Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Yeong Rhee, June 2nd, 4:00 PM. Suicide. He leaves the following as a note: ‘Divine judgment has been cast upon me,’ and then shoots himself in the temple.

Kira smiled, penciling in the newest entry. Now, the whole world would know there was a god among them. A righteous being to cast judgment upon all the unworthy.
X looked over the stack of case files and reports on his desk. It would be the last time he would ever do so, as he was dropping all of them to join the Kira case. He swung out an arm and dramatically shoved the pile off the side of the desk. Paper fluttered out of the manila folders, landing hither and thither on the floor. A janitor happened to be walking by his office at that moment. The man rolled his eyes in annoyance, knowing that he would have to clean up X’s mess.

X stood up and stuffed the important papers –the ones he’d received concerning Kira– into a briefcase. He took the case along with an overnight-sized travel bag and exited the office, dipping his head courteously to the janitor who just shook his head in response. The man was just glad to be rid of X and his spontaneous behavior.

He was moving out from his office in Kyoto to a temporary one in Tokyo provided by the police. It was even serviced with X’s own personal bodyguards. After the last Kira incident, the police didn’t want to take any chances so all the new detectives were thoroughly protected. X didn’t mind too much so long as they didn’t interfere with his own plans and ideas.

The rest of his trip there was uninteresting. X was shadowed by a bodyguard the entire way, but other than that there was nothing out of the ordinary. He arrived at the police headquarters, dropped his travel bag off in his temporary office, and wandered around in search of the conference room. A lone police woman caught sight of him as he ambled down a corridor. She gave him a skeptical look. Of course she would. X was young; dressed in sneakers, loose-fitted jeans, a V-neck shirt, and a light jacket. It was not a professional appearance by any means.

“Excuse me,” she said sharply. “What do you think you’re doing here? This part of the building is not open to the public. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“About that,” X replied. He tilted his head to the side and reached up with one hand to scratch the back of his neck. With the other hand, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a lanyard that had been given to him along with the other materials he received for the Kira case. On the end, there was an ID giving him access to the headquarters. “I’m a bit lost, you see. Could you tell me where Conference Room 4D is?”

The police woman’s face paled when she saw the ID. She cleared her throat awkwardly, “I’m so sorry. When you get to the end of this hallway, take a left. It will be the third door down on your right.” She bowed curtly and took off at a brisk pace down the corridor. X followed her with his eyes, a small smile toying at the edge of his lip. He couldn’t help but enjoy the power the lanyard gave him here. He slipped the loop around his neck so he wouldn’t have to explain himself to any more passing officers and took the woman’s directions, taking a left at the end of the hall, and then entering the third door on his right.

X scanned the room for a moment when he stepped inside. It was painted solid white. There was a long, oval table in the center of the room with twelve chairs: five on each side and one on each end. At the far side of the room, there was a large white erase board with what he assumed was a rolled up world map positioned above it. The room was virtually empty, save for one young man sitting in a chair on one side of the table.

Saying nothing, X took a seat across from him. The man was blonde, obviously not Japanese, and had strikingly bright blue eyes. He wore a long-sleeve collared shirt with a scarf. X watched the man’s crystalline gaze sweep over him as the European examined him as well. The two stayed like this for a couple minutes, mouths unmoving as they sized each other up. X grew tired of the silence.

“So,” he said, leaning back in the chair and kicking his feet up on the table casually. “You’re here for the Kira case too, am I right? It’s impressive for you to come all the way from wherever you’re from, but I s’pose that’s to be expected. Kira’s been killing criminals all over the globe so we don’t know where he’s based. Of course the UN would recruit detectives from other countries.” He paused. “Oh right, do you even know what I’m saying? I’m not implying that you’re stupid or anything, but do you speak Japanese? You look European; French or English, perhaps. I’m right, aren’t I? I don’t know much of either language, unfortunately so communication’s gonna be a hassle if you don’t understand me now.”
M blinked, trying to take in everything the talkative young man was saying. Even though he had been living in Japan for three years now, it still took his brain a moment to translate, and the chatty guy wasn’t giving him any time to process. When he finally stopped talking, M took the intermission to work everything out.

