Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Embluss


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[UPDATED] Hello everyone. Welcome to the RP thread for "The Scattered", a new nation RP which will follow a disastrous colonization attempt early in humanity's intersolar age. The disaster isn't an alien attack. It isn't a natural incompatibility with the new world. And it isn't a mechanical failure aboard the colony ships.

Mankind just screws up royally.

Upon detecting organized civilization on the target world, the fleet admiral orders that the colonization of the system be aborted. As the fleet travels below lightspeed, this means roughly another decade of cramped, boring travel. Factions within command that would rather seize the planet than move onwards preempt this order with a coup, leaving the Admiral dead and the flagship under their command.

Each player begins as a ship's Captain. Do you follow the coup leaders, actively resist, or follow the late Admiral's orders?

The Delta Pavonis System
Big thanks to Aegon for this awesome description!

Delta Pavonis:
A star incredibly similar to humanity's home star of Sol, Delta Pavonis is the closest solar analog star that is not in a binary system. Delta Pavonis is nearly 7 Billion Years Old and in the (slow) process of becoming a Red Giant. It is slightly smaller in mass, though bigger in both size and luminosity, making the habitable zone lie further out than the one that Earth resides in.

Delta Pavonis A:
This planet may be similar in size to a small Venus, but it is anything but. At approximately .8 Earth Mass and orbiting Delta Pavonis at about .71 Astronomical Units (AU), it has almost the exact same orbital characteristics. Delta Pavonis A orbits its star in about 219.5 Earth Days, although it doesn't have days of it's own. It is tidally locked, leaving one side perpetually facing Delta Pavonis, and one side perpetually facing away. With gravity similar to Venus (and therefore similar to Earth's), it maintains a thin atmosphere, though a lack of a magnetosphere and proximity to the sun makes it hard to hold onto it. The atmosphere has a pressure of 5.3 kPa, making it nearly nine times as much pressure as Mars, however it is still below the survivable limit for humans. Delta Pavonis A is a rocky, metallic body very similar to Mercury in composition, although the atmosphere allows dust to be blown across the surface, constantly eroding the craters it would otherwise have. There is no volcanic activity on Delta Pavonis A and it is very much so a dead world.

Delta Pavonis B:

Delta Pavonis B is slightly bigger than Earth, with a mass of about 1.05 Earth's (and a gravity at about .97 g's), but it orbits Delta Pavonis at about 1.28 AU (almost halfway between Earth and Mars, for comparison). It has a day approximately 25 hours long, giving it a year of 510 days, adding one extra day to the year every ten years. It is slightly cooler than Earth, with average surface temperature being 54F as opposed to Earth's 59F. The atmosphere is largely similar to Earth's, with 75% Nitrogen, 24% Oxygen, and 1% Other Gases.
-Delta Pavonis B1:
A moon only about 800 km in diameter, it largely has a composition of an iron-rich asteroid. B1 is mostly spherical with a few craters and orbits its planet roughly every 25 days and is tidally locked to its planet.
-Delta Pavonis B2:
A moon much larger than it's counterpart, B2 is roughly 1200 km in diameter and is very similar to Earth's moon in composition. It is mostly spherical, with many craters and orbits its planet roughly every 50 days and is tidally locked to its planet.
NOTE: B1 and B2 are in an orbital resonance pattern so that B2 completes two orbits every time B1 completes 1 Orbit. This creates the opportunity for a ship to orbit the planet every 100 days (orbiting once every time B2 does twice and B1 does four times) which allows it to get an extra gravitational "kick," allowing it to expend less fuel in order to leave orbit.

Delta Pavonis C:
At roughly 1.5 times the mass of Jupiter, Delta Pavonis C orbits at about 2.05 AU (just outside the habitable zone) in about 1076 Earth days.

Delta Pavonis D:
Slightly larger than Earth in both mass and size, Delta Pavonis D is about 1.2 times the mass of Earth (with about 1.14 g's). While it retains an atmosphere (that is largely nitrogen with a sizable portion of hydrogen) and frozen ice, an orbit at 3.2 AU puts it well outside the habitable zone and a very dim view of it's star, to where it only looks like a very bright star in the sky and less like a sun. With a day nearly 20 hours long, it orbits Delta Pavonis in about 2520 days (50399 hours per orbit).

Delta Pavonis E
Largely a Saturn Analog in size, composition, and orbit, it has a spectacular ring system and several small moons. It orbits at about 10.3 AUs in about 12125 Earth days.

Delta Pavonis F:
Largely a Neptune Analog in size and composition, it orbits at about 24 AU in about 43131 Earth days. It's moons are largely similar to asteroids or comets.

Earth Day = A day measured relative to Earth's Day.
Day = A day measured relative to the planet it refers to.

