Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


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And your emotions make me feel calm and loved. It's like drinking a vial that lets you relive one of the best feelings you've ever felt, even if it's only a dulled replica. It's cruel, in a way, that my emotions make you feel so terrible, when yours give me a sense of peace, a calm and confident center that is already fighting a losing battle against my own fears and doubts. I do not hate you so much now, so I hope the next one isn't so terrible for you. Contrary to the media's depiction of me, I don't like to torture anyone.

Erik's thoughts were broken as Joseph spoke to him.

“When I return, I will bring back your breakfast and bring you some new clothes. Is there anything in particular you would like?” the head servant asked, meeting the eyes of the captive rebel leader.

“Nah, I don't care what I wear really, so long as I don't look like a damned slave - “ he stopped himself, “Sorry, that was rude of me.” But he did need to continue. “And just give me whatever everyone else is having, I'm not picky. You don't get to be picky in the Resistance. I... I do have one request though. I'd like a notebook and a pen. I know you won't give me a computer to type on, but just a notebook to write down what's going on in my head. I'm going stir crazy, and I need something to do,” Erik admitted, meeting Joseph's eyes, a part of him irrationally afraid that the elder vampire would refuse the request.

“Of course. That's easily done, I'll bring it up with your breakfast,” Joseph replied easily.

“Thank you, Joseph,” the trapped rebel replied, resisting the urge to hug the slave again.

When Alexi stepped out, Erik greeted him again. “You're right. It's probably best that we take this slowly. I'm still not terribly eager to share souls with a madman who kidnaps criminals,” he joked, smirking at the human. “Have a lovely day. I'll still be here when you get home, as you well know."

Joseph smiled vaguely and took his master's arm, gently leading him out the door and downstairs to meet his brother.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Alexi's smile becomes warm and a little fixed as he fights the sudden urge to laugh. However he manages a half bow and a murmured, “And you too. I pray you the best of days, given the circumstances.” As Joseph leads him out, closing the door carefully behind them, Alexi holds out as long as he can before pulling away and pressing a hand to the wall, doubling over to clutch at his stomach. It's a few tense moments before the sound of giggles can be heard bubbling up out of the eccentric billionaire and the hand on his stomach goes to his mouth as he tries desperately not to bust into full blown laughter bare yards from his door. He waves to Joseph, indicating that he's alright as he once more manages to stand up strait, his laughter subsiding, leaving in their wake a slightly teary eyed goofy grinning Alexi.

“Forgive me, Joseph, I just found it all so amusing. The sudden change, the happiness after all the gloom and doom, and. . .and. . . I just needed to laugh to try and batten down all this pain. . .” The joyful tears in his eyes turn to ones of sorrow and hurt as he covers his face. After Erik took he potion, a new thread formed and while it is small, and weak, it does a good job of breaking through the barrier Alexi had put around the emotions he received from the rebel leader. His free arm, the one not trying to hide his tears, goes across his stomach as a sudden wave of nausea races through him and it is all he can manage not to spill his guts all over the carpet. He folds, falling to his knees as his mental faculties go into overdrive to try and draw the emotions back, to keep them from taking over Alexi completely. Nothing in his life could have prepared Alexi for the feelings now flooding his system. 'I am so glad he only got good feelings from me. . .Even if they grow stronger, they will never hurt him like this. . .'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

All Joseph could really do was watch as his beloved master fell first into fits of laughter. At first he tried to laugh along with him, or at least smile at the humorous image of this rebel terrorist hugging the two of them. But then he realized that Master Alexi was becoming ill.

“Master!” he cried out, catching the human easily as he fell to the ground. “If this is what it's going to do to you, then end it! Neither of you should take another dose. You have ended his suffering, but now he is clearly causing you at least half as much pain. I do not think he intends to, not now, but that's worse in a way, because if he is not doing it intentionally, he will not know how to stop it.”

But Joseph realized as he spoke, just from the determined look in his master's eyes, and just from what he knew of him, that he would not give up this insane plan. Before the human had gotten to speak, he addressed him again.

“Master... Alexi... I know you will not end this, no matter how much pain it causes you. It's not in your nature. But please, at least speak with Erik. He has lived with these emotions his whole life. If anyone can help you understand them and cope with them, it is him. You have ameliorated his suffering, and I think he will try and do the same for you,” Joseph suggested, touching the human's shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Joseph's voice calls through the pain, drawing his mind, caressing his heart. The love and concern behind his voice seems to remind his emotions of how loved he is, how much those beloved to him care. 'I am not a failure. I am not the cause of the death of those slaves. I have lived a life apart from the horrors he has. . .How can he blame himself so much. Despite his place in the words, he is most definitely not the center of it. . .' He hums softly, taking in his head slave's words with a sigh and a smile. 'Once again, he gives me orders. Perhaps I really am becoming rather pathetic in his eyes to have him once more treating me like a child. . . .No, he just cares for me that much. . .'

His head comes up, once more the life and confidence the lives his life in shinning out from his eyes as he looks upon his once mentor with a determined look. 'Forgive me, my friend, but I will not give up now. . .' His thoughts need not be made into words, the man who raised him since birth recognizing the look in his eyes instantly and adjusting his pleas accordingly. “Sweet Joseph. . .” He murmurs softly, using the vampire's shoulder to regain his feet. Holding tight to the slave's arm he continues his trek towards the stairs leading down to the front hall. He lets out a long sigh as the stairs come into sight. “The meeting this morning can nor be moved on canceled, and if I do not meet with Gidian today he will be gone for god knows how long and I will not get the files I need.”

