Well, it's okay, I'm sure we can wait until tomorrow.
KaBling said
If he brought this up beforehand, then Sumable wouldn't be playing KaBling Simulator.Even I got confused with the narrative view, since I swore I've seen the use of 'I' somewhere. There's a line between breaking the fourth wall and technical metagaming, which does get blurry when it comes to first-third-person....note how I didn't specify anything else.Anyway, thanks to today's events, the next moderator will be Evanist instead, even though I was at the blunt end of a sociopath. I'm disappointed at finding a heir...
KaBling said
Mate, you see the reason why I added that slash and added "m'dear" to the end of that, as well as suddenly pick on you all of a sudden?Either I'm what you describe, or I just decided to dick around before facing reality. Y'know, I can barely edit a post and got another week of exams.