Name: Mauriello (Real name unknown to the public)
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Super Powers (if any): Mauriello has the ability to absorb and store away energy within his body. He can release this stored energy in whatever form he deems necessary for the current situation. Mauriello cannot store limitless amounts of energy. Absorbing too much energy will kill him. He also cannot release and absorb energy at the same time.
Shortly after The Rift’s creation, Mauriello became head of New Dawn’s mafia by killing the previous people commanding the mafia. Since his rise to power, Mauriello utilized Farriston as the mafia’s main base of operations, bought most of Farriston’s cops, and constructed The Vista with his own penthouse on the top floor.. Little is known about Mauriello’s background before his rise to power. However, it is clear that before The Rift, Mauriello had nothing to do with the mafia.
It has been hinted that Mauriello has some kind of past connection with The Patriarch. During their conversations together, The Patriarch has been known to call Mauriello by the name of Thomas.
Mauriello is a cautious man who is typically good at being calm and collected. He tends to work from the shadows and rarely commits crimes himself. Despite his profession he usually doesn’t commit acts of violence without good reason. Killing Captain Matter was quite out of character for him, and nobody truly knows why he did it. However those who know him can assume he had his reasons.
Mauriello tries to keep the exact nature of his powers secret. Very few have seen him actually use his powers. Those who have say he has managed to do bizarre things with fire, electricity and is even capable of launching things through the air. In most cases, Mauriello will simply use his gun instead of his powers. He only uses his powers if he deems it necessary.
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Super Powers (if any): Mauriello has the ability to absorb and store away energy within his body. He can release this stored energy in whatever form he deems necessary for the current situation. Mauriello cannot store limitless amounts of energy. Absorbing too much energy will kill him. He also cannot release and absorb energy at the same time.
Shortly after The Rift’s creation, Mauriello became head of New Dawn’s mafia by killing the previous people commanding the mafia. Since his rise to power, Mauriello utilized Farriston as the mafia’s main base of operations, bought most of Farriston’s cops, and constructed The Vista with his own penthouse on the top floor.. Little is known about Mauriello’s background before his rise to power. However, it is clear that before The Rift, Mauriello had nothing to do with the mafia.
It has been hinted that Mauriello has some kind of past connection with The Patriarch. During their conversations together, The Patriarch has been known to call Mauriello by the name of Thomas.
Mauriello is a cautious man who is typically good at being calm and collected. He tends to work from the shadows and rarely commits crimes himself. Despite his profession he usually doesn’t commit acts of violence without good reason. Killing Captain Matter was quite out of character for him, and nobody truly knows why he did it. However those who know him can assume he had his reasons.
Mauriello tries to keep the exact nature of his powers secret. Very few have seen him actually use his powers. Those who have say he has managed to do bizarre things with fire, electricity and is even capable of launching things through the air. In most cases, Mauriello will simply use his gun instead of his powers. He only uses his powers if he deems it necessary.

Name: The Watcher (Real Name Unknown)
Gender: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Super Powers (if any):
The Watcher's power is widely unknown by most, though some people have a good idea of what it is. From what has been observed, it appears that The Watcher the ability to "merge" with machines and take over the system. The Watcher has been known to apply on a variety of machines including Biotechies. The Watcher mentioned to the heroes that he currently has three full body Biotechies that he controls. So far only two of them are known to the heroes. There is the elderly lady, Hilda, who is always grumpy. Then there is the younger man named Zack.
The Watcher controls his/her Biotechies remotely using the wifi chip in their head. By doing so, The Watcher is able to control the biotechies even while being exposed to Anti-Super tech.
The Watcher is a person shrouded in mystery. Most people have never even heard of The Watcher. Those who have, consider The Watcher to be nothing more than an urban legend.
During Arc 2 or Act I, the Watcher opened up to the heroes and told them a little about his/her past. Truth is not even The Watcher remembers who he or she is due to all the information he/she has taken in. The Watcher can't move his/her body or even open his/her own eyes. That being the case, The Watcher spent the day view the world through various machines and cameras, learning all there is to know and trying to influence what happens in the city indirectly. However this all changed when Biotech went public. Since then, the Watcher has been able to influence the world directly by taking control of Biotechies.
