Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

Status: 17/15 slots filled. *WE ARE OVER-FULL!*

Second Operation up! | The Arsenal is over here!

Chapter 1: Introduction and Lore Archive.

The Last Bastion: Bunker Chicago is a post-apocalypse role play involving mutations, mech-suits, near-future technology, radiation, politics, and general insanity in a screwed up version of a near-future/modern world. It involves dice rolls done in the background to help determine success or failure, with your every action having a consequence upon the world, and a plot about shadow zones, bizarre mutants and monsters, and distortions of reality itself.

If this interests you, please, feel free to read about the world and story, and make a character!

Lore Archive: Below are archives of creatures, factions, important people, and more. You can skip these to begin with, but they are handy reference material for character creation and subplots.

Chapter 2: Character Sheet.

Note: There is a copy-paste version below, in a google doc, all formatted and ready for you to copy-paste. This just gives you a general idea of what the sheet looks like.

Name: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age. (Note: Must be 16+. The platoon won't take anyone under 16 years of age save in “support roles”, such as a machinist, which are unplayable.)
Sex: Your character's biological gender, typically male or female.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A picture or description will do nicely. (Or a hybrid of both if you prefer.)
History Type: Where your character grew up generally. It sometimes holds story importance, changes how NPC's behave towards your character, and sometimes causes a PM to magically appear in your inbox that tells you something useful that your character knows whenever it’s relevant to the situation.

Biography: Your character's history and personality. Two paragraphs required.

Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.

Career Path: Your character only has the time and resources to really devote themselves to one line of training to begin with. This determines if they’ll pilot small mechs, wield powerful mutations, or even fight as a special forces’ soldier might. To start with you may pick from one of three basic routes, which can evolve into specialties, cross-over into the other two fields, and more, as time progresses and your character’s skills grow. How you play your character will help determine how they shape out in what unique skills and items they accumulate, and what options you will be presented with later down the line. Essentially: Your actions will help dictate how your character grows in power and abilities.

Mech: Delete this if you didn’t take the Pilot route!
Designation: CSEC-SM-1. (This is your mech’s name. You can rename it if you want!)
Size: Small.
Occupants: One.
General Description: An all-rounder, standing roughly 15-20 meters tall with a clean paint job. The pilot is typically located at the core of the machine for maximum protection.

Mutations: Delete this if you didn’t take the Listener route!

Grunt: Delete this if you didn’t take the Grunt route.

Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)

Signature: To agree to the rules, type your user-name here. This is just to verify that you understand, and agree to the fact, that I can kill your character without your permission. Playing smart and working in a team lowers your death odds, but even then... There’s always the chance your character won’t make it to the end.

Click here for a pre-formatted sheet, which you can copy-paste to save yourself a lot of time formatting.

Chapter 3: Technical skills, mechs, mutations, training, and more!


If you have chosen the path of a mech pilot, you may fiddle with the base design to your heart’s content.

These are extra parts you can add on, which must replace a pre-existing part if there are no open slots available.


Listeners are divided into two core pieces: Their archetype, and their specific mutations. While it is hard to truly classify groups of mutants, the general power set of a mutant can be classified. These are known as archetypes.


Chapter 4: Rules and Extras.

  1. The GM's word is law.

  2. Nobody is exempt from death. Not a plot NPC, antagonist, or player character. That's right; even you can die! Very quickly I might add!

  3. I can and will add more rules in the future as they are needed, and reserve the right to do so without warning... Though I will try to at least make an OOC post mentioning it.

  4. Type “Vlad has Camoflauge” somewhere in your sheet to verify that you read the rules.

Active: 17.
--Men: 12.
--Women: 5.
--Pilots: 4.
--Listeners: 5.
--Grunts: 7.
--Pilot-Grunt Hybrids: 1.
Dead: 2.
--Men: 2.
--Women: 0.
--Pilots: 1.
--Listeners: 0.
--Grunts: 1.
Inactive: 1.
--Men: 1.
--Women: 0.
--Pilots: 1.
--Listeners: 0.
--Grunts: 0.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: James Wolff
Age: 27
Sex: Male

History Type:

That Cousin from New York: James grew up in Bunker New York, and was a member of the security force there. Thus, he has he has some combat experience, but since New York was a very urbanized city James is used to more small scale, quick paced, intense close combat where small unit tactics made the difference.
(Bonuses to diplomacy when conversing with other members of Bunker colonies or Council servants, and slight combat bonus when ambushing and when firing when on the move.)

Biography: Growing up in New York was tough. Since New York has historically been largely urbanized, producing food has been a continuous challenge for the New York Bunker. The fact that only 20,000 people reside there is proof of it. Still, James grew up believing in the cause of the Council, and it wasn't much of a surprise when he joined the security force. His training in the city is none like any other. Since there were so many buildings, a lot of the training was focused on clearing rooms and methodically, but quickly moving from point A to point B. He was also trained in hiding and moving by some guy named Vlad who wore camouflage (Yes, Vlad has camouflage) since ambushes and flanking were the most deadly and useful tactics in the city. He was also trained in the use of explosives as sometimes the most effective way to deal with enemies were to literally destroy the building that they were using for cover.

Then came the news about the Shadow Zone from Bunker Chicago. Bunker New York and its leaders knew that if something were to happen to Bunker Chicago, then Bunker New York would be the next target. Thus, it was imperative that the threat be neutralized in Chicago. It was then that Bunker New York decided to send some support to Bunker Chicago and James was a part of this initial shipment. Although he's hundreds of miles away from his home, James still understands the gravity of the situation and seeks to do his best to protect Bunker Chicago and ultimately the constitution.

Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.

Career Path:
Grunt: The grunt is someone who has become a grizzled war fighter, having chosen to abstain from both the more mechanized aspects of warfare and the temptation of mutations. They instead use specialty training and customized firearms to resolve the day. Often underestimated, their contribution to a battle tends to be less obvious than the other two, and don’t let the name fool you: A well trained, well equipped Grunt is just as deadly as a high ranking Listener or Pilot!

Grunts start with their Light Armour replaced with Medium Armour, still flexible but capable of stopping some damage in critical areas. They also have access to one of three starting weapons which replaces the Standard Issue Council Rifle.

Grunts start with two weapon modifications for their weapon of choice and can change out these modifications at any time when not in a mission. They also start with two pieces of Advanced Training.[/hider]

Grunt: Delete this if you didn’t take the Grunt route.

Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)


--Eyes Everywhere: After an incident that nearly took his life, James has become aware to watch his own back, even when his eyes are peering through a scope. (Greater chance of detecting enemies sneaking up on him with sound if his sight is preoccupied.)

--The Key is More Nitroglycerine: James and explosives go together like sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. That is, he's spent time understanding how to make glorious plumes of fire. (Explosives tend to be more devastating against enemies and less effective against James and any nearby allies.)

Signature: Heyitsjiwon
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
Avatar of Jorick

Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Age: 28
Sex: Male.
Appearance: Nathaniel stands about six feet tall and has dark hair and skin on the pale side. His eyes were once a rich brown color when he was a child, but they are now somewhere between pink and red thanks to one of his mutations. He is not particularly muscular, nor particularly attractive, but he is not rail-thin or horrifying. He is decidedly average in appearance aside from his height and the signifiers of his mutations.

History Type: Custom
From Commune To Bunker: Nathaniel was born and raised in a small commune of mutants, made up of those who hated the way they were treated by non-mutants and chose to brave life in North America outside the Bunker colonies. They did not fare well, but they more or less scraped by in the ruins of a small town in what used to be Missouri. Nathaniel had only ever associated with mutants until his adulthood, whereupon turning sixteen he decided to go to the Chicago Bunker and see what life was like there. It was not pretty in the outermost ring, but it was a hell of a lot better than trying to live outside the walls, and so he stayed and there he fared well enough and got used to normal humans. Spending his developmental years in the company of mutants made Nathaniel highly sensitive to their particular personality quirks, and spending the rest of his life amongst regular humans has honed his social skills with them as well. However, due to his particular life circumstances, Nathaniel never had much exposure to technology and is thus at a disadvantage when trying to use anything more advanced than a gun.
(Bonuses to social interaction with mutants and non-mutants alike, penalties to understanding and using advanced and foreign technology.)

Biography: Nathaniel was born in a mutant commune and knew only mutants for the first half of his life. He was never sure who his parents were, though that could be said of almost all his fellows as they were raised by the community rather than by one couple. He was a very socially adept person from the time he was a young boy, able to make friends without much effort and capable of winning over adults as well. He had a penchant for drama and delusions of grandeur, but everyone wrote it off as the products of a child's active imagination... at least until he was about thirteen and they saw it as time for him to put away his play and become a man. Pressure from these sentiments plus a desire to see and interact with the great crowds of the Bunker colonies were the combined cause for his choice to leave the commune at the age of sixteen.

Upon arriving to the Chicago Bunker, Nathaniel found that things were not as grand as he imagined, though admittedly he only saw the slums of the outermost ring for most of his time there. The soldiers hadn't seemed very keen to let him into their home, understandably enough, but he had been able to convince them of his lack of ill intent after a lot of questioning and so he was allowed to stay. Having learned by this point to keep his mouth shut about his grand image of himself, Nathaniel managed to blend in fairly well. He learned that regular humans were not so different from mutants after all, despite all the cynical talk in the commune about how they might as well be another species.

Of course this revelation did not change anything for Nathaniel. He had always viewed mutants and humans as being equal in all relevant matters. More specifically they were all beneath him, for he was the greatest there ever was or would be. For all their apparent differences they were in truth all the same. After all, why should differences of physiology in lesser creatures matter to a god?

Self-affirmed divinity aside, Nathaniel led a rather mundane life in Bunker Chicago. He learned how to ingratiate himself with humans just as he had with mutants, and he did so with aplomb. Though he somtimes slipped and freaked people out by talking of his godhood (sometimes as if he was a god, others as if he was going to become one somehow, it varied from day to day), Nathaniel managed to smooth things over by claiming things from idle fantasy to a poor attempt at humor. Eventually he evened out somewhat, thanks to the use of narcotics stirring his scrambled mind about and leaving him with a more or less cohesive story about his godhood in his own mind and quieting his need to verbalize his thought processes. He later stopped using these drugs, for they were unbecoming of a god, but he held on to the apparent stability.

Upon hearing of the Shadow Zone, Nathaniel immediately weaved it into his mental narrative. Therein would be the place where he would die and be reborn as a god, though not until he had passed through the trials and tribulations necessary for the transformation. Thus he sought to join the efforts to learn about and fight the Shadow Zone, for he saw it as his calling.

Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.

Career Path: Listener

Synaptic Parasite: Upon touch, a parasite can leave the hand of the Swarm mutant, which burrows its way under the skin and into the nervous system of its victim. After a few seconds it begins to transmit psychic energy to the infecting character, which allows said character to forcefully control the victim. Due to the traumatic nature of possession, some will resist better than others, and some may even simply die or fall unconscious from shock instantly. (Forced Control over victim on physical contact) (Mutation effect: Occasionally has bulges under the skin which move.)
Note: Can be used to “trap” food and drink or other objects for a few minutes before the parasite dies without a host.
--Familial Legacy (Rank 2): Parasites can now travel a small distance independently to attempt to sneak up on and take over a host. They can also be thrown akin to grenades, however the parasites are quite vulnerable. The parasite now also has a 'kill switch', if someone attempts to remove it from its host or on command of its master, it will snap the spinal column and kill its host. Parasites can now attempt to dig into the host body's memories to find secrets and transfer these memories telepathically to the Swarm mutant, but this also gives the host a chance to overpower the parasite for a few moments. (General upgrades.) (Mutation Effect: Cockroaches and other insects are drawn to the swarm host.)

Too Innocent To Kill: Subtle changes in bodily posture and displayed emotions from the eyes, as well as low wave psychic energy emitted in all directions, gives this character the most distinctive impression of innocence that shouldn’t be killed. It won’t stop enemies from using non-lethal force or wounding your character, or firing back if your character commits to hostile action, but it does mean that intelligent enemies will otherwise avoid lethal attacks on this character. (Survival, Diplomacy bonuses.) (Mutation effect: The Iris’ of the eyes turn to a pinkish-reddish hue.)

In Forma, Quod Puritas: Having a closer connection to the mutants in the fog than any human could ever hope to have, these individuals have started to realize their true potential in the face of the oncoming force. They can now acutely hear and understand what the mutants in the shadow zone say to each other verbally or telepathically, and are immune to the horrible side effect of coming into direct contact with them: They cannot be either absorbed or burned. Situations which would petrify a normal person, such as the glare of a shadow wolf, have no effect on this mutant.

