Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Myrtle listened intently to the shy black dragon's explanation, rolling up her left sleeve to reveal a bronze colored gauntlet with a bunch of buttons and knobs on it. She pressed a few buttons before turning one of the dials. Words appearing on a small screen that popped up in a blue hue. Typing down any notes he hummed thoughtfully.

"Mhmm then I wonder what purpose biologically of having different genders at all? Such a fascinating aspect." the human mused as she continued to take notes before glancing at the compacted form dragon. "Is that so? Do most dragons look for potential mates at adulthood? And do they mate for life, temporarily, or just depends? And do you have any potential partners you've had your eye on?" she grinned at the last part mischievously.

As Momo asked her a question about flying a airship, Myrtle hummed as she thought about how to explain. "Well I suppose it depends which one. He regular ones used for travel is actually pretty relaxing. It's always nice to feel the gentle breeze in your hair and to look at the beautiful lands below and flying up with the clouds. Now some I built myself for single people are more speed oriented. Much like flying on a dragon, though have to say dragons are more aerodynamic. You'll have to ride one sometime, it really depends on the individual person how it exactly it feels." she grinned, patting Momo's shoulder.

Aster watched as the ice teen seemed wowed by his performance, eagerly discussing it with the other teen and soon the two were exchanging their own special self made gifts. Teens. He remained silent, arms still crossed as Chu led the way into the city. Taking a deep calming breathe, the steam dragon followed. Getting a little closer to the earth dragon as they entered the city, humans roaming the area. Fear snaked its way into his heart, the hairs on the back of his neck raising in alarming fear, turning to terror as he spotted the humans in robes.

Despite his fear of humans in general, and especially hunters, he kept a straight face. Though his fingers clenched against the sleeves of his shirt. His heart pounding against his chest as they stood under the bridge and Chu explain those were hunters and how it was odd for them to be groups and standing out. It was odd.. It just made him more nervous. He knew what they were capable of, and they have only gotten worse over the years.

Saying nothing, he followed Chu into the alley and into the bar. It had some people, but it wasn't too busy. Taking another deep of breathe, he walked ahead and took a seat in a corner table closest to the door. Managing to unlatch his tight fists from his arms and to rest on the table, to simply clench against one another. His eyes closed slightly as he stared at his hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

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It took several moments of resting on an alley wall before Jeonbae came back to his senses. Despite his personality, Jeonbae was deathly afraid of getting captured by someone again and being at their mercy. He didn't want the others to have to go through that, he'd do anything to protect them from those kinds of conditions.

Okay. Calm down. First thing you need to go is get to Storage and drop off this scrap. The other dragons said they were at the Happy Drunk, go there after. You don't have anything to worry about. Just don't act suspicious.

The little voice inside his head managed to get Jeonbae a little less tense than he was before, and cleared the fear from his mind. He hoisted the bundle of scrap back over his shoulder, emerging back into the brightly lit streets under a darkening sky. There were more people milling about now, more and more of the night crowd emerging from civilized society. He had no trouble getting to Arkana Company Storage, fishing his identification card out of his pocket and showing it to the attendant, who opened the door and let him inside the great halls. Jeonbae's earlier fear was returning, and the steep arches and gateways of the facility seemed to loom over his form. He shook it off and started working slightly faster, the journey to his section seemingly endless. When the door finally came inside, Jeonbae jammed the card into the slot, throwing open the door. He tossed the scrap inside with a jarring crash, and pulled it shut.

Alright, now go find out what they're up to.

A quick pace set him outside the facility in little time, into a street teeming with more people than ever. Once again, he wove his way through the busy crowds and before long he had arrived at the Happy Drunk, a questionable but homely bar that Jeonbae had been to once or twice. Despite the time of night, there were hardly any people inside, most people choosing to go to Moonlight Bar or Dragonlounge (he shivered at thinking of the name). He walked into the bar and looked around for the other dragons. He noticed the group that was near the entryway, and was overcome with relief.

