Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

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That top 10 games thread made me wanna do a top 10 movies thread, so here it is. Now is the time to go through the pain of pitting your favorite movies of all time against each other in a battle for hierarchy, then post the list for others to compare to their own and mock you for having pleb tier movie preferences. Use whatever criteria you want, obviously, but it's probably more fun if you actually explain your choices instead of just throwing a list up there.

Here's my own list, which was made through a few hours of agonizing consideration. My own criteria in general is just ranking by overall feelings about the movies instead of getting nitpicky about details, but I do explain specific stuff for why I like each one anyway.

10. American Psycho

9. Dogma

8. The Truman Show

7. Gangs of New York

6. The Shawshank Redemption

5. The Usual Suspects

4. Pulp Fiction

3. American Beauty

2. The Silence of the Lambs

1. American History X

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

My list is... very different than Jorick's. But so are my tastes, so, yeah.

01 - Ink

02 - Big Fish

03 - Hot Fuzz

04 - The Mummy

05 - Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind

06 - Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

07 - The Lego Movie

08 - Marley & Me AND Hachi: A Dog's Tale

09 - My Fair Lady

10 - The Sound of Music

Honourable Mentions

Gangs of New York
God Bless America
Reservoir Dogs
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Silence of the Lambs
Super Troopers
Young Frankenstein
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukisho


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So this was pretty difficult for me. Overall, I chose movies that I have watched over and over. Movies that at times I think, "I haven't seen Movie X in so long I should watch it again". That being said, there are many movies I have seen only once or twice but would recommend to watch, I might add these to a 3rd portion of my post later. With that out of the way, here we go!

10. The Princess Bride / Robin Hood Men in Tights

9. Hitch

8. Fern Gully

7. Ever After - A Cinderella Story

6. Memiors of a Geisha

5. Blood and Chocolate

4. A Knight's Tale

3. Big Fish

2. Grave of the Fireflies

1. 12 Angry Men

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightShade
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Right now I don't have time to explain them, might do it later but probably won't. Anyway:

Runners Up:
The Company Of Wolves
Hard Candy
Kill Bill Vol 2

10. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
9. Ghost World
8. Choke
7. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
6. Cabin In The Woods
5. Doctor Strangelove
4. We Are What We Are
3. Cabaret
2. The Bride Of Frankenstein
1. This Is Spinal Tap
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Halo
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See, I want to participate, but I'm also aware that there are so many, many, many universally-acclaimed films currently on my "really need to watch" list that I have the feeling whatever I put up here will change very shortly and will also be unrepresentative considering how few traditionally top-tier films I've seen. I haven't even seen The Godfather, to the horror of my film-fanatic friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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I'm way too sleep deprived here to do an accurate run down and listing atm... and I'll be busy tomorrow for a while.
So I'll come back with a list, but it won't be until a bit later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Halo said
See, I want to participate, but I'm also aware that there are so many, many, many universally-acclaimed films currently on my "really need to watch" list that I have the feeling whatever I put up here will change very shortly and will also be unrepresentative considering how few traditionally top-tier films I've seen. I haven't even seen The Godfather, to the horror of my film-fanatic friends.

Who cares though? It's just a list of which movies you like the most, not which movies are objectively the best ever. I've never seen The Godfather either, for instance.

It's a subjective personal list, so it's about what you've already experienced, not the whole of movies that exist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Halo
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Jorick said
Who cares though? It's just a list of which movies you like the most, not which movies are objectively the best ever. I've never seen The Godfather either, for instance.It's a subjective personal list, so it's about what you've already experienced, not the whole of movies that exist.

It's mainly because every time I watch another movie on that "ohfuckwhyhaveInotseenthisyet" list, it makes it into my top 10 or 20. Making a list feels a little redundant when I'm (sort of) aware that there's a whole bunch of other films out there which I'd prefer to the ones going on that list. If I'd only ever seen ten films, all of them (say) Michael Bay films, would it be worth making the list while being aware that all you've experienced as-of-yet is a thoroughly subpar mockery of the great films that do exist?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Halo said
It's mainly because every time I watch another movie on that "ohfuckwhyhaveInotseenthisyet" list, it makes it into my top 10 or 20. Making a list feels a little redundant when I'm (sort of) aware that there's a whole bunch of other films out there which I'd prefer to the ones going on that list. If I'd only ever seen ten films, all of them (say) Michael Bay films, would it be worth making the list while being aware that all you've experienced as-of-yet is a thoroughly subpar mockery of the great films that do exist?

Yes, it would be worth making the list anyway because of the already stated reasons. I don't happen to care whether or not someone has seen the top X greatest movies of all time as ranked by your magazine/critic/website/whatever of choice.

But if you feel like you can't make an adequate list then that's cool, doesn't really matter one way or the other to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukisho


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Halo said
See, I want to participate, but I'm also aware that there are so many, many, many universally-acclaimed films currently on my "really need to watch" list that I have the feeling whatever I put up here will change very shortly and will also be unrepresentative considering how few traditionally top-tier films I've seen. I haven't even seen The Godfather, to the horror of my film-fanatic friends.

I mean look at the movies I picked for my list. I haven't seen many top rated films, and many that I have I wouldn't watch a second time. Put movies that mean something to you. Movies that made you cry, or movies that you might not be the same person if you had never seen. These are all suggestions of course. But that to me is a cooler list than "These are the BEST films of all-time" kind of lists.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm really bad at ordering things but I'll put what would be in my top 10:

Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Fight Club
The Shawshank Redemption
American Psycho
The Prestige
Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Counting them as one film)
A Beautiful Mind
Schindler's List
Toy Story 3
The Breakfast Club
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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I don't even think I've watched ten worthwhile movies in my life. I'm not a big movie/television fan.

