Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


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Main Story:

To make it unique, it’s after the game is over, but not in the way you think - you see, Venom won, and Andross is victorious. The Star Fox team is dead. Corneria and all of its allies are defeated and cut off from one another. Some, such as Corneria and Katina, fair better than the others, with only the devastation of the war to deal with as the war slows to a deadlock on parts of their planets. Smaller, weaker planets, such as Fortuna and Titania, are subject to enslavement and genocide on a massive scale.

The RP will initially take place on Fortuna two years after the official end of the war. It will just be this planet first to make it manageable. Depending on how it goes, other planets will be added to the mix as needed to keep the story going. As it stands right now, we’ll need Fortunian resistance members and Venomian soldiers mainly. If you want to be from some other planet, then you need to have a plausible story as to why you’re on Fortuna. At the start of this RP, interplanetary travel for anyone but the Venomians is not going to be plausible due to a total military blockade.

Fortuna has taken the heaviest losses and the remaining populace has been forced into hiding in isolated bunkers dotted across the tundra. The military members that are left (most of the population - they have a mandatory draft in the middle teenage years) have waged a small guerrilla war against the occupying Venomian military, but it is slowly failing as more die of conflict and poor living conditions. Rebels captured are killed or sold into slavery, though, so they don’t have a lot of choice but to keep fighting.

There has been no word from the stronger planets, Corneria and Katina, since the end of the war. It is assumed Fortuna is on its own.


The planets are basically treated as sovereign nations, with their own languages, religions, customs, and economic systems. All planets except for Venom and Macbeth are part of the Lylatian Alliance, led by Corneria. Macbeth, although officially on the Alliance’s side, is not a member.


Corneria is a generally diverse planet similar to Earth in climate and the United States in political and social ways. It is the second largest planet in the system population wise and the closest match militarily to Venom. If any planet is likely to make a military comeback, it’s them.


Katina is a dry planet, but is easily able to sustain life. It is Corneria’s closest ally, and medium size in both population and military strength before the Alliance’s defeat.


Titania is a sparsely populated desert planet. It has a few cities that have been heavily damaged during the war. Most citizens now live in the desert and struggle to survive and avoid Venomian patrols. They pose little threat to Venom militarily and are among the poorest planets in the system. They do, however, have a tiny but fierce resistance movement.


Due to the continuing pollution and damage to Zoness during the war and immediately after, it is largely incapable of sustaining any sentient life.


Macbeth is the only other monarchy other than Venom in the system, and the only one that is not a dictatorship. Although previously allied with the Alliance, Macbeth has secretly processed prisoners of war from certain planets for slave labor for years for Venom’s use. Due to their aid to what has become the winning side, it has largely avoided the devastation of the other planets in the system.


Venom may be victorious, but their planet has been devastated by the war and the insanity of their Emperor. It is left as the sole superpower at the conclusion of the war, but the military is spread throughout the system with varying degrees of occupation of the conquered planets. Their military also still takes some casualties from the resistance on several planets.


Fortuna is the smallest planet in the system and is a frozen tundra with a dwindling population. The residents are ruthlessly hunted by the Venomian military and forced into hiding to avoid enslavement or murder. Like Titania, they have a small but active resistance movement. Prior to and during the war, they were the main suppliers of military weapons.


* Since you’ve seen Star Fox before, you know the characters are furries. Think of the species as races and think of the planets’ climates when choosing a species. For example, a Fortunian will probably be an arctic animal, a Titanian would be some sort of desert animal, etc.

* You’re writing a story, not trying to “win.” If something bad happens to your character, don’t take it personally or god mode to get out of it.
- As a corollary, if you’re going to horribly disfigure and cripple someone’s character, or kill someone’s character off, talk to them first so we don’t have hissy fit fights.

* This is going to be dark, if the description doesn’t clue you in. There can be some humor, but it’s by no means a silly RP. If you don’t want dark and depressing, this may not be the RP for you.

* Since we don't have many players, you can have two or three characters. Just don't get more than you can handle.

* If anyone wants to join after the RP has started, message me first, please.

