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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

A girl of barely fourteen walked alone along a stony cavern corridor. The air was moist and cool and the sound of dripping and gentle splashing water echoed back and forth until one could not identify its origin. She walked past several off shoots of the main cavern, and though most were dark and quiet one or two had vague lights and voices or other noises coming from down them, adding to the reverberating noise. Thick power cords ran out of these passages to join the mess that ran through the main corridor, supplying power to the entire cave system.

The cavern path narrowed until it ended in a vertical crevice that the girl could barely fit through. The worn edges of the crevice showed how often this path saw traffic, though it didn't seem like many could fit through, and the space beyond was black as pitch. She had to step over the lip of the crevice with one leg, and turn her slim body sideways to slip through.

As soon as she passed the crevice, soft glowing orbs lit themselves, revealing a vaguely round chamber on the other side. The orbs were bulbs set into the walls, and their light reflected off of a deathly still pool in the center of the chamber. The power cords from the main corridor outside continued in here, most branched off and ran along the walls to power the lights, and a few vague machines that lay in the chamber, but one particularly thick rubber cord ran straight to the center and disappeared into the pool. The girl followed this cord to the pool and pulled a heavy glass ball from her pocket. She stretched her hand out and dropped it into the pool. There was a splash, and she watched it sink quickly out of sight into the darkness.

There was a moment of silence as the ripples in the pool bounced off of the edges, but then something could be seen rising swiftly from the darkness under the water. In mere seconds it breached the surface, a scaly gray and blue hand, holding the glass orb. A head and shoulders followed the hand, swimming to the edge of the pool and putting the glass sphere down on the stone ground.

The thing from the depths of the pool spat a great deal of water form its mouth and then spoke in a deep voice. "Caracal. I trust there has been no problem, and you have only disturbed me to tell me you are about to depart."

"Yes," the girl spoke, looking down at him as he tread water in the pool. "As usual, there was no end to volunteers for a task, but I have weeded the weak and selected only the best. They have their target and are going over the maps and schematics now. They are hungry to prove themselves to you, but you know I have my doubts about this lot."

"They will do fine," he cut across her. "I have no doubts. You have your team ready as well?"

"I do."

"Excellent, I trust your timing will be impeccable."


The Titans Tower was quiet this morning. The sun was coming up to shine through the numerous windows, casting long shadows in rooms whose lights were still off. The main room has but one occupant, who sat at a computer terminal, his goggles around his neck, and his cloak draped across his chair. He had a bowl of sugary cereal and milk in front of him as he studied the words on the screen, and a can of energy drink was nearby to keep him awake. In point of fact, this was not his preferred breakfast, but nobody had been grocery shopping, and the dishes had yet to be done since yesterday.
But these would have to wait until later, as one of his news-trolling computer programs came up with a blip about an event on a police scanner. He took a last sip from his can as he stood up and grabbed his cape. An alarm flashing and buzzing was already playing, alerting all members of the Titans to assemble in the garage.

Little Brother walked quickly, throwing his cloak over him and snapping it in place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Quin entered the kitchen with a song on her lips. A thin white wire coiled up from her purse around her arm and into her ears where the earbuds were nestled therein. Her arms were full of groceries and her hips wiggled to a beat only she could hear.

“I stay out too late. Got nothing in my brain! That’s what people say na-na-na na na!”

She put the groceries on the counter and looked at the full sink of dishes. She raised her eyebrows and crossed to the refrigerator. Opening it she raised her other brow. She’d need to clear out some space. Out-with-the-old-and-in-with-the-new!

She closed the refrigerator and approached the sink. The wiggle and dance-step becoming more vigorous as she extended her arms toward the smelly mass. “And the haters gonna hate-hate-hate-hate-hate-hate-”

Her sleeves rolled themselves up to her shoulders, and the layers of bracelets loosened and slid upwards along her arms until they were well above her elbows, as if by magic.

She reached for the soap, and squeezing out the blue liquid.

Then the alarm sounded. Sound filled the room. She tore out her earbuds and frowned at the dishes and the groceries on the counter. The smell would only get worse, and the milk might expire while she was gone! Yet, she had to act immediately, for expired milk was nothing to consider against someone’s life!

She abandoned the mess and fled toward her duty.

