@Everyone: I'll be back soon to review the new characters. Just wanted to get mine up and running. Hispanic farm girl with freckles zipping around the battlefield sniping things. Seemed amusing enough compared to all the doom and gloom around here.
Name: Jenive Rousseau.
Age: 23/Twenty Three.
Sex: Female.
Physical: Long, dark brown hair, green eyes. Hispanic ethnicity, small 5'7" height with an average build. Otherwise looks fairly unremarkable save for the freckles on her cheeks and the occasional small scar here or there from either the farm work, or previous work fighting as a caravan guard.
Non-Combat: Prefers to wear dresses and corsets where possible, but if it isn't, whatever cheap casual wear is on hand. Often wears small ear rings.
Combat: Her jet pack, medium grey-green armour. Her helmet represses the pony tail and forces her to let her hair down her back and forehead. In this, one could almost mistake her for being a teenager.
Artist. Used purely for inspiration, where text conflicts, text prevails.))
History Type: Homesteader: Your character comes from the farms outside of Chicago City, where they grew up a farm
boy girl. For one reason or another they left the life, but trade caravans are typically friendlier towards this character as they recognize him or her as one of their own, and this character tends to scavenge better than anyone else for products that they need most.
(Scavenge bonus, easier to negotiate better deals especially with traders and caravans.)
Biography: Jenive was born on a homestead outside of Bunker Chicago, and spent most of her early childhood learning how to tend to the farm and the basics of reading and writing. She has two younger sisters, and one older brother, both parents intact, even with an uncle remarkable. They lived decently, though privacy was often a pipe dream in such a place. While her siblings became fascinated with depictions of the modern world, bustling streets and airplanes, she grew intrigued by colonialism and the Victorian style. Her sisters wanted to be lawyers and her brother wanted to be a president of some apparently powerful country named Brazil. Indeed, he often regaled her with tales of how their professional soccer kicks sent grenades to their enemies!... Not that Jenive really believed him.
When she hit her early teens, she started to really begin interacting with other beyond her family. Most were perplexed by her small obsession with colonialism, but one young man stood out: Robin Sonetal. They quickly befriended each other after finding a similar love of such antiquated things, and soon enough, love blossomed between them. It was then that Jenive discovered her lack of
urges, and found herself in a purely platonic relationship. Yet, this didn't bother Robin, who stuck with her until he became a caravan guard at the age of fifteen. Constantly she prayed for his safe return, and often he came back injured, or emotionally scarred. Two years later, he perished to allow a convoy to escape. Devastated, she lost what little faith she had in any kind of God, and grew distant from her own family, who ardently worshiped Him. Not truly belonging with her own family anymore, she took the broken cross her lover wore, and became a caravan guard in his place.
Four years later, a vivid survivor of many ambushes in a career that often straight up slaughtered sixty percent of its first year recruits, the caravan was ambushed by something from the Shadow Zone. Something big, which burst from the ground and consumed and mutilated everything in its path. Jenive was one of the few survivors, and would have been left behind if she hadn't been noticed by Carolyn Antoinette, a mech pilot. Brought back, she was inspired by Carolyn, and joined BCSEC, in the hopes of putting down the Shadow Zone... Once, and for all.
Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.Career Path: Grunt: The grunt is someone who has become a grizzled war fighter, having chosen to abstain from both the more mechanized aspects of warfare and the temptation of mutations. They instead use specialty training and customized firearms to resolve the day. Often underestimated, their contribution to a battle tends to be less obvious than the other two, and don’t let the name fool you: A well trained, well equipped Grunt is just as deadly as a high ranking Listener or Pilot!
Grunts start with their Light Armour replaced with Medium Armour, still flexible but capable of stopping some damage in critical areas. They also have access to one of three starting weapons which replaces the Standard Issue Council Rifle.
Grunts start with two weapon modifications for their weapon of choice and can change out these modifications at any time when not in a mission. They also start with two pieces of Advanced Training.
Sniper Rifle, Dorothy.
--Mod 1: Hi-Tech Scope (Infrared).
--Mod 2: Target-Tracker Scope.
You may start with two pieces of advanced training.
--AT 1: Jump Pack Training.
--AT 2: A Soldier's Wrath.
Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)
Combat Knife: The standard army combat knife. A design over a century old still more than effective enough to carry on into the future.
Standard Issue Council Pistol: It's a pistol. She keeps it at her hip. Very unlikely to come in handy. Ever.
Dorothy: Her sniper rifle. A scrappy looking thing with a high tech scope.
Civilian Clothing: You wear a set of civilian clothing. This has no armour value and is thus pretty good to sneak around in, but, then again, if anything so much as breathes on you, you're a dead man.
Medium Armour: Because light armour couldn't stop the kitten assaults, this armour can stop them. Full grown cats, though, those are still deadly...
Jet Pack: Because WOOSH POWER! It's on her back and uses advanced fuel cells to allow her quick motion from place to place, up or down, forward or backward. Losing this would weaken her severely due to her lack of stealth training. There is a small doodle of a dragon on it from one of her sisters, who is envious that she can fly like they can.
Medkit: Your standard medkit, including bandages, stitches, rubbing alcohol, and more.
Radio: A simple radio for contacting others.
Frag Grenade: A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades.
Flashbang: A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.
Anything that is just excess fluff in most situations, like dog-tags, or a watch.
Dog-Tags: A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again?
Pocket Watch: A flip-open pocket watch, coated in silver, with two initials engraved in it: R.S. When flipped open, it has a small picture of a fifteen year old boy holding a gun inside the cover, and of course, tells the time.
Flash-Light: Useful in dark places. Often mounted on a shoulder or duct-taped to a weapon.
Broken Cross: Keeps it on a steel chain on her neck. The cross, once shining, is stained in red, and the base is broken.
Signature: Why Brovo, of course I agree that you can kill my characters, you handsome GM you. I'm sure somewhere though there's a time paradox involved, that would bring back Vlad, the master of camoflauge.