Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Max could only smile at Bam-Bam's eagerness to find out what game they were going to play. "Patience young grasshopper...Hmm..." he mumbled and fiddled with his beard, trying to think of a game that she would find fun. "Alright, how about this" he said and used his powers to bring from inside his house three makeshift cups which he laid upside-down on the rock, the one next to the other. Then, he opened a Rindo Berry, took one of the peas that where inside and put it under one of the three cups that where in-front of him. "Watch carefully now" he quickly said and, with a speed you wouldn't expect a Pokemon of his age would have, shuffled the cups around. "Under one of those three cups is the pea. If you guess correctly, You can ask me anything about myself but if you don't, you must tell me something about yourself. And no lying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 7 mos ago


She stepped off of Beast's leg as she heard Jazz talking to her. For some reason, the elder pokemon made sense but she still wasn't willing to cede just yet. She was still very nervous about this whole thing and by now she didn't really want back up on Beast's back. She wasn't safe there anymore than she was on the ground anyways.

She trudged along behind the crowd looking for the other young pokemon, her 'friends.' She had a hard time trusting people. Beast was the only person she really trusted to treat her well and even now he was paying more attention to Jazz than to her. But, she didn't have any room to complain. Still, she followed along like a good Azurill, slowly following Beast and the others.

He turned when he heard a Kirla call out and turned to see Kir and Puff standing near him. A grin appeared on his face as he knelt down to the two pokemon and offered them berries.

"Hello you two. We're just fixing up Luke and Akira's nest. It was never really smart for us to give such a hotheaded female a wooden nest anyways." Oak greeted and mused. He reached out his hand for the more shy pokemon, Puff, to come over to him and smell him. "I promise I don't bite." He continued, holding the same soft smile.

Luke rolled his eyes, smiling at his mate. She knew very well that at this moment, he could careless if anyone saw. He was just being an Alpha with his mate. Where was the harm in that?

He smiled when she mention that she wouldn't change anything about him either. Instead of saying something that could get him in trouble, he decided to just let her keep talking rather than saying something he might regret. After all, he knew all too well it was bad news to agree with a woman when she was talking about her faults.

"I don't think it's a lost cause, Akira." Luke began after listening to Akira's thoughts about Amara. "Yes, she's scared of you. And no, I'm not asking you to change. But... I think it's worth the effort. Though, that does make me a bit of a hypocrite since I'm not making an efforts to get in Amara's good favors. I'm not really trying to get into anyone's good favors. I'm just... mean." Luke mused, turning away from Akira to look back at the village. It was true. He was a bad leader. He never thought about what they wanted. Maybe he should... start? Maybe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The electric pokemon chuckled as she watched others follow at a much slower pace, but she didn't seem to mind as she spent her high energy bouncing about before stopping as the large fire type pokemon asked her where they should start. A grin crossed her lips as she pawed the ground a little and flicked her tail to some undergrowth ever so slightly crushed in at being pushed through.

"Well first we keep track of their scent as well as follow the trail of crushed grass or bushes. Also best to remain downwind so we can keep track of the scent in case the change course. There about three that came down this little trail they made, making it easier to follow. Better hurry though before they get too far, don't want to lose them. Plus there's been a cranky Scolipede hanging around the area." the Jolteon said before following the trail, her unnatural long tail wagging gently as she hummed.

Ears twitching as the Eevee introduced herself and explained what exactly they were doing all the way out here. Shuffling his makeshift paws again, his tail twitching from slight nerves as he glanced around. Slightly worried if a more unfriendly pokemon came around and would try and hurt them but he decided not to voice his concern as Vee asked him if he had met Beast.

"Um... I haven't met him myself... I see him often though playing with the other cubs. Jazz sometimes talks to him too. But um.... Your the first other pokemon in the village I've really spoken to... Or come this close." he murmured his reply. "I hide a lot..." Altaire said softly, his body glowing white as it shifted into a copy of Vee, a identical image of the Eevee.

He didn't much care for copying females forms, but he felt a bit safer in the Eevee's form for some reason
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

King Spike!!!!!

