Status: 17/15 slots filled. *WE ARE OVER-FULL!*
Second Operation up! | The Arsenal is over here!
Chapter 1: Introduction and Lore Archive.
The Last Bastion: Bunker Chicago is a post-apocalypse role play involving mutations, mech-suits, near-future technology, radiation, politics, and general insanity in a screwed up version of a near-future/modern world. It involves dice rolls done in the background to help determine success or failure, with your every action having a consequence upon the world, and a plot about shadow zones, bizarre mutants and monsters, and distortions of reality itself.
If this interests you, please, feel free to read about the world and story, and make a character!
Lore Archive: Below are archives of creatures, factions, important people, and more. You can skip these to begin with, but they are handy reference material for character creation and subplots.
Chapter 2: Character Sheet.
Note: There is a copy-paste version below, in a google doc, all formatted and ready for you to copy-paste. This just gives you a general idea of what the sheet looks like.
Name: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age. (Note: Must be 16+. The platoon won't take anyone under 16 years of age save in “support roles”, such as a machinist, which are unplayable.)
Sex: Your character's biological gender, typically male or female.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A picture or description will do nicely. (Or a hybrid of both if you prefer.)
History Type: Where your character grew up generally. It sometimes holds story importance, changes how NPC's behave towards your character, and sometimes causes a PM to magically appear in your inbox that tells you something useful that your character knows whenever it’s relevant to the situation.
Biography: Your character's history and personality. Two paragraphs required.
Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.
Career Path: Your character only has the time and resources to really devote themselves to one line of training to begin with. This determines if they’ll pilot small mechs, wield powerful mutations, or even fight as a special forces’ soldier might. To start with you may pick from one of three basic routes, which can evolve into specialties, cross-over into the other two fields, and more, as time progresses and your character’s skills grow. How you play your character will help determine how they shape out in what unique skills and items they accumulate, and what options you will be presented with later down the line. Essentially: Your actions will help dictate how your character grows in power and abilities.
Mech: Delete this if you didn’t take the Pilot route!
Designation: CSEC-SM-1. (This is your mech’s name. You can rename it if you want!)
Size: Small.
Occupants: One.
General Description: An all-rounder, standing roughly 15-20 meters tall with a clean paint job. The pilot is typically located at the core of the machine for maximum protection.
Mutations: Delete this if you didn’t take the Listener route!
Grunt: Delete this if you didn’t take the Grunt route.
Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)
Signature: To agree to the rules, type your user-name here. This is just to verify that you understand, and agree to the fact, that I can kill your character without your permission. Playing smart and working in a team lowers your death odds, but even then... There’s always the chance your character won’t make it to the end.
Click here for a pre-formatted sheet, which you can copy-paste to save yourself a lot of time formatting.
Chapter 3: Technical skills, mechs, mutations, training, and more!
If you have chosen the path of a mech pilot, you may fiddle with the base design to your heart’s content.
These are extra parts you can add on, which must replace a pre-existing part if there are no open slots available.
Listeners are divided into two core pieces: Their archetype, and their specific mutations. While it is hard to truly classify groups of mutants, the general power set of a mutant can be classified. These are known as archetypes.
Chapter 4: Rules and Extras.
Active: 17.
--Men: 12.
--Women: 5.
--Pilots: 4.
--Listeners: 5.
--Grunts: 7.
--Pilot-Grunt Hybrids: 1.
Dead: 2.
--Men: 2.
--Women: 0.
--Pilots: 1.
--Listeners: 0.
--Grunts: 1.
Inactive: 1.
--Men: 1.
--Women: 0.
--Pilots: 1.
--Listeners: 0.
--Grunts: 0.
Second Operation up! | The Arsenal is over here!
Chapter 1: Introduction and Lore Archive.
The Last Bastion: Bunker Chicago is a post-apocalypse role play involving mutations, mech-suits, near-future technology, radiation, politics, and general insanity in a screwed up version of a near-future/modern world. It involves dice rolls done in the background to help determine success or failure, with your every action having a consequence upon the world, and a plot about shadow zones, bizarre mutants and monsters, and distortions of reality itself.
If this interests you, please, feel free to read about the world and story, and make a character!
”We don’t know why it started. We don’t know what caused the terrible nuclear rain... All we know is that, sometime in December of the year 2020, nukes flew through the sky and ended a great many cities, a great many lives. Radiation world-wide grew to an all-time high, mutants of descriptions absolutely impossible to write down began to pop up, and further terrors stalked the waking moments of the few who lived to tell the tale.
That, however, was nearly sixty years ago. The year is now 2080, and as the first snowflakes fall I cannot help but wonder at how humanity made it this far. Mutants still exist, near impossible to categorize save a select few, and even then, most are hidden from the general public. We have homesteaders outside the walls producing food of all types, and bunker cities with great walls to keep the monsters out... But then, things changed, as they always do.
Recently, an area known as the “Shadow Zone” has begun to consume the city ruins of Chicago and some of the outlying homesteads. It has an abundance of monsters and creatures, but, it also has two unique properties: There are mutants wielding strange firearms and technologies with intelligence located in the Shadow Zone, and the Shadow Zone is increasing in size.
The Shadow Zone also has the nasty tendency of slowly consuming the exposed flesh and unprotected minds of those who reside within them... Meaning that coexistence with whatever lives inside is not an option.
We need to find the source of this Shadow Zone and destroy it... Lest the whole world be consumed by darkness and insanity. Stand together, or die alone... Hopefully, even the raiders will see this before it’s too late.” --Head of Bunker Chicago Security, BCSEC Colonel Marie Black.
That, however, was nearly sixty years ago. The year is now 2080, and as the first snowflakes fall I cannot help but wonder at how humanity made it this far. Mutants still exist, near impossible to categorize save a select few, and even then, most are hidden from the general public. We have homesteaders outside the walls producing food of all types, and bunker cities with great walls to keep the monsters out... But then, things changed, as they always do.
Recently, an area known as the “Shadow Zone” has begun to consume the city ruins of Chicago and some of the outlying homesteads. It has an abundance of monsters and creatures, but, it also has two unique properties: There are mutants wielding strange firearms and technologies with intelligence located in the Shadow Zone, and the Shadow Zone is increasing in size.
The Shadow Zone also has the nasty tendency of slowly consuming the exposed flesh and unprotected minds of those who reside within them... Meaning that coexistence with whatever lives inside is not an option.
We need to find the source of this Shadow Zone and destroy it... Lest the whole world be consumed by darkness and insanity. Stand together, or die alone... Hopefully, even the raiders will see this before it’s too late.” --Head of Bunker Chicago Security, BCSEC Colonel Marie Black.
Lore Archive: Below are archives of creatures, factions, important people, and more. You can skip these to begin with, but they are handy reference material for character creation and subplots.
(Optional fluff) North America: The last hub of “civilized” civilization purely by chance, there are small and scattered colonies all over the continent, though by and far the most powerful and well equipped are the Thirteen Colonies on the east coast, which claim to represent the interests of the entire continent, but generally don’t. Food stockpiles are made up over the spring and summer by the Thirteen Colonies, and are consumed during the fall and winter.
Europe: A series of despots, warlords, and military overlords gone mad, this landmass’ collective of nationalities only serviced to further agitate and inspire small collectives to pummel the ever lasting shit out of each other with artillery and other such weapons. On the flip side, Europeans tend to be ahead of the curve where it concerns weapons, and were the first ones to field mech troopers, a technology now considered invaluable to warfare.
Asia: The Asian continent is unique in that perhaps the most well established empires tend to be run by mad occultists who believe that the first of the “beautiful glowing ones” were launched from that area. There are few areas of true sanity and safety, but, on the other hand, the peoples of these war torn and radiation soaked lands tend to be hardier than the rest. Well, those who survive, anyway.
Africa: The African continent was both simultaneously blessed and cursed with its lack of significant nuking targets. On the one hand, it wasn’t immediately hit with radiation, and so many African villages were able to prepare for the worst. On the other hand, the worst turned out to be much more than most of them could handle. There are sparse few people who even live on this continent anymore, between the mutated versions of already deadly animals and horrifying nuclear winter that raped the ecology of the land for several years.
South America: The amazon jungle’s mutations have made it an unlivable nightmare zone. The only thing keeping it back from world domination is time, the oceans, and Mexico’s desert climate, really. As with Africa, sparse few people even live here, leave alone do so well.
Oceanic: Nearly every island was unable to support its current population. Between infighting, nuclear winter, and bizarre weather patterns, almost every island was entirely wiped out of life, leave alone human populations. The oceans themselves are filled with mutated creatures as well, though most remain fit for human consumption... Most.
Australia: Much like North America, Australia has also formed a small but tight series of settlements on its east coast. Much unlike North America, the already insanely deadly wildlife granted mutations have made communication with the Australian League very, very intermittent due to giant ants eating the comm lines. Anyone who manages to leave Australia alive tends to have a survivalist mindset that scares the average person.
Europe: A series of despots, warlords, and military overlords gone mad, this landmass’ collective of nationalities only serviced to further agitate and inspire small collectives to pummel the ever lasting shit out of each other with artillery and other such weapons. On the flip side, Europeans tend to be ahead of the curve where it concerns weapons, and were the first ones to field mech troopers, a technology now considered invaluable to warfare.
Asia: The Asian continent is unique in that perhaps the most well established empires tend to be run by mad occultists who believe that the first of the “beautiful glowing ones” were launched from that area. There are few areas of true sanity and safety, but, on the other hand, the peoples of these war torn and radiation soaked lands tend to be hardier than the rest. Well, those who survive, anyway.
Africa: The African continent was both simultaneously blessed and cursed with its lack of significant nuking targets. On the one hand, it wasn’t immediately hit with radiation, and so many African villages were able to prepare for the worst. On the other hand, the worst turned out to be much more than most of them could handle. There are sparse few people who even live on this continent anymore, between the mutated versions of already deadly animals and horrifying nuclear winter that raped the ecology of the land for several years.
South America: The amazon jungle’s mutations have made it an unlivable nightmare zone. The only thing keeping it back from world domination is time, the oceans, and Mexico’s desert climate, really. As with Africa, sparse few people even live here, leave alone do so well.
Oceanic: Nearly every island was unable to support its current population. Between infighting, nuclear winter, and bizarre weather patterns, almost every island was entirely wiped out of life, leave alone human populations. The oceans themselves are filled with mutated creatures as well, though most remain fit for human consumption... Most.
