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Je suis un homme qu'adorer le RPG, jeux vidéo, et histoire. Si vous veux jeux avec moi, envoye un PM en RPGuild et Discord.

If you can read that. Then as long as I have time. I'm happy to Roleplay with you. I'm okay with my French, but don't expect a Masters Thesis level of French from me.

I'm also cool with Roleplaying in English though!

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Amanda kept herself silent as the team talked amongst themselves, the various agents trawling the location and even arresting Angelica Faith. Putting the witch in cuffs as she is slowly being led to a paddywagon. More witches from the coven emerged and she noticed that reactions were all over the place, from shock, to anger, to disbelief, to even sadness. The Android made sure to make a mental note, revisiting the Faith manor once more with Morgana when this all blows over is of utter importance, preferably with someone who can act as a mediator between the two.

Maybe Hecate’s willing to do that? She’s personally not sure, but someone that specialises in magic for sure would be needed to accompany her.

Up to this point, no major Witch’s coven has even cooperated with the OMR regarding anything, and such a situation needs a rapid change lest things continue to deteriorate, the thought of Witches being terrorists crossed through her mind, and the white-haired woman couldn’t help but shudder at the thought. But enough of that! She just got news from various OMR sources on her comms antennae, and it is a doozy for sure!

And oh boy... was it a doozy...

“Well, hello there Lhoris!” The android then turned towards the Elf, bowing politely. “I know the situation’s a bit chaotic right now, but you can get your ingredients for your potions later. We have to fly back to Frankfurt ASAP. The evidence collected in the Witch’s coven will no doubt help our investigation, but we are already compiling enough stuff that we can make arrests right now. Some of our friends in the French, Dutch, Belgian, and Polish offices are already preparing to submit evidence to local courts and issue arrest warrants right now. It appears that all I have all of you to thank! So thank you!” She bowed down to the rest of the team. “And man… those OMR tech wizards really do work fast. I just got an update that they are cracking Angelica’s 2nd computer, apparently your mom has 2 computers Morgana?” She glanced at the Heretical researcher. “No matter, evidence should be compiled, decrypted, and organised by the time we arrive in Frankfurt. I have already reserved a meeting room to gather the added information from our friends scouring the Faith mansion currently.”

And so, just like most missions, they piled up to the car once more and quickly went to the nearest airport. Amanda was silent as she drove the vehicle, the black SUV she rented from the nearest OMR office slowly piling up with more figures once more. She was the one driving the car, but anyone who even glanced at her knew that something was wrong. Her usual vivid look turned paler, and paler as the group slowly approached the nearest airport. “Just so you know. Madeleine has been slowly working with the IT team in Frankfurt too, and the evidence is being submitted to OMR offices all over Europe, that’s partly why we are seeing movement right now.” She told her team, the unnerved look on her face visible as a whale surfacing to the surface after a long dive. Amanda contemplated for a moment, wanting to share the information when they arrive back in their Headquarters, a silent battle raging in her Processing Unit between withholding the information or sharing it for everyone to hear.

In the end, however, Amanda could only be herself.

“Fine… alright alright!” The android responded, seemingly to an imaginary observer by the looks of it. “I have to tell you this since she requested it. But the director of the OMR is coming to see us directly. She is boarding a flight right now and will reach our office in, like, 8-9 hours. She told me to ‘be on your guard, the likeliest suspect is someone I know very, very well. Will doubtlessly have thousands of years of combat experience, and is very proficient with magic.’” She finished her sentence, now her tension was visible for everyone to see. “She also told me that this is almost certainly a god, and a very ancient one. So… I don’t know about that one.”

“Heheh…” Amanda said nervously. “Just… prepare for a fight against a god guys! I can only tell you that some gods and goddesses can be really arrogant, and you can use that arrogance against them. Just know that I’ll try to help you the best way we can!” She finished, projecting a false sense of self-confidence towards the team, it's the least she could do now with the information she had on hand.

