Ex said
Would it be our current characters or others? Hae and I were discussing this last night.
You could go with your current, create new ones, or both! I'd probably allow people to have more than one character.
JJ Doe said
I must disagree, dear Prisk. If anyone is going to be slaughtered by vegetable xenomorph thingies, it’ll be happening while this song is playing in the background
Haha, what a cute song!
Sixsmith said
He looks a lot cuter in action than he does in pictures. Hey, some people just aren't that photogenic, though I will agree that facial hair and him don't mix well and his cheekbones and facial structure may be a bit too sharp and gaunt. But, hey, he's on Teen Wolf for a reason: he's hot like all the other actors that are 20 somethings playing teen something heartthrobs! Just like our sexilicious cast!
Okay, darling, he's hot.