As implied by the name, The Watcher spends a good deal of time spying on people. He/she tips off people whenever it pleases him/her and doesn’t appear to take sides. Nobody truly knows what The Watcher’s motives are.
Gender: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Super Powers (if any):
The Watcher's power is widely unknown by most, though some people have a good idea of what it is. From what has been observed, it appears that The Watcher the ability to "merge" with machines and take over the system. The Watcher has been known to apply on a variety of machines including Biotechies. The Watcher mentioned to the heroes that he currently has three full body Biotechies that he controls. So far only two of them are known to the heroes. There is the elderly lady, Hilda, who is always grumpy. Then there is the younger man named Zack.
The Watcher controls his/her Biotechies remotely using the wifi chip in their head. By doing so, The Watcher is able to control the biotechies even while being exposed to Anti-Super tech.
The Watcher is a person shrouded in mystery. Most people have never even heard of The Watcher. Those who have, consider The Watcher to be nothing more than an urban legend.
During Arc 2 or Act I, the Watcher opened up to the heroes and told them a little about his/her past. Truth is not even The Watcher remembers who he or she is due to all the information he/she has taken in. The Watcher can't move his/her body or even open his/her own eyes. That being the case, The Watcher spent the day view the world through various machines and cameras, learning all there is to know and trying to influence what happens in the city indirectly. However this all changed when Biotech went public. Since then, the Watcher has been able to influence the world directly by taking control of Biotechies.
As implied by the name, The Watcher spends a good deal of time spying on people. He/she tips off people whenever it pleases him/her and doesn’t appear to take sides. Nobody truly knows what The Watcher’s motives are.
Name: The Patriarch
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Super Powers: The power to splice the genes of the people who drink his blood. He has the ability to store the genes of any animal, he has digested, into his blood stream. He typically collects dna from drinking animal blood but has been know to swallow a bug or two. The ability to grant powers comes from his own gene pool since he already has the super gene. His power has one big catch. The effects of drinking the Patriarch's blood will always remain dormant until the subject is basked in the aura of The Rift. After that condition is achieved, the effects are permanent. Those who have drank The Patriarch's blood gain a sort of connection with his mental state. This allows the Patriarch to exert a certain amount of emotional control over them. The Patriarch's powers do not work on Supers.
It has been revealed that the shadow ability, which The Patriarch has displayed, actually belongs to his daughter. He can speak and see with the shadows by making physical contact with his daughter.
Background: Very little is known in general about The Patriarch before and after he obtained his powers, however all rebirthists know the story of how he became their messiah close to 15 years ago (See "Origin of Rebirthism" under "The Cult" section, in "Division of Power"). It is known though that The Patriarch has a daughter, age 19, who he calls Shade. He likes to keep her close at hand at all times and she never speaks. Little is known about her either except for the fact that she has the obedience and loyalty of a dog. It is rumored among some the Divine that the Patriarch tortured her into servitude.
It has been hinted that The Patriarch has some kind of past connection with Mauriello. During their conversations together, Mauriello has been known to call The Patriarch by the name of Eric.
Personality: Though he is seen as a religious figure, The Patriarch is not religious at all. In fact, the religion he created is simply a way to gain the following of the people. Rather than being religious The Patriarch is really a man of science who has become obsessed with power and control. He sees supers as the next step forward in evolution. In his mind all other humans are inferior to him. The Patriarch can be heartless and cruel. He tends to care for very little other than his own ambitions.
The Patriarch

The Patriarch's Daughter Shade
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Super Powers: The power to splice the genes of the people who drink his blood. He has the ability to store the genes of any animal, he has digested, into his blood stream. He typically collects dna from drinking animal blood but has been know to swallow a bug or two. The ability to grant powers comes from his own gene pool since he already has the super gene. His power has one big catch. The effects of drinking the Patriarch's blood will always remain dormant until the subject is basked in the aura of The Rift. After that condition is achieved, the effects are permanent. Those who have drank The Patriarch's blood gain a sort of connection with his mental state. This allows the Patriarch to exert a certain amount of emotional control over them. The Patriarch's powers do not work on Supers.
