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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Valentines_Inkstone


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Winter looked up, startled. "I don't know anyone here and this is only the second festival I can remember being to." She showed him the snow baby she had created. "I just woke up in a cave one day, not knowing who I was, where I was from or why I was in the cave. All I knew was what I was and what my powers are and how to use them." She looked at the figurine of the baby forlornly.

She touched the baby's head gently, and a thin but unbreakable layer of ice covered it, over every tiny detail. She dropped it on pyrpose to see if the shell would break. It didn't. She smiled in victory and set it in the man's hand. "The ice covering it never breaks or melts. I make a bit of money selling snowpeople, thats what the humans call em, to the humans for a low price. Some parents don't make enough to get their children pretty gifts like these." She grinned, her ice-blond hair blowing in an unseen breeze.

Then her smile faded. "Sometimes the only thing that makes me happy is making these for the humans or making it snow at weird times for the children." She said. She created another ball of snow, making a dragon that had four wings and spikes all the way down to its tail. She coated that too in the Everice. Thats what the villagers called it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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He grinned at the other as he was ensured that the delicious fruits would be shared for everyone. "...Nothing much like usual. Been quiet where I live. Only a few curious humans passing by. How about you?"

'' Well as far as it comes to me, I explored somewhat, took care of few hatching babies. Didnt managed to get to make a egg yet. Dont I look breath taking~ ''
Chu blinked at Aster his hands going to make the jacket sit right as if it making him more impressive.
'' But this festival I am sure I will find a loving partner. And I discovered dark beer, that does hit you in the head like nothing.'' Chu talked suddenly noticing Aster grab someone by the ear. The dragon couldnt sense any magic from the new face, watching Aster be all nervous.
The smell of the dragon fruits and Aster smell lingered over her. Chu was a dragon but spending lots of time under earth, one dont need a perfect smelling nose.Even the small traces of human he did picked up, he just assumed the cloths were freshly brought for her, and giving the smell off. Making the flirtatious pull a conclusion, that was for him the most logical one. Punching Aster in the upper arm, Chu grinned as wide as it was possible.

'' You little liar, nothing happened the last years? You are breaking my heart! If you planned to make a egg I would have gladly be the one who would assist you.''

Chu flirted as his fingers walked up to under Aster chin, sending him a kiss and wink before turning towards Myrtle. Stepping up to her and pinching her cheeks, with both of his hands.
''Such a cute little baby you got there. Cannot believe it hmmm.. how do humans say it again. '' He wondered for a few seconds to himself before remembering it and continuing. ''...you got laid before me, you playboy?~''

He laughed letting go of the girls cheeks to ruffle the hair in a teasing way. '' How long has it been from your hatching, you little dragon baby? And is Aster being to you a good mommy? ''
Chu was really happy trowing a arm around Aster shoulder as he still looked at her, listening to what the baby dragon, in Chu eyes at least, was saying before whispering to the other compact form dragons ear. '' You must tell me everything, who was it? That made your blush boy become a parent?''

She had the hardest time in her life. Well, at least that what she complained to her travel companion. Siabel was on her way for a few weeks, if she had been flying on her own she may have arrived within days, but not she had to have someone with her.
The girls name was Momo, actually that the name Siabel gave her, finding her born name too long. This girl was her pet. And at the moment this girl was sitting on the dragons back, holding onto Siabel, neck as she was flying.
''L-lady Siabel, would you please, m-make the air some warmer?''

The dragon sighed, as her magic did made the air around the girl some warmer. Seeing the dragon tribe coming in the view. She didnt fly faster as she in excitement wished for, keeping in mind that the human on her back had a week stomach for speed.

'' Lady Siabel, are you sure I am allowed to be on your back?''
Momo, stared at the black dragon in front of her. A wing put down to the earth, for the girl to climb up on the back. Siabel in her dragon form was sitting waiting, her red eyes focusing on the brown haired girl.
'' I said to climb on my back, my pet. I will be flying towards the dragon tribe where you will watch me in full glory become a adult.''

Momo sighed, really disliking that she teased the black dragon that it was a teen just like herself. She was somewhat afraid of heights. But Siabel trow it away as a silly thing to be, something that will change once she experience the world from the view of a dragon.
Momo slowly and shyly climbed up, hugging for dear life the neck of the scaled creature.
Siabel being proud of her flying instantly jumped up, and showed off, speed, barrel rolls, loops, not listening to the whining of the girl on her back, or the occasionally scream about her being about to fall off or to puke. Sadly for Siabel, she soon was sitting with a annoyed face in the river trying to wash off the icky stuff her back and wings were covered in.

'' I m so sorry lady Siabel, I couldnt keep it down. You were so fast and turning around and around and I..I am soo sorry.''

''We will, never again talk about this.''

She entered the dragon tribe. Slowly flying her way over it watching for a place she could settle down. Listening to the amazed gasp of Momo, on her back. Not answering any of her question as some she her self didnt know to answer. She spotted some dragons train, and deiced it would be the perfect place to land. She started to sink in slow wide loops all the way till her back legs and then front legs didnt touch the ground.
Sitting down, her wings letting the human girl slide off with the bag in her hand, just beside a tree under which a dragon in her compact form sat.

Momo was wearing a simple looking dress, and a necklace with rare jewels worked in it. The necklace was a present from Siabel, telling her it was her collar and prove she was now a dragons pet. Momo looked at the whole pet deal as somewhat cute. After some time she understand that all her lady wanted was a friend, but was too proud to ask for one. In momos eyes the black wind dragon was having a soft core.

Siabel turned to her own compact form, tail flickering under her skirt. She could tell that in the group was a grandpa a strong much stronger dragon then her. She behaved like it was completely normal to fly in mid tribe with a human in tow, but deep down she felt somewhat nervous and afraid for Momo. Not trying to show that the human girl grow to her beating heart. She looked over at Momo, to notice her being amazed and staring at the horns of a compact form dragon. She snarrled getting a maybe good idea.

