Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GourmetItalia
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here is where you're all wrong; dashing hobo ... went out of fashion decades ago! You should go total Special Forces mode and adopt a beard; like this:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Having just read the entire IC, it's pretty easy to follow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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I'm pretty sure the three mission choices he mentioned are akin to the South-West/South-East/Central parts of last time. Or if not, they probably won't be divided up further (not enough people).

I mean, Renalta gets more missions and it doesn't become hard to follow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Plus, two man collabs alone can take a long time. Imagine how mad a 5 man collab would be, if it spanned an entire mission?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Herzinth said
Having just read the entire IC, it's pretty easy to follow.

When people remember to title their posts with what mission/section they're doing anyway :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Kadaeux said
When people remember to title their posts with what mission/section they're doing anyway :p

That Is A Fair Point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, here's my upgrades for Roman Cassidy. Brovo, let me know if this is all good:

-I'm adding the Bigger is Better Calibre mod to my shotgun.
-My unique mod is a large drum on the shotgun that automatically reloads the shotgun after it is fired. The drum holds 20 rounds.

-I'm adding the Adrenaline Junkie combat training.
-I'm upgrading the GECKO combat training.
-For Manifest Destiny, I'm giving Roman a Camo-Suit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GourmetItalia
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Good stuff, PC. We're gonna need another ridiculously loaded stealth ops for the road ahead given the fact that I have a feeling Battlezone Chicago was merely child's play 8P.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Brovo said ...Though admittedly, a silenced shotgun won't be too effective on the "silence" part until it receives further upgrades down the road. Don't expect to be able to fire that thing in a building and not get the attention of everyone in the same room, or even in adjacent rooms. It will probably prevent reverberation from alerting the entire block, so, it's not entirely useless, just giving you a heads up.

A bit* late (blame it on me not being here back then) but silenced shotguns are a thing that work.

*Like just a teensy bit. A little ittle bittle late.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

GourmetItalia said
Good stuff, PC. We're gonna need another ridiculously loaded stealth ops for the road ahead given the fact that I have a feeling Battlezone Chicago was merely child's play 8P.

Good thing I decided not to multi-class then. Focusing on building up what I already got seems like the best way to go forward with Roman.

I'm trying to make him hit hard without people knowing he was even there. I'd put a silencer on a rocket launcher if I could.

Herzinth said
A bit* late (blame it on me not being here back then) but .*Like just a teensy bit. A little ittle bittle late.

So with future-tech stuff, it's possible to make a silent automatic shotgun, right?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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PCSutfin said So with future-tech stuff, it's possible to make a silent automatic shotgun, right?


Automatic shotguns exist, and shoot about as fast* as the semi-automatic one in the video. So I imagine it could be done with modern tech.

*Actually slower. Automatic shotguns seem to peak at about 5 rounds a second, while the semi in the video was more like 7-9 a second. Which means your 20 round drum would last all of a few seconds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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EDIT: MM that double post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Herzinth said
A bit* late (blame it on me not being here back then) but .*Like just a teensy bit. A little ittle bittle late.

The problem is he's also making it a bigger caliber than normal shotgun, even if there is a silencer for shotgun in TLB, I think with bigger caliber it'd be something similar to...putting a silencer on an auto-cannon?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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"It has been two weeks since your last operation. During this time, the Shadow Zone has expanded in size, and we discovered an infiltrator amongst our ranks: The scientist, Annie, was not what he appeared to be, at least, not anymore. Marvelously he managed to bypass all of our security systems. When he discovered a Shapeshifter PoW having experiments conducted on him, he apparently knocked out all of the staff and attempted to rescue their friend. Unfortunately, the PoW, subject Adam, perished due to the scientists being unable to complete their current experiment safely.

Annie, who is codenamed Eve, is an infamous "woman" shapeshifter who was one of the first known identified sentient beings. "She" is also the only one we know of that is relatively non-hostile towards humans, and she appears to be one of the most advanced there is, even being able to grow hair and survive outside of the Shadow Zone's atmosphere for certain, unknown periods of time. However, in her escape, she took all the data she could on shapeshifters and other medical files related to human DNA structure. The kind that could be used to produce terrifying biogenetic plagues that could easily go far above and beyond wiping out Bunker Chicago. We're sending you to retrieve this woman before she can return to the Shadow Zone. Repeat: We are sending you to retrieve this woman. The Council of ADAM wants her alive. This is the first time since the Shadow Zone appeared that the entirety of the Council itself has stepped forward to demand something of BCSEC, and by extension, its mercenary contracts.

Oh, and if you thought this mission was complicated already by the fact that she is an advanced shapeshifter, both U-ARM and the Shadow Zone appear to be sending forces to intercept her as well. We will need you to take care of them as well, at least, until you have Eve in our custody.