“I am also working on the Kira case,” M said slowly. He had picked up the Osaka accent while living there, and it came through in his voice. “And I do speak Japanese. You had it right about my nationality, too; I’m from France. However, I’ve been living here in Japan for three years. I didn’t come just for this case.” He stopped, thinking for a moment. “How many other detectives do you think they invited to join this case?”

“Hmm, not sure,” the other man responded, tilting his chair onto its back two legs and tipping it back and forth. The door clicked opened just then. “I guess we’ll find out soon.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Q strolled into the Tokyo headquarters with a distinguished stride, paying no mind to the receptionist's greeting. He simply looked along the walls for a map, but when he saw that they were too cluttered with announcements and public safety information he reluctantly resorted to asking for directions. He flashed his ID card and said curtly, "4D," tapping his foot impatiently as the girl scrutinized the card as if she knew what they were supposed to look like. Soon -- but not soon enough -- a look of realization dawned on her and she quickly provided Q with the directions. "Oh yes, you can take the elevator there, and the conference room will be down the hall." Q proceeded without a "thank you" and eventually came to the room where he hoped he would find some people worth talking to.

He opened the door and saw two young men, perhaps only a bit younger than himself, sitting at the table. One appeared to be dressed properly, but the other... well, he just hoped that his intellect had more to offer than his fashion sense. "Good day gentlemen," he said as he took a seat and set a briefcase down on the table in front of him, which was primarily filled with documentation on all of the suspected Kira victims thus far. He spoke in Japanese because, well, when in Rome right? But, although he could communicate just fine in the language he was still a bit shy of fluidity, and he really only knew textbook Japanese. Hopefully, his time in the country would remedy that. He was certain that there would be more than just three people on this case, so he figured they would be waiting for a bit while the others arrived. He stretched his back, and then took out a small leather-bound notebook and pen from the pocket of his coat. "Please excuse me. I trust it will be a few minutes before the others arrive, but I get anxious if I let my mind idle for too long." He opened up the book and wrote down "Nc6," then appeared to be in thought. "By all means speak freely though. Having distractions makes good practice."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tokyo Headquarters
Suddenly, a sound like an explosion hits Conference Room 4D, likely surprising everybody within. Bouncing through the now open door with a skip and a twirl, a young girl quickly maneuvers to the head of the table and triumphantly cheers-


Cheery smile spread across her face, she allowed the crowd inside a moment to take in her appearance. She was obviously young, with natural blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She looked innocent enough at a glance, but her eyes had a mischievous glint to them, like she was privy to some joke you didn't know of. Her confidence was unmistakable as she looked around at the others in the room, smile growing larger with each new face committed to memory. She doesn't waste any time after taking in the last face, however, as she quickly proceeds to her introduction.

"Hi~, all of you! You're early-cheaters, but I forgive you, even though I~ wanted to be the first person here. Oh right," without hesitation, she switches from speaking English to greeting them in flawless Japanese and with an accompanying curtsy, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

The girl looks proud of herself, smiling expectantly at the group before her until suddenly-

"Miss L! You get back here!"

"Ah, I've been found."

A large, friendly-looking man bursts in through the door, I.D. clutched tightly in his right hand. He approaches the blonde girl with an admonishing frown on his face, before promptly placing the I.D. around her neck-

"You purposely left your I.D. in the car and gave me the slip, didn't you?" The man sighs, turning away from the guilty expression on L's face. He pats her head, to which she responds by returning to her signature smile.

"Matsu, you worry too much! I won't get lost... I'm the Great Detective, after all! Bwhahaha~!"

L's loud, cheerful laughter fills the conference room, and the man called Matsu laughs along with her. He lets out another resigned sigh when she turns back to the group...

I'm really not good at dealing with children.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Z walked into Tokyo head quarters, dressed in a bright purple, reading what appeared to be a Science-Fiction novel. He approached the desk and held up his ID, never looking up from the book. The desk officer gave him directions to conference room. Z nodded his thanks and look off at a slow walk.

Z approached the conference room and looked up upon hearing the commotion. He appeared to be unimpressed by the whimsical attitude that the young girl appeared to give off. He entered the room glancing around, taking in the four that had already arrived, before he returned to his book and found a seat.

"I figure that we are here for the same reason," he said as he turned the page. Z wondered if the were even remotely curious as to why he carried nothing with him besides a book and his sunglasses. Probably not, he thought. They were all probably all focused on the matter at hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

Member Offline since relaunch

It Begins.