''Momo, Dont stare at other dragons like you never seen one.'' Siabel placed a hand on Momos shoulder looking herself at the adult dragon. '' I am so sorry my human pet bothered you with her staring.'' Siabel said fast, hoping the word human will sink between the other words. Momo made a apoplectic bow towards the dragon. '' I am sorry miss.'' Siabel heard her say a blush forming on the humans cheeks.
'' Can I ask you for a favor.Could you watch her for a moment or two? I would wish to show respect to the grandpa that is here.''
She clapped and smiled at her, moment later turning away and walking towards the traning group. It was the first time in a very long time she talked to another of her own. And her heart raced so fast, making Siabel wish to just hide in a cloud. She came close to the group, but just couldnt speak up as freely as she planned.
Going for another tactic she breathed slowly to calm down making a colder wind blow in her face to calm her down further.
'' Electricity is really a amazing magic.'' She spoke up towards the blue storm dragon, her eyes wandering to the older grandpa. Hoping to tell him that she owned a human pet and wished no harm to be done to her. As Momo was her. And point out that every dragon can live how ever they wish to as long as another dragons life isnt endangered by it. Smiling as she hoped her little plan will work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Lucatiel smiled listening to the grand grand-dragon give the younger dragon a lesson on what he should try to do."Seems you have an excellent teacher to help you, I live you two be and good luck. I'm sure you will do fine," she said turning and leaving the two dragons alone. As she left another dragon went by her to the two dragons. From slightly listening in it sounded like she was there to pay respects to the grand grand-dragon. She kept going, shifting forms as she did, returning to her compact form. Her sight was only slightly better when in her compact form but she usually walked with confidence that hardly no one noticed she was almost entirely blind that is until she ran into them by mistake. Which she nearly did to a dragon on a flat boulder.

"Oh how clumsy of me," she laughed ",Nearly didn't see you. Here take this as forgiveness." She cupped her hands together and whispered to herself words for a few brief seconds. When she opened her hands again, she revealed a rose shaped crystal that most men of crafting would die to be able to craft something so elegantly.

"Here," she said smiling and giving it to the dragon on the boulder. Making out shapes she noticed that she had two large horns ",Oh and nice horns, I'm sure you look lovely in your true form. I best be off, busy and all that. Come by my shop, you'll know what shop it is when you see it. One of kind."

With that Lucatiel was off once more making her way out of the training grounds and heading to the crowded buildings of the tribe. She would of loved finding her brother but her shop did need attending to and she had put it off for as long as she could this morning.

She found the building and went in. Once inside she was greeted by tons of shimmering lights bouncing off of her sculptures. This is how she made it by in the world, to bring some form of happiness to others through her sculptures and create beauty when she felt she held none in her true form. She had let go of the past, what had happened to her while in the egg she would never know or why she didn't form properly but she had embraced herself as she was thanks to one person.

As if on cue she heard the door open."Oh there you are, I was going to give up on searching for you," a voice said that made her smile and spin on her hills quickly jumping on the person at the door.

"Sealameet! Finally, I was wondering if you had forgotten about me," she joked.

"How could I forget about you?" he asked ",You're the only sibling I enjoy to be around." He joked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

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Hands were straightening out the long flowing trail of her silk dress when a shadow fell overhead. Another dragon emerged with a guest but unbeknownst to the platinum blond the coal colored dragon had brought a pet human. A sensation of watchful eyes upon her made the horned dragon finally peek up, and catch a woman in a Victorian style dress staring in her direction. Vesperia followed the woman’s gaze, which were locked onto her large horns. Feeling a bit bashful her body began to slink down and inwardly, fiddling with hands as she brought them to her chest in nervousness. Before she could ask if something were wrong the compact dragon with fringed bangs began scolding the woman like a naughty child.

''I am so sorry my human pet bothered you with her staring.''

Vesperia gave a forgiving smile but her friendly expression faded after the dragon’s sentence replayed in her mind. One word did not belong in that statement…Human, that was it! That term almost slipped from her grasp and her darkened eyes widened in shock. Her head gradually turning to the human who apologized and Vesperia could not help but remain paralyzed with her mouth somewhat agape in alarm. If a bug would have flown in to investigate the space she would not have even noticed.

''Can I ask you for a favor. Could you watch her for a moment or two? I would wish to show respect to the grandpa that is here.''

“B-But...” Vesperia finally was able to hastily speak up and slowly raised her hand in protest but the dragon had already wandered off to greet the training group.

“W-Wait!” She struggled to say and then closed her mouth in defeat and tried to retain a friendly disposition while forcing a cordial smile—panicking all the while.

This predicament was placed on hold when a compact form with crystalline eyes nearly toppled over the duo who was awkwardly sitting together. Vesperia, who still contained a facial expression of a deer caught in the crosshairs of an archer’s arrow cast her view to a glinting flower gem this dragon created form thin air. An apologetic gesture no less but quite a grand one that made her tense body relax, if only for a short while. Fingers gently plucked the lucid stone with a nod of approval. Everything was happening so fast and this woman too skipped off in a hurry before thanks could be given. The mysterious crystal generating dragon did compliment horns that curved into a crown above Vesperia’s head, which made the self-conscience necromancy dragon blush lightly.

“…Come by my shop, you’ll know what shop it is when you see it. One of a kind.”

One of Sealameet’s suggestions came into mind about a crystal shop being his favorite and a sister of his who ran it. Had she just informally met one of his kin? This thought was swept under the rug when she turned realizing the human still remained next to her in such close proximity. After shifting to become more comfortable she cleared her throat as it was parched from nerves.

“Well, it’s unfair that I know your name and you do not know mine. I am Vesperia. Nice to meet you Momo. Clearly the dark horned dragon appeared hesitant and shy when introducing herself.

Never had she thought that this day of meeting a human up close and personal would be here so soon. Even though she had dreamed of speaking with one again it was completely different from actually following through. Hands were beginning to clam up as she tried to think of something to say but nothing too personal.

“Beautiful necklace you have. Do you like rare gems? I brought this bag of them. Would you like to see?” Hands rummaged through the velvet bag and began setting down a multitude of vibrant stones ranging from large diamonds, citrine, and even onyx. She placed the rose shaped gem inside the bag and would treasure the gift Sealameet’s sister gave to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

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The blue dragon's face lit up a little bit after Jeonbae had introduced himself. "Oh, um thank you mister Jeonbae. I would love the training if you wouldn't mind, I try to get it to work but if I try normally it melts and if I try to make it weaker all I make is a small puff of a spark that wont work."
The other white dragon, Lucatiel, that was nearby, spoke up. "Seems you have an excellent teacher to help you, I live you two be and good luck. I'm sure you will do fine," and with that, she continued on her way.
Jeonbae gave a small wave to the departing dragon, and then turned back to Aksaja, scratching his head, thinking of a few ideas. He would very much like to see this dragon move up to being an adult.
"Hmm, I'm not an expert at breathing out electricity more than you are," he said. "But maybe if you start out with a puff and then try to slowly build it up..." Before he could demonstrate, another dragon, a teen black dragon probably, judging by the compact form's appearance, came up to the two training.
'' Electricity is really a amazing magic," she said to Aksaja, glancing at Jeonbae, who smiled politely.
"Yes, it can be very useful in most cases. You're welcome to observe our training." Jeonbae turned back to the training area.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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uh yeah, I wouldn't mind" Aksaja said softly feeling a little flustered seeing her dark hair looking very beautiful in her compact form but Aksaja wondered what she was like in dragon form. To Aksaja she seemed really cute to him but he had to get back to work, if he became an adult with her then they would have a bond with each other. "yeah if I recall correctly those humans use electricity to compensate for their lack of magic and lightning magic will help in making them keep their distance from us" Aksaja said softly not looking a fight with humans for what they did to his father but neither did Aksaja feel that hunters shouldn't be hurt for what they did.