Wounds sustained are now rapidly healed, though this exhausts the mutant. For perspective: They can heal broken bones in minutes. This doesn't however render them immune to pain, which can still send them into shock, nor to blood loss, which can end their lives. Though notable their blood has taken on a somewhat lighter hue than that of a regular human, a more pinkish colour than red.

Divine Flesh: Nathaniel's body, having experienced its first real life or death combat with a gun, has adapted to improve his odds of survival. His hand-eye coordination has improved quite a bit, and his arms are much steadier when holding a gun, though both of these mutations seem to be almost entirely tied to use of guns and have had no noticeable effect on his coordination and steadiness in other activities. (Bonus to gun accuracy) (Mutation effect: The veins in Nathaniel's hands and arms now stand out very clearly and vividly through his skin, and they appear red instead of blue.)

The Voices: Nathaniel has noticed that on occasion he can hear the voices and conversations of entities within the Shadow Zone, even miles away back in Bunker Chicago. The only issue is when this happens, he has no way to discern or filter the voices, and so thousands of voices ring through his mind, some louder than others. This can induce nose bleeds and cause him to hallucinate. On the other hand, this can also give him extremely valuable intelligence about what the enemy is about to do. (Mutation effect is clear) (Mutation Effect: While in this state he very visible sweats and his pupils envelope the entirety of his eyes.)

Mind on the Money: More often than not when Nathaniel takes a guess at where his objective or target is, he's spot on. (Increases odds of randomly finding whatever it is he's looking for.)
The Chosen One: Having been touched by the ghostly touch of a very important figure, other listeners and enemies within the shadowzone tend to be more likely to listen and comply with Nathaniel's requests. (Bonuses to diplomacy with mutants of all kinds, intelligent or not.)

Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)

Signature: I, Jorick, hereby swear to not be a little bitch about my character dying if/when it happens. I also acknowledge that Vlad has Camoflauge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Roman Cassidy
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Appearance: Tall, black, bald with a goatee, scars and burns all over. Wears an eyepatch over his left eye.

History Type: Custom
The Black Raider: Years of using the Viper's techniques to kill raiders in Europe have taught Roman how to silently and quickly move to and dispatch enemies from behind with his knife or bare hands. The unfriendly way he carries himself makes those who see him have negative first impressions.
(bonus to, sneaking, attacking enemies at close range; penalty to social interaction and introduction)

Technical Information

Career Path: Grunt
Custom Weapon: Shotgun
--Mod 1: Silencer
--Mod 2: Hi-Tech Scope (Infrared)
Advanced Training:
--AT 2: CQC
--Combat Knife
--Standard Issue Council Pistol
--Shotgun with infared scope and silencer
--Civilian clothing
--Medium armour
--Vlad has Camoflauge
--Frag Grenade (2)
--Flashbang (2)
--Standard Watch

Signature: PCSutfin
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I am currently at an indecision about which of two characters I plan to use. For now though, I'll post the first one, and let others choose later.

Name: Daniel Ezekiel Anders
Age: Twenty Seven
Sex: Male

History Type:

Biography: Born into a raider family: Daniel was expected to descend into the same level of madness and revelry that came along with a Raider’s lifestyle. He was forced to grow up fast and mean, but instead of becoming a wild beast, Daniel seemed to excel in the madness of his station in life. He developed a keen intellect and a vicious willpower that made him both a powerful ally and a dangerous threat amongst the Raiders at large.

His rapacious mind that seemed to devour any and all knowledge: Daniel was assigned to one of the Raider family’s few stolen mechanised War-suits at the young age of thirteen. These stolen pieces of technology were difficult to use well, and the raiders were loath to let anyone use them: yet Daniel was given the unique opportunity, if only because he was one of the few people who had the knowledge to learn how to use them. He took to the task with a dedication and fervour and soon became one of the raider’s most vital members. Even more so than Vlad, who had Camoflauge

As he grew older and older, Daniel’s mind built a deeper gulf of disparity between himself and the other raiders. The only reason he didn’t wake up with a knife in his back was due to his skill as a Pilot, but his skill would only protect him for so long. As he rejected more of the Raider’s promotions and more of the clan’s whores, the gulf widened and Daniel, being an intelligent man, was more than aware that his days were becoming numbered.

One night though, Daniel was struck by something…powerful. He had managed to recover an undamaged copy of the Holy Bible and had begun to read it with a (forgive the pun) religious dedication. The more he read the text, the more he was enraptured by its powerful anecdotes and interesting, intricate stories and its divine message. Put simply, he was converted by it.

Having found a sense of peace in the text, Daniel became unsure of himself as a person and found an unsettling level of worry overcoming him. He was a sinner, to be sure: he had killed, he had stolen, he had worshiped possessions over the lord, he had raped, he had pillaged, he had maimed and he had sinned in nearly every perceivable way that the text of the holy bible had just finished teaching him not to. Frankly, Daniel felt a looming sense of inevitability in his damnation. He had sinned beyond sinning and there would be no son of God to cleanse him of his sins, just as there was no priest to absolve him and speak to him on behalf of god.

One contemplative night managed to lead to Daniel forging a new conviction. He had an epiphany. He even goes as far as to claim he had a vision, a message from god. It was a message of salvation and it gave Daniel the chance to absolve his sins. He knew what he must do, and the first step in absolving his sins was in cleansing.

Jesus was baptized by John in a lake. Daniel was baptized in a river of blood by his own hands.

The Raiders had organized a raid on a Bunker compound, specifically one of the many homesteads surrounding Chicago city. Daniel was, as always, assigned to the vanguard in his mechanised War-suit and he pretended to entertain the motions of a blasphemous raider for a while longer. He stormed into the homestead, as if he were a crusader on the doorsteps of Jerusalem.

What happened next is mostly here-say. All that is known is that Daniel wiped out the entirety of his own Raider party. Many of the homesteaders were thankful to the stranger in the War-mech, and as such, most of the stories surrounding the day are regarded with suspicion and disregarded as overhyping a man. The only confirmed facts are that Daniel wiped out the entirety of the Bandit group alone, and that the only mark he gained was a deep cut across his left cheek: a memento of when he disembarked from his mech and personally dealt with his old boss.

