Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Once the opening ceremony was over, there was no reason in Sealameet's eyes to stay around and there were others exiting the arena as well to do whatever."Well since that's over with why don't we get started on that tour," Sealameet said to Vesperia, smiling and standing up. Once more he led the way out of the arena and then started to lead them back to the waterfalls they had been at before.

"Well this is as best place as any to start the tour," he said with a smile once back at the waterfall ",Of course it will go so much better in the air." With those final words he stepped away from Vesperia and started to change into his actual form. A blinding blue glow surrounded him as flames burst forth from where he stood. As quickly as the light appeared it vanished and where Sealameet had stood before as a human, now stood his true self with wings outstretched as he gazed down at Vesperia with the same smile still he had before.

"Now it's your turn," he said thrilled at this moment to finally be able to see Vesperia's true form and see her true beauty she had to behold. In truth though he could care less on how she looked, his feelings for her were unwavering.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Winter blushed, the rosy hue staining her pale skin. She wasn't used to be flirted with. She didn't know how to flirt at all. "Thank you." Winter grinned and winked at the flirty dragon. "The secrets of love between adults huh? Hmm seems interesting." Her Icy blue eyes twinkled. She showed him the proud Everice dragon she had created. The sunlight made it sparkle, sending rainbow light everywhere.

"I'm hoping to sell these to the humans and then get a drink." She smiled, a toothy smile that showed off her tiny fangs. "Maybe I'll get tequila or rum. Yes I rather like rum. Ale too." She said half to herself. She snapped out of it when she rembered she was planning on going up an age.

"I also plan on trying out for an adult. Oh I can't wait to show the dragons my snows and ices. And maybe I'll mke a…Hmm no that won't do. Maybe…? Nah not that one either." She went over ideas swiftly in her head, rapidly dismissing most of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Myrtle grinned as she took the toy gently, curiously examining the mechanic scorpion with interest. As she used her skilled fingers to gingerly examine it, a bit impressed with the fine craftsmanship, blinking at cruise Momo in surprise at her introduction. A pet? Dragon's had pets? She couldn't be a dragon then, they weren't the mind to enslave one another. It was now possible this girl was human, considering the status of being a pet and having some knowledge in technology like herself. However, it wasn't like humans were the sole creature that looked human in the world. Elves, vampires, werewolves, Druids, mermaids... There were many mythical creatures hiding in the guise of humans. Dragons just happened to be the most powerful and feared amongst them. And the ones hunted the most just for their bodies.

"A pet? Are you happy as one?" Myrtle questioned, having no idea how one could live as such. She herself would go crazy. She was much too free spirited and stubborn to be anyone's pet. Perhaps she was also ambitious, to create a way to fly just as good or better than a dragon. Mhmm such silly dreams.

"Ah right. My name is Myrtle. Nice to meetcha, Momo. And I dunno where to start. I've made so many things. Granted, a lot of it blew up." she laughed softly.

Aster gave a sigh as he watched conversations basically erupt before him without him giving much of any word. It happened often, he wasn't a talkative, socializing dragon like Chu, and mostly kept to himself. So unless he was directly talked to, or he felt it was important enough for him to speak up. First, Grandpa Jeonbae spoke up from behind them, warning them as well. Though Chu seemed unconcerned with the red heads warning and still seemed very eager.

A teen dragoness also decided to join into the discussion, showing off a ice sculpture she had created while bowing respectfully to them.

Aster simply let Chu talk, only blushing at the mention of possibility of lending assistance in the ways of adult love. Rolling his eyes as the flirtious dragon wrapped a arm around the teens shoulder and placed a kiss on her cheek, before calling over to a blue electric dragon.

He only really responded when Chu mentioned 'baby' and 'nursery' which indicated handling Myrtle. Fidgeting nervously about the idea, he brushed his hand against his hair before turning to Myrtle thoughtfully. For some reason the long haired man felt uneasy. Perhaps it was just nerves but he just had a bad feeling about this. Still, if anything happened, he was sure Myrtle would be fine and she would be smart enough to get out of here if danger ever arose.

Looking to Myrtle he placed a hand on top of her head to get her attention.

"You can go on ahead, Chu. I'll meet you there." Aster said softly before looking to Myrtle and the human pet. "Come on Myrtle, you rest a little st the nursery. And try not to get in trouble." he said.

"Awwwww but I don't wanna!" Myrtle pouted a little.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chu seemed nonplussed by Jeonbae's words.

''I know, I know. I am carefully, not the first time I spend the night in a bar," he said tauntingly, blowing a kiss at him. "'Thanks for caring about me~ I'm even getting used to the stupid shoe thing." He indicated to his draconian feet. Jeonbae tensed up for some reason, never having been talked to that way before. Another dragon, another teen by the looks of it, who had overheard the group's plans, came up to them.

"Sorry to interrupt but did I hear you mention the Gold Village?" she asked. She had a ball of snow, rolling it around with careful precision into a small, expertly made statue of a dragon. Chu immediately leaned over, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Of course you can come with us~'' he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. '' And if you want to learn about the secrets of love between adults I will teach you~ Maybe Aster and Jeonbae will assist me in that lesson~" Chu grinned. Jeonbae growled softly, but was blushing. He didn't know how to react to anything this dragon was saying, it was incredibly frustrating.
Winter blushed at his comments. "The secrets of love between adults huh? Hmm seems interesting" she said. She took out some small ice figurines. "I'm hoping to sell these to the humans and then get a drink." She smiled, putting the figures away again. "Maybe I'll get tequila or rum. Yes I rather like rum. Ale too." She started musing off again, getting distracted by her own thoughts. Jeonbae thought she seemed a little odd but fairly normal. He would try to enjoy her company nonetheless.
Chu turned to another dragon close by, Aksaja.

