yeah. lets hope they post soon. if not , we can start.
WilsonTurner said
Based on the characters so far, we're probably going to be a primarily offensive unit. Side plot idea: Rebirth facilitiesDo all three factions use Rebirth? And if so, do they have their own facilities, maybe a short distance from a primary command center, that are dedicated to Rebirth? Or are the HQs the only places with Rebirth facilities?
WilsonTurner said
I think a better nickname would be 'Doc,' since that's pretty much standard on any medic. That's what my character would be calling her, at least. Just my opinion.
The Mage said
Every spawn point on the map, a.k.a facilities, Biolabs, etc. have rebirth facilities. that's where you'd spawn in game. so, yeah. and I agree, DOc sounds a bitt better but it's really up to herAccepted, but please finish the whole thing. you left out the description and personality, 2 key things needed.
Derpestein said
Maybe all soldiers carry a special something that respawns them?And if it's destroyed, they're gone.
WilsonTurner said
I've never played the game EVE, but I did read a pretty cool novel over the empires and stuff that had a similar idea. No, the technological level and the need to keep soldiers alive for as long as possible would mean that no soldier would 'carry' their consciousness. Rather, I would think of it as a Rebirth facility that soldiers have to go to periodically and 'upload' their consciousness- their memories and everything- to keep the on-site data of that person up-to-date. If you die, you Rebirth from the latest 'save.'If people carried a pack that uploaded themselves to a new body, it'd be extremely painful. Imagine getting a bullet to the gut, spending an hour or two just bleeding out, and then get your consciousness restored to a new body. Many soldiers would start to become very afraid of battle, knowing that the pain could start right over. It'd be torture. I think if they just periodically 'uploaded,' then they'd be spared that kind of pain. And if there was a pack, why not just shoot the packs, and watch them panic? Knowing you'd come right back once you die would give you unbelievable confidence, but if you suddenly have that torn away from you in the middle of a firefight... it'd be disastrous.