C walked through people when he finally came across the building. He already counted himself late, but he didn't let a drop of his aggravation show. He took in his surroundings and looked up at the building. He saw a guard eyeing him, so he bowed respectfully then showed him the ID with a pleasant smile. The guard nodded and pointed him along his way. C thanked the guard and continued his walk to '4-D'. Listening to the pat of his own feet down the hallway, he finally came to it. He didn't immediately walk in; he took a moment to breathe, straighten his golden tie and bush off his grey suit.

He opened the door to five different people: three men, a young man, and a young lady. He bowed, coming back up he smiled saying, "Gentlemen". He looked at the young girl and smiled kindly bowing respectfully with, "And Lady". "I'm truly sorry if I'm late. I assure you, I'll do everything in my power to not have it happen again." With that all said, C took his seat and he sat his briefcase on the ground beside him for now. He noticed a man was reading a science fiction novel. He raised a eyebrow in interest and turned his head to look off the walls around him.

A young woman quietly speed-walking down the hallway, holding some files and a notebook. "Stop!" a guard barked at her, causing her to jump. "I'm so sorry, I'm a bit rushed. Plea-" she said quickly. The guard's eyebrows raised and he apologized to her. When she turned to continue speed walking, the guard called out back to her. "Miss! You'll do fine." R stopped for a moment to take this in, then nodded giving him a slight smile. Thank you , she whispered. She almost passed it but she looked up to see it: 4-D.

R's face became solid as she straighten up her belongings. And then she opened the door to a group of people. She took her time to look at every single on of them, then she lowered her head. "Lady. Gentlemen."She gave a brisk smile then walked to her seat. Her long black hair slightly flowed behind her and her feet barely made a sound. R was panicking inside, but her face was calm. She laid her notebook carefully on the table then put her briefcase close to her by the ground. She noticed the youngest members in the room, and thought, My God.. they're children. A bit of anxiety came over her because she knew they were at risk. But she couldn't think like this now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toaw


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The large building towered over him, but he did not let that phase him. It wasn't his first day on the job, and he knew certainly it wouldn't be his last, and so he made the best of the situation he could. G dressed well as a man his age should, and carried a pure black suite case next to him at all times. Another man that followed him who was extremely thin and slightly awkward looking, but G clearly trusted him. When the finally walked through the doors a guard greeted them, and G responded by showing his I.D, and alerting the guard with the little Japaneses that he knew, "This man is with me," and started to walk away feeling confident he knew where he was going.

He finally arrived at small conference room marked "4D" and walked in, only to notice that half of the other detectives that arrived before him where strangely young, and most likely not a day over 21, and some where even dressed poorly as well. Out of complete shock he quickly turned around and grabbed a police officer walking by, "Is this some kind of joke? These kids can't be detectives."

Not realizing G was yelling at the man in Italian, the scrawnier man standing next to him decided it was best to translate almost word for word in a slightly kinder tone. The police officer was extremely panicked, and answered G's question, and his translator replied to him "He says that they all carry the proper I.D, so they are who they say they are." G's eyes widened and let the police officer go, apologizing. He then cautiously walking into the room and took a seat, the translator respectfully stood behind him, reserving the remaining seats for other detectives. He did not say a word, but instead he let his mind wander at the thought that they felt these kids were qualified. Half these guys probably don't even remember who Kira is, surely they couldn't be qualified to work with me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

W didn't want to come too earlier and end up bored, so she purposely arrived at the building just a tad bit late, dressed almost as if she had just come back from some sort of cosplay convention, which is not all that unlikely given her proud self proclaimed status of being an Otaku despite hailing from the United States. She was in a fancy red and black Victorian styled dress of high quality, complete with a corset, either genuine or painstakingly recreated. In her right hand was an umbrella of the same color scheme and style, only for appearance purposes, twirling absentmindedly in her right hand, which was gloved in fancy white lace. Her black heels clicked and clacked as she waltzed nonchalantly past the police woman as if she owned the place, flashing her an ID as she did so.