His voice is soft, comforting as he can manage even as he slowly regains control of his pain. 'Well, Erik's pain' he muses silently. “The meeting with Gidian is an early lunch, and after that all I have is an exhibition. . .”He trails off giving Joseph a serious look. “If you really want me to spend time talking with him sooner rather than later, I can write up an e-card for you and you can go to the auction for me. It is a top class show, so I understand if you would rather not, but I have not missed one yet this month and if you do not want to go I will have to, for appearances.” He smiles softly. “You know what I look for in a slave. . .” He sighs again. “If you go, I would be willing to come home early an spend more time with him, as you ask.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Joseph despised slave auctions, regardless of how “high class” they were in character. Sentient creatures were put up on the stage for display, auctioned off like cattle, or in this case, like prized works of art. Either way it was cruel objectification. Either way, it made him sick. He had been to a handful of the events in the last thirty years, either as Master Alexi's assistant, or on two other occasions, standing in for him when he had other duties.

He despised going by himself even more. His collar with an etching of the Vandros seal, his papers identifying him as property of Mr. Alexi Vandros, and most importantly, his e-card, protected him from being kidnapped or sold. No, Master Alexi's property would be well-protected, and well-guarded, both from the (unlikely) possibility of his misbehavior, and from the possibility of capture by the more nefarious, and stupid, owners.

But he was not protected from the stares, from the looks he would receive from the other attendees. Some would be disgusted by his presence, sitting among them, bidding on other slaves, even occasionally conversing as though he were actually one of them, as though he were actually human, with only a simple wristband and collar separating his caste from theirs. Some would be envious of Alexi for owning a slave who was docile enough and trustworthy enough to act on his behalf. But even their glances of approval, envy, and desire would send chills down his spine, as he would wonder just how many of them would contact Master Alexi and ask to purchase Joseph, or to at least know where he acquired him, this time.

His social graces had to balance a razor edge between subservience and independence. He could never meet a human's eyes, but he could speak to them if it was necessary in order to perform his duties for Master Alexi, or if he was addressed. They served wine at these auctions, but he would be forbidden to drink it, though he was allowed some tea, water, or juice. It was a strange environment, and making the mistake of being either too subservient or too independent could bring social shame to Master Alexi.

All in all, it was a damned nightmare. But Joseph did not even hesitate in his response.

“Yes, of course I'll go in your place, Master. Thank you for taking my suggestion to heart,” was all he said. His own fears were unimportant, and none of the trepidation he felt was written on his face. As they reached the stairs, he slowly helped Master Alexi down one by one, until they reached the ground floor without his being injured.

It occurred to him that he had given his master many “orders” in the past few days, even if he had phrased them as requests or questions. But he could not help it. He was worried for his dear master, and somehow that worry was overriding his natural subservience. It had all started with Leader Schumann's capture. The stress from the danger his dear friend was in, from being forced to help torture Erik, from the uncertainty of this entire mess, was taking its toll. Quite apart from that, the revelation that Master Alexi did not believe in slavery and wanted to end it had allowed for a small spark of independence within his slave, as the last vestige of his fear of the man who was like a son evaporated. Besides, the human lord did not seem to particularly mind, strangely enough.

They approached the dining room where Master Mois was awaiting his brother, with Master Alexi still holding his arm.

“Are you going to be alright, Master?” he asked, a bit of his concern for the lord of the house slipping into his expression and tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Alexi lets out a long sigh, knowing, or at least he thinks he knows, how much his beloved Joseph hates the auction house. 'Well, perhaps not the house so much as the guests, and the actual auction itself. I know it is cruel to ask such a thing of him, however in this life one must give if one expects to receive, so as he asks of me something, so too must he be willing to give. And Joseph, dear Joseph, is always seemingly willing to do just that' As they reach to bottom of the stairs Alexi reaches up, now able to divert his attention from his feet, and touches his head slave's forehead gently with his palm. “Thank you Joseph.” he murmurs before allowing the vampire to help him to the private dining hall. Slipping his arm away from the slave so he's standing on his own he smiles and nods.

“I am fine Joseph, now if you please, fetch what I need for your trip, and send for Uwin so I can have him arrange a ride for you.” giving the vampire's arm a squeeze Alexi slips alone into the dinning hall, watching as his brother first looks up, then stands up, his normally unreadable expression growing dark at the sight of his obviously weakened brother. He does not object when Mois flies over to help him to his seat and just smiles warmly, trying to calm his distraught sibling. Once Mois is seated, and Alexi served, the younger Vandros dismisses the servants standing by and looks to his brother with his most placating smile. It doesn't help, much.

However before Mois can fly into a rage Alexi reaches across the table and after a few silent moment the elder sibling huffs and reaches out as well, laying his rough callous hand in Alexi's soft pale one. Alexi wraps his fingers around his older brother's hand tight and murmurs, “I am sorry to have worried you, brother. I did not mean to, however last night I was in no condition to tempt my luck on the stairs.” Mois's grip tightens, but he stays silent. As children, Alexi always had a habit of rambling, and Mois never knew if what he had to say was important or just more random inane babble. They set up this system so that Mois would always know when to hold his tongue, and when he was free to interrupt his crazy little brother. Despite having the same father, the madness they both knew may afflict them seems to have as of yet to manifest in Mois, if he even has it to begin with. They know not if he is blessed enough as to have not inherited it.