The Natives
The habitable planet has a single sentient genus, which has settled most of the world. Similar to humans, they are bipedal, highly cephalized, and have systems similar to human skeletons and muscles. They differ in several notable ways. Most visibly, their skin is similar to that of amphibians; clammy, moist, somewhat leathery, and functioning as part of the respiratory system. Coloration differs significantly between tribes and individuals. Their builds are lankier, they lack hair, have no obvious external sexual organs, and have colorless irises. They are excellently adapted for wet, warm climates, but can do reasonably well in temperate regions. Deserts (of both the arctic and subtropical varieties) are even more inhospitable to them than they are towards humans.

Two species exist, separated by their reproductive habits. The larger population breeds by releasing many gametes into ponds. Offspring are cared for by the community, and no analogue to the family exists. Very few visible differences between the sexes exist in this species.

The second population invests more individual care in their offspring. Females attach their eggs to rocks, logs, or themselves. Generally producing fewer children but taking greater pains to ensure their survival, this group has a construct similar to the family (degrees of monogamy vary by tribe). Despite their lower population, this species has built the most powerful nations on-world.

The two species overlap in some territories, but generally avoid mixing. In rare cases they may successfully reproduce together, but the resulting children are entirely sterile.

Their technology varies, but the most advanced groups are roughly equivalent to Europe in the early modern period (1500-1700). Gunpowder weaponry, near-global trade networks, and advanced culture have all been developed. Like humanity, they feature many different nations and cultures.

Other life forms on-planet bear outward similarities to earth life, but large amphibian-like and reptile-like creatures are dominant.

The Settlers
The settlers of Delta Pavonis are at the end of journey which covered 19.92 light years and took more than twenty-three years. While all have originated from the EU, USA, or Canada and therefore have many cultural similarities, this long trip through interstellar space has allowed a community to develop aboard each ship. Lacking FTL or cryogenic technologies, the passengers have become well acquainted with one another (and with the commands of their vessels). This should influence the roleplay; shipmates will likely remain loyal to their vessel above (and even at the expense of) any other humans.

With them they bring advanced technology. The most comparable human technology would be the pre-war humans of Halo (Our settlers, however, lack FTL, cryo, advanced AI, and related technlogies). Energy weapons do exist, but have yet to fully displace projectile-based weapons. Medicine has advanced significantly, but is not perfect- especially here, at the frontier. The year is 2296.

The ships are large, designed to transport 10,000+ people, as well as all of the equipment and materials needed to establish colonial outposts. I personally take inspiration from the Phoenix Class Colony Ships of Halo, but the fleet does not have a standard ship. Design and features will vary.

One last note; this fleet is mainly populated by settlers. There are some soldiers, scientists, and sailors on board, but the group is designed to peaceably occupy an empty world- not to do whatever you'll be trying to do with it.

Join the Chat to discuss, or you may post here. Players will not be able to control native groups, but you may settle peaceably among them if you wish to interact with them a lot. I do not use dice, turns, or other restrictive gameplay frameworks. I will control the natives, the flagship, and anything else it makes sense for me to introduce. That's about it.

Nation Sheet
Ship Name:
Description: (Strengths, Weaknesses, Etc)
Population: (20,000 Maximum. If you max out the population, other aspects of your ship must make compromises to accommodate the large number of people)
Description: (Country/region of Origin (Must be US, Canada, or Europe. This isn't about limiting, this is because I don't want old-world rivalries to come over), culture, or anything really notable)

Captain Name:
Other Notable Individuals:


Please PM me a brief statement on your immediate plans at the start of the roleplay as a supplement to this sheet. There is an immediate conflict presented in the intro, and you must make several choices. This PM will be considered as part of your application.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ship Name: Ljus of the Fleet

Description: Being a vessel focused on scientific pursuits and engineering facilities, the ship has little to no defensive weapons or armor plating. However, it has a disproportionate number of scientists and engineers of various fields, and has specialized electronic warfare suites to aid it's high maneuverability in escapes and espionage.
Population: 7 000 personnel on board
Description: The Ljus is a small but high tech vessel, housing some of the most advanced laboratories and engineering facilities ever sent into space. The Ljus had two functions, the first being to compile a complete database of their destination planetary system, from astronomical mechanics to potential lifeforms and how they function in an alien ecosystem. It's second objective was somewhat more a precautionary measure: The Ljus was designed so that, if the fleet encountered a hostile alien vessel on their journey, it's high tech electronic countermeasures suite could buy the fleet enough time to escape or destroy the vessel. While this contingency never occurred, the systems are still maintained and are ready to be used in a moment's notice.

Some of the more advanced sub systems of the Ljus include:
-A shackled 'dumb' AI in charge of predictive software analysis, xenolinguistical interfacing and remote systems overload and hacking.
-Complex scout probes designed for operation in almost any environment, and capable of running on site field tests and operating autonomously for extended periods
-Thermal cloaking mechanism. that hides the Ljus' electromagnetic signature and confuses enemy targeting for short durations.
-A 'Last Resort' Thermonuclear warhead, designed to destroy all trace of the Ljus and prevent vital information falling into the wrong hands (Human or otherwise).

