Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There Are No Heroes

There never has been, and never will be among us.

The general information on this roleplay can be found here by clicking this link.

Out Of Character Initial Post: Character Creation
The following is the basic character template which players need utilize to create their characters. Unless specified otherwise, please do not remove portions of this character sheet, but feel free to add expanded or in-depth details; there are only minimums. As a suggestion, I recommend keeping a character "Plot Synopsis" section within your character sheet so that at a quick glance you can refer back to important details regarding your character.

Once you've completed your character sheet and posted it here, please wait until the game master approves it before posting in the topic. Note that the game master reserves the right to discredit portions of the sheet if they do not fit within the previously established rules and decline your application. Most discrediting (if any) will be the result of system gaming - clear, or obvious attempts to get the most effect for the minimal cost, or to power game or twist words with the goal being to make "the best character". While the game master is aware not all things are truly balanced, some semblance of structure is required for an efficient, mostly fair roleplay, and attempts to purposefully be disruptive in this manner will not be tolerated.

All I ask is that you make credible people within a credible world, who face incredible circumstances or situations; do your best to simulate real life within the previously established rules.
- The Harbinger

  • Name (and or Alias): (Utilize a realistic and or appropriate name. Aliases can be as a simple as one can imagine, but remember they are not actual names.)

  • Gender: (As gender.)

  • Age: (As age, minimum 18, maximum 60.)

  • Lineage: (For humans, treat as race. For inhumans treat as previous race, but also their inhumanity; ex, "Native American - Psychic".)

  • Fate: (For humans, begin with value of 3. For non-humans, begin with 2 or less. Provide description of expenditures.)

  • Relationship Status: (For characters who are in a relationship, note this here. For characters not with one, remove this line. Provide description.)

  • Occupational Status: (For characters who have an occupation, note this here. For characters without one, note as "Unemployed". Provide description.)

  • Previous Occupations: (For characters who had previous occupations, note this here. For characters without one, remove this line.)

  • Physical Description: (Provide, at minimum, a two paragraph description of a character's physical appearance. Note: Avoid unusualities and pictures.)

  • Alternate Physical Description: (Provide, at minimum, a two paragraph description of a character's alternate physical appearance. For characters who do not change shape, remove this line.)

  • Psychological Profile: (Provide, at minimum, a two paragraph description of the character's psychological state.)

  • Alternate Psychological Profile: (Provide, at minimum a two paragraph description of the character's alternate psychological state. For characters with only a single psyche, remove this line.)

  • Vices: For characters who have (bad) habits, note this here. Provide description. For characters without any, remove this line.)

  • Background: (Provide, at minimum, a two paragraph description a character's upbringing.)

  • Recent History: (Provide, at minimum, a two paragraph recent history of events the character has gone through. This will be expanded upon in your first post.)

  • Additional Information: (For characters with additional notes. For characters without any, remove this line.)

Out Of Character Initial Post: Deadline
The game will begin on 28JULY14 with the following players.

There Are No Heroes: Characters and Players

  • Human Zoanthrope (The Harbinger of Ferocity)

  • Human Zoanthrope (Stefan0620)

  • Human Vampire (El_Tigre)

  • Human Shapeshifter (EndCraft)

The first, initial post will be placed on the in-character portion of this forum on the 24th of July by the game master and give a general introduction to the setting, people, tone and world at hand. Treat it as a guideline as to how things are intended to be handled, and note, closely key elements such as time; given the nature of the roleplay, day, night, phase of the moon, or even hour are all relevant - consider how, if at all, you're impacting it by giving a flow to the plot.

The point is for interesting characters with interesting scenarios to interact and come together to face things that they, individually, likely can't best. They're not really "iconic heroes" for a reason.
- The Harbinger
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reserved post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

  • Name (and or Alias): Asher Tybalt

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: Born April 21st, 1989 (25 years old)

  • Lineage: Caucasian - Mixed European Descent (English-Germanic) - Naturalized Zoanthrope (Weretiger)

  • Fate: Remaining: 2, Expended: 1

  • Fate Expenditures:

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Occupational Status:

  • Physical Description:

  • Alternate Physical Description:

  • Psychological Profile:

  • Vices: Mismanagement of anger and lack of psychological treatment.