Taking a slow breath Alexi calculates what he should and should not tell his brother, knowing he can trust the man, but not with everything. 'Technically Mois has more control over me than Joseph does, however since I have convinced him of the one thing, I may be able to. . .' With a huff, his mind does it's magic quickly and with another warm smile he begins speaking again. “I know the last thing you wish to hear is that things are going smoothly, at least as far as my plan goes, however I can not spare you the pain of knowing that yes, indeed, things will be progressing faster than predicted.” Mois visibly bites his lips at this, but otherwise his face returns to it's natural neutral state. “There has been a small change, one that will not affect the outcome, however I will have to warn you of some changes you may see in me over the next several weeks.”

'What did you do Alexi, you madman!?' Mois holds his tongue, unable to completely hide how worried he is, however as they sit there, the elder listening to his brother speak, he is able to calm his raging emotions to a point, allowing his brother free reign to speak. However at the mention of changes in Alexi his heart beat begins picking up again. 'First I have to hear from Joseph that you sliced open your own wrist, and that the plans are going to be sped up, but now I have to expect you to be changing!? GAH!' However, holding his tongue is one of the elder's specialties, and even as he goes on the only sigh of his worry remains his bottom lip being worried by white teeth.

'Poor Mois, I pray you forgive me some day' Just as he opens his mouth to explain Joseph comes in with the things he'll need to attend the auction and he shoots him a soft smile before turning his attention back to his brother. “He trusts me now, at least a little, and to keep things running smoothly, I have agreed to partake in that part of the plan personally, letting the exchange be mutual.” Mois's mouth snaps open however a sharp piercing look from Alexi snaps it back shut. Mois knows better then to just start blurting stuff out while not in somewhere secure like his hut or Alexi's room. His face becomes once more placid and he gives Mois' hand another soft squeeze. “It will be alright. He is not cruel, I will be fine, and that is all I will say on that matter.”

Mois knows Alexi will hear no argument so even as he pulls his hand back, leaving the elders hand limp and alone on the hard wood surface Mois tries to come up with what to say without letting anything slip while out in the open. His eyes cast about the room while he thinks, his hand eventually sliding back to pick up his fork, poking at his breakfast absentmindedly. Finally, he looks once more to his brothers face and murmurs, “You've been crying.” A simple statement, not a question, however Alexi knows he expects an answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Joseph scurried off to find a tablet so that Master Alexi could sign the electronic permission slip that the slave needed in order to be out in public at such an important event. His collar already had a microscopic tracker within it, that the human lord could pull up if something happened, if he was somehow kidnapped, or rather “stolen,” on the way there. At the event, he would be given a secondary tracker that would alert the guards and could also paralyze him, should the need arise.

He sent a text message to Uwin, informing him that his presence was requested in the private dining hall, but told him to wait outside the door when he arrived. Then, he strode back, idly reading the form to see if it was any different from the previous time he had done this. There were minor changes, but nothing significant.

I'll be saving them. Any one that I can. Life in the Vandros manor is one of the best options for any slave, short of being freed into one of the refugee camps. And even the ones I won't be able to save will be free soon. I have to remember that. I have to look at this as an opportunity. It is a chance to act out a role, a role I have honed for five centuries. After all, I am the perfect butler. His thoughts were almost hopeful, almost fun. I can do this. I have done it before. All I must do is turn my mind off and play the role. Damn do I wish I was still hard broken.... no, no I don't. Having to expend the effort to control my thoughts is better than not having them at all. It's better than I deserve, but I'll take it.

“He trusts me now, at least a little, and to keep things running smoothly, I have agreed to partake in that part of the plan personally, letting the exchange be mutual,” Joseph heard as he strode in. Quickly, he closed the door behind him and checked the room for any other servants. They were alone. Though, naturally, that did not mean that he could speak freely. Discretion was always advised outside of the Masters' private rooms. But as Master Alexi worked on the form, Joseph could not help but drop a little hint that he hoped would calm, or at least inform, the poor elder brother.

“It is alright, Master Mois. Master Alexi has seen the war firsthand. That's bound to upset anyone,” he commented, briefly meeting the elder brother's eyes and hoping he would connect the dots.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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As he falls silent Joseph hands his master the tablet so he can get trough with the official part of sending Joseph out. His hand stills for a moment, the pen hovering just above the screen as his eyes close and the twinge of guilt over making his brother worry at last finds it's way to his heart. 'All of the good aside, he is my brother, and he will worry, and no matter the justification, I do still grieve the sadness he must endure' He is spared a long explanation by Joseph and as his eyes open he shots the man a smile before continuing with his work. Mois, now more than a little curious by what the vampire said looks back and forth between the two before settling on Alexi.

“So? What can you say on the matter, if not what I wish to hear?” His tone is calm, much of his frustration having waned having Joseph's calm presence in the room. No matter what he is really feeling, the vampire has always had a calming effect on the elder brother, and Mois is eternally grateful for that.

Alexi chuckles softly, looking to Mois with a mirth that he was not expecting. His eyes widen, brow rising questioningly. “Forgive me brother.” He murmurs softly, handing off the completed form to Joseph without looking. “It is just that. . .While His pain is great, his reaction was. . .Like having me around on one of my most joyful days at the age of seven. He was, like a child, almost, and I think. . .I think it was very good for him.”

Mois can not help but smile softly at the thought of any grown man, let alone a very put upon and strong willed rebel leader vampire, acting so light and child like. 'Alexi was so happy sometimes, but always in such a calm and affectionate way, I wonder. . .' “And what made you think of that? Ow did he. . . .?”

Alexi giggles softly, shaking his head a little. His tone falls a bit even if what he's saying is safe to say, it just feels right to whisper it. “He went from promised of vengeance to strong hug, for us both!” Mois's smile widens ever so slightly, quite amused at the image the words conjure inside his mind. He looks to Joseph, brow once more raised in question. His lighter mood causes him to look more youthful than normal.


