Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrHorus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Recoil, Mikadzuki." Enma murmured as the snake rose and began to crawl clumsily towards Enma. "Darian-san always had a strong arm for a fight. Well, he does get some intense training while in the bathroom... Even Mikadzuki's scales have been severely cracked from just a piece of wood... Imagine a real sword." Enma chuckled as the snake began to coil around his body. Enma crouched as he began to calculate his next moves. Darian knows that Enma needs to 'hear' his surroundings in order to fight... In this case, Enma's strength is also his weakness. "Darian-san would strike at the perfect time where I can't hear any trace from him, and if I don't hear anything... I can't see anything. What a pickle." Enma chuckled to himself as the snake began to raise its head slowly. "You got a good scent from his attack, didn't you, Mikadzuki? Well. Track him." Enma ordered as the snake began to flick out its tongue quickly. "Envenom me, Mikadzuki."

The snake spewed a red liquid from its mouth which dripped along Enma's katana. "Go back to sniffing." Enma ordered as the snake flicked out its tongue once more. "One strike will make the difference... between his life, and my death." Enma mumbled to himself as he crouched low, readying himself for an attack. Enma's nimble fingers brushed through the bells as the hollowed tolls echoed through the woods. "Your move, Darian-san."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hache clanched his towards his chest to reveal a small sack of a chunky liquid like butter that he threw at the large snake with a smile under his mask before running. "hehehe how do you like that, it's pure spoiled animal fat, good luck dealing with someone as amazing as that man when you can't even deal with the stench around you" he said with a snicker as he revealed his chest showing strang after strand of small jars and sacks or balls of liquids of diffrent shapes and sizes. Throwing the coat he haphazardly wore before skidding off at break neck speed with his laughter following for a short time before he saw the shadow of his bulky allie in this fight. "hey you need to cover your heat get in some mud"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 10 days ago

Kane jumoped back and looked at the two. He looked at them both and said "Gentleman...if its a fight you want then bring it...." He looked at the snake and rose a eyebrow. He closed his eyes trying to hear for Darian or smell for him. "If we all calm down we can discuss this conflict peacefully." Kane had both wrist blades out and was ready to fight them if needed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Darian growled at Hache, "I won't win this fight by playing dirty much less with help from you," then to Enma "Go wash that off and i'll deal with you later." Darian finally turned to face Kane, Darian was slightly puzzeled by Kane closing his eyes since Darian was right in front of Kane but he figured it was just Kane being wierd "i never figured you would be the to pick a fight, but if your on Enma's side then your not on mine." Darian raised his log above his head, and swinging down with full force he suddenly appeared in front of Kane with his log inches form Kane's head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrHorus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Enma flinched as he detected a projectile heading towards him. He tried to slash in the direction of the projectile, but as it turned out, it was liquid. The volatile and putrid concoction splashed Enma and Mikadzuki. The foul stench took its toll as Enma and Mikadzuki showed signs of distress. "Shit... As it turns out... I have no ally here." Enma cursed as he tried to minimize the putrid scent This could be the chance Darian was looking for, but surprise, surprise, Darian didn't take his chance.

"Honorable as always, are you not, Darian-san?" Enma chuckled as he coughed roughly. Enma stumbled as the smell was driving his nervous system whack. "Mikadzuki-sama... Our plan is falling apart. Our plan was supposedly to act as a powerful foe against each village... This way... the Igans and the Kougans will unite against a single foe. They will be reminded that only united will they stand." Enma communicated with the snake. "I need to escape, and plan my next move." Enma decided as the snake slithered its way to the center of the combat field.

"Herald the way of truth, Mikadzuki!" Enma roared as the snake erupted into a large cloud of poisons which began to slowly cover the area around them. Enma groggily stood up as he rang his bells and began to make his escape. Enma swerved from tree to tree, bumping into debris and such. He was aiming to return to the deeper part of the forest... there, he could recuperate. The blind lad stumbled as his feet began to experience fatigue.

"I must escape... I need to." Enma panted to himself as he relied on the bells to prevent him from bumping into something every five seconds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 10 days ago

Kane blocked the log with his blades and cursed "Darian! I am on the side of my village! But I dont want to contribute to this madness anymore. Please Darian help me end this madness I know together we can do this." Kane jumped back "I wont fight anymore..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Darian gave Kane a long considering look, "Very well then, threaten not my village and i shall do the same to you," Then he cursed as Enma caused poisen to cover the whole clearing, he dropped his log and taking a big breath running into the center of it picking up Mirrai, Hota, and Ogen, and running back out of the cloud to his village.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrHorus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Enma stumbled as he hurled against the soil encrusted floor of the forest. The stench was almost gone, but he was still feeling lightheaded. Enma stood up groggily as he made his way to a huge tree in the center of the clearing. He raised his sword and plunged it into the trunk of the tree, causing the blade to glow red. "Mikadzuki will return in a few days... I just need to hold out until then." Enma sighed as he began to feel better. Enma leaned on the tree as he curled up into a ball, similar to how a child would when scared. For Enma, he was still a child. The warrior began to shiver as he felt his eyes moisten. If a person would go to the deeper parts of the forest, he would hear a soft wailing... An animal? A beast? No one knows. No one will ever know.