"And you can come too. You look like you have a sweet crush~'' he said to him coyly. Aksaja simply shook his head. "Yes I have a crush but not with the girls here. It's that wind Dragon that tried to choke me." Jeonbae understood that, nodding.
"I need to go to the gold village to get metal plates and I need some help once I find the market," he said. Jeonbae thought that he could help with that.

"I know my way around the Merchant's Ward, I can help you find the metal plates," Jeonbae explained to Aksaja. "I know a few people who sell those kinds of things, I can help you while the others find a bar or restaurant." He turned back to the group. Aster had placed his hand on top of the oddly familiar human girl's head.
"You can go on ahead, Chu. I'll meet you there," he told Chu. "Come on Myrtle, you rest a little at the nursery. And try not to get in trouble."

"Awwwww but I don't wanna!" she pouted, maybe jokingly. Jeonbae clapped his hands unceremoniously, making an attempt to get everyone's attention.

"Right, so since it will be getting dark soon, we should start flying to the Gold Village in a little bit. We'll need to change back to our compact forms before we get inside though, for obvious reasons," he told the group. He gestured to his eyes and arms. "I have some hats and gloves that you can use in compact form to cover any horns or scales if you need to. It's easy to recognize a dragon." He sniffed the air slightly, checking for thunderclouds. When he didn't find any, he resumed speaking.

"There aren't any thunderclouds in the area so we should be alright. Gather up anything that you need to, quickly please" Jeonbae said, arms crossed. He pulled out a bandana and wrapped it around his head, and put his round, dark glasses on.

"Remember to stick together, we don't want anyone to get kidnapped or anything like that," he said jokingly, chuckling slightly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Momo & Siabel

"A pet? Are you happy as one?"
Momo chuckled as she heard the question. Was she happy? Well sure there were days she really wanted to do thing others kids did. Or hide away when her lady wanted to take her on a flying stroll to show off. Just as she had days she wished to see her father in person, not to have him like a pen pal who keep on gifting things to her.
But then again Momo knew Siabel needed her. She was her only friend, even if the dragon felt too prideful to say so. Feeling more comfortable to be around her pet, something that belonged to her than a friend. But she was happy, she was the only one who saw all sides of her Lady. Before she could answer the question she wasnt really awaiting to get. The girl introduced herself.
"Ah right. My name is Myrtle. Nice to meetcha, Momo. And I dunno where to start. I've made so many things. Granted, a lot of it blew up."

''Myrtle thats a sweet and nice sounding name. And to answer your question, well...My Lady Siabel grow me up from when I was a little girl...and she would be extremely not pleased if anything I make blows up her face. And please tell me about all the things you have made. I am curious.''

She looked to the side as the conversation between dragons went on. So the dragons wanted to go to a human town close by. Her eyes trailed to the compact form her lady was in, standing somewhat bored looking. For her it must have not been appealing the idea. But then again, Siabel did told her they would rest in a hotel in town for the festival duration. Momo looked at myrtle who was starting to whine about not wanting to go to the nursery. Staying behind. Her eyes moving to her lady and back to the girl. A decision was made, acting fast. She grabbed Myrtles hand with both of hers.

'' Please allow me to be your company lady Siabel can watch over both of us.~ Right Lady Siabel."
The dragon in question turned her head to momo. '' What ever you just offered No.''
Siabel turned to her normal form laying on the earth. ''Climb on. We are flying off. '' Siabel ordered. Sadly to her order Momo was not to give up a chance to talk to another being about invention so easily. Instead of climbing she let go off Myrtle hand to reach to scratch a spot behind Siabels head, the other hand going over the spine, just as she loved it the most. The red eyes closed as the tail tapped against the earth. Siabel really liked to be petted, and scratched just like Momo learned to do. The dragon stiffened and stood on her hind legs eyeing seriously Momo before looking at Myrtle, leaning closer and smiling her. Her brows raising.
'' Hm... Fine I suppose we can have tea at the nursery. '' She said giving momo the look that clearly said, you will scratch me for a hell long of time for doing this for you.

She looked at Aster, who was obliviously taking care of Myrtle that picked such a interest in her Momo. Her nose was excellent. Mostly from having to sniff Momo out. "I will keep a eye on both. So they dont end up in trouble. Their type does tend to get in trouble, ever so often. Now, Myrtle was it? Momo, both now climb on. I will fly you to it." She said to the dragon, giving him a long look, eyes blinking.

''Will you, lady show off?...'' Momo fearfully asked.
''You can bet on it. '' Whispered the black dragon in return.

The earth dragon chuckled as his guess actually was correct. And the dragon did had a crush on someone. '' Sounding lovely. Maybe give her flowers? Then she will not choke you?'' He suggested, enjoying the snow dragons blush. Glancing over the everice she hold. Nodding at her idea to sell it. Humans payed for a lot of things, occasionally overpaying things. "Careful not to have someone trick you on the markets." Luckily the grandpa offered to assist with the markets. Yup, chu nodded someone who trades with humans is probably a good dragon to help out for that.

"Oh you are a rum type? I really enjoy beer ale isnt bad either.Well at least we will not have a problem with keeping the drinks cold. '' Chu grinned back at her. Watching as she went off planing for her probably show. It was clearly she was planing to show off what she can do. Chu was just extremely enjoying all the blushing he caused with his words and action. It was just so cute to see adults and grandpa blush. And Jenoabe even growled at him with the blush on his cheeks such a cute embraced dragon.

