You said all events would be linked at the Death phase correct? Would that mean we would be playing the same characters through Famine, Pestilence, and War, or would it be a different cast each time until they connect in Death?
So these characters are going to have a bad month having to fight the four horsemen and minions. Which gives me an idea maybe one of the characters has an item that they want something that could change the world. Also pick a week Zmerr except for week 1,2 and 4 but I think I some weeks might have a double-header RP if more people want to make a RP
Welcome to the club also I thought I put 5 ( I think that will be good but if anybody has a suggestion please ask away.) If you are planning on sharing a week one of you will have to be the main story line with one of the horsemen and the other will have to be a minion or something of the sort.
I was thinking (as I sit and wait for my music class to start and there's some unnamed person playing eerie songs on the piano in the practice rooms as I type irl) someone learns a song from a witch or something like that and whoever hears it falls under the "witch's" control. Sort of like the puppet master effect.