In truth, the sudden message from the Director unnerved her. Amanda has fought many a deity throughout her life, mostly in sparring rounds, and not involving magic. And it’s usually a 50/50, mostly due to them not being able to fire spells and enhance their already unnaturally strong physique. She has calculated that the odds of winning fights against a deity that did not hold back is in the rounds of 15-20%, not something Amanda likes to know about, although admittedly that is with one person, and currently Amanda has her whole team…

Hopefully, she will win the fight against Mr. X should things come to a head.

The walk toward the Faith Manor's front entrance was easier than Amanda would’ve thought. Morgana's knowledge of navigating among the winding corridors and many, many rooms inside the Faith manor was useful. However, Amanda could still only gawk at the various fineries inside the manor itself. Statues of ancient pre-Christian witches, great enchanted artifacts that are still seemingly functional even after hundreds of years being interned inside the house, and the curious look of several younger witches when they see their new Mistress of the house walking alongside an Android, and OMR agents to the left and right.

They exited into the massive courtyard, into the litany of various OMR agents that quickly stormed through the front door of the Faith manor, intent on capturing the former headmistress of the Faith family, capture and attempted murder of OMR agents are both crimes within the British legal system, and Morgana’s mother is most likely heading to a trial in the coming months. But that doesn’t really concern Amanda right now, the details of the legal case will be hammered most likely by some political machinations. This is the Faith family after all, and such a severe judgment of a senior witch will most likely have massive ramifications within the British magical world.

“Oh, are you Lhoris?” Amanda quickly approached the elf. “Hi there! It’s nice to meet you! My name is Unit 13K, or you can call me Amanda if you don’t want such a technical name. I’m the agent in charge of capturing Mr. X, and I heard that you are the new member of the team, no?” The robot asked her, quickly turning her head towards the rest of the team. She quickly introduced Lhoris to them. “Everyone! This is the new agent I’ve been talking about earlier. I heard she’s a great healer, and her backstory is also quite interesting. But I think I’d let Lhoris introduce herself to the rest of the group first.”

She then made way for Lhoris to introduce herself. Anxious as to what she has to tell.

It didn't take long for Amanda to be freed from her bonds as Morgana lowered the cage for all of the captured OMR Agents, and decided to free Amanda first with the collar and her various bonds gone, she had already decided to call in for reinforcements the moment the collar was let loose by her Witch Friend, and was busy turning her servos and motors throughout her body, seemingly stretching her body all over the place, looking on as everyone was slowly freed from their cages. "I will tell you this Morgana. I am very proud of you." She said towards the British witch. "You fought well, you made sure your mother underestimated you, and you exploited that hubris perfectly. I saw how you unveiled that witch's bottle at the end, and I could not ask for a better conclusion."

"Alright gang!" She said towards the rest of the team that was now, at this point, released. "We will leave escaping this house to Morgana for the moment, since I think there might be some traps and wards here that we don't know about. But I've already called in reinforcements and OMR agents should be arriving at the house anytime now. I've put forward the highest priority SOS you could possibly think of, so expect the cavalry to come in and swoop in."

She was about to turn towards Morgana, but her head then tilted upwards as an invisible signal seemingly coursed through the Android's head. "Well. We have an OMR task force coming up right now, ETA 15 minutes, and there are some rumours that we might have someone that might join our team. HQ is sending someone as a dedicated healer into our team after our good Orc Dura left for someplace else. Just as a heads up."

"But. Anyway." She finally then turned to Morgana, looking at the witch and smiling. "What should we do with your mom? And how are we going to get out of this witch's house?"
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The job did indeed take a while. Meeting the individual and escorting him through the outskirts of the city is indeed a full workday, there were thankfully no distractions or any ambushes someone carrying as many valuables as the charity truck is usually struck with, but they are in enemy territory, and it is important to take note of that fact, Eno, Xiang Min, and Julia were pretty tense throughout the mission, the stories of ambushes that Xiang Min has heard were... quite gruesome in its details. Although both Xiang Min and Julia softened as the happy faces of children taking new clothes, eating good food, and listening to Xiang Min tell stories of the various 'adventures' she has had throughout her relatively short life more than made up for the general misery they saw while the truck drove through the city itself.