Daniel waited at the Homestead for the inevitably late retinue of BCSEC soldiers with a trained patience and gentle calm. He had not a worry in the world as the men moved towards him; with guns drawn and fingers on the trigger. He did not flinch when he was handcuffed and beaten. The Ex-raider had expected this, nay: he had been warned of this! He didn’t even show fear when the men went to execute him, for they were stopped by the homesteaders he saved. Unsure of what to do, the BCSEC troops instead took Daniel to meet with their commanding officers.

A day later, Daniel’s hastily typed up résumé was handed to the council of ADAM, and he was quickly given a placement on the Pilot program.

He was Twenty One then. Time has changed little for Daniel, except that his resolve has become stronger and his zealotry has become more refined.

Career Path-



Technology marches on upgrade - Dove: An unarmed floating Scout drone that allows Daniel to scout out an area before diving into the fray. It is equipped with an Infrared Scanning Package.

Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason.

Signature: To agree to the rules, type your user-name here. This is just to verify that you understand, and agree to the fact, that I can kill your character without your permission. Playing smart and working in a team lowers your death odds, but even then... There’s always the chance your character won’t make it to the end. LimeyPanda
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
Avatar of Tempest

Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Georgia Rhettland
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Career Path: Listener
History Type: Bunker Baby

Reference Image by the artist Wulfsbane on DA

Georgia stands at approxiamately 5'3", is very slight of frame and light-weighted even with her diminutive body. Her skin is fair and holds a ghostly pallor given her lack of sunlight. The entirety of her eyes are black, appearing to have no iris of white area, and are typically hidden behind a pair of reflective aviator sunglasses. Typically, her long hair is bound back in a ponytail slipped through the back of a worn red ballcap. Across her arms, she has heavy scarring that appear to be from something with very vicious claws.


Georgia Rhettland was born within Bunker Chicago and has lived her entire life there. Her entire existence was within the cramped confines of the great walls with her mother, grandfather, and older sibling. However, she often dreams of how things must have once been. She would hear of the wastelands outside from a young age, namely from her elder brother, Thomas, but that all seemed unreal given the enormous walls. The stories of the great lake Michigan was even more mind-blowing. The idea of life outside was impossible to comprehend. Yet, she still found herself daydreaming of the wide open areas and how those of the old world would live. So much so, in fact, that she began to grow a strong passion to restoring artifacts back to working condition.

Since a young child, she had begun gathering whatever scraps she could find and began to rig them back to working condition when others would well have declared them beyond repair. In this, she began to garner a name for herself in the outer rings as she would repair household items, toys and more for those, if only for an excuse to tinker more. It seemed like a simple, healthy hobby that could later become a career for the girl perhaps as a mechanic or a labcoat within research and development... However, growing signs of mutation began to become apparent within her as she aged. It was a small isolating factor between her and other kids, and her personality quirks only seemed to add to the gap between them. She was, for the most part, the eccentric tinkering mutant. How else were they to take her alarming advantage in games and strange obsession with technology?

She was well on track to a position, though, within the mechanic department still in adolescence. She had begun a mentoring program, largely due to influence of her grandfather and older brother given their placement in Bunker Chicago's technological branches. She did well and even excelled given her petite form, though some of the more unwieldy tools were still well beyond her. Of course, an incident with experimental technologies threw her far off course.

The incident, involving classified war technology, devastated an entire lab area. Carelessness or simply fiddling with something they did not understand resulted in an explosion. The entirety of the staff on the project was either dead or injured to varying degrees. Her brother was involved and amongst the casualties. The event resulted in distressing effects upon Georgia. She was given leave from the mentoring program and, quite immediately, the changes became apparent. For the most part, she began to push away reality and began existing within her own world. Most everything was about gathering bits and pieces of the old world and working upon them desperately in seclusion. Her grandfather was the first to notice the changes and attempted to console her through the events. So involved was he in attempting to bring her back into the real world, he took an early retirement from his work. However, when he walked in on her, talking to an old teddy bear her older brother had gotten for her, and referring to it as Thomas, he began to lose hope that she could be drawn back to sense. Georgia began to, as some would say, revert back to a more childish state. Some speculated developmental disorders unseen in early years were the problem. Others said it was simply a mental problem spurred on by trauma. Regardless, she appeared happy.

Her grandfather passed within the year. Her mother would simply shake her head and dismiss it as he was too heartbroken to keep going. Georgia, however, seemed to hardly notice. At least, until she began to notice the lack of parts that had been largely supplied from the departments by Thomas and her grandfather. Scolding Thomas for not telling her he could not get her parts anymore, she began to go on excursions, without clearance, into the inner sectors in search of, as she would call them, shiny bits. It was upon one of these excursions, she ended up meeting her best and perhaps only friend, Carolyn.

Carolyn appeared baffled and amused by Georgia's determination to find what she was calling "sparkly plugs" at the time while talking to her bear and calling it Thomas. Instead of reporting Georgia, Carolyn assisted her in finding them and even build her projects. It was, perhaps lucky, that her friend was the daughter of an influential individual in Bunker Chicago and could get her in and out with relatively no issues. The two began to become inseparable and even started to begin work out in the outlying districts. One such instance would be during the holiday seasons where, inspired by old world stories, they began to string up repaired christmas lights about the bunker, much to the approval of the citizens.

However, their childish theft and activities were bound to come to an end. Adulthood brought on the need to settle in for a career. Concerns over her mental state and potential traumatic symptoms were she to work in the labs brought an end to any notions of Georgia resuming her training in the mechanics division or following the path of her family members. Instead, it became clear that she would be needing to join the security force. The idea of venturing beyond the walls and being able to see for herself what lay beyond was an interesting notion to her. She hardly had any issues with it. Besides, she could run faster and jump higher than anyone else if she ran into trouble. So, leaving teddybear Thomas with Carolyn, who had become a mech pilot, she was out on her first mission.

The squad had not ventured out too far outside of BC before they began to find the signs of the dangerous mutant that had been preying upon caravans. Georgia was sent out as a forward scout given her speed and small frame. It was assumed that if it could even notice her, she could outrun it. It was successful, up to a point. Slipping on the devastated rubble, she had drawn the mutant to her existence. The creature began to take chase. She stayed ahead of it for a time, but another slip sent her crashing down. She had been so close to getting back to the team, but in that single misstep, the creature was atop her. She drew her whole body in on itself and began to guard herself with her arms. The creature was shredding through the armour as if it was nothing. Deep gouges began to be ripped into her flesh before the others were able to make their way in to a safe distance to take their shot. The mission was successful, but Georgia had to be taken back for medical attention, field kits being incapable of dealing with the wounds and concerns apparent of any toxic effects the mutant could have possessed.