At the same time, behind her rushed in H, a dark skinned woman with a much more serious aura about her. She was as equally dressed up as the younger girl but in a far more professional way; a black business suit with a fancy white button down shirt underneath, a red tie, and black dress shoes. She hated being late, giving off the appearing of laziness or an uncaring attitude. Being from London she was at the mercy of her plain flight and the long traffic over here, and unfortunately unexpected delays had cost her. She was, admittedly, not the luckiest of individuals, which could be problematic given her line of work. On the bright side she always managed to pull through on her wits, skill, and determination where luck failed her, as with the case now to allow her to make it as soon as she had. Her long ponytail was disheveled and sweat glistened from her brow, making it evident that she had run at least some of the way, likely for miles, to avoid the heavy traffic of Tokyo. She was certainly in very good shape, breathing only a tad more heavy than normal.

After H gave a brief polite exchange of dialogue with the police woman she was able to catch up swiftly to the high heeled wearing girl in front of her. She was able to glance clearly over her shoulder, being much taller than her, to see from the ID that she was indeed one of the detectives also on the Kira case. This was quite odd to say the least. It was not something that H had come across while working as a police officer in London. Sure they had their share of weird individuals, but none that got to work as a detective, especially in such a high profile case. She must be really smart for her age, in around mid teens if she had to guess.

W turned her head to briefly glance at the woman following her, as if just now noticing, although that was not very likely the case.

"S-sorry for staring," H stammered, shifting her attention elsewhere.

"I don't mind," W replied with a small smile. That was true. This girl was certainly an attention hog, no doubt about it.

The two didn't exchange any more dialogue before arriving at the meeting room, which was now mostly filled of seats. W had closed her umbrella to fit through the door, so slipped it into her pocket.

"I'm sorry I'm late," H said with a bow, spoken in perfect Japanese because such a statement was an important one to learn, just in case. When she went back into a standing position and surveyed the crowd it quickly became apparent that there were many more odd detectives around like that previous girl. Well, maybe not that odd, but some came close. Especially the youngest one, who she at first mistook as one of their daughters on some bring your daughter to work day until she saw the ID.

She noticed that like her, all of them simply had letters rather than names. That made sense, given the nature of the criminal they were up against.

Both W and H took their seats, waiting for the meeting to start. W got out a cherry lollipop and plopped it into her mouth, all the while eyes observing the others intently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A young boy with dark hair and light blue eyes and some rather casual clothes tailed some people who were well known as greatest minds the world had ever seen by certain people who obviously hadn't met enough "great minds" into a building. He walked in with his ID hanging from his neck. As he walked in through the doors, he recalled the tapes he'd watched of Kira's killings' reportings. Once he'd reached the guard, he had already reminded himself of every single video he'd watched. Without looking the guard in the eyes, he flicked the ID on his chest to emphasize that he had permission to pass.

He saw that most of the people had felt the need to ask where the meeting was while the previous person who had asked was walking right into the one room filled with detectives. Apparently this was a deduction proved to be too difficult for most of the people in there, most of whom were almost twice his age. He walked in through the doors of 4-D and saw a rather large group of people. He had an everlasting faint, seemingly genuine smile. No point in making enemies. He looked around, seeing people of all ages. Ugh... I have to work with morons like these, he thought to himself, annoyed by the very thought of having to cooperate with people who'd all claim they're the smartest person in the room, which was quite ironic and he was well aware of that.

The boy took a seat and leaned back, sighing and setting a chess board behind his closed eyes. He talked to himself and talked back as the pieces moved in his head with him lifting his hand and moving the imaginary pieces as if they were in front of him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Naturally, X examined everyone else that stepped into the room. The next person to follow X inside was a tall blonde man. He also didn’t look Japanese. The UN must have invited the best detectives from all over the world. X wondered just how many others there would be. He was going to try and converse with the new arrival, when the man pulled out a notebook and began writing in it. X frowned. Obviously this guy wasn’t very social.

The next person to enter the room came as a surprise. She was a little girl no older than ten or eleven. At first X assumed she was the daughter of some other detective, but that didn’t make sense either. This was a closed meeting, so outsiders were not allowed. Plus, what parent would take a child to a conference about a serial killer?

The girl began chattering in a childish manner –well, she was a child, after all– in English. X didn’t understand all of it, but he got the impression from what he was able to translate that it was something about their timing to the meeting. The girl seemed to realize her mistake and switched to Japanese, greeting everyone. X was impressed that she was bilingual at such a young age.

Just then, another man came stumbling in after her. He appeared to be her caretaker. He put an ID around her neck, which meant the girl was a detective. Interesting. X offered her a friendly smile and dipped his head.

