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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll wait for your reply, but I'll post for Pixstix
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, assuming Oswald is about the same age as his sister. Lillian OMG such a cougar.

With that last, half-formed thought I bid you all good night.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Damn you flimsy post, why do you exist!?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The age difference between them isn't THAT much more than between me and my girlfriend. Just a couple years. And all she did was ask for a ride *Halo*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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Geography: North-west of Othea it is a vast area full of mountains and plains. It's forests are abundant and full of tall lush trees that stay green through the many winters. Streams of ice cold water are common and lakes dot the lower regions. It is bordering an ocean on it's west end.

Culture: The people of Ulior are hearty, known for their cuisine and music. They have a rich history of tribes coming together and forming the kingdom. They try hard to be at peace, and civil disputes are very rare. They are at odds with a kingdom to the far east. The people are well known for combining ranged and melee styles of combat into one, meaning most soldiers are all purpose. The throne has been usurped once, and has only been attempted a handful of times. The banner of this country is a deep blue with black trimming and insignia. The insignia is of a hawk eating a snake. They harbor a fondness for a different religion than most others, having a set of their own gods and goddesses. Known mostly as "The grand six". Because of this six is generally a lucky number in the country. The country is at times called "The kingdom of flaming snow" This si so because of it's battle torn past, yet cool and peaceful recent years.

Stance on envokers: As the people here have their own religion, they do not see envokers as horrible black magic or pieces of tragedy, instead they wish to study them, and have a grand hall of held 'artifacts' The order of Idris is not on good terms with them, and has caused small political conflicts with them in the past between Ulior and church sympathizing kingdoms, though nothing past slight disputes has yet to come with it.

Politics: Long ago a large collection of clans united and a king was selected. Each passing of a king brings a tribunal, where a new one is selected. Because of this system, the kings are usually quite popular or quite disliked. The current ruler Gregor Stonehand, is a popular king, and has sat on the throne for nearly twenty years now. Scholars and advisers are important figures in this country, religion does not hold seats of power, yet is always kept in mind for decisions.

Architecture: The cites are large walled off masses of grey stone, They are built high with bridges and towers housing shops and denizens all over the place. Some people have come to call them "The cities of the sky" as they reach surprising heights as if it was normal life, which to them, it is. New cities tend to stay closer to earth, as it is easier for the people to get water. Large cities are built around mountains, with large lakes atop, this is so that water may be streamed to all denizens, instead of those just at the floor. These cities were made not only for easy mining of the mountains, but so that they would be hard to invade.

I hope that is all okay, if something should be changed just let me know. When you wake up of course.

May add more later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Altim Daror.
Age: 16.
Gender: Male.

Relic Description: The Relic in Altim's possession is a family heirloom passed down seven generations of the Daror lineage, and it takes the form of a silver sword pendant with wings and a black opal embedded in the cross-guard. The sword appears to be thin at the shoulder and thick at the foible, but distinctly flat almost all the way through with a large fuller. The pendant gives the wearer the ability to illuminate areas with light from the gem. For Altim, his ability as one of the Chosen, gained from the pendant, is the ability of manipulating the wind and the water within a modest range of roughly 25 feet, the water he must be able to see to manipulate, the wind he must not. In order to use this ability, he has to visualize the action and must consume energy, which is restored by the pendant with each breath and each drink, in keeping with the theme.
Skills: Without the pendant, Altim has a gift of insight: he is wise, unassuming, unjudging. This gives him a special prowess for intelligence, an ability to aptly observe his surroundings and learn things quickly, all things typical of your average genius—and flaws for that matter, like frequent occasions of clumsiness, mixing things up and getting things confused through his different methods of deduction, forgetting responsibilities, and having difficulties communicating. Of course, still, given those flaws, Daror is greatly in-touch with himself on a spiritual level, with all the time in the world to think about things and their deepest aspects.

Background: Daror came from a close-knit family of merchants native to Othea; his family upholds modesty and humility, spending enough to keep them alive and ensure the successes of the family. All of the jewelry worn by family members is passed down from previous generations, indicating a high amount of sentiment held for their ancestors, thus none of the jewelry worn by them is purchased for large prices. Though some members of the family are prejudiced, including Daror's father, who seems to hold negative attitudes towards politics, Altim is not, much like his mother, who married into their family from a very altruistic and charitable one, bestowing her culture and ethics on Altim. He, not being perfect, had arguments with his parents, but at the end of the day, he truly appreciated the good in his life and all his family did for him, even if he often despises himself and heavily criticizes his own actions.