It was an overall great time, and Xiang Min was more than happy to assist anyone who has a charitable cause that can lessen the burden of citizens living in this hellhole. Hopefully, Julia felt fulfilled doing this task as well, at least she seemed happy when Xiang Min looked at her. "Ah, I love my job, Julia. Can't you tell?" She told her, both of them currently walking through the spire, just settling down after a job well done. Eno already left for the night, so it's just the two of them for now. "I wonder where my sister is, I know that she wants to have her bike serviced today, but I'm kinda worried about her y'know? Maybe I can have you shadow her for tomorrow's job hmm? Whaddaya think?" She teased her a little.

Just as the mood was about to lift to higher spirits, however. Xiang Min's eyes caught something at the edge of her vision. "Wait... Julia." She outstretched her hand, preventing the mercenary from walking. "Look... at, that."

Out of the corner of her eye. Both figures could see it, she noticed it from experience, it's a body bag, not something you would typically put in an alley somewhere. "What?" She muttered, slowly going towards the body bag. "I've seen this bag way too many times in my life, but bodybags are usually not left in an alley like this unless there is someone that wants to do something with the corpse..." Pulling off the zipper. The blonde woman was shocked by the dead body of the Sk8ter that died that night. "Hey, Julia... you see this? This is the same Sk8ter that died and was on the news a while back. I thought an EMT took care of it... Why is it here?"

"I mean... this is my theorizing, but I think the EMT crew that put the body and carted it off to a hospital might be working for someone else. Pretty easy once the paperwork's all done to put in a fake bodybag and put this stuff on an undisclosed location somewhere for someone else to pick it up." But that begs another question, just who is this person specifically? And why was he killed in the first place? Shouldn't the killer loot the equipment as well to reverse engineer them? Considering the wealth of cybernetics present throughout the person's body. Seemingly unmolested after his death. "Hey uhh, Julia. I might want to call in an SDS EMT team right here. Cross-reference it with our citizen database and probably drop his body at his parent's door or something. It's the least we could do." She didn't mention it, but the intel gathered from the equipment lying around would probably also mean that they could decrypt Sk8ter chatter. A potentially massive bargaining chip for any future use. "Can you guard the entrance while I make some calls right now? Thanks."

Mingfan was a bit skeptical at Alese's aside, saying she won't need to drive the bike with assists anymore? That is quite the brave statement coming from the blonde woman. Aside from that one incident involving some gangers that nearly killed her, she never really felt the need to seriously drive without assists and be some badass she knows she isn't. She's not like her older sister, who can probably kill an entire army of trained MCPD Officers and potentially get away with nary a scar on her. She's Mingfan Purnama, the person that barely knows one end of her house to another! Not some amazing talented driver that can drive all the way from the edge of the Megacity straight into the spire in just a day!

On top of that. Alese is asking her to drove by a Demonio infested Stadium?!? What happens if she gets robbed or worse! True she got her rifle on her back, but that's a more long range weapon! Not something she can whip out immediately like her older sister's gauntlet guns! Both of them would be practically defenceless should some Demonio goon took some interest in two young girls practicing on their bikes. Ohhhh, what would Xiang Min even do if she heard of the situation? The scolding she would get from her big sister about being reckless is going to be legendary, she knows her big sister cares for her. She's the only family she's got now that her parents are gone. But damn does her scoldings feel... a little bit strong for her tastes.

And it is in that context that Mingfan made her response. "Sure. I'll take a look for sometime when I'm free." She replied to Alese's offer. "I think I have sometime later today, but I'm not really sure about that. Is it okay if I call you to see what's up?" She further said. "Oh... and thanks for the service. Payment's... already wired to your account Alese. Is that everything you need?"

