Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Gale heard occasional remarks about the cards Michelle found in her Deck, but was too focused on looking through the Special Summoning Deck to really pay her much heed. Almost everything had a shiny silver or golden or even platinum appearance to it that Gale thought the Deck must have been found with a chest of buried treasure. Then just about everything else had magnificent wings or some form of ethereal beauty to it that it seemed like it was an angel ready to take her to heaven. Well, all except that "Sky Scourge" monster, but Gale was too transfixed by everything else that she didn't even give it a second thought. "These are so beautiful!" she exclaimed. "How do you get cards like these?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Michelle looked up from Gale's deck when she asked her, "How do you get cards like these?" Michelle smiled and said, "Through months of saving up and buying cards until I get the ones I wanted. My favorite card in my entire deck, though, is 'Freya, Spirit of Victory'," Michelle said, stopping Gale's searching for a moment to point out a card that was showing. "Some people might think she's just a level one monster, but she's the one that holds my deck together, in my opinion. Mainly, though, my mom gave me Freya during my 10th birthday, and we've bonded ever since."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Joshua listened to everything go on before speaking to Brent again
"Even if you do have piercing damage, it's no a guaranteed win. If she has and is cpable of pulling out the trump card of a Gusto Deck, you're as good as dead." He said before thinking a bit" The margin of error against her isn't that big. Once she has one of those recruiters out, she's untouchable by battle, other then piercing damage. And she's unlikely to run out of monsters to recruit given how Gusto spells and traps work. However, I'd have to say she's still missing a few key cards from her deck, otherwise she would have no reason to run Reeze in the deck, unless she does it by personal preference.

Who knows. The girl is a mystery."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"That's cool. Hey, d'you wanna Duel after lunch today?" Gale asked, offering the Deck back. "I think it'd be fun!"
"Yeah, I kind of figured out how small of a margin for error I had the hard way," Brent chuckled. "Although, to cut her a break, 'Reeze' did bring her the victory and she said she just got the Deck yesterday."

After some thought, Brent spoke up again. "I may have figured out another strategy, but I don't think I have both of the cards, and there's never a guarantee it would work, but a good Defense-negation strategy would be to use 'Light of Intervention' combined with 'Final Attack Orders', but then, it might just be easier to play some Special Summon-negation cards, instead," Brent considered. He liked coming up with hypothetical situations in Duels. The challenge was always fun. Maybe if he got some free time before his rematch, he would run some simulation Duels on his computer at home. That would give him the ability to study "Gusto" strategy in-depth.

"So do you think Professor Marco's completely sane giving us that essay? I mean, 3,000 words on the strengths and weaknesses of Fusion Summoning when compared to other forms of Summoning? I think he's gone a bit loopy since the incident last year. Y'know, the whole 'Soul Prison' card ordeal?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"You can negate one or the other but don't forget her synchros can destroy stuff like that easily." Joshua said" Negating special summons are the best way to go butbe careful about it. Gusto's gain advantage the more monsters they have in the grave, just like Lavals.

As for the essay, I'm fine with it. It isn't that hard."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"That sounds like fun, challenge accepted," Michelle said, taking her deck back while handing Gale's back. "This'll help me figure out which cards I should keep or take out of my deck." She smiled confidently and said, "And just so you know, I Duel to win. After all, what fun is a Duel where people go easy all the time?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Maybe it's just my dislike of essays," Brent shrugged.
"Then I'll just have to bring my A-Game," Gale smiled. "How about we meet up on the third floor outside the Geography classroom?"
*Later that day*

Gale had rushed through lunch to make sure she beat Michelle to their meeting place. Now she bustled through the halls, making her way past other students, sometimes bumping into others, sometimes sliding past them. When she arrived, she checked the time on her Duel Disk. Cool; almost ten minutes ahead of schedule, she thought. She decided that without much else to do, she'd lean against the wall and relax, keeping her eyes peeled for Michelle whenever she'd show up.
Brent was rather miffed. He had worked on the start of his essay in between taking occasional bites of food, and now was searching for an empty classroom to continue work. Unfortunately, his loss and anticipation of the rematch was still on his mind, making it difficult to concentrate. When he finally found a classroom that seemed empty, he slipped inside and set his books on a desk, then returned to the light switch and flipped on the light.