He looked up as Aster spoke to him. "Nu, you I dont want you run away on me."Chu Jumped up beside aster, letting a finger run under the other chin. '' See that dragon is really nice just let her take Myrtle.And we get going now~" The arm wrapped around aster waist and started to pull him after himself as he started to walk one direction that lead out the tribe. This will be a amazing night chu could feel it in his toes. And like on command he slapped his forehead, Jeonbae was wight, hiding their dragon features was a must. Shoes he again nearly forgot about them.
'' Do not move" He tapped aster nose as he turned into his form, to dig under earth, it was 15 seconds later when a bunny dig out having two big boots in his mount, hold by their laces. Turning to the compact as he sat on the grass and putting them on. Making sure they sat well enough. '' Sorry guys. Now I am ready~" He placed a hand around Asters shoulders, smirking happily at him. '' I can travel under earth its faster for me, well that is if I dont hitch a ride.''

Chus flying skills were bad. His small wings just couldnt flap too long and carry him too high. He would get out of breath after just 2-3 minutes. His speed well walking was faster then his flying.It was a different story when it came to digging speed. With his magic assisting he could dig as fast as a dragon flying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Maybe if we both end up as adults I'll give her some chocolates or something" aksaja said to his suggestion about not getting choked. Right now aksaja needed to focus and get his metal plates so he could make his conductive armor idea work. Aksaja then went to his compact form glad he wore long sleeve shirt underneath to cover his scales and he accepted a pair of gloves from the elder to cover up his claws now looking like a regular human. His mother gave him cash before he came to the festival in case aksaja needed something, he never thought he would need it fit anything other then a souvenir of the festival but this idea was his one chance to before an adult this year
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Myrtle blinked a little as the fellow human girl grabbed her hands, just about insisting spending her time with Momo and the dragon Siabel. However the compacted form dragoness gave a form no before transforming into a beautiful black scaled dragon. Instructing Momo to get on, though it seemed the pet human was stubborn in this little situation by scratching behind her Lady's head. It amused Myrtle a bit, and although she had already started to plan studying dragons while Aster was away, talking about technology and such was a entertaining thing as well.

As Siabel lowered her head and smiled at her, Myrtle returned it cheerfully. It was then the black dragon agreed to having some tea, giving in to Momo's request before looking to Aster, assuring both would be watched before commanding both humans to get on her back. Smirking a little, she glanced toward Aster and waved a little.

"Have fun! No need to worry I'll be fine as rain! Your the one who could use a good time Mama Aster!" the red haired human grinned before cheerfully climbing onto the black dragons back without a hint of fear. Only excitement.

"Hope you're a fast flyer Siabel." Myrtle teased before holding her hand out to Momo to help her on.

Unlike the nervous Momo, Myrtle loved all sorts of flying. Including the fast and possibly dangerous. It was thrilling. That and she was too much of a daredevil for her own good.

Aster examined both the black dragoness and the human pet. His purple eyes showing a slight hint of fear every time he looked at the human pet. He was hesitant at the offer, not very comfortable handing Myrtle in the care of a teen dragon, who managed to sniff out she was a human, despite his large scarf around Myrtle's frame. Having a human pet was also worrying. Myrtle didn't take orders, so a dragon used to being obeyed to might get violent. Still, this teen dragoness seemed to care for her pet somewhat, seeing as she gave in to the human's request.

Before he could give a reply, Myrtle had already brushed him off and wished him a good time, in which Chu also lept in. Further distracting him by brushing his fingers against the dual magic dragon's chin. A deep blush formed and any complaints he had locked in his throat, before he was promptly dragged by the waist away from the two humans and wind dragon.

He managed a few quite incoherent stutters before giving in as he shot Myrtle a 'stay safe and stay out of trouble' look as he walked with Chu. His mind spinning a little as he tried to figure what to do about the arm around his waist. It was only assisting his reddened face and loss for actual words. How exactly did he get roped into these situations again?

Only managing to give a slow nod in response to Grandpa Jeonbae's words, slightly glad that his elder was having almost as bad as time dealing with Chu's flirtatious nature. Though, Aster has known him for a few years now and even now he hasn't gotten used to it. Much to the earth dragon's pleasure. Although Aster had used his scarf to assist covering up his face and avoid people looking at his eyes, his hair assisted in covering up the purple hue and his scales were hidden under his grey shirt.

Blushing deeper as Chu tapped his nose, the earth dragon transformed into his bunny like form and dug underground. A part of him wanted to turn around and go back to Myrtle like the worried parent like figure he was, while other was too flabbergasted to move. His stunned side won, because by the time he recovered from Chu's touches and words, the earth dragon popped out of the ground with some boots. Transforming back to his compact form and putting them on, before making the red head blush and stiffen as Chu wrapped a arm around his shoulders.

"I-I can give you a ride if you want. Either way it's up to you which way you travel." Aster managed to say after calming down his nerves and blush a bit. He pulled away a bit so he could transform into his large dragon form. His purple gaze glancing down at the earth dragon and the others. His wings expanding a little in a quick examination before folding them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Winter watched Chu's antics with amusement, laughing at his comments on not having to worry about thecdrinks being cold. She grinned then her eyes widened. "How will I hide my fangs or my slitted eyes?" She hissed in alarm. "I can hide my ears with a hat but my eyes and my teeth? I dont think i can do anything about that!" She growled in frustration. Then she turned to Chu. "You can ride on my back." She offered. She shifted into her dragon, her scales the color of wet ice.

Snowflakes fell from her scales as she moved around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You are truly impressive, in and out of your dragon form." She complimented after he was finished transforming. Though, when he mentioned her turn had now come she stood for a moment hoping that some one would come along and interrupt this event. Perhaps a thief, a wandering thief would stroll right up to Vesperia from out of the blue, and snatch her velvet bag away that held each beloved gem. In reality that would surely not happen and she must go through with this, it was bound to happen eventually.

"Oh--I guess it is my turn isn't it?" She said in a weary voice, her head hung low for a moment, and eyes were cast to the ground in defeat.

