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A little dude trying to write some fun things with other people. I love to talk with people (especially about different media such as movies, books, comics, art and cartoons).

Most Recent Posts

Name: Aari Campbell
Gender: Non-binary, but begrudgingly accepts masculine pronouns.
Background: Aari was a young man when he moved to Indonesia for to enroll in one of the many medical schools there. At the time time, 2053, Indonesia was a rich, powerful country and he enjoyed his days exploring the city, meeting other students, and studying what he felt was his calling. In 2065 the war occurred and Aari, a surgical nurse, was transferred to a military base to treat soldiers. These following years took a toll on Aari's young mind as he encountered violence, gore, and worse. In those years Aari hit lows, and drugs became a solace, mostly stolen prescription pills and cocaine. When Aari was relieved of duty he did not continue his contract with the military, but it hardly mattered. Two years later the war would end, and his addiction to drugs grew. As his life slipped into a cycle of debauchery and hedonism, his focus on work and school slipped. Eventually, he would lose his license to work when a fellow nurse caught him stealing pills.

Aari's drug debt piled up quickly and after a violent shootout, the Cobras came for him. They beat him senselessly and narrowly he avoided a gruesome death when he convinced them he could be of use. Aari now takes care of the wounded criminals and mobsters the Cobras employ. Bound by his debts, his fears, and his desires, he remains loyal to the Cobras and he been a major asset to the leaders. He keeps their men healthy and alive, installs cybernetics, and has been teaching others to do the same.

@Kumbaris can do! I'm an American so I'm pretty clueless but researching for roleplays is something I find extremely fun. Concider this an entertaining challenge for me
@Kumbaris that's fair. I don't know much about the citizenship laws of Indonesia but this is an Australian who would have been living in Indonesia for about 5 years before the war started. He came to Indonesia for college (med school so I figured that by that time he would be a citizen in the country.

If it is an issue for the setting I can easily change that asoect of my character.
Name: Aari Campbell
Gender: Non-binary, but begrudgingly accepts masculine pronouns.
Background: Aari was a young man when he moved to Indonesia for to enroll in one of the many medical schools there. At the time time, 2053, Indonesia was a rich, powerful country and he enjoyed his days exploring the city, meeting other students, and studying what he felt was his calling. In 2065 the war occurred and Aari, a surgical nurse, was transferred to a military base to treat soldiers. These following years took a toll on Aari's young mind as he encountered violence, gore, and worse. In those years Aari hit lows, and drugs became a solace, mostly stolen prescription pills and cocaine. When Aari was relieved of duty he did not continue his contract with the military, but it hardly mattered. Two years later the war would end, and his addiction to drugs grew. As his life slipped into a cycle of debauchery and hedonism, his focus on work and school slipped. Eventually, he would lose his license to work when a fellow nurse caught him stealing pills.

Aari's drug debt piled up quickly and after a violent shootout, the Cobras came for him. They beat him senselessly and narrowly he avoided a gruesome death when he convinced them he could be of use. Aari now takes care of the wounded criminals and mobsters the Cobras employ. Bound by his debts, his fears, and his desires, he remains loyal to the Cobras and he been a major asset to the leaders. He keeps their men healthy and alive, installs cybernetics, and has been teaching others to do the same.

The roleplay just started and I already love it. Can't wait to see where this goes!
Hey Nesy. Longtime dungeon master here, one that has had experience dungeon mastering 1 x 1. It's a lot harder to do without a second player but I think I am up for the challenge. I've wanted to actually use one of the many worlds I have built only to be told people want to stick to faerun (Dungeons and dragons) or the world of darkness (Vampire the masquerade). If you're still looking for a dungeon master's please dm me! I would gladly accept any friends of yours too! We'd likely either play first addition, a custom system of my own, or a simple system like Lazers and feelings or Dungeon World.

Here are some settings I have that match up with your interest:

Forenia: A magical world suffering a plague that only the clergy can cure. The population is low, people suffer diseases, curses and magic is wild and erratic. Adventurer's are the seldom few who dare travel between the large cities, risking life and limb for the freedom, isolation, and secrets that lie just outside the gates.
-Low fantasy
-Dark themes

Sabrin: A world where ancient technology and magic are the most dangerous weapons and most intuitive advances. Ancient stargates have been uncovered and agents of various factions on the world send adventurer's to chart new worlds and try to uncover the mysteries of the 'ancient ones'.
-high fantasy
-Science fantasy

I can try to include romance but don't expect me to perform a miracle.
I too am looking to join a masquerade game. I recently got the rulebook and the old game and have been enamored since.
Dang, just a few hours too late. Oh well, can't wait to read the rp.
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