As he sat down, it was only moments later that the classroom door opened and in walked a heavily-built older man wearing a red suit. "Heavens!" the man cried when he noticed Brent. "I didn't realize anyone was in here!"

"Sorry, sir. If it's a problem, I'll leave," Brent replied.

"Oh, no, my boy. It's perfectly fine. You merely startled me. So what is your name? I don't believe you are in my Xyz course," the teacher asked.

"Brent Rytora, sir."

"Brent, eh? Oh, yes! That's right! You were down there on the court this morning. Good show. I'm Professor Alexander the Lionheart, of course, the title never seems to stick with people."

"I should hope your students call you 'Professor'," Brent said.

"No, not 'Professor', my boy! I meant 'the Lionheart'. That's the title that never sticks."

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't be. Might I be of any assistance with that large pile of homework?"

"Maybe," Brent started. "I'm working on this essay on the strengths and weaknesses of Fusion Summoning when compared to other forms of Summoning."

"Professor Marco's class?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ah, then let's see. I may be an Xyz user, but I can offer some aid in comparing Fusion to Xyz. See, when Xyz Summoning . . . "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"So," Michelle asked Freya as they headed off to where Gale told them to go. "What do you think about Gale?" Freya smiled and replied, "I like her. She's got spirit. No pun intended." Michelle smiled back, saying, "I hope she gives us a good duel like she says- oh!" She was interrupted as she bumped into someone, dropping his cards in the process. "I'm so sorry, let me help you there," Michelle said quickly, reaching down to pick up the cards. The boy she bumped into said nothing, but merely picked his cards back up.

As Michelle frantically picked up cards, she couldn't help but notice one particular card. "Ancient Gear Golem," Michelle muttered, transfixed by it. Then it was picked out of her hand by the boy, who gave her a quizzical look. "Thank you," he said while taking the rest of his cards back, his face giving away nothing. "I-I'm terribly sorry," Michelle repeated. "Um, what's your name?" The boy looked at her for a few seconds, then said, "Press Dalton." Press then put his deck into his pouch and walked away.

Michelle looked at Press as he walked away, then realized that she still needed to meet Gale for her duel. She found some stairs and ran up, looking at her duel disk. One minute, she still had time. When Michelle reached the third floor, she took a deep breath to help calm down her heart rate, then turned a corner and saw Gale, who was apparently already waiting for her. Michelle smiled and waved her hand at her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
Avatar of Rethel34

Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

((Collab -- Rethel34 & Scarifar))

Gale sat searching through the Duel records of the various students of LDS, searching for Michelle's profile. When she finally found it, she was impressed by the record. "68 wins . . . wow. . . ." she said under her breath. A moment later, she noticed Michelle waving at her, and waved back in response. Right on time, she thought, noticing the time her Duel Disk gave her.

"So," Michelle said, smiling confidently, "you ready to face my Fairy deck?"

"About as ready as I'm gonna be," Gale replied. "I checked your record on the school's databank. It's pretty impressive," she grinned.

"Oh, that? That's nothing. I'm sure it looks impressive, but believe me, it's not," Michelle said dismissively. "So you have some place in mind to Duel, or are we doing it right here?"

"All the good places to Duel are probably taken up by now, so here or one of the classrooms would be fine with me, unless you have a problem with that." As she spoke, Gale returned her Duel Disk from her hands to her arm, where it clasped around her forearm.

Michelle had her Duel Disk on her arm already, and she merely raised her arm and brought it in front of her, the Disk activating automatically. "Let's do this," Michelle said, her smile never wavering.

Gale raised her Disk as well, and as it activated, it also partially ejected her first five cards. "I'd like an idea of what to expect for the rest of the Duel, so if you want the first move, I'd be happy to comply," Gale said, trying to show politeness in her words.

Michelle drew her first five cards and took a look at them, then said, "Very well then, I'll start. DUEL!"

(Turn 1: 4000/4000)
"First off, I activate the spell card 'Double Summon'! I can now Normal Summon twice this turn instead of once. I Set two monsters, and then play a face-down card. Turn End."

(Turn 2: 4000/4000)
"My turn . . . draw!" Gale said courageously as she enjoyed doing. It took her a few moments to process a strategy, but then one seemed to tie itself together in her mind. "Alright, let's see how this works. I start off by Summoning 'Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands'! This triggers the effect of my monster, adding one 'Advanced Ritual Art' from my Deck to my hand. Now I'll follow up by activating the 'Advanced Ritual Art' that I just added to my hand.

