Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 6 days ago

Matthew to Shadow Zone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

Banned Offline since relaunch

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You know what, Fuck it, we've got a new guy at work now and things are slightly less crazy with the extra hands so....

Brovo, Expect a bunch of questions over steam when i get home.. or PM if you're not online for some reason, I'm planing to make a pilot hybrid
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

Gat said
You know what, Fuck it, we've got a new guy at work now and things are slightly less crazy with the extra hands so....Brovo, Expect a bunch of questions over steam when i get home.. or PM if you're not online for some reason, I'm planing to make a pilot hybrid

I will not be on Steam, so send a PM.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Pilot multiclassing as a Pilot
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kiku would like to attend the Shadow Realm Zone, While Daniel will engage U-Arm
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brovo said Chuck Fucking Norris PCSutfin

Brovo said And camo suit, as in technologically camouflaging against the environment, correct?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

LimeyPanda said Kiku would like to attend the Shadow Zone, While Daniel will engage U-Arm

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Herzinth said
Pilot multiclassing as a Pilot

more likely pilot-grunt actually, though listener-pilot might be interesting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GourmetItalia
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Brovo said No upgrades to weapon mods.

My bad; I'll just phase in another Weapon Mod

Brovo said Power Suit Need more info. What kind of power suit?

Here you go Brovo; Peter's Power Suit Information:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mechanized Adaptations: A bionic upgrade to a grunt's armor that integrates some of the basics of the features and concepts of mechs to grunts. The adaptation mostly focuses on joints as pivot points to help grunts in their bodily motions and virtually eliminates the weight of the armor that the user is wearing. Thus, with the help of the adaptations, the average grunt is faster, stronger, durable and physically more capable. Of course, it won't help protect against a rocket like power armor would still mechanical parts do provide a bit more protection than your standard issue armor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Georgia on retrieval team, unless that is full. In which case, I guess she goes to shadow zone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

The Arsenal

Loading uplink. . . . . .

Connected! Software Deployment #2.13.18

”Welcome, sir or madam. If you are seeing this, you’re connected to the Research and Development sector of Bunker Chicago, located in the innermost ring, several hundred feet underneath the Earth, beneath several layers of concrete and other, classified materials and defenses.

The cutting edge of technology is produced here. Cybernetics, mutations research, vehicles, and more. To requisition research and tactical developments, we have a series of projects outlined which need only require scrap and intel which you collect from the battlefield. Capturing enemies alive grants more intel, whereas capturing vehicles and technology intact grants more scrap, though these acts are obviously more risky than simply killing them and taking their corpses and damaged technology back home.

You can also submit projects for research and development and the team will accordingly take them into consideration, letting you know at a later date if they are possible or worthwhile investments. In a sense, your ideas are quite literally “evaluated by a team of scientists and engineers” to determine if they are worth our time or not.

This area is also used by battalion leaders to requisition equipment and vehicles necessary for their squads. There is no official limit to the number of resources which can be granted this way, but keep in mind that we cannot grant every request, even to the top tactical team of the Council of ADAM. Still, this does mean we can spare things for you on occasion. Soldiers, tanks, jeeps, air support, moral support in the form of mechanized ferrets. You need it, we are the ones to ask for it.

Ryan Dufont would also like to make it known that he gave you direct access to these resources as a gesture of his trust in your abilities. He is egotistical and arrogant but prefers others to question his decisions and tolerates other egotists under his command, so he has a good nature to him.

I look forward to further communications from all of you.

Sincerely, Lead Engineer Nomuro Chi, and Lead Scientist Alexander Derringer.”

Military Ranks

”Military Ranks for specialist agents differ from those of regular military personnel. Unless otherwise noted, these are the military ranks possible for specialists in the military branch of BCSEC, directly under the supervision of either myself (Colonel Marie Black) and Council Member Ryan Dufont, or other members of the Council of ADAM as it comes up.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them on my desk, or in Ryan’s paper shredder. Either way works for me.

Sincerely, Colonel Marie Black.

PS: If you’re going to try and bribe me for a higher military rank, bring me a nice cigar and don’t ask me out for a date and that will be a good start to your inevitable public execution by firing squad.”

Current Personnel above Regular ranking
Specialist Rank 5:
Bruce "Brucey" McFoster. (Kadaeux)

James Wolff. (Heyitsjiwon)

Roman Cassidy. (PCSutfin)

Jenive Rousseau. (Brovo)
Research And Development

Scrap Total 0.

Intel Total: 0.