Aksaja then turned to the metal pipe and tried to do what his elder suggested and start from a puff and work up to a breath. Aksaja took a breath before he made a small puff of current then as the pipe got the first spark Aksaja started to work towards his full breath and soon the pipe was getting a larger current and before it could melt Aksaja immediately stopped it seeing the current go through the pipe before it slowly stopped and Aksaja grinned seeing it didn't melt but he still doesn't know how to make that im-between a breath and puff on command to make that current...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aster listened to Chu speak about finding a partner and some beer. Chu was seeming always trying to find his special person at these festivals. The red haired compact dragon couldn't say he blamed him, but he didn't make much of a effort to even socialize, none the less find a mate. He would bet his life that he wouldn't be so well at Chu if he tried. Plus... He wasn't sure if he wanted to. Thoughts of his were, even now, clouded with the first love he ever had.

"Just try not to get too drunk. You tend to get in trouble when you do." Aster warned softly as his fingers clenched onto Myrtle's shoulders.

Then, surprisingly, the brown haired dragon before him took the situation differently then Aster expected. A completely embarrassing one at that. Rubbing his arm at the light punch, before he could protest and correct the mistake, he froze as the flirtious dragon moved closer, brushing his fingers under the nervous male's soft skin under his chin. Suggesting he should of asked Chu to assist in making a egg.

This of course, left Aster's face completely beet red, his purple eyes wide in a mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and confusion.

"U-U-Uh.... B.......bu...!" Was all Aster managed to stutter before Chu turned his attention to the human girl, treating her like he did with any baby dragon.

Myrtle watched the interaction between the two male human looking dragons with curiousity. Wondering if all dragons socialized like this. Aster didn't seem much like a social dragon, but apparently he was pretty reactive towards others. Probably why he was pretty easy to drag into this current situation they were in. Also it was apparently Dragons also had their flirts, even between males infact. Mhmm by the way this new dragon spoke, males could also make a egg between each other. How interesting. She will defiantly have to question Aster later on this and how it works.

The young woman blinked as the dragon named Chu spoke playfully at her and pinched her cheeks like one would do for a child. He apparently thought she was a baby dragon. So babies compact forms can look like a young adult human? Guess it wasn't too illogical since Aster has been living since her great grandfather, and his human like form still looked like a handsome young man.

As her bright red hair was ruffled, she grinned as she decided to play along with this. Pretending to be a baby dragon might be okay for awhile, after all it wasn't odd for babies to ask questions on social life and how things worked. Plus, despite how determined she was on this, she honestly didn't want to get poor Aster into trouble.

As she was asked the questions, she put on the cutest face she had, her emerald eyes shining up innocently at the questioning dragon. Her hands clasped together in front of her shyly.

"Twenty-two years ago! Mommy Aster is really nice, he can be stern and scary sometimes but he spoils me." Myrtle chirped happily as she the hugged the male red head like a child clinging to their parent with utter adoration.

Aster was still recovering from his blushing incident before his mouth gaped a bit at the human's words, unsure what to say now. Blushing a bit as Chu wrapped a arm around his shoulders, watching Myrtle answer before whispering in his ear, questioning how exactly this happened. Struggling to find a answer, Aster thought deeply for a moment.

Most people called him blunt a lot of the times, but that's because he was mostly a honest dragon. He didn't really like lying. But he couldn't exactly just say that Myrtle was a human either. So he tried to think of a way to tell most of the truth, but not exactly reveal all of it.

"U-Uh... She's not really my child. Her family is a friend is mine... They are gone now so I'm taking care of her." Aster answered softly. None of it was really a lie, he had been watching the family since Zafine. Though he didn't show himself to them after leaving Myrtle's grandmother to live amongst the humans.

Looking down at Myrtle for a moment, he let out a soft sad smile, smiles were rare for him but he couldn't help it when he looked at her. "She looks so much like him though." he said softly, causing the human to drop her smile to look at the red haired dragon in confusion. Wondering exactly what he meant.

Shaking his head briefly he looked at Chu shyly as he scratched his scarred cheek. "So don't worry. You can still get um... 'Laid' first. Your much better at that sorta thing." Aster muttered back to him before taking off his scarf and wrapping it around Myrtle's neck. "This should keep you warm and safe." he said soft patting the top of her head. Hoping his piece of clothes would be enough to fool the rest of the dragons.

Myrtle blinked but chuckled as she cuddled the scarf against her before looking around. "Can I go and explore? This is my very first festival!" she asked eagerly, wanting so bad to go and take notes on everything she sees.

"You are not going off by yourself. You are staying by my side so I can watch you." he said firmly like a overprotective parent.

"Awwwww but mooommy!!" Myrtle whinned playfully and pouted her bottom lip out.

Aster's left eyebrow twitched a little at the whine. Wondering how exactly he was the mother in this relationship. Did he act like one? Maybe, he wasn't sure but it still made him a little embarrassed.

Slithering around the Tribe, Damia watched as dragons interacted with each other. Some as their d
True forms, some in their compact. All looking like they were having a wonderful time. Pondering what she should do, she decided to head to the crystal shop that resided deeper into the tribe. She always enjoyed looking at the crystals displayed their. Both heads hissing in agreement, she slithered off, moving around other dragons as her long body moved quickly.

If she was going to try and become a teen this year, she wanted to at least have some sort of courage. Crystals made her nerves feel better. Finding the shop, she slithered inside, seeing two dragons inside talking. One being the owner of this beautiful shop.

"Morning!" the left head chirped happily.

"Let's just look." The right head grumbled.

The child dragon started to curiously look at sculptures and such.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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"Oh it's good to see you brother," Lucatiel said with a warm smile before turning her attention to the door as she heard it open and closed.