Suddenly, snakes began to spawn out of the ground... they all seemed to converge on one location. A sinister voice echoed:

"Violence to end the violence."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Darian finally arrived at the village breathing hard and dropped off his three passengers in the cot that held the injured. He was almost disgusted by how weak they were still not recovered from mere moments spent in Enma's poisen. He tried to banish those thought from his head but they stayed needling at the back of his mind. Darain went into his cottage and fully equipped himself, next time a fight broke out, he would not be ignored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hache sighed as he ran fast towards his village, he had let his lust for skinning get to him, he had almost skinned a human. Pulling his mask off to reveal the pale completion of a thin frame and surprisingly pretty face. "I should warn the village" he said hoping they wont know who he is, as they'd think him a freak if they saw the mask. Though ashamed of himself for attempting to start a fight he was proud that he had managed to stop darian from perishing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Darian stalked through the woods angrily, maybe Enma was right, maybe the hearts of both villages were corrupt but Enma was wrong as well. If the villages were that corrupt then they didn't deserve to live uniting them under one leader was pointless, evil should have no place here. He swiped at a nearby tree cutting it in half and listened to it fall. As it landed on the ground it's rot become evident and it shattered into pieces. Darian watched the tree solemly, perhaps the villages needed to have their rot removed as well, he countied walking through the forest thinking on what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Clip, clop, clip, clop, goes the hooves Axles horse went as it sauntered into the village of Iga, "Hmm... This village looks pleasant, perhaps they would like to purchase my wears." Axle says wind drafting through his hair. "I will have to find the leader of this village and find where I can set up shop." He continues out loud
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrHorus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kuro Higi ~ Iga Village

The small party arrived back into the sanctuary that was the village. They were battered, weakened, and exhausted. Five went out, four returned. It didn't take long for the villagers to catch on to what was happening, and their scrying eyes were signalling to each other, as if saying: "I told you so."

The villagers began to raise their guards as everyone now began to carry their weapons with them. Suddenly, a stranger appeared in their territory. This event prompted defense as the igan warriors, clad in garbs of war, fiercely surrounded the unknown entity. A man clad in black garbs stood out from the battle formation as he spoke in a calm tone.

"I would say that it's nice to see you... but I don't want to lie. Something has happened in our village, and we don't want further damage." Korogi, one of the village's distinguished warriors spoke with authority. "Now, quicken your tongue and speak not filth. What is your purpose here?"

Shiro Kuma ~ Kouga Village

The air was still in the Kouga village. It was as if they were expecting something. Suddenly, a new face had arrived. A boy with pale complexion, and a noticeable appearance. For most, it was an unusual sight, but for Danjo, the leader, it was someone he knew.

"Hache-kun. You look battered. Don't tell me you engaged the Igans in battle?" Danjo asked with a stern reprimand in his voice.

Fukkatsu no Shutsugen ~ Enma

From the darkness of the leaves that had danced over the forest, came a new figure. A warrior clad in new black garments, a new katana hanging at the waist. A trail of serpents followed its footsteps as the same echoing of bells resonated through the silent forest. A soft voice echoed... cold yet solemn.

"Enma Youhei... My name was the mixture of my father, Ennen, and my mother, Mahou. As the third child, they gave me the honor of bestowing upon me their names. They had high expectations of me. However, they were dismayed though... I was born blind, I couldn't see what others could. I was useless. In order to hide their shame, they hid me from the world, they hid my existence. How did they hide it? They changed who I am." the voice trailed off.

"I was forced to find my own light, away from the village. Here in in the deep forests, I found the god of rebirth, Mikadzuki. He who manages the cycle of life and death. Mikadzuki was an unpopular god. No one worshiped him, yet, he gave me a place to stay. He welcomed me, and so I considered him as the only god that existed in this world. The only god that gave light to those in darkness, such as myself. Mikadzuki-sama showed me the truths of the world. He showed me how things should be. He showed me how humans could be united. So, I became his herald."

"My blind eyes saw a greater light than all those who had normal eyes could see. Mikadzuki-sama gave me a light that not even my village could give. He gave me truth, and I was the process."

"I did mention that my parents hid my true identity. Iga is a matriarchal village, hence, the glory of having a daughter. I was turned into something that reflected their shame... a son. They hid my true identity, they hid the real me. However, now, I discovered who I truly am."

The figure appeared in the light. Long and straight locks of hair fell to her shoulders, her eyes still unseeing.

