Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Borgrund heard the call for attention and turned his head along with some of his other customers. Since the man didn't look quite the arcane type, Morris tactfully grabbed and hid the log of Mystra behind his back. "Are you looking for some firewood?" Bor fished out a bundle of twigs and thick branches. "Finest birch in Amaryth, sir. It's all yours for five silver pieces." Then, he dropped the bundle and brought out a heavy-looking cut-off section of a trunk. "You look quite the craftsman, sir. The oak's a bit stiff, but once crafted into furniture it lasts for a good long time. All yours for ten gold coin, this one." His plain look suddenly escalated into a look of interest as he realized what the man was indicating. "Morris, give me the Mystra."
As the vineman very much reluctantly handed the small log to Bor, Bor looked scrutinizingly at the man. "Uh, one chunk of this log costs fifty gold pieces, sir. I hope you what you're talking about."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Altim fixed the spectacles on his nose again, and he reiterated at the offer of wood for carpentry. "No no, ah, just firewood, sir." He shook his head slightly to turn down the offer. Furthermore, he didn't even have 10 gold coins to start with nor the 50 gold pieces. He only had around 50 silver pieces on his person at that point in time, and the log presented to him costed an arm an a leg, the log striking him as overpriced. Daror was no craftsman. He made fletchings for his arrows sometimes, but he was not in the business for creating chairs and tables, even if he had the muscle for it. Another thing he wasn't was a wealthy aristocrat. Altim held the basket at his side as his free hand rummaged through his satchel for silver. He brought the basket up to his elbow, and the hand dropped and counted five silver pieces in his hand, which he held out before Borgrund in payment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Myth looked all around him with something akin to awe and wonder. A city! With people! With everything and everyone and anything, with any information or tools he could ever use, should he be able to lay his hands on them. He knew the world of bartering and of people and of Kingdoms, but never before had he even visited a village. He kept his eyes averted from the crowd in the marketplace and instead studied the architecture and the construction of the first city he's ever been in. Personally, it was overwhelming for him. So many people, some occasionally bumping into him and turning him some other direction, for him to stare and observe something different.

Then he saw a mother on a balcony, chiding an unruly child for doing something wrong, and his heart almost cried out at the thought of having a mom. He never had a mom. Someone to give him that condescending scowl for breaking some rule. For messing something up. His tongue dried up, and his excitement washed away like dirt in a river. Suddenly not-so-interested in the architecture, Myth looked around, searching for some kind of baked treats stall of some kind. He could cook, of course, and had, on occasion, baked such sweet treats, but he wanted to try something new. He had a good bit of money given to him by his father: some of it in his coinpurse, some of it stowed away in his bag.

Not really spotting one, he looked over at the closest stall, selling firewood, and took a moment to decide of whether or not to approach and talk to the man to see where he could get something to eat. Wrestling with indecision and a sudden burst of nervous anxiety, he took the few steps towards the vendor, and rapped on the wood of the stall two times, as if announcing his presence.

Hesitating for a moment in the simple newness of talking to someone other than his father, he asked, "Excuse me, good sir. I'm looking for somewhere to get a good baked treat, might you know where I can find a source?" Then, taking in the transaction going on, Myth's eyes widened for a moment. "Oh! Terribly sorry, didn't think nor did I see. I suppose I should wait for you to finish, yeah?" He said to the customer, eyeing the silver coins with nothing more than curiosity: he only had gold coins.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Borgrund and Morris felt an equal surge of relief as the man refused the Mystra and asked for firewood. Bor wrapped the firewood in a plain white cloth to hand to the man. Then, he took the silver coins and smiled sincerely - a good, honest, deal. "Thank you sir, and take care."
Bor noticed the man rapping at the wood of his cart. "Something to eat?" he grunted. "Ye can find Derrick's stall over there. All the city folk love him for his pork tarts or something." He pointed a tattooed finger towards the fat, mustached man proudly chatting up a large crowd from behind his stall. He spoke in a loud, clear voice as more people descended towards his story about finding the secret ingredient of his newest creation in the forests of Othea - for the second time. Bor wished he could go and enjoy one of Derry's tarts and listen to one of his outlandish yet charismatic tales, but he had a business to run. He went back to counting his silver coins.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by No Bite and All Bark