"Oh hello there, is there anything you need help with?" Lucatiel asked kindly too the two headed dragon that slithered in ",Or are you just browsing. If you need anything particular I do commissions, just if it's something large it might take a few days."

The inside of the store was covered nearly top to bottom with crystal artworks of some form or another. Some were large as the store itself, others as small as pieces of jewelery which they were. Each were unique in some way and all made by Lucatiel. Though it was a shop she hardly asked for any form of payment for her pieces, she enjoyed making them as much as giving them away. The shop merely was there to display the pieces of work rather then have her cave cluttered with them. Sometimes she might ask a favor in return, nothing major just something small if she needed help due to her disability, or maybe a gemstone of some kind that she knew some collected for there hordes or just because they could. This time of year it was usually dragonfruit she asked for when she caught wind of anyone bringing it since it wasn't something that grew here and she loved the taste. Of course the person could refuse and she wouldn't feel upset by it, after all it was a request not a demand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Momo sat down beside the horned dragon that her lady left her. The bag she carried placed beside her.Staying still and silent , only with amazed eyes watching when the white haired woman created a jewel out of nothing. Dragons were amazing creatures indeed. Hearing the invitation to a Crystal shop. A crystal shop on its own sounded pretty. A crystal shop with such a amazing dragon who could created stones out of this world fascinating.
As the woman introduced herself as Vesperia, she made a bow. '' I am gratefully for you told me your name lady Vesperia. '' She smiled in return.

“Beautiful necklace you have. Do you like rare gems? I brought this bag of them. Would you like to see?”
Momo hand went to touching her necklace, turning her head to where Siabel was standing and talking with the training group. She looked as all those gems were put down on display in front of her. She shock her head a bit.

'' Please I dont think I am worthy enough to receive gifts of such a beautifully dragon as you, lady Vesperia. This necklace was a gift from my Lady Siabel she calls it prove that I am only hers. ''
She smiled, guessing the dragon she was left with was just as nervous as she was when first meeting with a dragon. She wondered for a moment, feeling it would be nice if she could get a present for the air dragon.
''My Lady Siabel likes jewelry. But please, dont feel bond to be staying here because myself. If you desire to follow the invitation of that pretty dragon lady, please do so. I can go with you.'' Momo nodded, adding after a moment. '' Lady Siabel can follow my smell very well, she was never opposite of me wandering around. '' She ensured the other dragon, hoping to not have been forcing anything on the other dragon, what she didnt wanted. Or at worst to have angered the dragon with her behavior. Siabel did told her dragons snacks humans...but... she must have been pulling Momos leg. At least Momo hoped Siabel was just playing a joke when saying that.

But thinking it may be a good thing to make it really sure she opened her bag, that was full with small trinkets from her home town and pulled a little ticking round machine, that elegantly sat on top of her palm. It was a weather clock. She pressed a button as some little properer popped out of its side. She offered it to her. '' Its able to predict the weather depending on the atmosphere, temperature and air movements. So please it may not shine as your stones but accept my gift, for troubling you. ''

She was let to watch their training, relaxing some more as she concentrated on the magic the blue teen worked on. Not really noticing when did the white adult dragon left. A puff of electricity. She whistled as the bar was having a electric current in it. Looking again at the grandpa dragon she smirked somewhat. Touching the blue teen on the arm'' May it be easier to practice on a circular closed bar? Humans dont have open circuits, they always have it closed you know. '' Siabel suggested before she looked over at the grandpa once again.
This time she made a knacks towards him, raising her dress just a bit.
''My name is Siabel, and its a honor to meet a grandpa. I and my pet were exited for the festival of Aging. '' She smoothly managed to say it. Her tail flickering a bit nervous. Giving a pat to herself for not stuttering, or anything, but appearing sure and pridefully. That image what she liked the most to see in herself, so she shifted to her dragon form.
'' My magic is air based, messing enemies flying machines is pretty enjoyable.'' She chuckled telling the other teen. Still eyeing the grandpa hoping he wouldnt start asking questions about Momo. If she redirect the attention from her pet to herself, and amaze them with her air magic. They may all forget about it carried by the festival happy atmosphere. She did inform a elder that she didnt came alone. No one had the right to tell her that she was hiding a human.
'' I would like to show my magic too, but it isnt as visible with out a partner. Want to help me out?'' She asked the teen, her wings spreading already enjoying the breeze she herself was keep on making.

He found her quite adorable, especially when Myrtle hugged Aster in such a affection way. But hearing the red hair start explaining, Chu let him go. Giving him a nod of understanding. So she was a lonely dragon now. Someone who lost their family, probably humans hunters or the like.

''Sorry.'' Chu apologized as he heard with what kind of soft nostalgic voice he said she reminded him of someone. Probably the parents. Chu wondered what dragons they were, but cheered up as Asteer with all seriousness replied to him that he could still be 'laid' first.
''Maybe with you~'' He purred flirtatiously and joked again , watching how Aster worried for her not to get a cold. Such a loving parent. At hearing how exited the little baby was for exploring Chu grinned. Babies were always so fun to watch experience hings for the first time. The first time seeing snow or rain or the first time flying. The first time trying to catch a fly that fly around, the first time watching the Aging of others.

''Of co-'' Chu never got to approve it, as Aster strictly cut him off.
"You are not going off by yourself. You are staying by my side so I can watch you."
"Awwwww but mooommy!!"

''Yeah Mommy Aster! Let the baby play with the other babies around! '' Chu whinnied just like a baby himself, finding that brow twitching more then amusing on Aster face. Suppressing a laugh he waved a hand like it was unimportant at all. '' Well keep her all to you self for now, we should take that basket to a better place. On the way we can let her have a view of the tribe.'' Chu shifted into his dragon form shrinking into a red scales covered bunny with small wings. Eyeing the basket beside which they stood, his red furry bunny tail wriggling and twitching before he jumped up. The wings flapping twice before he turned mid air into his compact form catching the edge of the basket and making himself sit there comfortable, legs crossing over each other.