Upon hearing Alese's opinions and thoughts. Mingfan went into a sort of trance, bouncing ideas off of her head to see what she should do, her opinions, while certainly interesting, did not please her, and admittedly she can kinda understand why. Those big tires will not only kill the look of the bike but also make it unwieldy, although she kind of expected Alese to make do with the thinner tires and engineer her way through to some form of solution. What is interesting however is the offer Alese made to teach her how to ride her bike, it's true that she barely got her license to ride, and her bike primarily serves as a means of taking her from A to B, not really needing some delicate input from herself. But honestly? With how things are going right now, perhaps making sure she really knows her bike is something that Mingfan ought to consider.

"Hmmm..." She mulled over her options. "I still want the spinny wheel thing Alese, but first of all, I'll take up on your offer to ride the bike. What place do you have in mind that we can do this?" She asked. Preparing to bring her bike back. Much to her relief as the rain started dying down outside the garage. "I've always wanted to know this bad boy a lil bit more personally, never got too much time for that sadly, with work and life and all that."

Perhaps Julia didn't expect it. But the moment Xiang Min heard Julia accept the offer, even on the condition that her benefactors' priority takes first place. She smiled as wide as the rising sun on a clear day, the energy visibly changed, with Xiang Min being one massive ray of sunshine in an otherwise sterile corporate office. "That's fantastic! Love to see you work here Julia! Hmmm. Min-Ha, maybe you can accompany us for a short while, is the job you're doing right now super urgent?" She proceeded to ask the operator besides her, which only resulted in a shaking head from the black-haired woman's part. "Perfect! Why don't you accompany us for a day hmm? You can do your recruitment tomorrow or the day after." She ordered the woman. "Oh, and Julia. This is Min-Ha Park, codename Eno. One of our most capable Security Officers, and actually is the Chief of Security for the entire company. One of the best fighters I've ever had the pleasure of working with, and knows her ways with damn near any gun you can think of, an amazing woman to work with. And she'll be accompanying us for today while we search for what jobs today are available for you to take!"

Xiang Min ushered both of them downstairs, taking a turbo elevator to a floor below, near the entrance of the massive SDS headquarters. The trio was then greeted by an army of screens, lounge chairs, and various SDS Personnel walking about. "Welcome to the common area Julia!" She introduced the area. "This is a common area where SDS personnel can hang out and chill out while in between assignments, we have restaurants over there, recreational areas over there, but... here's the nice part." She said. Walking towards a screen where a bunch of information is being filtered. "This. Is the pending jobs list. A sort of dumping ground for any SDS personnel that has a job coming up, but would like this job to be assigned to someone else, obviously, if the job is not taken beyond a certain deadline. It will be automatically assigned to anyone who hasn't had any jobs at the moment. But do take a look, Julia. There are a ton of jobs available here that you might get interested in."

"Also, side note, sometimes I take some jobs myself if I feel especially adventurous, not the highest risk ones of course, but ones that will give me a good look at different facets of the city always gets me going." She said while looking at Julia staring at the screen.

"Hmmm." Xiang Min thought, looking closer to the screen. "So it appears that there is a job where you can escort a charity van to the outer edges of the city, a job where you can escort some rich heir into an underground club, and a job delivering a parcel to another SDS facility, obviously the parcel must not be opened during the delivery. Hmm, what do you think Julia? They all seem to be pretty promising leads."

The first thing Julia would see upon entering her personal office was a dark-haired, seemingly emotionless woman who was just handing over a document to Xiang Min. The blonde-haired woman meanwhile, sitting in a comfortable leather chair reviewed it. "Yes, Eno. I know the situation, just recruit whatever you need from the open pool, get this job done, and... oh. On second thought, hold on for a moment, can you just stand there while I talk to her? Thanks." She said, with the black-haired woman only nodding in response. One could notice that she might be suffering from some program stasis, but it is unknown if it's just mild program stasis or just her natural personality. Her aura certainly exudes a certain coldness to anyone who looks at her.