"Hey, how long ago did you guys get here?" Jeonbae asked them. "I found some information while I was getting Aksaja's metal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Winter looked around, reading the labels on the bottles. Fire whisky, vodka, tequila...She licked her lips when she saw the bottles of Irish Rum. Rum was her favourite besides certain types of wine. She looked at the adults. "I'm allowed to drink right?" She asked, a gleam in her icy blue eyes. "I mean, just one bottle if Irish rum of whisky and I'll behave. I promise." She waited for their response, crossing her fingers.

Winter hoped they would say yes. It had been several months since the last time she drank and she was eager for her next bottle of rum ir whisky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Aksaja looked around as they walked into the bar wondering what all it was, despite being as old ad he was he never really drank any alcohol so he wondered what to get "is their anything sweet they can offer?" Iaksaja asked his companions since he didn't want to taste any bitterness with the barley in normal beer he wanted to see if their was anything that would make his day and offer a sweet taste into his mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siabel raised a eyebrow as she watched Myrtle type away what appeared notes. She wouldnt say it aloud but all those buttons looked extremely impressive. A bit of ehr wondering if she could mess the glove up? How dust resisting it is.
"Mhmm then I wonder what purpose biologically of having different genders at all? Such a fascinating aspect."

''Silly human you concluded we have genders based on the compact forms? It one gender the compact form...hm could be say that it is what we refer to our self. Some feel more motherly like humans say it. Some think more fatherly and such. '' She drunk all of her tea now. Placing the empty cup on the tray beside Momo. Flopping on her belly over a pillow hugging it as her tail started to move and swing in a content way.

As she was asked about how do dragons choose they mates, siabel attempted to avoid the part about her self. '' Do you know what the dragon moral is? That applies to your question, too. '' She kind of mumbled, listening somewhat bored to the airship description.

Momo was sucking the description up,she wondered if there were air ship that would work like whole cities, she read from her father letters about those, but she couldnt conclude if he planed to assist in making those or did they already existed. '' How big can the airship get?'' She asked shifting to pet her lady back. Knowing the wind dragon was silently waiting for the payment for the time together with the other girl.
Sadly to the same wind dragon Momo brought back the avoided question. ''So Lady Siabel do you have anyone in your eyes? You came to become a adult and mother~ What about you Myrtle? Any boy you would like to share something sweetly intimate?''

Siabel let a embraced growl, but anyway melted from how nice the petting felt. '' Thats for myself.'' was her answer. She knew how stubborn humans could get. Still she tried.
'' Come now lady Siabel~ I saw you with that blye dragon who was that? ''
''A teen if he dont grow up I dont care...'' A red face on the dragoness face as she puffed her cheeks up the wind in the closed room appear like a heat carrying breeze.
It was Aster who choose the table, sitting close to the door. Chu couldnt not notice the overly tense aura. Deciding it is up to him to make the other dragon enjoy himself Chu followed suit and dropped in the chair beside him. A hand going around the shoulder, placing a kiss on the cheek. '' It will be fine. We arent idiots~'' Keeping his arm around the other arm, just to see the grandpa hurrying into the bar. Chu gave him a wave of the free hand to come over and settle himself..

"Hey, how long ago did you guys get here?I found some information while I was getting Aksaja's metal."

'' Jeo~'' Chu cut short the mans name as he was getting seated with them. '' Those information can wait after the first round of drink no? I only want to hear them if we going all to die with out them in the next 15 min. We need to cheer up first. '' He grinned giving a thumb up liking the motion he observed humans did.