With a deep inhale a change began to occur. An ominous all consuming cloud began enveloping the female. A vibrant flash of amethyst like a lightening bolt could be seen within the source before swirls of purplish vapor, almost resembling poison, ascended toward the sky. These fumes never reached their longing destination before vanishing into the atmosphere. Before Sealameet anxiously stood a pitch dragon with the same violet glow found along its wings just like both eyes. A rather slim serpentine form lined with spikes nearly from head to tail, was not massive in size but rather compact making for very agile movements. She was quite fast in this form and could run and fly with great speed while weaving or turning with ease. Without speaking this creature looked rather intimidating and harrowing but the voice that followed was anything but. Vesperia remained perfectly still except for the end of her tail, which sometimes flickered back and fourth--a sign of nervousness.

"Uh, shall we? Wouldn't want us to be late--touring...in the sky?" She felt foolish at the words that managed to escape. It was a mesh of a question when it should have been a suggestion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siabel & Momo

"Hope you're a fast flyer Siabel."

Siabel snorted at that. '' Amusing humor.'' Siabe said waiting for Momo to climb on reluctantly before she jumped up in a thigh spiral flying fast straight up.Her wings spreading once she actually break the cloud layer, She wasnt the dragon to turn down a challenge, especially not a challenge involving flying. The light warm breeze caressing her face before she fly at a really high speed forward, treating the clouds as a obstacle course.

Momo was already clinging for her dear life in fear she will fall off Siabel as the dragon started to make turns between the clouds trying not to touch any in her fast flying, looping around for no reason then feeling like it. Enjoying to back roll the most, she speed more breaking under the clouds. Obliviously overshooting the nursery by quite the distance.
That was easy to fix, she stopped mid air and started flying straight up before she allowed her self to close the wings and free fall nose first towards the earth, gaining speed more and more. Turning a right angle wings opening in a flash, just a foot away from the earth. Dust flying in reaction up and around like a extra tail of the black dragon. Siabel started a low flight easily jumping between trees and brunches. Even speeding under some of the bigger dragons legs.

Her wind magic starting to make a fluffy air resistance as she abruptly stopped in front of the nursery. Her two passengers hitting the air as a pillow instead hitting into her neck. Gently laying down she put her wings down, allowing them to slide down.

Momo jumped off first and just a meter away from siabel she emptied her stomach insides. Siabel whined at it.

'' You really should do something about your flight sickness. Its annoying me. '' She shock her head, thankful she manage to hold until they landed. She looked at Myrtle. '' And you? Enjoyed it?'' She questioned her, turning to her compact for. Using her tail to give Momo walking support as she looked too wobbly on her own legs. The black dragon walked in the nursery.

Several babies were sleeping in the hallway cuddled up in a heap together. Siabel turned into her compact form still holding her tail up as support for momo and peeked to the right before she looked to the left room. Settled in the room seeing it was empty. She dropped on the pillows there and eyed Myrtle. '' So answer me one question. What kind of human are you? Depending on your answer it may not be your last breath.''

Momo dropped on the pillows too, feeling somewhat better being able to walk. She started to pull out her back a wooden box where the tea set was safely secured. Mid opening the box she stopped looking at her dragons question. '' You are not a dragon? '' She was slightly shocked. A human well this was quite the bonus, Momo could actually make a human friend. The threat of her lady not coming to her, mostly her lady threatened way too often people around them. It was normal for her to hear it, and not take it too seriously. It was extremely rare her lady followed up her threats and do the killing part. Mostly it was just a warning until the person passed out. And even then in most situation it was because of someone trying to hurt them.

She kept on getting the tea cups out and the water cooker, just like a water bottle. Now the bag was empty looking.

He was about to jump accept Aster shyly spoken offer, when the teen WInter sounded somewhat panicked.
The earth dragon tilted his head. '' Well how do you usually hide it? Or are you first time around humans''
Chu looked at her eyes and teeth grinning. '' Well if you dont know I think I have a something fitting ....'' Che touched the earth with his hand, closing his eyes, deciding to make the earth move the things. Some where under was a little bunny space filled with various things. He could feel the eat moving taking something of the hoard and and starting to push it towards him.

Something peeked out the earth and he tugged it out. It was dark lens goggles he saw people working in the metal wear and a medical mask.
'' Here just say you have a cold, and those should hide your eyes well.What do you think grandpa will those do in hiding her features? Or is something else needed?'' Chu grinned while asking hopping to the grandpa in question. Poking him before happily walking back to the two teens, hooking a arm under Aster.
'' Sure Winter thanks for the ride. '' He climbed pulling the other dragon. It was pretty simply in Chu mind why he was pulling him. First reason was to not force Aster to fly thinking about the wing. The second was he could so tease him on the ride. Once on the back, he felt the snowflakes falling, and Looked over the other teen. Wondering if he would hitch a ride too, but he already dragged one dragon on the poor girls back, Inviting another wouldnt do if she didnt want to do it on her own. Thought if just one dragon gives the ride for everyone that should do for the sticking together part.
But Chu didnt think it was up to him to decide that. Instead he spoke to Aksaja.'' You know about the chocolate thing you mentioned, I can show you after the bar a pretty chocolate shop. Its a family businesses. Quite the tasty treats they make.'' Chu offered, remembering how tasty the fruits chocolate pieces were. Really to lick one his own fingers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Myrtle loved flying, all sorts of flying, so this was just amazing. She had thought riding with Aster was awestrucking, but this was just spell bounding. Her legs firmly pressed against the black body to be sure she held on, as her fingers grasped them for grip. This particular dragon was a excellent flyer, the speed and skill navigating was truly amazing. Even her best skyship would be no match for this dragon. The human cheered, raising a hand to feel the wind against her arm as they dived down under the clouds. A daring flyer, and perhaps a little bit of a show off, but hey nothing wrong with that if there is something to show off. And there definetly was.