''Hope you dont mind a extra passenger? Saw some dragons bring food around the waterfalls to the east. A relaxing swim before the Aging begins for your wings Aster?'' Chu grinned his dragon feet curling up, before swinging them casually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

TalijaKey said
She was let to watch their training, relaxing some more as she concentrated on the magic the blue teen worked on. Not really noticing when did the white adult dragon left. A puff of electricity. She whistled as the bar was having a electric current in it. Looking again at the grandpa dragon she smirked somewhat. Touching the blue teen on the arm'' May it be easier to practice on a circular closed bar? Humans dont have open circuits, they always have it closed you know. '' Siabel suggested before she looked over at the grandpa once again.
This time she made a knacks towards him, raising her dress just a bit.
''My name is Siabel, and its a honor to meet a grandpa. I and my pet were exited for the festival of Aging. '' She smoothly managed to say it. Her tail flickering a bit nervous. Giving a pat to herself for not stuttering, or anything, but appearing sure and pridefully. That image what she liked the most to see in herself, so she shifted to her dragon form.
'' My magic is air based, messing enemies flying machines is pretty enjoyable.'' She chuckled telling the other teen. Still eyeing the grandpa hoping he wouldnt start asking questions about Momo. If she redirect the attention from her pet to herself, and amaze them with her air magic. They may all forget about it carried by the festival happy atmosphere. She did inform a elder that she didnt came alone. No one had the right to tell her that she was hiding a human.
'' I would like to show my magic too, but it isnt as visible with out a partner. Want to help me out?'' She asked the teen, her wings spreading already enjoying the breeze she herself was keep on making.

Aksaja may have been able to shoot electricity but her arm touching his felt a little like a shock although he couldn't understand why. Then he listened to her talk about a closed bar and it did make sense, if all their circuits were open then electrical dragons would have been able to destroy their machine things long ago. "just got to bend the bar and make it closed then" Aksaja agreed watching her lift her dress a little like a curtsy and Aksaja thought it was kinda cute then as she talked she turned into her dark dragon form and Aksaja thought she looked even more beautiful then before cause she looked sleek and dark almost with a seductive look but Aksaja wondered what she meant by a pet. "sure I don't mind helping you but I wouldn't know how since its electricity and air together" Aksaja said simply shrugging to her but he was more then willing to help if she wanted it
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Blushing deeply as Chu once again flirted, the scarred face male mumbled and stuttered a bit incoherently before focusing enough to make a coherent sentence. "Save it for someone you actually like, flirt." Aster mumbled.

Myrtle blinked at the two again curiously, tilting her head slightly to the right. Aster was obviously easy to tease, surprisingly since the first time she met him he seemed so calm and collected. Chu was apparently a master at making the long red haired dragon blush and stutter though. It made her want to make it worse, and she had a feeling it would be quite easy when pretending to be a baby.

"Mommy Aster, what does getting laid mean? Is that where eggs come from? Does it mean I get a Daddy?" Myrtle asked innocently as she looked up at her supposed parent. Smiling cutely with curious glowing emerald eyes. She did want to know how exactly eggs worked, but had a feeling aster wasn't going to explain at this point in time.

Indeed, Aster blushed more, piercing his lips together at the question before ruffling her hair. Finding it highly unfair that he was getting double teamed. "I'll tell you when you're old enough." He grumbled before glancing toward Chu as he whined just as much as Myrtle about letting her go off and 'play' with the other baby dragons.

There was several things why this was a bad thing to do. One, she was really a human and he wasn't sure what would happen if someone discovered her. Two, she was reckless and stubborn and probably would just get herself into trouble. Three, she could be stepped on... Or worse.

"She's too fragile to go by herself in the Tribe. She could be stepped on... Or get lost... Or tail whipped.... Or a training teen blasting her.. Or worse! She gets into as much trouble as you do." Aster said, worry evident in his voice as he practically crushed the smaller red head against him, as if to protect her from any sort of thing in the immediate area.

The human flailed a little at the sudden strength before lightly poking the tip of his nose with a finger, sticking on her tongue playfully.

"Mommy you worry too much!" Myrtle giggled at Aster's worried little rant. He really was a big softie. She was a little surprised he didn't have a mate or something. He was stunning in his dragon form and she knew plenty of human girls who would adore his human like form. Maybe even guys if Aster let down his long hair and dressed girly.

Maybe dragons didn't like the nasty scar he had? Did they have preferences when finding a mate? Some rumors say dragons valued beauty, so maybe that applied to courting? Scars weren't really a known factor for beauty. If that was the case though, Chu wouldn't have flirted right? Then again he was just probably playing around. So many questions left unanswered.

As Chu suggested they moved the basket to safely, before changing into a cute scaly dragon version of what seemed to be a red rabbit and jumping up into the basket then quickly changing back. Myrtle gasped a little before smiling as she gleefully yelled. "Bunny!"

Aster sighed before changing into his dragon form as well, gently picking up Myrtle with a paw. "Yes, Chu looks like a bunny, he's a earth dragon. He's more of a digger. It's why he's in his compact form most of the time. Too many big dragons around during the festival." he briefly explained before gently setting Myrtle in the basket. Looking at Chu he gave a soft slow nod. "Don't mind.. The water here does help a bit. Plus Myrtle I suppose can have a good view." he said then gripped the handle between his teeth and flapped his wings so they flew up in the sky. His pace was gentle and slow though so not to make his passengers toss around.

Myrtle chuckled before sitting next to Chu and gazed curiously over the tribe, smiling brightly at the wonderful sight. Dragons talking in various forms, each one looking so different and unique. Some were giants like Aster, and some were small like Chu. Some even were more like snakes or some even had more than one head. Did they even have breeds of dragon? Because all of them seemed to having something different from any of true others.

"This place is so amazing!" The human cheered happily with excitement, her eyes wandering up over Aster's glorious shimmering form. Scales ever changing colors with the suns light. There only thing marring it was the giant scar that seemed to impair his flighty even.

"Hey Mommy, how did you get that scar and can't fly well?" she blurted out without much thought to it, finding her curiosity winning out.

Aster paused as he flew steadily east to the falls not too far off. "I was dropped as a egg and I cracked to early. If eggs aren't cared for properly, they won't develop so well if they survive. It's why most eggs are brought here for safe keeping. Chu knows more about that sort of thing, he looks after them a lot." he answered before defending and carefully landing by a huge area, some dragons swimming in the water, some lounging out in the sun, some laying on top of the rocks along the falls...

As Chu had said, baskets of food of many variety lay to the left upon a large slab of stone. Walking over, he set the basket down on the stone, before gently picking up Myrtle and setting her down safely on the ground. Doing the same with the still compacted form male dragon.


As the owner of this shop asked, the green dragon thought for a moment. "Just looking, I was going to try see if I can get some sort of crystal for encouragement. I want to attend the Aging Ceremony this year and your pretty crystals make me feel better." the left head said with a soft smile.

"Can't wait to show the old elders what I'm made of! Going to smoke them until they are so impressed!" the right head spoke eagerly as well, raising its head in pride.