She had chosen her outfit quickly, not knowing the nature of the emergency an all-purpose-daytime-outfit would hopefully do. The outfit was red, pink, and white. The spider silk cape was pink and fluttered around her ankles, Her umbrella red and strapped to her back. Her other weapons, two fans inside folds of her blouse and a coil of silk rope secured around her waist. Her legs were covered by a pleated skirt that ended just above her knees. Her feet sported pink sandals and beaded anklets. Her face was disguised by a lace mask that clung to her face without any straps that would ruin her look. Her hair tied up in a simple braided coil atop her head.

“Little Brother!” She was the second to arrive after him. She gave her leader a quick look-over. If Little Brother didn’t know Quin so well, he might think she was checking-him-out. In reality, she was looking over his cloths. Without asking or saying a word Quin reached out and touched his cloak. The thing quivered slightly, and all the lint repelled itself off the fabric with a 'poof', and all the wrinkles ironed themselves out with a 'snap'.

“What’s the emergency?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"Are you freaking kidding me? Already? I just got here..." mumbled Frost Bite as he rubbed his eyes and looked around the nearly empty room, except for his haphazardly thrown about boxes, and decided to get ready for his job. "Man I was hoping to get some sleep but hey there's no rest for a hero I guess." He muttered to himself as he quickly pulled his costume back on. The guy had just gotten there not half a day before hand and wanted to get some sleep. "This better not the usual or I'm going back to fighting super powered giants in Dakota. Then again let's see if these teammates of mine are worth the trip. Gah there I go again... I came here for the experience and to fight crime not complain like a little baby!" Frost Bite said as he slipped on his visor and quickly walked down the stairs while wondering if he should have put some Deodorant on before he left his room then decided that his team mates probably weren't going to do similar things and hey it wasn't the smell that made the hero it was his personality and god knows he had a winning one.

After finally making his way down the steps and into the garage he saw that two other people had already gotten there, "Hey third place is still a good prize. So sup Robin or whatever the heck your name was." Frost Bite said sarcastically as he chuckled to himself, "What's with the alarm did a cat get stuck in a tree again or is there an actually a villain on the lose that needs to be stopped?" Frost Bite asked Little Brother as he found a wall to lean against.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Greatest Battle is the Present one

Kira had been awake for some time now and was in what her human friends called a Gym. Born to the third House of the Celestial Dragon Ki'Hetz or War Leader Kira was from birth a Ki (Warrioress) and expected to always be ready for battle. To assure this goal not be neglected she was always pushing her body to it's limits which was to her also a form os prayer.

Her form though human in appearance was Ko'Secti and still young a powerful instrument of war. She was presently pumping 200 kilos of Iron rapidly up an down in an effort to force her body to add more bulk to her six foot six inches of steel hard muscle. Any that would have observed her would marvel at the weight but the more observant noted that she did not sweat; her race had no sweat glands. The Ko'Secti instead vented heat from their skin without shedding water, this meant that at present her skin's surface temperature was hovering around 117 degrees.

Finishing her reps as she'd heard the others call them Kira replaced the weights and prayed briefly to Sa'Lean goddess of war giving thanks for the tools she'd just used.

Once her prayers were done Kira headed for the showers grinning as she went instead to the men's. She did this as a form of vicarious amusement for on her world she held no rank which would have allowed her access to the men's section.

She flipped the water on cold to allow swift transfer of her body heat to it's normal 102 degrees because she'd found that higher body temps made her friends nervous. She stood beneath the cascade of water still in her under suit which could shed water so quickly that she was dry seconds after exiting.

That was when she heard the assembly alarm and went into action. She exploded from the chilling spray of water sending a shimmering cloud of water droplets to fall in the wake of her passing. She did not bother with the stairs instead leaping up through their center and snatching the top rail as she neared an threw herself towards the door.

She bothered not to quiet her steps as she thundered at top speed to the Garage where she burst through the final door and skidded to a stop before the Titan's Ki'Hetz Little Brother. Her body blushed with bluish green tiger stripes from head to toe as she realized she was not the first before him.

"I stand at the ready my Leader" she says almost quietly so her voice doesn't crack with excitement
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vaeros flipped through pages excitedly, ignoring the smoking, crisping corners that curled away from the heat of his fingers as his focus on suppressing his heat slipped away.

