So, we may have a slight problem that you guys may or may not be aware of, regarding Art's temporary unavailability.
Art and I have discussed a couple of ideas on how we can remedy this:
1 - We wait for him to return: I have no idea when that is, but we discontinue this RP until he returns. When he's back, when can start up the IC again.
2 - I could RP his character (with his permission, of course) to act as a sort of solo strike team: Basically, Silus would operate on his own, bypassing security, getting us access into their hideout, and picking of targets of opportunity. I really don't want to do this to him, but if you guys want to continue with the mission and he's ok with it, I can do that. At the end of the mission, he would be RPed during a group discussion event I have planned.
3 - We skip this mission entirely, and conjure up a scenario where we get distracted, and discover what's going on, with him having to shadow us until he returns: Pretty much another idea he suggested, that we skip the mission for now and continue with the main story elements.
I wanted to ask you guys what you think, so we can all agree on a course of action (hopefully, Art can get a chance to read this and post his opinions too) ^^