She turned her attention back towards Julia, a knowing smile coming from Xiang Min. "Hey, Julia! It's nice to see you again! Welcome to the office! I know that the elevator ride downstairs is a bit... unusual, but honestly, this is the cheapest piece of land in the Spire where I can have free reign to design our new headquarters, I hope you don't find it too intimidating." Continuing on. Xiang Min stood upwards. The woman beside her, dressed in full tactical gear, simply stared at either her boss or at Julia, seemingly making sure that nobody made any move to threaten one another. "I was just... wondering Julia. About my offer. I offered you a small position in my company on Saturday after a fun day hanging out with each other, just some employee, pretty much damn near full flexibility in what jobs you want to take as long as you can do it, and you can keep your contacts in E-Street active. As long as you don't go against SDS, I'm more than willing to take you in"

"Think about it. This is an opportunity, Julia, I did not lie when I said I want to make the Megacity a better place. I can place you in protecting some really vulnerable individuals who only mean well. Not like the other... less than scrupulous individuals that most of my other employees protect. You can go on various adventures too! Along with me as well! You can be my bodyguard, you can hang out with me, and the next day you can take a job where some honest soul needs some assistance getting their charity van out of a Demonio ambush. I'll make sure you stay clear if E-Street or Black Maria is involved. But otherwise, yeah, damn near full flexibility."

She then walked over to a cabinet, grabbed a piece of canned grape juice, and then drank it. "Sorry. My throat's a bit parched after talking with a ton of people today. Do you want some?"

She then waited for Julia to reply. Not expecting anything for a moment. The truth of the matter is she saw someone who needed a fresh start in life, not unlike the woman wearing the tactical vest standing beside her table right now. She is E-Street, she is perfectly capable of winning a gunfight, and she seems to be someone who wants to remake herself to be better, Xiang Min thinks that this offer she's making is very, very generous. Especially compared to what some other security companies are doing right now. Ultimately though, she knows that this is Julia's choice, and she doesn't want to force her hand if she still needs some time to think.

"Selamat Siang!" Mingfan responded to the drone. One of the few traditions her family still maintains is that their ancestor's language should be taught to all future successors of the Purnama family, alongside a choice suite of other languages. Mingfan also decided to take some ancient German as a hobby, and instantly recognized the drone saying hello to her. "Didn't know your drone could speak ancient German Alese." She said. Walking towards the garage. "Is your drone broken or something? I'm not some crazy programmer that can hack Geonet or anything, but I can certainly reconfigure the setup of the drone to modern English if you want."

Looking at the garage. Mingfan proceeded to wave her hand at Alese's father, his face also a familiar figure to the Co-CEO, and was busy looking at the various cars when Alese made her comment. "I know it's rainy, but I've been thinking about this setup for months. Alese, and I think you might appreciate the challenge." She said before pulling out her phone from her skirt pocket and showing a short video. "I found this while browsing the archives of ancient literature, It's a scene from some Superhero movie lost to time. Can you see the bike the dark superhero's riding have their wheels turn like that? Yeah. I want those spinning wheel things on my bike."

"You will have an unlimited budget for this Alese, and I trust that you won't rip me off for this job. Just give me the equipment quote for anything you need, and I'll approve it. Otherwise..." Mingfan paused. A slight grin formed on her face. "What do you think? I think this might be useful if I need to make a sudden exit or if I'm stuck in a chase or something. Goodness knows how many occasions I've been into that needed that."