Captain Name: VIlda S. Aalberg
Description: Vilda is a calm and collected individual, focused on the task of directing the main research effort of the Fleet, once they arrived on the new world. Xenobiology, planetary system activity, astrogeology... All of it will be crucial data in setting up the first human colony in the cosmos, and Vilda is driven to make this colonization effort work.
Unlike most of the other ships, she took over for the previous Captain, who had died due to medical complications regarding a reactor exposure. Because of the mysterious nature of this accident, and combined with the secretive nature of the Ljus' operations, Vilda is somewhat untrusted by most of the other ships in the Fleet.

Other Notable Individuals:
-Professor Adam J. Jakobsen, Head of the Scientific Affairs Board
-Doctor Troed Eriiks, Head of the Xenobiology Research Division
-Professor Emma Jonsson, Xenoarcheologist and assistant to Troed
-Vice Captain Gunnar Winblad, maintains and directs the Engineering Division, as well as other critical systems.

My sheet from before, with all alterations intact. Hopefully, it's a lot more balanced now ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

Sizzlin Bacon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ship Name: Valley Forge

Description: Essentially a flying brick with a few antenna and a lot of docking bays, the Valley Forge could be considered the industrial heart of the fleet. Possessing no weapons or any substantial security force to speak of, its sole focus is to provide the industry necessary to kickstart the colonial effort into high gear. As what is essentially an enormous carrier with tons of foundries and other processing plants stuck onto it, the Forge carries about a hundred Cracker-class mining vessels crewed by at most four people, though quite a few people could be shoved into the cargo bay if necessary. Crackers aren't designed for atmospheric reentry however, merely to be used as asteroid miners or for landing on bodies with low gravity. For reentry, the Forge is equiped with an additional twenty Nereid-class landing vessels.

The core of the ship is not so much its function as a carrier as it is a mobile foundry, factory, and fuel depot. Much of the Forge consists of the equipment and infrastructure necessary to synthesize and construct other starships, colonial equipment, weaponry, vehicles, really anything needed by the colony. Most of these functions are automated in one way or another as is custom for current fabrication technology, with engineers inputting orders and the machines outputting what is wanted. The Forge ensures it continues running by collecting and storing or synthesizing antimatter and other fuel reserves as well, helping to make sure the fleet reaches its destination.

Obviously, with its industrial might and possibly sole ability to fabricate new starships, the Forge is widely considered to be crucial to the fleet's efforts.

Population: 19,652

18966 Other Civilians
323 Engineers
198 Medical Personnel
92 Security Personnel
73 Scientists

Description: All of the original settlers come from the United States of America, the Forge itself being commissioned by the public, non-military government. In some ways, it is a monument to what America once was, the industrial leader of the world, and its people are a testament to American ingenuity and innovation. The people of the Forge are crammed into the ship almost like sardines as they've reproduced quite a bit since the launch from Earth, with a very sizable percentage of the ship's crew having spent the vast majority or all of their entire lives on the ship, with some recent babies having been born from parents who were born on the ship.

The people of the Forge believe fiercely in self-sufficiency, independence, and strength. They run their ship democratically, electing a new Captain every year, as well as a new Triumvirate every two years and Assembly members every three years. Major, non-emergency decisions require the Captain and Triumvirate to take a vote from the entire crew so that they see what everyone wants. Obviously, while the democracy can have its issues, the vast majority of those on the Forge believe it to be superior to the military-like commands of some of the other ships, as well as responsive to the needs of the crew.

Captain Name: Captain-Elect Lilith Sawyer
Description: A flame-haired, ice-eyed twenty-six year old, Lilith was only three years old when the Forge shipped out from Earth. A true believer in the American and Forge ideology, she rose to prominence as the leader of the Spacer Movement, a coalition of the youths on the ship who knew little to nothing of terrestrial life who wanted to obtain a voice in the Assembly. They ended up winning the Captain-Elect through sheer numbers and with a few charismatic speeches on the part of Lilith to sway many of the older crewmembers.

She is generally viewed as an incredibly strong-willed, no-nonsense woman who seeks to further the interests of the Forge and its crew. Some outside the Forge see her as controversial, however, as she has routinely and openly placed ship before fleet. Lilith is often sometimes seen as being too inexperienced or assumed to be naive, though she has demonstrated cunning when it comes to negotiating with other members of the fleet who want products the Forge produces.

Other Notable Individuals:

John Xander: A sixty-year old white-haired gentleman who has been a Triumvir since the launch of the Forge, Xander typically represents the desires of the older segment of the crew. An extremely friendly and amiable man, he is almost like a grandfather to many of the youths of the Forge, and loved by almost everyone.

Megan Starborn: A hardcore Spacer who went so far as to have her last name changed on the crew manifest, Megan is a dark, raven-haired woman who stands taller than most men and can be quite intimidating at times. She believes fully in the phrase Ship Before Fleet, and pursues her goals as such. She was ran against Lilith for a time to become Captain-Elect, though gave up in order to consolidate votes to win the election, settling for becoming a Triumvir.

