to jump on the spot. "So what are you guys doing! Cos I'm gonna join in!" He grinned at Jazz. "So what you doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Akira lay sprawled out on the ground of the meadow, listening to Luke talk. She raised a brow when he setup for some serious sweet-talking, which he duly delivered in spades. Not only that, but he was doing that thing where he slid all over her. She liked it when he did that. Listening to the shower of compliments he bestowed upon her as he slid around her, she could only smile.

Oh, stop it, Luke. You're going to make me all misty-eyed again," she said, still with a smile on her face. "Can you imagine what the kids would think if they saw me like this? Scandalous." She sort of just mentally rolled around for a bit, letting her tails sway in the breeze. "And I know how much you love my tails," she said with a smirk. "I don't think you'd ever let me forget that."

"And for what it's worth, I wouldn't change you either. After all...you picked me. There aren't many Pokemon out there who would ever even consider it. You've got some gusto," she said, nudging him as they locked eyes.

Her face twisted a little at his next comment about Amara. "I don't think that's a good idea...she seems very...fragile. Even around other kids. Me of all people trying to befriend her would be a lost cause...wouldn't it?" she mused, with a hint of uncertainty at the ending question. Maybe she would...I don't know. She's absolutely terrified of me, though. More than anyone else in the village. And...for good reason. Not that I'm going to change, so long as kids like Bam-bam are around, she thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


He Jolteon grinned at Spike's excitement and curious questions. Kids were quite fun and energetic, they made good playmates when she was full of energy. And she literally was almost always full of energy. So much so, she at times out lasted the pups when they played, a reason why most others here either let her or Beast handle them.

"Some of the other pups ran off to do a solo adventure. So we are heading off to go and get them. Of course you can come, more adventure buddies make a adventure that more fun after all. If you think you can keep up." Jazz teased before flicking g her white tipped tail and bounding into the forest. But was bouncing around from side to side for the others to keep up in a walking pace as she followed the trail.

"They haven't gotten too far it seems." she cheered.

The disguised pokemon's body trembled more as Maw stood over him, as if threatening to chomp down the large jaws hanging on her back onto him like prey. Ready to rip him to pieces at a moments notice. The Eevee's approach was much more calming, as she got down on his level and reassured him of the situation. A slow nod, was given before he froze as Rin walked over and stood tall above him. To Altaire, it was intimidating, and it made his body tremble a little before he heard the Poochyena mutter a apology.

Shakily standing up, and padding a little closer to Vee, seeming a bit less intimidating the rest. Maybe Eevee's and their evolutions were just generally friendly or in general less intimidating? Then he remembered when Jazz ever did spike her fur and pushed that idea out of his mind. They specific pokemon were just better at handling him.

This Eevee looked young, but she seemed mature. Perhaps Jazz could tell him more about her kind, she probably could tell.

"....Nnmm... It's okay..." Altaire murmured, his copied paws shuffling a little. "Umm... I'm A-Altaire......" he finished shyly.

They probably heard his name from Jazz, but they hadn't seen him since he didn't show himself. Smelled, most likely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Beast –

Beast dipped his head at Jazz modestly as she thanked him. “N-no problem” He murmured, again with the stuttering. Before the electric pokemon could answer him he felt one of the pokemon on his back abandon ship, he turned his head abruptly his ears flickering as worry crossed his expression upon hearing Amara burst into tears, he squeezed his eyes shut as he received his second shower of the day. Unfortunately his fluffy pelt was suddenly dripping wet, his long mane flopped into his eyes. He wriggled his muzzle lifting a dripping wet paw to his face he pushed some of his mane out of his face, purring in a calming manner as the small water pokemon waddled over to him and buried her face into his leg, he dropped his head towards her. He was about to speak when Jazz beat him to it, he looked up at the Jolteon a grateful look on his face as she attempted to calm the youngster. “You hear that Amara? It’ll be fun and you know Jazz is the best when it comes to adventuring” He spoke softly to the frightened pokemon.

“I’m sure Spike didn’t mean to frighten you...” As if for confirmation said pokemon offered his explanation with a certain zeal about his words. Beast’s jowls lifted in a smile at Spikes energy it was rather infectious, waiting until Jazz had dried herself off he spread his paws apart before giving himself an almighty shake, spraying water in all directions as he attempted to dry himself off, lifting his back feet one after the other and shaking them out as well. “Come on Amara, you can ride shotgun” He grinned at the water pokemon no shyness shown at all towards the two young cubs. He dropped his nose to Amara nudging her away from his leg before dropping onto his belly briefly giving her choice to either get back onto his back or not. Standing back up again either with her on his back or not, he jolted forward as Jazz teased Spike and shot off down the path his tail wagged behind him as he resisted the urge to bound after her like a...well cub.

