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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Thora Thorvaldsdottir
Age: 22
Gender: Female

Relic Description: As with many other relics, it is deceptive in nature. When it first came into Thora's possession, it was a simple, open, short bracer, not unlike those used by archers. It was, and still is, quite unassuming in appearance, resembling plain black leather with a crimson rune on it. She put it on at a random whim, having no idea what it would do. The moment she closed it, the seam between halves disappeared and it molded itself to her wrist so that it was impossible to fit anything between the two. Though something must be capable of harming it, Thora has yet to find any such thing. The sharpest steel blade doesn't even scratch its surface.

Its powers are myriad and it is possible she has yet to discover them all. Since donning it, Thora has found herself able to move faster, react better, lift more and many things like that. Not to any extremes, but enough to give her an edge. Her vision has improved in the dark, her rate of healing generally increased.

But of course there are side effects. Sunlight, while not directly harmful, pains her. A thick cloak stops it, but it still discomforts her. In bright light, she actually has a harder time seeing than she had in the dark before the relic came to her. There are certain physical traits as well, but they will not be described here.

Having grown up in a small, obscure village in one of the mountain ranges, she is not very skilled in around towns and cities. The larger they are, the less she knows about them. Prior to being chosen by the relic, she had never moved further than a day's journey from her home.
During childhood she was trained to set snares for small animals and as she grew older, build more complex traps. As such, she is self-sufficient for food so long as she is outside large settlements. But despite her skill at this, she has no notable skills at armed combat.
While being trained to lay traps for animals, she was also taught rudimentary foraging and tracking.
As a rural villager, she does not know how to read any language, nor how to write.

Thora was born some twenty-odd years ago in a small village deep in the mountains above Amaryth. Her childhood was simple. Nothing remarkable about it at all. Her parents were both trappers, skilled craftsmen of traps for any creature, be it a furry Miffith (creature not unlike a rabbit) or one of the great Balks (hard-skinned creature somewhat reminiscent of bears, but considerably more vicious). She grew up fully expecting to follow in her parents footsteps.

But fate, as everyone knows, is fickle. It does not care about what people might expect. It simply acts. The region around her village was dotted with ancient ruins from the Old Kingdom. For the most part, they've been picked clean centuries ago. Most of her village was constructed using stones taken from these very ruins. Whenever a new building is needed in the village, everyone steps in to help build, from the youngsters to the elders. It was during such a project that Thora found the Relic. It lay hidden beneath a large stone, in a small concealed room. It fascinated her, but she did not have time to look at it then. She simply picked it up and stuffed it down the neckline of her tunic. Belted as it was, it served as a large pocket for pretty much anything.

She continued working upon the construction all day long, eventually all but forgetting about it. It was only late at night, when she was preparing for sleep that awareness of it came forth with a thud. The thud of it hitting the floor when she untied the belt, to be exact. She sat down on her narrow bed, looking it over in the dim candlelight. It was quite unremarkable. Looked like black leather with a faint symbol in red on one side. There were no straps to tie it with, but it did not look odd without such.

Thora put it on as much out of curiosity as to what it might look like as anything else. Ever since, she has been unable to remove it. It molded to her wrist immediately, sealing itself shut and proving impossible to cut. But since it did not hurt, she soon enough decided to let it be. It simply did not seem relevant after a couple of days.

It took nearly half a year before the Thirst first began to show itself. It was as everything else about the Relic subtle. A faint ache that no meal or drink could sate. Thora did not understand it. Each new day, the ache was stronger. In turn with the growing Thirst, she found herself less and less comfortable in direct sunlight, taking to wearing her cloak even when it was neither cold nor rainy.

The first time she fed, she was horrified by what she did. It was a late evening, not far outside the village. She had been about to have a bit of fun with a boy from her village. She was rather fond of him and had been so for quite a while. There was no doubt the fondness was mutual. They were just about to go all the way when the rune on the Relic flared bright and she found herself incapable of resisting the sudden urge to sink her elongated canines into his throat. She miraculously hit the artery almost perfectly and began to suck deeply. A small part of her, ok a large part, was horrified, but the thirst was in control. After several minutes of deep sucking, she slowly regained control. However, by this time, it was too late. The boy had lost too much blood. Less than two minutes later, he lay dead. Horrified at what she had done, she rushed to put her clothes back on, then ran. She couldn't return home. She was too terrified by what had happened, too sure that none would understand. Thora wasn't sure what horrified her the most, the fact that she had killed him, or the sheer joy she had felt in the process. The ache that had been present for months in her lower abdomen had disappeared completely. It did not take a genius to connect the dots.

She did not have a name for what she had become, but in the days afterwards, she began to notice more and more how she had changed since the relic came to her. The rune glowed brightly for days after the murder, then slowly grew dimmer. A few days after the glow disappeared, she once more started to feel the Thirst. She had by this time come to another village not unlike her own, so though she did not truly want to hurt anyone, she knew she had little choice. She spotted the village drunkard wandering into a darkened alley and used that chance to spring upon him, latching on to his neck with an ease that could have seemed practiced. Like her now-dead lover, he was incapable of screaming. Unlike her deceased friend, it took less time to feed now. After she detached, he fell to the ground, sleeping soundly, his pulse a bit rapid, but otherwise fine. The twin punctures on his throat barely bled at all, the blood already coagulating around them.