It has been revealed that the shadow ability, which The Patriarch has displayed, actually belongs to his daughter. He can speak and see with the shadows by making physical contact with his daughter.
Background: Very little is known in general about The Patriarch before and after he obtained his powers, however all rebirthists know the story of how he became their messiah close to 15 years ago (See "Origin of Rebirthism" under "The Cult" section, in "Division of Power"). It is known though that The Patriarch has a daughter, age 19, who he calls Shade. He likes to keep her close at hand at all times and she never speaks. Little is known about her either except for the fact that she has the obedience and loyalty of a dog. It is rumored among some the Divine that the Patriarch tortured her into servitude.
It has been hinted that The Patriarch has some kind of past connection with Mauriello. During their conversations together, Mauriello has been known to call The Patriarch by the name of Eric.
Personality: Though he is seen as a religious figure, The Patriarch is not religious at all. In fact, the religion he created is simply a way to gain the following of the people. Rather than being religious The Patriarch is really a man of science who has become obsessed with power and control. He sees supers as the next step forward in evolution. In his mind all other humans are inferior to him. The Patriarch can be heartless and cruel. He tends to care for very little other than his own ambitions.
The Patriarch

The Patriarch's Daughter Shade

Name: Arthur Bisk "The Businessman"
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Superpower (if any): Bisk has no super powers to speak of except for having a seemingly infinite amount of money. In addition to that, he has made it known to the public that he wears an advanced anti-super tech watch, at all times. He says it's the future of Anti-super tech.
Background: Bisk was born and raised in Farriston. He was mostly raised by his middle class mother due to his father always being away on business trips. At age 13, his father left his mother for another woman. Bisk's mother was heart broken and turned towards alcohol as a means to deal with her greif. She later died on Bisk's 15th birthday due to alcohol poisioning.
With no where else to go Bisk ended up living with his father. He had little love for the man especially after learning his father was now with a different woman other than the one he left his mother for. However he never expressed his dislike out loud. Not because he feared punishment, but rather because he never felt the need to bring it up. Instead he simply did the following:
Dated a girl. Invited her over for dinner and to meet his father. Sedated the two of them by placing sedatives in their food. Took naked pictures of her. Planted them on his father's computer. Took the girl home. Bought a vile of cobra venom under his "girlfriend's" name and creditcard. Injected his father with the cobra venom, all in order to make his father die from what appeared to be an early heartattack. After further investigation, however, the police learned of the cobra venom and the naked pictures.
This sequence of events ultimately ended up in Bisk successfully framing the innocent girl for the murder. Nobody ever suspected Bisk of a thing. It was then Bisk realised just how little he cared about the people who populated the world around him.He was always well liked and thought of by others, he just didn't really care for them. This included his deceased mother. He never really grieved her death, but he knew it was expected of him and he knew how to fake it.
The murder of his father gave Bisk a rush of adrenaline unlike ever before. He enjoyed the feeling of power he recieved when hurting others. However he also knew that hurting others as he was now would ultimately end up with him getting caught. He knew what he had to do then. Some how he needed to make it big. Business big. For only by having incredible sums of money, power and influence could a person freely live their life while inflicting harm onto others without ever having to worry about the suspicions of others.
After earning a business degree, Bisk left New Dawn for several years. As of yet, the time during then is unaccounted for. He returned to New Dawn City, As a married rich man, three and a half years after the Rift's formation. It was then that he introduced the world to Anti-super tech and shortly after began his aggressive takeover of Newtown.
A half of a year later, his wife vanished. She was found bloodied, paralyzed and comatosed a day later in the streets of Oldtown. Apperently her spine had been shattered after recieving a severe blow in the back. The Doctors told Bisk that she probably would never wake again. Bisk didn't care of course. In fact he had orchestrated her whole abduction, while making sure to leave a trail of bread crumbs right back to the supers who he had paid off. It was only after the police caught them using Bisk's new antisuper tech, that Bisk began his crusade against the supers.
This crusade against supers was part of the reason he came back to New Dawn City. His other reason is much darker. Bisk has big plans for New Dawn. Plans that will bring order to the city. One order. For this world has room for only one.
