Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


So. Hows everyone been doing..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SainTreMorse


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hello friends!
Sorry it took me a while to get back on here. If there are spots still open I'd enjoy to rejoin the RP. Isaiah and Fletcher are ready to go but I'm pretty sure I've lost the character sheets for them when I built my new computer over Christmas. I'll take a look on my old laptop soon to see if they can be salvaged, though. If I'm too late to rejoin, that's ok though :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm fairly certain we still have spots open...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey hey Saint how are ya mate! Nice to see you return.And yes spots are definitely open, just get ya character sheet, up!

Sorry for the inactivity people =P I had in irl problems. Also we need to get this thing started so everyone please have your sign ups, asap.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grif of Hearts
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Grif of Hearts Sometimes vaguely amusing

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Can't wait to get this rodeo back up and running. :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 10 mos ago

TWT I had it all done. I hit the submit button.... and Mahz happened to be working on the site... story short I just lost my completed CS...... Honestly I am pretty sure ill miss the first chapter so don't hold out for me on round one Xodus.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My computer's monitor appears to be broken. Hopefully I'm wrong, but for now it seems that I won't be able to write for at least a little while just a heads up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SainTreMorse


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well it's official, my character sheets are gone. I remember the general direction of them, though. I'll try and get the new ones up tomorrow
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lol Rtron you better get your pc fixed fast. =P

King get started on that new character sheet. Your already have an understanding so this next draft should be better and easier.

Saint same for you, get those characters up quick.

We need to start this RP in by the next week people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Well if I gotta week I should be able to get it done before hand then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SainTreMorse


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Fletcher Corbin Miles
Nickname/Title: Various "Butcher of..." titles but the records were wiped when he joined A.M.R.O

Team Title: Raven Aegis

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Position: Asylum

Specialty: Hunter

Alchemic Style: Vocem and Motem

Asylum Code: LXV up the side of his neck

Weapons: He has a gauntlet on his right wrist. There are chambers around it resembling the rotating chambers of a revolver. In each of the eight chambers there is a throwing spine that can be deployed into his grasp for throwing. He also has two blades, roughly 15 inches each, that fold up to the size of the handle. These dangle from the cross-body strap of his pack.

Alchemy specialization: He is able to create small fields of magnetization to aid in his throwing weapon accuracy

Appearance: Fletcher is tall and lean. His narrow waist gives his chest and shoulders a broad appearance. Despite his lean frame, his limbs are tightly corded muscles. His left bicep in particular is especially vascular. His hair is short and brown. It has this intentionally disheveled look to it that many pay top dollar for. His technique is simply rolling out of bed. His eyes are steely grey and piercing. He wears faded jeans and a black Henly T with black combat boots that rise to mid-calf. His face is angular and handsome but look at his features for too long and a feeling of panic will set in. There's something not quite right about his boyish charm and toothy grin. Something hungry.

Behind his grey eyes is a superior intelligence. Fletcher is wickedly smart, though not as smart as he'd like you to believe. As he changes his personality (and sometimes even appearance) to match whatever he feels will best calm his prey, the cunning in his eyes remains constant. That's why as he talks he often moves about to prevent being pinned down by anyone's gaze.

Sidenote: in the previous Chrono Asylum (before RPG went down) Fletcher had one of his eyes popped out in a fight and he severed the optic nerve and bandaged it up. I'm not sure where xodus wants to pick up but if it's where we left off, then Fletcher has only a right eye and a ragged piece of fabric wrapped around his head.

Personality: Fletcher has been diagnosed with schizophrenic psychopathy (for those of you who were around last time this doesn't need much explaining). He is quite manic most of the time but is prone to wild mood swings. His brain operates from the perspective that the world and everything in it exists for his purposes. He has emotions but only his own. He possesses no capacity for empathy or compassion, though he is very good at emulating it. He simply does not grasp that other people feel things like he does. The claim that mankind has no predators is a false one. Mother Nature has bred her own species of hunters aimed at the heart of human beings and they are those born with a personality disorder (psychopathy/sociopathy). Fletcher is predatory in nature and seeks to use and abuse all those around him. He loves watching blood being spilled the way a regular human might find it relaxing to watch a pebble skip across a placid lake or the sun rise over the ocean.