No Bite and All Bark

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The Vagabond noticed in particular a strange person who was sitting in another pew nearby, and Vagabond looked over to notice he was taking glances at him. As he was about to say something, a priest walked up to the vagabond cautiously. Starry stood up, giving him a deep bow before taking a respectable stance before the priest.
"Father" He said quietly. The priest seemed to relax a bit.
"Yes, my son, you asked for an expert on evokers, but i'm afraid he is busy at the moment. I could..."
"Hmph." Starry grunted, interrupting the priest. "My apologies for wasting your time, then, father. If i could request that you relay a message. Tell him a man named 'Starry' Is looking for him." The priest looked a little offended that this strange man would interrupt him, but he sighed and nodded, walking off to the rest of the chapel.
The vagabond began to walk out the Church, until he stopped at the pew that kareth was in. He slowly looked over at him, looking him over.
"Are you a religious man?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Oh, sorry, it's alright." The blue-eyed boy said to the other stranger, before Altim took the firewood into his hands and bowed before Borgrund. "Thanks to you as well." Tarts, huh? He'd be interested if it weren't for the load he was handling and if it weren't for the allure of lunch. Daror turned on his feet and came home, the dim light indoors offering no greeting, no person inside to welcome him. He unwrapped the wood and tossed some firewood in the fireplace, and the basket he placed on a table next to the meat he obtained from the butcher earlier in the morning. With a firesteel he got the fire going under the cauldron he had filled with a broth as he sliced and diced the vegetables with a short knife and added them and the chicken to the stew. While the ingredients were added, his steady hand mixed the soup, and his nose wafted the scents of a meal that was beginning to come together.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lillian lifted her wrist so that the bracelet caught the light, then rolled around so her back was resting against the wall of the cart.

"That's what I thought too, when I found it. It's kinda like my good luck charm. It's been with me so long, I don't even remember how to take it off anymore." She laughed lightly, to hide her lie. The truth was that she never knew how to remove the band, and felt that it would never come off as long as she lived.
Artemis blustered as a troop of soldiers stormed out of his home and started yelling at him about warrants and his research.

"What? Who authorized this?!" He yelled, regaining his composure and flushing his cheeks with outrage. "I demand to see this 'warrant' you speak of! I highly doubt that the king, either the old one or the new, would allow such a blatant violation of my rights!" He pushed past the guards into his home, and nearly had a heart attack as he saw the state of it. There were papers and documents strewn everywhere, trampled on and some even torn, jars and vials haphazardly scattered around and spilled.

"You OAFS!" He yelled, falling to his knees and gathering sheets of paper. "Any ONE of these documents contains research that I painstakingly scavenged from a myriad of sources, and probably is worth more than any of you gorillas make in a month! I would expect such an obtuse disregard for the higher sciences from YOU lot, but I highly doubt the KING would allow such a travesty!" He stood and whirled on them, rage painted across his face and a bundle of parchment gathered in his arms. Suddenly a sharp glint in his eye lit. "And if the king wanted to know anything on the subject of relics, he knew full well where to find me and ask for it. I have willingly worked with the throne for two decades. Either you decided to act in the king's 'best interests' without anybody consulting him, or you have your own agenda." He glared at them with such ferocity it begged the question if he was just a simple scholar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After giving his thanks to the woodstrader, Myth headed out towards the jolly man, doing his clumsy best to dodge and weave between the crowd. In a fight, he doubted anyone here could best him; he'd been training for over two decades, since he was a little boy. But in a crowd, he was hopeless!

Finally, he made it the short distance to the vendor, and listened intently to the man's story as he went on about... something. He wasn't really sure, since he arrived halfway through the narrative and he didn't really know of the places he was talking of or the items he spoke so lengthily about.

But when he was done, he made sure he was the first forward, automatically rapping his black-clad knuckles two times on the vendor's stall, once more saying, "Beautiful day, isn't it? Say, good man, what would you recommend for a newcomer in town to get to open his world to this Kingdom's culinary arts?"

A couple minutes and two gold coins later [One for a bag of tarts, one for his jolly hospitality], Myth walked away happy. However, he felt as if he had a debt to settle.