The events of Friday still haven't left her mind. Busy as she was driving her bike through the busy streets of the Megacity. The Spire Geonet AI malfunctioning? Just what happened during that fateful night? Was there some sort of covert infiltration by some terrorist group that got covered up? Wouldn't be the first time she heard of it, but unless they are fanatical Luddites or something of that nature, it wouldn't make sense for them to attack the Spire so brazenly. Was it some technical inspection gone wrong? Something else? Perhaps the actual story held some water? Questions and questions raced through her mind as her red bike weaved through traffic. The woman wearing a red jacket and black miniskirt, along with a very long backpack carrying some unknown object.

It wasn't the first time for the co-CEO of Stalwart Defense and Security, Mingfan Purnama, to drive outside the Spire, and it wouldn't be the last. The black-haired woman, comparatively unknown in the business world especially compared to her public-facing older sister, relishes in her relative anonymity. It allows her a certain degree of flexibility that her sister doesn't have, while Xiang Min does make a lot of money doing interviews and making public comments that garner interest in the Megacorp. She was responsible for the day-to-day administration, ensuring operations were smooth, requests were fulfilled, and fees were paid on time. Although occasionally she does delegate some responsibility to her sister. Both women are equally capable in administration within Megacorp. They have formed quite a power couple, the sisters leveraging each other's strengths to make sure Stalwart is profitable and continuing their family's legacy.

But enough of her own specialties. It was that degree of flexibility that allowed her to drive out of the Spire and into Metro Street. And into a certain garage that she frequented often. How she discovered this garage is honestly quite hilarious. She was driving home one night when her bike blew a tire during the journey, and she entered the garage asking for someone to do some repairs to the tire. Not only did they manage to repair the tire, but the equipment she saw within the garage really impressed her, the bike fanatic that she was. And honestly, the more she frequented the shop, the more impressed she was with the quality of work they did for her bike. It's like the owner of the shop is some sort of mechanical magician, able to see the problems or any potential problems she had with her bike and service it promptly.

And all of that for a good price as well, very reasonable prices that would make her ancestors proud. And soon enough, the highly modified red bike she was driving arrived at The Iron Technica. The garage where all her dreams would be realized, at least on the automotive aspect that is. The woman removed her helmet and made sure to pull a hoodie up her face, she made sure that the owner of The Iron Technica didn't truly know who she was, and she used an alias on top of that to make her as anonymous as possible. "Alright, let's get this show going. I have a small project planned for her, let's see if she can take care of what I have for this bike." She said, knocking on the garage door. "Hey Alese! It's me, Minny! Can you service my bike right now? I need to get my usual quarterly check and I also have some modifications in mind!"

The Android could only watch as the two witches engaged in a duel for the fate of their family. A litany of spells, counterspells, and curses whizzed around, the Android too ignorant of the Magical World to ever notice the nuances of the spells being cast about by both Morgana and her mother. It truly was a spectacular sight, and she knew that both witches were extremely talented individuals, but to see a witch’s duel with her own two eyes was something she didn’t think she’d see in her lifetime.

As much as she knew the direness of the situation, and the need to get out of her bonds. The Android was nonetheless quite… thankful that she managed to see such an event occur, considering the stakes of this fight though, the Android has made it a priority to get out of her bonds and help Morgana all the best she can. If only there was a way to get the gag out of her mouth. Then she could help Morgana, or at least give her some encouragement as she would try to free herself from the Metal Tubes they’d stuck her into.

Gods not having the ability to call for reinforcements sucks…

She could only watch as the witches duel the hell out of each other. Morgana and her mother slinging spells like it was nothing. She could also see the strategy Morgana and Angelica were playing around, like a chess game where one wrong move could result in your immediate death. It is fascinating, and Amanda could do nothing but watch. Or so she thinks.

The gag on her mouth is shut tight, but… perhaps not as tight as she’d expected, there is some wiggle room, and if she could move the gag just a little bit, just try to have her mouth open for a little bit, then she could probably do something, at the very least, annoy the ever living hell out of Angelica, and perhaps give Morgana the opening she needed to win the duel.

It will be deliberate, and it will be slow. But hopefully she could get the gag free and do at least something…
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