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Abel found the experience... surreal, to say the least. Astria carried a lot of similarities to the Earth which they had left behind them, but there was such an evident disparity between the two planets, from the physical laws to the divergence in evolution. It was as though Earth had taken a different path and had later frozen itself in time. The air was so clean that it was almost euphoric to inhale, and Abel easily preferred Astria's climate to Earth's lessening, though still desperate, situation. The physicist took a deep breath inside the vehicle as his dark brown eyes traced the various individuals on board, a few of his own colleagues among them. Had younger Abel Schwellen known that he would take part in this expedition, he would be quite dumbfounded. To be one of the first pioneers of such an odd place was a tremendous honor.

Before embarking from Ithaca, Abel and the team had two weeks of 'acclimation,' a program of exposure to Astria's different, strange environment. The previous expedition's crewmembers explained away their group's findings as well as security and safety protocols to pass the baton. They shared all of the fascinating minutiae of this new land with Abel's team: the language, the culture and history, the ecosystem, the climate, and the physical laws. All of this was well and interesting, but as things would have it, Abel really just wanted to crawl out of this armored vehicle and start on the real expedition. He was prepared enough for what would come next.

It was not more comforting, having the E-ASF's troopers for escorts on the expedition. If that told Abel anything, it was that Apex needed a way to protect its profits. He did not feel any safer in the hands of a corporation, but his team received proper training by the ASF earlier which gave him no right to complain. So long as he could trust his team and their skills, Abel could guarantee their safety. He scrolled through pictures of his team on his computer tablet, and he stopped on a group photo of them from the Non-local Phenomena Detector back home. If the E-ASF failed or ditched, the team could fend for itself. All of them were multitalented individuals, all with a wide skillset, all with a vast collection of knowledge. Yeah, Abel could put his faith in them.

Becker's blunt, thundering voice killed the silence as the town of Vericil came closer in the vehicle's sights, and Abel put down his computer immediately to listen. The team was to stay put and wait until security sweeps were done. After that, safety and security would be the team's responsibility once they disembarked and entered the town. Their primary objective was to practice the language and gain a feel for the locals, and their secondary objective was to stay in one piece the whole time. Then, they would be back by a little past noon in the local time.

Once the rear door opened, the soldiers were already gone. They were quite impressive looking, armed to the neck with the finest technology, as they left to take a little look-see around the convoy. The expedition crew inside the vehicle remained silent, merely twiddling their thumbs. Some appeared nervous, others sat at the edge of their seat and looked to the door in anticipation. The moment of truth, Abel thought to himself, itching in his excitement. Everyone stood when the soldier appeared at the exit, signaling the OK, and their feet disappeared from the cold floor of the transport vehicle to the soft, rich earth of Astria. Although this was not their first time, setting foot on the planet, the experience was virgin and new, their first, real step into the next stage of the expedition. There were many surprises ahead.

Vericil came closer with each step, a city with no real significance to national matters, but it meant everything to this expedition, to the group as it entered the city without a hitch. Like the people of Safe Haven, the people of Vericil were all so appreciably human – the things they saw as theirs, their desire for the ornate. Fences, gardens, engravings, signs, even domiciles and markets. At first glance, Vericil was a town of squalor and unimportance, but to a humble eye and, more importantly, to the expedition, this was the best which they could conscionably ask for. With wide, curious eyes and open, awe-filled mouth, Abel saw that he had much to learn from this place.
Abel Sterling Schwellen, M.S.

Age: 29
Alignment: Neutral Good, "Benefactor"
Nationality: American (United States)
Languages: English, German, Japanese, Russian

Abel Schwellen is a recent university graduate but a rising star in theoretical physics. Currently, Schwellen, a polyglot, works as one of several key researchers at an international project based in West Texas, and he is attempting to resolve the problem of locality in quantum physics. This arm is only one of several in the world, with partners in Europe, South America, and Asia also assigned to this research initiative. Schwellen's team and its international counterparts hope that this project might procure an option for a kind of 'teleportation,' but what could actually come out of their research is uncertain.

Of his team, Schwellen was the last member to be invited to the second OEF. He is a late, seemingly tentative addition to the expedition, likely for his more wacky and somewhat fantastical ideas.
@The Nebulous: Run them by me, please! If they're similar, I want to hear about it.
@grandia20: Sign me up! Never played Grandia, but I like the idea.
Bump! Also, I added a new roleplay prompt.

Hello! Raven, here. I am a freshman in college, and I have been roleplaying for roughly around 8 or 9 years. Currently, I am on the prowl for a one-on-one roleplay, and I have several plots in mind, mainly centering on the modern, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, and apocalyptic genres. (Of course, if you have any suggestions of your own, please bring them to the table. I might like them!) I also love conlanging, so I may slip in a bit of my conlang into the roleplay at some point.