Uwin makes his way to the private dinning hall quickly, taking up a place just outside and standing at attention though there is no one around to see him. It is not often he is called into the house. In fact, he can count on one hand the amount of times it has happened in his time at the estate, and each time it had been important. He can not hear the voices from inside the room, most walls and doors of the building soundproof or near to it. Instead he contents himself with humming softly, and wondering over what he's been called in for.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Joseph listened carefully to the brothers as they discussed the rebel vampire, rather intrigued by their analysis. As usual, he did not speak until Mois looked to him, and at that point, all he could think to say was a brief explanation.

“I do not think that was a permanent change. It was just after the dose, and I think he was overwhelmed by the influx of emotion, just like Master Alexi was right after his dosage. It's just that for him, the results were pleasant instead of painful,” Joseph commented, smiling fondly at the memory of the vampire's great hug.

It was indeed a pleasant image, but in reality, he was unsure what to think about it. On the one hand, everyone needed some kind of joy in their life. And on the other hand, the idea that it was not his own joy, that the positive emotions were from another person, someone that you were not even entirely sure you trusted, must be terrifying. Joseph wondered if that was why the rebel leader had asked for a journal, just as a way to try and organize what was going on in his mind at the moment. He had not mentioned the request to Lord Alexi, and would not do so unless it was absolutely necessary. He imagined that it must have taken a lot for the fiercely independent rebel leader to admit to needing anything to help his sanity, and he did not want to deny him that bit of privacy.

“Excuse me for a moment, let me see if Uwin has arrived to speak with you, Master Alexi,” the vampire slave requested, implicitly warning them to watch their tongues of anything they did not want the relatively young elven driver to hear.

He exited the room, finding Uwin, who looked wonderfully content where most would have been at least somewhat bored or restless by this point.

“Hello Uwin, I hope I did not keep you waiting long. Please, come in. Master Alexi wishes to speak with you,” he began calmly, ushering the younger slave inside the dining room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Mois's eyes once more go to his brother, locking on, when the pain Alexi felt is once more mentioned. Alexi continues eating silently, waiting until Joseph is going to get Uwin to mutter softly, “I simply have never felt what it was like to fail, and of all things at the time, failure was at the forefront. It is passed, as he said, but the echo remains. I am fine brother.” He gives the man a warm smile, chuckling as Mois returns it with a roll of his eyes. The elder brother's gaze becomes once more his normal impassive look as Joseph returns with the elf in tow. Alexi finishes his mouthful, humming softly as Mois returns his focus to the meal at hand, before looking to Uwin with a smile. “Welcome Uwin, I trust you slept well?”

The elf nods happily, doing his best to keep his composure despite his conflicting emotions. While he loves Master Alexi, Master Mois has always frightened him a little bit. 'But, Mater Alexi must have called me in for a good reason. I'm always happy to help out where I can. . .' He stands up a little straighter, glancing at Joseph before swallowing and turning his attention back to the younger Vandros. 'Joseph can be scary too sometimes, despite how nice he is. . .'

“Uwin, I need you to do something for me.” The elf nods rapidly. “I know some of those in the garage are trained in driving, and I need you to pick a good one for driving Joseph here to a high class auction.” Alexi watches as Uwin visibly tenses at the request, a familiar flash behind his eyes at the mention of the word 'auction'. 'I know, you all hate them, and I am so sorry. . .' He keeps his smile warm and after a second the young elf relaxes.

“I know a few who may work. I will ask them, see which have not been up too long. May I ask when the auction begins?” His voice wavers only slightly, hiding his discomfort the best he can. He had been the one to drive Master Alexi to the auctions all this month, but somehow the thought of any slave going without Master Alexi's personal protection makes him a little edgy. He feels a little foolish asking, having the younger Vandros's schedule in his pocket, and memorized, however if the Master himself is not going, the elf figures it must be because there must have been a change.

Alexi nods, his tone soft and understanding. “It is a one PM, like the others. However I am feeling a little under the weather today, so I will be returning home after my lunch meeting.”

Uwin perks up, despite the look of sympathy on his face over Alexi announcing feeling less than stellar. “If that is the case, then I c-”

Alexi cuts him off politely. “No Uwin. My meeting may run late, and I would rather have Joseph arrive on time. I would be fine if I were late, however it would not reflect on him well if Joseph were late.”

The elf bows his head low, it having been a long time since Master Alexi has had to check him like that. “Of course Master Alexi. Forgive me.” 'I should have trusted he had his reasons, I have no reason to question him. Though he has always encouraged me to speak my mind, if I had but thought on it a moment, I could have figured out the reasoning behind his order' As Uwin reprimands himself silently Alexi hands Joseph the finished work, Mois watching the whole exchange with disinterest.

With a light cough that makes Uwin jump, his eyes snapping up to the elder brother, Mois stands and gives Alexi a look of understanding, and gratefulness. Wandering around the table he gives his little brother's shoulder a squeeze before walking past the rather stiff Uwin and head to the garage.

Meanwhile Alexi turns back to Uwin, giving him a reassuring look. “Go on now Uwin, and thank you for your hard work. I will be with you shortly.” The elf's head snaps around to Alexi, his back straitening before he gives a little bow and walks swiftly out of the room. Alexi sighs softly, watching him go before turning his attention back to Joseph. “That look in his eyes. . .Please, forgive me for asking this of you, my old friend. . .”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Joseph listened to the conversation with interest, but naturally, did not interfere. He turned towards the retreating slave as Uwin was dismissed, and quickly commented.