Shaking his head at the two teens. They really were cute kids at times. '' Winter why you asking me that?'' Chu said showing his tongue to her. '' You said yourself you will become a adult in 2 days so why not just decide like one if you want something and what you want. Only kids have to ask for permission~'' He turned than to the other troubling question. A much more serious in Chu eyes. What to drink?
'' They are sweet things I think most of those are cocktails. Do you like strawberries Aksaja?'' Remembering that vodka was easily mixed with a lot of sweet juices. Rubbing Aster shoulder he poked the previously kissed cheek.
'' What about you? Tell me what you want to drink and I will order and bring it over table. I like this place because the bartender hates to just walk up a table and serve. No pair of ears going to just walk up to our conversation.'' Said the earth dragon waiting to hear everyone orders, so he could get them from the bar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Well I like apples, oranges, and grapes but that's about it" aksaja told the earth Dragon wondering what kind if cocktail they could make that would make aksaja smile with a tingle in his sweet tooth. Aksaja sat in the table with them wondering what they were talking about other then just what to drink and wondering if aksaja's metal plates would bee ready before they left here. As much as aksaja wanted to relax he had to practice like crazy if he was going to master his armor form and impress the GGP at the festival. ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Myrtle hummed at the reasoning about gender differences in compact forms, continuing to input notes in her wrist device. "Wonder why Aster in compact form then? He sure seems to act like a girl sometimes. Maybe it's because he's broody." she spoke to herself mostly as she continued tapping buttons before her emerald eyes glanced up at Siabel about the dragon moral.

"Mhmm well I know that dragons believe that each dragon has the right to live however they want." the human said before glancing to Momo as the other human girl asked another question. "Mhmm well the biggest I've known are the flying cities. They are about as big as a regular size city." she answered before softly chuckling at the mention of Siabel's possible love interest.

"Now now Siabel, if dragon males are anything like boy's back home, you learn they never grow up." she laughed then hummed as she was questioned on her own love interest. "Nah, don't really have time to find someone like that. Sure I have a few guyfriends, used to get in all sorts of trouble as kids, but none really are love interests. Most guys don't really care for my type, and if they do they usually are the weird ones." she snickered before grinning. "How about you Momo?" she questioned.

The long haired man was calming his nerves, focusing on something other than the humans roaming around. He wasn't sure if this was a bad or good thing, as Chu sat beside him and wrapped a arm around his shoulder, promptly placing a kiss on his cheek. On one hand, it was very embarrassing and the steam dragon blushed deeply in response, stuttering a little but unable to get out any words. His eyes glancing toward Chu as a embarrassed slightly sarcastic 'sure we aren't' reply to his words but his shoulders react. The positive of this, it got his mind off the fear.

Chu spoke to the others before promptly speaking to him , asking what he would like to drink. Aster thought for a moment, he actually liked sweet things much like the young teen who questioned on what's sweet. He cleared his throat as a drink came to mind, it was his first drink Zafine had made for him once.

"Very Pink Raspberry Cosmopolitan.... And a cup of sake." he answered quietly in mild embarrassment. It was a cocktail, though quite the girly looking cocktail. But it was delicious and sweet. While the same was much stronger. He liked having both a sweet drink, then a strong one. Perhaps it was because his elements were opposite, hot and cold.

As the young teen listed off some fruits he enjoyed. "You may like the Blood Orange Rosemary Cocktail." he suggested, shifting a little in Chu's arm, unsure why he hasn't tried shrugging it off. Perhaps he felt safer being held. Guess it would make sense. It was still blush worthy though. Damn flirtatious dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chu looked over at Jeonbae as the others waited at the table.

"Jeo~" he called, as he was sitting down. "Those information can wait after the first round of drink no? I only want to hear them if we going all to die with out them in the next 15 min. We need to cheer up first." Jeo smiled nervously as he made his way to the table, where Chu had begun flirting with Aster. Again. Aksaja and the other steam dragon were talking about fruity cocktails, but Jeonbae wasn't in the mood for that. He needed some kind of hard liquor to settle his nerves from the scare earlier, something with a nice bite, that went down his throat and make him warm on the inside like a bolt of lightning. Sugar and alcohol could come later when Jeonbae felt more relaxed. He glanced over at Aster, who was shifting around uncomfortably and blushing a little with Chu's arm wrapped around his shoulder. He chuckled a little, already feeling a tiny bit at ease, though he was worried Chu would switch over to him in a few drinks.