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Great Detective,” X said politely. He figured he might as well make some friends while he was here, so he humored her. “Since we’re all keeping our names a secret, I suppose you can call me X. Glad to be working with such a renowned detective such as yourself.”

There were a few more people to enter after the little girl. There was a young man with his nose in a book, another man who X thought was quite overdressed, and a young woman who seemed a bit nervous. Then there was a loud, angry Italian man. X made a mental note to steer clear of him. The conference room was getting pretty full by this point. He wondered again just how many people were assigned to this case.

X’s question was answered with the arrival of three more detectives. Two of them were only teenagers. While he was young, himself, X was a bit surprised by the ages of the other detectives. He had expected to be one of the youngest ones here. Apparently this was not the case.
M didn’t pay much attention to the other detectives, only making the most basic of analyses. He hadn’t brought any reading material, so he simply crossed his arms on the table and rested his head on top. He closed his eyes as if to sleep, but was really just listening to the other detectives’ conversations.

He looked up again when the door opened again, admitting an older man. It was the Tokyo police chief. M straightened in his chair and fixed his shirt collar as the man walked by. The chief stopped by that other detective (what was his alias… X?) and swatted his feet off the table.

“This is a professional meeting,” he said in a no-nonsense manner. He moved past X, who was rolling his eyes, and stood at the head of the table. His eyes swept over each detective in turn, brow furrowed in scrutiny. After a moment, he sighed and shook his head. M took the gesture to mean that the chief was expecting a different crowd. The man cleared his throat loudly to get everyone’s attention, which M thought was completely unnecessary since the room was already quiet.

“I assume you already know why you’re here,” the chief said. “You have all been selected as the top detectives in the world to capture the notorious mass-murderer, Kira. As you may know, there was an almost identical killer ten years ago by the name of Light Yagami. Unfortunately, we have lost all information on him and the only things we have left are the rumors.

“If you will, please open your briefcases and take out the files you were provided with.” He paused, waiting for them to comply. “Now, turn to the page listing what we believe are Kira’s current victims.”

M skimmed the list.

Christopher Brown – accused of several crimes, but was never convicted of any of the many felonies he committed. Died of a heart attack. May 25.

Imad Ajam, Maalik Alfarsi, Adel Karim, Iman Samara, and Qadir Saab – committed multiple acts of terrorism. Died of heart attacks. May 25.

Eric Boyle – known sexual predator. Died of asphyxiation when choking on a pen cap. May 27.

Haul Perkins – governor who took bribes, but was never convicted. Died of a stroke during a speech. May 30.

Those were but a few of the dozens of names on the list. M looked up again as the chief continued speaking.

“Now, many of those deaths may seem too abstract to be murders, but we are fairly certain that Kira was behind them. We are not sure how he does it, but the most recent victim left a note confirming our suspicions. Ruthless dictator, Yeong Rhee, committed suicide yesterday. Normally we wouldn’t look into it, but he left a peculiar note. It said “Divine judgment has been cast upon me.” Our senior officers remember that the former Kira wanted to be thought of as a god. If so, this pattern applies to our Kira now.

“So, what are your thoughts, detectives?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Q periodically looked up from his little notebook to see the other detectives entering the room, who ranged from a little girl to grown men. The mean age was lower than he expected, and the variety of characters... well he wasn't exactly surprised. Great minds did tend to be eccentric after all, and his little notebook of chess notation proved that he was no exception. One of two things could happen with this group: their diverse talents and mindsets would be pooled together to bring Kira to swift justice, or their minds would wrestle in a cacophony of dissonance bringing the investigation to a crashing halt. However, Q's time for speculation was cut short as the Tokyo police chief walked in, announcing the oh-so-obvious purpose of the meeting.