The left head glared at her right head before smiling a little shyly as she looked around. "I'm afraid in not sure which one though. You have so many beautiful sculptures it's hard to decide." she said with a soft sigh, seeming a bit more nervous about the ceremony then the right head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Manners were naturally occurring to the polite human it seemed for she used formal speech and even took a bow. Momo was also soft-spoken and demure, which meshed perfectly with the horned dragon’s bashful personality. This first meeting could not have gone any better and anxiety soon lessened with each exchange of courteous words and gifts. Vesperia handed the polite human an extremely rare princess cut Poudretteite gemstone in exchange for the nifty machine. She could not possibly part with a gift without giving one in return, and two free mementos in one festival came as a nice surprise.

“You are much too generous, I appreciate your generosity and if you say you’re allowed to wander then let us visit the crystal shop.” This decision did not take long to reach especially if this human said Mistress Siabel could sniff her exact location.

An unfamiliar feeling of eagerness had transpired since first meeting that male dragon, almost as if her spirit butterflies were fluttering inside her stomach instead of conjuring a protective barrier around her form. The possibility of running into Sealameet again filled her with excitement, and bare feet could not walk fast enough to the boutique. After gathering and carefully placing each gem into her bag the search for the specialty store commenced. The dragon with blanched eyes mentioned that the building was hard to miss and as the odd duo both rounded a corner it stood out among the other dwellings.

Once inside eyes befell to an emerald scaled dragon with two chatting heads. A greeting smile was flashed their way after holding the door open for her guest. The elegant yet peculiar horned dragon stood in concurrence with Momo, and would follow the sweet human if she decided to browse any wares. On occasion Vesperia’s celestial hues would innocently peek over to steal a look at Sealameet until she finally found the courage to address him. Gracefully her slender figure strolled over to him with subtle confidence, the violet material from her dress shining with each step.

“Greetings, once again. I would very much like to introduce you to my friend, Momo. Momo this is Sealameet.” Her attention was then directed at the compact form dragon with flowing silvery tresses.

“Is she your sister? I am afraid I did not catch your name but I wanted to thank you for the beautiful rose crystal. This shop and your work is truly wonderful to behold.” While in the midst of Sealameet and his sister she had forgotten to conduct herself in the proper way and had disrupted the other dragon customer.

“I apologize if I interrupted your conversation.” She spoke to the duel headed dragon, and felt awful if she had.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Hearing the voice of Vesperia again sent an odd feeling through him. The fire in him roared oddly different then it usually did in him and made him feel light as a feather. The feeling wasn't unpleasant, actually he rather enjoyed it though why he felt this way he couldn't exactly pinpoint. He smiled turning toward Vesperia.""Well hello to you again as well," he said happily and then turned to Momo ",Hello to you too, Momo." His attention returned back to Vesperia taking her in, looking up and down once more at her lovely dress, the feeling still pestering him.

"Yes this is indeed my sister," he answered Vesperia's question ",Vesperia this is-"


"Lucatiel. My name is Lucatiel," Lucatiel interrupted Sealameet walking over ",Welcome to my shop. Forgive my clumsiness earlier again. Hope you enjoy the rose."

Vesperia went to the other customer who had come in before her and apologized for interrupting. Lucatiel gave it a wave of her hand."It's all right, I'll return once I help this lovely dragon. You speak with Sealameet, he might as well help me with something while he is here." She joked returning all her attention to the two headed dragon.
"Well maybe I can be of some assistance. I can make whatever you want even if it's not here." She was more then happy to oblige, especially for those who were heading for their trials to impress the elders and become older.
"Whatever your heart desires I shall make and give for you and do not worry to much about the trials, I'm sure you shall do fine," she said ",Everyone gets nervous but I'm sure you'll knock their wings off and you'll pass."


He chuckled at his sister and turned his attention back to Vesperia."I'm glad to see you again," he said smiling ",It gives me a chance to ask you something I had wanted to ask you but we had parted ways before I could."
Oddly enough Sealameet's usual confident demeanor was shattered and he became slightly nervous and what he was about to ask her."I was wondering if you would care to join me in a flight later, just so I can give you a better tour of the land," he finally managed to get the words out and waited from a response from her hoping she would accept more then anything else in the world. He never felt the need to show anyone around before but with Vesperia, there was something different about her that made him want to do so. To spend time with and get to know her more.

"I mean if you don't mind in me showing you around," he then added, feeling his face slightly redden as he looked at the ground in an attempt to hide the reddening of his cheeks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Uh, yeah, I wouldn't mind," Aksaja said, a little more quietly than usual. "Yeah, if I recall correctly those humans use electricity to compensate for their lack of magic, and lightning magic will help in making them keep their distance from us." Jeonbae watched as Aksaja turned to the metal pipe and did what Jeonbae had told him. From the puff, a sizeable current of electricity flowed into the pipe, but didn't melt. The teen dragon quickly stopped the breath and grinned slightly. Jeonbae grinned as well, giving him a thumbs up.
''May it be easier to practice on a circular closed bar? Humans don't have open circuits, they always have it closed you know," Siabel explained to the blue dragon. She then turned to Jeonbae.
''My name is Siabel, and its a honor to meet a grandpa. I and my pet were exited for the festival of Aging," she said. Jeonbae noticed her tail was flicking to and fro a little bit, but he assumed it was from nervousness. He was used to this kind of reaction, but smiled and bowed slightly in return nonetheless. He found the mention of "pet" strange, he might have to ask her about that later, he thought to himself. Siabel then shifted into her dragon form, turning a little towards the teen dragon.
''My magic is air based, messing enemies flying machines is pretty enjoyable," she said. ''I would like to show my magic too, but it isnt as visible with out a partner. Want to help me out?''
Aksaja turned away from the now-bent pipe to face Siabel.
"Sure, I don't mind helping you but I wouldn't know how since its electricity and air together" he said, shrugging a little bit.
"By all means, you two are welcome to practice," Jeonbae said, chuckling a little bit. "Try not to get too out of control, but if it does I'll help get it under control, so don't worry."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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She smirked a bit at the electric dragon wondering how would he be her from help,She was really happy that instead a question came a supporting answer from the grandpa dragon. Well that was only meaning one, her plan was working. Humming as so slightly now mood in highs.
''I will be carefully grandpa~ I plan to become a adult so my magic is under control.'' Most of it, she added in her mind. '' As a adult dragon It would be nice to begin with a motherhood.~'' Her wings spreading looking back at Aksaja, moving her weight on her back legs sitting. Her front palms clapping.She trow a side glance behind herself, wondering if her pet for a change behaved and were sitting under the tree she left her.
She wasnt there.
She looked back, still face unchanged as in her mind she was scolding Momo as mad.
That girl isnt able to sit 5 minutes in one place. At times I wonder if she is having ants in underwear or something. Is she aware she is a human wandering around a tribe full dragons?! She so will end up as a lunch to someone who hates humans. That stupid human I cannot even look away and she will get in trouble and who has to keep on saving her? Of course its me!
The wind changed direction, as Siabel spoke to the blue dragon. '' Just fly for me, and have trust I will not make you break any bones~'' She winked at the other dragon in a joking manner.
The wind bringing the scent of Momo to Siabels nose, making he be aware which direction and how far she wandered off this time. Allowing the black dragon pinpoint the location as she remembered the layout of the tribe as she fly over it.
Momo put the given gem in the side pocket of her bag. Finding it more then beautifully, and wondering how worthy it was, considering her little machine it could be seen as a toy the gem was clearly several times more worthy.
'' Thank you very much'' momo was happy, that the beautifully dragon was accepting the silent request she asked. Soon going towards it passing many dragons on the ways. The human couldnt stop staring at all the different sizes and forms.The festival was really busy time just like her lady described it to her. And they were arrived, As she entered after Vesperia she looked carefully at the dragon she was left to be beside.
The way she moved and how she eyed things, Momo chuckled. The dragon was in love how adorable. She browsed the many different gems, searching something Siabel would like to get. Meanwhile occasionally looking at the shy dragon peeking over. Soon she did collect the courage.
“Greetings, once again. I would very much like to introduce you to my friend, Momo. Momo this is Sealameet.”