"By selecting the 'Cú Chulainn the Awakened' in my hand," Gale continued, "and sending one 'Luster Dragon' from my Deck to the Graveyard, I can now Ritual Summon my 'Cú Chulainn the Awakened'! With this, I can activate the effect of 'Chulainn', banishing the 'Luster Dragon' used for its Ritual Summon and increasing my monster's ATK by 1900. Now I enter my Battle Phase. 'Chulainn', attack the face-down monster to our left!"

As 'Chulainn' advaced toward the set monster, the monster card flipped over, revealing a pink-ish marshmallow-like creature, who merely let it hit its body, then bounced 'Chulainn's' weapon out of her grasp and back toward Gale, damaging Gale for 1000 Life Points. "Hah, you just attacked 'Marshmallon'! When it's attacked while it's face-down, you take 1000 points of damage! Also, 'Marshmallon' can't be destroyed by battle." Michelle said, trying not to laugh too much. "Got anything else you want to try?"

Gale winced as the damage washed over her. "Ouch," she mumbled. Only 3000 left. Gotta be more careful. "Well, I guess I'll try for another attack. 'Manju', attack her other face-down monster!"

As 'Manju' advaced toward her other face-down, the card flipped over, revealing two little creatures, one pink and one green, both of which moved to the side to avoid all ten thousand hands that reached out towards them. "And that was 'Gellenduo', which also can't be destroyed in battle," Michelle said. "I'm sure you remember these little guys, right?"

"Dang . . . " Gale said. "Well, then I Set one card and end my turn."

(Turn 3: 4000/3000)
"I'll draw then," Michelle said, drawing one card. It wouldn't be of much use right now, but it may help later on. She took her other card in her hand and said, "I sacrifice 'Gellenduo' to summon 'Vanity's Ruler'!" 'Gellenduo' disappeared in a flash of light, replaced with a green-haired elf in a white cloak. Michelle then pointed at 'Chulainn' and said, "Battle Phase! 'Vanity's Ruler', attack 'Cú Chulainn the Awakened'!" Vanity's Ruler then advanced toward 'Chulainn', jumping up and bringing his fist down on 'Chulainn's' head, destroying her and dealing 100 points of damage to Gale. As 'Vanity's Ruler' returned to Michelle's field, Michelle said, "Turn End."

(Turn 4: 4000/2900)
Gale was hesitant going into her next turn. "Draw!" she exclaimed, trying to sound confident. There was one problem with playing a Ritual Deck, as Gale usually found out the hard way: Ritual Spells and Ritual Monsters didn't always match up. This Duel, looking at her hand, the story was the same, unfortunately.

But, she wasn't completely out of options yet. "I Tribute 'Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands', and now Summon from my hand, the Level Six 'Trance the Magic Swordsman'!" As "Manju" became a sphere of light, a beacon formed around it, a portal opening underneath. Then, the sphere descended into the portal, and out rose the over-confident swordsman.

"Now, maybe we can grab an upper hand here. 'Trance' . . . Attack!" Gale commanded, the swordsman leaping into the air in response, then descending on "Vanity's Ruler". The monster's blade passed through, a glowing streak forming in the opponent's card before the latter burst in a shower of golden dust.

Gale felt a sense of relief as the Battle Phase drew to a close. "Now, before my turn ends, I activate the Spell Card: 'Heart of the Underdog'. With that, my turn's done."

(Turn 5: 3900/2900)
Michelle winced when 'Vanity's Ruler' was destroyed so easily. "Hmm.... I draw!" Michelle said, drawing one card. "You rang for a gorgeous lady like myself?" said a familiar feminine voice. Michelle looked at the card she drew: 'Freya, Spirit of Victory'. "Know what, you might actually help," Michelle muttered. "I summon 'Freya, Spirit of Victory'!" she said, and Freya jumped out of a spiral of light, landing gracefully. She then realized that she had forgotten to include a card in her deck to aid Freya. "Oh crap," Michelle muttered. "No matter, you are still protected, as long as 'Marshmallon' is still on the field. Just gotta last a couple turns, Freya." She then looked at her other card, debating whether or not to use it, then decided not to just yet. "Turn End."