She was stuck in medical care and had to undergo rehabilitation for some time before being released. Carolyn had been present throughout much of the time and deeply concerned. Georgia's only apparent concern at the time was simply how bright it was outside. For the most part, whenever she could break away from the medical services, she found herself in hangar where Carolyn's mech was stored, assisting whenever she could manage to repair and improve the machine. However, fully recovered, it is apparent that it is time again for her to go outside the Bunker.


--Feather Bones: This mutation involves decreasing the overall weight of a Ghost archetype by thinning out the bones and simultaneously making them out of stronger, tighter material. While a little bit of sturdiness is sacrificed it is immediately replaced with much faster movement, as well as the ability to jump twice as high and three times as far than is normal. (Faster movement, slightly increased defense.) (Mutation Effect: Unnaturally lithe and lightweight appearance.)

--Psychic Meld:
[Ranged]: This mutation allows the Ghost Archetype to have an out-of-body experience with a nearby target, allowing them to see what their target sees, and hear what their target hears, even if they cannot directly see their target, so long as they know exactly where the target is standing. While having an out-of-body experience they become unaware of their own surroundings, as their brain can only handle one set of visual and auditory impulses, not two.
[Touch]: Allows a Ghost Archetype to forcefully enter the mind of a target to retrieve memories. It can take several minutes of interrogation to fish out a specific memory, and targets with great amounts of willpower don’t break easily, though surface thoughts are simple enough to catch on a simple brush of the hand.
(Mind/Sensory reading) (Mutation effect: Eyes turn entirely black.)

--Psychic Compulsions: (Rank 2):
[Ranged]: Having evolved their capacity for reading the sensory inputs of others, they are now capable of inducing auditory and visual hallucinations in a victim. The less it needs to physically manifest itself in the mind of the target, the easier it is for the Ghost to maintain the connection and torture their victim.
[Touch]: Upon grabbing the victim, the Ghost can now leave compulsions in the mind of the target. Resisting the compulsions may cause brain damage. The more complex or overpowering the compulsion, the more time is necessary to implant it. It should be noted that at this point, they can also read the surface memories of shapeshifters. (Mutation Effect: Hair turns silver in colour, and now projects a small but noticeable and detectable amount of psychic energy at all times.)

--Too Innocent To Kill:: Subtle changes in bodily posture and displayed emotions from the eyes, as well as low wave psychic energy emitted in all directions, gives this character the most distinctive impression of innocence that shouldn’t be killed. It won’t stop enemies from using non-lethal force or wounding your character, or firing back if your character commits to hostile action, but it does mean that intelligent enemies will otherwise avoid lethal attacks on this character. (Survival, Diplomacy bonuses.)

--Neural Circuitry:
The mind is a machine, with circuits and data drives. You just have to learn to use it. This is a two part mutation. [Effects, always carrying a faint electrical charge that causes feedback from machines.]
[Ranged] Haywire: Through brute force, Georgia has figured out how to use the basic neural connections to override the technology in an area and cause it to act haywire in random ways. Has little effect upon more simple technologies, IE) Radios may experience little more than feedback and background chatter.
[Touch] Hi-Jack: Upon contact, Georgia can delicately establish a connection with the circuitry of the technology in question and gain deeper access, overriding and assuming control of it

--In Forma, Quod Puritas: Having a closer connection to the mutants in the fog than any human could ever hope to have, these individuals have started to realize their true potential in the face of the oncoming force. They can now acutely hear and understand what the mutants in the shadow zone say to each other verbally or telepathically, and are immune to the horrible side effect of coming into direct contact with them: They cannot be either absorbed or burned. Situations which would petrify a normal person, such as the glare of a shadow wolf, have no effect on this mutant. Wounds sustained are now rapidly healed, though this exhausts the mutant. For perspective: They can heal broken bones in minutes. This doesn't however render them immune to pain, which can still send them into shock, nor to blood loss, which can end their lives. Though notable their blood has taken on a somewhat lighter hue than that of a regular human, a more pinkish colour than red.


--Toyland: Georgia has grown up her whole life building gizmos and putting them to good use. (She now keeps a small package of random material with which she can make nearly anything.)
--SPARKLY PLUG, WOOSH!: Faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster! (Georgia sprints faster and has a small defense boost while sprinting in the first few seconds of any dash.)


Signature: Tempest, but Vlad has Camouflage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Name: Bruce "Brucey" McFoster
Age: 35
Sex: Male

History Type: Australian Backpacker
Bruce was born in the Blue Mountains of Australia, a hard harsh living with monstrous spiders and insects. Bruce however, being Australian, wasn't fazed about it, the idea that other people didn't have to deal with firebreathing ants, giant funnel webs or worse... It was simply part of living, however as time went on Brucey found the old McFoster wunderlust rising. As an experienced pilot he didn't consider it difficult and began the wander with the love of his life.

Travelling the wastes with her eventually lead to an encounter with raiders which lead to the death of his love, before or after the rape Bruce never found out. Instead the next night he returned in the Ignis Dei and burned the night, and raiders, away. On the next day Bruce wandered the charred grounds and discovered a baby wallaby abandoned in the wreckage. Bruce torn with remorse, but seeing it as a sign of new beginnings took the baby and, after getting some help figuring out how, raised it. But since that night Bruce had become unhinged and slightly unstable founding the "Flamma de Ecclesia quod purgatio" a church dedicated to flames.

Bruce however decided to discard that part of the world. He booked a boat over to the States to make a new way for himself.

Designation: Ignis Dei
Size: Small.
Occupants: One.
--Standard Scanning Package.
--Jury-Rigged Loudhailer connected to hard drive with media player.
--.50 Minigun (Head Tracking)
--Incinerator Flamethrower
--Incinerator Flamethrower
--Light Armour.
--Pilot Chamber. (Cannot be replaced!)
--Emergency Escape Hatch.
--Emergency Life Support System.
--Reinforced Ammo Feed.
--Sprint Gyro.