Thora's first year as a Chosen went much like that. She slowly learned about the abilities of her Relic, but did not truly understand what made it so. Sometimes she managed to avoid killing, but most times she had no control over the thirst. She became more and more nocturnal, finding caves to be better resting places than houses or villages. She never stayed long in any one place, moving about the kingdoms, leaving a region quickly if she killed.

She is dressed after the fashion of her village, in a long, belted tunic with loose leggings beneath. Simple, leather boots and a thick woolen cloak with a deep hood. Physically she does not stand out. Her body is rather petite and she is quite short. Her hair is a soft brown fall that she generally keeps tied back. In other words, she would not really stand out in a crowd.

Ever since finding the relic, Thora has found her appearance changing subtly. Even for a long while after it began, she did not even notice the changes, so subtle were they. There were occasional aches, not dissimilar from growing pains, in the months after putting the relic on, but she paid them little heed. The first change she truly noticed was that her upper canines were slowly growing in length. Because it was the teeth themselves changing, it did not go rapidly. After a few months, they were roughly one and a half times their prior length. Enough to be unusual, but not enough to be remarkable. It took even longer before she noticed other changes, like growing leaner. Everything about her grew thinner. Not quite gaunt, but far from plump. Her ears also grew to a very faint point. Any other changes to her appearance were so subtle that they are impossible to quite put to words.

The one thing that has driven Thora ever since being Chosen, is thirst. To be exact, the thirst for blood. The longer between her feedings, the more blatant her traits are, the stronger the painful ache in her lower abdomen. Though the blood sustains her, she is still reliant to some degree upon real food. Just as sating the hunger will not sate the Thirst, sating the Thirst will not still the hunger.

Thora cannot truly control the relic. Had she known about its origins, she would have understood why. In the days of the ancient kingdom, people capable of bonding the relics like hers were found during infancy and were trained their entire lives to control them. Years of disciplined training just to control one aspect of the relic. For Thora, all the aspects came at once, not one of them with an instructions manual.

Thus, beyond Thirst, what motivates Thora is a wish for understanding. She longs to understand her Relic. For the first couple of years, she might have wished to be rid of it, but as she changed and grew used to having it, that wish at first faded, then disappeared altogether.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grothnor said
Holy monkey turds, we have a lot of posts here. ಠ_ಠ

My thoughts exactly!

....Welp, time for Marcus to meet some new frenemies in the IC!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

quite a few posts, yes. And we recently finished reading all the OoC posts. IC posts up next.

EDIT: We too are curious about how that map was made.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightveil


Member Offline since relaunch

Finally caught up on IC and OOC and made a tiny first post, hooray. There have been like 3 pages worth of conversation here while i was sleeping, new character too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Working on a character concept, I just hate writing histories. Not my kinda thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Come meet Bor and his Groot dude and burn Mystra

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

No Bite and All Bark said
I'm, definitely going with a Celestial theme. Space and stuffs.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I'm going with Fire/Stone elemental style.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I haz de lightnin
i control lightnin
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Myyyystra anyone?


Someone buy Mystra?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Why would we want some overpriced wood?

Just be glad we did not port our evil overlord here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ellri said
Why would we want some overpriced wood?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Overpriced? OVERPRICED?

This is high-quality Old Kingdom alchemical timber, baby.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ellri said
quite a few posts, yes. And we recently finished reading all the OoC posts. IC posts up next.

EDIT: We too are curious about how that map was made.

-I found the map on photobucket, it was blank and I added some names to it. I wish I could make a map of that quality myself.

-I'll get to reading the CSes now, I'm glad to have new people if nobody thinks this is crowded. It is, but as long as nobody says so it should be fine. *nods*

-@Bing, stop bragging about your wood. Someone'll burn it eventually so there's no rush, if you want to so badly then you can light your own cart on fire on "accident"

-Relic powers are irrelevant to the object, the power is solely dependent on the person. That means if two people happen to be bonded to the same relic generations apart, the powers could be entirely different. I just want to remind people of that.

Edit: ^I might just change this since everyone's relic seems very integrated with the power.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sep said
Working on a character concept, I just hate writing histories. Not my kinda thing.

Doesn't have to be big, just put what needs to be there. This RP is truly casual.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

BingTheWing said
Myyyystra anyone?Pls?Someone buy Mystra?

I guess Marcus will show some interest, though I`m afraid he hasn´t got enough coin to buy it :'D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Pathfinder, accepted on the condition that the voice is actually coming from somewhere within Typhus himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ellri, accepted it was a lovely read.

Does anyone think I need to close this now? I didn't want to, but I also didn't expect this many characters. I'll let Sep in, but if everyone agrees I should probably stifle the flow of new players until later on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tada: another ridiculously long post.

Guilty Spark said
@Ellri, accepted it was a lovely read.Does anyone think I need to close this now? I didn't want to, but I also didn't expect this many characters. I'll let Sep in, but if everyone agrees I should probably stifle the flow of new players until later on.

I guess that'd be a good idea. At the moment the posts are still doable to catch up with, but if more characters show up...
Well... That's an "I agree" on my part.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The longest post I've read was 4,600 words. The longest I've written was 2,400. So ridiculously long is a bit of a stretch. :p
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