Heading back across the market towards the woodsvendor, he walked by, rapping his knuckles on the wood two times, and leaving a strawberry tart laying in the center of the stall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bor felt the very subtle tap resonating through the worn wood of his cart and turned. To his side, he found one of Derry's famed sugar tarts, the sugared bread and the juicy fruit weaving together to make a pleasant smell. He delicately picked it up, inhaled, then sank his teeth into the delectable treat, piercing the bread then into the sweet berry flesh bursting into the juice. Sooo good. That young man was a generous fellow. Maybe when it was time to leave the city, Bor considered going over to Derry and asking him the recipe. Hroom. About the size of his fist. Big 'un. Bor kept the tasty treat to the side and attended to the rest of his customers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kareth of Lendria
Church of the Holy Order of Idris

The man who called himself “Starry” was about to leave, but stopped by his pew. "Are you a religious man?" he asked.

Kareth squirmed inwardly, but did his best to dissemble. “Not particularly,” he answered. “I just come here for the silence. It is... relaxing.” After a pause, he rose and extended his hand. “I'm Kareth, a wandering sellsword.” He was reluctant to give any more of his name; there was no telling how far word of the 'Crimson Serpent' spread, or how much was known about him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by No Bite and All Bark

No Bite and All Bark

Member Offline since relaunch

The vagabond slowly took a step forward to shake the sellswords hand.
"That i understand. It is a place for thinking." He said quietly.
He then quickly and suddenly grabbed onto the mans shoulders, giving him a glowing stare that his star-like eyes were known to produce. He looked closely at the details in his face. He grunted a little, satisfied with whatever he was attempting. He began to walk off, lifting his hood back over his face. He stopped once more, still within earshot of Kareth.
"They say that relics are as tied to each other as they are to their masters. Many scholars in the north believe that Evokers are destined to cross paths." He turned back to give him an icy stare one more time.
"Do you believe that?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightveil


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That morning, Enkael had many things on his mind. He sipped from his tea before he went out to the curch.The crowning put a lot of pressure on schedules of church. It was hard for even a young man like him to cope with.
Also he couldn't get his mind off his newly discovered abilities. The fact that he could use a relic, that he is an evoker, put his view on evoker policy of church in a bigger doubt. He definately couldn not tell anyone, especially not when most of his soical circle was mostly connected to curch.
Sipping the tea quickly, he stood up to check if he forgot something. It did not seem so. Or Enkael was too troubled to notice even if he did. Taking a deep breath, he pulled the door and left off to the curch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marcus looked around him, taking in the sight of the bustling streets with people hurrying from one place to another. There were some chickens scurrying on the street, looking for bits of food dropped by the passerby. Merchants were loudly recommending their own wares, it seemed like the main road functioned as a market place too. Or at least now, with all the travelers in the city and the coronation coming up. All kinds of strange folk were in the city, Marcus recognized some men from Oragos dressed in their traditional robes. The smell of spices from far lands filled the air and people were dressed in brighter colors than Marcus had seen in years. He also took notice of a man seemingly in his late twenties, clad in armor who looked around, taking in the scenery as though he was a ten year old visiting a city for the first time. It had been about six years ago since Marcus had last been in Amaryth and he couldn't really remember what the city had been like back then. He had really just been a boy and it had been the first Othean city he had laid his eyes upon. Besides that, he had only stayed for a few days before he had continued his journey

But, priorities firsts. Marcus reminded himself that he wasn't here for sightseeing. He had to go check upon those rumors. Smalltalk wasn't really Marcus' forte, but he decided to talk to one of the merchants. Who else would be more willing to talk to a stranger about strangers? Well... an innkeeper most likely. But since it was just around noon, Marcus decided that he'd try and find one of those later. As he continued walking down the main road, passing through the crowd like a fish going upstream, he smelled a delicious smell. A loud rumbling sound reminded Marcus that he hadn't eaten since this morning. When Lance and his family had separated from him to find some relatives of theirs in the city, they had given him some more provisions. But Marcus would rather save those for later.