Could it be that this man holds the answers I seek? He thought, grinning as he read through the final pages, before sighing and tossing the tome aside upon reaching the end.

"What did I ever do to librarians?" He wondered aloud, adding the book to the rest of the pile, all of which had been entertaining, but ultimately useless to him in terms of a solution to his problem.

Like most other days, Vaeros had been searching for a means to return to his home. He feared that it had been lost to him lately.

Soon, however, all thoughts of his own welfare disappeared as the tower alarms went off. He left his quarters in a hurry, only pausing to grab his falchion, which he had propped up against the doorframe, and tucked it into its sheath as he ran down to the garage.

Seeing the others assembled, he grinned and concentrated on reducing his body heat, so that in the event of bumping into someone they weren't left with a painful burn.

He liked his new teammates. There was no replacement for those he had lost, of course, but he enjoyed their company nonetheless. Each had qualities that were welcome additions to any group, although he felt that there were some challenges that they would ultimately be unprepared for due to a simple lack of appropriate abilities.

I think we could do with a healer... He thought, mentally going over what he knew about their abilities. He probably stood the best chance of filling that void, given what he already knew about treating wounds. One does not follow a bunch of injury-prone men and women without picking up on a few things. Like how to close a wound, or set a bone.

Banishing these thoughts from his mind, Vaeros approached the group. He grinned and clasped his hands behind his back, waiting to learn of what the day had in store for all of them.

"Please say it'll be a challenge. I've learned most of what I care to about how your people conduct their robberies. No challenge in blowing the tires of getaway vans or melting some footwear to the ground."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

~"Death smiled at me, and named me it's daughter"~

Things never quite seemed the same after the day it happened. The fragments of memories followed by the flashes and blurs of a life now foreign to her being nothing more than an ongoing reminder of her decent from humanity. But then it wasn't all bad, for she did gain some pretty good friends and all in all they weren't all that bad, even if they were perculiar beings. When the alarm sounded her eyes opened, having been sitting dormant with her thoughts for the previous hour. She took in a deep breath, standing up before her eyes began to glow.

She'd be the last to join the group, her body materialising from the shadows, eyes glowing a bright green before returning to normal once she'd materialised fully. "It seems we have an objective?" She stated in a semi rhetorical question as she looked between the others individually. Her voice was calm, even and softly toned as she smiled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Up. Down. Up. Down.

Sweat rolled off of heavy muscles, as Rahn'Niss pushed himself up repeatedly, rhythmically. Though one hand was behind his back, he preformed the excersize with the same ease as a normal man doing it two handed. When the reps were completed, he stood to attention, moving to the next excersize like clockwork. The Atlantean hoisted himself up on the pull-up bar, and began to pull himself up, until the bar shattered, unceremoniously dumping him on the floor.

Rahn'Niss growled, frustrated by the simple obstacle. He attempted to stand, only to find himself weighed down. Two weights had attatched to his hands, and were heavy enough to keep him pinned. Struggling with all of his might, he finally raised one hand, the dumbbell rolling away slowly. As he moved to free the other arm, the ground itself opened beneath him, swallowing him whole.

Nothing could be seen- the surroundings were now naught but murky water, polluted heavily enough to block light. Chains wound themselves around Rahn'Niss' body, leaving him there helpless. Though natural water was breathable to the Atlanteans, this was no natural water. Polluted with a dark magic, it choked Rhan, tearing away at his insides wherever it could. In this moment of helplessness, Rahn's mind wandered. Now there were only thoughts of his previous failures in life- things he could've done better, foes he should've beaten. Each memory ended in only shame, and disappointment.

Then he woke up.

Flashing lights and blaring alarms shook the sleep off of him instantly, as he jerked into a straight sitting position. A cold sweat was on his brow, but his massive hand quickly swept it away. Weakness. That could not be tolerated in battle, not while there was life and death on the line. It took mere moments for him to suit up, his whale bone armor clanking as he shuffled. He felt like he had been taking too long, but ended up taking less than a minute. He paused a moment, before clicking his divers helmet into place. Though Rahn could stay on the surface for quite awhile without I'll effect, his suit allowed him prolonged exposure, as well as enhancing his abilities.