“Please send a message copied to both Master Alexi and myself when you have found a suitable replacement. I would like to leave around 12:15, to allow ample time for traffic and registration. Thank you, Uwin,” he commented quickly to the slave before turning back to Lord Alexi just in time for his short apology.

“Do not concern yourself with my feelings, Master. It is my duty to serve you. It is not a slave's job to question his orders. I am the one who should be asking forgiveness,” the head slave replied solemnly, a serene kindness within his voice. He bowed low as he spoke, and then stood up straight to await a reply.

The correct response. Always the correct response. Calm, respectful, obedient, emotionless, selfless. How I wish I could allow myself the same freedom that Master wants to promise the others. The freedom to live my own life, make my own choices. Hell, right now I'd settle for the freedom to refuse a Master's request when I know it will pain me, will keep me awake at night. Master Alexi has tried to give me such freedom, and but I will never take it. I cannot. I've given myself too much leeway with Master Alexi as it is. I should beg forgiveness for my thoughts, for my resentment, for my disagreement, even if it primarily has festered within my mind. But Master has far too much to think about now. It would be far more cruel to burden him with the depth of my inward disobedience.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Having grown up with the man, Alexi has come to recognize, quite easily, when Joseph falls back on his “programming”, and the sight of it now makes his heart ache. 'Oh Joseph, when this all comes to pass, I pray you will be able to recover the person I know must still be buried in there. I know you will never let yourself be truly free, but if you do not at least begin living your life at least a little bit, I may just lose that last little bit in me that has hope. . .' Unable to take much more heartache at this point Alexi finishes off his drink, his appetite very much nonexistent after the events not half an hour prior, and stands slowly. Reaching over to Joseph with a soft smile on his lips he lays a gentle kiss on his forehead, squeezing his upper arms firmly. He says not a word, unsure of what to say, fearing that if he did speak he may say too much, so instead he nods and lets the vampire go. With his smile still firmly in place he turns and begins walking carefully to the garage at a nice slow pace to avoid falling.


Uwin races into the parking garage, his mind tumbling over all the options for a driver, pushing his mistake out of his thoughts best he can. 'I could, but he doesn't like sun, and. .Maybe if I could, no, high class, meaning beautiful. . .I can't let, too new even if he can drive. . .Luka would love the opportunity, but he worked all night. . .Then that means. . .Yes!' Coming to his decision he races out the back of the garage, passing from the main out into a small servant quarters attached to it for those who exclusively work on or with the master's cars. Smoothing his uniform quickly he shuffles past a few sleeping forms, coming to the back of the room as silently as he can.

“What do you need Uwin?” The question comes for a dark hole in ground against the back wall leading down into the earth slantwise. He freezes at the voice, but then smiles.

“I should have known I couldn't sneak up on you Elaria. Listen, Master Alexi needs a driver for Mister Joseph this afternoon, to a high class slave market, and I know you can drive, and will not do any dishonor to the master's name.” He speaks softly, watching the hole carefully. A few moments later a golden head appears from the hole. Elaria was one of Master Alexi's most expensive purchases, and one of his first. Though still young, the golden fire drake is very mature, and while she would never admit it, has a bit of a crush on the master of the house. It is quite obvious to anyone who knows her, but no one brings it up for fear of her slight temper problem when it comes to such things.

As the long serpentine body crawls from the hole, the scaly body gives way to flesh. When at last she is in the room proper the scaly hide is gone leaving in it's wake Elaria's human form. Her hair almost seems to be made of spun gold, matching her scales, and Uwin politely grabs her robe off the wall and hands it to her. He does not look away, that being considered rude to her race as they are naturally very proud of their bodies, however he does keep his gaze high. Slipping into her robe she looks the elf over for several long seconds before nodding softly. She pulls her phone from her pocket and takes down the information she needs before Uwin races out of the building and back to the garage. She watches him live, her shocking green eyes blinking slowly as the shift in light makes his cat slit pupils contract.

Back in the garage Uwin practically skids to a halt next to Master Alexi's car for the day and slips his phone quickly away as he sees the door to the house open. Alexi pulls out his phone and smiles at Uwin's decision on Joseph's driver. 'She is quite lovely. She will indeed be perfect for this. I wonder when she was taught to drive. . .I have no doubt she can, however it does make one curious. . .' He chuckles softly, slipping his own phone away and climbing carefully into his vehicle, giving Uwin a smile before he closes the door carefully behind his master. 'Let us just get this day over with. A part of me prays Erik will be able to help with this. . .' With a sigh he gives the elf the signal that he is ready and with a faint purr from the engine, they are on their way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

For the first time, Joseph was not blind to his master's heartache upon hearing his words, and immediately felt guilty for having spoken them. I've done this for too many years. To many previous masters, such obsequious sentiments were a reasonable substitute for my emotions. I could affirm my loyalty without lying about my feelings on the matter, simply by stating that my own opinions were unimportant. Most were fine with this. But Master Alexi, those words bother you more than you have ever let me see before, don't they? How many times did you shield your true sentiments from me, my dear Master? Serving you is my life, and I still had no idea of your true self until this plan began. I knew that you wanted a good life for your slaves, but I still thought that you considered us like pets or children, subjects to be cared for. Somehow, I was blind to the fact that you wanted true freedom for us.

And now, I know not how I should act. I do not wish to hurt you, but it is not my place to tell you how much I dread following your instructions. In your bid to end slavery, you are becoming one of the most difficult masters I have ever served. First with these horrible orders, and now, I have to figure out how to be a proper slave to a man who wants to end slavery? You are a challenge, Master. But I do love you.