Spike grinned at Beats and Amara. Then he looked at Jazz with a kingly grin. "WE SHALL FIND THEM!" He called out to all of them before darting off after Jazz. "Oooh ooh! Which of my subjects are we hunting?" He asked with a very large hint of curiosity. He eventually caught up to jazz, by now he was nearly out of breath and flopped next to her on the ground. "How much further?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- kir and puff -
Kir chuckled "that really wasn't smart" then she looked back at puff "come on, say hello" she stepped to the side.
Puff stared up at the scientist as Kir stepped aside. after a few seconds the human said "i promise i don't bite" she gathered up some courage and said "Hello, Professor Oak," she looked over at Kir, who smiled and urged her on. Puff gestured to Kir "i live with her" she realized he wouldn't be able to figure out exactly what she was saying so she tried to combine her words with gestures, pointing to Kir and herself, then back towards the huts, hoping he understood, Kir smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

“Jazz?” Vee repeated. Now that was a familiar name. Her ears perked up with recognition, feeling even friendlier than before now that she knew Altaire was acquainted with someone she was rather fond of. “Really? It’s no fun to just watch people play around though right? Try asking to join sometime. Beast, the old softy, wouldn’t bite. In fact, you should try jumping on his back or stomach if you get the chance to.” She grinned, already thinking about actually egging on more young pups to ‘attack’ Beast.

Her eyes opened wide with surprise as Altaire suddenly shifted into another Eevee, or rather… An exact copy of her. It was easy to tell because he had also replicated the scar she had on the base of her ear. “Are you a ditto?” She asked, recalling the image of a pink squishy pokemon known for transforming into various forms. It was the first one that came to her mind when she thought about a pokemon that could mimic the form of others. And though she had blurted the question out as the first thing that came to mind, there was actually something she was a lot more curious to know. “Wait… Are you a male or female?”

Vee had ‘known’ that Altaire was a male while he was in the form of a young Poochyena, but now that she knew he could change to copy others she realized that she probably couldn’t assume anything about him. ‘His’ gender or age, for example. Tilting her head to the side, she let out a small thoughtful hum as she tried to guess anyway. But unfortunately she realized that Altaire’s first appearance had made her completely biased as to what she thought about him. Her ‘best’ guesses right now was that he was a male, and really young… Basically she was basing her guesses on his form as a Poochyena pup.

While waiting for a reply, she glanced back over at Rin and gave him an appreciative smile. “Looks like your nose was spot-on.” She told him, recognizing the fact that he had been able to detect the fact Altaire was not actually a Poochyena.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Beast –

Beast hadn’t realized he was neglecting Amara as he hopped after Jazz, he was so easily lead sometimes he forgot he was supposed to be responsible. It was incredibly rare for him to get the chance to be care-free; since the pokepups had decided to latch onto him he had learnt to suppress his inner cub to look after them. He glanced over his shoulder noticing Amara was trailing behind he felt his ears droop, looking back at Jazz for a moment he flicked his tail before trotting back down to the young water pokemon, coming to walk beside her. “What’s up?” He asked the young pokemon with a soft rumble as he padded beside her, offering her a beastly smile. “Do you not want to play up front with Jazz and Spike?” He queried, one of his slender ears focused on her and the other on the pair in front of him as he listened to Jazz explain tracking at the same time he could easily take in both conversations.

I should be better at tracking...maybe Luke can find someone to look after the cubs some time so I can get some practice in He wondered as he waited for Amara’s answer, making sure his attention was mainly focused on her, his ears flicked back at the mention of a bad tempered Scolipede being nearby, it made his hackles fluff slightly he hoped the cubs didn’t run into it before they got to them.

With that his attention was pulled by the distant hum of voices, he stopped walking to rear up on his back legs doubling his normal height as he sniffed at the air and looked in the direction of the voices. “J-jazz?” Beast stuttered, inwardly grumbling at his inability to keep his voice steady, he couldn’t quite bring himself to say much else remaining on his hind legs he waved his paw in the direction ahead of them indicating where he was sure the ‘missing’ group of adventurers were.

–Bam-bam –

Bam-bam couldn’t stop herself from bouncing on the spot, she found Max’s mumble odd...he must have known she was nearly as impatient as Akira. She looked as if she was literally about to burst as he mused about what game to play, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, holding her bone in front of her. She perked up when he spoke again, her eyes widening as she gripped the tip of her skull helm shifting it forward so she could see better as she watched the elder pokemon with a mixture of awe and excitement. She hopped closer to him as he pulled over three makeshift cups, plonking her butt down in front of him her tiny tail had begun to wag creating a rounded triangle shape in the dirt as it kicked up small waves of dust. Max had successfully pulled her complete attention so she was already watching him carefully when he instructed her too, her eyes narrowing marginally as she frowned at the pea that had come out of the Rindo berry.

“OK I’m watching!” She chimed looking at the cups intently her tongue poked out the side of her mouth as she tried her hardest to concentrate which cup was the right one, but the speed the elder pokemon moved at was almost impossible for her to follow which predictably annoyed her but she wasn’t prepared to lose the game, the little Cubone was a very sore loser. She listened to what Max said her ears pricking up at the offer of information...if there was something she loved more than anything it was information, well almost more than anything she also rather liked to talk about herself.

