Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Rand patiently waited on the phone as he heard the fight commence. As he waited, the hunter turned to a different app while still on the call to try and connect with the base, but for some reason he still couldn't. Connor must've been taking his time then. When Travis was finally done, Rand said, "I'll assume the demons won't be pursuing. The help would be appreciated seeing as we don't know what we're dealing with yet. Hey Jess can you...Jess?" Rand widened his eyes and dropped his phone as he looked at the charred area where Jess used to be. There was no body but it could've easily disintegrated. Rand picked the phone back up slowly. "I need you here now, one of my hunters just went MIA, and I don't she's going to come back. 621 Lucky Herb Drive. You'll see us." The hunter hang up the phone and sent Damien a text. Jess is gone, not just vampires. Get here faster. Damien should be close anyway but Rand wanted to speed him up.Shaking his head, Rand looked over at Mason and sighed. "Too soon...why her?" Rand lowered his eyes and continued walking down the road.
Connor gave a small smile as Inkness his apology, and gave a sigh of relief as the tension died down. He could hear the wizard yelling towards them, but didn't bother to reply. Having these two supernatural here made him nervous enough even without the danger threat.

"Conner. I think we should go find the others. I want to make sure they are not walking into a trap." Damien said. He glanced over as Inkness offered her support and slightly frowned. He knew Rand would immediately deny that help if he was offered, knowing Rand's stance on supernatural in general. Connor gave a worried glance. Should he really be going if this was actually urgent? After what just happened even with little danger Connor managed to screw something up. But while he felt unconfident in the field, maybe he could give support here.

"The base still needs to be set up, and I can give radio support and tracking from there," Connor said to Damien, standing back up. "I'll be more helpful here, I'm not ready to go out yet." He knew how to do the computer surveillance anyway and at least felt confident at that job. "I just gotta chase out the wizard, and the smoke'll clear out soon enough so I can finish setting up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Damien shook his head in disbelief at Inkness' enthsuiasm. "I cannot stop you from following me, that is, if you can keep up, but I do not advise hunting vampires to the inexperienced and uninitiated. Plus, there are still many hunters who are purists, who would rather kill you simply for not being completely human. Personally, I just want to not have to worry about bloodsuckers anymore.
Alright Conner. Those computers are extremely helpful. Good luck with your new company..." Damien checked his phone again.

"I need you here now, one of my hunters just went MIA, and I don't she's going to come back. 621 Lucky Herb Drive. You'll see us."

"Jess!?" The young man's eyes widened. He knew she wouldn't just walk off a job without telling anyone. Something bad had happened to her. "Oh shit. Shit, shit... Conner! Get setup as quickly as possible. Call me as soon as you know where Jess is. She's missing. I have to leave right now." As he turned to get his bike, Damien felt guilty about leaving Conner to his own devices against this esoteric menagerie. "Do not harm Conner, or I will hunt you down!"

Damien ran to where his bike was stashed in the darkness. No one and no thing had touched it. He sped to the location Rand gave him, his engine blending in with the random roars of the road at night. Later, he passed the location on his bike, slowing down to see Jess' crappy Nova. Moments later, he came back on foot, keeping to the shadows. He texted, "I'm here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Inkness pelted after him, keepin pace with him. She may not be a cheetah shifter but she was almost as fast as one. She slowed when he stopped, chest heaving and she relaxed her breathing. "I'll be right back" She rumbled softly. "I need some sort of meat to restore myself. And if we have to fight Im gonna need all my strength." She padded into someones yard and stalked foward towards the rabbit she had sotted roaming free. She pounced and turned to Damien. "You're not squeamish are you? She asked around the rabbit in her mouth, referring to her eating it where she could see him.

Draco watched as Inkness and Damien too off. He turned to connor and pulled his wings back into his back underneath his jacket. "What can I do to help?" He grinned, violet eyes seeming to glow a bit. Draco took a small box out of his coat pocket and opened it, revealing two contack lenses. He put them in and and looked up, his once purple eyes a crystalline blue with darker rings at the edges. "Makes me less noticeable." He explainex.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Azuriel stopped when he noticed that he was in another town. It seems like Colver was a nice enough little town that he could stay in for a couple of days. As he walked down the street he decided that he should get familiar with the layout of the town despite it being dark out...he was more of an night owl anyways and he slept almost the entire day away anyways. "There's almost nothing to do here. I can always find something to do while I'm here, or I can find something to do now. I'm not tired at all." He muttered as he turned around to clearly see what was all in the downtown area. When he turned back he rubbed the scars on his left arm without really thinking anything about it as he did. It bothered him that the skin grafts he endured left nasty looking scars, but there was nothing he could really do about it after the fact it already happened. The sound of a bird cawing caused Azuriel to jump as he looked around for what caused the sound.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sarina was bored. Now that the child was gone and it's mother tormented she now had nothing to do. Perhaps another scheme was called for.
No. Too much work. She didn't feel like tricking and scheming right now.
But she needed to do something to alleviate her boredom...
Smiling, she rose up from the water. Standing on the water in the middle of the pool, Sarina began her hypnotic, seductive singing.