Sylvester Gold: A rat-like, pale man who intentionally wears enormous glasses. He stereotypes himself as the quintessential representative of the more intellectual among the Forgites, though he has only sat as a Triumvir as long as Megan and Lilith have occupied their positions. A thirty-five year old with balding hair, he isn't much to look at, but he is admittedly pretty damn intelligent. The man prefers to handle the more economical and scientific efforts of the Forge's government.

Commander Rufus Bailey: The head of what could be thought of as the military/security branch of the Forge 'government', Commander Bailey has performed his duties since launch, acting as the unyielding pillar of stone and insight in a sea of democracy. As Captain-Elects come and go, Bailey advises them and instructs them how the ship works beyond what they learned prior to launch or before taking the Captain's Chair. In some ways, this forty-five year old, grey-eyed stoneface could be seen as the one who truly runs the ship while the civilians prattle on about their democracy and issues. Of course, Bailey sees that as how things normally go in many governments anyway. The talking heads take all the credit while their subordinates do all the work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ship Name: The Savior

Description: The Savior was originally built as a medical ship that could be used on the battlefield to take in wounded soldiers from crippled ships. When the ship returned from its last deployment in the far reaches of the solar system it was chosen as the medical ship for the colonization fleet which was headed off to the Delta Pavonis System. The Savior completely striped down from a field hospital and built up again for civilian use during their travels as well as given housing quarters for the colonists in the lower levels of the ship near where the cargo holds were located. The ship was outfitted with the most state of the art organ cloning tanks and robotic surgery rooms as well as a full botanical wing so that the crew could produce their own medicine.

The Savior boosts only a defensive armament of point defense anti-missile and fighter lasers as any larger defensive weapons would take away from the medical bays within the ship. The vessel is about to hold a large amount of wounded and sick being about to hold on top of their own 10,000 crew population an additional 10,000 which makes the ship seem empty when there aren't that many sick. The ship was also given the capabilities to be able to sustain planetary decent so that it could be set up as a hospital on the planet once the colony was already established.

Population: 10,000
- 2,500 Medical personnel
- 1,000 Scientific personnel
- 632 Engineers
- 5,868 Colonists

Description: The crew of The Savior is a variety crew from almost every nation involved in the colonization with each nation offering up some of their brightest medical minds to be sent to this new world to help allow it to thrive.

Captain Name: Lt. Scott McDouglas

Description: Scott McDouglas gained his military experience in the United Kingdom's navy starting out as a ensign and having to claw and work his way up to be able to captain his own ship. He is now 54 as he commands The Savior on its mission to establish the colony in hopes that he can end his life peacefully as a part of the new human colony. He is the type of captain that always thinks about the well being of his ship before anything else and will always put his crew and anyone under his care first before anything else.

Other Notable Individuals:
- Dr. Jessica Svec - Chief Medical Officer
- Lt. Aron Flynn - First Mate
- David Bayar - Head Engineer
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Embluss


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Ship Name: Daughter of Gaia

Description: The Daughter of Gaia is the flagship and command vessel of the settler fleet. Commissioned in 2259, it is the fourth of the Kennedy-Class large colony ships. She measures nearly three kilometers long and three-quarters of a kilometer wide. Prior to her current assignment, she was utilized in the colonization of the Epsilon Eridani system. After nearly twenty years of operation in the system, the Daughter of Gaia returned to Sol for full refit. This update completely overhauled all internal systems of the ship. Her communications and computer systems are particularly advanced, easing the coordination of fleet resources.

The Daughter of Gaia bears several weapons systems. Defense lasers protect much of the hull from conventional projectile attack. Although little of its space is devoted to military use, the sheer size of the vessel allows for a large number of missile systems. Experimental high-energy attack lasers supplement attack capabilities, but are low in number to avoid overdrawing the three onboard fusion reactors.

Due to the large mass and length of the ship, the Daughter of Gaia has difficulty landing. Fifty-two Nereid-Class landing vessels are instead utilized in surface landings. Capable of carrying over 400 people each (albeit in a high-density layout), the Nereids can collectively perform a total evacuation of the Daughter of Gaia in one run. While not designed for combat use, the Nereids are incredibly rugged utility vehicles, featuring VTOL capabilities, configurable support for water landings, and atmospheric entry capabilities.

As flagship, the Daughter of Gaia bests any other ship in the fleet in size and technology.

Population: 22,000
Description: The settlers aboard the flagship are mainly Americans of Earth. However, significant parts of the crew were recruited during its refit at the Cerean shipyards (Ceres being a key American possession in the Sol System). These workers often brought family with them, lending the Daughter of Gaia a significant space-born population. The 800 soldiers aboard originate from the Jovian moons. This detachment, while not the largest in the fleet, exceeds the basic deployment. This is largely due to the presence of the command staff and the involved security needs.