--Development Projects--

Project PLUSHIE: The name is an in-joke amongst the staff. Simply put though, we’ve found a way to allow you to carry dozens of small beacons. These beacons can be set via remote wrist device to emit sounds, behave as microphones, make small flashes of light in various colours, project fake humanoid-sized radar signals, and send out sound at a supersonic level. Colonel Marie Black lovingly called them “little screaming bundles of joy.” We prefer the term “panic inducing panic makers of panic.”
Result: LSBJ Beacons available for use. They take up a sidearm slot. Mech pilots can also equip them on their personal sidearm slot and deploy them from their mech. Simply note which weapon has an LSBJ-enabled deployer.
Price: 5.

Project ALPHA: Just like in the old world comics you grew up with, this is the first generation of power suits available for production. Light and Medium power suits are unlocked for use with two subtypes: POWER and CONTROL. POWER units focus on augmenting the user’s weapons through mechanical braces, allowing firearms to fire larger calibre rounds. CONTROL equips the user with two grappling hooks on each wrist, allowing them quickly ascend buildings and other obstructions, or to impale victims and yank them closer, or whatever other devious machinations the user has in mind. These replace default sets of armour, and have a vulnerable spot on the back where the power unit could feasible be hit and damaged.
Result: Light & Medium Armour given extra attributes based on subtype. As a side note, POWER weapon upgrades are automatically applied to whatever weapons the user has.
Price: 6.

--In-Progress Projects--

Project SHIELD: Not in any way related to the superhero comics you grew up with, this is a development project that’s been in the works for a while to counter the psychic effects of mutants and shapeshifters, who are infamous for their ability to affect even pilots located securely in cockpits or men through walls. Simply wear this neck device at the base of your spine and it should ward off or at least lessen the effects of psychic assaults. This seems to have some effect warding off other mental abilities of shapeshifters, though we’ve yet to truly understand their physiology. It seems to have no negative affect on our mutants who use psychic abilities either, so agents such as Georgia should feel safe using them.
Result: NTAPs available for use. They are equipped on all agents automatically.
Price: 5.
Will be ready by next operation.

Project MECHANICAL WARHORSE: Some people might be satisfied with having regular human limbs, or basic artificial replacements. We can do one better for you, and give you access to bio-mechanical augmentations, which should increase your reaction times and basic physical abilities.
Result: Mechanical Augmentations available. Every character may equipped one of three basic augmentations: Speed, Dexterity, or Strength. (Speed increases dashing and mobility, dexterity increases accuracy and reaction times, strength increases melee damage output and resistance amongst other niche benefits.)
Price: 5.
Will be ready by next operation.

Project LEGIONAIRE: We’re capable of outfitting your entire squad with upgraded armour which will allow them to take additional punches from simple kinetics warfare, be it melee or ranged weaponry. We just need you to give us the go-ahead and you’ll have something better than the KITTEN ASSAULT vest.
Result: Light Armour & Medium Armour defense base values increased across the board.
Price: 4. (1 Paid, 3 remaining.)
Requires Additional Pylons.

--Research Projects--
(Note: Research projects lead to development projects. Unlocking something here causes it to become a development project to be unlocked with scrap. Consider this the “theory” part of theory and practice.)

Project OMEGA: A direct upgrade to the ALPHA suits, this time with an emphasis on improving the defensive abilities of the armour seeing as how the power pack can be used with mechanical augmentations. Light armour users will be able to wear medium power armour, and medium armour users will be able to use heavy power armour. We envision a few other directions this project could take from this stage, so we won’t speculate further than defensive improvements.
Result: Light armour can upgrade to medium, medium armour can upgrade to heavy.
Price: 5.

Project NTAP 2.0: An upgrade to the basic NTAP. We need more time to figure out what, exactly, we’ll find, though the data from Adam’s corpse is certainly helping. It’s a shame it had to come at the cost of Annie’s life, though...
Result: Upgraded NTAP with unknown effects.
Price: 6.


Project NANO: Nanobots. The greatest of the smallest. For now, projections are showing that we could take nanobots in several directions, but for now, this would simply allow medkits to be upgraded with nanobots which could mend any wound rapidly. Extremely useful for prolonged conflicts. The experiments however cost the lives of a half a dozen U-ARM terrorists. A pity it didn’t have a higher cost.
Result: Medkits can be upgraded to NanoKits.
Price: 5.
Will be ready for development by next operation

Project FIRE STARTER: We’ve found a way to coat your bullets in a substance that only lights when it strikes a target. This has a small chance to light targets on fire, and is guaranteed to light your cigarette or oil canister. It has been noticeable effective against shapeshifters, though the fire doesn’t seem to kill them outright it does seem to damage portions of their ‘tissue’, preventing it from changing shape again and leaving them in a rather vulnerable spot.
Result: Incendiary rounds become standard ammunition. This includes .50 Calibre weapons for pilots.
Price: 6.
Will be ready for development by next operation