The Shawshank Redemption was lovely, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Schindlers List
Pass it Forward
Iron Man
Hansel and Gretel
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Captain America
Bruce Almighty
The Breakfast Club

Honorable Mentions: Jumper, Megamind, The Avengers, Kill Bill vol. 1&2
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So here goes! I'm only numbering them so that I can organise them, but I came up with this list by going "If I had to save 10 movies from my home because it was burning down/If I was stranded, which 10 movies would I take?" mindset.

10. Hellraiser - This is a terrific horror movie, more cerebral than a lot of the horror stuff in the 80s. Back when horror movies were either over the top gorey, or typical slasher fanfare, Hellraiser came out, and oh boy was it not like the other 80s Horrors. Lets look at the monsters/villains, The Cenobites weren't your typical demonic entities, they were amoral dark beings from hell, not entirely evil or good, they just seek to explore the dimensions of flesh and pleasure. The special effects for the time were good, the designs, the general mood and atmosphere were disturbing and eerily pleasant at the same time. It's one of my favourite horrors of all time, and so it's why I placed it on my list. Plus Doug Bradley's performance as Pinhead or "The Leader "Cenobite is great to watch.

9. Cabin in The Woods - So this movie, I went to see it as a "fuck it, looks interesting enough" and by god it blew me away. it's a love letter to horror movies, especially the 80s shockfest of horrors. The pacing, the acting, and the idea is just great. The finale is one of the best final acts in a movie, period, shit just hits the fan royally. I went in not expecting much and damn did I love this movie to bits at the end of the night.

8. This is England - I usually avoid Dramas and especially period or historical ones at that, but this movie, man it really hits home. It follows the Skinhead movement, from it's early black British roots right through to its racist reform. It has a semi slow build up, which escalates to a rather brutal end. It will make you laugh, it will make you go "what the hell?" and it will leave you stunned. It's a great social commentary on a movement that changed for the worse back in the 80s.

7. This is Spinal Tap/Anvil! The Story of Anvil - The music nerd in me needed to rank these together, because both are so damn good. one is a Mockumentary and the other is an actual Documentary. Spinal Tap is one of the funniest movies you will see that has a band theme to it. Anvil! looks into the history of a band that was once popular, but suddenly became obscure, looking at it as a sorta reflective documentary on how the music industry can chew you out into nothing. Both movies are great, I recommend you go watch them.

6. Pulp Fiction - Needless to say, I love this movie. Probably my favourite Tarrantino movie of all time. Nothing really needs to be said about it other than that xD.

5. American History X - Want a reason? Look up Jorick's list explanation of it :p

4. X-Men: Days of Future Past - My favourite, and probably best X-Men movie so far. the movie translated my favourite X-Men comic Arc into a great movie. The acting was stellar, the action was great, and by god Quicksilver's scene was just phenomenal. The only real complaint I have is the treatment of Bishop, which to me, felt like they could've had any character to fill his shoes and it wouldn't have impacted the movie. Overall, I admire Bryan Singer's movie in that he did not just rewrote how Last Stand ended, but he also rewrote the other two movies he directed, and that is usually something you don't see often. Sure, it's a comic movie, but I'm a super big comic nerd anyway, so fuck you.

3. Guardians of The Galaxy - Another new movie! OOOHH GEEE, joking. This movie was everything I wanted and more. Superb soundtrack, superb cinematography, effects and acting, even from Dave Bautista, who's not a great actor. This movie was a triumph, using D-List Characters through and through. It was fun,thrilling and funny. I love this movie, and it's one of the few movies I universally agree with my friends too. I could watch it over and over again. TLDR: I fuckin love it.

2. Godzilla(2014) - Anybody expecting a Pacific Rim like movie? you will be horribly disappointed. I can only speak for myself why I love this. The suspense and build up was nigh perfect, the emotional delivery from Bryan Cranston was just great, and the family moment between Aaron Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen was surprisingly not that bad. It payed homage to the original movie and by god it was great. The battle between the MUTOs and Godzilla, it wasn't some silly badass-esque fight, it was three giant animals brutally attacking one another, and that's why I liked it. Plus the death scene, anyone who's seen it knows what I'm talking about. It's a favourite of mine because I'm also a Godzilla nerd xD.

1. Aliens - So this was between Alien and Aliens and holy damn did Aliens only win by a small margin, if it weren't for the fact I went with the "only 1 from a franchise" it would quite easily be a tie. The only reason I chose Aliens was because the pacing, Aliens had the superior pacing of the two. Anyways, yeah I can easily switch between these two movies, because holy fuck I love them so much. some of the best Sci-Fi movies I've seen in my life, and one terrifying creature as a menace to boot. This movie made an impression on me, and by jove it still does.

Honorable Mentions: Robocop, Terminator and Terminator 2:Judgement Day, Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, V for Vendetta, Watchmen, The Room, Guyver: Dark Hero, The Dark Knight, Batman(1989), Silence of The Lambs, Evil Dead Trilogy, Iron Man, Th Raid 1 and 2.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Cpt Toellner said
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Oh my god how did I forget Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I feel dirty now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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I will agree with Drago, Guardians of the Galaxy is quickly rising up my ranks. I have already seen it in theaters twice, will do more. It was the best balance between humor and drama, fantasy and realism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Smiral
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In no particular order:

Pulp Fiction
SLC Punk
Natural Born Killers
American History X
Pink Floyd's The Wall
Sukiyaki Western Django

Honorable Mentions:

Kill Bill 1 & 2
Crank & Crank: High Voltage
Donnie Darko
Super Troopers (How did I forget this one)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Awson
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Remember when Spam watching movies together was a thing?

It still might be in Skype, I guess. Who fucking- whatever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Smiral
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Awson said
It still might be in Skype, I guess. Who fucking- whatever.

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