Captain Name: Admiral Mark Perin
Description: A distinguished but aging naval officer, Admiral Mark Perin accepted the mission to Delta Pavonis with the intent of retiring in the system. Born in the Centauri system, he initially served in the navy there. Early in his career, Perin moved to Earth in search of professional oppurtunities. The transition was successful, as he was soon climbing the ladder of command. The Admiral has a full head of silver hair, blue eyes, and deeply set wrinkles. He is moderately tall and retains much of the athleticism of his younger days.

Other Notable Individuals:
Lieutenant John Baran: Although technically a captain by rank, protocol demands that, aboard a vessel, only its commander is addressed as captain. This is perhaps the most obvious sign of how deeply John Baran is hidden in the Admiral’s shadow. With military-cut dark hair, brown eyes, and a medium build, the Lieutenant does not stand out. He is a competent officer, but lacks the long experience of the admiral. Leads the coup aboard the Daughter of Gaia, triggering the crisis. Directly commands the soldiers of the Gaia and serves as first mate.

Notes: Yeah, I broke the population limit I set, and made the ship pretty powerful. It’s the flagship, and these things are there to help me keep a plot moving forward if need be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doedie


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ship Name: EUV Saratoga (formerly USS Saratoga)

The George Washington class was originally envisioned as a heavy attack cruiser for the United States Aerospace Command, a great warship that could rival the carriers of the 21st century in its ability to project force overseas. With a length of two kilometers at its furthest point and a width of two hundred meters, the four prototypes of the class (USS George Washington, USS Saratoga, USS California and USS Pearl Harbor) housed a powerful endo/exo atmospheric hybrid fighter wing, had space and accommodations for two full Marine battalions and could theoretically withstand prolonged engagements with ships of the Russian Federation, People's Loyal Navy and pirate vessels.

But most importantly, they were to become test-beds for experimental faster-than-light technology. The Einstein-Rosen Spacetime Bridge Drive was the first example of a faster-than-light engine to not only pass the decades of theoretical scrutiny with flying colors, but also be considered practically feasible. A prototype engine of this kind was installed in the George Washington, and during a test run, an attempt was made to activate it. The vessel moved to a safe distance from Earth's gravity well, spooled up the extensive computers that managed the drive, and activated it. Instead of emerging in orbit of Mars, however, the Washington was instead destroyed with all hands. With five thousand dead, the FTL drive project was scrapped, and the remaining ships fell into obscurity.

After decades of budget cuts and a dwindling need for such a weapon of mass destruction, the three unfinished prototypes were sold off to the European Union for scrap, and re-purposed as escort vessels for colony ships in order to protect them from pirate attacks and calm the public outrage over the devastating loss of the 'Charles de Gaulle', a colony vessel that was plundered by a raider group and then scuttled only two years prior. The Saratoga was overhauled, replacing two of its four fighter bays with ammunition and fuel storage facilities for extended escort missions.

The Saratoga's primary purpose is, above all, to be a warship, and a good warship at that. Despite the numerous cuts to its R&D budget, the ship houses several innovative technological advancements to ensure dominance in the battlefield. Its primary weapon system is the Westinghouse Mark 17 Rail Artillery System, a spinal alignment weapon that runs the entire length of the ship: the powerful electromagnetic acceleration system can fire nuclear-tipped artillery shells at a meaningful fraction of the speed of light, rendering any attempts at interception futile, and can be used both to get an edge over slow-moving warships and for planetary bombardment. The weapon, however, is one of many systems that are too impractical for daily use due to the fact that in space, everything keeps moving. Instead, the ship's most used armaments are the 72 General Electrics Magnetic Acceleration Cannons, which form an array of variable-range, multi-purpose attack weapons that can be used to both create an impenetrable flak barrier around the ship and attack other targets with a variety of shells.

Complementing these projectile weapons, the European refit of the Saratoga replaced its old torpedo launch tubes with twelve variable-warhead Vertical Launch Systems, most often used to launch anti-ship missiles. A little known fact is that these tubes are also capable of firing nuclear weapons, both for ground-strike and ship-to-ship purposes, and the Saratoga was provided with a very limited stock of both types. Rumors circulating amongst the crew claim that the ship's nuclear missile stocks are as low as six ship-to-ship warheads and one ground-strike MIRV or as high as twenty ship-to-ships and ten MIRVs. Some claim that, because the warheads were expected to see no use, some of them were dismantled to acquire parts to maintain the more vital defensive missile systems.

To defend itself, the Saratoga is equipped with several meters' thick composite armor, varying in thickness depending on the location, sandwiching a system of electric-reactive plating. The two systems can shrug off small caliber fire and are combined with a smart threat prediction system to reinforce the defenses in critical sections, such as the engineering compartment or the fuel tanks. Because a nuclear strike can decimate the ship, a series of CIWS projectile weapons, point defense lasers and a missile interception system can destroy warheads or bombers that venture too close to the hull. A thirty micron thick ablative coating can allow the hull to sustain prolonged laser fire. Finally, the Saratoga can deploy a full fighter wing (although half the size, by American standards) to both defend itself from enemy fighters, or conduct attack, recon and close air support missions in both space and on the ground.