Following the delicious smell, Marcus came to a stand surrounded by a small crowd where a fat mustached man was selling some sort of fruit tarts. After haggling about the price for some time, Marcus slid the cloth covering his face down and took a bite. Utterly... delicious. This tart was no doubt the best thing he had eaten in months, no, years! The fat pastry man's wide smile grew even wider when Marcus told him just that. "Well young lady, the secret! The secret is in the dough! I have some especially secret ingredients that I use for that, and oooh the baking is such a delicate process, it's as though I create a little work of art every time again. And then I haven't even started about the fruit, I can ensure you ladies and gentleman that only the best..." The man didn't seem able to stop talking but the first thing he had said was what had shocked Marcus the most. Lady? "Ehm... sorry to interrupt, but I'm actually a man..." He said, unconsciously letting his voice drop a bit. "Oh.. Well forgive me kind sir, I just thought...with such a lovely face.." The mustached man seemed sincerely sorry about his mistake. Marcus quickly covered the bottom half of his face with cloth. He couldn't really blame the man, after all at the age of 22 he still wasn't able to grow facial hair and he had been told before that he had a girl's face. Thus he wove the man's apologies away and mumbled something like 'Tís fine. The smile on the merchant's face reappeared as quickly as it has faded. "Well no doubt the ladies find you quite attractive still, right young lady there. I saw you looking, did I not. Oh don't be shy! Isn't she lovely ladies and gentlemen? How about you buy this beautiful young lady a tart then, my fine gentleman. For the sake of young love!" A young girl glanced his way and quickly turned her head, giggling with her friends. At that point, Marcus had had about enough and turned around, trying to get to another stall as fast as possible without running.

The nearest stall that looked interesting was owned by a huge man, covered in tattoos, selling wood. Marcus quickly recognized oak, birch and something that looked like fir. There was one particular trunk that caught Marcus' attention, very small compared to the rest the man was selling and it wasn't like any wood Marcus had ever seen before. And that meant a lot, coming from someone who had spent about a third of his life the woods. "Sir, what kind of wood that is? I've never seen anything quite like it." He said, pointing at the log of Mystra.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Myth wondered the streets, looking this way and that. After finishing his half-dozen tarts, he immediately turned around, and, with a wide smile, ordered another bag of tarts to take with him. The man didn't seem the mind, of course, since it was so obvious that people loved his tarts [and probably because he was being given a gold piece for every bag], and he seemed to be a bit preoccupied, whatwith laughing as a person fled from the scene, where a group of girls were giggling [for whatever reason].

After restocking on tarts [which he resumed slowly enjoying], he went off in search of buildings to explore, poking his head in at shops and taverns, a couple inns, and finally, a Church. However, his father had warned him of the Church: the Relic-hunters. But Myth was confident in both himself, and his ability to keep the source of his black gauntlets secret, as well as its power. Entering the Church, he looked around with new eyes, never having been in any kind of chapel or church before, committing all he saw to memory. Then he came upon two people as he walked down the aisle, hearing the end of the standing man's voice: "Do you believe that?"

Acting on an unknown urge, that almost felt like it was coming from the gauntlets themselves, he immediately stepped forward, though to one side, and said, "Why of course I do! Wait, what are we talking about?"
[[To go along with the 'destined to meet' since that would make the most sense.]]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heavy boots clunked their way up the steps as Typhus made his way to the guard. This was his first time in the city and in all honesty, he wasn't impressed. Cities never really did as they were all the same. Sure on the outside they had architecture and "morals" but when you scrape off that dirt, all you see is garbage and filth. This city was no different. As he reached the door of the guard house, Typhus was stopped by two uneasy looking guards. Giving them a hard stare Typhus said, "Step aside guardsman, I have bounties to collect." With an uneasy glance to each other, the two guards hesitantly stepped aside and let the giant man in.

With a huff, Typhus looked around and was equally unimpressed with the state of the guard house. "This is a guard house? Bah, I've seen bandits keep more order than this pit." he thought to himself as he made his way to the bounty desk. Throwing the burlap sack onto the desk, the guardsman in charge fell out of his seat in surprise. Staring at the man, Typhus said "I've come to collect the bounties on these men." as he pointed at the sack.