I'm sure by then you won't mind. Both of you will be too drunk to care.

He shook the feeling off and cleared his throat. He didn't need anything too fancy, but not sweet.
"I'll have a gin and tonic if you don't mind," he told Chu. "Fruit drinks aren't for me." Having ordered, he turned to Aksaja.

"I got a pretty big amount of metal plates, we can head over to Arkana Company when we're done here, if we're still sober," he explained. "I got enough to make you some plate mail for your upper body, and a little extra."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siabel snickered at the idea of no dragon with male form growing up. She knew quite a few human males some even flirted with her before they got the hint that she wasnt quite the same species. Her eyes carefully wandered from Myrtle towards Momo, when the love interest switched back on Momo. Siabel did looked for that short moment like a over protective mother ready to bite the head off the guy who would endanger Momo innocent, with her being under age and all of it.
' 'Sadly no, I dont get a lot out. But I must admit some dragons look hot in their compact forms.'' She said gently poking towards Siabel. '' Could we once visit a flying city?'' The human said hugging the dragon and puppy eyeing her. The wind dragon shifted attempting to ignore the cute eyes she was given. '' mmm Well.... ''The black dragon was losing the fight. Reason she turned her head to the other human as a distraction. '' Myrtle. You must have some more questions?''

Momo pouted, it will take more time for her to get Siabel to take her to it. She picked the empty cups as the conversation continued and all nicely cleaned and packed in the box. With great care settling the machine for the tea in it too. She pulled the gem she received as a present from the dark controlling dragon. It was a great looking gem. She wondered as she placed it back in the bag. Will her lady make it? To become a adult? Some of the dragons back in the show were so much more impressive. The other stone from the crystal shop owner was safely hidden away in Momos pocket.

''Lady Siabel...we are in a nursery... could we see some eggs?'' She asked at one point.

Chu nodded, repeating once each of the drinks before he patted Aster shoulder removing his hand to stand up and go order them all. And a cup of dark beer for himself.
He was leaning on the counter as he watched the man prepare them. Putting each drink when it was done on a metal plate. When to the last the blood orange cocktail was set on the trait Chu jumped from his position.
''Thank you Moris. '' He was about to reach and take the plate in his hand when a knife 'accidentally' slipped out of Moris hand and landed in front of chu Hand. Who jumped yet again, but this time away from the counter.
''Forgive me my hand shock, but first pay Chu. ''
''Come now Moris I dont plan to run away.'' He made a cute pouting face but the bartender didnt even twitch.
''Money, then alcohol.''
''Okay, old man you really should get a lover to relax. I am getting the money in a minute.''
Chu turned around and grinned as he got the perfect idea to cheer himself up from being mistrusted like he never drunk here. Creeping up behind Jeonabe he hugged him from behind, settling his chin on the grandpa shoulder.
''Can I get your wallet for the drinks, Jeo~?'' He questioned his fingers gently tapping over the chest. '' He whispered on the grandpas ear. But far from being done. Before the other could get a response Chu added just in the same whispering voice. ''Or shall I search your body to find it~'' Chu had such a extreme grin on his face, it even look a bit scary. But the earth dragon tried not to giggle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Myrtle chuckled at Momo's response, giving a cheeky grin. "Can't deny that one, apparently dragons are almost as good elves when it comes to how attractive they are." she chuckled before watching in amusement as the fellow human girl pleaded to the raven haired dragoness about visiting a flying city. She wondered if she'd be alright though. Since she got sick flying with Siabel? Probably will be alright, flying cities don't travel too fast.

At the question, Myrtle tried thinking of another question she hadn't asked yet, before remembering how Aster acted oddly. "Is it odd if a dragon and human fall in love?" she asked curiously before grinning eagerly at the mention of eggs. "Oh! I want to see them too!" she cheered.

