"Fate is that element which suggests that some select events simply transpire in our lives - that some things aren't free will. While some view this as chance, others view this as some sort of greater motivator, that something larger or simply more complex than us is moving us along, good or evil. A lot of us won't get to know those major turning points in our lives where we did something that really mattered, and that is even if such events exist. But to me? How couldn't they? Just look all around you and try to convince yourself that this is mere chance, that we're not some sort of pawns in a bigger game. Whatever you believe, don't believe for a minute that things don't happen without a reason, even if you just want to call it 'cause and effect' and have yourself a nice day after without a second thought on it."
Clear Springs, Utah
As a collection of characters for one reason or another you've been pressed into living in Clear Springs, Utah - be it in a pursuit of career, pursuit of happiness, or the pursuit of some freedom one could not achieve where they where previously. As a city Clear Springs is a well established location, with a respectable metropolitan area and large surrounding suburban territory that continues to expand into the colder, higher elevation area surrounding the valley that it is centered in. To the West of Clear Springs is the Red Hills State Park, a mixture of reddened sandstone and exposed granite, and notable for the fact that it is so close to the outskirts of town, being but a few hours' drive away. While not an enormous tourism area, Red Hills State Park sees a fair amount of travel and exploration, but the most remote, mountainous and forested areas are not frequented.
Iconic to Clear Springs is Lone Pine Metropolitan Area at the center of the city which is visible from nearly any edge of the valley, barring the deepest forest or over the crest of the Red Hills State Park. Most readily identified by the Trimillennium Towers, a series of three triangular buildings centered near the heart of downtown, the city itself is advanced and distinctly succeeding despite the economic recession, but it is not without its flaws; though the heart of Clear Springs in the Lone Pine area is upscale and admirable, the surrounding areas are still distinctly declining. The population, primarily a mixture of Caucasian and migrant persons, has two strikingly opposed issues; on the low scale, much of the crime affecting the common person comes from the illegal drug trade, whereas on the upper scale many organizations readily engage in attempts at corporate espionage.
Far North by three hours, Carver Air Force Base can be located, and while it has few actual aircraft remaining, it holds a fairly extensive grasp on the terrain and is a detachment of Air Force Space Command, formerly operating in conjunction with Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. Though primarily defunct, it does have a large tract of land closed off to the public where its former radar ranges once tracked friendly and foreign objects alike and is only moderately patrolled in such locales due to the minimal interest and operations the base holds.
Between Good and Evil
As a city, and a world to operate in, Clear Springs has no leaning toward or against the supernatural, and for the most part has no knowledge of its existence outside what is known in media. The people of the state are often religious and hold some superstition and taboos culturally, though there is no single identifying or remarkable factor; the normal person could prove as dangerous as the unnatural, as the unnatural could prove helpful. Given this, those of inhuman qualities are aware their world isn't too forgiving - that precautions should be taken and that their less... noble acts, be discrete, as it it is the 21st century after all.
The line between good and evil has a strange balance of power as both opposing forces are very much mere men in the city of Clear Springs, and those that aren't mere men seem to stay out of the spotlight as best they can.
Characters - Players
Asher Tybalt - The Harbinger of Ferocity
<EMPTY SLOT> - No Player
<EMPTY SLOT> - No Player
<EMPTY SLOT> - No Player
Notable Characters
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