Australia: Much like North America, Australia has also formed a small but tight series of settlements on its east coast. Much unlike North America, the already insanely deadly wildlife granted mutations have made communication with the Australian League very, very intermittent due to giant ants eating the comm lines. Anyone who manages to leave Australia alive tends to have a survivalist mindset that scares the average person.
(Optional, but useful, information)The Bunker Colonies are a series of Thirteen Colonies that were rebuilt along the east coast of Canada and the United States of America. Bunker Chicago is one such city. They are all allied under a constitution which was signed and ratified by a council known as ADAM. Each member of the council rules a colony, and does so in an autocratic fashion. The military and police forces are known in each sector by the first initials of the city name, followed up with SEC. For example, a member of Bunker Chicago’s military and police force is called BCSEC—Bunker Chicago SECurity.
The two main factions vying for control over the Bunkers are the Council of ADAM and U-ARM. U-ARM generally operates in city ruins such as Chicago City, and attempts to convince “the people” to overthrow the autocratic regime in favour of a more democratic version... Though they also look down upon all mutants, regardless of whether they are human or not. The two rarely have large-scale conflicts for reasons of limited resources, and recently, for the reason of the Shadow Zone consuming much of what was once U-ARM territory.
The two main factions vying for control over the Bunkers are the Council of ADAM and U-ARM. U-ARM generally operates in city ruins such as Chicago City, and attempts to convince “the people” to overthrow the autocratic regime in favour of a more democratic version... Though they also look down upon all mutants, regardless of whether they are human or not. The two rarely have large-scale conflicts for reasons of limited resources, and recently, for the reason of the Shadow Zone consuming much of what was once U-ARM territory.
Bunker Chicago is a walled bunker within the dead metropolis of Chicago. The walls stand a solid fifty feet tall, and are made out of pure concrete. Even tanks are unable to penetrate the outer shell, though occasionally, guards do disappear while on patrol just outside of the walls.
The bunker is divided into four rings. The outermost ring is where the most impoverished go to live. They also occasionally disappear, and typically, nobody notices. They usually live in hovels made out of aluminum, or other scrap metals. The third ring is comprised of renovated apartments, condos, and skyscrapers. There is little privacy here and people are packed tightly together, but it’s still better living conditions than the outermost ring. The second ring is at the very core and extends partway underground, and is where the military is located. This is also where the majority of the functioning industry is located. Tanks, cars, mechs, and other such things are fixed up here. The first ring is actually entirely underground, and this is where research and development calls its home. The reigning Council of ADAM member that runs Bunker Chicago also lives here.
Overall, the place is cramped, but it’s significantly better than the outside world, and it’s not uncommon to see children laughing in the streets, or tinkerers attempting to fix little knick knacks of the old world. There are roughly fifty thousand people who live within the walls of Bunker Chicago.
The most important people are Council member Ryan Dufont, whom is rarely seen outside of the first ring, BCSEC Colonel Marie Black, whom is often found amongst her troops or in R&D. She also deals with mercenary contracts.
The bunker is divided into four rings. The outermost ring is where the most impoverished go to live. They also occasionally disappear, and typically, nobody notices. They usually live in hovels made out of aluminum, or other scrap metals. The third ring is comprised of renovated apartments, condos, and skyscrapers. There is little privacy here and people are packed tightly together, but it’s still better living conditions than the outermost ring. The second ring is at the very core and extends partway underground, and is where the military is located. This is also where the majority of the functioning industry is located. Tanks, cars, mechs, and other such things are fixed up here. The first ring is actually entirely underground, and this is where research and development calls its home. The reigning Council of ADAM member that runs Bunker Chicago also lives here.
Overall, the place is cramped, but it’s significantly better than the outside world, and it’s not uncommon to see children laughing in the streets, or tinkerers attempting to fix little knick knacks of the old world. There are roughly fifty thousand people who live within the walls of Bunker Chicago.
The most important people are Council member Ryan Dufont, whom is rarely seen outside of the first ring, BCSEC Colonel Marie Black, whom is often found amongst her troops or in R&D. She also deals with mercenary contracts.
This will be updated as more factions are discovered within and outside of the Shadow Zone.
Council of ADAM: The Council of ADAM is the official, autocratic government of the Bunkers. Each Bunker has a council member that ultimately helps to decide the future of the Bunkers. He or she has complete authority over every aspect of the Bunker in which he or she reigns, though often delegate power and only intervene when there are significant problems going on. They tend to rule with benevolence, as their ultimate goal is the recreation of human society.
U-ARM: U-ARM is classified by the Council of ADAM as a terrorist organization. U-ARM stands for: United-American Resistance Movement. U-ARM’s ultimate goal is to restore democracy, and eradicate all mutants. In this they are willing to pay any price, though they’ve been on the losing side of the conflict lately due to their failed attempt to detonate a nuclear device in Bunker Chicago.
Council of ADAM: The Council of ADAM is the official, autocratic government of the Bunkers. Each Bunker has a council member that ultimately helps to decide the future of the Bunkers. He or she has complete authority over every aspect of the Bunker in which he or she reigns, though often delegate power and only intervene when there are significant problems going on. They tend to rule with benevolence, as their ultimate goal is the recreation of human society.
U-ARM: U-ARM is classified by the Council of ADAM as a terrorist organization. U-ARM stands for: United-American Resistance Movement. U-ARM’s ultimate goal is to restore democracy, and eradicate all mutants. In this they are willing to pay any price, though they’ve been on the losing side of the conflict lately due to their failed attempt to detonate a nuclear device in Bunker Chicago.
Chapter 2: Character Sheet.
Note: There is a copy-paste version below, in a google doc, all formatted and ready for you to copy-paste. This just gives you a general idea of what the sheet looks like.
Name: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age. (Note: Must be 16+. The platoon won't take anyone under 16 years of age save in “support roles”, such as a machinist, which are unplayable.)
Sex: Your character's biological gender, typically male or female.
Appearance: Your character's appearance. A picture or description will do nicely. (Or a hybrid of both if you prefer.)
History Type: Where your character grew up generally. It sometimes holds story importance, changes how NPC's behave towards your character, and sometimes causes a PM to magically appear in your inbox that tells you something useful that your character knows whenever it’s relevant to the situation.
Choose one only!
Homesteader: Your character comes from the farms outside of Chicago City, where they grew up a farm boy. For one reason or another they left the life, but trade caravans are typically friendlier towards this character as they recognize him or her as one of their own, and this character tends to scavenge better than anyone else for products that they need most.
(Scavenge bonus, easier to negotiate better deals especially with traders and caravans.)
Bunker Boy: Your character grew up in the Chicago Bunker their whole lives. This will be one of their only times leaving the Bunker, perhaps even their first time. Your character typically finds it easier to cause others from Bunker Colonies and their supporters to listen and follow, and is often seen as being fairly trustworthy by most measurable standards. They’re also typically up to date on the latest and greatest in technology.
(Bonuses to diplomacy when conversing with other members of Bunker colonies or Council servants, bonuses to using advanced or foreign technology.)
Ex-Raider: Your character was once a raider and has that unique... Touch. They are quite intimidating to many people between the fact that they were tough enough to survive the raider-life and yet stalwart enough in character not to become the typical gangbanging lunatic that most raiders become shortly before dying.
(A little harder to kill, better chance at intimidating others.)
European Mercenary: Your character comes from the cutthroat European continent, a land of despots and mercenaries. Needless to say, they know their way around weapons, and never find themselves in a situation they cannot instinctively find an escape for... At least, for themselves, anyway. They tend to be distrusted more by others, but can bluff better than most.
(A little better on dealing damage, can usually find an escape route out of a terrible situation, generally distrusted by the majority, good at bluffing their way out of situations.)
Oriental Occultist: Your character comes from the oriental area of the globe, a place of occults and insane asylum nutcases heavily affected by radiation. Your character is no stranger to radiation, in fact, and finds that it doesn't bother him save in lethal doses, which are higher in order to affect him in the first place. He also has a higher resistance to being infected by the various diseases and viruses floating around.
(Immunity to radiation poisoning’s symptoms and effects until it becomes lethal, it takes more radiation to reach the lethal limit, greater chance of resisting diseases and viruses of all kinds.)
Australian Backpacker: Coming from the land down under with twisted, more dangerous versions of already dangerous wildlife, your character is a damned fine survivalist, and shows this with a knowledge of various creatures and wildlife a clear cut above that of the average person. They also tend to be better with last second melee weaponry than anyone else, seeing as how many of the creatures on the Australian continent are stealth predators...
(Can typically spot weaknesses in enemies before anyone else can, bonuses to melee weapons, have a slightly better chance at detecting an attempted sneak attack before it occurs.)
The Nobody: Your character has no real history, at least, none that anyone really knows about. To be sure you lose out on the strengths of the others, but then, you cannot suffer any undesirable, hidden weaknesses from them, either...
(No background bonuses, no hidden weaknesses... Note, that the GM will still capitalize on information in your biography regardless.)
[Custom]: Your character’s own, custom background, complete with its own strengths decided by you.
Homesteader: Your character comes from the farms outside of Chicago City, where they grew up a farm boy. For one reason or another they left the life, but trade caravans are typically friendlier towards this character as they recognize him or her as one of their own, and this character tends to scavenge better than anyone else for products that they need most.
(Scavenge bonus, easier to negotiate better deals especially with traders and caravans.)
Bunker Boy: Your character grew up in the Chicago Bunker their whole lives. This will be one of their only times leaving the Bunker, perhaps even their first time. Your character typically finds it easier to cause others from Bunker Colonies and their supporters to listen and follow, and is often seen as being fairly trustworthy by most measurable standards. They’re also typically up to date on the latest and greatest in technology.
(Bonuses to diplomacy when conversing with other members of Bunker colonies or Council servants, bonuses to using advanced or foreign technology.)
Ex-Raider: Your character was once a raider and has that unique... Touch. They are quite intimidating to many people between the fact that they were tough enough to survive the raider-life and yet stalwart enough in character not to become the typical gangbanging lunatic that most raiders become shortly before dying.
(A little harder to kill, better chance at intimidating others.)
European Mercenary: Your character comes from the cutthroat European continent, a land of despots and mercenaries. Needless to say, they know their way around weapons, and never find themselves in a situation they cannot instinctively find an escape for... At least, for themselves, anyway. They tend to be distrusted more by others, but can bluff better than most.
(A little better on dealing damage, can usually find an escape route out of a terrible situation, generally distrusted by the majority, good at bluffing their way out of situations.)
Oriental Occultist: Your character comes from the oriental area of the globe, a place of occults and insane asylum nutcases heavily affected by radiation. Your character is no stranger to radiation, in fact, and finds that it doesn't bother him save in lethal doses, which are higher in order to affect him in the first place. He also has a higher resistance to being infected by the various diseases and viruses floating around.