Also keep in mind that there is a small storm coming in. The acidic rain, while it is no longer truly harmful towards humans, may inhibit shapeshifters and cause occasional equipment malfunctions. Be careful. You're slowly becoming our rising stars. It would be a shame if we had to run a story about your incompetence to the general public.


--Ryan Dufont, Council of ADAM."

Operation 2: Eve.

Retrieval Team: Your goal is as simple as it gets. We'll be quartering off the South and East sections of the city. The other two teams will be operating defensible against U-ARM and the Shadow Zone each respectively in West and North. This will force the shapeshifter to be trapped in a single, small area. Negotiate with her, or take her in by force. Just ensure you take her in alive.
--Roman Cassidy. (PCSutfin.)
--Nathaniel Hawthorne. (Jorick.)
--Eira Mairwen. (Holmishire.)
--Paris Rience. (Herzinth.)
--Georgia Rhettland. (Tempest.)
--Agent 1
--Agent 2

U-ARM Wing: You will operate in the Western part of the operation zone. Your goal is to prevent any of U-ARMs agents and vehicles into the central operating zone. Keep in mind however that U-ARM may bring in artillery once they realize they're being blockaded, so this may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. U-ARM is also renowned for having bold, if somewhat foolish, rapid brute force tactics.
--Marvin Walters. (Maxim.)
--Junko Heizen. (GreenGoat.)
--Peter Táo. (GourmetItalia.)
--James Wolff. (Heyitsjiwon.)
--Character Slot 5:
--Colonel Marie Black. (REASON: My talents are best used here, popular vote.)
--Sergeant Morai Lee. (REASON: By request of my comrades, mainly, though I do admit feeling more comfortable facing human adversaries.)

Shadow Zone Wing: You will operate in the Northern part of the operation zone. You should already be familiar with Shadow Zone mutants, though unlike U-ARM which will bring artillery, the Shadow Zone will focus on blockade breakers to reach Eve. We are certain of it. Expect fast moving and stealthy opponents, as well as large masses of flesh.
--Bruce "Brucey" McFoster. (Kadaeux.)
--Kai "Lupus" Aevephasa. (Raen Elvarasi).
--Matthew Fetcher. (Alphakoka.)
--Character Slot 4:
--Character Slot 5:
--Abimael. (REASON: People seem to want me here. )
--Specialist Carolyn Antoinette. (REASON: This area is understaffed. Tiebreaker.)

NPC Placement

You have deployable resources from the Arsenal at your command. While the interface is still undergoing construction, these resources are still available to you, either because you outrank them, or because they requested to be assigned to serve alongside your squad.

You may only have up to two deployable agents per mission, with the exception of Derek, who is capable of moving between each mission zone with nearly zero consequences.

While players with promoted characters technically decide who goes where, a player who makes a sufficiently good argument can overrule a decision. Ultimately, Colonel Black makes the final decisions in the unit, leaving it in my hands if y'all have a disagreement about which NPC should go where.

Abimael: A Shadow Zone mutant that has grown fond of us. While it sees us as being different creatures, it seems to understand on some intrinsic level what empathy is. He is able to turn himself into a bodily shield capable of absorbing severe punishment, turning his arms into vicious spikes, and has the same quality as any other shapeshifter: Touch him and your hands will burn, or a piece of you may be absorbed by him. He also ignores these effects from other shapeshifters.

Colonel Marie Black: A Grunt with a special hatred of Raiders, Gangbangers, and Slavers. Equipped with advanced armour, a ballistics shield that is capable of stopping tank rounds, a large electricity rifle known as the Hand of God, and vast sums of tactical experience.

Specialist Carolyn Antoinette: Part of the special military division same as you, this woman brings her mech into battle armed with a precision laser and an HE missile launcher. She seems to be focusing on modifying her targeting systems and armour with her scrap. She also has a mechanical puppy named Ditzy, who acts as a mobile sensor package that can see in both standard and infrared.

Sergeant Morai Lee: An immigrant from the asian continent, has a vast array of experience across many battlefields and uses a combination of combat drugs and pre-set explosives to control the battlefield and perform near superhuman feats. He seems to be focusing on his shotgun's firepower, literally, as he has explosive tipped buckshot rounds.

Captain "Daring" Derek: A helicopter pilot in the Achilles Heel MK 2. A self-proclaimed cowboy and gentleman to the ladies, he is no doubt a useful resource that can divert from one part of the battlefield to another nearly instantly depending on where he is needed or requested. His helicopter is armoured with a .50 calibre turret that pours out incendiary rounds. In combination with a special compartment that allows him to drop an extremely flammable substance, he can light certain areas of the battlefield on fire and make them temporarily impassable by conventional means.
Nice sound if someone wants to enjoy it with me.

GourmetItalia said
Brovo, could you enlighten us on what benefits come from upgrading the Bigger is Better Caliber? Also, could we upgrade other weapons mods such as Target Tracker or a Grenade Launcher and if so, what benefits would they bring?Additionally, what benefits would we have from upgrading Full American Unload or A Soldier's Wrath?

