×Forever Accepting
×High Casual
×To be further Edited
Submit Characters Here
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
The town of Castello Leone, or simply Leone to its residents, is a sunny place to live sandwiched between a coast, a forest to the west, a canyon to the south, and a valley to the east. Black mountains rise from beyond the valley. Long ago, Leone was home to just under four hundred citizens, and the trading town was visited by merchants from all over the nation of Sipher. Because of its diverse races of humans, witches, elves, and even a dragon or two, Leone was able to produce a stunning array of different weapons, foods, clothes, and other goods.
People (especially non-humans) from all over Sipher flocked to Leone when the conflict in the capital began. The citizens of the capital city of Carnationes revolted against the monarchy, creating massive bloodshed in a city of over twenty thousand. The royal family fled further North, to the Elvish kingdom, a long-time ally of the humans, though the king left his council in charge. An event known as the Hellsend occurred, in which all citizens in the capital who were not human were slaughtered, led by the belief that the rebellion was started by witches. Thousands died. The council took it a step further and unleashed a disease that was fatal to everyone but was carried by animal spirits.
News eventually reached the people of Leone, and the animal spirits of the town were forced to relocate to an island off the coast of Leone, which came to be known as Howling Island. A kitsune being a prime example, an animal spirit is a humanoid who, is, in actuality, an animal who has reached a certain age and granted mystical powers. Trade between Howling and Leone were commonplace, though eventually communication between the two ended.
After the banishment of animal spirits, there was tension between humans and the other races, though they had been getting along like family for over two centuries. Eventually, paranoia became too much and a human of the town cast with his blood the spell that would reanimate the stone lions that faced the forest- a sacred protection spell that began at the center of town, where a great tree stood, and formed an invisible boundary around Leone, effectively keeping out any unwanted visitors. These 'unwanted visitors' were all the non humans who called Leone their home.
The town, down to about eighty humans, lived in relative peace and comfort, leaving the town only to gather resources or to hunt in the surrounding areas. Sipher, hit hard financially after the council took over, began to lose its trade rights, even between cities. Merchants and travelers eventually stopped visiting and life in Leone slowed down, babies were born, they learned how to fight, got married, had kids of their own and then they died.
Now, about two hundred and some years after the stone lions were activated, the youth in Leone academy are excited for the upcoming annual overnight Stargazing trip to the Pompom Forest, which is guaranteed to be a night full of s'mores, monster-slaying, and tons and tons of drama. The spunky adolescents are rather impatient, however, and wonder what would happen if they should venture out to check out the forest without the teachers...
Though magic was once exclusive to witches, nowadays anyone can use it. The secret to using magic is summarized in one simple object: runes. Without runes, there can be no magic, and without magic, the runes would disappear. Long ago, runes were thought to be an elusive type of fairy, but it has been discovered they are something else entirely.
Runes have energy and most obviously, magic. However, they have never been known to communicate with each other or anyone else. There have been phenomenon of runes 'attacking' individuals who are in spiritual places alone, though scholars are skeptical about these accounts. Though many myths are contradictory to this, it is widely believed runes are not alive.
No one person can explain what a rune looks like. To most folk, runes are tiny balls of light that can be spotted on rare occasions. To witches, however, runes will take the shape of several stones seemingly moving in harmony.

One does not need to see a rune in order to use magic, however. It is said runes are everywhere, and that the soul attracts runes. Therefore, when someone comes into great inspiration, determination, or distress, their soul will boil over and cause a torrent of runes to strengthen their soul, causing what is known as a Rune Break. It can be thought of as an ultimate attack.
There is much to learn about runes, but it is rumored the witches know much more.
Though there are many races in the world, most can interbreed.
Humans don't live that long in comparison to other races, but they reproduce the easiest and have red blood, which can be used to activate forbidden spells. In the old days, only humans could speak to the gods, but nowadays no one can. Humans are infamous for their incredible Rune Breaks, which in wars past have been used to cause massive slaughter. Humans are often thought of as the dominant race, because there are many of them and their advances in weapons, magic, and technology make them a force to be reckoned with.
Many non-humans can use a technique called a Skin Break in addition to their Rune Break, though they receive this ability at birth. It allows them to shift into their other form, in which they cannot wield human weapons, but have much more power. When their energy runs out, however, they are forced to revert back into their weaker humanoid form.
Witches appear to be human, though their blood is black. In addition, witches do not age chronologically. Instead, their appearance changes as they learn more spells. The only known was to kill a witch for good is to drain them of all their magic.
"Quote spoken by your character. Can showcase personality or philosophy."
Personality: Though most of our characters will grow in the course of the story, try to summarize best you can how they act at the beginning.
Personality Quirks: Includes phobias, odd behaviors...
Likes: Include a favorite dish here and other things
Dislikes: Same idea
Activity Pledge: Will you be able to post a minimum of once every three days? If not, that is perfectly alright, we just need to know who can post more frequently than others.