Though not running, Rahn walked briskly to the garage, his anchor trailing a bit behind him. He arrived, a bit sad that he was far behind the others. He took heavy breaths, his shoulders rising and falling. Looking around at the others who had gathered, his red LED eye flashed to life. Chain glowing, the anchor slowly pulled itself to Rahn'Niss, until he grabbed it, and violently hefted it over his shoulder. "I stand at the ready." He said simply, his voice strong and commanding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Little Brother looked humorlessly at Frostbite, and clicked a button on a remote control. A large screen dominating one wall of the garage turned on, revealing an image of the Jump City Wayne Enterprises building, with transcripts of police chatter in windows on the side. Little Brother started rattling off a briefing in his "business voice."

"Twenty minutes ago, a group of thugs forced their way into Wayne Enterprises, it's believed they bypassed security by charging in past the maintenance crew as they left for the day. It is unclear if they have a specific target in mind, right now they're storming the second floor R and D and taking anything that they think might be valuable. Gang affiliation, unknown. Two known meta-humans," he clicked another button and a handful of mugshots appeared, "And three confirmed small time criminals."

Members of the team who had actually read the required reading Little Brother had put forward would recognize Tank and Torch among the mugshots.

"Some of these criminals haven't been seen in a while, and some are unknown at present. It's possible they're working with a higher power, we should be careful," he shut the TV off and made his way to Kira's ship, which had become the Titans' go-to transport since she had arrived.

"Last intel puts them on the second floor," he continued as they loaded up into the vehicle and Kira started the launch. "We'll split up. Silk Worm and I will go in through the windows, Sin as well if she can manage. The rest go in as quickly as you can up the stairs. The outside tam will wait a a count of twenty seconds before breaching the windows. Try to exit the stairwell at the same time. A two pronged simultaneous assault should give us the advantage."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Battle Cry "Titans!"

Kira Links with her Dagger's systems effectively becoming the tiny but maneuverable ship. She checks the internal gravitic compensation to assure it is set for Earth gravity normal so as not to cause her new friends the discomfort of 1.7 Gs. Atmosphere checked and virtual navigation online she plots an arching trajectory towards the Wayne Building as she waits for the others to board.
All this takes her about five seconds leaving her time to perform a sensor sweep of the Tower and it's surroundings.

Satisfied that the present tactical problem isn't a faint to attack her new home while she and the others are away she turns the power sensor suite on their target. The ship designed to survey entire planets begins building a three dimensional map of the Wayne building.

As she drifts within her ships photonic computer experiencing the world around her at high speed she ponders the information on Tank an Torch. As a warrior trained she is aware that it is often information that wins the battle and brute force merely a tool using about two seconds she sends off a message to the local authorities informing that the Titans approach.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"So much for humor...figures I'd be stuck with Captain Hardass." thought Frost Bite as he pushed himself off the wall and looked at the picture. "Ok then that's all fine and dandy and we should get going. But my dear fearless leader may I suggest one of us waits outside the building in case they try to get away. The Inspector and I used to team up and he'd always go inside while I kept myself outside and fiddled with my freaking thumbs up my butt. Regardless of how unappetizing it is if they get away because just ONE of us is not guarding the back door or the front then we'll be kicking ourselves in the butt later." Commented Frost Bite. He wasn't the guy to bring up 'strategy' crap usually but hey this was how he usually got things done and it was effective. Not to usurp this 'Little Bro' guy's position or anything it was simply a matter of getting the job done. Besides Meta Humans were a specialty of his own make.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Forgive me if I am mistaken," Vaeros interjected, meeting the eyes of the one who called himself Frost Bite, "but isn't that a task more suited for the police? Or, if a truly dangerous individual escapes the net, the National Guard?"

He checked the fit of his belt, brushed a few of the feathers on his arm, and rested his palm on the hilt of his weapon, before making his way towards Kira's Dagger with the others.

"Besides," He added. "I want to see what kind of a challenge this 'Torch' individual might be."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Anchor stood silently, not caring much for the strategy discussion. He never was big into thinking things through, he preferred leaving that to those with a mind suited more to such things. Until he got a concrete order from Little Brother, he would disregard the talk. He had opinions regarding it, but felt he should keep his mouth shut, for fear of sounding foolish. Anyways, Vaeros voiced his own ideas, more or less.