Aster watched as Chu left to go to the counter, relaxing his shoulders a little at the loss of the warm and the source of embarrassment. He silently listened to Grandpa Jeonbae discussed with the male teen about metal plates. He was never one to be exactly talkative or really a group person. He was only dragged here by Chu, and pushed by Myrtle. He wasn't sure why the Earth dragon wanted him to come. Probably just to tease him more. As the earth dragon returned, his flirtatious habits were now fully trained on the grandfather dragon. The steam dragon was unsure if he should be relieved or disappointed, but he only watched them all with the same calm expression.

He never quite understood Chu's habits, they were so odd. He couldn't help but wonder if he had ever actually ever fallen in love before. It would make a little more sense to him if the earth dragon didn't. After all, Aster fell in love at a young age, and since them, he hasn't felt the need to ever seek it of so badly. Simple memories satisfy him, even if they come with heartache.

At the mention of money, he simply tipped his head before sighing as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a wallet. It wasn't his, more like one of Myrtle's. He had no need of money usually, but Myrtle gave him some just in case he did to the city for whatever reason. Like now.

"If you want you can use mine to pay for everyone." Aster said casually as he held it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chu came back soon enough, coming up behind Jeonbae.
''Can I get your wallet for the drinks, Jeo~?'' he asked, whispering into his ear. Jeonbae started, his face turning a rosy pink as he realized who was talking to him.

''Or shall I search your body to find it~" he added, grinning a little too wide. As Jeonbae was about to stammer out a reply, Aster spoke up, holding his wallet out.

"If you want, you can use mine to pay for everyone," he said. Jeonbae quickly reached into his pocket and took his own wallet instead. The leather was worn, and the thread frayed at the edges, but it still held together despite being nearly thirty years old.

"It's fine, I can pay for everyone. It's not that much money," he explained, taking out a few bills from the wallet.

"But in the future, I'd prefer that you didn't sneak up behind me. I scare easily." He tried to look as stern as possible, failing as his face had turned red again. He sighed, and pushed himself up out of his chair, walking over to the scarred-face bartender. It gave Jeonbae the chills. He didn't like how he looked. He handed the bills to the bartender, who peered at them with hawk-like eyes.

"Yes, this is sufficient payment," he said smoothly, glancing back up at Jeonbae. "Do let your... friend know that I'd like the money first in the future." Jeonbae nodded meekly and took the tray from the bartender, slowly walking back to the table so he didn't spill anything, carefully setting it down once he got there. He snatched the short glass with his drink in it, and took a small sip, tasting the harsh flavor of the gin, but also the bitterness of the tonic. It was tasty. He put the drink on the table and looked up at the group.

"So... about the information," he started. "Do you guys wanna hear it now or wait until we've had a little bit of our drinks?" He didn't want to ruin the mood, but he needed to tell them about what he had found.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

aksaja watched from a distance as he decided to drink an chocolate martini wondering if it was any good. Aksaja turned to jeonbe and said "thanks ill see if I cant modify the plates to fit my body" Aksaja told him knowing he would need to make every curve fit snug on his slithery frame for him to practice his special trick for the grand grandparents. Aksaja waited as he got the chocolate martini and he smiled wide "it tastes like a party in my mouth!" Aksaja said happily as he drank the martini and he couldn't even taste the alcohol in the drink as he enjoyed it and waited for jeonbe to talk about what he heard when he was fetching the plates that Aksaja needed...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siabel and Momo

Siabel sighed, both sounded exited. Her tail slowly patted against the floor. ''....Fine. Only under one condition.'' The black dragon said standing up and stretching. '' Leave all of your technology trinkets behind. No one will touch them.'' She knew Momo could leave them behind but the other girl was another story. It was clear she wouldnt part so easily if at all from it.
If she rejected she would just move to a corner and nap for a while, not to have to worry if it is fine to have humans go where the eggs are. On the other side, Siabel reasoned if Myrtle was ready to leave it behind it would be clear the girl really want to go. And the black wind dragon will enjoy the small torture she goes thought for the sake of seeing a dragon egg. It was a right prize in her eyes.