Combat Knife: The standard army combat knife. A design over a century old still more than effective enough to carry on into the future.
Standard Issue Council Pistol: Your standard issue, eighteen shot clip pistol provided to nearly everyone in the bunkers and on most homesteads, to both civilians and armed personnel alike. This is based off of the glock-18 model, with some near-future modifications.
Standard Issue Council Rifle: Your standard issue, thirty shot clip semi-automatic rifle, based on the M16AR2 of old with some near-future treatment to make it a little more effective.

Mechanical Jumpsuit: You wear a set of civilian clothing. This has no armour value and is thus pretty good to sneak around in, but, then again, if anything so much as breathes on you, you're a dead man.
Light Armour: Standard issue armour. It's light weight and looks like it might be able to defend against a kitten assault if you hold it just the right way. Needless to say, this armour won't stop anything from harming you, but it may at least lessen the damage you take.

Medicine & Tech
Technicians Kit: Stabbing Screwdrivers, Bludgeoning Spanners and repair Hammers.
Radio: A simple radio for contacting others.
Frag Grenade: A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades.
Flashbang: A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.

Dog-Tags: A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again?
Standard Watch: Your standard wrist watch, likely powered by gears and springs as in old clockwork, only compartmentalized to fit on the wrist.
Flash-Light: Useful in dark places. Often mounted on a shoulder or duct-taped to a weapon.
MP3 player jerry-rigged to a hard drive with headphones and solar cells.
Pet Wallaby "Jacko"
Dozens of Lighters/Boxes of Matches
A half dozen sticks suitable for rubbing to make fire.

--Australia's Number One BBQ: Brucey is a damn fine frycook. Yes, oh yes, he most definitely is. So much so that he has tweaked his mech to ensure perfect tenderness in 0.5 seconds instead of 0.6. Mmm, extra crispy. (Bonus to flamethrower intensity.)
--Out of His shining light: Brucey has seen shit no man could ever wish to see, from his homeland, to the pacific theater, to the west coast, and across the barren central nightmare. Being the leader of his "church" for some time and having seen active duty, he can break his fellow non-mutants out of a panicked state simply by bellowing orders at them. (Can reform mentally broken allies, PC or NPC.)

Technology Marches On: All pilots are now equipped with a pair of nanotech gloves which have wireless technology. State of the art, these gloves allow them to attempt to hijack the controls of an opposing mech at short range, and grant them access to a small, mechanized companion. This can be anything from a small aerial gun drone to a robotic puppy. Their "companion" has two ability slots and so long as there is no interference in the gloves, will obey every command given to them.

The gloves are also quite hardy and thick to protect the nanotechnology, however, they aren't indestructible. Given that you will typically be wearing these gloves however, if they are damaged, it should be noted that the amount of force or heat to damage them will likely completely wreck the user's hand. So it's only a small concern, so long as the technology isn't hit with an electromagnetic pulse or other similar device-ruining weapon.

Aliquam Ignis Dei

(Type: Tracked Drone)
Standard Scanning Package
Drone Narrow Beam Laser

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Nathaniel Hawthorne. Approved.

Daniel Ezekiel Anders. Approved.

Bruce "Brucey" McFoster. Approved.

Chris seems unfinished? But approving, as all the necessary details are there. (Shotgun has no details?) Also, fyi: If he is shot in the face with a LAS-Mod Shotgun, he's a goner. Just so you know. ;)

@Everyone else: When your sheets are finished post in the OOC again to let me know and I'll review them.

As for missions, it's on a "wait and see how many come" business. As it stands, don't be afraid to use your abilities in unorthodox ways. I might also create a character, but I will wait until I get the general sense of numbers here, who is playing as what. :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Brovo said
. Approved.. Approved.. Approved. seems unfinished? But approving, as all the necessary details are there. (Shotgun has no details?) Also, fyi: If he is shot in the face with a LAS-Mod Shotgun, he's a goner. Just so you know. ;) When your sheets are finished post in the OOC again to let me know and I'll review them.As for missions, it's on a "wait and see how many come" business. As it stands, don't be afraid to use your abilities in unorthodox ways. I might also create a character, but I will wait until I get the general sense of numbers here, who is playing as what. :p

I left the shotgun in his inventory blank because it's described in the custom weapon part, but I've added a visual description now.
Also, just for clarification when he was 'shot in the face' it technically just grazed him close enough to burn through half his ear and scar up his face, it wasn't a direct hit or anything. He wasn't wearing his sunglasses, so he would have died.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm also going to add he's wearing some combat gloves, because if I carried a weapon which got hot as hell after a few shots it's what I'd do.

Though I don't expect this to completely counter-act the overheating limitation of the LAS modifier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

MelonHead said
I'm also going to add he's wearing some combat gloves, because if I carried a weapon which got hot as hell after a few shots it's what I'd do.Though I don't expect this to completely counter-act the overheating limitation of the LAS modifier.

Haha, I think overheating kinda implies that your gun won't fire. Ya know, back in mass effect 1? Those obnoxious weapon cooldowns on shotties, Gosh! A shotgun with a hammerhead mod or two, just increase that impact and damage. Next thing ya know, you're launching things into orbit as you one-hit em, but you have to go "oh crap oh crap oh crap" and switch your weapon after that one good blast X3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tempest said
Haha, I think overheating kinda implies that your gun won't fire. Ya know, back in mass effect 1? Those obnoxious weapon cooldowns on shotties, Gosh! A shotgun with a hammerhead mod or two, just increase that impact and damage. Next thing ya know, you're launching things into orbit as you one-hit em, but you have to go "oh crap oh crap oh crap" and switch your weapon after that one good blast X3