The ship's most fatal flaw, however, is its lack of independence. Although its fuel and ammunition reserves are enough to last several engagements, the ship's water recycling system is not 100% effective, the food in storage can only last for so long, and the military-grade medications in its undersized medical bay are present in minute quantities. As such, the Saratoga is forced to be part of a larger fleet formation that can cover its needs, as well as provide it with the workforce necessary for repair and maintenance. The vessel is also very uncomfortable to live in: whereas most ships in the colonization fleet can comfortably house over ten thousand people, the five thousand soldiers, pilots and engineers of the Saratoga are forced to survive in cramped conditions, utilizing hot-bunking and sharing bathrooms and showers. The tiny corridors of the ship are a perfect breeding ground for a disease outbreak waiting to happen.

Population: 4,879
Description: Recruited on a volunteer-only basis, special care was taken to ensure that the people onboard the ship did not have any significant attachments back home: married EU citizens were excluded except for rare cases where both themselves and their spouses were active duty military and volunteered for the mission, and ideally, people who had no parents, siblings or other family members were picked. The overwhelming majority of the crew are active duty military (only 67 civilians are present aboard, including several intelligence analysts and some scientists), but a very tiny number of them are infantrymen. The Saratoga's ground combat element is a single Battalion numbering 418 European Union Naval Marines and a Special Forces platoon. Their equipment includes all-environment combat gear, three main battle tanks and several support vehicles.

Despite the strict fraternization regulations, the ship's commanding officers have let relationships between crew members go on without punishment for the sake of morale.

Captain Name: Oberst / Colonel Erika Wechsler
Description: Originally a fighter pilot for the Luftwaffe, Colonel Wechsler made a career out of exo-atmospheric combat: she wrote the book on modern fighter warfare and pioneered the overhaul of the European Union's Air Force, which included modernizing the aging fleet of space-age Harriers and Mirages and replacing them with the Eurofighter Tornado. Despite her numerous achievements and decorations, her promotion to flag officer was never approved due to her eccentric character and rivalries with several of the Union's command staff. The short redhaired officer spent most of her life in Low Earth Orbit, and at age 34 accepted the assignment to the Saratoga's escort mission as a means of escaping the bureaucrats.

Other Notable Individuals:
Capitaine de frégate / Commander Michaël Daniau
A hardliner careerist officer in the Marine Nationale, the French-born Commander spent most of his life sucking up to flag officers and scheming behind a computer instead of fighting wars. He represents a more pragmatic, individualist approach to the Colonel's idealism, and despite serving twenty years as her Executive Officer, he maintains a love-hate relationship with her: they hardly ever agree on a course of action, and when they do, it's an indication that something has gone terribly wrong.
Överstelöjtnant / Lieutenant Colonel Laila Hansson
The only officer onboard with the same paygrade as the Executive Officer, Lt. Colonel Hansonn serves as the commanding officer of the 17th European Colonial Marine Battalion, and shares the responsibilities of ship-borne security with the Master-at-Arms. She can best be described as a hot-headed timebomb waiting to go off, especially after a recent pregnancy that demonstrated just how obsessed she is with her job, and has on more than one occasion demonstrated a complete inability to cooperate with the XO.

Notes: I tried my best to keep the ship's military prowess reasonable enough to be used as an escort, and to balance it out with a complete reliance on civilian vessels.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

Sizzlin Bacon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I don't think dedicated warships are allowed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

Ship Name: AstroCore Interstellar Vehicle New Dawn IC-0001 aka A.C.I.V. New Dawn (commonly referred to simply as New Dawn )

The New Dawn is ship funded, built, and manned entirely by the command of AstroCore, a major private space corporation based out of the United States. AstroCore agreed to lend many of its construction facilities so that other fleet vessels could be built permitted that AstroCore could construct it's own and man it in however AstroCore saw fit. However, AstroCore had never built a ship like this (nor had any other private company up to that point[1]), and the governments that had designs would not give them to AstroCore. The process of making New Dawn was therefore a very hurried process, with construction beginning in 2265 and being completed in 2070, with New Dawn only barely meeting the deadline of ships to join the fleet. The ship was designated to be a part of AstroCore's new Dawnbringer-Class of ships and was given the Interstellar Code of "0001".

AstroCore is one of the most prominent space corporations. Founded in 2079 as a lunar mining venture by Gabriel L. Hale I, Hale quickly developed a base on the Moon that was soon one of the major cities of the body. AstroCore got its start in colonization when it began offering hotel stays on the moon. By 2100 they expanded into colonizing efforts of Mars and by 2120 they began to mine the asteroid belt. When Gabriel L. Hale Junior took over the business after his father's passing in 2148, he quickly made efforts to buy out many competitors. This led to AstroCore having everything from mining bases on the Moon and in the Asteroid and Kuiper Belt to being at the forefront of non-governmental colonization of Mars to funding research bases on the Galilean Moons to even owning a mercenary group (the Nightingale Group). Since then, it has been one of the crucial corporations in creating an interplanetary infrastructure connecting the Sol System together.