Residence: Though most of our human characters will love in Castello Leone, you do not put Leone here. Instead you state [Building], Castello Leone, if they live in the town. Ex: Caraway Bakery, Castello Leone. Be as creative as you want here.
Skills: Include craftsmanship skills, handling weapons, magic, as well as any personal strengths that helps them stand out. They go to school, so it's logical for them to know how to read and stuff.
Bio: For most of our students, this will be having a mostly peaceful life in the village, but try to add a bit of creativity. Because the students will have preexisting relationships, it is alright to leave this blank until several other CS are posted so you can connect bios.
Appearance: Include a picture as well as a brief description that lists height, weight, eye color, hair color, and attire. Attire does not have to match with the picture.
+Basic forum rules apply, no god-mods, etc.
+Be literate. Typos are an unbeatable enemy, but grammar should be decent. You will be alerted if the issue becomes too much.
+The CS is basically a test to determine if you are suitable for this RP.
+This is High-Casual, which means your regular posts are expected to be a minimum of 3 paragraphs. However, small interactions are alright, though I would prefer those to be in collab posts so no one feels like they're getting in the way.
+Suggestions and input are encouraged.
+If you do not post in four days, your character will be placed in a stasis. Players are discouraged to interact with characters in stasis, though if a character central to the current arc is placed in stasis, a co-GM will be asked to temporarily take control of this character. This is why it is important to be clear and concise in your cs. Assuming you return, your character will be relieved of its stasis and we will proceed as normal.
+Because we all put work into our characters, there will be a rotation to determine who is the character central to the current arc. However, the more interesting and plot based your interactions are, the easier it is for myself and the co-GMs to create an arc around your character.
+Romance will play a vital part, and FxM, MxM, and FxF are all acceptable. In the end, however, you will be responsible for any romance between your character and another.
+Players can have as many characters as they can handle. In general, the students of Leone will be the main characters, while the adults play second string. Though it is not necessary to make a CS for side characters, they are expected to be used when needed.
+Skills and techniques used for battle will have to be run by me or a co-GM to check for acceptability.
+If you are unsure about any aspect of the roleplay, you must ask otherwise we cannot help.
+Based on writing skill and prowess, players will be offered playing incoming characters. These will usually be something fun or interesting such as a dragon or a homunculus.
+Should you make a very big mistake (ex: Having a non human character who experienced the Hellsend be overly friendly to a human without reason) you will be asked to edit.
+As GM, I reserve the right to make rules in the future and on the spot.
×High Casual
×To be further Edited
Submit Characters Here
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
The town of Castello Leone, or simply Leone to its residents, is a sunny place to live sandwiched between a coast, a forest to the west, a canyon to the south, and a valley to the east. Black mountains rise from beyond the valley. Long ago, Leone was home to just under four hundred citizens, and the trading town was visited by merchants from all over the nation of Sipher. Because of its diverse races of humans, witches, elves, and even a dragon or two, Leone was able to produce a stunning array of different weapons, foods, clothes, and other goods.
People (especially non-humans) from all over Sipher flocked to Leone when the conflict in the capital began. The citizens of the capital city of Carnationes revolted against the monarchy, creating massive bloodshed in a city of over twenty thousand. The royal family fled further North, to the Elvish kingdom, a long-time ally of the humans, though the king left his council in charge. An event known as the Hellsend occurred, in which all citizens in the capital who were not human were slaughtered, led by the belief that the rebellion was started by witches. Thousands died. The council took it a step further and unleashed a disease that was fatal to everyone but was carried by animal spirits.
News eventually reached the people of Leone, and the animal spirits of the town were forced to relocate to an island off the coast of Leone, which came to be known as Howling Island. A kitsune being a prime example, an animal spirit is a humanoid who, is, in actuality, an animal who has reached a certain age and granted mystical powers. Trade between Howling and Leone were commonplace, though eventually communication between the two ended.
After the banishment of animal spirits, there was tension between humans and the other races, though they had been getting along like family for over two centuries. Eventually, paranoia became too much and a human of the town cast with his blood the spell that would reanimate the stone lions that faced the forest- a sacred protection spell that began at the center of town, where a great tree stood, and formed an invisible boundary around Leone, effectively keeping out any unwanted visitors. These 'unwanted visitors' were all the non humans who called Leone their home.
The town, down to about eighty humans, lived in relative peace and comfort, leaving the town only to gather resources or to hunt in the surrounding areas. Sipher, hit hard financially after the council took over, began to lose its trade rights, even between cities. Merchants and travelers eventually stopped visiting and life in Leone slowed down, babies were born, they learned how to fight, got married, had kids of their own and then they died.
Now, about two hundred and some years after the stone lions were activated, the youth in Leone academy are excited for the upcoming annual overnight Stargazing trip to the Pompom Forest, which is guaranteed to be a night full of s'mores, monster-slaying, and tons and tons of drama. The spunky adolescents are rather impatient, however, and wonder what would happen if they should venture out to check out the forest without the teachers...