Q did as he was instructed and pulled out the paperwork regarding the Kira killings. As he thought about the names and causes of death, his right hand hovered in front of him over the table, as if he was preparing to pick up a chess piece. "Well, allow me to be the first to state the obvious. Since we have a copycat killer the probability should be high that we are dealing with somebody with either a history of violence or some kind of mental disorder. That is how these things tend to play out. With that said, I also think the probability is high that this is an exception to the rule. The ability to commit murder like this is truly bizarre, thus I don't think statistics that measure typical behaviors will apply here." Here, the motions of his hand changed. Was he dropping Go pieces now? "Since the case is so bizarre, I think we ought to divert our attention away from how the murders are being carried out and towards whom he is killing. Kira may be able to hide his methods, but he cannot hide his results, and in those results there will be a pattern, and a pattern beyond 'he's killing bad guys.' So, have we found any patterns?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Flavoured Formalities"
Tokyo Headquarters
Following her dynamic arrival, all sorts of cool-looking people enter the conference room. Plenty of boredom follows suite, but after spending nearly two minutes swinging her feet in her chair, the chief of the Tokyo Police arrives. She smiles brightly at the man when he mentions being professional, but he doesn't seem to notice and proceeds to talk about what they were here for. Time to start cookin', she thinks to herself excitedly.

Ceremoniously slipping from her chair, L reaches beneath the table to pick up a briefcase that seemed much too large for her to be carrying. All the same, she quickly sets it on the table and pulls out the list, reviewing it with a brief glance before directing her attention back to the group. She follows along curiously when one of her fellow detectives speaks, nodding once and a while to confirm that she was indeed listening. Soon, he comes to his conclusion and asks a question, one which L seems all too eager to respond to (in English).

"Let's just start with the obvious, then! All of the early killings were via heart attack, which is among the most recognizable features of a Kira killings. However, as the days passed by the killings became more specific, suggesting that Kira was getting better at what they were doing. Finally, the dictator's dying message suggests that this Kira may have the same goal as the previous one. Becoming god." The entire time that L is speaking, she is smiling and swinging her feet, entire body subtly bouncing to some unheard music. When she continues, more of her energy from before seems to be present, suggesting that she was getting more pumped-

"So here are my thoughts: This Kira is not a leftover from the first Kira Incident. In the previous Incident, it was implied that there were multiple individuals with Kira's power. However, these killings seem to suggest that our Kira is new at what they're doing, and that they're experimenting with their power."

Apparently finished talking, L pulls a small lollipop from out of nowhere and pops it into her mouth, happily watching to see what would happen next. For a moment, she seems distracted by something, like a passing thought had floated past her face. Oooh~! This is...?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

Member Offline since relaunch


C watched the Chief walk through the door, do his speech and etc. He looked at the names that were displayed before him and their deaths, then looked back up to hear the little girl chatting in English. He stared at her for a minute and tried to get what she was saying. He only took a spot of English in school, but he got the main point: This isn't the same Kira, and he's experimenting.

C after a little bit straightened up and cocked his eyebrow in agreement. Another detective stated the possibility of Kira having a mental disorder of some sort, which he also agreed to. It can be a from schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar, a personality disorder.. Hell, we could discuss mental issues for days, he thought. Off in train of thought, he knew there must have been no physical evidence. Clearly. Other than the suicide and the cliche note. Maybe the dictator had a mental disorder and they are just having run in circles thinking it's Kira. The others just so happened to die? While he was thinking all this, he was looking down at the paper with the names. But..

"Since this Kira is most likely a copycat, isn't it possible that he or she, is trying to prove themselves worthy? Even if we all agree this is a mere copy, it might be a decent idea to test it out."

After he made his comment, he looked at paper, his brow moved a little, while his bit the inside of his lip a little. This is strange..very strange. He remembered the rumors told about Kira. And the rumor of him... no, he's not bringing that up. They'd laugh him out and see to that he visits a psychiatrist. But this is all so fascinating... how does he get that kind of power?

She had her notebook out, jotting simple notes. She really didn't understand a word the little happy girl said, but she got he's a copy, mental disorders, and the basics. All of which where agreeable to her as well. From the one business man, asking to test this Kira out? So, basically he wants make him mad, she thought. That's a little dangerous, doesn't he think? But then she stopped herself and realized what she's doing, and dismissed the thought. We're all in danger, so I guess it matters, but doesn't at the same time.

Her notebook she was scribbling in had a cursive 'R' on it, she just noticed. Oddly she didn't remember it, must have slipped. In a way, she agreed with Business Man. At least we can maybe get a grip of this Kira's personality. If we could get Kira to step out and trap him or her... well, it's a shot. If Kira wants to play this game, I don't see why we have to always play safe. Kira surely doesn't care about life or death.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Y turned to the little girl's voice as she spoke up, rolling his eyes in annoyance. This was what she made out of everything in front of them? If anyone in that room couldn't figure something so obvious as this out, they had no place on this case.