However Joseph knew that that was a problem for another time, for now there was much to do before he needed to leave for the auction in just a few short hours. He knew that the Lord of the house did not want to be led and supported to his car, so he let him leave with only a little bit of concern, and headed off the opposite direction to the kitchens to retrieve Erik's meal, stopping along the way to pick up a small notebook

Soon enough, he returned to Master Alexi's room with a breakfast fit for a king, three poached eggs, sausage, bacon, tomato slices, orange slices, and waffles with syrup, jam, and grapes.

“You're going to turn me fat with all this great food, Joseph,” Erik joked, having smelled most of what was on the plate from across the room. The elder vampire set the tray down at a small table, and his younger counterpart sat down.

“Do not feel required to eat all of it. Forgive me, I forgot to ask what you wanted for breakfast, so I just got you a bit of everything the kitchens were already cooking. I hope that its satisfactory, but if not...”

“If not they'll cook something just for me? I suppose?” Erik quipped, looking up at the servant and smirking slightly. “I apologize, it's just, I could get far too accustomed to this. In this house, I'm a slave, and yet I'm living in the greatest luxury I've ever known. Let me save the rest for lunch or something. Resistance fighters don't waste food. And please don't apologize to me,” the youger vampire finished. Joseph began changing Master Alexi's sheets, and out of habit, Erik rose from his chair to help him, having only eaten a bite of his breakfast.

“You are not a slave, Leader Schumann. You may be a prisoner, but I suspect that's only temporary,” Joseph replied, as they worked on changing Master Alexi's sheets. “And you don't have to do this with me, you know.”

“I know. But I want to help. I'm useless here. At the camp, everyone works. It doesn't matter who you are. Two hundred year old habits die hard. I'll try and help keep things tidy from now on, now that I'm not so ill or chained up. Can't promise I'll be as good at it as you, our standards aren't quite so high, but I'll try. It's not like I have anything better to do, anyway.”

“As you wish, Erik. At least until Master Alexi gives you some more useful work. He will be coming back early today, between 1 and 2 pm, to speak with you.”

Erik waited for a few minutes as they finished making the bed, hoping that the elder vampire would explain further. When he did not, he finally pressed him.

“About what?”


“What does Alexi want to discuss with me?”

“Sharing your emotions... is proving troublesome for him. Since you are accustomed to them, perhaps you can help him cope,” Joseph replied, meeting the other vampire's eyes.

“Well, who's stupid fucking idea was that?”


Erik sighed, the slightest bit of guilt threatening his ability to remain calm.

“Joseph, I don't know how I deal with my emotions. I just... do. That's not even a question for me. Where I come from, I don't have servants to wait on me hand and foot. I don't have a bedroom that's larger than most people's houses, or the money to waste on ostentatious finery. I have hundreds of people who need my guidance, who need to be fed, equipped, and trained. I don't have the option to let my emotions control me.”

“Well, as you've pointed out, you don't have that much to do right now. And isn't there a reason you asked for that notebook? Maybe you should take this time to learn to deal with the things that are bothering you in a healthy manner, for surely, a more truly calm mind would help you lead more effectively. Maybe, if you stopped resenting Master Alexi for half a minute, you'd find that talking with him would help both of you. And maybe, just maybe, you could learn from each other,” the vampire slave answered, his voice cool, but calm. The younger vampire involuntarily clenched his teeth for a moment, before calming himself. He hated to admit it when he was wrong.

“I'll never lead again. We both know that. But otherwise, I see your point. I did ask for the journal to try and work things out in my mind. And... and I don't relish the thought of seeing Alexi in such pain, even after what he did to me when I first arrived... at least, not anymore. I'll try to figure something out for him.”

You should not be so dismissive of your future, Leader Schumann, Joseph thought. I don't know what Master Alexi has in mind for you, but at this point, I would not discount anything. Now that I'm beginning to see bits and pieces of his plan, I realize that there is a reason he chose you, quite apart from mere curiosity. Your skills may be quite needed before this is all over. But I will not try and convince you. There is no point in arguing any longer.

“Thank you, Erik,” was all he replied, a small smile concealed behind his eyes. Silently, they went about the work of cleaning the bedroom, and Joseph found Erik competent, if not perfect. It went much faster with his assistance, and the elder vampire was grateful for that, given all he had to do. When they were finished, he finally addressed his charge once again.

“Thank you for your assistance,” he began, as Erik finally sat down to his breakfast. “Do you require anything else?”

“No, thank you. I'll probably do some writing and try to catch a nap before Alexi gets home. Thanks for the warning.”

“Very well. I wish you luck, and you know how to reach me.”

Erik nodded, remembering the pager, and tried to enjoy the amazing food that was still warn enough to enjoy.


Over the next few hours, Joseph took a very short nap himself, as he had been up half the night cleaning, ate his own brunch, and still found time to read the updates that the department leads had sent him on skills and jobs that they wanted. Lord Alexi had more slaves in this house than he needed, even for a mansion of this exorbitant size, but there were enough interesting (though unnecessary) side projects that he always found something for the new ones to do. The head slave worked long hours in making sure that the slaves were happy and doing something that they found at least somewhat interesting, and that there was never a task that they would find too difficult or dangerous.