(Immunity to radiation poisoning’s symptoms and effects until it becomes lethal, it takes more radiation to reach the lethal limit, greater chance of resisting diseases and viruses of all kinds.)
Australian Backpacker: Coming from the land down under with twisted, more dangerous versions of already dangerous wildlife, your character is a damned fine survivalist, and shows this with a knowledge of various creatures and wildlife a clear cut above that of the average person. They also tend to be better with last second melee weaponry than anyone else, seeing as how many of the creatures on the Australian continent are stealth predators...
(Can typically spot weaknesses in enemies before anyone else can, bonuses to melee weapons, have a slightly better chance at detecting an attempted sneak attack before it occurs.)
The Nobody: Your character has no real history, at least, none that anyone really knows about. To be sure you lose out on the strengths of the others, but then, you cannot suffer any undesirable, hidden weaknesses from them, either...
(No background bonuses, no hidden weaknesses... Note, that the GM will still capitalize on information in your biography regardless.)
[Custom]: Your character’s own, custom background, complete with its own strengths decided by you.
Biography: Your character's history and personality. Two paragraphs required.
Career Path: Your character only has the time and resources to really devote themselves to one line of training to begin with. This determines if they’ll pilot small mechs, wield powerful mutations, or even fight as a special forces’ soldier might. To start with you may pick from one of three basic routes, which can evolve into specialties, cross-over into the other two fields, and more, as time progresses and your character’s skills grow. How you play your character will help determine how they shape out in what unique skills and items they accumulate, and what options you will be presented with later down the line. Essentially: Your actions will help dictate how your character grows in power and abilities.
You may select one of three basic routes, which are as follows.
Pilot: The pilot is someone who has specialized themselves towards vehicles in general, ranging from aircraft to mechs to jeeps and tanks, they also tend to pick up mechanical skills and have the tendency to understand foreign technologies quicker than anyone else. As a benefit, they can also pass this knowledge onto others who might better benefit from certain technologies than the pilot would.
Pilots start with a small mech and simplistic personal equipment. They replace Civilian Clothing with a Mechanical Jumpsuit that offers them all the tools they need to do small time repairs in their mech in their pouches. This jumpsuit also protects them from certain elements, such as acid, but loses its stealth enhancing qualities. They also replace the First Aid Kit with a Technical Kit--they can use this to do more extreme repairs, and to analyze foreign and outright alien technology to unlock its secrets for the squad... Or for themselves.
Pilots can equip any unlocked modifications for their mech outside of a mission, but further slots are only unlocked through missions themselves, such as in analyzing enemy technology with the Technician’s Kit or bringing back scavenge for the Council to examine.
Listener: Those few that had the misfortune of being exposed to still unknown elements typically gained mutations. Without going so far as to call them inhuman, their mutations could be harnessed, and the evolutionary tract of their mutations could even be chosen and altered by the person themselves. A listener is, in essence, a master of biological warfare of the self: Evolving tools and weapons they need. The title comes from the fact that listeners can typically hear psychic echos of high ranking creatures nearby.
Listeners start with the basic equipment set, plus a series of mutations of their choosing. Be warned: People don’t tend to react well to some mutations, and the more mutations one gets, the more noticeable one becomes. As well, mutations can cause mental instability in those that gain them to an excessive degree... On the flip side, the more mutations a listener acquires, the better they can hear and understand the psychic echos of nearby powerful creatures. The longer you stare into the abyss...
Listeners start with two mutations within their Archetype, and gain more through using their mutations and gaining battlefield experience, as well as analyzing enemy mutations and defeating them.
Grunt: The grunt is someone who has become a grizzled war fighter, having chosen to abstain from both the more mechanized aspects of warfare and the temptation of mutations. They instead use specialty training and customized firearms to resolve the day. Often underestimated, their contribution to a battle tends to be less obvious than the other two, and don’t let the name fool you: A well trained, well equipped Grunt is just as deadly as a high ranking Listener or Pilot!
Grunts start with their Light Armour replaced with Medium Armour, still flexible but capable of stopping some damage in critical areas. They also have access to one of three starting weapons which replaces the Standard Issue Council Rifle.
Grunts start with two weapon modifications for their weapon of choice and can change out these modifications at any time when not in a mission. They also start with two pieces of Advanced Training.
Pilot: The pilot is someone who has specialized themselves towards vehicles in general, ranging from aircraft to mechs to jeeps and tanks, they also tend to pick up mechanical skills and have the tendency to understand foreign technologies quicker than anyone else. As a benefit, they can also pass this knowledge onto others who might better benefit from certain technologies than the pilot would.
Pilots start with a small mech and simplistic personal equipment. They replace Civilian Clothing with a Mechanical Jumpsuit that offers them all the tools they need to do small time repairs in their mech in their pouches. This jumpsuit also protects them from certain elements, such as acid, but loses its stealth enhancing qualities. They also replace the First Aid Kit with a Technical Kit--they can use this to do more extreme repairs, and to analyze foreign and outright alien technology to unlock its secrets for the squad... Or for themselves.
Pilots can equip any unlocked modifications for their mech outside of a mission, but further slots are only unlocked through missions themselves, such as in analyzing enemy technology with the Technician’s Kit or bringing back scavenge for the Council to examine.
Listener: Those few that had the misfortune of being exposed to still unknown elements typically gained mutations. Without going so far as to call them inhuman, their mutations could be harnessed, and the evolutionary tract of their mutations could even be chosen and altered by the person themselves. A listener is, in essence, a master of biological warfare of the self: Evolving tools and weapons they need. The title comes from the fact that listeners can typically hear psychic echos of high ranking creatures nearby.
Listeners start with the basic equipment set, plus a series of mutations of their choosing. Be warned: People don’t tend to react well to some mutations, and the more mutations one gets, the more noticeable one becomes. As well, mutations can cause mental instability in those that gain them to an excessive degree... On the flip side, the more mutations a listener acquires, the better they can hear and understand the psychic echos of nearby powerful creatures. The longer you stare into the abyss...
Listeners start with two mutations within their Archetype, and gain more through using their mutations and gaining battlefield experience, as well as analyzing enemy mutations and defeating them.
Grunt: The grunt is someone who has become a grizzled war fighter, having chosen to abstain from both the more mechanized aspects of warfare and the temptation of mutations. They instead use specialty training and customized firearms to resolve the day. Often underestimated, their contribution to a battle tends to be less obvious than the other two, and don’t let the name fool you: A well trained, well equipped Grunt is just as deadly as a high ranking Listener or Pilot!
Grunts start with their Light Armour replaced with Medium Armour, still flexible but capable of stopping some damage in critical areas. They also have access to one of three starting weapons which replaces the Standard Issue Council Rifle.
Grunts start with two weapon modifications for their weapon of choice and can change out these modifications at any time when not in a mission. They also start with two pieces of Advanced Training.
Mech: Delete this if you didn’t take the Pilot route!
Designation: CSEC-SM-1. (This is your mech’s name. You can rename it if you want!)
Size: Small.
Occupants: One.
General Description: An all-rounder, standing roughly 15-20 meters tall with a clean paint job. The pilot is typically located at the core of the machine for maximum protection.
--.50 Calibre Rapid Fire.
--Right Arm: Narrow Beam Laser.
--Standard Midway Gyro.
--Medium Armour.
--Pilot Chamber. (Cannot be replaced!)
--Emergency Escape Hatch.
--Empty (slot 4).
--Empty (slot 5).
--Pilot Chamber. (Cannot be replaced!)
--Emergency Escape Hatch.
--Empty (slot 4).
--Empty (slot 5).
--Standard Scanning Package.
Mutations: Delete this if you didn’t take the Listener route!
Pick one: Swarm, Ghost, Brute. You start with two mutations from that archetype.
--Mutation 1:
--Mutation 2:
--Mutation 1:
--Mutation 2:
Grunt: Delete this if you didn’t take the Grunt route.
Pick one: Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, SMG, LMG.
Modifications: You may start with two modifications to your custom weapon of choice.
--Mod 1:
--Mod 2:
Modifications: You may start with two modifications to your custom weapon of choice.
--Mod 1:
--Mod 2:
You may start with two pieces of advanced training.
--AT 1:
--AT 2:
--AT 1:
--AT 2:
Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)
Combat Knife: The standard army combat knife. A design over a century old still more than effective enough to carry on into the future.
Standard Issue Council Pistol: Your standard issue, eighteen shot clip pistol provided to nearly everyone in the bunkers and on most homesteads, to both civilians and armed personnel alike. This is based off of the glock-18 model, with some near-future modifications.
Standard Issue Council Rifle: Your standard issue, thirty shot clip semi-automatic rifle, based on the M16AR2 of old with some near-future treatment to make it a little more effective.
Standard Issue Council Pistol: Your standard issue, eighteen shot clip pistol provided to nearly everyone in the bunkers and on most homesteads, to both civilians and armed personnel alike. This is based off of the glock-18 model, with some near-future modifications.
Standard Issue Council Rifle: Your standard issue, thirty shot clip semi-automatic rifle, based on the M16AR2 of old with some near-future treatment to make it a little more effective.
Civilian Clothing: You wear a set of civilian clothing. This has no armour value and is thus pretty good to sneak around in, but, then again, if anything so much as breathes on you, you're a dead man.
Light Armour: Standard issue armour. It's light weight and looks like it might be able to defend against a kitten assault if you hold it just the right way. Needless to say, this armour won't stop anything from harming you, but it may at least lessen the damage you take.
Light Armour: Standard issue armour. It's light weight and looks like it might be able to defend against a kitten assault if you hold it just the right way. Needless to say, this armour won't stop anything from harming you, but it may at least lessen the damage you take.
Medkit: Your standard medkit, including bandages, stitches, rubbing alcohol, and more.
Radio: A simple radio for contacting others.
Frag Grenade: A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades.
Flashbang: A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.
Radio: A simple radio for contacting others.
Frag Grenade: A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades.
Flashbang: A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.
Anything that is just excess fluff in most situations, like dog-tags, or a watch.
Dog-Tags: A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again?
Standard Watch: Your standard wrist watch, likely powered by gears and springs as in old clockwork, only compartmentalized to fit on the wrist.
Flash-Light: Useful in dark places. Often mounted on a shoulder or duct-taped to a weapon.
Dog-Tags: A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again?
Standard Watch: Your standard wrist watch, likely powered by gears and springs as in old clockwork, only compartmentalized to fit on the wrist.