'' Mmm Is it normal? Humans are weird, I saw some who were in love with coins so having some fall for a dragon isnt too far fetched, I suppose. But obliviously just like humans cannot make babies with gold coins it wouldnt be any off spring between human and dragons.'' She explained as she watched Momo with extreme care count everything of her technology gear and putting it in that bag of hers she was dragging all around. Placing it on the soft pillow, and pushing , poking the bag as if testing if it will fall over. It was so silly in her eyes.
'' You two ready or what? ''

He let go of Jeonbae, as Aster offered his money, making the electric dragon snap out of his blushing. Well partly. Hearing the grandpa request him not to go on surprise him again, Chu wondered if he was really easily scared or just not wanting to be a cute blushing dragon.
''I promise Jeo next time I will tell you I am behind you before I give you a friendly hug.'' Walking back to his seat beside Aster and grinned at him. The drinks coming quite fast around too. Ignoring the question at the moment of the grandpa. THe took his beer and gave it a good gulp. The coldness and rich taste made him feel really nice inside.
''Good to hear Aksaja you found a fitting drink, but dont over do it on your first time. You dont know how much is too much for your body.'' Chu helpfully warned, he could take quite a few drinks himself before he would start feeling light headed.

He looked back at the older electric dragon and sighed. It wouldnt do if they prolonged it any longer.
''Say does it explain why those guys walk around the city like they are on their job?'' Chu asked saying those guys , as to refer to hunters. Hoping the other dragons would catch on the meaning. It was something he teach himself over the years. Talk so it doesnt sounds suspicious or overly using the words dragon, hunter, magic and similar. This was his way to deal with the paranoia every dragon occasionally had when those type of humans were too close to their liking. He leaned against Aster, drinking some more of his beer. Listening carefully what was being said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jeonbae took another sip out of his glass as Chu and Aksaja both grabbed their drinks, the two talking to each other briefly. The former sighed, and turned back to Jeonbae.

''Say, does it explain why those guys walk around the city like they are on their job?'' he asked, referring to the hunters. Jeonbae nodded.

"Most likely. What my friend told me while I was out was that..." He paused, looking around nervously before continuing. "Certain people are capturing dragons, and draining the magic out of them for use as an energy source."

"This, of course, kills them, and the older, the more energy can be extracted. My guess is the reason why we see them around the city is because they've been ordered to look for dragons and take their energy."

"We need to not start any fights, and to be as normal as possible." Jeonbae tilted the glass back, the rest of his drink draining from it. He slammed the glass on the table.

"These hunters will go to any lengths to get a dragon in their possession. You need to be incredibly careful around them, any sign you're one and they won't hesitate." He brushed back a few strands of purple hair near his ear, showing a decent-sized scar running from the top of his ear to his jaw.

"This is only one of them. I won't waste your time with the others, you can see where this is going."

"However, don't be scared. In the event they do capture one of us, we have the ability to fight our way out of the town and escape," he explained, smiling. His gaze softened slightly, the alcohol warming him from the inside out. He looked around the room again. More people had made their way in, Moris the bartender working on several tables' drinks. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, though a hooded figure was seated, alone, at a table, over a glass of dark liquor. Jeonbae shrugged it off.

It's probably just a traveler coming through, hunters rarely drink, last time I checked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Humming a little at the condition before shrugging, tapping her gauntlet again and a slot shifted open to reveal a floating golden metallic orb with a bunch of designs on it. It was about the size of a golf ball. With a grin. Removing her gauntlet, she set it down with her satchel, removing her goggles, her shoes, her boots, her belt, and even lifting up her shirt and removing a vest full of trinkets. She wrapped the scarf closer to herself, feeling a bit maker without her equipment, but gently poked the small ball.

"Alright Taki, watch my things k? And keep recording on in case something happens." the light red head grinned before cheerfully moving to her companions. "Yup ready now!" she cheered.