An hour before he was to leave, Joseph showered and donned a white dress shirt, sports coat, matching black pants, and a dark blue tie, an outfit he rarely used. He put his old collar back on, and made sure to stow a copy of his papers in an inside pocket of his jacket, and to have his slave's ID and e-card in a small wallet. Looking in the mirror, he arranged his dark red hair and appraised himself. If it were not for this collar, you would never know. My skin is pale, but not even much more so than some humans; the master, for example. It took him less than a minute to decide he'd had enough of deciding just how slave-like he looked, and so he headed out an underground passageway to the garage, arriving five minutes early.

“Good afternoon, Elaria,” he greeted calmly, shaking hands with the fire drake who appeared in a sleek-looking spare uniform. “Are we ready to leave? I know it's a bit early, but that couldn't hurt.”

“Of course, Mr. Moreau,” she replied, grinning with just a bit of mischief in her eyes. She rarely called Joseph that, and it was clear she was teasing him, just slightly, as she opened back door of the car for the vampire to enter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
Avatar of PopeAlessandros


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The ride is quite uneventful, Uwin perceptive enough to realize that his master is having more troubles than usual, and Alexi thankful for the time inside his own head. While his mind tumbles over and over things, his heart seems to begin locking off. He recognizes the response, one he has had often from his encounters with his father, and something he has avoided doing since his death. However in this case he thinks perhaps putting them off for now, all the emotions still bombarding his system, and redirects his focus on the task of getting through this meeting.'This group was originally one of my father's, and not one I relish having contact with, however their influence in the slave markets. . .It is imperative that we remain on good terms' He sighs at the recollection of their last meeting, the man appearing so cold and short sighted that Alexi begged off early, using a false sickness as an excuse to leave early.

When they pull up to the tall dark blue building Alexi had the elf pull right up to the front door rather than the usual place near the end of the walk. This worries Uwin, but as they are in public, none of this worry shows as he holds the car door for his master. Alexi gives him a smile none the less and as soon as Uwin is sure he is in the building the young elf makes all haste to the parking lot. The unwanted stares from the rather busy sidewalk making him want to get out of sight as soon as possible. Most people ignore slaves for the most part these days, but when it comes to a slave with such a simple control device like Uwin, an especially in front of this particular building, more curiosity is to be expected.

As he parks Uwin's eyes pass over his devices, one on each wrist, and one around the neck. The smooth silken material hides the network of wires that run along his skin. In the event Uwin needs to be controlled, a current would run through the devices, to one another, and stop him cold. Because of elves' natrually magical nature, it is necessary to not only stop the body, but to still the power within, and the current passing over his heart would do just that. 'Not that Master Alexi has ever used them. They're just for show. . .' Having seen some of the control devices used on other races, Uwin has become eternally grateful for his rather simple, and relatively comfortable shackles.


Alexi refrains from rubbing hims temples in frustration. Well over two hours into his meeting with Mr. Grunblack and Gidian has as of yet to get t the matter at hand. For all his conviction for being efficient and precise, whenever the old man meets with Alexi, whom he's known since childhood through dealings with Alexi's father, it seems ha simple can not help lecturing him on every little thing that has crossed his mind since last they met. 'If it was not for the occasional couch from those foul cigars one would assume he has no need for breathing' Alexi has never understood the habit, smoking being a mark of station almost these days with how rare the tobacco plant has become. Men like Gidian have their own farms, and since the cheaper to make cigarettes were banned centuries ago for their detriment to human health, those of lower class have nearly no access to the nicotine rich leaf. The plant has been changed over the years, so while they are still addictive, they no longer contribute to human ailments.

'Save for the damage they do to one's lungs, however any man rich enough to smoke them often can afford the medicine to summarily repair them. I still fond the practice foul. . .' There was a time where Mois and Alexi's father tried to get them to take up the habit, and while Mois humored the man for a while, he has long since kicked the habit, only keeping a box around for special occasion when he has to atend an important meeting with Alexi at the house. At those times Alexi politely turns down the offer to partake, but having Mois offer them to the guests is enough to smooth over any social issues with his guests.

When the meeting finally gets underway Alexi and Gidian quickly work out the contract the younger Vandros came to discuss and within an hour they are ready to sign. “So, Alexi.” The younger male once more holds himself in check as he does not like many using his first name, especially when he has not given them permission. He smiles up at Gidian instead, waiting for the elderly gentleman to go on. “I see you're still riding around town in those out-of-date vehicles, eh? Such an odd habit for a young man to have.” Despite the car he cam in only being thirty years old, it is still considered odd to drive anything less than ten years old, another mark of social status is having an up-to-date model at all times.

Alexi shakes his head lightly, turning his attention back to the contract while he signs. “I find the ride much more enjoyable my old friend.” Though loth to use the word to describe the man, proud owner of a good number of downtrodden slaves, as well as a man who prides himself in the profession of appraising and breeding slaves, but as in many aspects of his life Alexi endures the lie. “And it is not all that old. As you know, I have several over a hundred years old.”

Gidian shakes his head disapprovingly as he too signs. “Yes, that that too is even more disturbing. Living in the past they way you do, it's not healthy!” He goes on for a good long time on this rant, and by the time he notices it is well after when Alexi should have been to the slave market. It isn't until a slave comes int o inform Gidian that his presence is required elsewhere that he glances at the time and laughs. “Ah me, my moth does run away with me sometimes.” He looks over at the dull eyes werewolf gazing blankly at the floor and smiles. Alexi knows the smile and looks away towards the window, unable to see that fierce approval directed at such a broken slave. Alexi and Gidian leave the room together, the slave trailing behind, and at the elevator they part ways, Alexi once more thanking the elderly man for his time. “Think nothing of it lad. Your father was a dear friend of mind, and at the least I can treat his son with my presence on occasion.”