Carefully, the guardsmen opened the bag and immediately gagged as the smell of decay flew up into his senses. Giving what looked like a prayer, the guardsman began to pull the heads out of the sack and started to match their faces with the ones on the bounty papers. After a small argument over whether or not a head was in fact belonging to someone due to decomposition, Typhus left with a hefty purse of gold and silver coins. As he left the guard house, Typhus grabbed several more bounty posters for future jobs. With the money he earned, Typhus was planning to go and buy some supplies. Meats, a new whetstone, some feed for Dorghar, and some strong alcohol.

However as he pushed through the door he was assaulted by a splash of water and shouts of some man in robes. The man was speaking of demons and evil, giving a laugh Typhus was about to just push past the man until he say the retinue behind him. Men clad in heavy armor, wielding great weapons, and covered in holy imagery. Gazing across the small group, Typhus weighed his options and seeing very few said this, "Can I help you holy man?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sitara Kalyani
The Royal Otharion Theatre

"The Coronation of his noble majesty, the soon to be King Aral Otharion the Fifth, will be held in one hours time at the Royal Otharion Theatre! Make way to the theatre if you wish to attend! An entrance fee is required, there will be no exceptions!" The crier rode through the throng of people on the back of a tall and lean mare, making his deep baritone heard down the street and repeating himself every few moments. Sitara moved out of the horse's path with the rest of the crowd, her glaive held up to avoid skewering someone's calf in the dense crowd. It seems she had not missed the coronation yet, this would be a first for her. Kings had a stubborn way of clinging to life, so in all of her travels she had yet to be in the right place and the right time to see the crowning of a new king. It would be a story, if nothing else, and there was bound to be some entertainment at this 'Royal Theatre' of theirs.

Taking her cues from the crowd, she began to flow through the city on a gently moving river of people. There was, surprisingly, a Church of Idris along her path. She had heard the Otheans had a stiff relationship with them. Then she was guided through a market of hastily constructed stalls and wagons selling everything from pastries to lumber, she could not see or smell the pastries in the stink of all of these people but above the crowds she heard the roar of the boisterous baker. "Tarts and Tales! Tales of Tarts! Get it all at Derry's Stall!" he seemed to be of a charismatic sort, she would have to come back after the coronation if he was still around and try on one of these 'tales' he was boasting about. The tarts she wouldn't mind either, she had a sweet tooth she liked to hide.

Eventually the main street led to the city's inner wall, where she presumed the noble houses and palace lay. It was a tall and circular structure, with elegant spires at regular intervals. The soldiers manning the battlements shined in their polished armor, likely having never seen real battle. This kingdom looked soft to her, but perhaps it was merely ceremonial armor for the coming coronation? Either way she followed the rest of the crowd around the walls, she had expected this arena to be inside but apparently it was in the northern reaches of the city nearer to the harbor. This was a lakeside city, after all. Even if it couldn't reach the ocean, the harbor was still warranted by the rivers bringing trade down from the mountain villages and their local fishing industry.

Sitara continued on as the sun began descending from its peak over head, until finally what she could only assume was the Royal Theatre came into view. The structure was built into the harbor wall itself, and it was rather beautiful. The stones fit together seamlessly to form the semi-circle that made up the theatre's stands, and their were ornate carvings and mosaics decorating its exterior. The crowds were backed up here as people tried to make it to the theatre before the coronation, those who did not or could not were lining the streets along the path that the Prince would take from the Palace which is why the crowd had been forced on and off the main road. Despite some lingering doubt as to how many people the stadium could actually hold, she eventually did make it through the gates and found herself a place in the quickly filling stands. It had only cost her one gold to get in, but opportunistic vendors were walking through the stands offering fresh treats for one, two, or even three gold a piece. That was an outrageous price to pay for something that looked so cheap and...delicious. Refusing the temptation, Sitara took her seat and waited as the thundering cheers in the distance revealed that the Prince would soon be on his way.
Senior Inquisitor Marastus Cane
The Outer City Guard House