"Hear my voice on the wind... Hear me call for you...
Listen and hear me... Be not afraid, come follow me... Answer my call and I'll set you free...
I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain.
I am the voice of your hunger and pain.
I am the voice that always is calling you.
I am the voice... I will remain...

After that she didn't sing anymore words, just volcalized. She could sense someone near, someone that could hear her. If it was male, it was only a matter of time until they came to her. If they were weak-minded they would already be hers upon arrival, entranced to do her bidding. But if they were not... well, that just made it more of a challenge.
Eventually though, every man succumbed to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Azuriel stopped dead in his tracks when he heard singing. Whoever was singing sounded absolutely beautiful and some part of him just wanted to find them. He shook his head to clear himself of the thoughts that ran through his head so he can continue walking. After walking a few more feet Azuriel found that he couldn't ignore it anymore with every step he tried to take. "I'm just going to see who's singing and continue to go on my merry way. No need to be a creep and...stuff." He said to no one but himself when he walked towards the voice. The trip seemed like it took awhile seeing that he couldn't see any of the roots that stuck up and caused him to fall every time his foot found one. As he picked himself up for the last time, he saw a pool of water with the most beautiful woman he could remember seeing standing in the middle. "Umm... Hello? Sorry if I am being a creep or something like that." If this was the one who was singing, then no wonder why he couldn't just ignore it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Connor gave a worried look as Damien got the text. "What happe-" No, there wasn't much time for questions now, and Damien probably didn't even know anyway. All he knew was that Jess had disappeared and the computer and tracking system would be very important to find her. As Draco asked for what he could do Connor ran thoughts in his head. Even if the dragon seemed friendly he didn't want him close by. "Uh, can you please escort the wizard out of the base? Really privacy would be best for now so maybe you can check and make sure the wizard isn't dangerous but either way keep him away from the base. I suppose you can assist Damien after that." If Rand knew about this it wouldn't end well, but right now he didn't have time to think. He needed to finish the set up and launch the computer database. Connor hurriedly ran inside the abandon building, giving a brief glance at the wizard before kneeling down to connect wires for the desktop.

(Posting Rand after Stryder posts.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Draco nodded and went to do as he asked. He wondered if the Hunters had a leader and how he or she would react to him and Inkness trying to help them out. Hopfully not the same way Connor and Damien had, but there was a fifty-fifty chance they would. Well, he would just have to expect the unexpected. "Hey David," Draco said to the wizard. "Connor asked me to keep you out of the warehouse for awhile while he sets up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

David got up from the chair, and he looked around. There didn't appear to be any danger as far as his magical sense of it went. "Wasn't he the that tried to tie me up. I really don't know why you want to trust and help those guys. Yes, what they say seems noble and true, and maybe at one point in time they was. Now, it is just a bunch of racists with sob stories who just want to kill anything that is sentient that isn't human. They will turn on you as soon as one hunter doesn't want you around any more." He then walked up to Draco and put his hand on his shoulder, hoping to find out a little more about this person before he left, he didn't go far before taking his hand off his as his eyes went wide and he ran out of the building. He didn't see much, just Draco when was an assassin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Draco ran after him. "Hey! David! Whats wrong?" He snapped his wings open and flew towards David, landing in front of him and grabbing his arm before he could run the other way. Draco blinked hard and the contacts popped out, his eyes turning from blue to his natural deep violet. "David tell me what scared you. I wont hurt you and I certainly dont trust them. I learned a long Time ago to not trust anyone, but keep yourself from becoming a target. Then you'll be prepared when they try to attack you."