Project VARIABLE STRUCTURE: Lacking a better name, this is simply a project to allow for a greater size differential in the structure of vehicles without compromising their defensive capabilities. Allows mech pilots to equip Medium size mechs, gaining two slots and losing overall speed in exchange for greater armour. Variable structure also applies to our base vehicles, allowing requisitioned vehicles to be built more resistant to armour piercing weaponry.
Result: Medium size mechs unlocked, basic vehicles have increased armour resistance.
Price: 4. (2 Paid, 2 Remaining.)
Requisitions Office

Soldier: A regular sol--
ERROR 384: Personnel section rendered off limits until further notice by order of General Devin Antoinette. Reason: ”My men are not for sale. Try this again and I will have your head on a pike resting outside my office, Dufont.”

Jeep: A standard military jeep with bulletproof glass and a turret. Can be hidden fairly easily in small alleys and the like.
APC: Armoured Personnel Carrier. Would normally carry armed personnel, however its usefulness is hampered by the personnel section being locked off for now.
Tank: A small, but reliable vehicle. Essentially a metal box with treads and a giant cannon mounted on it. An effective design that is still effective today. Comes with two NPC’s as tank crew.
Intel Centre

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Password: CUBAN.
Accepted! Please wait. . . . . . .
Name: Carolyn Antoinette.
Faction: Specialist, BCSEC.
Age: Twenty Two/22.
Sex: Female.
Blood Type: O+
Combat Style: Pilot.
Bio: Born to a military family. Her mother was brutally killed and she was put into critical condition at the age of nine. Joined the sciences division at the age of twelve. Excelled, though mainly through a mixture of her own determination and her father’s influence. Became a pilot at the age of sixteen. Was deployed into her first battles at the age of eighteen. One of the foremost experts of mech piloting.
Known Relationships
Georgia Rhettland: Childhood friend.
Devin Antoinette: Father-daughter.
Alyss: Close friend.
Captain Derek: Friends? (Further Intel Gathering required.)
Name: Morai Lee.
Faction: BCSEC, Sergeant.
Age: 44/Forty Four.
Sex: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Blood Type: A-.
Combat Style: Grunt.
Bio: Relatively unknown. He’s an immigrant from the orient who has shady ties with shadow factions operating within Bunker Chicago. So much so in fact that even intel has failed to get anything worthwhile from him. He is far more important than belies his aged veterancy.
Known Relationships
Devin Antoinette: A business relationship of some sort.
Marie Black: He owes her a large favour of some sort, though they do appear to be friends.
Name: Devin Antoinette.
Faction: BCSEC.
Age: 51/Fifty One.
Sex: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Blood Type: O+
Combat Style: Classified.
Bio: Classified.
Known Relationships
Morai Lee: Business relationship of some sort.
Carolyn Antoinette: Father-Daughter.
Marie Black: Competing authority for control over BCSEC forces. Colonel Marie Black would normally be of a lower rank, though was granted unilateral authority by the Council of ADAM, circumventing regular military authority. Respects her, but is openly unsettled by having his authority overridden by her.
Ryan Dufont: The two share a mutual distaste for one another, but in emergencies will work together for the greater good.
Mirkov: The two are old friends from a defunct mercenary company.
Name: Marie Black.
Faction: BCSEC, Colonel.
Age: 31/Thirty One.
Sex: Female.
Sexuality: Presumable Heterosexual, but does not engage in such activities.
Blood Type: A+
Combat Style: Grunt. There are hints of mutations in her blood but she has refused further tests.
Bio: She grew up in a Jesuit missionary in south-central North America. While a teenager, she tried to defend the Jesuit missionary from a pack of gangbangers and raiders, but was overwhelmed. The missionary was burned to the ground, and she was taken as a trophy. Stories have circulated about the brutality thrown against her, but the only one she has bothered to publicly confirm is that she was violated with a combat knife at one point and thereafter left to die.