His partner is relatively effective at managing Fletcher but he isn't always successful. Fletcher enjoys gummy candy of all sorts (especially gummy bears). He is impulsive and immature. Unlike most psychopaths, he lacks a propensity towards sexual promiscuity. As of now all observation has pointed to a rather asexual nature though he understands the nature of crude jokes and their place in the social dynamic. This understanding is akin to how your phone knows 1:30 is lunch time because the GPS inside of it places the owner at a restaurant at 1:30 everyday. Don't expect normal social interactions with Fletcher (though you may find yourself pleasantly surprised). Fletcher also has a mild cocaine habit. But he only likes it for the way it smells.

History: This will come out as the RP progresses. Some was revealed in the last go-round so we'll see if I need to do some recapping.

Name: Isaiah MacDonald
Nickname/Title: Either a title that you are famous by and has its own story, or a nickname your fellow asylums can call you. You don't have to have one.

Team Title: Raven Aegis

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Position: Asylum

Specialty: Sniffer

Alchemic Style: Sigillum, Motem.

Asylum Code: LXIV on the back of his calf

Weapons: Isaiah's primary weapon is a long rifle that he affectionately refers to as Isabella. It breaks down into two parts that he can store in his large coat. The stock is polished ebony. The barrel is slightly shorter than a normal rife of the same size. Magnetized rings encircle the barrel all the way to the end. Isabella fires her rounds utilizing these magnets to propel projectiles at subsonic silently. There is a battery pack that is stored in the forearm guard. The lack of moving parts makes the rifle very easy to transport. The rounds it fires are a two-stage projectile. The tip is a large hypodermic needle. Upon impact the needle penetrates the flesh and the anti-alchemical substance contained in the first chamber is injected into the blood stream. Briefly after, a small shaped charge in the back of the round fires and the lead slug that rests behind the anti-alchemical substance reservoir is propelled into the body of the target. The results are often messy due to the close range, high velocity, and crude shape of the slug.

Also contained in his many pockets are trip mines that have anti-alchemical substance stored in an aerosol form. These can be activated manually or by motion.

Alchemy specialization: Isaiah can use alchemy to vibrate the air in a small area. This creates a localized burst of sound waves. He uses this to distract foes to provide openings for either himself of Fletcher.

Appearance: Isaiah is not a particularly tall. 5'6' to be exact. His shaved head and beard give him an almost dwarfish look of the Tolkien variety. The only hair on his head, his beard, is brown and about an inch long. His eyes are green and the lines around them are kind. He is a master tactician and a potent wrestler, though his small stature and short limbs make him rather useless in a straight-up fist fight.

Isaiah has never left the house in anything less than business casual. His normal attire is nicer, still. As every guy knows, it's more important to look good every day than to look different every day. So most days he can be seen wearing pale grey slacks that come to a stop just above his $2500 Italian wingtips. Recently Isaiah has been obsessed with red so a red button down and matching red silk tie cover his upper body. Over them is a long grey coat with many pockets. It was custom tailored to be able to hold Isabella as well as his a few mines and without portraying too much bulk.

Personality: Isaiah is exquisitely smart. A master chess player he can often see life several moves ahead. In social situations he is rather taciturn, more than content to allow his insane partner to dominate the raven aegis' share of attention. He is no lover of death but respects it's occasional necessity. He and Fletcher work so well together because his skillfully laid traps allow Fletcher to slice and dice their helpless foes with wild abandon.

Isaiah grew up in a wealthy family. He was gifted with the finest private tutors and a robust education in all subjects. It was in this atmosphere that he discovered chess, which he excelled at. Before his days in A.M.R.O, he was world-renowned chess player. In fact, he almost became the world grand master of chess, losing the finals to what he swears was cheating. We don't talk about that day..

Also from his privileged upbringing comes the concept of the finer things in life, particularly clothes. As discussed above, he finds respectable dress to be imperative. Many of his infrequent arguments with Fletcher revolve around this topic as Fletcher is more inclined to wear whatever he wants to.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yay~! The OOC~!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Huzzah a new person!