(Turn 6: 3900/2900)
"My move, then. Draw!" Gale smiled when she noticed the card in her hand. "Now that I drew 'Bio-Mage', the effect of 'Heart of the Underdog' activates, allowing me an extra draw. So now, let's try for a second act. Draw!" It wasn't another Normal Monster, but it was something that would be helpful later on. Just so long as she drew the right cards.

"Hm . . . " Gale wondered. "Doesn't look like I can make it through a defensive move like that. I'll have to figure something else out for now. Alright! I Summon 'Bio-Mage' in Attack Position. Then I end my turn."

(Turn 7: 3900/2900)
"Draw!" Michelle said as she drew a card. The card she drew might help, but it was risky. She looked at her other card, and decided it was time to use it. "I play the field spell card 'Holy Sanctuary'!" Michelle said, the environment changing to reveal, as the name implied, a "holy sanctuary".

"Now I can summon 'Tethys, Goddess of Light' without a sacrifice!" Michelle said, the goddess emerging from a pillar of light. "Also, all non-Fairy type monsters lose 500 ATK, while 'Freya' gives my Fairies 400 ATK and DEF." Michelle pointed at 'Trance' and said, "'Tethys', destroy 'Trance, the Magic Swordsman'!" 'Tethys' swooped down on 'Trance' and sliced through him at breakneck speed, destroying him in a shower of shards and delivering 700 points of damage to Gale. "Turn End," Michelle said, feeling like she had regained control, then realized that she had forgotten to have Freya attack directly. Michelle was shame-faced, but then put up a facade of confidence, which wasn't hard.

(Turn 8: 3900/2200)
Gale was momentarily stunned when another of her powerful monsters was defeated. She had to pull through this somehow. But the problem at this point was, indeed, the how. Closing her eyes and hoping beyond all hope that her next draw would help her out. "I draw!" Gale said. She was nervous to even look at the card, but after a moment, when she at last saw the card she had drawn, was not entirely disappointed, though the card wasn't a Normal Monster as she would have liked.

"Looks like my turn's going to be passive. I switch 'Bio-Mage' to Defense Position and end my turn," she said, her voice almost betraying her nervousness.

(Turn 9: 3900/2200)
Michelle could barely contain her excitement when she yelled out, "Draw!" drawing one card in the process. She looked at the card she drew, then smiled and said, "I activate 'Tethys'' effect. When I draw a Fairy-type monster," revealing 'Splendid Venus', "I can reveal it to you to draw one more card. Michelle drew another card and looked at it. Not a fairy, but it would do for now.

"I'll move on to my Battle Phase," Michelle said, pointing at 'Bio-Mage'. "'Tethys', attack 'Bio-Mage'!" 'Tethys' destroyed 'Bio-Mage' in the same fashion she destroyed 'Trance', but this time dealing no damage. "Now, 'Freya', attack Gale directly!" Freya smiled back at Michelle, then jumped up into the air, performed a double-flip, and swung a kick downward at Gale, dealing 500 points of damage. "Turn End," Michelle said as Freya returned to her side of the field.

(Turn 10: 3900/1700)
Gale just needed one more piece to the puzzle that had formed in her hand. With a shaky hand, she grabbed the top card of her Deck. "Draw," she declared. Looking at it, she was relieved. A Normal Monster. "Thanks to the effect of 'Heart of the Underdog', I can reveal the 'Key Mace' I just drew, and draw again," she said revealing the card. "C'mon . . . Draw! Oh, yeah! Another Normal Monster, 'Jack's Knight'!" It was all down to what she drew next. "Time for one more draw . . . Let's go!" she said, drawing her last card. "Bingo."

Gale could hardly contain her excitement. "I activate the Ritual Spell Card, 'Synthesis Spell' from my hand. This allows me to send the 'Jack's Knight' and 'Key Mace that I just drew from my hand to the Graveyard as Tributes for the Ritual Summon of the Level Six . . . 'Lycanthrope'!" As the werewolf burst forth onto Gale's field, the face-down card next to Gale flipped upward, revealing itself as "Ritual Buster".

"By activating the Trap, 'Ritual Buster' when a Ritual Summon is performed, I can prevent your Spell and Trap Cards from taking effect for the rest of the turn!"