As the elder politely decline the offer and generously went to buy their drinks and carry them over to the group, Aster put his wallet back in his pocket and sat there quietly, shifting a little in place as the earth dragon once more sat beside him and made the usual goofy grin. Saying a quiet 'thank you' for the drinks, he took his flask of sake and the glass of the more sweeter drink. The dark red haired man started with the sweeter drink, gingerly sipping it as he listened to the others chatter.

Tensing ever so slightly each time the topic drew deeper with the hunters. His eyes closing as Jeonbae noted his scar, making the steam dragon unconsciously touch his much larger and deeper one on the right side of his face that reached from his eye to his hip. Handicapping his flight when in his regular form. He knew very well what hunters were capable of, he had lived under them for some time. One-hundred days of living caged and experimented on. Collared like a pet dog. The memory gave mixed feelings. Fear, sadness, and bitterness towards both hunters, dragons, and himself.

In a swift motion, he gulped down half the flask of sake, the strong alcohol burning down his throat and the feeling of slight dizziness reaching his mind. He was still coherent, but he was a bit more out of it. His face slightly flushing as Chu leaned against him.

Aster didn't say anything to add to this conversation, he didn't really want to, but he noted down the warning anyhow. Though he was already cautious and knew the risks. He didn't need to be told that... So in order to calm his nerves, he continued to sip his sweet drink. A soft hum rumbling in his throat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Winter laughed softly at herself and ordered an creamy Irish Rum. "And bring the whole bottle please." She added. She watched Chu and Aster in amusement, deciding to hop up and sit on the end of the table closest to the wall, her legs criscrossed. "I tend to forget how old I am and revert back to my childish habits." Her ice blue eyes turned dark. "Not that I can even remember my exact age anyway. I could barely remember my name a feww years back, let alone if I was an adult or not." She muttered.

She played with a piece of everice in her hands, absentmindedly shaping it into a celtic knot in the shape of a heart. "such is my lot in life." She sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siabel did end up staring for a long moment at all the tech Myrtle pulled out. Wondering if the human was about to get naked going with this tempo of removing things. He didnt say anything at that. ''Follow me'' She simply instructed leading the two humans out of the room they occupied.
''Can you tell me where most of the eggs are?'' She asked a baby who was playing with round gem. Nodding the baby jumped up and run on all four to a staircase that lead to a basement it looked like. '' Down there are most of the eggs but there are a few outside the ones needing fresh air and such. On the balcony over there. ''
The baby pointed to the open door leading out. Siabel thanked it before looking at both of them. Deciding to go downstairs.

The wooden stairs turned quite fast to stone ones leading in under-earth caves system. Torches were everywhere to lit the way. And as the black dragon walked deeper she noticed that there were many little cave rooms that hosted each a few eggs , some laying on stone, some having water drip in small drops down on them. Several rooms were with straw covered, and there was even one egg laying in a oven where the fire blazed. Siabel noticed adults and babies walk around taking care of the eggs. Down here the babies didnt play. They actually tried their best to assist and help out.

''So many eggs... there must be over 100 in this system at least.'' She mussed sticking close to Siabel but curiously stretching her neck left and right to see more.