Welcome to the world of madness to a happy place where you'll die horribly or go insane where everyone is your friend!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hehehehehe~ I was in the old RP actually ^.^ But I can't find my characters... U^U I guess I won't be playing...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What? Nooooo...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 10 mos ago

LovelyAnastasia said
Hehehehehe~ I was in the old RP actually ^.^ But I can't find my characters... U^U I guess I won't be playing...

Pwease play with us lovely TWT
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Xodus? Grif? Saint?

I'm beginning to feel old, surrounded by all the new blood....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xodus
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xodus Logic Breaker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hahaha I know the feel, like three times. >.>

xD Welcome back saint, your characters are in. Lovely why don't you create some new characters, it will give you more room to experiment and mess around. =P

Kingdom one week is about end, get dem characters up, chopy chop.

Currently members who have been accepted.

Rtron, Griff, Saint.

We have room for 3 more.

Spots are still open for those that want to get a share of the madness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 8 days ago

Oh snap! This RP back! How did I not see it?! I'm joining, I'm joining! :D

Luther Stayne

Sleeping Lion

Team Title:
Pravus Feles





Alchemic Style:
Motem and Vocem

Asylum Code:
XVII - on his right chest

Compact bow: The bow is made from a specialized alloy and has a flexible nylon fiber string, at the front of the bow is a scope which helps Luther get a clean shot, adding to the bow's accuracy is an automatic alignment system that subtly shifts the arrow as it's being released, taking into account the wind, weather, his altitude, and his target's position and distance; the readings are taken from the scope which calculates the correct angle the bow should be in for a perfect shot.

His arrows are made from a lightweight alloy with bolted tips that contain the anti-alchemy tech, which he usually uses to play with his "prey". The tips also have a micro detonating device that shatters the arrow head once it enters a target, causing shards to delve deeper into the wounded area and cause more trauma and pain.

GR-72 Sniper Rifle: The GR-72 is a lengthy and heavy sniper rifle with camouflage technology built in. It can shoot up to 2 kilometers with near perfect accuracy before the accuracy starts to drop drastically; inside is a built in muffler and when used with a silencer is almost completely soundless when fired. The scope, much like the compact bow's, it takes into account the target's location and also takes into account whether or not the target is moving and the target's speed and suggests the perfect angle and position to fire; the technology just went out of it's testing phases and so it can sometimes give incorrect readings.

Due to his power, he can decrease the size of his weapons and wears them as charms on his charm bracelet.

Alchemy specialization:
Quantity Manipulation: Luther has the ability to control the quantity of any inanimate object he comes across, adding to it, which makes it larger; subtracting from it, which makes it smaller; multiplying it, which increases it's quantity; and dividing it, which makes it into smaller things. This alch-spec gives him a near infinite amount of ammunition for both of his weapons and he mainly uses motem styled alchemy to increase his ammo, and preferring to use votem when manipulating the quantity of things that aren't immediately in front of him and of a larger size.

Luther stands at five feet and eleven inches with a rather bulky build and well developed muscles. He has wavy dirty-blond hair that reaches just beyond his shoulder blades. His eyes are a deep green that almost seem to glow with thick eyelashes that only add to the intrigue of his eyes. He has a naturally tanned skin and a few scars running across his chest and abdomen. On his face is a small stubble of a beard that he never allows to go beyond a certain length.

Outside of battles, he's usually found wearing a blue dress shirt under a vest and a pair of dress pants finished off with black crocodile leather shoes. At a glance, it would appear the clothes were tight and restricts much of his movement, but being made from a special fabric designed by AMRO, it allows him a free range of movement and is quite comfortable to wear.

During missions, he wears similar clothing, except there's a silver tie added to the outfit and a pair of shades that communicates with his weapons' scopes while he's using them, relaying all of the information directly to the glasses instead of having to look through the scope himself. He also wears a pair of black leather gloves and a green-black quiver on his thigh where his single arrow is placed.