Flash-Light: Useful in dark places. Often mounted on a shoulder or duct-taped to a weapon.
Signature: To agree to the rules, type your user-name here. This is just to verify that you understand, and agree to the fact, that I can kill your character without your permission. Playing smart and working in a team lowers your death odds, but even then... There’s always the chance your character won’t make it to the end.
Click here for a pre-formatted sheet, which you can copy-paste to save yourself a lot of time formatting.
Chapter 3: Technical skills, mechs, mutations, training, and more!
If you have chosen the path of a mech pilot, you may fiddle with the base design to your heart’s content.
These are extra parts you can add on, which must replace a pre-existing part if there are no open slots available.
Mech Armour can only be equipped in a torso slot. Armour tends to define which weapons and utility items you can equip, as thicker, heavier armour prevents certain technologies from functioning properly. You cannot stack armour, it doesn’t work.
--Light: Flexible armour likely made out of some variation of aluminum. This mech is fast and mobile, able to equip nearly anything, but vulnerable to direct assault. A lucky shot against the cockpit typically severely wounds a pilot, if not outright kills them.
--Medium: The standard armour of choice on most mechs as it is a best of both worlds design. It loses some speed and mobility and gains actual steel instead of flimsy aluminum. It’s thicker too. A lucky shot against the cockpit may still cause dislocated or broken limbs, but likely will save the pilot from a lethal blow.
--Heavy: Typically put onto mechs which are designed to be used as cover, or to simply take the brunt of the assault. Much of the mobility and speed is lost in this, reduced to a slow but steady pace, though, that thick, reinforced steel definitely reassures the pilot that they will not die. Even a lucky shot on the cockpit will generally only bruise a pilot so long as it doesn’t happen too often.
--Light: Flexible armour likely made out of some variation of aluminum. This mech is fast and mobile, able to equip nearly anything, but vulnerable to direct assault. A lucky shot against the cockpit typically severely wounds a pilot, if not outright kills them.
--Medium: The standard armour of choice on most mechs as it is a best of both worlds design. It loses some speed and mobility and gains actual steel instead of flimsy aluminum. It’s thicker too. A lucky shot against the cockpit may still cause dislocated or broken limbs, but likely will save the pilot from a lethal blow.
--Heavy: Typically put onto mechs which are designed to be used as cover, or to simply take the brunt of the assault. Much of the mobility and speed is lost in this, reduced to a slow but steady pace, though, that thick, reinforced steel definitely reassures the pilot that they will not die. Even a lucky shot on the cockpit will generally only bruise a pilot so long as it doesn’t happen too often.
Weapons are generally only equipped on the left and right limbs. Further weapons unlocked through missions into enemy territory will likely reveal more technology for use, as will technology recovered from the field perhaps make it possible to equip weapons in more slots.
--.50 Calibre Rapid Fire: A standard mini-gun attachment that fires high calibre rounds which can punch through most forms of cover. Generally fired in short bursts to prevent overheating.
--Narrow Beam Laser: A more precise and eloquent weapon that deals concentrated damage in one shot. While it cannot lay down covering fire like a 50 calibre mini-gun can, it is perfectly designed to punch through armour. Useful against large monstrosities, for instance.
--Powerfist/Grappler: Pretty much what it says on the tin. It is a power fist with a grappling hook attached to the wrist which allows a mech to both engage in proper melee and ascend/descend heights of several stories in but a mere couple of minutes. The grappler cannot be equipped on a heavy mech, but the power fist’s actual damage output is improved a little. One can shoot accurately while grappling, unlike jump jets which, while faster, do not allow accurate shooting during ascent or descent.
--Flamethrower: Exactly as it says on the tin. It is a flamethrower, with large, reinforced canisters connected to the limb to allow it to spit flames to light buildings on fire and burn targets alive. While it has a limited range, it has a generally traumatic effect on enemy morale to see their allies screaming and burning to death.
--HE Missile: This slow-loading weapon has the destructive power to flatten bungalows with a single shot. That may not sound like much, but consider the fact that most battles happen in suburban neighbourhoods where enemies take cover inside, say, bungalows... (Limited ammo: 2 Shots per mission unless ammo packs are installed. Each ammo pack adds 3 more shots.)
--.50 Calibre Rapid Fire: A standard mini-gun attachment that fires high calibre rounds which can punch through most forms of cover. Generally fired in short bursts to prevent overheating.
--Narrow Beam Laser: A more precise and eloquent weapon that deals concentrated damage in one shot. While it cannot lay down covering fire like a 50 calibre mini-gun can, it is perfectly designed to punch through armour. Useful against large monstrosities, for instance.
--Powerfist/Grappler: Pretty much what it says on the tin. It is a power fist with a grappling hook attached to the wrist which allows a mech to both engage in proper melee and ascend/descend heights of several stories in but a mere couple of minutes. The grappler cannot be equipped on a heavy mech, but the power fist’s actual damage output is improved a little. One can shoot accurately while grappling, unlike jump jets which, while faster, do not allow accurate shooting during ascent or descent.
--Flamethrower: Exactly as it says on the tin. It is a flamethrower, with large, reinforced canisters connected to the limb to allow it to spit flames to light buildings on fire and burn targets alive. While it has a limited range, it has a generally traumatic effect on enemy morale to see their allies screaming and burning to death.
--HE Missile: This slow-loading weapon has the destructive power to flatten bungalows with a single shot. That may not sound like much, but consider the fact that most battles happen in suburban neighbourhoods where enemies take cover inside, say, bungalows... (Limited ammo: 2 Shots per mission unless ammo packs are installed. Each ammo pack adds 3 more shots.)
These technological marvels allow you to move around the battlefield, and are typically equipped on legs.
--Jump Jets: These allow a mech to “jump” up to reach higher locations. Jump jets are faster than a grappler, however, they do not allow for stable shooting while in the process of going from point A to point B. Just as with the grappler, jump jets do not function on a heavy armour design.
--Standard Midway Gyro: The standard gyro used in most mech legs. These provide the best balance between being a weapon platform and being able to get out of the way of trouble.
--WP Gyro: A weapons platform gyro, typically installed in heavy mechs and mechs which emphasize heavy weaponry (most notable the HE Missiles and .50 Calibre Rapid Fire mini-guns). It prevents the mech from moving while firing, but increases accuracy and decreases recoil while firing weapons, resulting in more hits. The mech is also slower than normal with this gyro equipped.
--Sprint Gyro: Useful for mechs who -want- to close the gap, these decrease the accuracy of weapons somewhat, but allow a mech a sudden and temporary burst of speed to charge into opponents or through small pieces of cover.
--Jump Jets: These allow a mech to “jump” up to reach higher locations. Jump jets are faster than a grappler, however, they do not allow for stable shooting while in the process of going from point A to point B. Just as with the grappler, jump jets do not function on a heavy armour design.
--Standard Midway Gyro: The standard gyro used in most mech legs. These provide the best balance between being a weapon platform and being able to get out of the way of trouble.
--WP Gyro: A weapons platform gyro, typically installed in heavy mechs and mechs which emphasize heavy weaponry (most notable the HE Missiles and .50 Calibre Rapid Fire mini-guns). It prevents the mech from moving while firing, but increases accuracy and decreases recoil while firing weapons, resulting in more hits. The mech is also slower than normal with this gyro equipped.
--Sprint Gyro: Useful for mechs who -want- to close the gap, these decrease the accuracy of weapons somewhat, but allow a mech a sudden and temporary burst of speed to charge into opponents or through small pieces of cover.
These items are designed to support and streamline a mech’s purpose, and a pilot’s needs. They are equipped on the top of a mech and in its torso.
--Emergency Escape Hatch: In the event of an emergency, you hit the emergency escape button, and your cockpit ejects you into the sky several hundred feet, where you parachute back down, safely.
--Standard Scanning Package: Your standard scanning package. It protects the mech user by giving them a heads up display of the battlefield instead of needing glass or other transparent materials to see the world around them. One other scanning package may be installed onto the standard package.
--Night-vision: Typically added onto a standard scanning package, this allows a mech to view the environment with night vision instead. The vision range isn’t as far as in standard mode, but it does allow a pilot some flexibility in finding where the enemy is in the dark.
--Infrared Scanning Package: Typically added onto a standard scanning package, this allows a mech to view the environment with infrared (thermal vision) instead. The vision range isn’t as far as in standard mode, but it does allow a pilot some flexibility in finding where the enemy is.
--Motion Detection Package: A scanning package that adds short range, directional motion detection. It does not, however, state which height the target is at, though it does give a rough estimate as to its size. The smaller, slower, or stealthier something is, the closer it can get without triggering motion detection.
--Ammo Pack: An Ammo Pack, protected from harm, which is typically directly connected to the ammo feed system in the limbs, allows for additional ammo to be fed to specialty weapons, such as the HE Missile.
--Emergency Life Support System: In the event that the atmosphere outside of the mech suddenly becomes poisonous, or worse, like, say, on fire, these handy dandy oxygen filtration systems can keep a mech pilot alive for several hours without the need for an outside atmosphere.
--Reinforced Ammo Feed: This reinforces the general structure of the mech’s ammunition feeding system to make it sturdier against attacks. Essentially speaking, it makes it harder to disable a weapon without having already destroyed that weapon. This is especially useful on weapons with low ammo capacity (HE Missiles) or weapons which have a spray and pray mentality (.50 Calibre Rapid Fire, Flamethrower.)
--Floodlights: Sometimes, it can be very dark at night, and some monsters like to hunt in the dark. These floodlights, typically mounted at the shoulders, will resolve that problem and sweep broad areas in lights which turn night to day. They can also be used at close range to blind some opponents.
--Emergency Escape Hatch: In the event of an emergency, you hit the emergency escape button, and your cockpit ejects you into the sky several hundred feet, where you parachute back down, safely.
--Standard Scanning Package: Your standard scanning package. It protects the mech user by giving them a heads up display of the battlefield instead of needing glass or other transparent materials to see the world around them. One other scanning package may be installed onto the standard package.
--Night-vision: Typically added onto a standard scanning package, this allows a mech to view the environment with night vision instead. The vision range isn’t as far as in standard mode, but it does allow a pilot some flexibility in finding where the enemy is in the dark.
--Infrared Scanning Package: Typically added onto a standard scanning package, this allows a mech to view the environment with infrared (thermal vision) instead. The vision range isn’t as far as in standard mode, but it does allow a pilot some flexibility in finding where the enemy is.
