Hey Nex, are your troops neutral or hostile to Therral Troops?
A legitimate question, even though Flooby strapped me down and shoved a sock in my mouth one day to tell me "Stop being so god damned paranoid. You have the biggest fuck mothering army and you still think everyone is out to get you."
It's true, I was the King of England, and Flooby my personal Duke. We had a powerful court with him and others that loved me. And he crusaded the fuck out of the enemies. And I had the same amount of soldiers as I do in Lundland.
A legitimate question, even though Flooby strapped me down and shoved a sock in my mouth one day to tell me "Stop being so god damned paranoid. You have the biggest fuck mothering army and you still think everyone is out to get you."
It's true, I was the King of England, and Flooby my personal Duke. We had a powerful court with him and others that loved me. And he crusaded the fuck out of the enemies. And I had the same amount of soldiers as I do in Lundland.