If only one thing were to be said about Luther, then let it be said that he is lazy. Probably the laziest out of all the Asylums within AMRO. If he's meant to be doing something, he's probably sleeping; if he's in the middle of doing something, he's probably sleeping. This has lead to a series of problems with his superiors due to a large number of unfinished paperwork which he almost always leaves to his partner. It's gotten to such a point that nearly every asylum knows where to find him when he's not on any mission - on his favourite black sofa in the centre hall of AMRO headquarters, sleeping.

Various medical tests have been done on Luther over the past to see the cause of his laziness, tests were done to see if he had some sort of endocrine disorder or if his brain wasn't processing the correct hormones at appropriate times. When the results came back that he was normal, they began testing his psyche to see if had any sort of trauma, and when that failed they gave up, saying the man was just a lazy fellow. Despite all this, Luther usually has a smile on his face and tends to have a positive outlook on life.

However, there exists a side to Luther only his partner - and those who have been on missions with him - know. A bloodthirsty side that enjoys playing with his "prey" whenever he sees it. If one were to describe it, it would be as if his whole personality took a U-turn and went straight down to the depths of hell; in this stage, which only occurs when he's on a mission, everything moral and sane about him is knocked off the list, a little more than a wild animal as he uses tactics and strategy to torture his opponent as much as possible before leaving it to die on it's own in a slow, and painful way.



Jessica Lorezia

Burning Lioness

Team Title:
Pravas Feles





Alchemic Style:
Sigillum, Motem.

Asylum Code:
LVIII along the length of the posterior side of her right arm, ending just above her elbow.

Twin Katanas: Jessica carries two classical Japanese katanas on her back made with anti-alch technology mixed in with an alloy that makes it lightweight and extremely sharp. Inside the blades are tiny circular saws that are activated once the blade is unsheathed and anyone who is unlucky enough to get cut will have extra trauma to deal with as the tiny saws shred their insides.

Alchemy specialization:
Illusion: Jessica can make herself look like any other person or thing, which allows her to become camouflaged within her environment while her partner takes on their target. If she has to fight, however, she will mostly cast an illusion that makes her a giant monster creature that would send fear into her opponent's hearts. The ability has it's uses, especially since she's a sniffer, she can cast an illusion that she's some sort of non-asylum officer and enter a crime scene and examine it without having to hassle her way inside or wait until the officer's finish they're collecting.

Jessica stands at five feet and seven inches with shoulder length brown hair and bronze skin. She has bright red eyes with a soft face and full lips that seem to be constantly stuck in a scowl. She has an athletic build with a shapely body and a scar running horizontally across her face just under her cheek bones.

She usually wears a dark green tank-top under a black leather jacket along with a pair of black shorts held in place by a black and green belt with a laughing skull for a buckle. For shoes she wears knee high boots studded with little silver pyramids and also has a set of spurs on the back in case she gets into hand to hand combat and needs to roundhouse kick someone. Jessica also has a pair of knuckled gloves with a bit of grip on the palmar side to with gripping her twin katanas.

Jessica is a person who is quick to anger and very hard to calm down. A wrong look will set her mood off and make her attitude problem go off the charts for the whole day. To combat her aggressive nature, she's naturally very energetic and constantly spends time in the gym at the punching bags or lifting weights. When none of those options are available, she's outside on the tracks running or in her office keeping her mind busy with paperwork that her partner refuses to do.

Most people tend to steer clear of her due to her aggressiveness, and she likes it that way, despite Luther's constant urges to try and be sociable and smile once in a while.
It was due to her unnaturally aggressive nature and constant urge to dominate over others that the asylum's started calling her Burning Lioness, sharing a name with her partner due to their constant banter and arguing like a couple when they're together.

Despite her aggressiveness she is calm and almost civilized when she's around Luther and can be seen laughing with him in some occasions, her barrier of hate and anger falling when she's with her partner. However, much like him, when trying to take down targets, she is also considered a beast. Although she doesn't share Luther's love of torturing, she is crazy in her own right - seeking to frighten and cause as much grief and mental damage to her target as possible before Luther leaves them bleeding on the floor in a slow death.

It's for this reason the duo is called Pravas Feles, or Sinister Felines, because of how much they love to play with their prey.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh god. TOrack.


Wait...I'm protected by Vaeve!
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