--Motion Detection Package: A scanning package that adds short range, directional motion detection. It does not, however, state which height the target is at, though it does give a rough estimate as to its size. The smaller, slower, or stealthier something is, the closer it can get without triggering motion detection.
--Ammo Pack: An Ammo Pack, protected from harm, which is typically directly connected to the ammo feed system in the limbs, allows for additional ammo to be fed to specialty weapons, such as the HE Missile.
--Emergency Life Support System: In the event that the atmosphere outside of the mech suddenly becomes poisonous, or worse, like, say, on fire, these handy dandy oxygen filtration systems can keep a mech pilot alive for several hours without the need for an outside atmosphere.
--Reinforced Ammo Feed: This reinforces the general structure of the mech’s ammunition feeding system to make it sturdier against attacks. Essentially speaking, it makes it harder to disable a weapon without having already destroyed that weapon. This is especially useful on weapons with low ammo capacity (HE Missiles) or weapons which have a spray and pray mentality (.50 Calibre Rapid Fire, Flamethrower.)
--Floodlights: Sometimes, it can be very dark at night, and some monsters like to hunt in the dark. These floodlights, typically mounted at the shoulders, will resolve that problem and sweep broad areas in lights which turn night to day. They can also be used at close range to blind some opponents.
Listeners are divided into two core pieces: Their archetype, and their specific mutations. While it is hard to truly classify groups of mutants, the general power set of a mutant can be classified. These are known as archetypes.
The Swarm archetype is exactly as it suggests. They tend to bend others to their will through parasites and psychic suggestions. It is theorized that these are the commanding officers of mutants in the Shadow Zone, simply due to their versatility and ability to manipulate Council of ADAM troops. Swarm Archetypes are strongest where there are large numbers of enemies to influence, or allies to calm or energize.
Below are starting Swarm mutations.
Psychic Taser: The nervous system of this being is enhanced in a manner that allows psychic energy to course through them in a more efficient manner. This, combined with a piece of the brain molded to suit its purpose, allows this mutant to pick a target in sight and overwhelm its nervous system akin to how a Taser would work, causing all the symptoms without the need of actually carrying a Taser. (Stun opponent for a few seconds) (Mutation effect: Paler skin.)
Note: Can only affect one target a time to begin with, is less effective against larger creatures, repeated usage will fatigue the user.
Synaptic Parasite: Upon touch, a parasite can leave the hand of the Swarm mutant, which burrows its way under the skin and into the nervous system of its victim. After a few seconds it begins to transmit psychic energy to the infecting character, which allows said character to forcefully control the victim. Due to the traumatic nature of possession, some will resist better than others, and some may even simply die or fall unconscious from shock instantly. (Forced Control over victim on physical contact) (Mutation effect: Occasionally has bulges under the skin which move.)
Note: Can be used to “trap” food and drink or other objects for a few minutes before the parasite dies without a host.
--Familial Legacy (Rank 2): Parasites can now travel a small distance independently to attempt to sneak up on and take over a host. They can also be thrown akin to grenades, however the parasites are quite vulnerable. The parasite now also has a 'kill switch', if someone attempts to remove it from its host or on command of its master, it will snap the spinal column and kill its host. Parasites can now attempt to dig into the host body's memories to find secrets and transfer these memories telepathically to the Swarm mutant, but this also gives the host a chance to overpower the parasite for a few moments. (General upgrades.) (Mutation Effect: Cockroaches and other insects are drawn to the swarm host.)
Symbiotic Connection: Upon eye contact this character can provide a bonus to another character of their choice, forming a psychic symbiotic connection, to calm them, or inspire them, or otherwise. The symbiosis is stronger with those they are emotionally connected with, and targets under control of a Synaptic Parasite or affected by Charming Aura. (Bonuses to allies/controlled targets in one area of choice: Armour, Accuracy, Speed, Strength.) (Mutation effect: Warmer body temperature than normal.)
Note: Can only aid one ally at a time in this manner to start with.
Charming Aura: Scent glands produce an invisible, scentless, and tasteless aroma that improves the demeanor of hostile targets, giving bonuses to diplomacy when not using threats or coercion. (Diplomacy bonuses.) (Mutation effect: Bodily odor no longer occurs, no matter how long going without cleaning oneself or how hard one exercises.)
Too Innocent To Kill: Subtle changes in bodily posture and displayed emotions from the eyes, as well as low wave psychic energy emitted in all directions, gives this character the most distinctive impression of innocence that shouldn’t be killed. It won’t stop enemies from using non-lethal force or wounding your character, or firing back if your character commits to hostile action, but it does mean that intelligent enemies will otherwise avoid lethal attacks on this character. (Survival, Diplomacy bonuses.) (Mutation effect: The Iris’ of the eyes turn to a pinkish-reddish hue.)
Below are starting Swarm mutations.
Psychic Taser: The nervous system of this being is enhanced in a manner that allows psychic energy to course through them in a more efficient manner. This, combined with a piece of the brain molded to suit its purpose, allows this mutant to pick a target in sight and overwhelm its nervous system akin to how a Taser would work, causing all the symptoms without the need of actually carrying a Taser. (Stun opponent for a few seconds) (Mutation effect: Paler skin.)
Note: Can only affect one target a time to begin with, is less effective against larger creatures, repeated usage will fatigue the user.
Synaptic Parasite: Upon touch, a parasite can leave the hand of the Swarm mutant, which burrows its way under the skin and into the nervous system of its victim. After a few seconds it begins to transmit psychic energy to the infecting character, which allows said character to forcefully control the victim. Due to the traumatic nature of possession, some will resist better than others, and some may even simply die or fall unconscious from shock instantly. (Forced Control over victim on physical contact) (Mutation effect: Occasionally has bulges under the skin which move.)
Note: Can be used to “trap” food and drink or other objects for a few minutes before the parasite dies without a host.
--Familial Legacy (Rank 2): Parasites can now travel a small distance independently to attempt to sneak up on and take over a host. They can also be thrown akin to grenades, however the parasites are quite vulnerable. The parasite now also has a 'kill switch', if someone attempts to remove it from its host or on command of its master, it will snap the spinal column and kill its host. Parasites can now attempt to dig into the host body's memories to find secrets and transfer these memories telepathically to the Swarm mutant, but this also gives the host a chance to overpower the parasite for a few moments. (General upgrades.) (Mutation Effect: Cockroaches and other insects are drawn to the swarm host.)
Symbiotic Connection: Upon eye contact this character can provide a bonus to another character of their choice, forming a psychic symbiotic connection, to calm them, or inspire them, or otherwise. The symbiosis is stronger with those they are emotionally connected with, and targets under control of a Synaptic Parasite or affected by Charming Aura. (Bonuses to allies/controlled targets in one area of choice: Armour, Accuracy, Speed, Strength.) (Mutation effect: Warmer body temperature than normal.)
Note: Can only aid one ally at a time in this manner to start with.
Charming Aura: Scent glands produce an invisible, scentless, and tasteless aroma that improves the demeanor of hostile targets, giving bonuses to diplomacy when not using threats or coercion. (Diplomacy bonuses.) (Mutation effect: Bodily odor no longer occurs, no matter how long going without cleaning oneself or how hard one exercises.)
Too Innocent To Kill: Subtle changes in bodily posture and displayed emotions from the eyes, as well as low wave psychic energy emitted in all directions, gives this character the most distinctive impression of innocence that shouldn’t be killed. It won’t stop enemies from using non-lethal force or wounding your character, or firing back if your character commits to hostile action, but it does mean that intelligent enemies will otherwise avoid lethal attacks on this character. (Survival, Diplomacy bonuses.) (Mutation effect: The Iris’ of the eyes turn to a pinkish-reddish hue.)
The Ghost archetype is the quintessential stealth predator. They use camouflage, enhanced sight and scent, speed, and small but deadly hidden weapons to take down prey in a flash before speeding back off into the cover of darkness. These are likely the assassins and scouts of the mutants in the Shadow Zone, purely due to their ability to remain hidden potentially even in broad daylight or in plain view of a soldier. Ghost Archetypes are strongest in locations with tight corridors or the cover of darkness and debris, and tend to be weak in large open spaces.
Below are starting Ghost mutations.
Feather Bones: This mutation involves decreasing the overall weight of a Ghost archetype by thinning out the bones and simultaneously making them out of stronger, tighter material. While a little bit of sturdiness is sacrificed it is immediately replaced with much faster movement, as well as the ability to jump twice as high and three times as far than is normal. (Faster movement, slightly increased defense.) (Mutation Effect: Unnaturally lithe and lightweight appearance.)
--Gas sacs (Rank 2): An evolution on the existing mutation, gas sacs are found all over the body, though most prominently in the limbs. These small sacs create small bumps on the skin that can be seen by the naked eye though can be hidden by clothing. They draw air from the lungs and store it, allowing the Ghost in question to fall slower, jump even higher, or even make course adjustments in flight. At this point the Ghost could jump to the top of a two storey building. Repeated use and abuse can easily fatigue the user, however. (Even faster movement, greater jump height, can survive greater falls, moderately improve defense while airborne.) (Mutation Effect: Visible bumps on the skin where sacs are located, unusually deep breathes with unusually shallow exhales from time to time.)
Chameleon: Just as this ability suggests, a Ghost archetype mutant can evolve the ability to blend in with the background environment, and even, through slight psychic talent, subconsciously do the same for their equipment and anyone or anything they are carrying close to themselves. (Stealth bonuses, defense bonuses.) (Mutation Effect: Subconsciously blend into the environment even when it isn’t necessary.)
--Omnistick (Rank 2): Like other lizards, this Chameleon is now capable of climbing and sticking onto any surface so long as they're using their hands and legs to crawl along the surface. They are capable however of remaining still and freeing their hands for usage of a firearm, explosive, or other tool. They can apply this sticky quality on touch to other items or to people, allowing them to make "sticky grenades" and to stop someone from moving. (Mobility bonuses, dodge bonuses while on walls or ceilings, can use their sticky quality on items and other people.) (Mutation effect: There are small, hair-like follicles all over their body, and other fluids from them are now sticky as well, such as blood, sweat, and tears.)
Predatory Instinct: This gives a Ghost Archetype a sixth sense that informs them when situations are ripe for traps, and often manages to detect last minute ambushes before they occur. It also makes the Ghost archetype harder to detect to such methods, seeing as how they instinctively know to look for them. (Stealth bonuses, stealth detection bonuses.) (Mutation Effect: Small spines grow on back approximately 10-20 centimeters in length. They do have nerves in them, which allows the feeling of air passing over them, heat and cold, etc. Akin to fingers.)