  • Background:

  • Recent History:
  • Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
    Avatar of Lotta Pumpkins

    Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Recent history edited
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

    The Harbinger of Ferocity

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Stefan0620 said
    I'll take suggestions on edits, I know its kinda weak in some places.

    Overall it will receive a passing rating with my only commentary just being small notes on the world and one addition I would like to see:

    • Occupational Status: For this, any false yet realistic sounding option is fine; you can infer which corporation, company or group its meant to symbolize based on how it operates. For example, you could make it a passing "Target" and simply call it "Mark's" for a two-fold nod to reality. Short of that, no issue.

    • Alternate Physical Description: The picture's fine - it is more just my request that people avoid, unless absolutely left with no good means of description, that one is used. No issue here.

    • Background: It isn't inferred that Jacob Schmidt has, to any extent, caused some sort of action which he need essentially "repent" for. He just seems unlucky but surviving - my advice is making his werewolf form more... questionable, I suppose. It could all very much be that he did no such thing (harming, killing, maiming or wronging a person), but inferred that he might have; something as simple as blood on his muzzle and no body present. He could also be responsible for some other tragedy, error, or chance of fate; something as simple as surviving a car accident and being too shocked to react as another vehicle went up in flames, instead of taking some sort of "heroic effort" to save the day. This is more a character motivator - a reason why this individual feels a drive to fight against that which is truly evil or wrong in the world. This is the only issue I see need be filled to meet with the mandate.

    • Recent History: The location will be determined (within the continental United States) randomly upon game initiation by the dice. The dice I'm utilizing have a random table, which is more or less designed to replicate "chance", however predictable dice actually can be. No issue present here.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
    Avatar of Lotta Pumpkins

    Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Roger. I'll make changes when I get home
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

  • Name (and or Alias): Emily "Emmy" Farrielli

  • Gender: Female.

  • Age: Born March 18th, 1946 (68 years old though appears in her early 20s).

  • Lineage: Caucasian - Italian Heritage. Vampire.

  • Fate: Remaining: 1, Expended: 2.

  • Fate Expenditures:

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Occupational Status:

  • Physical Description:

  • Psychological Profile:

  • Vices: Alcohol and Cigarettes. The substances help quench her hunger and sooth her nerves to some degree.

  • Background:

  • Recent History:
  • Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EndCraft


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    Very willing to hear constructive criticism and take any advice.

    Name: August Webber, 'Augie'.

    Gender: Female.

    Age: Twenty.

    Lineage: Caucasian, Shapeshifter.

    Fate: Two remaining. One spent on supernatural abilities. The first being for the power of shapeshifting. The other two are to remain unused until a later date.

    Relationship Status: Although she's been through a few relationships throughout her lifetime much like any other normal young woman, August is currently without a significant other and remains without a dedicated relationship. This is partly because of her distrust of most other people and partly because of her current occupation.

    Occupational Status: Prostitute

    Previous Occupations: Retail, Fast Food, Odd Jobs.

    Alternate Physical Description: Dog, Cat, Bird, Etc... August can take on several forms and they seem to be almost randomly generated as none of the details are the same. For example, she may appear as a dog with brown fur with one shift and have black fur the next time, though the breed is usually similiar if not the same.

    Vices: Drug usage. The drug of her choice and the one with the biggest impact was heroin because it made her feel a little happiness at the end of a long night and kept her very calm. She craves it more than anything else in the world though. Because of this,

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
    Avatar of Lotta Pumpkins

    Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

    The Harbinger of Ferocity

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    El_Tigre said (Emily Farrielli character profile.)

    There are others ahead of you in queue, but if they do not post before the deadline you will be the first added in place of them. That said, seeing as this profile is not yet finished either, I will not yet rate it at this time.

    EndCraft said (August Webber character profile.)