Anchor stretched out a bit, one arm quivering as it reached out behind him. His neoprene suit made a bit of a creaking noise, stretched almost beyond the limits. Though he regretted the material being synthetic, and immune to the reach of Silk Worm, there was really no compromise on the suit, it was simply too useful to him.

Ensuring the he was the last to go, he trudged slowly to the Dagger, his whale bone boots taking heavy steps. He kept the anchor on his shoulder, the chain rattling as he walked. Though for the most part remaining silent, Anchor couldn't help but chuckle at the comment about Torch. Of course it would be a challenge. If it weren't going to be a challenge, the police would handle it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

SonofJET said
"Forgive me if I am mistaken," Vaeros interjected, meeting the eyes of the one who called himself Frost Bite, "but isn't that a task more suited for the police? Or, if a truly dangerous individual escapes the net, the National Guard?"He checked the fit of his belt, brushed a few of the feathers on his arm, and rested his palm on the hilt of his weapon, before making his way towards Kira's Dagger with the others."Besides," He added. "I want to see what kind of a challenge this 'Torch' individual might be."

"Well who said it'd be you waiting out there pretty boy? I surely didn't say so I'm just saying have cops EVER been able to handle meta humans? Yeah I don't think so hell they have a normal people handling issues. Gang bangers, drug dealers, or hell there's tougher buddies like Mr. Freeze over in Gotham big guy. When was the last time any cop in Gotham, a city filled with normal and meta human villains alike, arrested a criminal without the aid of Night Wing, Batman, or Robin?" Frost Bite said plainly shrugging as he kicked his heel against the door impatiently, "Regardless of who does what and when we got to hurry quickly. If we spend to long bickering like whiny little school children we're going to be savin' nobody." Frost Bite said as he waited for the all so glorious leader of theirs to actually make up his mind."Look big guy,boss, leader, whatever you want us to call you. I have experience on a daily basis back in Dakota dealing with bang babies. These guys may be different but they're really just the same. Meta Humans don't tend to stay and fight if they have the chance .If they do it's because they can take you. If they run they'll do everything in their power to get away and no cop or swat team soldier is going to take them down without major lethal force or some type of batman gadget." Frost Bite more or less just threw that out there for anyone to comment on. Hey if he was wrong whatever he wasn't the leader and frankly he'd rather be in Dakota than be a leader of a group of meta humans. He worked with teams rarely and when he did they were normally just with Static's crew or Inspector.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

She regarded each of her teammates as they arrived. First there was Frost Bite, or Lex. He was wearing a tight blue outfit that covered his entire body from foot to neck while a tinted visor covered his red eyes. The thin teen had a trained physique that was clearly defined under the stretchy synthetic blend. The color choices were nice, and the blue hues flattered the red-eyed dark-haired boy. The torso was additionally covered by a tight metallic weaving, almost like chain mail, for some added protection. The suit was clearly designed for maneuverability. She had only known him less than a day but guessed that Frost Bite would rely on his powers rather than his fists in a fight, and likely from a distance. This was the first time Quin saw his superhero outfit, overall she thought; Not bad, though, it looks like he just threw the thing on, that metal is stretched just a bit too tight over his back. Perhaps after we get to know one another he will allow me to make some improvements. Or a redesign.

Next was Kira, Cyber Girl. Quin let her gaze linger over the robotic girl. She couldn’t help but smile. The two girls powers were had opposing natures. Quin relied on organic material and Cyber Girl the electronic. Yet, despite being a cyborg from a technologically advanced world, Quin couldn’t get over one small fact.

She wears silk.

Ir'sal Silk. Quin was wearing it over her curvy cyborg body. Quin through it was beautiful that as their own planet steered away from natural fabrics as they ‘advanced’ Kira’s planet had realized the advantage their natural materials and preserved it’s tradition. Quin's eyes wandered Kira's body jealously, longing to touch her alien silk suit.

Vaeros the Garuda was next. Vaeros was an exotic being, but practical in his attire. He only wore firefighting pants and a leather belt, no shirt to speak of. You know what they say, no shoes no shirt no problem. His gold skin, wild feathers, and dark tattoos were lovely, but the whole look was brought down by an ugly pair of sooty rubbery pants. The pants have to go. She thought, biting her lip. I can do better, I just need more time. Fireproof fabric was a tall order, but little Quin was determined to reach that accomplishment. Quin imagined a world where Garuda wore pants that matched the shape of his legs, it would be easier for him to maneuver in a fight, the firefighter pants were heavy and bulky, and even they deteriorated quickly. Quin’s pants would look fabulous.