"I activate my face-down card: 'Royal Decree'!" Michelle said. "This negates all other Trap cards on the field, including your 'Ritual Buster'!" With that, 'Ritual Buster' merely faded away.

Even with the negation of her card, Gale was still not worried. With a smile, she revealed one last card in her hand. "I can now equip 'Lycanthrope' with 'Ritual Weapon', since 'Lycanthrope' is within its Level requirement. This boosts my monster by 1500 points, making it 3400 ATK." When the crossbow-esque arm cannon latched on to 'Lycanthrope', the intimidating werewolf let out a vicious howl that signified its readiness to devour its prey.

"I won't delay this any longer. Battle Phase! 'Lycanthrope', attack 'Tethys'!" 'Lycanthrope' leapt into the air, and Gale felt an excitement like none she had ever felt before. If this went through, like Gale expected, between the 600 Battle Damage and the 800 Effect Damage due to 'Trance', 'Jack's Knight', 'Bio-Mage', and 'Key Mace' all being in Gale's Graveyard, Michelle would be reduced to 2500 Life Points.

Michelle could only watch as 'Tethys' was destroyed by 'Lycanthrope', reducing her Life Points to 2500. She raised her arms as if to defend herself, while 'Tethys' exploded in a shower of shards. "Crap," Michelle muttered.

Gale breathed a heavy sigh of relief. She had succeeded in defeating one of the biggest threats thus far, but Michelle had Summoned stronger monsters during her Duel with Saze. "I activate one last card, 'Ritual Cage', which protects 'Lycanthrope' from destruction by monster effects, and saves me from any Battle Damage involving it, and end my turn."

(Turn 11: 2500/1700)
Michelle was stunned. Now she couldn't use 'Tethys'' effect anymore. All she could do was hope that the next card she drew was the one. Taking a deep breath, Michelle looked at her deck, placed 2 fingers on her top card, and drew a card. "Draw!!!" Michelle yelled, looking at it a second later. She sighed. It was a card that would work, at least. "I activate the spell card: 'Court of Justice'!" The metallic circle appeared, shining a bright light on the field. "Now that this is here, I can Special Summon 'Splendid Venus' from my hand!" The light shined brighter, and 'Splendid Venus' descended from the light, landing gently.

Michelle smiled and said, "'Venus' decreases all non-Fairy type monsters' ATK and DEF by 500, and let's not forget 'Freya's' effect to increase all my Fairy-type monsters' ATK and DEF by 400, as well as my field spell card, 'Holy Sanctuary'. This makes 'Venus'' ATK at 3200, and your 'Lycanthrope' at 2900." Michelle pointed at 'Lycanthrope' with a lot more energy than the previous times. "'Splendid Venus', attack 'Lycanthrope'!" Michelle said, and Venus obliged, condensing light into her hands, then firing it as a beam of light, engulfing the ugly werewolf in light and destroying it. It did no damage, thanks to 'Ritual Cage', but that was of little consequence. "Now, 'Freya', attack Gale directly!" Freya performed the same attack as last time, dealing 500 points of damage to Gale. "I place one card face-down and end my turn," Michelle said.

(Turn 12: 2500/1200)
Gale was stunned. She didn't have much left to do with what she had. "My turn . . . I draw!" she proclaimed, drawing the card. Though it again was not a Normal Monster, it was indeed a card she had been in need of. Of course, it wouldn't save her indefinitely. "I once again activate a Ritual Spell Card from my hand: 'Ritual of Grace'. With this, I can Tribute the 'Ruin, Queen of Oblivion' from my hand and Ritual Summon Level Seven . . . 'Divine Grace - Northwemko'!"

The female spellcaster descended in a bright beacon of divine light. Unfortunately, she was quickly smote by a similar divine light from the powers of "Holy Sanctuary" and "Splendid Venus", which reduced her ATK to only 1700. "Now her effect activates, allowing me to target the 'Heart of the Underdog' card on my field, so that as long as that card remains on the field, 'Divine Grace' cannot be destroyed by card effects. That's all I've got for now. I end my turn."