Psychic Meld: This is a two part mutation. Both are unlocked if this mutation is chosen.
[Ranged]: This mutation allows the Ghost Archetype to have an out-of-body experience with a nearby target, allowing them to see what their target sees, and hear what their target hears, even if they cannot directly see their target, so long as they know exactly where the target is standing. While having an out-of-body experience they become unaware of their own surroundings, as their brain can only handle one set of visual and auditory impulses, not two.
[Touch]: Allows a Ghost Archetype to forcefully enter the mind of a target to retrieve memories. It can take several minutes of interrogation to fish out a specific memory, and targets with great amounts of willpower don’t break easily, though surface thoughts are simple enough to catch on a simple brush of the hand.
(Mind/Sensory reading) (Mutation effect: Eyes turn entirely black.)
--Psychic Compulsions (Rank 2):
[Ranged]: Having evolved their capacity for reading the sensory inputs of others, they are now capable of inducing auditory and visual hallucinations in a victim. The less it needs to physically manifest itself in the mind of the target, the easier it is for the Ghost to maintain the connection and torture their victim.
[Touch]: Upon grabbing the victim, the Ghost can now leave compulsions in the mind of the target. Resisting the compulsions may cause brain damage. The more complex or overpowering the compulsion, the more time is necessary to implant it. It should be noted that at this point, they can also read the surface memories of shapeshifters. (Mutation Effect: Hair turns silver in colour, and now projects a small but noticeable and detectable amount of psychic energy at all times.)
Sabre Fangs: Retractable and extendable fangs in the mouth made out of a biological material comparable to the hardness of diamond, these fangs can pierce most types of armour and hide and dig up to half a foot into a target. This is a very lethal attack against the standard human. It’s comparable to having a pair of armour piercing combat knives hidden in your mouth. (Hidden, armour piercing melee weapon) (Mutation Effect: Unnatural fangs are easy to spot whenever mouth is open, unnaturally sharp teeth)
Below are starting Ghost mutations.
Feather Bones: This mutation involves decreasing the overall weight of a Ghost archetype by thinning out the bones and simultaneously making them out of stronger, tighter material. While a little bit of sturdiness is sacrificed it is immediately replaced with much faster movement, as well as the ability to jump twice as high and three times as far than is normal. (Faster movement, slightly increased defense.) (Mutation Effect: Unnaturally lithe and lightweight appearance.)
--Gas sacs (Rank 2): An evolution on the existing mutation, gas sacs are found all over the body, though most prominently in the limbs. These small sacs create small bumps on the skin that can be seen by the naked eye though can be hidden by clothing. They draw air from the lungs and store it, allowing the Ghost in question to fall slower, jump even higher, or even make course adjustments in flight. At this point the Ghost could jump to the top of a two storey building. Repeated use and abuse can easily fatigue the user, however. (Even faster movement, greater jump height, can survive greater falls, moderately improve defense while airborne.) (Mutation Effect: Visible bumps on the skin where sacs are located, unusually deep breathes with unusually shallow exhales from time to time.)
Chameleon: Just as this ability suggests, a Ghost archetype mutant can evolve the ability to blend in with the background environment, and even, through slight psychic talent, subconsciously do the same for their equipment and anyone or anything they are carrying close to themselves. (Stealth bonuses, defense bonuses.) (Mutation Effect: Subconsciously blend into the environment even when it isn’t necessary.)
--Omnistick (Rank 2): Like other lizards, this Chameleon is now capable of climbing and sticking onto any surface so long as they're using their hands and legs to crawl along the surface. They are capable however of remaining still and freeing their hands for usage of a firearm, explosive, or other tool. They can apply this sticky quality on touch to other items or to people, allowing them to make "sticky grenades" and to stop someone from moving. (Mobility bonuses, dodge bonuses while on walls or ceilings, can use their sticky quality on items and other people.) (Mutation effect: There are small, hair-like follicles all over their body, and other fluids from them are now sticky as well, such as blood, sweat, and tears.)
Predatory Instinct: This gives a Ghost Archetype a sixth sense that informs them when situations are ripe for traps, and often manages to detect last minute ambushes before they occur. It also makes the Ghost archetype harder to detect to such methods, seeing as how they instinctively know to look for them. (Stealth bonuses, stealth detection bonuses.) (Mutation Effect: Small spines grow on back approximately 10-20 centimeters in length. They do have nerves in them, which allows the feeling of air passing over them, heat and cold, etc. Akin to fingers.)
Psychic Meld: This is a two part mutation. Both are unlocked if this mutation is chosen.
[Ranged]: This mutation allows the Ghost Archetype to have an out-of-body experience with a nearby target, allowing them to see what their target sees, and hear what their target hears, even if they cannot directly see their target, so long as they know exactly where the target is standing. While having an out-of-body experience they become unaware of their own surroundings, as their brain can only handle one set of visual and auditory impulses, not two.
[Touch]: Allows a Ghost Archetype to forcefully enter the mind of a target to retrieve memories. It can take several minutes of interrogation to fish out a specific memory, and targets with great amounts of willpower don’t break easily, though surface thoughts are simple enough to catch on a simple brush of the hand.
(Mind/Sensory reading) (Mutation effect: Eyes turn entirely black.)
--Psychic Compulsions (Rank 2):
[Ranged]: Having evolved their capacity for reading the sensory inputs of others, they are now capable of inducing auditory and visual hallucinations in a victim. The less it needs to physically manifest itself in the mind of the target, the easier it is for the Ghost to maintain the connection and torture their victim.
[Touch]: Upon grabbing the victim, the Ghost can now leave compulsions in the mind of the target. Resisting the compulsions may cause brain damage. The more complex or overpowering the compulsion, the more time is necessary to implant it. It should be noted that at this point, they can also read the surface memories of shapeshifters. (Mutation Effect: Hair turns silver in colour, and now projects a small but noticeable and detectable amount of psychic energy at all times.)
Sabre Fangs: Retractable and extendable fangs in the mouth made out of a biological material comparable to the hardness of diamond, these fangs can pierce most types of armour and hide and dig up to half a foot into a target. This is a very lethal attack against the standard human. It’s comparable to having a pair of armour piercing combat knives hidden in your mouth. (Hidden, armour piercing melee weapon) (Mutation Effect: Unnatural fangs are easy to spot whenever mouth is open, unnaturally sharp teeth)
The Brute archetype is violence incarnate, and by the standards of some, the pinnacle of biological perfection. Brutes have damage resistant hides, claws and scythes, and impressive regenerative properties. High ranking brutes are likely used by the mutant forces in the Shadow Zone to demolish tanks and engage in close range fights with mechs. They are strongest where they can do the most damage, or soak it for allies.
Below are starting Brute mutations.
Muscle Stimulus: With increased blood flow and nutrients to the muscles, as well as tougher cells to better resist the stresses that come with it, this character enhances their strength and overall dexterity, allowing them to bend iron and giving them an overall more intimidating figure. (Bonus to intimidation, enhanced strength beyond human norms, slightly higher defense) (Mutation Effect: Most clothing will be tight and they will look uncannily, almost inhumanly muscular, complete with an eight pack and thighs that dwarf small children.)
Thick Skinned: With thicker skin that is made out of tougher materials, it becomes harder to penetrate. Regular melee weapons, such as bayonets, have a harder time piercing this character’s outer hide, and when it is pierced the damage tends to be minimal. It acts like Kevlar, basically. (Bonuses to defense especially to melee, lessens the overall effect of wounds.) (Mutation Effect: Skin will be imperfection free. No scars, no pimples, no warts, no birth marks, no wrinkles. It will look quite odd, almost doll-like.)
Acidic Spit: Certain glands within the mouth become factories for high concentrations of acid, which can melt through some surfaces, armour, and severely burn flesh and destroy eyes. It has a limited range, but is a very good initiation tool, and a surprise weapon against some. (Ranged Weapon: Acidic Spit.) (Mutation Effect: Jaws look inflated to add space for the acidic sacs, food is eaten quickly or is dissolved unintentionally.)
Secondary Organs: The body creates an additional set of backup, multipurpose organs which can take over for other organs should they fail. Wounds that would normally kill instantly--such as a knife to the heart--instead cause a momentary stun and a lot of pain as a backup organ takes its place. This does not work against head shots. Secondary organs are regrown after a while, but not quickly. (Harder to kill, reduces the severity of wounds.) (Mutation Effect: Causes the overall form of the person to enlarge, their chest and stomach areas especially. This is cumulative with Muscle Stimulus.)
Supersonic Scream: Enlarges the chest cavity a small bit, though most especially the lungs, to allow for the capacity to unleash a massive roar that temporarily deafens enemies and makes enemies within a few feet dizzy and less accurate. This is also highly intimidating, naturally, and can knock down smaller opponents who stand in front of the Brute. (Knock-down opponents in melee, make dizzy opponents a few feet away lowering their accuracy, deafen a small area.) (Mutation Effect: Slightly enlarges the chest cavity and gives the character unnaturally long periods of time between each breath unless they are fatigued.)
Note: Only lasts a few seconds, can affect allies as well as enemies, repeated usage in a short period of time will fatigue the user.
Below are starting Brute mutations.
Muscle Stimulus: With increased blood flow and nutrients to the muscles, as well as tougher cells to better resist the stresses that come with it, this character enhances their strength and overall dexterity, allowing them to bend iron and giving them an overall more intimidating figure. (Bonus to intimidation, enhanced strength beyond human norms, slightly higher defense) (Mutation Effect: Most clothing will be tight and they will look uncannily, almost inhumanly muscular, complete with an eight pack and thighs that dwarf small children.)
Thick Skinned: With thicker skin that is made out of tougher materials, it becomes harder to penetrate. Regular melee weapons, such as bayonets, have a harder time piercing this character’s outer hide, and when it is pierced the damage tends to be minimal. It acts like Kevlar, basically. (Bonuses to defense especially to melee, lessens the overall effect of wounds.) (Mutation Effect: Skin will be imperfection free. No scars, no pimples, no warts, no birth marks, no wrinkles. It will look quite odd, almost doll-like.)
Acidic Spit: Certain glands within the mouth become factories for high concentrations of acid, which can melt through some surfaces, armour, and severely burn flesh and destroy eyes. It has a limited range, but is a very good initiation tool, and a surprise weapon against some. (Ranged Weapon: Acidic Spit.) (Mutation Effect: Jaws look inflated to add space for the acidic sacs, food is eaten quickly or is dissolved unintentionally.)