Sadly, the ride came to a end, much to Myrtle's displeasure. That was probably the best ride she had. With a grin, she slid off, looking at Momo who didn't seem to appreciate the expert flying. The red head laughed a little before looking at the black dragon who transformed into her more human like form. At the question, Myrtle gave a cheerful grin.

"Enjoyed? I loved it! Gotta say, think your the best flying dragon I've seen." she answered before following her two companions into the apparent nursery. It looked like a old style of a human home almost.

Poor Momo wobbled along, with the assistance of the dragoness until they managed to get inside and find a empty room. Myrtle wanted to cuddle the sleeping baby dragons, but refrained in order to let the sleep. Sitting down with her companions, she simply grinned in amusement at Siabel's question. Waving her finger in a tsking manner. Obviously having no fear.

"Now now Aster trusted you to take care of me. Plus if I was someone that was planning to do you harm, he wouldn't have let me be here." Myrtle chuckled, though she had snuck a ride to be here technically, she also knew Aster held some trust for her enough to let her stay by herself here. Well, with some watchful eyes.

Thinking softly on how to explain who she was she grinned at Momo at her surprise. "Yeah, don't feel so bad for not knowing. It seems most of the dragons here haven't picked up on it thanks to that dragon fruit and Aster's scarf. They just think I'm a baby dragon." she chuckled before rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

"Well, I'm a pilot, a engineer and a researcher. So I build fancy gizmos, skyships, fix skyships and gizmos, and generally research ways to make things easier for people or make the skyships move faster. So I'm here to study the best flyers and magic orientated beings. Dragons. Plus their culture is quite fascinating." Myrtle explained before shifting her goggles down from her forehead to be placed over her eyes.

The golden accessory's lens shifted slightly, calculating before she looked to Siabel.

"Let's see, age 201, magic affinity to air, maturity around a teen." Myrtle mused as calculations appeared on the lens from her view before sliding them back up her forehead with a grin.

"Although plenty of hunters have wanted my inventions, I'm not so interested in hunting them down or anything. Dragons are much more interesting alive in their natural lives rather than what the hunters put them through." she mused.

Aster watched as Chu assisted the teen snow dragon's dilemma of hiding her features. She also offered to give the earth dragon a lift, in which case the dual magic dragon was ready to transform and take flight, simply assuming Chu would take the cute little dragoness's offer over his. It was logical, Aster could fall out of the sky anytime if his wing gave out. Of course the red head would never allow Chu to get hurt by such a cause but it was still nerve wracking. Plus cute dragons like her is something most dragons look for.

Before he could transform however, Chu came along and linked a arm under him, catching the long haired man by surprise. "H-Hey.." Aster started to question as the earth dragon dragged him over to the snow dragon. Practically dragging him onto her back.

Sitting in front of the other male, his purple gaze glanced back at the earth dragon as he spoke to the other teen dragon about chocolates. Seeming to get somewhat excited for them. Aster wasn't positive on his reasons for dragging him on for a ride. It could be to relieve the possibility of his wing giving out, or to simply tease him more. Could be one or the other or even both. Chu was a immature idiot sometimes, but he could be thoughtful. Sometimes at least.

"Save it until you actually get chocolate." Aster muttered as he watched Chu lick his finger, but gave a soft smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Yeah that should work." Winter rumbled. She twisted her long neck to look at the two males. "One of you is Aster and the other is chu. Clarify which is which please so I can decide who to prank first." She smirked. Then shooke her head, snowflakes drifting out of the ice colored mane on her neck. She walked around a bit,snowflakes making a trail as she tested the feeling of the two people on her back. She could hardly feel them. Which surprised her. She had no idea she was that strong.

"I can hardly feel you up there." She said, looking at them. "I wouldn't mind another rider. Then I might actualy remember you're there when I want to do a barrel roll." Then she remembered Chu's earlier question. "Kind of. When I went to the other villages it was always dark. So they couldn't see anything wrong." She explained.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago


What stood before Sealameet was a dragon that to him, no words could express the beauty he saw. Her serpentine form he saw as graceful and eloquent with spikes that complimented the form. He could only imagine how graceful she would be in flight and how lucky he would be to fly with her. She was by far the most amazing dragon he had every met.
"I see your beauty and eloquence is held with both your forms. Beautiful does not describe how you look since you are so much more then beautiful," he said, giving his own compliment back to her and try to ease her nervousness ",I'm honored to be able to show you around."
With that he spread his wings out and rose up into the sky waiting for Vesperia before moving on to begin the tour of the tribe territory."Well as you have all ready seen, there is the tribe itself where dragon's go in and out as they please and interact as desired, then there's the falls which we are at now, the training arena for those who desire to work on their abilities before the Festivals of Aging, and the arena where the Festival of Aging began and goes on for however long is necessary. Next can be the hunting grounds, and the nearby mountains. In the end I'll show you were I stay and help you find a place to stay during the festival, either your own cave or a place within the tribe."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

While most of the dragons either had no features to hide or already had taken care of them, Winter seemed to be lacking.

"How will I hide my fangs or my slitted eyes?" she hissed. "I can hide my ears with a hat but my eyes and my teeth? I don't think i can do anything about that!"

Luckily, Chu, the flirtatious dragon, seemed to have a problem. He pressed his hand to the ground for a few moments, and a pair of mechanic's goggles and a medical mask popped out of the ground. He handed them to the ice dragon.

''Here just say you have a cold, and those should hide your eyes well," he explained. "What do you think grandpa will those do in hiding her features? Or is something else needed?" Chu poked him, and Jeonbae nearly fell over, managing to right himself at the last moment. Sighing, he nodded.