I seek a partner who is optimally around my age or older. I am open to friendship and many out-of-character conversations, but it is not a requirement. If it is not your cup of tea, I completely understand. One thing I may ask is that you be interested in world-building, lore, and character development. If there is anything, anything at all, which excites me, it is a roleplay partner who knows what they are after from a story and who has an acquired taste for depth in storytelling.

As for writing skills, I do not expect that you be a grammarian or an English teacher, but I would prefer someone who has enough control of language and grammar to communicate effectively and maintain my interest. So please, cross your T's and dot your I's, and remember, at minimum, the most basic English grammar. I would prefer we have at least one paragraph per post, but shorter is fine as long as it is necessary. We can also collaborate in Google Docs or on TitanPad if the particular scene is dialogue heavy. And remember to reply at least once or twice a week!

To summarize:
  • One-on-one
  • Modern, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, and/or apocalyptic
  • 18 or older
  • World-building, lore, character development
  • Control of language and grammar
  • One paragraph per post minimum
  • One or two replies per week minimum

Have some ideas on your own? Tell me about them! Any of my ideas can also be alternatively twisted into a romance-friendly version. (Also: I'm very gay and very sappy. Be ready.) Disclaimer:

Imperial Dissonance
Genre: Hard science fiction, semi-modern, political
Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort which occurs when one encounters stimuli which challenges their existing thoughts and beliefs. Festinger once theorized that humans experience cognitive dissonance as a result of their demand for internal consistency. This gives man two choices: to fight or to adapt.

It is the twelve-thousand-and-fifty-seventh year of the Human Era. The United States, despite political turmoil, thrives economically. The next course of action for American society is always a contentious topic. Still, a lot has changed in the post 40 years. The country sits on the bleeding edge of STEM fields, and the federal government has pulled its influence from the public sphere and has ushered in a free market utopia, bringing trade and consumerism to unprecedented heights. But not everyone is satisfied with this future; tension lies on the horizon as enemies of the United States gear for a war on a massive scale, and nationalist outcries among the people echo again as they have in every age. College student, wannabe revolutionary, ambitious, and well-rounded engineer Garus Arrow does not find joy in the current status quo — he pities it.

To the Stars
Genre: High fantasy
The Linking profession is highly coveted in the upper echelons of this land's society. They are called sorcerers, mages, wizards, and such in common tongues, and they draw from the veil of clandestine powers and energies to perform great feats of magic. Such a job requires intense study and long-term apprenticeship, and few have the privilege to study under a skilled Linker - this is reserved for the rich and powerful. The heir to a line of wealthy entrepreneurs and a member of a high class of socialites and elites, Darxin aspires to be a great Linker himself. His arrogance and his quickness to anger keep him from succeeding in this unforgiving and challenging field, but he is determined to learn. He will stop at nothing to achieve his dream. Prince Faluin III will not stand for the profession of Linking, however, and he intends to end the practice as soon as he usurps the throne from his father and begin conquest upon other nations.

In the nick of time, St. Jeanne's plaza was ready to go. The holographic screens fixed themselves on the podium where the Prime Minister would speak. The crowd itself was full of anticipation. "Nothing's ever mundane in Mundin!" the ever-so-tacky motto of the city-state echoed through the plaza. The mood of excitement hung in the air, and everything was positioned just perfectly to indicate a transition into something grand. Gilbert shifted to look around himself. His eye spotted a handsome man at a nearby restaurant, with a peculiarly hefty order of food at hand. While the man himself was good-looking in Gilbert's opinion, the fact that the man had ordered a meal fit for a family intrigued Gilbert more. He smiled again to himself, and he swiveled back around to face the crowd.

Mr. Halloran pushed his way gently through the throng. He felt the need to get close, close enough to see the whites of the Prime Minister's eyes. The Red Sea of bodies momentarily would allow him passage with his excessive, bilingual apologies, and he would find himself stuck not far from where the Prime Minister would stand, with an excellent, unobscured view.If only he had his own prescription hololens to capture this moment. These bloody contacts of his were a pain to put in and keep track of every morning. He stood there in silence, patiently awaiting the fated moment. Something was worring his mind about that particular day, but he shrugged it off — not every slight premonition could be entertained.
i'm finally free from the madness of christmas, i'll be posting after i read up in the morning
@PhoenixRising: I would expect that since the Relations section is optional, you don't have to include all relationships with all characters, if any at all. You can only establish a relationship between characters that have already met anyway, whether it occurs in or before the plot. Don't quote me on it, though. I'd wait on modo just to be safe.
@Heap241: Terribly sorry about that. :')

I was just like, "Oh, she's REALLY grateful for the Caretaker, she's practically in love with robot mommy."
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