Soundtracks are hit-or-miss, as music goes. Some of them are alright, most of them are providing requisite ambience for whatever punchy fighty happens to be carrying on in the meantime.... SOMETIMES, once in a great many moons, a soundtrack perfectly captures and contributes to the essence of the scene. In some cases, it transcends the scene itself, and joins together what no one else could -- the lives and wild stories of great warriors, whose whole fighting career has led them inevitably to this one moment, this one perfect place where your Southern Fist technique meets its trues equal yet. I present to you, that this scene, from forgettable studio Beijing by way of America -- Jackie Chan, and Jet Li, to the tune of JJ Temple Fight by David Horner. The perfect marriage of sound and art and martial techniques, a hundred years in the making.
So what I'm druggedly trying to get at is, music that tells a fucking STORY. Here's a better example from the same film, in which the Monkey King challenges the Jade Warlord. Their themes should be easily discernible:
...... in which the playful monkey king is silenced by treachery --- for a time......
So what I'm druggedly trying to get at is, music that tells a fucking STORY. Here's a better example from the same film, in which the Monkey King challenges the Jade Warlord. Their themes should be easily discernible:
...... in which the playful monkey king is silenced by treachery --- for a time......