Secondary Organs: The body creates an additional set of backup, multipurpose organs which can take over for other organs should they fail. Wounds that would normally kill instantly--such as a knife to the heart--instead cause a momentary stun and a lot of pain as a backup organ takes its place. This does not work against head shots. Secondary organs are regrown after a while, but not quickly. (Harder to kill, reduces the severity of wounds.) (Mutation Effect: Causes the overall form of the person to enlarge, their chest and stomach areas especially. This is cumulative with Muscle Stimulus.)
Supersonic Scream: Enlarges the chest cavity a small bit, though most especially the lungs, to allow for the capacity to unleash a massive roar that temporarily deafens enemies and makes enemies within a few feet dizzy and less accurate. This is also highly intimidating, naturally, and can knock down smaller opponents who stand in front of the Brute. (Knock-down opponents in melee, make dizzy opponents a few feet away lowering their accuracy, deafen a small area.) (Mutation Effect: Slightly enlarges the chest cavity and gives the character unnaturally long periods of time between each breath unless they are fatigued.)
Note: Only lasts a few seconds, can affect allies as well as enemies, repeated usage in a short period of time will fatigue the user.
It is traditional for many Grunts to name their own weapons after modifying and tweaking them. Whether you do so or not is up to you.
Shotgun: The classic automatic shotgun, fully capable of wiping out entire rooms of enemies without backup so long as the room isn’t all that big. Great at close range, weaker as the range gets longer. (Damage and accuracy bonus at short range which dwindles quickly as the range increases.)
Sniper Rifle: Your classic, high calibre sniper rifle. Likely bolt-action or with very small clips to accommodate the very large rounds of ammunition used. While it can’t be used on the move, it does have a significant range advantage over the other two options. (Very long range weapon with good accuracy which cannot be used while moving.)
Assault Rifle: The best of the average, this weapon is useful but doesn’t particularly excel at either short or long range combat. Its greatest feature is its flexibility. (Performs well at all ranges.)
Shotgun: The classic automatic shotgun, fully capable of wiping out entire rooms of enemies without backup so long as the room isn’t all that big. Great at close range, weaker as the range gets longer. (Damage and accuracy bonus at short range which dwindles quickly as the range increases.)
Sniper Rifle: Your classic, high calibre sniper rifle. Likely bolt-action or with very small clips to accommodate the very large rounds of ammunition used. While it can’t be used on the move, it does have a significant range advantage over the other two options. (Very long range weapon with good accuracy which cannot be used while moving.)
Assault Rifle: The best of the average, this weapon is useful but doesn’t particularly excel at either short or long range combat. Its greatest feature is its flexibility. (Performs well at all ranges.)
LAS-Mod: The latest and greatest imported from the hotbed of Europe’s war zones, the LAS-Mod is an overhaul modification to the entire weapon that replaces the clip with a battery, and the inner workings of the firearm to fire heated lasers at targets. As an added bonus, the laser’s colour can even be changed to suit the whimsy of the one using it. This removes any concerns with weapon jamming and has greater overall damage, though has lower penetration against targets with thick armour and can have overheating issues, such as burning a user’s hands. (Higher damage, no potential for jamming, more shots = greater chance to overheat especially on shotguns, lower armour penetration.)
Hi-Tech Scope (Night-vision): Attaches a scope to your weapon of choice which has night-vision installed. (Can be used with Infrared & Target-Tracker)
Hi-Tech Scope (Infrared): Attaches a scope to your weapon of choice which has thermal vision installed. (Can be used with Night-vision & Target-Tracker)
Target-Tracker Scope: The Target Tracker is a form of primitive AI assist that aids in allowing a user to track targets through walls and around cover, and grants minor aim assistance against such targets it has marked, but only against targets it has marked. (Aim Assist, target marking) (Can be used with Night-vision and Infrared)
Bigger is Better Calibre: Increasing the size of the bullet or firing chamber in a laser weapon to increase the overall damage output of that weapon. Crude, but efficient. (Increases damage.)
Silencer: A simple silencer that reduces noise and muzzle flash of a firearm. It’s fairly ineffective on laser weapons, which have an easily sighted trail between firing point and target... (Noise/Light reduction on traditional firearms; little effect on laser weapons)
Electrified Bayonet: A large, electrified bayonet attached to the end of your weapon. Upon striking a target it electrocutes them, even on a minor cut, allowing an easy finishing blow in what would otherwise be a one way fight with any halfway decent melee-oriented mutant. It’s also a not-so-surprisingly effective weapon to charge into enemies with.
(Melee bonuses, charge bonus)
Taser Attachment: A Taser attachment on your weapon which allows you to stun some targets a few feet away from you with an electrical current that generally interferes with a creature’s nervous system. Obviously not as effective on larger targets, but more effective on humanoid targets. It can miss, unlike the electrified bayonet, but has a little range on it, which the electrified bayonet does not.
(Stun opponent for a few seconds)
Hi-Tech Scope (Night-vision): Attaches a scope to your weapon of choice which has night-vision installed. (Can be used with Infrared & Target-Tracker)
Hi-Tech Scope (Infrared): Attaches a scope to your weapon of choice which has thermal vision installed. (Can be used with Night-vision & Target-Tracker)
Target-Tracker Scope: The Target Tracker is a form of primitive AI assist that aids in allowing a user to track targets through walls and around cover, and grants minor aim assistance against such targets it has marked, but only against targets it has marked. (Aim Assist, target marking) (Can be used with Night-vision and Infrared)
Bigger is Better Calibre: Increasing the size of the bullet or firing chamber in a laser weapon to increase the overall damage output of that weapon. Crude, but efficient. (Increases damage.)
Silencer: A simple silencer that reduces noise and muzzle flash of a firearm. It’s fairly ineffective on laser weapons, which have an easily sighted trail between firing point and target... (Noise/Light reduction on traditional firearms; little effect on laser weapons)
Electrified Bayonet: A large, electrified bayonet attached to the end of your weapon. Upon striking a target it electrocutes them, even on a minor cut, allowing an easy finishing blow in what would otherwise be a one way fight with any halfway decent melee-oriented mutant. It’s also a not-so-surprisingly effective weapon to charge into enemies with.
(Melee bonuses, charge bonus)
Taser Attachment: A Taser attachment on your weapon which allows you to stun some targets a few feet away from you with an electrical current that generally interferes with a creature’s nervous system. Obviously not as effective on larger targets, but more effective on humanoid targets. It can miss, unlike the electrified bayonet, but has a little range on it, which the electrified bayonet does not.
(Stun opponent for a few seconds)
CQC: This character has been officially trained in close quarters combat and can more than hold their own in a pinch. They can even sometimes take on targets bigger or faster than themselves, though, betting on CQC alone is not recommended. (Melee bonus)
A Soldier’s Wrath: There is nothing stronger than the bonds of brotherhood. Anytime an ally is hit and takes an injury as a result of that hit, this character will take a free shot at that enemy so long as there is clear line of sight to do so and it wouldn’t break stealth. If a shot can be feasible taken without breaking stealth, the shot is taken. If multiple weapons are equipped and some have special ammo limits, the ones without special ammo limits will be used instead. (Free reaction fire.)
Note: This bonus does apply on self: If the Grunt takes a wound from enemy fire, they will retaliate if they are able to do so as a free reaction shot.
--Rampage (Rank 2): When an ally is hit, this character now gains an accuracy bonus against the opposing target both for his reaction shot and for the next post. If an ally (named NPC or PC) is incapacitated, badly injured, or slain outright, this character enters into a battle fervour that renders them immune to panic and greatly increases resistance against psychic assaults until the target which harmed their friend retreats from the field of battle or is slain.
GECKO: Your character has received training in the art of blending in with the terrain, moving quietly, and more. They are naturals at not being found, and vanishing into thin air where it counts. In places rife with physical cover or cover of darkness, or with sufficient distractions nearby, a Grunt can escape from plain sight and dart to another location to hide. (Stealth bonuses, allows a Grunt to sometimes escape from plain sight with sufficient prerequisites around.)
--Baited and Outsmarted (Rank 2): An amusing catchphrase screamed out by some of the more juvenile, though completely appropriate to describe this duel edged upgrade to the Grunt's arsenal and tactical thinking. First: Their flashbangs now double as smoke grenades, and they now start with four per mission instead of just two. It is also presumed that they know how to properly cover their eyes and have grown accustomed to it, no longer being blinded even if dropped at point blank so long as they cover their eyes, with the ringing in their ears reduced in intensity. The smoke within the grenades expands nearly instantly into a small space, though out in the open its effects are limited. Second: When escaping from harm, they have a good chance of predicting where it is the enemy will search, and thus, whatever path they take is the least likely path by which the enemy will follow. (Improved flashbangs/smoke grenades and a greater chance that enemies will take the wrong path to pursue them once they've lost eyesight.)
Adrenaline Junkie: This character is the epitome of risk-taking. The worse the situation is for the Grunt, the greater the chance that excessive amounts of adrenaline will start to pump through their system, making time itself slow a tad from this character’s perspective and giving them bonuses to avoiding damage and hitting enemy targets. (Bonuses to defense and offense when in highly dangerous situations.)
Damned Fine Aim: A character with a natural tendency to hit targets in critical points if they stop, aim fully, exhale, and pull the trigger. If a character takes added time to line up a shot, they generally almost always hit that shot. (Greatly improved aim if time is taken to line up a shot instead of reaction firing at a target. Increases chance of hitting a weak point without knowing where it is. Decreases defense for that round.)
--Eagle Eyes, Eagle Ears (Rank 2): Having spent ages looking down scopes and looking for the finest of details, the Grunts who pursue tactical shooting find themselves learning tactical searching. These Grunts now come with one motion detection camera and two invisible laser tripwires, wirelessly connected to their radios to give them a warning beep if anything triggers them. They can be set up in seconds and are generally hard to spot, allowing for safe sniper nests to be set up. Atop this, they've also become more adept at passively spotting enemies hiding behind cover or who are using stealth technology, even stealth mutations, and doing this faster than the average person can. (Greater stealth detection, simple gadget.)
Full American Unload: Your character is trained in the art of unloading an entire clip of ammunition as fast as possible at a certain piece of cover, generally obliterating that piece of cover, and sometimes, whatever was hiding behind that piece of cover. It’s the American Way. (Suppression against a target, occasionally destroy cover.)
--Break Their Will (Rank 2): Individual bullets now have a small chance to pierce cover before destroying it, and spraying an area down generally causes mass hysteria and panic attacks in those caught under fire, even after the barrage has stopped, until they snap out of it by random chance or someone snaps them out of it. There is also a greater chance of simply obliterating whatever cover the enemy is hiding behind. (Suppressed targets panic, can pierce cover, greater chance of destroying cover.)