A.C.I.V. New Dawn was a very ambitious project for AstroCore (a company that had never gone further than the Kuiper Belt by purely its own efforts) but it started with creating plans for a new Class of ship, which in time would come to be known as Dawnbringer. These Dawnbringer ships can be thought of as two separate ships, an outer and an inner ship.

The "outer ship" of a Dawnbringer-Class vessel is built out of a comet 2km long and 1km wide. It is hollowed out (for the inner ship), with two hangers for its guard ships on two opposite sides and two antimatter-fusion propulsion systems on the other two sides. Along the comet are also smaller fusion engines to allow the entire craft to rotate (to simulate gravity) and to adjust course. The inner ship is "loaded" into the outer ship via an opening in the back of the comet, and it can leave the same way. Within the two hangers are two Vanguard-Class ships used for the defense of the vessel if it were to come under attack.

The "inner ship" of a Dawnbringer-Class vessel is made of a ring of eight bays linked together as well as a core, which houses the Bridge as well as it's own, triple fusion engine (capable of getting up to a significant fraction of the speed of light by itself). The bays are where housing, agriculture, storage, etc. are located. Each bay is 775m long and the diameter of the ship from two bays across from each other is 800m and between them have plasma shield generators capable of protecting the ship from most projectile damage. Along the outside of each bay (the bottom, if you are standing in it due to artificial gravity simulation) are seven Phoenix-Class ships that are designed to go from orbit down to a planet (with a maximum tested gravity being that of Earth) or to enter orbit and dock again from that planet's surface. Along the front of the craft are docking mechanisms for the two Vanguard-Class ships.

Vanguard-Class ships are manned by a crew of between 12 and 20 (but can be manned by as few as four in emergencies). They have been in use (only being updated from time to time) since 2231 and are AstroCore's default guard ship (used to protect any important cargo and also used by the Nightingale Group). While not capable of setting down on any astronomical body (except in a dire emergency, and then it usually cannot leave), it has escape pods that would allow it's entire crew make their way to a planet if need be. Vanguard-Class ships are outfitted with several different size high impact (non explosive) weapons systems (including a small outfit capable of attacking a planet), but will in large part rely on laser weaponry situated around the craft. They are roughly 200m long by 100m wide with their own shielding system.

Phoenix-Class ships are for orbit-to-surface or surface-to-orbit travel and are capable of holding up to 60 passengers as well as a small outfit of cargo or a large shipment of cargo (depending on how it has been set up). They have been in use since 2254, but the 56 that New Dawn has were especially designed for their mission. Among these improvements are ship to ship docking capabilities.

Population: approx. 12,000

Description: 90+% American (about 10% from Canada or the E.U.)
1200 - Military/Security Personal (from the Nightingale Group)
1800 - Scientists/Engineers
1000 - Medical Professionals
8000 - Other Settlers[2]
(The above are estimates and not meant to be taken as exact counts)

Captain Name: Captain Marcus W. Hale
Description: The son of Gabriel L. Hale V, he was only 16 when the settler fleet departed on it's journey. He practically forced his father into allowing him to go, with the ultimate intention of leading the colony. He spent the majority of his time being trained by the Nightingale Group for his position of Captain (which he only took up in 2092) and is largely considered one of them, earning him much loyalty among them. He is a tall man at 6'4" with an average build, with dark brown hair he keeps cut nicely and blue eyes.

Other Notable Individuals:
Commander James Calvin: Although technically a Captain by rank, protocol demands that, aboard a vessel, only its commander is addressed as Captain. Despite this, he is the leader of the Nightingale Group aboard the vessel, and is a close adviser to Captain Hale. He is an older man (for being on the frontier), at 62, but in good condition. He stands at the average height for an American male at 6'1", with military cut blonde hair and grey eyes, and a large, muscular frame.
WIP - More to Come Later

[1] - I'm imagining the furthest out any private company has gone is the Kuiper Belt.
[2] - Mostly families but also teachers and other professions important in starting a colony.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Aegon reporting in!!! Sorry it took me so long, but I'm ready whenever!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Rhymer Kuiper Belt Object

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ship Name:Demeter
Description: The Demeter was designed and constructed by the Hero-United Corporation in 2268 in conjunction with the United States Federal Government Department of Emerging Agriculture. The primary mission of the Demeter is to firmly establish agriculture, and supply food for the colony indefinitly. Additional mission goals are to locate, catalogue and domesticate any native wildlife fit for consumption or work labor and report findings back to Earth.

403 Ships Officers including Officers (Captain, Commander and other ships systems specialists)
250 Security Specialists
1289 Engineers specializing in Robotics and AI units.
3823 Permanent Colonists, many born and raised while under way.
4252 Agricultural Scientists, Professors,Technicians and students.(Agronomists,Chemists,Aquaculturalists,Botanists,Microbiologists etc.) Many personnel carry multiple degrees, or have completed programs while in transit.