As the three strangers met within the confines of the local Church of Idris, there came a cacophony of sounds from the church's undercroft. Before any present could question what was happening, the doors leading to the church interior swung open loudly and a young man buckling on an ornamented breastplate stormed out with other priests following him. The expression on his face indicated he was not pleased as he brushed through the three without grace or apology in his rush to get outside. "You mean to tell me Inquisitor Jardin is acting without orders?" he shouted at one of the priests. "I'll have his spine for this! Rally the auxiliaries!" The other priests scattered in several different directions with cries of Yes Father Cane! Whatever the commotion was, Marastus Cane clearly didn't have time for tact and subtlety, and was making no efforts to hide which direction he was heading. Those who were curious, could easily have followed him to the scene where Inquisitor Jardin was attempting the apprehension of a Heretic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For months, Thora had moved through the land, Sometimes staying in the forests, other times the villages. Both held nourishment, one for her hunger, the other for her thirst. With her skill at trapping and snaring, she never went hungry. But no matter how much she ate, she could not sate the Thirst. No, she could not. Every now and then, she found herself irresistibly drawn to a village or town, simply to sate the Thirst. She hated it. And she loved it. She never felt as alive as the day after she had had her fill. But the Thirst could not be controlled. If she stayed too long in one place, it inevitably took control. She had learned that lesson many times. She had had to flee just as many times.

She hated the Thirst. She loved the blood. The silky, pulsating, warm feel of it flowing in after she sank her teeth into her prey. There was nothing like it in the world. Of course, she had grown rather good at fleeing. For some reason people did not like it when their friends or family turn up dead. It was not as if she could help it. They were there, and they tasted wonderful. It was the way of life. But tell that to a grieving villager and see how far it gets you.

Ever since fleeing home, Thora had found herself steadily changing more and more. She could feel her body stretching, as if her very flesh wasn't enough to fill it. Deep in the forests, she had seen in moonlit pools how her limbs were changing. She loved the look. She hated the feel. The more she changed, the more stretched she felt. And then there was the sun. It hurt. Its glare made it hard to see. Her cloak helped, but even without direct contact, she found herself increasingly discomforted by it.

More than anything else, she did not understand what was happening or why it was happening. Nothing she knew could explain it. She dared not ask anyone, for she was sure any would see how different she was and hate her for it. People always hated those who weren't the same. She'd seen it all the time back home. Thus she withdrew from society, preying upon its members, but never joining it if she could avoid it.

Eventually her path led her to the city of Amaryth, in the Kingdom of Othea. Not that Thora knew this. She had never learned about the world outside home, nor could she read her name, let alone roadsigns or scrolls. For that matter, she did not care for knowing that either, so long as she was neither hungry nor Thirsty. Her life was simple.

Deep inside the city, she had made her way to the largest unguarded building she could find, concealing herself up inside its rafters, where there was hardly any light. Just the way she liked it. None of the hated sunlight. She stayed there till well after dark, only then moving outside to find nourishment. After a few days, it had become clear that cities were much better, despite the crowds. No matter how she fed, people did not take notice of it. When there are a few dozen living there, one or two missing is immediately noticed. When there are thousands, no one cares. Little did she know that the building she hid in during the day was the Royal Otharion Theater. It was only on the night before the day of the coronation that she figured out something like that, for then they started posting guards. She was stuck, with no way out. She hated it. But she loved the darkness. It comforted her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh, this?" Bor held up a chunk of the wood the man was indicating. It emitted a faint green glow. "This, sir, is Mystra. It's not a normal kind of wood. It..." Bor's voice faltered. "I'm not quite sure what you'd want to use it for, sir. But anyway, if you want to buy it, one chunk is fifty gold." Bor set the Mystra chunk down, guessing that the man didn't have sufficient funds or the right knowledge to use Mystra. Bor was also oblivious to the fact that the faintly glowing chunk rolled through the side of his cart and escaped through a break in the wood.

Bor heard the call for the coronation to begin. "Sorry, lads! Bor's Cart is CLOSED!" Bor gave Morris simple instructions to guard the wood, then jumped off and waded his way through the throng of commoners to the Royal Theatre.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marcus' eyes grew wide as he heard the price of that small chunk of wood. Fifty gold? That was about as much as Marcus made in a month if the gods were good. He was about to voice a complaint, perhaps it was just a haggling trick, when the sound of a crier overruled the other noises. "The Coronation of his noble majesty, the soon to be King Aral Otharion the Fifth, will be held in one hours time at the Royal Otharion Theatre! Make way to the theatre if you wish to attend! An entrance fee is required, there will be no exceptions!" Luckily Marcus hadn't spent his gold on the small piece of...wood? "Fen's bloody dress, what just...?" he managed to mumble. Looking around the stall, Marcus didn't spot it anymore. Was he going crazy or had it just rolled off somewhere? Before he could tell the merchant that his ware had either gone invisible or had disappeared, the man hurriedly packed his wares together stating that "Bor's Cart is CLOSED". The man, or Bor, obviously didn't have the time to listen to him, and as a matter of fact Marcus didn't have the time to speak to Bor either. If he wanted to get even a glimpse of high foreign representatives, he'd have to get a good spot. Unfortunately for him, most of the people on the street seemed to have the same goal in mind and it took Marcus a long time to reach the theater. Truth be told, it was by far the most impressive thing he had seen in his life. The Da-Hyuni architecture wasn't really something to take pride in and this colossal structure seemed to be have been build by the gods themselves.