Appearance: Altim, with hair brown like the earth and eyes dark blue like the ocean, isn't the tallest of people, though fairly well-built. Coming at roughly five feet and ten inches, he's around average height. Typically he dons a royal blue cloak, a long-sleeved shirt the color of white sand, tan pants held up at the waist by a black leather belt, and a satchel worn over the shoulder.

Motivation: Altim lives to redeem himself not in his eyes, but in the eyes of others, by giving what he can to others and using his talents for good intentions. He seeks to increase his knowledge greatly with books and research, but more than anything in the world, Daror seeks adventure and righteous glory.
Theme Song:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So he's like Artemis if Artemis was a socially awkward teenager?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Actually think he's like Altim if Altim wasn't Artemis.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I meant the whole "He knows lots of stuff " thing
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightveil


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BTW what about religion and god(s)? Is there only one divine being or several deities? Could we define them ourselves or do you have sth in mind?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

chukklehed said
So he's like Artemis if Artemis was a socially awkward teenager?

If I could loudly roll my eyes, I would.

Intelligence isn't unique to one person or one character, and all intelligent people are different. I'm actually a little offended by the implied assumption that I copied a character or made a character in the likeness of another.

But besides both sharing an interest in knowledge and being smart in general, they are two disparate characters given their personalities, motivations, and upbringings, so no, Altim is not "like Artemis".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightveil


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My WIPCS.. Would like to hear what my relic aura sounds like. Basicly I'm trying to do a battlegield support.Might be some mistakes as I wrote all this mobile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Pfew, finally caught up with reading all this and the IC, going to work on a post now! :)

Oh! And should I write something about Da-Hyun? Concidering our time zones I think I'll just start writing about it when I have the time for it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Name: Itani Ronah

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Relic Description: Itani’s relic is a metal band that she wears across her forehead. The edges are decorated with gold trim, much like the rest of her armor, and the band itself has a bright, emerald hue. The relic enables her to create and manipulate bursts of invisible energy. With a thought, she can use this energy to fling an assailant in a certain direction. A more focused burst can replicate the effect of a punch, with more force than a physical blow. It can also be manipulated to form a solid barrier, protecting her against physical objects and material harm.

Skills: As a Captain of Othea’s Relic Constabulary, Itani has had extensive training – high degrees of proficiency in combat, horsemanship and overall physical wellness are required to be considered for the organization. She commands with a strong authority, both in battle and outside. As required of her position, she is adept at sniffing out relics - investigating signs of their usage and tracking down their Evokers.

Background: The Ronah family has served and supported the Othean Throne since its inception, and its members hold several significant posts within the courts. With each new birth, the child in question is raised to one day carry on the tradition of serving the kingdom.
Itani was unlike most girls of noble birth, showing a strong impulse toward soldiering and martial topics. She played with toy warriors, dueled the boys with wooden swords and frequently made off with one of the family’s horses for an afternoon. To her parents, there was little question how she would end up serving Othea.
Sure enough, when her age was right, Itani pledged herself to the Othean Soldiery. Befitting the status of the noble Ronah House, she bypassed the rank-and-file, undergoing officer training for a grueling three years. In that span of time, she showed promise, and fate had it that the newly-formed Relic Constabulary was screening recruits. Inducted into its ranks on account of her aptitude, Itani spent another few years learning about relics and how to identify Evokers.
Now a Captain within the organization, Itani leads a small regiment of Constabulary Guard in service to Crown Prince Aral Otharion V.

Motivation: Itani’s life is dedicated to serving the Othean Throne and preserving its stance against the Church, as it has since its founding. Her duty, specifically, is to round up Evokers and see to it their relics are used for the good of the kingdom, rather than falling into the wrong hands.
This can go a number of ways; in the case of a rogue, criminal or other undesirable folk, the relic will be subjugated – forcefully, if need be – and the Evoker will face judgment for their crimes. However, Evokers that may be simple commoners are asked to turn over their relics and are usually compensated for their compliance. Those few Evokers who possess the knowledge and skill to use their relics responsibly may be recruited by the Constabulary. They are then assigned to a position in the military, government or scholarly sectors, in which they can put their relic to use for the good of Othea.
The Constabulary maintains records of known relics in the kingdom – most of these have been confiscated or are in current use by government personnel. This list is a closely guarded secret that not even the Church is aware of.
Although the Constabulary works to maintain order within the kingdom, many are uncomfortable with its influence and fear being associated with relics as a result of its pursuit of Evokers.