Description: The Demeter is designed to land on a planet and break apart compartmentally for habitation, storage and production of food. Every section of the ship is multi-purposed for permanent colonization. The ships modules provide habitation, storage, scientific, maintenance, control and command functions. Nearly 80% of the modules are dedicated to the fleet of Android laborers that will provide the backbone of the agrarian settlement.

In addition the ship holds 3 short range scout vessels, Anemoi designed to carry out any preliminary surveying of candidate planets. Due to the nature of the Demeter, surveying a planets habitability is of utmost importance as the ship cannot leave the surface once landed.

The Anemoi are 6 person vessels outfitted with heavy atmospheric shielding and the most sophisticated scanning technology available (some of it developed in transit to Delta Pavonis system). Some short range defensive weapons are also on board, mainly for dettering any lesser species from attacking the ship (i.e. aggressive animals)

In addition the Demeter holds over 275 unmanned probes,Muse 1-275 used for long range reconnaissance. Once planet side, these probes will provide a steady stream of information in a web of surveillance. Atmospheric weather, temperature, even local system anomalies will be monitored through use of geo-synchronous and other variable orbiting sattelites.

Robotics Division:
1230 Task and Labor Units (TaLu) originally designed by the Hero-United corporation in 2263 and upgraded/retro-fitted on board the Demeter.
Unit Specifications:

Captain Name:Dr. William Bellamy CO
Description: Just 29 Years old upon departure, Captain William Bellamy is man with warm features, a genuine smile and an eagerness to engage anyone anywhere. His personality was deemed imperturbable and thus a prime candidate for captaincy. He is adored by his staff and crew.

Bellamy is a graduate from MIT cum laude and former fellow at Harvard.Ranked in the top 10 North American Minds by MENSA in 2265, Bellamy was handpicked by the board of directors of the Hero-United Corp. to captain the Demeter. His brother, Robert Bellamy chairs the board.

Other Notable Individuals:
First Officer: Rebecca Lancaster, London,UK
officer in charge of ships systems while under way and commander of the security forces
Chief Medical Officer: Connor Mullaney Annapolis,MD
chairman of the board of Scientific Research and Chief TaLu programmer
Special Colonist Representative, Governor Mark Hurst, vice-Governor Michelle Lee
Board of Scientific Research , various members
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I would like to join this roleplay and I shall put my NS here.

The Ship's Name
HMS Carousel

The HMS Carousel was made by the British Government in order to sent it to space and follow with other American/British made ships to find another planet or even life. The Carousel's mission is to find a planet, that's just like Earth and defend that planet.

The population of the ship is 20,000 and if it's divided up into different groups, it would look like this:

Sixteen thousand middle class citizens (Eighty percent are British, ten percent are from the EU countries, eight percent are American, two percent are from other countries).
Two thousand high class citizens.
Five hundred ships officers.
Four hundred engineers.
Three hundred soldiers.
Two hundred medical staff members.
Two hundred security staff members.
Two hundred technicians.
One hundred professions and teachers.
One hundred farmers.


The Captain's Name
His name is Augustine 'Gus' Mitchell, named after his distant, distant ancestor fought in World War Two.


Other Notable Individuals
Zackary Teagle - Commander of the security staff.
Gabrielle Dodgson - Captain of the army.
Michelle Shrewsbury - Head medic.
Oscar Latimer - A citizen on board the HMS Carousel.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Embluss


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So sorry for the delay! I hit a bit of a block thursday and had a busy few days afterwards.

I'm not abandoning this. Going back to making the intro now. I will not sleep until it's done.

@Doedie- Because of the reasons you highlighted in the PM, I will accept that vessel. I am convinced that you will not use this to debalance the game or otherwise disrupt things. (If anyone would like to see the reasons for themselves.... I'd discourage you from looking so that you can watch things develop with full appreciation, but I will reply via PM if you ask to know. I get that me suspending a rule in one case deserves explanations.)

@Rhymer- Accepted.

@Rare- Looking forward to your bio.



Go crazy, folks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

Sizzlin Bacon

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Embluss said
I get that me suspending a rule in one case deserves explanations.)

This just makes me more interested to see what will happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

Sizzlin Bacon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My finals are done tomorrow so I should be able to tend to this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

I'll try to get working on this, but I may have to drop unexpectedly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Busy tonight, will get a psot up tomorrow. Also, going to send a small landing party of technicians and field researchers, if that is ok?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Rhymer Kuiper Belt Object

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kyelin said
Busy tonight, will get a psot up tomorrow. Also, going to send a small landing party of technicians and field researchers, if that is ok?

Maybe the Ljus and the Demeter could work together, both being research vessels?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Embluss


Member Offline since relaunch

@Rare: Is that bio done? Seems a bit spare. Also, it's 2296. His great-grandfather did not fight in world war II. That would be a distant, distant ancestor.

@Kyelin: I think we covered this IC, but yeah.

@Rhymer: I was actually going to suggest that through my next IC post, which I'll try to make tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doedie


Member Seen 6 mos ago

I was a bit busy, but I should be able to get the next post up soon!
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