Unwillingly he remembered learning that lesson in a dark alley when a street gang tried to beat him up. Draco had lost it and let his dragon out, scarring the would be thugs so badly they stayed away from him and gave the message out to every other street gang; dont fuck with the violet eyed kid with the weird looking hair or you'll regret it. And then when people had learned of his effective way of dealing with enimies, they hired him as an assassin, paying him well for jobs well done. Draco shook himself mentally and stepped away, taking his hand off of the wizard's shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikolai closed the phone and sped on forward, he wasn't far out of the town and made his way in the way. 612 Lucky Herb Drive, he repeated it in his head and saw himself in the town. He looked around attempting to find a post office or any kind of directory place, finally he settled on a diner, he walked inside and saw a cute woman just outside of the bar, she was short with red hair, rather nice figure, lovely eyes as well. Nikolai noticed her smoking a cigarette, as he got out of the car he walked up to her and flashed a quick smile. He let Travis take over a bit.

"Mornin," Travis said his southern accent apparent, " Mind if I bum a cigarette?"

The woman nodded and took one from her back pocket, Travis took a lighter out of his pocket and let her put the cig into his mouth, when she let go he lit it in his mouth.

"Could you tell me where 621 Lucky Herb Drive is?" She flashed a smile and gave him directions.

"Thanks," Travis said letting Nikolai take back over, she gave some kind of generic goodbye and Nikolai got back into the car and drove off down the road towards the address he had been given. He found his way there and parked his car on the curb, he got out and pushed his hair back and ran his hand across his goatee, he walked to the front yard and saw a massive burned mark, he walked up to the one who matched the description of Rand.

"I take it that's the remnants of the one not coming back," Nikolai said extending a hand, "What the happened to her?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Get the hell away from me with your bloodied hands. At least the hunters have some justifications to what they do even if they are misguided and racist, what did you kill for? Money. As I said, I can see into your past, not all that clearly, but I seen enough." he said, storming off towards his rented room. He didn't worry about the dragon as soon as felt any sense of danger coming towards him, all he would have to do would be to give him a good kick to the stomach, and the hunters seemed to be busy worried about one of their own, which would take priority over a lowly wizard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alfons stepped down the steps of a street side store with a small bag in his hands, the sound of ringing as the door closed behind him being heard to those who were conveniently on the sidewalk. It had been yet another day of hiding and blending with society in order to survive, one that has become increasingly difficult over the years of his concealment. He knew times were shifting and something was surfacing that could endanger his life of regretful peace. Just thinking about this whole ordeal plagued him with immense guilt, but it was something he had to shrug off and keep on walking.

Hunters arriving.. The scent of destruction is drifting through the air.. Now more people are potential threats, but hopefully this keeps any of those associated hunting for me off my back. The lycan thought as he made his way down the sidewalk towards his home, a room in an apartment complex which he had kept up very well. Unlike other trips, though this one felt like it took hours, and thankfully the outside conditions weren't bad enough for him to worry about anything that could run up and stab him. The silver in him still poisoned him, and it occasionally caused him to cough under his breath and even sway, but other than that he was able to control most of it's effects. Eventually he got to the steps of his home, and he looked up at the apartment complex for a long minute before starting up the steps towards his residence. This hiding will eventually come to a halt. I must be prepared for when I am caught by anyone... If only I could seek aid from my old friends.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sarina smiled when she saw him. A young man. Perfect.
He didn't seem entranced, but that could be fixed if she really wanted to.
Did she really want to...?
Maybe not right away. Have a little fun first. She was bored after all.

"I don't mind," she said, lowering her head so that her eyes looked bigger and more innocent. "I mean, you're not going to hurt me... right?"
Playing the weak feeble female often got to human males. Well really males of any species. It was something primal ingrained in the male psyche : females were soft creatures made to either protect or claim. Or both.
Little did the human know that she could rip his throat open if the desire struck her. She didn't like doing it much though. It was very messy. She liked it much better when her prey just came to her, like a deer walking up to the hunter and laying in wait for it's throat to be cut.

But she had to admit, this human was awfully cute. Maybe she'd keep him as a pet for a while.
"Do you like my singing?" she asked, stepping closer slowly and cautiously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"N-no. I was just wondering who was singing that's all." Azuriel got up and dusted himself off before he hid his arm behind his back. The scars on his arm always made him somewhat self-conscious about them. People always had to ask how he got them, but he always give them a quick 'I don't remember and I need to go now.' answer. Every time he finds himself in a different town he tends to avoid any kind of groups of people. So its safe for him to admit to himself that he doesn't know how to hold a conversation with anyone, especially a conversation with a beautiful woman. "Y-yeah. Never heard anything like it before." Azuriel said when he had looked around in a force of habit of being in a new place he never had been to before. It kind of because of his paranoia of someone just coming up to his left side that he had to continuously look around. Of all the time for him to stutter his words too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