Theme Song:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry I became so enthusiastic that I wrote a whole bunch.. If this is too much or if there's something missing, I'll change it.
Also, sorry Pixie, I stole you format x'D

Da-Hyun is a relatively small island nation to the far west of Azukhar and encompasses the nine most western islands known. The islands are home to beautiful, rough nature with large woods, beautiful beaches and enormous cliffs. The largest island, Daseom however, is the only one with average soil in some parts of the island. On most of the smaller islands, agriculture is impossible and because of this, the only source of income for them is fishery, wood cutting and livestock in the form of sheep. Some of the richer farmers posses and cows. The capitol Doa Jun is located on Daseom and most trade and treasure flows through this city. [/hider]

The life in Da-Hyun is a hard one and so are its people. With the lack of food sources in the kingdom, the population is rather small and most Da-Hyunin have resorted to piracy as a way of life. There's also a form of 'legal piracy', established by the kings of Da-Hyun. The so-called 'The Jongsa Company' regulates what ships are allowed to be attacked, where ships or coastal villages may be attacked and it's in charge of the fair distribution of loot. When official Jong die while on duty, the company also provides widows a compensation or monthly financial support. No wonder that unregulated Da-Hyuni piracy isn't common these days.[/hider]

Despite the regular stream of treasure flowing into Da-Hyun, the arts never really flourished. It's said that in days long forgotten, the Da-Hyunin knew how to weave beautiful tapestries, filled with such colours that there was no doubt magic involved in the process. Of those days, only a few tapestries, sculptures and paintings remain. These days, the only arts that still thrive in Da-Hyun are the traditional music, ship building and navigation. Since their marine is superior to their neighbouring countries, the Da-Hyunin specialize in weapons that are practical when fighting on boats. Besides that, they've perfected their ways of sacking coastal cities and are trained to fight with any weapon they can get their hands on. Fair swordplay is a concept that'll only cause laughter in Da-Hyun.[/hider]

Stance on envokers
Traditionally, the Da-Hyunin aren't against evokers as long as they use their abilities for the common good, they were even welcomed with open arms. A few High Saeng who ruled for longer periods of time are known to have been evokers. Some even whisper that even the High Yo Ju is an evoker. With the recent infiltration of the Holy Order of Idris however, envokers are hunted down and killed. If that's not possible, there's a bounty placed on their head or they're simply exciled. Currently, the Holy Order is gradually increasing its influence in the major cities, influencing politics as well. On the country side the Nine are still followed though, and none of the spiritual leaders have been hurt as of yet, to prevend unrest among the Commons.

Most cities are built in a triangle shape, the harbour being one point, the houses of the high born another and a temple is located in the third point (to the Nine or to the city's protective sprit or favourite god). Most cities are walled, especially near the harbour and throughout there are walls and gates that can be closed in case of an attack. This way there are certain levels where people can flee to in case of an attack from the sea. Everything is build expecting a sea attack, so the defences to the land-side of the city are usually rather weak. (If this makes no sense at all, please say so and I'll try to draw it lol). The houses are usually built in the typical Da-Hyuni style of pointed roofs and walls made of either white stone or a sort of bamboo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Haven't read Ulior and Da-Hyun, but I added them to the OP as lore entries.

I'll read the character sheets first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Aristo, as long as the Constabularies use of relics is secret you're accepted. Another thing to note, when you confiscate a relic the person dies.....remember that? They're not interchangeable among people, they form a permanent bond. I'll send you a PM though.

@ravenDivinity, accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Updating the map is fun, I've linked the full map in the OP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ravenDivinity said
If I could loudly roll my eyes, I would.Intelligence isn't unique to one person or one character, and all intelligent people are different. I'm actually a little offended by the implied assumption that I copied a character or made a character in the likeness of another.But besides both sharing an interest in knowledge and being smart in general, they are two disparate characters given their personalities, motivations, and upbringings, so no, Altim is not "like Artemis".

you guys are so uptight. take a joke, and call me in the morning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Let's not guys.
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