    From what I understand is that she takes the form of various common animals, which is perfectly fine for the price of a single use of fate; dogs, house cats, crows, ravens, even wolves I'd say are fair game for that cost, so feel free to use those as you see fit given her character and demeanor.

    Overall a dark character with a nice mixture of lore, history and tone - I believe she will fit well with the antiheroism and counter evil concept. She has places to rise up to... if she desires it.

    August Webber is approved.
    - The Harbinger
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Would it be okay to have a day or two to finish up the character sheet?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

    The Harbinger of Ferocity

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    El_Tigre said
    Would it be okay to have a day or two to finish up the character sheet?

    Yes, tonight is the deadline for initial individuals who were going to play. If they do not provide their sheets by 2359 at latest tonight, they are disqualified and you gain the next open slot.

    The game isn't likely to start until Monday-ish, as I work all weekend, but will be discussing details in OOC here.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

    The Harbinger of Ferocity

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Jacob Schmidt is approved.
    - The Harbinger

    The minor additions, corrections and overall changes completed requirements and better reinforced the character; he seems like a nice enough person to hold the plausibility of a death over his head like that, so well done on the implementation.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
    Avatar of Lotta Pumpkins

    Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Cool, thanks!
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EndCraft


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    Very excited to get started and can't wait! :)

    I do have a question, however. Can we use our fate points at a later date to improve our characters abilities? For example, I almost feel that you were hinting that for another point August could shift into some uncommon animals so I was wondering if I could do something like that for another fate point at a much later time and of course give it some background and reasoning.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

    The Harbinger of Ferocity

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    EndCraft said
    Very excited to get started and can't wait! :)I do have a question, however. Can we use our fate points at a later date to improve our characters abilities? For example, I almost feel that you were hinting that for another point August could shift into some uncommon animals so I was wondering if I could do something like that for another fate point at a much later time and of course give it some background and reasoning.

    Characters have the initial option of expending more fate at the start of the game to get more or refined abilities, or to alter a bit of the lore. At a later date a character's progression can be reflected by spending more fate to further master abilities or learn new ones; for example, August could learn how to also take on a pantherine form if she has invested a total of two points into her shapeshifting, or instead she could expand the amount of animals she can choose from into more exotic but equally mundane creatures. In this case it is expertise versus versatility, whereas a character like Asher would need to expend fate to gain control over his wrath and make himself less prone (and vulnerable) to anger.

    To the point - absolutely. Fate is intended to keep characters alive, progress them, and yet keep them counterbalanced by making human players capable of slipping away from danger much more easily.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Since the other player hadn't submitted their Character sheet my character has taken their spot? And I need only finish out the section I left as a WIP? :)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

    The Harbinger of Ferocity

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    El_Tigre said
    Since the other player hadn't submitted their Character sheet my character has taken their spot? And I need only finish out the section I left as a WIP? :)

    That is correct, you have moved up in queue to the slot they formerly had, and you simply need complete the work in progress sections then notify me you are ready for review. Afterward, once approved, we will lock in the characters and I will initiate the game from there.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Question: I have two sections noted as Works In Progression, though the one is in the Fate Expenditure and it is the explanation of what a Vampire entails. Do I need to write that out? I am fairly certain most people know the origin and general information about Vampires. lol
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

    The Harbinger of Ferocity

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    El_Tigre said
    Question: I have two sections noted as Works In Progression, though the one is in the Fate Expenditure and it is the explanation of what a Vampire entails. Do I need to write that out? I am fairly certain most people know the origin and general information about Vampires. lol

    The details of a vampire are more of elaborating specifically as to what aspect the character really shows. For example, people know what a zoanthrope is, and some know what a weretiger is - few, if any, know they're mostly iconic for their remarkable fury. It's something universally spread in their lore, and Asher exemplifies it; he's not an exception. So, in the case of a vampire, what kind of vampire? Are they the cunning charismatic who seduces their prey? The blood thirsty hunter at night who stalks and kills those too foolish to go down an alley? Things of that nature.

    The only thing I can readily think of that I removed from vampires is that they need permission to enter a home - from the master of the house (or appointee). That was just... crippling.
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