DarkwolfX37 said
Περαιτέρω πίσω στη συνέχεια; Είναι το καλύτερο ή ακόμα; Πίσω περισσότερα; Δεν έχετε μιλήσει; Οχι, αυτό είναι το παράδοξο της γλώσσας του τώρα. Καταλαβαίνετε;
αυτό κάνει το έργο. είναι το πιο εύκολο για μένα να κατανοήσω.
DarkwolfX37 said
Περαιτέρω πίσω στη συνέχεια; Είναι το καλύτερο ή ακόμα; Πίσω περισσότερα; Δεν έχετε μιλήσει; Οχι, αυτό είναι το παράδοξο της γλώσσας του τώρα. Καταλαβαίνετε;
LegendBegins said
Well to put it simply, I have it.
Para said
Oh. Okay.
Para said
*my eyes flash orange*
DarkwolfX37 said
LegendBegins said
It's complicated overall, but that's the gist.
Legend said
Could any beings be more of a waste of space?
Para said
Legend said
I am not a player of your pitiful game.
Legend said
Could any beings be more of a waste of space?
whizzball1 said
*appears* Hi again! I wanted to ask you your name, but I never got it!!
Legend said
That's a shame.
whizzball1 said
What's your name??
Legend said
That is for you to find out at some later time.
whizzball1 said
But- But- *pats him* Please?? I need to know the names of everypony so I can refer to them correctly!
Legend said
*It seems like I become more blocky and less detailed, until I turn back to normal with a spring in my hand*
whizzball1 said
Ooh! A spring! *starts bouncing around* I'll call you Planty because you have green hair and a spring!
Legend said
*Starts stretching it*Sound waves... infused with magic.