HE Training: High Explosives training. This character is trained to effectively utilize, arm, and disarm highly explosive weapons. On every mission, they may choose to take six charges of C4, which is a remote detonated explosive, or a rocket launcher with two shots. Add to inventory and swap out whenever between missions if desired. (Self explanatory.)
--Class 3 Explosives License (Rank 2): As per the training manual, there are three levels of explosives licensing detailed. The third level grants access to "suitcase explosives", while not always contained in a suitcase they often are as it's a simple, effective method of storing the components. The case is often bulletproof. Armed with a digital timer and a remote detonator, the suitcase explosive is fully capable of devastating a small city block. It's most often used inside apartment buildings to knock the entire building down with one carefully placed explosive. Their vast knowledge of explosives by this point also makes it possible, though difficult, for a Grunt to aim and fire at enemy explosives, causing detonation instead of simply damaging them. A grunt may carry one suitcase explosive, or, give up his six charges of C4/rocket launcher with two shots for a second suitcase explosive. Lesser, improvised suitcase explosives can also be "jerryrigged" on the battlefield if given a sufficient amount of supplies and time. (Self explanatory.)
True Grit: This character, not having the benefit of either mechanical expertise or mutations, has likely pushed themselves to the limit, and beyond that limit, in attempting to keep up as a mere mortal man. This “mere” mortal character, however, has trained hard and long enough that pain itself doesn’t affect them. Grit allows a character to continue fighting through wounds unabated, though fighting with certain wounds may worsen those wounds. (Continue fighting at full strength even while wounded.)
Jump Pack Training: Add a Jump Pack to your inventory. This allows your character to use a jump pack to ascend and descend from high locations, such as rooftops, just like how mechs can, only on a smaller scale. Attempting to fire weapons whilst in the middle of flight is a highly inaccurate affair and not recommended, but throwing grenades is still unaffected by flight.
A Soldier’s Wrath: There is nothing stronger than the bonds of brotherhood. Anytime an ally is hit and takes an injury as a result of that hit, this character will take a free shot at that enemy so long as there is clear line of sight to do so and it wouldn’t break stealth. If a shot can be feasible taken without breaking stealth, the shot is taken. If multiple weapons are equipped and some have special ammo limits, the ones without special ammo limits will be used instead. (Free reaction fire.)
Note: This bonus does apply on self: If the Grunt takes a wound from enemy fire, they will retaliate if they are able to do so as a free reaction shot.
--Rampage (Rank 2): When an ally is hit, this character now gains an accuracy bonus against the opposing target both for his reaction shot and for the next post. If an ally (named NPC or PC) is incapacitated, badly injured, or slain outright, this character enters into a battle fervour that renders them immune to panic and greatly increases resistance against psychic assaults until the target which harmed their friend retreats from the field of battle or is slain.
GECKO: Your character has received training in the art of blending in with the terrain, moving quietly, and more. They are naturals at not being found, and vanishing into thin air where it counts. In places rife with physical cover or cover of darkness, or with sufficient distractions nearby, a Grunt can escape from plain sight and dart to another location to hide. (Stealth bonuses, allows a Grunt to sometimes escape from plain sight with sufficient prerequisites around.)
--Baited and Outsmarted (Rank 2): An amusing catchphrase screamed out by some of the more juvenile, though completely appropriate to describe this duel edged upgrade to the Grunt's arsenal and tactical thinking. First: Their flashbangs now double as smoke grenades, and they now start with four per mission instead of just two. It is also presumed that they know how to properly cover their eyes and have grown accustomed to it, no longer being blinded even if dropped at point blank so long as they cover their eyes, with the ringing in their ears reduced in intensity. The smoke within the grenades expands nearly instantly into a small space, though out in the open its effects are limited. Second: When escaping from harm, they have a good chance of predicting where it is the enemy will search, and thus, whatever path they take is the least likely path by which the enemy will follow. (Improved flashbangs/smoke grenades and a greater chance that enemies will take the wrong path to pursue them once they've lost eyesight.)
Adrenaline Junkie: This character is the epitome of risk-taking. The worse the situation is for the Grunt, the greater the chance that excessive amounts of adrenaline will start to pump through their system, making time itself slow a tad from this character’s perspective and giving them bonuses to avoiding damage and hitting enemy targets. (Bonuses to defense and offense when in highly dangerous situations.)
Damned Fine Aim: A character with a natural tendency to hit targets in critical points if they stop, aim fully, exhale, and pull the trigger. If a character takes added time to line up a shot, they generally almost always hit that shot. (Greatly improved aim if time is taken to line up a shot instead of reaction firing at a target. Increases chance of hitting a weak point without knowing where it is. Decreases defense for that round.)
--Eagle Eyes, Eagle Ears (Rank 2): Having spent ages looking down scopes and looking for the finest of details, the Grunts who pursue tactical shooting find themselves learning tactical searching. These Grunts now come with one motion detection camera and two invisible laser tripwires, wirelessly connected to their radios to give them a warning beep if anything triggers them. They can be set up in seconds and are generally hard to spot, allowing for safe sniper nests to be set up. Atop this, they've also become more adept at passively spotting enemies hiding behind cover or who are using stealth technology, even stealth mutations, and doing this faster than the average person can. (Greater stealth detection, simple gadget.)
Full American Unload: Your character is trained in the art of unloading an entire clip of ammunition as fast as possible at a certain piece of cover, generally obliterating that piece of cover, and sometimes, whatever was hiding behind that piece of cover. It’s the American Way. (Suppression against a target, occasionally destroy cover.)
--Break Their Will (Rank 2): Individual bullets now have a small chance to pierce cover before destroying it, and spraying an area down generally causes mass hysteria and panic attacks in those caught under fire, even after the barrage has stopped, until they snap out of it by random chance or someone snaps them out of it. There is also a greater chance of simply obliterating whatever cover the enemy is hiding behind. (Suppressed targets panic, can pierce cover, greater chance of destroying cover.)
HE Training: High Explosives training. This character is trained to effectively utilize, arm, and disarm highly explosive weapons. On every mission, they may choose to take six charges of C4, which is a remote detonated explosive, or a rocket launcher with two shots. Add to inventory and swap out whenever between missions if desired. (Self explanatory.)
--Class 3 Explosives License (Rank 2): As per the training manual, there are three levels of explosives licensing detailed. The third level grants access to "suitcase explosives", while not always contained in a suitcase they often are as it's a simple, effective method of storing the components. The case is often bulletproof. Armed with a digital timer and a remote detonator, the suitcase explosive is fully capable of devastating a small city block. It's most often used inside apartment buildings to knock the entire building down with one carefully placed explosive. Their vast knowledge of explosives by this point also makes it possible, though difficult, for a Grunt to aim and fire at enemy explosives, causing detonation instead of simply damaging them. A grunt may carry one suitcase explosive, or, give up his six charges of C4/rocket launcher with two shots for a second suitcase explosive. Lesser, improvised suitcase explosives can also be "jerryrigged" on the battlefield if given a sufficient amount of supplies and time. (Self explanatory.)
True Grit: This character, not having the benefit of either mechanical expertise or mutations, has likely pushed themselves to the limit, and beyond that limit, in attempting to keep up as a mere mortal man. This “mere” mortal character, however, has trained hard and long enough that pain itself doesn’t affect them. Grit allows a character to continue fighting through wounds unabated, though fighting with certain wounds may worsen those wounds. (Continue fighting at full strength even while wounded.)
Jump Pack Training: Add a Jump Pack to your inventory. This allows your character to use a jump pack to ascend and descend from high locations, such as rooftops, just like how mechs can, only on a smaller scale. Attempting to fire weapons whilst in the middle of flight is a highly inaccurate affair and not recommended, but throwing grenades is still unaffected by flight.
Chapter 4: Rules and Extras.
- The GM's word is law.
- Nobody is exempt from death. Not a plot NPC, antagonist, or player character. That's right; even you can die! Very quickly I might add!
- I can and will add more rules in the future as they are needed, and reserve the right to do so without warning... Though I will try to at least make an OOC post mentioning it.
- Type “Vlad has Camoflauge” somewhere in your sheet to verify that you read the rules.
Active: 17.
--Men: 12.
--Women: 5.
--Pilots: 4.
--Listeners: 5.
--Grunts: 7.
--Pilot-Grunt Hybrids: 1.
Dead: 2.
--Men: 2.
--Women: 0.
--Pilots: 1.
--Listeners: 0.
--Grunts: 1.
Inactive: 1.
--Men: 1.
--Women: 0.
--Pilots: 1.
--Listeners: 0.
--Grunts: 0.
Nathaniel Hawthorne. Author: Jorick.
Daniel Ezekiel Anders. Author: LimeyPanda.
Bruce "Brucey" McFoster. Author: Kadaeux.
James Wolff. Author: Heyitsjiwon.
Roman Cassidy. Author: PCSutfin.
Jenive Rousseau. Author: Brovo.
Georgia Rhettland. Author: Tempest.
Junko Heizen. Author: GreenGoat.
Eira Mairwen. Author: Holmishire.
Kiku. Author: LimeyPanda.
Kai "Lupus" Aevephasa. Author: Raen Elvarasi.
Matthew Fetcher. Author: Alphakoka.
Peter Táo. Author: GourmetItalia.
Liam Grillod. Author: Orion Icarus.
Marvin Walters. Author: Maxim.
Paris Rience. Author: Herzinth.
Edward 'Ned' Lawson. Author: Gat.
Daniel Ezekiel Anders. Author: LimeyPanda.
Bruce "Brucey" McFoster. Author: Kadaeux.
James Wolff. Author: Heyitsjiwon.
Roman Cassidy. Author: PCSutfin.
Jenive Rousseau. Author: Brovo.
Georgia Rhettland. Author: Tempest.
Junko Heizen. Author: GreenGoat.
Eira Mairwen. Author: Holmishire.
Kiku. Author: LimeyPanda.
Kai "Lupus" Aevephasa. Author: Raen Elvarasi.
Matthew Fetcher. Author: Alphakoka.
Peter Táo. Author: GourmetItalia.
Liam Grillod. Author: Orion Icarus.

Marvin Walters. Author: Maxim.
Paris Rience. Author: Herzinth.
Edward 'Ned' Lawson. Author: Gat.
Chris. Author: MelonHead. Death: Brutally ripped to shreds.
Sam Houston. Author: Zed. Death: Too slow.
Sam Houston. Author: Zed. Death: Too slow.
Graf von Helldorf. Author: RichterGotz.