Nation Name: Teenage Wasteland
Territory: Australia
Government: Jockocracy (government in which the guy that gets the most cheerleaders leads)
Military: The Teenage Wasteland has no formal military to date, but a rough number of angsty, armed individuals. For unique, society-developed weapons they have pioneered the use of social media. Such weapons including
Tumblrbomb - The Leading Jock has at his disposal access to a button in which he may order billions of angsty socially alienated teenagers to bombard web-servers with inane and nonsensical noise, ultimately shutting down communications in a well organized DDOS attack.
Twittergun - Fires 140mm anti-tank shells. Or as they also say: 140 character bullets.
Economy: There is none
History: After the two world wars nuclear fire devastated Australia, effectively leveling all infrastructure that was there before. Shortly afterwards, an anguished teen from California ran away, hitchhiking a plane and going to Australia. The teen - Jason "Brody" Lorell - likewise summoned as many kids his age to the former nation to live in a utopia among the wreck of a nation gone.
When Jason reached his 20th birthday, he promptly offed himself by tossing himself in an alligator infested pool. Some people think he was just being a boozed up moron, but they were shot and he was made a martyr. As a response, future leaders enforced a policy of capping one's life at 20. It was considered an honor to follow through.
However, Australia being a big place makes enforcement difficult and there have arisen secluded populations where individuals can live out a good chunk of their natural life without being age-martyr'd. As such, though the region may be referred to as "The Teenage Wasteland" based in part to the large number of unattended minors and all the music douche bags playing The Who's Baba O'riley on the radio, it's something of a lie. Once one reaches the interior, they can expect to find wasteland survivalists.
Other: Jockocracy is the unofficial term to describe the almost tribalistic confederacy that exists in the wasteland, in which "jocks" - or chosen community warriors - compete through wrestling, football, rugby, and smashing-his-face-in-with-a-rock fight for women. If one claims the most women in victory he ascends to being the leader.
Often times these harems are guarded from the age-martyr rituals given their size insures the longevity of power, and "favorite girls" may live for a particularly long time. Occasionally - by not often - a woman may become the uniting jock. But it's not widely spoken off.