Soon after, she was found and rescued by Thirteen Colonies scouting teams. She wandered the towns as a mercenary, then joined BCSEC. She rose through the ranks quickly with her merciless hatred of raiders, and stopped a U-ARM plot to destroy Bunker Chicago with a salvaged nuclear warhead. Seeing her exemplary record, she was brought forth to take command of BCSEC directly by the Council of ADAM.
Known Relationships
Morai Lee: He owes her a favour of some sort.
Devin Antoinette: Tends to show him respect.
Ryan Dufont: Some form of love-hate. Truly only those two understand each other.
Name: Derek. (Last name dropped: Daniels.)
Faction: BCSEC.
Age: 25/Twenty Five.
Sex: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Blood Type: B-
Combat Style: Pilot.
Bio: Years ago, his father in Bunker Washington disowned him. He wandered around aimlessly until he ended up in Bunker Chicago where after a series of small time crimes he was pressed into BCSEC. He has been a pilot of admirable quality and skill, and a ladies man known for his string of conquests. A pleasant enough fellow who avoids his past, like many others.
Known Relationships
Carolyn Antoinette: Friends? (There might be more going on...)
Name: Ryan Dufont. (Council Member of ADAM.)
Faction: CoA.
Age: 28/Twenty Eight.
Sex: Male.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Blood Type: AB.
Combat Style: Grunt.
Bio: Mostly classified, though he has a public service record in Bunker Montreal. Part of that public service record includes witnessing his entire squad being wiped out by zealous anti-mutant U-ARM terrorists. He hunted down and killed every single known member of U-ARM involved in that assault at the age of seventeen, then disappeared. The Council of ADAM announced his appointment one year ago in Bunker Chicago.
Known Relationships
Devin Antoinette: The two share a mutual distaste for each other, but in emergencies will work together.
Marie Black: Love-hate relationship. Only those two can understand each other.
Mirkov: His right hand man.
Richard Miller: A rivalry of some sort.
Name: Mirkov. (Specialist/Mercenary.)
Faction: Self.
Age: ?
Sex: Male.
Sexuality: ?
Blood Type: ?
Combat Style: ?
Bio: ?
Known Relationships
Name: Alyss.
Faction: CoA.
Age: ?
Sex: Female.
Sexuality: ?
Blood Type: ?
Combat Style: ?
Bio: ?
Known Relationships
Name: Eve.
Faction: Shadow Zone.
Age: ?
Sex: Female?
Sexuality: ?
Blood Type:

Combat Style: Shapeshifter/?
Bio: ?
Known Relationships
Adam: A dead shapeshifter, likely close compatriots.
Name: Richard “Franklin” Miller.
Faction: U-ARM, Colonel.
Age: 44/Forty Four.
Sex: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Blood Type: ?
Combat Style: Grunt.
Bio: Richard “Franklin” Miller is one of three faction heads of U-ARM in the Bunker Chicago area. He was ‘voted’ into office by the rest of his military and is known for his usage of strange tactics and eccentric behaviour.
Known Relationships
None so far.

Seeing as how this is huge, I'm punting the next IC post to next weekend. I don't think there will be any objections, do any of you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A tank? We can requisition a tank? I don't suppose non mech pilots can use them, can they? Also, that Project ALPHA looks interesting. What sort of powersuits are we looking at tho? Ironman? The marines from Star Craft?

Brovo said Nanobots.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

My quick off-the-top-of-my-head ordering for development and research. I noticed most of these seem non-pilot oriented, though I guess that's why we have our own scrap.

Mechanical Warhorse

Fire Starter
Variable Structure
Ntap 2.0

Although I don't like killing terrorists for research purposes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 6 days ago


  1. Project LEGIONAIRE

  2. Project SHIELD

  3. Project PLUSHIE

  4. Project ALPHA



  1. Project FIRESTARTER

  2. Project NTAP 2.0

  3. Project NANO

  4. Project OMEGA


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

--#1: Project SHIELD
--#2: Project ALPHA
--#4: Project LEGIONNAIRE
--#5:Project PLUSHIE

--#1: Project FIRESTARTER
--#2: Project NANO
--#3: Project OMEGA
--#5: Project NTAP 2.0
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

--#2: Project NTAP 2.0
--#3: Project NANOBOTS
--#4: Project FIRESTARTER
--#5: Project OMEGA

--#1: Project SHIELD
--#3: Project LEGIONNAIRE
--#4: Project ALPHA
--#5: Project PLUSHIE
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

Banned Offline since relaunch

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kiku and Daniel have come to a joint decision on these changes: So if that counts as two votes or one...*Shrug*

#1: Mechanical Warhorse
#2: Shield
#3: Legionaire
#4: Alpha
#5: Plushie

#1: Variable Structure
#2: Nano
#3: Omega
#4: Firestarter (T-wisted Firestarter)
#5: NTAP 2.0
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

--#1: Firestarter
--#2: NTAP 2.0
--#3: Variable Structure
--#4: Nano
--#5: Omega

--#1: Shield
--#2: Alpha
--#3: Plushie
--#4: Mechanical Warhorse
--#5: Legionnaire
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