At the gate, a few guards were halting everyone until they had paid the entry fee. Squirming himself through the crowd, Marcus managed to talk to one of them a bit distanced from the crowd. The lovely sound of a bag filled with gold was enough to get the man's attention. Three gold pieces were enough to show Marcus to an empty seat with a nice view on the important guests. Another five, combined with Marcus' word of honor and the sight of Marcus casually flipping Sang Min from one hand to the other with inhumane speed, was enough to let the poor man make a reservation at the local inn and keep his mouth shut about the whole affair. Marcus was slightly surprised how easy things had gone his way. Apparently even after all those years, these kind of tricks weren't easily forgotten.

As he sat down in his seat, Marcus began searching the rows of important guests for familiar clothes. Finally he spotted two man wearing clothes in a fashion similar to Marcus' own. But where Marcus wore green, a shade of brown and a dim sort of yellow, they wore expensive looking purple, red, green and white colors. Marcus barely wore any jewelry and their necks, hands, fingers, noses and ears were embellished with all kinds of jewelry in all sorts of different styles. As soon as he spotted them, Marcus' eyes filled with fierce hatred that had been burried for seven years. He began mumbling in a strange language, oblivious to his surroundings. "Luong, just don't let them see me. Let the trick hide me a little longer. It has all my life, it surely will for now, won't it? Yun-Yeong, you soon will have your blood... Depending on the turn of events. Amatsu, please be kind enough to give Luong a hand and hide me. Jun Haemosu either give me a chance to kill them now or let me find them later and learn their knowledge. Be it your wish so will it happen."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Altim poured a bowl of his beef stew, and he consumed it with a prayer for his goddess's blessing. The taste of the meat in the stew gave him life, and he savored eating it. It wasn't his best dish, but it reminded him of the hearty meals his mother prepared at his parents's home before he moved to the other side of Amaryth. Of course, he still made sure to visit them. Altim took another delicate sip. As he was draining the bowl of its last contents, trumpet fanfare and shouting outside interrupted his meal. "The Coronation of his noble majesty, the soon to be King Aral Otharion the Fifth, will be held in one hours time at the Royal Otharion Theatre! Make way to the theatre if you wish to attend! An entrance fee is required, there will be no exceptions!" The time of the Coronation was upon him, and he scrambled to cloak himself and scrounge up a gold piece or two to pay for the toll. Daror was punctual about important dates and times, so he rushed himself out the door with a gentle close and the click of the lock.

Altim felt the light breeze engulf him once more as he padded the streets to the Royal Otharion Theatre, the architecture of which he particularly admired out of all the public buildings. Its neat, flat stone motifs greeted his boots, and the guards at the gate harassed Daror's fee out of him, which he willingly supplied. The boy was anxious to see what the new king of the land of Othea offered the citizens and the countrymen, no doubt important politics to the people of the realm, and he was especially worried about the king's feelings about Evokers, about the Chosen. Altim needed his freedom and his safety guaranteed from the Church's wretched and corrupt influence, from its hypocrisy and disgusting ethical policies, for he wouldn't want imprisonment for his ability, which he sought not to evoke for malicious intents. Invoking the power in a somewhat cathartic release, Daror took a deep breath and a swift wind blew past him and those within a circle around him, the gale causing his cloak to billow and his form to shiver. He found his seat on the far left of the stands in the center section, and silently he wished for that particular use of his ability to not be his last—and hopefully that no person in the stands spotted his display from above or intuited its source.
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