Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hi there Catharyn: There are two mainland factions available at the moment: Valenwood and Eleswyr. If you want a run down of events that have happened thus far, scroll up the previous page to GCold's post and click the first link, which will bring you to Khan's general plot rundown.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Posted finally. My next one will be the arrival of the horse messengers at their locations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBeanBurrito


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Actually, I really don't have time to devote to this any longer. Gonna have to drop.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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TheBeanBurrito said
Actually, I really don't have time to devote to this any longer. Gonna have to drop.

Good bye, feel free to come back any time if you want to follow our story.

LimeyPanda said
Hi there Catharyn: There are two mainland factions available at the moment: Valenwood and Eleswyr. If you want a run down of events that have happened thus far, scroll up the previous page to GCold's post and click the first link, which will bring you to Khan's general plot rundown.

Since we're on that, we have Pyandonea available in addition to Valenwood, Elsweyr and possibly Alinor. There is also the possibility of controlling both Alinor and Valenwood as the Aldmeris Dominion.

I've also improved Khan's plot summary, its in the post below.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by scarend


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Leidenschaft said
Can't see why not, man. It was cool to have you around.

Right, thanks for allowing me to observe still. It was fun playing guys, and I hope the new guys have fun too. Good luck guys!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If Alinor becomes available, you should be aware of the good relationship that had begun to form between Black Marsh and Alinor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortarion
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Hey, still interested but this week is a bit busy so I might have an extra delay. Really sorry guys
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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Mortarion said
Hey, still interested but this week is a bit busy so I might have an extra delay. Really sorry guys

No problem, take your time.

Actually, can you give us an ETA for your application?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortarion
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Friday would be my deadline, but I hope to have it ready sooner. Once again, my apologies
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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Mortarion said
Friday would be my deadline, but I hope to have it ready sooner. Once again, my apologies

No need to apologize. We'll talk again on Friday.

Catharyn, what about you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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These mer ain't loyal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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Alright people, looks like we're just waiting for Hyperdrive right now. We'll skip him this turn, since most his stuff will be dealing with internal affairs of Morrowind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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I'm waiting for altmer, orcmer, most of the mer it seems, Empire - probably a shorter list of things I'm not waiting for.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortarion
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Hey gcold I sent you a PM with a doubt that I had. Sorry for bothering you
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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Mortarion said
Hey gcold I sent you a PM with a doubt that I had. Sorry for bothering you


GreivousKhan said
I'm waiting for altmer, orcmer, most of the mer it seems, Empire - probably a shorter list of things I'm not waiting for.

Alinor/Valenwood: I will make the decision for them if no replacements are found this week.
Orsinium: Mortarion will be taking control soon, if everything goes to plan.
Empire: Shcradinger just made his post, it will take more IC time for his messengers to arrive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortarion
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@Gcold: I had a change of plans yesterday, so I couldn't finish my bio for today i am sorry. I am working on it and will have it ready for tomorrow, sorry for the inconvinience
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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Mortarion said
@Gcold: I had a change of plans yesterday, so I couldn't finish my bio for today i am sorry. I am working on it and will have it ready for tomorrow, sorry for the inconvinience

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortarion
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Nation name: The Kingdom of Orsinium

History: Much has changed for the Orcs since they moved to the Hammerfell-Skyrim border. Since 4E 201, the men and women of Orsinium have been riding out the oncoming storm, rebuilding their position following the sack of their city at the beginning of the Fourth Era. King Burkash gro-Nagorm seized power following a minor civil war amongst the Orcish people between the Malacath Traditionalists and the Trinimac Reformists. The dominant Malacath Traditionalists won out the day, seizing power while simultaneously putting the Trinimac Reformists firmly in the minority.

Since then, Burkash had been quietly marshaling his forces, stamping out Trinimac worship within the walls of Orsinium. Though, amongst all the chaos, few have noticed that Orsinium is on the rise. 4E 204 showed the Orcs beginning to go into full-time weapons and armor production. Now, in 205, with the assassination of the Mane, Valenwood and Elsweyr abandoning the Aldmeri Dominion, and the Empire in a weakened state...Well, I'll put it simply: The Warriors of Orsinium hunger for bloodshed, and soon they will be sated.

However, a week before the attack on Hammerfell, Burkash was overthrown when he was challenged to single combat by the mage-warrior Gogron gro-Shargakh for his position as leader of Orsinium, this being based from the fact that Gogron believed Burkash to be too weak to lead the orc people for he could not unite their people without resorting to a civil war. After installing himself as king, the mage-warrior mended the schism between the Trinimac and Malacath by claiming that though Malacath and Trinimac had been once separate entities they had eventually united to form the new Malacath worshiped by the orcs.

Leadership: Little has changed from Burgash's reign, a deep system of meritocracy is still in place in the Kingdom, with the new King encouraging such behavior by reforming the old council of Burgash slightly. Now every councilor is chosen from a group of people sent by every tribe or stronghold and then they compete for the chance to become councilors in a series of tests designed by Gogron to prove their skills in their area of expertise.

Politically, not much has changed from Burkash's reign, the Orcs still want their own province, be it through bloodshed or diplomacy, so that they might never be scattered to the four winds again. Gogron beings that this can be done by a mix of warfare and political maneuvering, for he believes it to be crucial for the flowering Orc province to have at least some allies

Allegiance: Neutral, for the time being but looking for an alliance with Black Marsh and maybe a few nobles from High Rock

Military: Orcish military doctrine adheres predominantly to having large groups of heavily armored and armed troops that grind the enemy into non-existence through brute force and sheer endurance. However, there are sizable elements within the Orsinium forces, archers, lightly-armored berserkers, healers, and herbalists.

The new Orcish military draws from Orcish tribal populations, as well as via requesting men and women from the Strongholds.

Culture/society: Orsinium is a brutish land, as it often has been. The caste system that has come to define Orcish culture remains, however, the men and women of Orsinium are virtually equal under the eyes of the law. They have the same opportunities within Orsinium, a stark change from the Strongholds.

Religiously, the Temple of Malacath has been reformed, now Trinimac as taken on a larger role in the old scriptures, something which has garnered no small amount of antipathy to the King but which is counterbalanced from the newly resurfaced Trinimac worshipers, as a force that reigns in Malacath's darker aspects and eventually joined with him to form the current Malacath. Gogron however, knows that this will do little to convince older Orcs so to this end he focuses on this new doctrine be taught to the younger generations in the hopes that it will root itself firmly in the newer generations.

Economically, Orsinium is a large producer of Orcish weapons and armor as well as a major producer of Orichalcum ore. Although the Orcish people are not primarily agriculturalists, the practice of raising crops and herding cattle has become a necessary one, with these members of society somewhat higher than the dregs, yet they still do not garner the same amount of respect from the populace as those who are smiths or warriors.

Well, here is my bio, I'll try to have a post as soon as possible
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortarion
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Hey, just to clarify what I said at the end of my bio; I am really busy this week with university so I'll most like post before or during Friday, hope this isn't much of a problem guys :(
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