"Those should be fine" he told him. "Unless we'll be eating, there's no reason to take it off."
In the meantime, Aster and the others had been discussing who would be flying with who, seeing as Chu was unable to do so on his own. He felt a bit off-to-the-side, but he was much older than the other dragons. I wouldn't be able to understand anything they're talking about Jeonbae assured himself. Shifting to his dragon form, he laid along the ground observing the other dragons get sorted out, front claws extended in front of him, at a right angle to the ground. He sniffed the air again. Still no thunderclouds, or humans. But he was worried about something tonight... he wasn't sure what. Just relax, don't be so tense. It's a night of merriment and drinking! a little voice in his head said. Jeonbae smiled a little worriedly but decided to have all the fun he could.

"I'll go ahead to arrange Aksaja's metal plates," he rumbled. "It's not normal market hours, but I have connections that should be able to get you what you need." He flew up into the air, fur along his spine rippling. Arcing a path towards the Gold Village, the dragon tribe quickly faded behind him as he glided on wind currents and magic.


After a long while of flying, the lights of Gold Village appeared on the darkening horizon, a faint smell of oil and smoke reaching Jeonbae's nose. It wasn't long before he dipped to the ground, changing back to his compact form before anyone noticed him. He adjusted his glasses and bandana, and taking a deep breath, entered the village. Even though it was only sunset, swathes of drunken citizens stumbled past him, and the sounds of coarse laughter and merriment echoed around him. He ignored them, and kept walking with an even pace, dodging crowds. Before long, he reached the Merchant's District, an upscale neighborhood of white-stone houses and silver inlays, archways and cobblestone streets, gas lamps and not to mention rich barons' sons. The Countess' Citadel towered in the distance, and closer still was the Church of Draconian. With it being a weekend, most stalls in the district were closed or shuttered, the shops elsewhere being open extra hours. Jeonbae ducked into an alley and strode into a back courtyard, doors to apartments lining the perimeter. He knocked on one with the silver lettering that read "102". Sounds of heavy footsteps echoed in the distance, and the door opened, revealing a man known as Ammarissaix, or Maris a friend of Jeonbae's since the former's residence at Gold Village, one of the few people that knew his true identity as a dragon. He had a slightly narrow and hard face, yet sported a large, burly figure from years working at scrapyards and around heavy machinery. He was not a man of many words, choosing to say the ones that mattered. Maris did not look surprised to see Jeonbae, and instead simply nodded.

"Good to see you, friend," Jeonbae greeted, smiling slightly. "I hope I'm not interrupting your day off, but I'd like to make a request." Maris nodded slowly.

"A friend of mine needs some scrap metal, enough to maybe make a set of armor for his upper body and arms." Maris grunted in affirmation.

"Wait here. I should have something in the back." Moments later, he returned with a armful of scrap pieces of iron and copper. "This enough?" Jeonbae nodded in thanks. "For what you did last time." As he turned to leave, Maris spoke again.

"Watch out for Imperial Soldiers. Word is that they've been killing dragons for magical energy." Jeonbae immediately paled in apprehension, but nodded again in thanks. "I will keep a lookout." He had to let the others know. Going out for drinks may have been a bad idea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siabel & Momo

Siabel didnt react patently and carefully listened to the other human explaining things. As Myrtle demonstrated the invention she frowned.
"Although plenty of hunters have wanted my inventions, I'm not so interested in hunting them down or anything. Dragons are much more interesting alive in their natural lives rather than what the hunters put them through."

'' And the church...'' She mumbled for a moment. Her tail slamming on the floor.

'' Lady siabel would you please the tea...'' Momo said smiling at her dragon. Who sighed, moving her lips she gently blow, making the water cooker catch the air and transform the wind motion into heat energy and get the water done cooking in a few moments. She watched as the tea was poured in the cups. Momo brining the cup to Siabel hands.
She accepted, staring at her tea, she spoke. '' Hm... Doing harm in a dragon village is suicide....dragon tribe.'' She corrected her self. Drinking a bit of the steaming tea.

'' And your machine didnt told you anything. You should think of making one that would read what the eating preferences for a dragon is. Would be easier to avoid the dragons who have a taste for human flesh.'' Siabel suggested and hummed she really liked the taste of black tea. And it was calming too.

Momo brought another cup to Myrtle smiling at her all happily. '' I dont know much other dragons but I know a lot about my Lady. I can tell you about her. '' She grinned and went on whispering in a hurry, how her lady was really careful of her looks. How she could spend hours in front of the mirror asking if her hips look big in a dress. She chuckled, not to Siabels pleasure who flipped momos dress up showing off pink underwear as punishment. Siabels cheeks were just a hint of red. But at least she wasnt the only blushing person now. Momo being red faced too.

''But anyway ignoring my pet words. Do you know of that far off country controlled by a state church? The are excellent at harnessing wind energy. I was born... hatched there. '' She said looking some bit more relaxed now her company were only humans. Being tense putting up a show, showing you are strong... she wondered if she would be able to relax like that around any other dragon ever. She did wished to become a mother and let momo play with her babies....How weird it may sounded to her own ears. '' I was brougth up by idiotic priest who put me in a golden cage. You now wonder why I tell you this mm? ''

Siabel smirked only to be interrupted by momo. '' because you actually enjoy to be complimented about your flying which makes you hope to show it off more often to someone who will not puke over your wings ever so often?'' Siabel growled at momo who laugh and took a sip of her tea. ''I think you and Myrtle fit together both are completely crazy when it comes to flying. At least judging by the happy screams she let out while on your back.'' The black dragon sunk her face in the tea cup drinking it all out and nibbling on the tea cup rim.