(Turn 13: 2500/1200)
Michelle drew one card, this time not bothering to say "Draw". "Well," Michelle said, "it looks like we are reaching the end of our Duel. I switch 'Marshmallon' to Attack Position, then I'll have 'Splendid Venus' destroy your 'Divine Grace'!" Venus fired a beam of light, destroying 'Divine Grace', but doing no damage. "Now, 'Marshmallon' and 'Freya', attack Gale directly!" Michelle commanded, and 'Marshmallon' lunged at Gale with shark-like teeth, dealing 700 points of damage, followed by 'Freya', who performed a triple-flip this time and dealed 500 points of damage, reducing Gale's Life Points to exactly zero. "And that concludes our Duel!" Michelle said, jumping for joy while 'Holy Sanctuary' and Michelle's monsters faded away.

Gale wasn't completely surprised she lost. After all, she and Michelle weren't completely on the same par as one another, but she had enjoyed herself. That was what had mattered. Both Duelists had given about everything they could, at least so it seemed, so Gale, despite the loss, was able to finish with a smile. "That was a great Duel, Michelle. Thanks, so much," she said when Michelle's monsters had disappeared.

"Not a problem," Michelle said. "We should do this again some time." She walked over to Gale, smiling, and extended her arm to her for a handshake. "And when we do, may the best Duelist win."

"May the best Duelist win," Gale repeated in confirmation as she accepted the handshake. "So you weren't flirting with my brother earlier were you?"

Michelle blushed, surprised at the sudden question. "W-what no. W-why on earth would you think that?" Michelle asked. Freya's response was to burst out in laughter, though only Michelle could hear it, which made it seem worse to her.

"Oh, good," Gale said. "'Cause he's totally not worth it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
Avatar of Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Amelia was running through the halls, almost out of breathe. She had been bombarded by people since she won her duel with Brent, all of them asking how she had won and to see her deck, some of them hoping to copy it and others hoping to steal it. She had refused to show her deck flat out and only answered a few of the questions asked before getting uncomfortable and trying to get away. She had been running around the school on and off for the past hour and was starting to get worried. Unless she found a place to rest for a good period of time soon, her heart might act up and she did not want that to happen.

Stopping for a second to catch her breathe, she spotted a nearby classroom but as the sound of people looking for her came down the hall. Hoping no one was inside, she quickly darted into it, closing the door behind her. She slowly lowered herself to the floor, trying to catch her breathe with her hand over her heart, her expression a pained one. She also completely failed to notice Brent and the professor there.
Joshua in the mean time was out in the courtyard, testing out his D-Hero deck. Most people called the deck a Destiny Hero deck but he referred to it as a Darkness Hero deck because it included the Vision Heroes, Shadow Mist, and Dark Law, Hero monsters with the Darkness attribute.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
Avatar of Scarifar

Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Press mentally cursed himself for being so careless when bumping into that girl. He needed to take more care into observing his surroundings. Fortunately, his deck suffered no damage, and they were still in proper order. The interesting things about the girl he bumped into were that she won her Duel in the exhibition matches, and she seemed to be talking to herself. Was she schizophrenic? That didn't matter. All that did was how well a Duelist's skill was.

She did seem to take an interest in his 'Ancient Gear Golem' though, which was unsurprising, considering that it was one of his strongest monsters. He walked, not really caring which way he was going, until he eventually found his way to the courtyard. There were a few people practicing there, and Press decided that he needed to keep his skills up as well. He readied his Duel Disk and started Dueling the first person who came up to him. Of course, it ended very quickly after summoning 2 'Ancient Gear Golems' using 'Spell Gear'.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Infinita utopia

Infinita utopia

Member Offline since relaunch

Jordan was busy going through his deck, being unsure about whether he should duel someone and if so, how well would he go, he knew in action duels that numbers couldn't be taken but he still wasn't going to duel someone while his deck wasn't finished, he sighed, wondering if he should add in his generation force combo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
Avatar of Rethel34

Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The next day, Brent caught the bus on time. He recalled the moment yesterday when Amelia had rushed into the classroom claiming, after she caught her breath, that she had been chased all afternoon by other students who were crowding her concerning her victory earlier that day. Well, before she had burst into the classroom and Brent, Amelia, and Professor Alexander had spent the rest of the afternoon chatting, the Professor had been immensely helpful on the topic of the essay. Brent felt that with the notes he had taken from the Professor's explanations alone, he might be able to write over half the essay. And indeed, he had finished finding necessary citations and whatnot on the Internet last night. Now all that remained was to put those notes into a paper, which Alexander had offered the previous day to help Brent with during the lunch period.