Alicia, Sin. Sinner? Sin itself? Symbolic? Metaphorical? Literal? Man has wrestled with the nature of sin and self for the entirety of written history. When Quin met Sin, she was surprised that she felt no such conflict within. She was won over instantly.

Sin had fabulous shoes.

She wore black, black, black. Black hair, black dress, black hood, black leggings. The look was a bit plain but Quin noticed that the pattern of the gown as it flattered the girl’s thin body. A truly Gothic look was difficult to achieve. Quin had had her own goth-phase awhile back and didn’t pull it off nearly so well as Alicia. Quin thought that Alicia looked her best with a splash of color. Especially green which matched her brilliant, entrancing, and sometimes glowing eyes.

Last but not least was Anchor. His broad shouldered body bearing metal plates made him the strength and the tank of the team. Unfortunately, Quin could only wrinkle her nose at the synthetic body suit he wore underneath as it creaked. Fabric should not creak! She longed to wrap his strong body in something more suitable. Perhaps I should ask for his measurements after this mission. If I make can make him something better he won’t refuse me!

She thought of all these things as they traveled in Kira's aircraft to Wayne Enterprises. She wondered what they could be trying to steal. She would work with Little Brother, whom she had known the longest. She was working on a new cape for him. She had not told him yet, of course, it would be a surprise.

Hopefully they would surprise these meta-gangsters. Her and little brother would go through the windows, perhaps Sin as well. The others discussed the strategy a bit, but Quin was confident in their abilities. She stood by a window watching the city pass by, it wasn't long before she saw the flashing red and blue lights of law enforcement, and the unmistakable skyscraper than was Wayne Enterprises.

She would follow after Little Brother. Noticing that Anchor would be the last off she waved at him as she hopped off the craft.

She looked up, the second floor wasn't far. Yet, it was a very flat building. Modern design is boring she thought scornfully as she looked for somewhere to catch onto with her rope.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the group boarded the craft, Vaeros met Frost Bite with a deadpan gaze after hearing his tirade.

Pretty boy...? He thought, cocking an eyebrow. He wondered if that was supposed to mean what he thought it meant from his brief exposure to human culture. From what he knew, it was interchangeably a compliment or a snide remark, given in offense. Vaeros caught the female, Quin, looking at him quite intently, and only became more concerned. I've never been considered 'pretty' by a member of my team before... I hope it doesn't prove a distraction...

Shaking that thought from his mind, he shrugged his shoulders and laid his palms out towards the human. "Perhaps we should simply use lethal force, then? If the moment comes, and they truly present a threat to the safety of others, then why shouldn't we simply destroy them? From what I understand, law enforcement humans are required to do just that with some frequency. Are we not just a less mundane version of law enforcement?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Accidental Double-Post]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Among those who had come to form the community which now inhabited Titan Tower, Sin was perhaps the oldest, if only by the distance of a single year. However that didn't prevent her from enveloping the 'wise elder' stereotype of the group. She listened quietly as each of them spoke, taking note as each presented themselves in a different style with varying levels of confidence. Humans were indeed such a peculiar thing and that thought in itself was something that intrigued Sin, for she had to wonder just how much of a human she was herself. She noticed Quin regarding her and met her with a soft smile before her attention was stolen by Vaeros as they walked to the ship. For the second time since they had come together she'd speak again, "Taking a life is not a decision to be taken lightly, Vaeros. It's a truly saddening thing to have to bring upon another, the ending of a life. That being said I don't fully disagree with you, but perhaps it would be prudent if we attempt to reason first. They may be criminals, but everyone at least deserves fair warning before their life be considered forfeit, wouldn't you agree?" she asked, her emerald green eyes watching him curiously for his response. She would take her seat opposite him, holding her hands neatly on her lap. Of course she could have simply traveled through the shadows to reach the location, but since joining this team she found it better to be social.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"On the contrary," Vaeros responded, eager to enter into a conversation with someone where he wouldn't feel like he was completely uneducated. "When done for the right reasons, and with enough at stake, the taking of a life can be the lightest of all tolls on one's heart, especially compared to the other options. Where I come from, the parallels to this team of superheroes often lay waste to legions of monsters, in spirit and in action more often than in body, and they are celebrated for their actions. The gods themselves smile on their champions as they destroy those who would do harm to others. As a result, crime is nearly nonexistent, the common folk lead happy lives, and everyone is free."