You may be right, but you do tend to hold a shotgun by the hot end, so you never know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I believe that I am done with my app now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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I will review more characters when I get home from work tonight, and after a couple more days should be getting ready to unveil the first mission(s)!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zed
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Zed Known unto God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Sam Houston (A blatantly patriotic nom de guerre assigned to him upon his joining of U-ARM)
Age: 40
Sex: Male.
Source Image
History Type:
New Age Renaissance Man: Sam, is to put it quite simply, a polymath, which is somewhat of a surprise to those who usually assume anyone associated, previously or not, with the term “U-ARM” are raving psychopaths such as General Washington. While it is true that Sam was heavily indoctrinated with the beliefs of U-ARM, all that indoctrination was no match for the freedom he gained after his first sip from the founts of knowledge. Of course, it wasn’t an easy process to break free of such indoctrination, but Sam persevered. In addition to his already gifted aptitude for technology, Sam possesses considerable knowledge of most intellectual matters, ranging from the nuances of philosophy and economics to the fundamental tenets of medicine and psychology, allowing him to more easily converse with those “enlightened” peoples such as himself. However, as a result of such intelligence, he has little time for the hoi polloi of this grand New Age, and due to his affiliation with U-ARM, is also distrusted by the rulers of Bunker Chicago, who he could consider equals if not for their close-minded ways of thinking. Finally, one must consider the hatred that U-ARM’s leadership harbors for him as a traitor to the cause, hatred that manifests through orders to U-ARM soldiers to focus their attention upon him in the event that he is involved in an engagement against them.
(Bonuses to using and adapting advanced or foreign technology, as well as conversing with other “enlightened” individuals (read: intellectuals). Penalties to dealing with the hoi polloi of the New Age as well as Council of ADAM members. In addition, U-ARM forces focus their attentions on him during combat engagements)
Kill the mutie. Fuck the tyrants. Free the oppressed. These are the words that Sam once lived by, words that were so completely ingrained within his mind that they were more of a prayer to him at one point rather than the U-ARM slogan that they were. Born on the outskirts of Bunker Chicago, to parents whom he’s since forgotten, Sam was seemingly destined for a life of suffering and poverty. That is, until the United-American Resistance Movement got its hands on him as a youngster.

U-ARM gave Sam a cause to believe in and a life beyond the pitiful existence he’d lived on the edge of Bunker Chicago. His eyes were open, and he could see the future rebirth of America as preached by the U-ARM’s leaders. Hour after hour, day after day, Sam trained with his brethren in order to better Hour after hour, day after day, Sam trained alongside his comrades in arms in order to better serve the glorious American cause. As time passed by, his superiors began to notice Sam’s aptitude for technology of all kinds, and assigned him to one of the precious few mechs left in U-ARM possession. Sam couldn’t have been happier.

Quickly adapting to the unfamiliar technology, Sam became adept at piloting the mech, making use of its inherent functionality as an engine of destruction in order to lay waste to the enemies of America. His superiors heaped praise upon praise onto him for every successful action he was involved in, even ones where he wasn’t even involved. It was during that period when he first discovered the truth about the New Age and took his first steps towards enlightenment. He had been on leave after a successful mission for the cause when, while scavenging for useful parts with which to improve his mech, he came upon a collection of texts from before the nukes launched. Curiosity took over for Sam, and he began to go through the texts, which turned out to be nothing more than some old pre-nuke educational textbooks, but it was too late, he’d tasted the fruit of knowledge, and wanted more.

From that moment on, Sam sought to learn more knowledgable information, of any kind, whenever the opportunity showed itself. He even went out of the way during missions for the cause if there was even a thought that he could find a suitable source of knowledge, something that caused no end of frustration for his superiors. Eventually, his personal collection of knowledge included pre-war texts on a range of diverse topics, from textbooks on medicine and surgical procedures, to books detailing the finer points of psychology and sociology, as well as dusty tomes explaining the intricacies of various pre-nuke philosophies and economic systems. With each book he read, his mind grew broader, and he begin to quietly question the methods used by the cause to achieve their goals of a new America, but he suppressed these thoughts as nonsensical notions. As he learned more about the philosophies of old, one philosophy in particular stuck with him, the philosophy of Enlightenment (and the Age of Enlightenment that it had accompanied).

Enlightenment preached that men should rely on reason and rational thought to dictate their actions, rather than relying on faith or dogma. In addition, it preached that the intellectually superior (or enlightened) should rule over the lesser peoples (or hoi polloi), in order to properly guide them on the path to enlightenment, because all enlightened know that the hoi polloi cannot possibly form the proper frame of mind (without the aid of the enlightened of course) in order to rely solely on reason and rational thinking without resorting to crude ideas such as faith or dogma, thus preventing the enlightened from bringing forth the grand New Age that’s in store. Sam latched onto this philosophy like a babe to a teat, realizing that U-ARM was getting in the way of the tree of the enlightened’s labors being able to bear the fruit of the New Age. So he did the rational thing to do in his situation: he defected to Bunker Chicago, intent on eventually eliminating both U-ARM and the Thirteen Colonies (because, like he’d realized with U-ARM, he’d also realized that the Thirteen Colonies were standing in the way of the enlightened bringing forth the New Age), in order to bring the hoi polloi under the heel of enlightenment, and usher in the New Age, through any means necessary. For Sam, this goal is above all others, with the ends truly justifying (in Sam’s mind, at least) the means.

Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.

Career Path:
Pilot: The pilot is someone who has specialized themselves towards vehicles in general, ranging from aircraft to mechs to jeeps and tanks, they also tend to pick up mechanical skills and have the tendency to understand foreign technologies quicker than anyone else. As a benefit, they can also pass this knowledge onto others who might better benefit from certain technologies than the pilot would.

Pilots start with a small mech and simplistic personal equipment. They replace Civilian Clothing with a Mechanical Jumpsuit that offers them all the tools they need to do small time repairs in their mech in their pouches. This jumpsuit also protects them from certain elements, such as acid, but loses its stealth enhancing qualities. They also replace the First Aid Kit with a Technical Kit--they can use this to do more extreme repairs, and to analyze foreign and outright alien technology to unlock its secrets for the squad... Or for themselves.

Pilots can equip any unlocked modifications for their mech outside of a mission, but further slots are only unlocked through missions themselves, such as in analyzing enemy technology with the Technician’s Kit or bringing back scavenge for the Council to examine.


Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)

Signature: I, Zed, agree to the possibility of dying in the process of bringing the New Age into existence.
Oh, and Vlad has camoflauge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

James Wolff, approved, though add whether you're taking the C4 or RPG in your inventory somewhere. You can switch it out later, I just need to know that before you start any missions.

Roman Cassidy, remove one of your bonuses on your custom history type and it should work out fine.

...Though admittedly, a silenced shotgun won't be too effective on the "silence" part until it receives further upgrades down the road. Don't expect to be able to fire that thing in a building and not get the attention of everyone in the same room, or even in adjacent rooms. It will probably prevent reverberation from alerting the entire block, so, it's not entirely useless, just giving you a heads up.

@Everyone: Two quick updates while I'm here.

