Criminals are dying once again all across the world. The murders all look like typical accidents, but there is too great of a coincidence for that to be the case. The Japanese police suspect that there is a new Kira on the rise. When they went to their database to draw out information on the last Kira, they found that all the information was gone! Someone had gone in and erased everything, leaving the police with nothing. Desperate to stop the murders, the UN sent a letter pleading the world’s greatest detectives to assist in the case.
Congratulations, you are one of them.
Okay so I've wanted to do a RP like this for a long time. Basically it's a mass-murder mystery with the use of the Death Note: a notebook given to a human by a shinigami (God of Death). The murderer can kill whomever he/she wishes, as long as he/she knows the target's name and face. The story will play out similar to the anime, with the Japanese police investigating the killer (known as "Kira" because of the English word "killer"). The only difference is that there will be multiple detectives: all of you. Those who join this RP will be the detectives chasing after Kira.
Except for one.
One lucky person will get the role of Kira. He/she will have to kill NPCs and even other players without getting caught. Honestly, this role is probably the most fun. Whoever plays as Kira will pm me what he/she wants to write in his/her Death Note (along with any other things he/she wants to add. i.e: conversations with shinigami, thoughts about the detectives, etc…), and I'll post the entry in the IC so Kira's identity stays a secret. The person who gets this role will have to be creative in how he/she goes about killing of the other players, so they don't suspect him/her. It's up to everyone else to try and get Kira before Kira gets you.
PM me if you are interested in playing as Kira.
1. X – Summer
2. M – Summer
3. C – Alyss Dolyss
4. R – Alyss Dolyss
5. W – ImportantNobody
6. H – ImportantNobody
7. G – Toaw
8. L – Tatsua Aiisen
9. Q – ruronihs
10. Z – Falconi
11. Y – Sketcher
1. S – Teleport
2. J – Shisa
Sidenote: Not all pictures have to have the red/blue thing from Death Note. I just did that because I was bored and had some extra time to photoshop :P