"I am Enma Youhei... Daughter of Mikadzuki. Herald of the Renaissance." Enma spoke, a girl in nature, and a girl in her right. "No longer will I hide under a man's identity."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sir I bare the shame of allowing the urges get the best of me, but they turned on themselves and a nuisance much worse than I was dispatched, I will allow whatever punishment you give me" the young boy said in a knew coat and he hoped no one had heard his name. To think that without his mask he was more than a feral mask. The girls often murmured of him with blushes when he walked without the primitive mask and the others talked to him with true interest in what and who he was, smiles appeared end everyone did what they pleased. Thought that mask had caused him all this pain he loved it. It was all he had from his parents. "sir I believe we shouldn't let people into the forest for a short time"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrHorus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shiro Kuma ~ Kouga Village

Danjo shook his head, disappointment in his voice was evident. "Remember, Hache-kun, the mark of a true man is not by the strength of his arm or the length of his beard. The mark of a man is his capacity to love, to forgive and forget." Danjo spoke with authority and reprimand. "You are a good warrior, Hache-kun. Not many have a heart such as yours. The only thing separating us from animals is our capacity to reason, and if you let go of reason, then what's the difference between you and a worm?" Danjo continued as he pounded his cane on the ground.

"For your punishment, you shall hunt for us... Your quota must be for at least four families." Danjo ordered as he sighed. Then, he tapped Hache on his shoulder as if comforting him. "You are a good man, Hache-kun, don't let go of that."

Suddenly, Hache-kun mentioned of not going into the forest.

"What makes you say that, Hache-kun?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"the rouge of there group, he had a snake with him, it saw sending poisons all over the forest, I fear that the animals will be in danger but anyone who goes deep may be effected as well" hache said as he allowed his head to face the ground. He wasn't sure what took over him but the fact he hadn't allowed his katar to become blooded was all he cared about it would make him sick to his stomach knowing he had skinned a human alive as he thought about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Darian stopped as a terrible feeling of unease came over him, something bad had just happened. He looked around for the source of it but didn't see anything, he hurried back to his village in case something had happened there
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Axle greeted by this sudden hostility treated it like any other time. "Hello, folks. The name is Axle Niebo, world traveler and trader of antiquities." He says standing up with a bow. "Now I would love to chat, but may I ask who is the I can speak to to begin selling here?'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrHorus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kuro Higi ~ Iga Village

Korogi gave the man a disgusted look as he pulled out a knife. "Our leader, Ogen-sama, is still resting and won't be awake for a while. Until then, you will answer MY questions. Got it, outsider?" Korogi roared as he saw Darian heading towards the village. "Before I turn you into a pin cushion, I will graciously ask you again... What is your purpose here?" Korogi said in a sinister voice as one of the igans approached Darian.

"Darian-san... We're glad you're safe. The village has been ordered into a lock down, and this, err, traveler asks for permission to enter." Mia, one of the female officers reported.

Shiro Kuma ~ Kouga Village

Danjo sat on a wooden chair as he sighed in despair. "If that's the case... It wouldn't be safe to hunt. That poison could have affected the animals as well, and if we consume those infected, we could be facing imminent destruction. Curses..." Danjo pounded his wrinkled fist on the wooden chair. "Wait a minute... is this rogue you speak of... named as Enma? Does this person cover his face? Is he blind?" Danjo launched a series of questions as he stood up abruptly. "There's only one poison user in the Iga as far as I'm concerned. But to think that Enma has betrayed his village would mean that he is planning something. This is bad." Danjo mumbled as he pointed his cane to Hache.

Danjo walked around a bit as if he was deep in thought. "Hache-kun, should you find Enma once more... kill him." Danjo said in a morbid tone. "He's far too dangerous to be left alone... Beware a man who has nothing to lose."

Fukkatsu no Shutsugen ~ Enma

Enma trudged through the forest as she mumbled complex incantations. She didn't have any other power aside from summoning an avatar of Mikadzuki... rather, her affiliation with Mikadzuki allowed her to communicate with the god's servants.

"Step One: Arouse the Horde." Enma chuckled in a light tone as she continued with her incantations. "Step Two: Raise Hell."

She continued to walk around the great tree, the branches began to dimly glow.

"Step Three: Inspire Fear." Enma stopped at the base of the tree as she took off her garments, and opened a small space within the trunk. Revealed there was a small pool of clear and clean water. She dipped herself in it as she felt the cold liquid soften her tensed muscles. "Step Four: Welcome Death."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"As you wish, like I said before I'm a trader of antiquities, and travel the world, that has brought me here to your nice village of..." Axle begins to draw a blank. "...this place." He actually does not know where he is, typically he hears of near by villages by the people around the village but its as if this town is completely cut off from every where else. "In fact, as a show of good faith..." he sticks his head into the back of his carriage and pulls out a small rune, "...I give you sir a light stone." he holds a long rock no more than 2 inches long and the tip starts to glow just abit. He hands the pushy man the light stone.
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