“Come on you two” He murmured at the younger pokemon, if Amara was on his back he happily bounced after Jazz if she was wasn’t he calmly followed after the Jolteon anxiously waiting for the smaller pokemon to follow him, he chuckled as Jazz bounced from one side of the trail to the other. The fire type had always admired how energetic she was, he also appreciated it when she took it upon herself to help out with the cubs, unfortunately his energy reserves were nowhere near as high as hers. “What’s the first rule of tracking then?” He asked Jazz, his ears flicking forward as he managed to keep his nervous stutter at bay.

–Bam-bam –

Bam-bam wrinkled her nose at his suggestion. “Amara? She’s too shy, she’d probably just cry if I tried to play with her...” She brushed the thought aside, hitting the ground softly with her bone. “She wouldn’t want to be my friend” She shook her head, listening to the rest of his advice. “Cut down on the wild stuff? But its fun!” She exclaimed loudly. “I’ll have you know, that at my last home I was worshipped for it! All the other pokemon appreciated my pranks, they thought I was very cool to be around...all of them were my friends” She told him folding her arms and jutting her chin up into the air. The small Cubone was renowned for telling these kind of stories, if she ever spoke of her past it always had reference to how great her previous families thought she was. Or she’d tell tales of her mother and try and convince them her mother was of great importance and would return for her one day she just couldn’t at the moment for top secret reasons!

She blinked at him as he announced not all elderly pokemon played games, she was about to slip into a sulk when he leant in closer and whispered in her ear. A wide grin spread across her face as he burst out laughing, she jumped to her feet bouncing on the spot. “Yes! What game can we play? Oh its going to be so much fun!” She squealed, waving her bone around in excitement. “What game can we play Max?” She asked a second time before he’d even had a chance to answer it the first time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

Hearing Rin make an obedient apology, Vee licked his cheek and gave him an affectionate nuzzle on the cheek. “Good boy.” It seemed that the Poochyena was still not too happy about the entire situation, but she didn’t really care about such things. At least he was actually making an effort to help make things better. Then she whispered into his ear, “It’s not that I don’t trust you, okay? Your nose is a lot better than mine and that’s a fact. But I just don’t think this one is dangerous.” She then gave him a small playful nudge before turning her attention to the other Poochyena(?).

“Altaire, I see. Nice to meet you.” Vee’s tail flickered back and forth rather quickly, hinting that she was holding back quite a bit of her excited energy. Now her normal greeting for new pokemon would’ve been to immediately approach them right up to their face, familiarize herself with their scent, and pace around them to get a good look at them but… Obviously, that would not be ideal in their current situation. And she couldn’t exactly be setting off a bad example after giving Rin a small lecture about what he did just a few moments ago.

The name seemed vaguely familiar, however, she could not really recall where she had heard it or from whom. It hadn’t been a long time since she had joined everyone at the village, and she honestly couldn’t have cared less about learning the names of people she had never even seen before. Or rather, she already had enough trouble in the beginning stages in learning all the names of the many pokemon throughout the village when she saw them quite regularly. Learning the names of those she hadn’t even met yet was a lot more difficult when added on top of that.

As Altaire began to approach her, she finally realized that she had never really introduced herself. “I’m Vee by the way. Right now I’m helping Rin have an adventure behind Beast’s back.” She chuckled. Unsure of whether or not they had met before she continued, “Beast would be a guardian of sorts for the younger pokemon around here. Have you met him? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around the village though.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Puff and Kir -

Puff had let beast and Oscar go on without her, she hadn't entirely wanted to but Akira was out there, and Kir had shown no signs of moving, and as such she was left with the Kirlia, she didn't entirely mind.
Kir sighed, Puff needed to get away from her sometimes, but she was such a young Pokemon and had such an ordeal before she came here Kir was the only person she really knew, and as such she didn't say anything, she walked towards the scientists, wondering at why they always insisted on having these weird contraptions whenever they came. she followed them along, as she often did, as the scientist headed up to where Akira and Luke's house should have been. there was something different this time though, it took her a little while to figure out and finally she realized it, Puff was still with her, she had always hidden from the scientist before, Kir wasn't exactly sure why as the Jigglypuff would never say, but she followed calmly behind this time, keeping very close to Kir
"Puff, are you willing to meet Professor Oak finally?" Kir asked, stopping and looking down at the ball of fluff.
"i don't think i really have a choice" puff muttered.
Kir chuckled and smiled, she searched for a second and found the aging scientist, and walked over to him, slowly to accommodate Puff she said "Professor Oak?" which she knew to him merely came out as 'Kir lia?' but it got the same idea across. she noticed Puff shrank behind her a little when she said it.
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