BoBC: I thought it was obvious. Even bigger bullets. Though it's more practical in semi-automatic weapons, seeing as how recoil is a thing.

TT: Greater visual range, greater sensor acuity, etc.

GL: Custom, your choice, your problem. Not mine.

FAU: More effective bullet spray, potentially the ability to do it while moving though only slowly.

ASW: Greater accuracy and so on.

I didn't think this was vague. An upgrade improves the base effects and may add more if appropriate. That's what the word means. My apologies if it was vague.

Maxim said Okay...is there any way to make it slightly less fragile, or is that what comes in the territory of Aerial Drones?

Comes with the territory. Propellers and the like will be near permanent weak points, and obvious ones. It's the price to pay to have aerial mobility.

Maxim said Also, if it does end up destroyed somehow, can I remake it at the end of the mission?

Yes. You can repair it mid-mission as well.

Maxim said Finally, I'm wondering if I can make the following for my miscellaneous inventory: Nothing is worse than trying to scavenge items only for them to bounce around in the cockpit and cause a concussion or lasceration. Thus this small box allows the holder to store items safely. Marvin has added some clamps to the cockpit of his mech to stash this box in to keep it with him at all times. Radiation proof!I suppose the main question is: How big is my cockpit, and can it store something like this? (It would be about the size of the chainsword I would guess)

It works. You may have it. It is just a box.

Raen Elvarasi said Upgraded Mutation: Chameleon

--Omnistick (Rank 2): Like other lizards, this Chameleon is now capable of climbing and sticking onto any surface so long as they're using their hands and legs to crawl along the surface. They are capable however of remaining still and freeing their hands for usage of a firearm, explosive, or other tool. They can apply this sticky quality on touch to other items or to people, allowing them to make "sticky grenades" and to stop someone from moving. (Mobility bonuses, dodge bonuses while on walls or ceilings, can use their sticky quality on items and other people.) (Mutation effect: There are small, hair-like follicles all over their body, and other fluids from them are now sticky as well, such as blood, sweat, and tears.)

Raen Elvarasi said New Mutation: Sabre Fangs Custom Mutation: Muscle Fiber Density - Your muscular system becomes denser, and more resilient, conferring super-human strength, allowing you to jump higher, run faster, and preform feats of strength no normal human could. (Bonus: Increased strength and speed.)(Mutation Effect: Your body is unnaturally muscular, and hard. Slightly increased weight. Does not effect the size or shape of the body.)

Note that bodily damage still hampers you just as badly as it does before. Approved.

Raen Elvarasi said Random Mutation: ______________In Forma, Quod Puritas: Having a closer connection to the mutants in the fog than any human could ever hope to have, these individuals have started to realize their true potential in the face of the oncoming force. They can now acutely hear and understand what the mutants in the shadow zone say to each other verbally or telepathically, and are immune to the horrible side effect of coming into direct contact with them: They cannot be either absorbed or burned. Situations which would petrify a normal person, such as the glare of a shadow wolf, have no effect on this mutant.Wounds sustained are now rapidly healed, though this exhausts the mutant. For perspective: They can heal broken bones in minutes. This doesn't however render them immune to pain, which can still send them into shock, nor to blood loss, which can end their lives. Though notable their blood has taken on a somewhat lighter hue than that of a regular human, a more pinkish colour than red.

Random Mutation.
"Her": From time to time, Kai sees the ghost of a younger Alyss running through the battlefield. This can sometimes lead him to telepathic creatures or otherwise, allowing him to sometimes instinctively find what others cannot. On the other hand, sometimes enemies also appear to look like Alyss for a split second, causing him to lock up instead of killing them or avoiding their attacks. Notable, others see this effect as well, proving that he isn't just crazy: He's projected crazy! (Visual, psychic hallucination.)
LimeyPanda said
Scrap expendature: Remove Flamethrower, Add Mech Shield [-1 Scrap]: Keep Power Fist, Add Shock Mace [-1/2 Scrap(If an additional slot is needed)]: Unchanged: Replace Infrared Scanning Package with motion detection Scanning Package, If only one scrap remaining, no further change. Else if two scrap remaining, add one shoulder slot, and add HE Missile unit. If only One scrap remaining, add Floodlights. Technology Marches On unit- Aerial scout drone: -An unarmed Scout drone that allows Daniel to scout out an area before diving into the fray. It is equiped with an and a .

Additional slot unnecessary so long as you realize it doesn't have a holster on the waist. ;)

Need to use scrap to invent the cloaking device, and even then, it'll only be partial: Chameleon.
@Everyone: Will go over additional posts at work place at lunch. May be able to respond to some of them as well, though phone has been finnicky as of late, no promises. Also, if you want to start a collaborative post, I recommend sending me a private message first so we can arrange a time we're both available for either TitanPad, Steam, or Skype.
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