It brought a tear of nostalgia to his eyes to think of his home, and the work he was proud to have been a part of. He brushed it away as he continued speaking with the one called Sin.

"It may be true, perhaps, that the same results could be achieved without the bloodshed heroes bring, but the simple truth is that, in times of great crisis, there is precious little time to make that deliberation. When the fate of hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions hangs in the balance, and you have the option to either cut the mastermind down and end his plots at once or to stand idle and attempt to show him the error of his ways, it is not a choice for you to make. Not when the outcome of the latter is so mercurial."

Sighing and leaning back in his seat, Vaeros drew his falchion from its scabbard and ran his hand over the flat of the blade, flicking the edge with his thumb.

"And yet... There is a reason that I do not draw this blade very often. I have heard the protests and explanations of Earth's great heroes. And while I may not agree with all of their beliefs, they are something to aspire to in their own respects. So I will do my best to stay my hand, until the time comes when doing so would surely spell doom for the masses."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
Avatar of RumikoOhara

RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kira listened as her teammates debated the proper use of force and was a bit disappointed when she heard the mention of lethal force. She'd heard that the heros of this world had for the most part operated without it's use but it seemed as if some of her new war companions thought of blood.

"It is no great task to kill another in battle if you are skilled but to those there is little glory. To enter battle and by demonstration of skill in the application of force bring an enemy to surrender an yet live, that is truly glorious." Thinks Kira remembering the lessons of the Sha'Heed who is legend personified.

Kira is a follower of Sha'Heed; a Long walker which on her world is a law supporter and to her the law of flowers sacred. (Law of Flowers refers to a nonleathal form of war practiced between war houses on her home world)

Shaking off distracting thoughts and the urge to add her own words to the confusion Kira starts the fusion pumps of the Dagger. Within microseconds the tiny pumps are supporting miniature stars as hydrogen is converted into pure energy.
The small crafts Jump drives show their eagerness to fold across the vast parsecs of the milky way but she doesn't need them and so sets the safety blocks to prevent their accidental activation.

Next to show their readiness are the Dagger's energy cannons which Kira sets to direct command only forcing the need for only her mental signature to fire them. The final system to come online is the shields which could protect the Dagger from all but earth's most powerful thermonuclear weapons. She only engages the shields to protect the humans of this city from the potential of her fusion pumps going critical after a direct hit in the wrong spot no matter how slim that chance is.

While she awaits the go order Kira dives into the ship's sensor information on any and all electronic devices that are active in Wayne tower.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Though he tried to ignore it, it was easy enough to see the look of disgust when Quin looked at him. He had always known that she hated his synthetic wetsuit. Though it would be easy enough to for him to ask her to craft him something, the bodysuit had been on sale, and he had put some serious effort into putting in the LED lights that ran up and down the thing. But of course, that wasn't the true reason. A small part of it had been pride, though he wasn't nearly prideful enough to act in such a stupid manner. Anchor knew of Silk Worms powers, and it would be useful to have one of her flawlessly crafted suits, be it bulletproof, waterproof, or whatever whimsy might strike her. More than anything else, it was really to spite her.

Though Anchor held himself like a professional when it was important, he found himself unable to resist certain child-like urges of the sort. So long as it didn't endanger anyone, why couldn't he have some fun in infuriating others? The look on her face when Quin looked at his suit was rather quality entertainment. Still, whenever he could, he did his best to simply ignore these thoughts. No matter how enjoyable, anything that got in the way of the mission was a hazard that could not be risked, even a slight bit.

Anchor then thought on the current conversation, which had taken a rather sudden turn for the worse, becoming rather macabre. He shifted his grip on the anchor, creating a rather audible scratch as the heavy steel scraped across his whale-bone shoulder plate. "Though I do agree that we shouldn't need to kill in the first place, this is hardly a contest of glory. This could be a matter of life or death, for countless citizens. I would rather stop the threat, and have the death weighing down on my mind, than have hundreds of innocent deaths weighing down on me." The Atlantean spoke, voice echoing a bit through his helmet.
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