I wonder what the average age is on this site...
That would heavily affect my decision to join or not.
where's Light now?
That would heavily affect my decision to join or not.
where's Light now?
Lightbox said
the thing on sat is a meet not a convention XD
lightbox said
i have been packing all morning so far (fun fun fun)
Regendorf said
Currently at work so I can relate...thou due to the nature of my job I'm quite free to post at any time I see fit
Hailfire said
Packing fudge! dundunduuuun... (sorry. I'm weak I know)
swordartonline.wikia.com/ said The health bar is located on the upper left corner of one's field of vision. It displays the health of the player, name, numerical HP (8120/8120), and level. It also shows the heath and names of all other members one's party in a smaller bar.