First, missions. Missions will be using a new system with a familiar structure. Instead of several disparate missions, there will be one "main" mission set up in a chapter-like structure, dividing players and NPC's alike into squads of anywhere between 3-6 players. This way, if one squad is decimated by deaths of player leaves, they can reunite with another squad, and the actions of one squad can directly impact another. (ex: If Squad A is trying to slip past, say, a U-ARM convoy, and Squad B uses an RPG on some mystery creature, the convoy might hear that and divert course to investigate.) You can also use this to coordinate flanking maneuvers.

Mission Teaser
"Alright, listen up. We all know the shadow zone is a threat. Under my explicit orders, only scouting squads were to be allowed to enter. The council of ADAM granted our local representative, however, to counterman that order, against all sound logic and reason, and decided to send an entire mechanized convoy in. We sent in forty mechs, sixty tanks, and twenty jeeps, with enough firepower to level half of the old city. They were supposed to report back every two hours. They have failed to reply back in four hours. We're sending you to investigate.

You may enter the shadow zone fog if you have no other choice, but remember, that you'll only be equipped with gas masks. You will die within the hour in there, mutant or not, according to council intelligence, and if you lose your masks, you will instead die within seconds.

If you find any survivors, bring them back alive. We need them more than anything else. Failing that, bring back any of the mech logs. Any one with a sensor package should have one located in the black box compartment.

I will not be able to accompany you on this mission due to the need to interrogate a U-ARM agent we captured, they were planning on attempting a second nuclear attack on Chicago, and we need to put a stop to that. Instead, Captain Derek will be accompanying you in his attack chopper, Achilles Heel. Try to bring him back alive as well. He may be a show off, but he is the son of a council member, so his loss would be a hard blow to my credibility, and by extension, yours.

Dismissed. God be with you all, if he should listen to such petty things as human prayers." -Colonel Marie Black, BCSec.

Second, a teaser on my own character, who will be a woman. Maybe a listener, maybe a grunt, still juggling which I should do. Inspiration for her, (source). Either way, likely building a team player.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 day ago

Brovo said
Achilles Heel.

Well, that doesn't sound dangerous at all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brovo said Roman Cassidy, remove one of your bonuses on your custom history type and it should work out fine.

I removed the intimidate bonus and mention of it in the history description.

Thanks for giving clear details on how effective my gun's going to be. It's also good to know that I can get upgraded parts for my gun later on, too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is longer than I thought. ._.

This alright?
Name: Junko Heizen.

Age: 25

Sex: Female


History Type:
European Mercenary: Your character comes from the cutthroat European continent, a land of despots and mercenaries. Needless to say, they know their way around weapons, and never find themselves in a situation they cannot instinctively find an escape for... At least, for themselves, anyway. They tend to be distrusted more by others, but can bluff better than most.

(A little better on dealing damage, can usually find an escape route out of a terrible situation, generally distrusted by the majority, good at bluffing their way out of situations.)

Biography: Someone always wanted someone else dead. The truth of this was hammered in her through her turbulent childhood, filled with the barks of guns and the smell of spent bullets and blood. Her own father was shot through the neck; she had tried to staunch the bleeding as he gurgled his last breath. Her own mother was torn apart by a tank shell meant for a heavy mech covering them; she had looked through her remains later to recover whatever she could keep. There was no mourning, no sadness, just the depressing truth of her life, those born of the mercenaries fighting a war for the blue blooded people. There was no doubt in her mind that she would die pretty much the same way her parents did.

Before they died however, they did manage to teach her how to hold a gun and some basic trainings, so she took to the mercenary trade by herself. Junko had no desire to become one of those people who cowered with every gunshot they heard, who ran powerless as soldiers kicked down their doors. But mercenary trade was a hard one, and often contracts were tied to one's reputation amongst the other mercs and those middlemen who sought out employers for them. Often times she was hired onto a squad expected to be nothing more than meatshields to slow the enemies down. Very bad for one's health, but often pays half upfront and half later if you came back alive, regardless of the outcome of the battle. A lot of the people she took money from looked rather surprised to see her, then a very young girl, lining up the next day after the mission to receive her pay. Of course, her learning how to hide herself, and finding good escape routes early helped a lot.

Her reputation soon skyrocketed, being so young and to have survived many of the grasscutter contracts was enough to set mercs talking. And finally, she got hold of one of the better contract, being a spotter in a two man op. She was paired up with a very old looking man holding an old looking rifle with a wooden stock. Though at first she had her own doubts about the man, her first mission with him proved how a man's will could be a powerful weapon. She took another mission, partnering with the old man again, and after that another mission, with the same partner, and again, and again. In time she learned a lot of things about combat from the old man, and gained a reputation for being the 'Lecherous old sniper and that young girl" duo. Not really a title she wanted to hold but it does send a lot of the better contracts their way.

As time passed the old man's hands were too shaky to hold a rifle straight, and they switched duty; she became the sniper, and he was the spotter. The first mission she took as a sniper went shakily, but was successful. Soon, while she wasn't quite as good as the old man, she became very competent shot.

But as there are beginnings, there must be endings as well. The old man, being as old as he was, passed away during one night. She had seen squadmates die, seen people explode, shredded to bits of meat, bone and gristle, but this old man dying somehow was different. A feeling she didn't understand hung over her for weeks, before news reached her of some sort of dangerous shadow zone in America. Junko wasn't anywhere near understanding that feeling, but dangerous zones was something she understands.

Danger means contracts, and contracts mean money.

And money is power.

Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.

Career Path: Your character only has the time and resources to really devote themselves to one line of training to begin with. This determines if they’ll pilot small mechs, wield powerful mutations, or even fight as a special forces’ soldier might. To start with you may pick from one of three basic routes, which can evolve into specialties, cross-over into the other two fields, and more, as time progresses and your character’s skills grow. How you play your character will help determine how they shape out in what unique skills and items they accumulate, and what options you will be presented with later down the line. Essentially: Your actions will help dictate how your character grows in power and abilities.


XCELL Visor Mk.I: One of the newfangled device, overlaying on the user's vision a HUD, with custom renameable markers, new ability to take HD pictures and videos, sillhouette ID matching for convenience when tagging with the markers, MP3 player, customizable tint color on the go, and several choices of frame colors, and last but not least, a fashionable bag to keep it in when not in use.

Also comes with a brand new motion detector integrated.[/hider]

Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)

Signature: Greengoat. Vladimir lied to Brovo about his camo btw.
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