Though magic was once exclusive to witches, nowadays anyone can use it. The secret to using magic is summarized in one simple object: runes. Without runes, there can be no magic, and without magic, the runes would disappear. Long ago, runes were thought to be an elusive type of fairy, but it has been discovered they are something else entirely.
Runes have energy and most obviously, magic. However, they have never been known to communicate with each other or anyone else. There have been phenomenon of runes 'attacking' individuals who are in spiritual places alone, though scholars are skeptical about these accounts. Though many myths are contradictory to this, it is widely believed runes are not alive.
No one person can explain what a rune looks like. To most folk, runes are tiny balls of light that can be spotted on rare occasions. To witches, however, runes will take the shape of several stones seemingly moving in harmony.

One does not need to see a rune in order to use magic, however. It is said runes are everywhere, and that the soul attracts runes. Therefore, when someone comes into great inspiration, determination, or distress, their soul will boil over and cause a torrent of runes to strengthen their soul, causing what is known as a Rune Break. It can be thought of as an ultimate attack.
There is much to learn about runes, but it is rumored the witches know much more.
Though there are many races in the world, most can interbreed.
Humans don't live that long in comparison to other races, but they reproduce the easiest and have red blood, which can be used to activate forbidden spells. In the old days, only humans could speak to the gods, but nowadays no one can. Humans are infamous for their incredible Rune Breaks, which in wars past have been used to cause massive slaughter. Humans are often thought of as the dominant race, because there are many of them and their advances in weapons, magic, and technology make them a force to be reckoned with.
Many non-humans can use a technique called a Skin Break in addition to their Rune Break, though they receive this ability at birth. It allows them to shift into their other form, in which they cannot wield human weapons, but have much more power. When their energy runs out, however, they are forced to revert back into their weaker humanoid form.
Witches appear to be human, though their blood is black. In addition, witches do not age chronologically. Instead, their appearance changes as they learn more spells. The only known was to kill a witch for good is to drain them of all their magic.
"Quote spoken by your character. Can showcase personality or philosophy."
Personality: Though most of our characters will grow in the course of the story, try to summarize best you can how they act at the beginning.
Personality Quirks: Includes phobias, odd behaviors...
Likes: Include a favorite dish here and other things
Dislikes: Same idea
Activity Pledge: Will you be able to post a minimum of once every three days? If not, that is perfectly alright, we just need to know who can post more frequently than others.
Residence: Though most of our human characters will love in Castello Leone, you do not put Leone here. Instead you state [Building], Castello Leone, if they live in the town. Ex: Caraway Bakery, Castello Leone. Be as creative as you want here.
Skills: Include craftsmanship skills, handling weapons, magic, as well as any personal strengths that helps them stand out. They go to school, so it's logical for them to know how to read and stuff.
Bio: For most of our students, this will be having a mostly peaceful life in the village, but try to add a bit of creativity. Because the students will have preexisting relationships, it is alright to leave this blank until several other CS are posted so you can connect bios.
Appearance: Include a picture as well as a brief description that lists height, weight, eye color, hair color, and attire. Attire does not have to match with the picture.
+Basic forum rules apply, no god-mods, etc.
+Be literate. Typos are an unbeatable enemy, but grammar should be decent. You will be alerted if the issue becomes too much.
+The CS is basically a test to determine if you are suitable for this RP.
+This is High-Casual, which means your regular posts are expected to be a minimum of 3 paragraphs. However, small interactions are alright, though I would prefer those to be in collab posts so no one feels like they're getting in the way.
+Suggestions and input are encouraged.
+If you do not post in four days, your character will be placed in a stasis. Players are discouraged to interact with characters in stasis, though if a character central to the current arc is placed in stasis, a co-GM will be asked to temporarily take control of this character. This is why it is important to be clear and concise in your cs. Assuming you return, your character will be relieved of its stasis and we will proceed as normal.
+Because we all put work into our characters, there will be a rotation to determine who is the character central to the current arc. However, the more interesting and plot based your interactions are, the easier it is for myself and the co-GMs to create an arc around your character.
+Romance will play a vital part, and FxM, MxM, and FxF are all acceptable. In the end, however, you will be responsible for any romance between your character and another.
+Players can have as many characters as they can handle. In general, the students of Leone will be the main characters, while the adults play second string. Though it is not necessary to make a CS for side characters, they are expected to be used when needed.
+Skills and techniques used for battle will have to be run by me or a co-GM to check for acceptability.
+If you are unsure about any aspect of the roleplay, you must ask otherwise we cannot help.
+Based on writing skill and prowess, players will be offered playing incoming characters. These will usually be something fun or interesting such as a dragon or a homunculus.
+Should you make a very big mistake (ex: Having a non human character who experienced the Hellsend be overly friendly to a human without reason) you will be asked to edit.
+As GM, I reserve the right to make rules in the future and on the spot.