He walked into the school minding his own business as usual, and most people didn't care who he was today, that he had Dueled in an exhibition match yesterday, or that he was even in the Fusion Course. Oh well. He didn't feel like he could deal with the fame that Amelia had won from the new students the previous day. He simply roamed the halls searching to see if Joshua, his typical companion, lifelong rival, and perhaps polar opposite at times, had arrived yet.
Gale couldn't get her mind off of how awesome her Duel with Michelle had been the previous day. Those fairies were just so amazing! Then something caught her eye as she walked through the halls of the school: A student with long, dark, bluish-green hair . . . wearing a mask that looked like a member of a Mexican Mariachi band. Gale did a double-take to ensure her eyes weren't deceiving her, then, certain that all was as it seemed, walked over to the student. "Um . . . " she began, wanting to start a conversation but unsure of how to do so with a person hiding behind such an item. "Nice mask?" she said, unsure of herself.

"Do you really like it, or are you here to just poke fun at me like most people do?" the boy said inquisitively . "It doesn't matter, either way," he explained, removing the mask. "I find them enjoyable."

"No, it's nice. It's just hard to start a conversation with someone who's hiding like that," Gale said.

The boy grinned at her. "But it's not hiding. In fact, it reflects how I feel on the inside, bringing the inside out."

"So . . . are you feeling . . . Mexican, today?" Gale asked, realizing it must have sounded ridiculous.

"Ah, no. It doesn't reflect in that way."

"Then . . . you feel like playing a trumpet?" she asked again, utterly baffled.

"Again, no, but you're getting warmer. Try one more time," he said, his eyes bright.

"Hm . . . " Gale pondered. "I got it! You feel like breaking open a piñata!"

The boy looked like something obvious had just passed straight over Gale's head. He blinked once . . . twice . . . thrice in awkward silence. "I got it wrong again?" Gale finally asked.

The boy shook his head. "It's just one word: 'Festive'," he explained, looking as dumbfounded as Gale felt. "Anyway," he spoke after a moment, "my name's Kaeru. What's yours?"

"Gale," she replied.

"Well, Gale," Kaeru said, "I'm going to have to explain to you what masks are all about, but I think we can be friends regardless," he laughed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Freya constantly bombarded Michelle with questions, making sure her deck was up to snuff. "You got 'Photon Sanctuary'?" Freya asked. "Check," Michelle replied. Questions like this went on for the entire bus ride. The duel with Gale yesterday, and even the one with Saze, made her think about her deck, and Michelle wondered how she could improve her deck. She had been considering many cards in her collection, but didn't know which ones to add and which to remove. Perhaps only Duels would tell. Speaking of Duels, it seemed that no one cared that Michelle won her exhibition duel yesterday, which was probably fortunate, but Michelle didn't notice. She started roaming the school as soon as she arrived.
Press was busy working on worksheets about various cards to help tribute summon. Needless to say, there were actually a lot of ways to do so, but with the help of his own minds and the internet, Press was almost done. Tokens, trap monsters, cards that special summoned themselves, etc, etc. Press used some of the methods here himself, so it was not too long before Press finished. Now all he needed to do was then it in. He headed off to the classroom where it was due, even though the work was actually due tomorrow. Then again, with it done early, that left time for other things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Infinita utopia

Infinita utopia

Member Offline since relaunch

Lleywin was carefully deciding on his extra deck, he had already decided to ditch nightmare for a while in exchange for a new card he had bought yesterday, though vylon designa had a few flaws, against single attribute decks, he could pull off a huge upset.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Joshua was in the fusion classroom, dueling another student, finishing them off after fusion summoning Vision HERO Trinity and mercilessly destroying the other duelest's three monsters before unleashing two direct attacks with Diamond Dude and Doom Lord. He seemed rather disappointed with the duel and turned away without a comment before walking over to his seat and looking around. He spotted Brent and raised his hand in greeting, looking rather bored as he leaned back in his seat with his feet on the desk.
Amelia was in the synchro classroom, trying the avoid as much attention as possible. Again, because of the duel yesterday though, it was proving difficult and she eventually just left to walk around the school and try to find someplace nice and quiet to relax and look over her deck and see if she could somehow improve it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Press had just finished off an opponent's last monster, bringing his live points down to zero. Press sighed, feeling that it was just too easy to beat the others in the tribute summoning class. He thought he should go find a more challenging opponent, but where? Maybe the fusion summoning class? He supposed it would do for a start. Press made his way to the fusion summoning class rather easily. Inside, he saw quite a few students already dueling, some having better luck than others. He looked around, wondering who he should duel with. Fortunately, he had also made some modifications to his deck, so that might prove interesting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"... Main Phase... Spell... Level requirements... My God, who would ever want to use such a clunky method of summoning?"