TheDoctor said
Rand patiently waited on the phone as he heard the fight commence. As he waited, the hunter turned to a different app while still on the call to try and connect with the base, but for some reason he still couldn't. Connor must've been taking his time then. When Travis was finally done, Rand said, "I'll assume the demons won't be pursuing. The help would be appreciated seeing as we don't know what we're dealing with yet. Hey Jess can you...Jess?" Rand widened his eyes and dropped his phone as he looked at the charred area where Jess used to be. There was no body but it could've easily disintegrated. Rand picked the phone back up slowly. "I need you here now, one of my hunters just went MIA, and I don't she's going to come back. 621 Lucky Herb Drive. You'll see us." The hunter hang up the phone and sent Damien a text. Damien should be close anyway but Rand wanted to speed him up.Shaking his head, Rand looked over at Mason and sighed. "Too soon...why her?" Rand lowered his eyes and continued walking down the road.

Mason continued to follow Rand, lsitening closely as the hunter spoke to him asking about the drive, he looked over at Rand, a small smirk on his face. "Well not bad, there was some really bad music, reckless driving here and there but above all else, pretty good." He smirked, raising an eyebrow when his phone rang, now just who was Rand speaking to? As much as he wanted to listen in, he couldn't, but he knew who could listen in, quite easily if he needed too anyway. He glanced in Marcus' last location, only to see him not there and adjacent to the building closest to Rand. How did he do that, he didn't even see him or hear him move, that was a bit of a trip. He froze though when he saw the scorched ground he and Rand came up on. He didn't know how to answer Rand thoiugh, he just shook his head and sighed a bit. "I guess she was just an easier target, but for who?" He wondered as he thought out loud.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Rand looked over at Mason as he posed a question. "Whatever it is, it wasn't a vampire. Let me think about it," Rand stopped walking and leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes and searched his own encyclopedia within his mind. Fire. Scorches. No body traces left. Little sound. Instantaneous. Fire spirit? No, they were all loud in volume. Elemental? Possibly, but not likely. Phoenix? Another possibility, but he hadn't seen something like this before.

Rand stopped his thinking as his phone went off from a text from Damien. Stay hidden and only come out if we need help. Marcus is going quietly too, don't confuse him. He texted back. When he looked up from his phone Travis had arrived with his car. Rand gave a sad smile and shook his hand. "You're correct in that assumption, and if I had more time I could figure out what happened to her I would, but right now there's more than one threat." Rand jerked his head in the direction of the nearby buildings. "It's not confirmed but it seems likely, so let's not waste time shall we?" The hunter began moving down the street casually towards the buildings, now wanting to kill something.
Connor looked at the two supernatural as the wizard ran out of the building and Draco pursued. Good, they were out of his hair for awhile. Connor hooked up the generator and began building the computer. He went faster than normal, thinking about how Jess was gone. He had hardly known her but Rand obviously cared for her. Hunters dying in the first place was scary enough. When he finished building the computer Connor hooked up the two monitors and turned it on. While he waited for it to start up, Connor pulled up a foldable chair and inputted the password. As it was accessed Connor accessed the GPS program, putting on his headphones. All the GPS points for the hunters who were at the abandon building were there, except for Jess. Strange, even if she died it should still be active. "Damien you read?" Connor spoke through the microphone. "I have no trace on Jess at all, just a complete blackout on her. Can you tell the others to put in their comms too?" Connor continued activating programs and kept up a jpeg image of a map of Colver. The surveillance would be very helpful, as long as he wasn't interrupted. He hoped all the supernatural would be distracted for a while, and that no new ones would stumble upon him again. With his luck they would.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mason began scanning in the opposite direction as Rand had been, watching the other areas just in case he missed something. He turned once Rand spoke up, nodding in agreement and following him, the buildings had to have been occupied by someone or something, they just had to. Marcus wasn't too far behind, keeping up with them both while on rooftop as he clears gaps between buildings and hopping over obstacles. "Right behind you both..." Marcus spoke, practically right on top of the two based off elevation. "So where to now?" He asked generall
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Having left the comatose fledgling girl and her worried, psychopathic maker, Mithias flew through the darkness to arrive on a rooftop near his beloved and estranged son. The Goonies band of hunters were on to something, and he would be there to see that it went well. Mithias used his keen senses to pickup vibrations and sounds that mortals could not. He'd know if a vampire was coming long before they would. Even his own child, who was even now spying from the shadows, wouldn't be a quick as Mithias.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Valentines_Inkstone


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((Sorry. Wrong roleplay. carry on.))
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