Character Sheet:






Planet of origin:

Planet of allegiance (if different):

Civilian or military:

Skill set (basically what their job was before the war, or military specialty):

Short history of character (a paragraph or two is fine, more if you want):


You can add more to the character sheet if you want. The things listed above are just the bare minimum. I will post my character sheets as an example in just a second.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


Member Offline since relaunch

Here is my first character sheet. I'll post the other one tomorrow, but if you want an idea as to how it works, well, here you go.

Name: Justo Darkfire

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Arctic fox

Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, athletic build but becoming malnourished. Typically wears ratty fatigues or civilian clothing. Of average height for species (Fortunians tend to be slightly shorter than some people from the other planets).

Planet of origin: Fortuna

Planet of allegiance (if different): Fortuna

Civilian or military: Military

Skill set (basically what their job was before the war, or military specialty): Medic. Works as a medic and saboteur now.

Short history of character (a paragraph or two is fine, more if you want): Justo was drafted into the Fortunian military at the age of 14, as is typical for citizens of Fortuna. His father had died earlier in the war and his mother worked as a civilian nurse. For the first two years of his service until the original Venomian occupation (what was going on during the game), he was in non-combat roles and still in training. During the first occupation, he worked as a thief on top of his medic duties, stealing supplies for him and his comrades.

Venom was eventually run off of the planet for a time by Corneria. The planet's population had been devastated, however, and many young soldiers were pushed into specialized combat positions with poor training. Justo volunteered for pararescue and rose into the officer ranks before a mission went wrong and he was captured and held in a Venomian prison for several months. He was tortured and experimented on before being able to escape. He still bears significant physical and psychological scars from this, as well as a deep hatred of the forces that now occupy his home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A cougar character is probably going to have to be of Cornerian origin, right?

I've forgotten almost everything about Star Fox because the last time I've played any of them games was when I was still in elementary school. I might need some lectures on the Star Fox universe here and there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


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A cougar would probably be Cornerian, or possibly Katinan or Venomian. Venom and Corneria are both massive planets that are fairly "ethnically" diverse.

It's fine if you haven't played Star Fox in forever. Neither have I. The story was about as complex as Sonic the Hedgehog 2, so most of this is made up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fair shit. Always good to make stuff up where the canon story's lacking.

I've decided on two characters. A disgraced former Cornerian commander, responsible for catastrophic military losses as a result of his extravagance and narcissism, and now trying to redeem himself as a hero to Fortuna. And his reckless borderline psychopath of a son.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


Member Offline since relaunch

Sounds interesting. I will post when I get home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


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Second character sheet!

Name: Dimitri Saganov

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Gray Wolf

Appearance: Looks like just an average guy, really. Generally wears a Venomian dress uniform or fatigues. Very proper in his military protocols, albeit the fact that they are somewhat skewed because of which military he's a member of.

Planet of origin: Venom

Planet of allegiance (if different): Venom

Civilian or military: Military

Skill set (basically what their job was before the war, or military specialty): Black ops and "clean up" operations

Short history of character (a paragraph or two is fine, more if you want): Dimitri fought on Fortuna and Titania during the main bulk of the war. Now that the war is over, he is stationed on Fortuna. He has conducted some unsavory operations in the past, but he is largely unknown to soldiers and civilians outside of the higher ranks and intelligence groups. His entire family was killed during a Cornerian air raid early in the war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


Member Offline since relaunch

By the way, even though I didn't mention it in the rules, you should of course feel free to control minor characters (random Venomian or Fortunian soldiers and the like).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just barely defused a crisis between my best friend and my mom's ex-boyfriend tonight. Right when I've been becoming an anxious wreck again.

If I'm not able to get into this RP, that's why. Fuck... every time I try to RP, there's always some sort of fucking crisis that goes on in my life that makes me scatterbrained and unable to continue an RP beyond a few days at best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


Member Offline since relaunch

It's fine if you take a short hiatus. We will wait for you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Don't wait for me. Just start the RP without me. I'm dealing with lots of stressful IRL stuff and if you're wating for me before starting the RP, you're going to be waiting for a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AtSixesAndSevens
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AtSixesAndSevens Perpetually Confused

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, I'm here...I guess. ^^" Sorry for dropping by so late.

(I'm sorry to hear that, Wayne. Needless to say, that doesn't sound at all like sunshine and lollipops. Hope things go better for you in the near future.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


Member Offline since relaunch

No problem. Get your character sheet in when you can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Juliska


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