''Just ask what you want to know human. I know at least something.'' She growled angrily into her cup. Not pleased with how the conversation was going. She wasnt just liking any run by human idiot. And she wasnt that easily to please.

Aster looked back at him. Something how he should save it for the chocolate. It too Chu a few moments to realize he was licking his fingers. A grin spread on his face and the earth dragon pouted his lips. ''Aww, Aster dont get jealous of me licking my fingers at the thought of chocolate.'' Chu purred in a lowered implying tone, winking at him, just loud enough the fire and water dragon could hear him. For some Chu would have looked as if he got drunk just by thinking about the beer.

The teen snow dragon spoke up asking about who is who. Chu answered it. '' I am the earth dragon Chu. Please consider to make me your prank assistance.'' He introduced himself swiftly. He wanted to get going, hearing Winter offer another place on her back. Well that was at least simple. He looked at the other teen Aksaja and waved at him to join them on Winters back.

The grandpa already in his dragon form sniffing the air. "I'll go ahead to arrange Aksaja's metal plates, It's not normal market hours, but I have connections that should be able to get you what you need."

''Okay Jeonbae, take care. You can find us at the Happy drunk bar. We will save you a spot so no worries.'' Chu waved watching the older dragon fly up and away. He patted Winter on the back, once all Aksaja joined them. Now with everyone settled on one dragons back, they were ready for departure too. ''Lets go, we dont want the grandpa to arrive before us at the bar. ''


The ride was soon coming to a end, and Chu pointed to a abounded construction site close to the edge of the city. It was a good landing place and Chu used it too because there were still lots of earth he could dig out from and behind the walls to keep kids away, from getting in danger. It was safe to transform there too. Chu was the first one to jump off the white dragons back. Stretching he notice a growing.
A homeless dog was growing at him, for being at his territory.
''Shu, shu. I dont want to hurt you. '' He said to the dog who decide it was a great time to start barking.
''Hey you will get attention on us. Shhh. ''He tried to silent the dog, it didnt work. He grabbed a rock and trow it in front of the dogs leg, who jumped back but only went on barking louder.

Chu face palmed. ''Dogs just dont want to take me serious. Someone else growl at it to shut up before someone actually go look what is this about.'' Chu asked his partners, this was a bad start. He just wanted to say welcome to gold Village where they import 95 sorts of beer and even more sorts of alcohol. Well who knew if there was 95 sorts of beer, but Chu was thinking that there should be that many.
And not being welcomed by a unwelcoming dog. It completely ruined the first impression he wanted to leave on the two teens first time in Gold Village.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Myrtle chuckled as she listened to the dragoness about upgrading this device to tell a dragons eating habits. "I have to study their eating habits first before managing to include that in this thing. But to be honest, I'm just about as safe here as I am back home. I mean there are some weirder humans who eat other humans, to use them as some sacrifice ritual things. People who want to make money off inventions, willing to murder and such. Go outside and you could get shot by a elf, eaten by a manticore or chimera, go flying and you could get eaten by a griffon or a dragon, go sailing and get killed by a kraken, a sea serpent, or mermaids. Walk in the forest you can run into tricky fairies or if your unlucky those soul sucking fairies that bite at you like a bunch of man eating locusts. So if I was going to be overly cautious or afraid, I'd be stuck in my room like many people. So if rather risk my neck to discover new things and make the most of my life. And man don't underestimate those mermaids. They are heck of scary. I really need to upgrade this thing so it can sense any sort of danger. That would be handy."Myrtle spoke in a face pace manner, still seeming unconcerned of being eaten.

It was true, a adventerure couldn't be scared to discover new things, even if there was huge risks. The adventure itself was worth it. Humans had such short lifespans compared to many creatures of this world. So they spent their time in quite a hurry and made the most of their life.

As Momo whispered in her ear about this wind dragon, the red haired human couldn't help but chuckle at the words. "Mhmm sounds like a normal girl." she mused thoughtfully as she mentally took some notes.

She brushed out laughing as Siabel blew up Momo's skirt to show off the pink panties, giving a sly teasing smirk to the fellow human girl before glancing up at the dragoness as she told the story about the church she came from. Myrtle sipped her tea thoughtfully as she sat cross legged, nodding in response at the question of hearing about such a church. Mildly giving a disapproving sigh as she listened to how exactly Siabel was treated.

"Churches, it's almost funny how so many do stupid things over what they believe." she mused as she ran through many different sorts of churches in her mind. Most popular was the dragon churches, but there were also churches believing in humanity's greatness and that all living beings should now to them, some believing technology over nature and magic, some magic over technology, some simply wanting to enslave or burn any intellectual races because they are different. It seemed so tiring really.

Before she could answer Siabel's question, Momo seemed to answer for her, making the dragoness irritated and Myrtle snicker. "Well I am a pilot, of course I love flying. And a riding a dragon is very fun." she grinned before pondering about what to ask.

"Mhmm let's see what haven't I badgered Aster yet? Oh got it. He's told shy and vague for this one. So how do dragons mating rituals go? I understand they use magic to make a egg but is there a process to it?" she asked casually as if it's a total normal unembarrassing thing to ask.

Aster blushed deeply at the implying voice of Chu, stuttering a bit before quickly turning away to avoid his face being looked at. "I-I was just pointing it out before someone wonders if your going to take a bite." he answered shakily but a little stubbornly as he rubbed is face in attempt to rid of the reddening of his cheeks. He'd really need a lot to drink to make his head from spinning and his heart stop it's rapid movements.