Korbin closed the book he was reading and sighed. The book was a Ritual Summoning textbook, one that he had borrowed from a Ritual Summoning class after he had finished his day's work for the Xyz course he was taking. He pulled out a sheet of paper and started scribbling on it. At the top of the paper was the word "RITUAL", and underneath were notes comparing it to other forms of summoning. As he wrote, Korbin mumbled under his breath. After a full minute of thinking and writing about the topic, he groaned and took the piece of paper in his fist, crumpling it in to a ball before throwing it in to a trash can. "It's completely useless. Who would ever use such a situational technique?" Korbin grabbed his deck box and walked briskly out of the class room, making his way to the Ritual Summoning class. Let's see if it's as useless as it sounds, he thought to himself as he walked.
Korbin stopped in the door way of the class room, surveying the room for someone who could show him that Ritual Summoning wasn't completely useless. Most of the students were already dueling, so it would be hard to find someone. He walked inside and tapped on a student's shoulder. She was currently in a duel, and picked up her head to see who was interrupting. "Yes," She said. Her tone showed flecks of annoyance. "I'm looking for a duelist who excels at Ritual Summoning. Do you know where I can find someone like that?"

"Uhm..." She placed her index finger on her lips in a thoughtful manner. "Is Gale around?" She looked to her opponent, who shrugged before they both started to look around the room for this "Gale" character. "Mm-mm, it looks like everyone but Gale is taken, but I don't know where she might be. I'm sure she'll be back here soon." With that, the girl turned back to her duel. "Do you mind if I watched?" Korbin asked. The girl waved at him over her shoulder. "Yeah yeah, sure, pull up a chair." Korbin sighed and grabbed an empty seat, pulling it to the side of the table to watch the two duel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I took too long talking to Kaeru, Gale thought to herself. I really hope I don't get in trouble for being too late.

She moved swiftly through the halls toward the Ritual Classroom, dodging around other students. After getting there, she had to stop momentarily, leaning over, hands on her knees, panting from the push of energy it had taken to get to the room. Then she heard the voice of one of her classmates, "There she is!"

Darn, Gale thought, but then looked up to see that the girl who had spoken--a sassy student named Rebecca--wasn't talking to the teacher, but to a student who Gale knew wasn't part of the Ritual Course. Though, just as expected, Rebecca was pointing at her.

"Someone looking for me, Rebecca?" Gale asked, walking over to Rebecca, who had paused mid-Duel to point out to a patron that Gale had entered the room.

"Actually," Rebecca replied matter-of-factly, "this guy was looking for a good opponent for a Duel."

"Really? Well, I'd be happy to!" Gale said. "I'm Gale," she continued, offering a handshake to the male. "What's your name?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

While Korbin was waiting for his opponent to arrive in the classroom, he had asked for her duel record. The student named Rebecca had revealed to him that she only had nine wins out of twenty-six. He held himself back from making a snide remark, instead saying it in his head. She probably won't even be able to perform a Ritual Summon. Korbin's record was fourteen duels, thirteen wins. His one, haunting loss was against his Xyz Summoning teacher, Professor Alexander. It was a good duel, but it was clear to see that the Professor would be the obvious winner.

Once Gale had entered the classroom, Korbin began to dig around in his bag for his duel disk and deck box. She was saying something to him, probably a greeting, but he chose to ignore it. Once he stood up, his duel disk attached to his arm, he stared at Gale's outstretched hand for a moment. He didn't really know what to do with it... After a moments pause, he shook her hand hesitantly. "My name is Korbin," he said after pulling his hand away.

"I'd rather duel with my duel disk rather than on a table if you don't mind," he said, starting for the hallways. "If you're the kind of duelist I'm looking for, this will be quite the spectacle."
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