What bothered her was the way Max had said ‘no lying’ Hmph I never lie The Cubone arrogantly thought, she’d been lying to herself for so long she was at the stage she near enough believed that. “I know where it is don’t worry, this is an easy game” She replied indignantly to the elder pokemon as she looked down at the cups masking her sudden anxiety as her eyes grazed the makeshift cups in front of her...she hadn’t the foggiest idea where it was but she confidently tapped the middle cup very lightly with her bone club, adopting a smug expression.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The now fake Eevee shifted his paws a little as the real Eevee questioned him curiously, though seemed to perk up a bit after mentioning Jazz's name. Jazz tended to get remembered easily, since she talked to just about everyone and had a tendency to do interesting things like this morning. It also wouldn't be a surprise if she spoke to this Eevee, since they were of the same species and Jazz might have been curious about if this Eevee came from the same clan. He wasn't sure though.

"Umm... Yeah... B-but he's so big. And intimidating..." he replied nervously at the thought. Children or little pokemon were one thing, but a full grown big pokemon like a Arcanine was another.

As he was questioned about his species and gender, the hidden Latios slowly shook his head. "U-Um... No not a... Ditto... And I-Im a male so I usually copy other males but... Umm since meeting Jazz... Being a Eevee or Jolteon isn't so bad." He answered softly, flicking his now fake fluffy tail, sitting down and gently pawing at it nervously between two forepaws.

Jazz's long ears perked as they flicked from side to side as she took a moment to pause and listen. Though she soon chuckled as the little cactus Pokemon caught up and flopped on the ground tiredly. The electric turps chuckled and gently poked him with a paw.

"Well sir Spike we are looking for Rin and Maw. And smells like Vee is with them. And come on buddy you can't be tired yet!" Jazz snickered softly before looking up to look at Beast, stuttering out his words once again as he pointed in the direction of the voices.

With a grin, the Jolteon bounded over and lightly poked the Arcanine in the belly. "Good ears big boy!" she grinned before bounding along the path once again, her scarf fluttering along with the wind.

Not too long, she heard the voices more clearly, she flicked her tail to the others. Crouching down, she snuck closer through the undergrowth, she saw the little group. Though saw two Eevee's, one of which she could guess was Altaire. With a smirk, she sprang out and landed in front of them.

"Found ya you group of troublemakers." Jazz smirked, Altaire jumping a bit, his body flashing as his body morphed into a spitting image of the Jolteon, scarf and goggles included.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Max chuckled at Bam-Bam's sudden confidence. With a flashy gesture, he placed his hand above the cup and addressed the small Cubone "Well then, let me remind you of the rules. If you pick the one where the pea is under, you get to ask me a question and If you pick the wrong one, I get to ask you a question. Let's see what is under the middle cup then" he said and used Telekinesis to raise the small cup, revealing that she had indeed guessed correctly. "Well look at that, you got it right from the first time!" he said and laughed.

"What would you like to learn?" he asked her after placing the cup back in its position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

Vee couldn’t help but let out a laugh when Altaire called Beast ‘intimidating’. Now that was the last adjective she would’ve personally associated with the giant softy. “Naaah~!” She waved a paw in front of her in a dismissive manner. “No really. You should try jumping on him with the biggest form you can mimic. You’ll see how much of a pushover he is. And if he dares to scare you…” She gave him a wide grin, “I’ll join in with you and jump until we knock the wind out of him.”

“Not a ditto? Hm…” She tried to think of any other pokemon that could mimic others with such ease, but couldn’t think of anything else. There was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she was missing a rather obvious, though unlikely, possibility. Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite recall any other likely pokemon at the moment. ‘Ah well. Mulling over it on my own like this probably isn’t going to get me anywhere.’

Her ears prickled as she heard that Altaire was a male after all. She silently did a small victory lap in her imagination as she thought, ‘Yes! I knew it! I was right!’ Now if it was around any of the other members of the village, she would have actually done the victory lap, regardless of how people stared. But the thought of scaring Altaire again barely managed to keep her in check to behave like a proper, mature adult. Barely. “Really now? Do you borrow Jazz’s form at times?” She asked, looking at Altaire’s fluffy tail instead of directly into his eyes.

With almost impeccable timing, though with enough time for Altaire to answer her back if he wished, Jazz suddenly descended into their midst and she watched the shy pokemon (Altaire) morph into a Jolteon. ‘Heh, it’s almost like watching me evolve.’ Vee grinned widely. “Found us? We’re not playing hide and seek Jazz.” She trotted over to the Jolteon and suddenly gave her a light head-butt on the nose. “Tag! You’re it!” Taking clear advantage of her sudden announcement, Vee suddenly bolted away from Jazz, leaped over Rin, and ran deeper into the forest while calling back, “First one caught is a giant Snorlax! And must touch one of Akira’s tails as punishment~~!”
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