As the teen dragoness asked who was who, Chu answered happily. Aster simply muttered his name as his purple eyes watched as the eldest of the group took off ahead of them. He gave a silent sigh as they soon lifted off after them. He had a bad feeling, yet that may because they were going to a human city. So it was probably just him.
When they arrived at their destination, Chu was the first to slip off and stretched. Though he was soon confronted by a growling dog. The earth dragon tried to shoo and scare it off, but it seemed Chu wasn't a very intimidating individual. Aster gave a sigh before slipping off Winter's back and walked closer. He crouched as he moved closer to the dog who growled at him. Once he was about a two feet away, he held out a hand as he knelt eye level to the canine, balancing on his toes.

The dog growled and bit his hand, curling its lips in a snarl but the dual element dragon didn't flinch. Simply gave a friendly smile. Ears lifting ever so softly, the dog gave a small whine and licked the bite marks it gave. Aster gave a soft chuckle and gentle stroked the canine's head and scratched behind the ears.

"That's a good dog. We won't stay long, so go along and play." Aster said gently as he gingerly shooed he dog away after giving it a few loving pets. The dog yipped before bounding away.

Standing up again, Aster glanced back to the others, crossing his arms over his chest and his kind smile disappearing. Seeming to await for everyone to move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Dude that was cool." Winter said to Aksaja, shifting to her compact form. She grinned and put the glasses on, giving a thumbs up. She handed Chu the mask. "Now that I think about my fangs are kinda small. So I should be fine." She flushed. "Sorry for making a big deal out if it." She looked at the ground, embarrassed. She played with a ball of snow in her hands out of habit, shaping it into a dog not unlike the one they had just encountered. She offeres it to Aksaja, smiling at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Aksaja went with the others to the golden village thanking jeonbe for getting his metal plates for him to use for his experiment. Aksaja never ride another's back besides his own mothers but he will make an exception this once.

Once they got to the village he noticed that they landed in a construction site and Aksaja figured that it was a good place to hide but ask this metal was like his entire weapon then hee turned to see the dog barking at them and aksaja was ready to fly away but then he saw their elder act friendly to it despite it and it looked like it was saying sorry to chu which aksaja found odd but he didn't question it. Aksaja looked over at the ice Dragon when she talked to him and aksaja shrugged not sure what to think if what happened as he turned to his compact form and he smiled a little at the ice Dragon but he said "hang on a sec" he said as he looked around and find a steel bar and he used his electrical breath to start melting it.... street a few seconds of using his claws to sculpt it and he showed her a steel dragon swirled going upward trying to make sure it look like her as he gave his sculpture to her "hope you like it" he said smiling exchanging his for hers not wanting to let her think he didn't like her gesture...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Winter smiled. "I love it. Thanks." She examined it closely. "Damn you have an eye for detail." She praised. "It looks exactly like lick . I'm definitely keeping this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siabel & Momo

Momo was exited listening to Myrtle her mind wandering on ideas how to actually make that upgrade os sensing any form of danger around the one wearing. Maybe she wondered they could actually go for a year or two on a adventure and meat all those magical creatures themselves. Shew as under the dragons protection and never once she saw any danger coming from anything beside humans. Momo was sure that humans werent as easy of a prey as the made it sound. If they were there wouldnt be any humans alive.
She sipped some more of her tea chuckling at the question. She asked the same one two or so years ago, when she started being curious about babies.

''Well...'' Siabel tail started nervously tapping as she searched the words. '' If two dragons like each other they pretty much do it like any two humans....You know..um either in compact form or um...dragon form. As they do it they magic gets in sync so to say...'' The black dragon drunk all of the tea at once. The empty cup showed into her pets direction who readily filled it up. And Siabel drunk more than half a cup up before she continued speaking.
''As the magic sync its mesh and melts together and the eggs start um..should start forming either between them or beside them. Or along the lines...I am a teen so never did it before....and not like there are any dragons where I live to begin with.'' She growled in some bit of embarrassment. '' But as I will become a adult on the ceremony I plan to find a strong partner and make them. Or at least one. ''

''I bet Siabels babies will be the cutest things ever! '' Momo smiled helping her lady not to feel so uncomfortable and shy.
'' But I have a question for you too. How is it to fly on a airship?'' Momo curiously asked as she never did before.

He was glad aster somehow made the dog be tame and run off to play. He didnt complement him as the teen did that for him.
"Now that I think about my fangs are kinda small. So I should be fine." She flushed. "Sorry for making a big deal out if it."
Chu looked at Winter and took the mask. '' You choose. '' He answered to her. Personally he would have hidden them even if they were small, but it wasnt him so he placed the mask on the earth who moved around it nearly as if sucking it in its depths. Watching as the two exchanged presents. He sighed, chu wasnt that artistic of a dragon to be able to make a earth sculpture. It didnt interest him either. '' First rule dont use your magic once we move in the city, use it only for escape reasons or fighting back reasons. So no more cute statues for the night. '' He informed them, his feathurs shifting from serious back to happy ones. The earth dragon clapping his hands. '' Now make sure to follow me, and this is a big place so there will be a lot of smell to confuse your noses. So stay close to me or aster.''

And with it Chu started to lead the way. In a few moments the group of four was in the city with many humans passing them left and right. Chu stopped for a moment looking over the street towards a few people in the same robes. He turned the first corner leading away from them. His head turning to see if they were being followed. But it appeared not too. They were under a bridge as Chu looked at the teens and Aster. '' Those were hunter patrols. Lets be more carefully hunters dont walk in groups like that if they dont plan something. The bar is a in the lonely alley ahead so make sure you are fully hidden once again before we go in. Would hate to have my night of sweet steaming love ruined by a accident!''
Chu dramatically jokingly finished. He was a bit more carefully, checking his boots and pants. Seeing hunted in their hunting robs in the city was unusually if it wasnt a celebration. They usually wore something that appeared more casual. Everything should be fine if they dont attract attention. Once made a double check on everyone they moved from under the bridge to the bar. Entering it seeing there wasnt many people in it, but neither was it empty.
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