'' Its a honor to meet you.'' Momo made another bow, trying to contain the chuckle. Sealemeet had the same face she knew boyfriends had when meeting their beloved with a bucket of flowers. They were really cute together. Making momo wondering if dragons had weddings.
She stayed by side, letting the two lover birds to they own, her eyes wandering to the two headed dragon and the words Lucatiel said to him? Momo assumed the gender of the dragon, catching herself that she was scaring at the poor dragon again. A bit blushing from her constant mistaking she moved closer to Lucatiel. Waiting for the two head dragon to finish what it was wanting before she a bit shyly spoke up.

'' How much would it cost to request a black stone shimmering like the night sky? It would be a present for my lady.''

He had the greatest time to just watch the amazement on the girls face. He even went over the fact that he was called bunny, luckily Aster explained it for him. Listening to the question of the curious baby, about Aster scars.
'' Yup~ I like to care about the eggs, I am not the only dragon who spend a lot the time around the nursery you know. Many dragons dont watch over their eggs, but that doesnt make them bad. Every dragon is allowed to live the life the way they wont.And just like there are dragons who leave the eggs here there are dragons who watch over it. '' Chu chipped ready, hearing from many baby asking about it, especially the ones who were hatch in the nursery. Just like him back in the day, and just like he was taught, he taught about the dragons morals to every baby. One day even to his own hatch-lings.

Chu was a bit daydreaming, not noticing when they landed until he was picked up by Aster. '' Aww you daring boy picking me up in a romantic place.'' He joked around jumping off the dragon hand landing easily on his feet. Looking at the dragons around and walking to pick some berries of a oversize plate, offering some to Myrtle.
''Have you yet discovered what suit your tongue the best? You look to me like fish would be your choose of food to satisfy your belly carving?''
Following the experience of dragon babies loving to experiment with food, to see what they like to eat. Some even begging adults to bring them human sweets, because those were something they loved.
He nibbled on the berry sitting down with his feet in the lake, but making sure his pants dont get wet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 days ago

I just hope that a beautiful Dragon like you isn't going hurt me, I would hate to be hurt before I can be that father" aksaja said giving his first flirt to her and already he was worried he may have creep or scared her when he just wants to let her know he is interested in her when they become adults together. Aksaja leaned back on his long tail before pushing off on his front claws and flapped his wings flying up in the air above them his tall slithering even in the air as he stayed in the air wondering what the wind Dragon will do to him. aksaja could always train later right now he was just compelled to be with her and care about her already feeling like he needed to protect her...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aster blushed under his shimmering scales at the flirt, snorting a little making steam emit from his snout. "It's not 'romantic' unless a pair is alone together." the firewater dragon countered with a embarrassed flick of his tail, glancing at the two as they discussed about dragon culture and morals.

"I'm going for a swim. You two stay out of trouble." Aster said before moving flying up and diving into the middle of the lake. His large body disappearing under the water though his shadow could be seen swimming around with his wings folded.

Moving much like a fish, he soon raised his head above water, brushing it briefly under a waterfall as he spread his wings to lay on top of the waters surface. Water felt good on his scales and eased the soreness of his scar. It probably was the magic he had with water that could heal wounds. Course, no amount of magic could exactly cure a defect from improper egg handling. After relaxing in the waters for a few minutes, his body shifted into compact form.

Grumbling a little, he stripped his dark grey shirt to reveal his full scare down the side of his lean toned body.. His scales along his chest and shoulders shining with the sunlight. He tossed the shirt over a branch before removing his hair band holding together his low ponytail, the long scarlet hair flowing with water and clinging to his back. Removing his boots and lay them next to his shirt, he then just lay on his back and floated. He didn't much mind swimming with the pants on. He could dry them fast enough and he wasn't comfortable removing everything.

Myrtle listened intently to Chu's explanation, mentally taking notes of everything. So odd, Dragons living however they wished. Humans do that and they just kill each other a lot of times, or just want control. It was surprising just how much Dragons seemed almost peaceful amongst each other. Humans sure could learn a thing or two on cooperation and value.

At the offered fruit, she happily took it, glancing at Aster to make sure it was edible for her, but seeing he wasn't worried she happily munched on it. It tasted delicious.

"Thank you. And yeah fish is pretty good. Must take after Mommy Aster." the human giggled as she sat down next to the earth dragon, watching as the much bigger dragon swam around first in his dragon form then his compact. Finding it amusing he seemed to enjoy being in the water so much.

"So mister Chu, what are you going to do with your eggs? Are you going to leave them in the nursery or live with you?" Myrtle asked curiously.

Damia tilted her heads thoughtfully in opposite sides of each other, pondering on what would want before glancing to the door where two more individuals entered and started talking with the male of this little get together. One of them was surely a dragon, the other smelled very different. One could only say, a human with some dragon scent over her. It was then the other female dragon came over and apologized for the interruption.

Damia's left head smiled and nodded. "Don't worry about it, it's quite alright, elder dragoness." she said to the older dragon.

"Though it was rude." snorted the right head before hissing back at the glaring left head.