Personaility: In the public eye, Bisk is well loved and recieved by the people. He hosts numerous different charities regularly and has been known to give job/shelter those with nowhere else to go. In addition, it isn't uncommon for him to visit hospitals and pay for random people's surgeries and/or medical bills. One thing that is interesting to note, is most of the surgeries he pays for are biotech surguries.
All this generousity is a farce which conceals Bisk's true nature. In reality, Bisk is cold cruel man who is unable to truely care for the people around him. His greatest pleasure in life is causing people suffer using intricate methods that don't nessarily mark him as an evil person. In all honesty, Bisk has nothing against supers. The only reason, he promotes the hatred and fear of supers is to bask in the drama and suffering it causes.
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Superpower (if any): Bisk has no super powers to speak of except for having a seemingly infinite amount of money. In addition to that, he has made it known to the public that he wears an advanced anti-super tech watch, at all times. He says it's the future of Anti-super tech.
Background: Bisk was born and raised in Farriston. He was mostly raised by his middle class mother due to his father always being away on business trips. At age 13, his father left his mother for another woman. Bisk's mother was heart broken and turned towards alcohol as a means to deal with her greif. She later died on Bisk's 15th birthday due to alcohol poisioning.
With no where else to go Bisk ended up living with his father. He had little love for the man especially after learning his father was now with a different woman other than the one he left his mother for. However he never expressed his dislike out loud. Not because he feared punishment, but rather because he never felt the need to bring it up. Instead he simply did the following:
Dated a girl. Invited her over for dinner and to meet his father. Sedated the two of them by placing sedatives in their food. Took naked pictures of her. Planted them on his father's computer. Took the girl home. Bought a vile of cobra venom under his "girlfriend's" name and creditcard. Injected his father with the cobra venom, all in order to make his father die from what appeared to be an early heartattack. After further investigation, however, the police learned of the cobra venom and the naked pictures.
This sequence of events ultimately ended up in Bisk successfully framing the innocent girl for the murder. Nobody ever suspected Bisk of a thing. It was then Bisk realised just how little he cared about the people who populated the world around him.He was always well liked and thought of by others, he just didn't really care for them. This included his deceased mother. He never really grieved her death, but he knew it was expected of him and he knew how to fake it.
The murder of his father gave Bisk a rush of adrenaline unlike ever before. He enjoyed the feeling of power he recieved when hurting others. However he also knew that hurting others as he was now would ultimately end up with him getting caught. He knew what he had to do then. Some how he needed to make it big. Business big. For only by having incredible sums of money, power and influence could a person freely live their life while inflicting harm onto others without ever having to worry about the suspicions of others.
After earning a business degree, Bisk left New Dawn for several years. As of yet, the time during then is unaccounted for. He returned to New Dawn City, As a married rich man, three and a half years after the Rift's formation. It was then that he introduced the world to Anti-super tech and shortly after began his aggressive takeover of Newtown.
A half of a year later, his wife vanished. She was found bloodied, paralyzed and comatosed a day later in the streets of Oldtown. Apperently her spine had been shattered after recieving a severe blow in the back. The Doctors told Bisk that she probably would never wake again. Bisk didn't care of course. In fact he had orchestrated her whole abduction, while making sure to leave a trail of bread crumbs right back to the supers who he had paid off. It was only after the police caught them using Bisk's new antisuper tech, that Bisk began his crusade against the supers.
This crusade against supers was part of the reason he came back to New Dawn City. His other reason is much darker. Bisk has big plans for New Dawn. Plans that will bring order to the city. One order. For this world has room for only one.
Personaility: In the public eye, Bisk is well loved and recieved by the people. He hosts numerous different charities regularly and has been known to give job/shelter those with nowhere else to go. In addition, it isn't uncommon for him to visit hospitals and pay for random people's surgeries and/or medical bills. One thing that is interesting to note, is most of the surgeries he pays for are biotech surguries.
All this generousity is a farce which conceals Bisk's true nature. In reality, Bisk is cold cruel man who is unable to truely care for the people around him. His greatest pleasure in life is causing people suffer using intricate methods that don't nessarily mark him as an evil person. In all honesty, Bisk has nothing against supers. The only reason, he promotes the hatred and fear of supers is to bask in the drama and suffering it causes.