"Excuse me," he spoke after getting up, sounding as if he was hesitant. "I don't mean to sound rude, especially to my seniors, but I think what the policeman was asking what we saw from it that most people wouldn't."

I guess a 5 year-old only figures out the obvious, he thought to himself as he paused. He went on to talk after turning to the police officers.
"In the previous cases, there were probably some information not revealed to the public so that Kira wouldn't catch wind of the police's plans, right? Perhaps if the confidential files about this case were found and presented to us, we could understand Kira's way of killing better."

He took another pause and seemingly nervously rubbed the back of his head, lowering his head. "Of course, I'm basing the claim that you might have more information on the fact that you know for sure that these were Kira's victims. I mean no disrespect to the police, assuming you were going to fill us in on the confidential information from previous case at one point."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toaw


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'G' quietly sat back, and listened to the others discuss their different point of views, and who they think Kira is. Once things began to quiet down, he calmly stood up, and straightened his jacket, and began to speak in Italian with the translator following up in Japanese, "I would like to point out the seemingly obvious that has yet to be mentioned by the detectives in this room, that the case files on the original Kira case have been stolen." He began to pace himself slightly and continued, "though this may seem pointless to most, it does bring up a question you should all be wondering who has access to those kind of files? I'm assuming they where well kept by police departments across the world, yet someone made them all disappear. This leads me to the conclusion that either Kira is one of the greatest hackers known to man, or he already had access to those files before hand."

He then took a deep breathe and sat back down, "In case you haven't figured it out yet, he is most likely a police officer, or a detective." He then continued to look at the different reported killings. "What I can't figure out is why start testing all over again? He has most likely already seen the case files, and knows what Kira can do? Maybe he is trying to lead us astray, if so than I feel it is best to ignore these cases." He then gathered his documents, and reorganized them.

'Not many people are going to like the idea of us looking into the police, but it has to be done,' he quietly thought to himself, and then faced the translator who just finished translating what he said. The translator then looked at him, and whispered in Italian "I said everything word for word if that is ok." G gave him a slight nod, and continued staring at the case files.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stolen? What kind of an assumption is that? There are many much more likely cases such as them thinking of giving more information about it later but he just assumes that they're stolen? If it's not assumption and he was told, why weren't we told? If that's not the case and he turns out to be right... Y studied the man suspiciously, though he kept his mouth shut for now, not wanting to stand out too much.

The boy turned to the policeman who'd spoken first, awaiting an explanation of the matter. It could be that they were too stupid to think of looking into some of the more well hidden files. It wouldn't really surprise Y too much if that were the case, having met some of the "best in the business". Though it would be much more reassuring if the policemen were simply keeping the fact from the detectives for the time being. It's always a pain to work with idiots.

In any case, if they were able to say that these certain people were killed by Kira, that means they at least know more about this mysterious murderer than they let on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I must disagree with you, Signore," Q said in response to G's assertion that the files had been stolen. As he spoke, he began miming an aggressive advance of chess pieces in front of him. "If this Kira is any bit as clever as the last, he wouldn't be foolish enough to possess enormous amounts of classified data and paperwork relating to the case. There is too much potential for a security leak, too much potential potential for a witness. If he were caught with even a portion of it, that would be checkmate. However, simply leaving the files untouched would give us a distinct advantage in tracking him down, so he would want to deal with them in some way, assuming he does have the power to do so." He paused a moment and turned the invisible board in front of him around; now he was playing on the other side. "Ensuring their destruction would level the playing field without leaving any evidence, and while it is possible that he may have gotten a brief glance at the data, I imagine it would be too much for him to sift through in a timely fashion. It would be safer just to test his new power. Still, I do agree that the probability is high that we are dealing with somebody in law enforcement."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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"Maybe Kira is one of us. Scaaarrry..." W remarked, wagging her fingers around in a "spooky" manner as if she was telling ghost stories by the campfire. She placed her feet on the desk and leaned back in her chair in order to find a more comfortable position while she spoke.

"On a serious note, information about the Kira case was highly confidential and extraordinarily well secured. Only those of our advanced intellect...in some of our cases, would have any sort of chance carrying out such a conspiracy, outside of key members of the Japanese police force. I believe that's the more important issue at hand, not the obvious facts about the murders, which I could have deduced in my sleep."