Thinking for a moment on the crystal makers words, both heads slowly nodded in agreement. "A flower. A dragon lily for courage." both heads spoke at once with a eager grin before shifting towards the human , the young dragon not showing much restraint as her snake like body slithered around the human.

Sniffing and flicking both tongues out to get a better sniff.

"A human? I've never seen one before. Where do you come from? What's it like as a human?" Damia's left head asked curiously.

"Can we eat it? Papa says they taste like yummy veal! " the right head hissed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

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Vesperia followed every word of his on bated breath but when he asked for a touring flight, her bright ambiance dimmed along with the happiness in her face. It was as if a great ship’s rope had given way and began floating opposite from the dock. “Oh.” She said morosely while lowering eyes in turmoil not speaking for some time. Lost in apparent contemplation but she came to the realization rather quickly that an answer must be given sooner rather than later. They both seemed to be sharing the exact delicate rosy hue of nervousness, and she did not want to refuse his sweet offer.

“Sealameet, I..” She struggled to say and began fiddling with her long nails.

This would surely be the end of their budding connection but she decided to make the difficult decision to accept his suggestion, even the consequence.

“Traveling by foot would be a better option--though, I would be delighted to join you regardless.” A pure though weak smile crossed her lips.

She overheard the two headed dragon mention human and Vesperia whipped around, semi-surprised that the emerald stranger could have known. Momo did smell a bit like something unfamiliar but human would not have been her first guess. Ages had passed since living among Momo’s kind and the scent of them sort of vanished with time. Other dragons were more sociable and brave around the two footed beings and that had not come to mind when bringing her along to the shop.

“Can we eat it? Papa says they taste like yummy veal!” The right head hissed.

Vesperia narrowed stormy hues in ire and valiantly stepped in front of Momo all the while glaring rather viciously at the right head of the green dragon. For all the others knew this was her regular personality but something inside her triggered when Momo was threatened. The horned dragon could not let any harm befall her human friend, especially since she belonged to a fellow dragon. How would she be able to live with herself if this girl became a dragon snack?

“You…will…not.” She nearly roared in defiance, sharp fangs becoming visible as she spoke these three simple but blunt words.

This angelic figure that stood before each dragon in the shop was gradually surrounded by a darkening purplish glow. A sinister illumination began radiating at her feet, swirling upward and around. The source was faint but could easily be detected. Dark magic had made itself known without her even allowing it to interfere. Vesperia’s ability to control this element was more in a teen range rather than an adult since spending years repressing the magic. Sometimes there was no telling when the power would make itself known. Unfortunately, it had picked now to do so and she did not appear very heavenly at this moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lucatiel and Sealameet (couldn't find a spot to separate them well)

"Oh yes, I can make something for you as a gift, it would be a privileged," Lucatiel smiled at Momo talking about her lady. She assumed she meant mate, after all dragons had pet names for those they loved dearly who would stand by their side for the rest of eternity. The way Sealameet was talking with Vesperia, no doubt he too would have some odd pet name for her. That is if he could get the words out of his mouth and not stumble over them.

It's about damn time, she thought to herself still carrying her smile as to listen to the request of the other dragon ",A dragon lily? Yes indeed, it would look stunning against your green scales. Now I'll have both of these requests done in a few minutes," she rambled barely taking noticed of the green dragoness's remark on Momo. When it process her dull green eyes widened, showing some clarity to them.

"A human? Fascinating," she said in awe and was about to go off with a hundred questions with Momo when Vesperia cut in.
Sealameet had not noticed the happiness leave Vesperia's face when mention of giving her a tour of the tribe area, he only noticed the feeling that was in his stomach rise all the way out of him as he nearly shouted with glee at the prospect. He contained his enthusiasm for the time being, figuring that it would only scare Vesperia with his odd action as well as mistakenly break something in the shop and never hear the end of it from his sister.

"Wonderful," he said in a daydreamy state ",Perhaps near evening. The sunset will be perfect and most of the activities will be over by then. What-." He never got to finish his sentence. At that moment something had caught Vesperia's attention. Something the two headed dragon had said. He then had heard his sister. Something about a human.

Human? There are no humans here? Wait a minute, he thought as the gears in his head turned and put the pieces together Oh no.

He spun around in time to see the dark energy pulsate from Vesperia. Most perhaps would of acted in defense, like Lucatiel did. Now Lucatiel had placed herself inbetween the two headed dragon and was hissing at Vesperia, crystral's drawing a line across the ground in a dare. The usual cheery face of his sister replaced with a face of agitation.

"Not in my shop!" She hissed, not only protecting the two headed dragon but also wanting to protect her shop from any form of combat.

Sealameet neither reacted like his sister nor did he run away scared. He quickly went over to Vesperia, avoiding whatever dark energy that was around her and gently put a hand on her shoulder in hopes of bringing her out of her angered state.

"Vesperia you don't have to worry," he said in a calm, nuetral tone ",I and my sister wouldn't let anything happen to a human. The youngling just doesn't know what she was saying is all. Come why don't we: Me, you, and Momo head back outside to calm down. Momo, my sister shall give you your request when things are less tense."

Now all he could do was hope that a fight didn't break out between his sister, and the woman he had odd feelings for.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aurus
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Varius was arriving a little later than he had hoped, but he had gotten side tracked by a couple humans from their city's library cornering him and asking him about medical advice. Besides being incredibly amusing that his interest in the extent made him more of an expert in human medicines than most humans, he simply could not turn down an opportunity to show off his superior knowledge. Plus he had learned some rather concerning news about a rather nasty disease affecting human's to the south that was spreading. He was thinking of asking a dragon with healing magic about it, as it would probably be disastrous if it somehow spread to dragonkind.

Of course, there was a festival going on, and as his brilliantly groomed form landed at the festival grounds, obviously turning the heads of many he was quick to grow distracted by the various things in the festival. The questions could wait till later. He hadn't actually planned on participating in the ceremony anymore since he had reached adult status, one he was perfectly fine with staying at, but it was a great place to show off and it was also rather nice to be in the company of dragons.

He moved in a way where his feet never actually touched the filthy, dusty ground, preferring to keep himself as clean as possible, thought he had already resigned to the fact that some careful bathing would be required later. For now though, he'd head toward the commotion that seemed to be coming from a shop of crystals, only to find a human in the midst of this. "Well this is the last place I'd expect to see a human." he stated, "You are aware they aren't allowed here? Maybe you shouldn't be making such a commotion." he asked, not really sounding like he cared all too much about that last statement.
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