''This is just the first floor....there should be many more floors lower.'' She answered looking into a room that was having a gold vein showing in the wall. And the dragon froze. On the floor a 6 year old blond girl was sleeping two eggs on her left. Siabels tail went all nervously tapping on the floor.
Chu carefully listened. Hearing that someone was draining magic from dragons as a power source? That was ...was that even possible? Wondered the earth dragon he himself draining his beer even before the grandpa finished up his talking.
''Really annoying. '' He answered to it all. Thinking about the situation leaning and snuggling up against Aster some more. Staring in his empty mug before placing it down on the table. '' Well there we are enjoying a drink or two we will be home sooner than ever anyway. '' Chu grinned, looking over at winter "I tend to forget how old I am and revert back to my childish habits."
His eyes frowning she continued talking. Chu lean over Aster lap one hand on the fire and water dragon leg for support as he grabbed the ice teen ear and pulled it. Just like he would with a naughty baby.
''Yeah forgetting is bad, but still you should not forget to sit properly.'' He said loud adding in a whisper. '' And really dont go use magic in public, just when you heard the warning about those guys.'' He warned letting go of the girls ear to huffs in a strict manner.
'' You really werent that often in a big city like this. Keep yourself in check or we are all leaving now. '' Chu explained to her moving back to his comfy position of using aster as a pillow to lean on. He looked around the bar smirking in false amusement. If someone saw the ice being shaping it into a Celtic knot in the shape of a heart. They may wonder or question how it was done so easily? Or precise without having the ice melting away.
Maybe they should switch bars... Chu wondered looking and Jeonabe face, trying to read it and guesse what the old dragon was thinking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Myrtle grinned and followed after the black dragon, smiling at the cute baby dragon before heading down the steps, aweing a little at all the eggs. Noticing that some seemed to be cared for differently. So interesting, each egg seemed different and have different needs. Dragons really were interesting... So much to learn. It was quite no wonder humans were so intrigued by the magical creatures.

Seeing Siabel suddenly freeze, the human curiously looked at her before looking toward the human looking little girl. "What is it? Do you know that little girl?" she asked curiously.

Aster listened to the earth dragon's response, blushing a little as Chu cuddled up against him like a pillow. Such a affectionate dragon, it was simply odd for Aster to receive such attention. Though his mind was now a bit clouded enough to not really care at the moment. He took another sip of his drink, smiling ever so slightly as Chu and Winter discussed their childish habits, in which he couldn't deny they didn't act like children. Chu was quite childish, but sweet at least. Blushing a bit more against his flustered cheeks as Chu leaned over the firewater dragon, a hand pressed against his thigh.

His purple eyes looked nervously at the ice teen as he saw her shift ever ice, glancing around around the bar, shifting uncomfortably as a new arrival walked in and looked toward them. Wearing a pure black hooded cape, covering everything about him. A large man it seemed, perhaps seven feet. But soon the hooded arrival simply walked to the table with the lone table with a single hooded man.

As Chu once again leaned against him, Aster blushed again but this time wrapped a arm around the earth dragon's shoulders. His hand moving up to lightly ruffle the brown mess of hair. "You cuddle just like a child as well." he said in a mumble, but smiled a little through his fluster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Winter felt like hiding and melted the ice after Chu's reprimand. She hid behind her hair and fought back tears. Suddenly she didn't feel like drinking anymore. She hopped off the table, took one last drink and walked out of the bar. How could she be so stupid? If someone had seen her doing her magic it could have taken a turn for the worse and everyone might get hurt. And It would be all her fault.

Maybe I shouldn't try for an adult in two days. I'm too childish to be considered an adult. How stupid was that, making an everice sculpture out in public and even after I heard about those guys. She thought bitterly. She tended to overreact but this time she genuinely felt like the worlds biggest idiot and she felt ashamed as well. She leaned against a building and slid down to a sitting position, noticing it was getting darker by the minute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Aksaja smiled and drank his chocolate martini until he saw winter starting to cry and aksaja wanted to make her feel better so he got up patting chu on the back whispering "wish me luck" Aksaja said clearly getting a bit tipsy as he walked outside smiling as he hugged winter from behind "you shouldn't cry, a nice girl like you shouldn't cry. it was a simple mistake don't worry, and believe me you should consider what you did a gift and try to be an adult soon. that way I can hold you like this and keep you company" Aksakja said softly obviously saying whatever he thought since he had no real fear about saying or doing what he wanted to do...maybe it was the vodka in that martini. Aksaja turned winter around hoping to get her back inside with the others until he felt a net on top of both of them and he yelled "what the hell!" and Aksaja saw a man with a large scar across his face going over his what Aksaja assumed was his blind eye as he grinned evilly at the both of them "looks like we got a couple of teens, they are a good catch boys" Aksaja then yelled "hel-" was all he could say before he felt the heel of a hard boot hit his face and knock him out as they were both dragged through an alleyway
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