She almost fell backwards, but caught herself just in time, playing it off like it never happened.

"If they're intelligent enough to have indeed pulled that off, it was awfully stupid of them to get found out so soon unless they wanted to have a gathering of the best and the brightest to investigate. And if they wanted a gathering, their goal would more than likely be none other than killing us all off while we're out in the open so they wouldn't have to worry about us sneaking around later on. If that's the case, that would also point to Kira being one or us of the Japanese police, keeping a sharp eye on the situation at hand."

She let out a bright smile.

"Kira, raise your hand and get things over with. Otherwise we're going to have to play a game, and I'm not always kind to my losers," she taunted, carefully watching the expressions on everyone's faces.

H, meanwhile, just sat there staring at the girl, not really knowing how to continue after that little speech of hers. It did make some sense, although the theatrics were a tad bit excessive. Plus it was a little early to be jumping to conclusion about Kira being among them. By the look on W's face it seemed like she was almost sure of herself.

"Umm...pardon me, but let's not jump to any conclusions," H spoke up at last. "For Kira to show up here right now would be a huge risk, one we're not yet sure if he or she would be willing to take so soon. We should keep that in mind, but not start making accusations of the sort until we have further reason to believe so."

W let out a playful sounding "hmph" as she landed all four legs of her seat back on the ground, clearly not very swayed by H's argument.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

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R lowered her face a little bit and made a small sigh. She looked up and said in a mono-toned voice, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Yes, clearly we are pointing out the obvious. But we need to get that out of the way, since we all are thinking it. You have to remember we need to work together. Playing 'who's-better-than-who' is going to get us nowhere and get people killed. We came here to stop a serial killer, not play patty-cake with each other. So, if you are all done with your pissing contest, please. Let's try to do our jobs. I'm sure each and every one of you are smart enough to understand this."

After R's little rant, her eyes changed. Her eyes widened and her face became a little pink. Oh dear god, I'm so sorry, she whispered. But no, she continued to think, I was somewhat right, right? If Kira is one of us, he's going to get us from the inside out. We can't be divided while we have a more important issue.

He waited for all the wind to come out at everyone. And it was pretty impressive to watch the little hermit come out of her shell. But he was thinking it, and he knew others were too. "Well, the obvious is stated. And I believe we can all agree with H and R over here. One, we need to get together. Two, don't jump to conclusions so fast, and take steps at a time. We can't just go around accusing and yelling " Witch! " like the American Salem witch trials." he said calmly. "I know we are better than this. And due to the film of strong arrogance in the air, I know you all think you are better than this." Ending on that note, he slightly moved his hands and leaned back into his chair.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Z continued to read his book as he listened to the arguments. He waited until there was a brief pause. "Clearly, if there is a Kira, then we need to make some sort of profile. And to do that we need more information." He paused and let that sink in, his eyes still scanning the book.

"I have already compiled a basic profile. This 'Kira' is most likely male wit ha high IQ, between the ages of about sixteen to thirty. At first we won't be able to identify them because they are going to try to act normal so they can continue these acts with out getting caught. After a while however, they will tend to become more secluded to 'cast their divine judgement' on people without having to worry about the normality of life. It is true we are looking for some form of Law Enforcement due to the type of victims we have. Many of our vic's were either already convicted or never convicted because we knew what was happening but couldn't prove it. We must be cautious though, if we get too close Kira may turn his eye to use as the enemy." He got quite as he reflected what he just said. Most of what he claimed was speculation, but he wasn't ready to prove how smart he was yet. He looked up from his book and glanced around the room, taking in the other detectives.

"Chief is there anything else you could tell us?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Male? Between 16 and 30?" Y blurted out. "What makes you so sure?" he demanded, confused by this deduction. It was quite strange that these people had already started to present their thoughts on the case in order to solve it before they were given any information other than a vague description of the people the police thought Kira had killed. They're just making things up. There's nothing that suggests any of what they say is true. They're all possibilities but they're just creating an imaginary case.

He turned to R. "Excuse me but I don't think that this really counts as pointing out the obvious. I'm really confused by some of these assumption that don't really make much sense and if they are true, that means our opponent isn't really as smart as someone has pointed out. How does everyone in here know so much about this Kira without having any significant information about him whatsoever?"
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