Internally rolling his eyes the younger male bows before stepping on the the elevator. Moving as swiftly as he is capable, which truthfully isn't all that fast in his current state of disgust and slightly trembling muscles from repressing Erik's feelings for so long just to let them loose where they need to be. He manages to keep his breathing steady and as he slides into the back seat of his car his eyes fall closed. The drive will be well over a half an hour and Alexi can feel the need for sleep calling to him. After making sure Uwin knows to head home he gives in to the feeling and in no time at all, he is asleep. Not an uncommon occurrence the elf thinks nothing of it, the time his master decides to take for himself not only none of his business, but a welcomed sight to one who cares for him so much.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Elaria tried to engage Joseph in some mild conversation, but it did not take long for her to realize that he was only responding out of politeness and gratitude for the favor of the drive, so she fell silent. The butler did not mean to be rude, it was just that he was steeling himself for the horrid things he was about to see. When they were about five minutes out from the convention ballroom that was hosting the event, the passenger spoke up again.

“The slave entrance, of course. And I'll have some of Master Alexi's purchases riding back with us, so be prepared for that. The kind of slaves that our Master prefers are usually not happy with the arrangement, but I try to only sedate them as an absolute last resort,” he instructed, unsure of how much his lovely driver had been briefed.

“Thanks for the warning,” the fire drake replied, remembering just how furious she had been during and after her own auction. She had not actually done much to resist, but the temptation had certainly been there.

“Thank you for the drive,” Joseph replied. It was only a few more minutes before they pulled up to the slave's entrance. Elaria stepped out and opened the door, meeting Joseph's eyes as he stepped out with a silent look of concern and sympathy for his task. But she said nothing, as was the custom in public. Quickly, she drove off to where the other slaves parked and waited for their masters, for she had no desire to stay around this place any longer than necessary.

Joseph sighed almost imperceptibly as a strode in, careful to look neither too submissive nor too confident. He was quickly patted down and scanned for any weapons and given his wristband when he found none.

“Cause any problems whatsoever, and this band can completely immobilize you. Your master will be fined for any damages,” a bored guard warned. No one asked the vampire to sign anything to that effect; many slaves could not read, and none could legally sign a contract anyway. The contract promising that Joseph was trustworthy had already been signed between Alexi and the company hosting the auction.

“I understand, sir,” the slave replied respectfully. With a nod, he was given a program and sent on to the main hall. Many patrons, dressed in suits, gowns, and other high class finery, stood around mingling. Unsurprisingly, Joseph had little desire to speak with any of them. He was here strictly for business, and frankly, conversations were dangerous for him, and for Alexi's reputation. It would take only the slightest perceived insult for one of the humans to have him arrested. Even acting too much like an equal could be seen as “dangerous arrogance.” Fortunately, most patrons were not so cruel as to cause such a scene without good cause, but there were always a few bad apples in the crowd. Any slave appearing without his or her master had to be on constant guard in their behavior, just to avoid such jerks.

He had almost reached the double doors to the exhibition hall where the pre-auction viewing was being held when an older man who was smoking a thick cigar called out to him.

“Slave, refill my scotch!” he said as Joseph passed, holding out his drink. Rather than pointing out that there were about a dozen serving slaves around the room, and that he had no obligation to serve anyone besides his own master, he simply smiled and took the glass. It was far easier to just do as he was asked than to argue.

“Of course, sir. Right away,” Joseph replied, taking the glass over to the open bar.

“Scotch please, Ballantine's I think,” he ordered. The red-haired slave woman working the bar, whose race even Joseph didn't recognize in her human form, glanced down at his band.

“I can't serve you alcohol, sir. You're... like me.” The color of the wristband indicated he was not here with a master, and therefore could not be getting a drink for his owner.

“I … I know. This is for someone else. One of the guests thought I was with the help. And it was easier not to argue.” He nodded in the general direction of the man, who seemed to be dominating a group's conversation, much to the irritation of the others. It was clear that he had already had one too many. The slavegirl looked back to Joseph.

“Alright,” was all she said, before filling the drink. An understanding crossed their eyes just for a moment as she handed it to the vampire. Slaves had to help each other, especially in this environment.

“Thank you,” he answered, bowing slightly as he met her eyes. He walked back to the older man and handed him the drink with a bow.

“Good lad. It's always nice to see a young non-human who knows his place,” the elder commented. It was only Joseph's long years of service that prevented him from rolling his eyes. Right, because I'm only over ten times your age, he thought. The condescension made that tiny, burgeoning rebellious part of him want to hurl. “Who is your master?” the older man was asking.

“Master Alexi Vandros, CEO of EleCon Industries,” the perfect butler replied politely, wishing he was literally anywhere else at the moment.

“Sent him regards from Sir Wesley Azaran,” he replied. The Azaran family was an insanely wealthy lordship even older than the Vandros wealth. Though, no one quite knew how they maintained their lifestyle. Their investment books were, unsurprisingly, closed to the public.

“Of course, Sir. I shall,” Joseph replied, bowing as he left the group. Finally, he made it into the exhibition hall and entered. There were hundreds of slaves here, in various states of clothing and restraint. He passed the first few, able to glance and see that glassed-over look in their eyes that indicated one or more of the hard breaking methods used across the races. He did stop at a few booths to observe some of the more rebellious-looking slaves, some who seemed to have not lost hope. But he only said a few brief words to the slavers in question. So few of the salesmen knew exactly what to do with a slave as a buyer. They were so accustomed to seeing magicals as merchandise that talking to one as a customer seemed as strange as discussing the sale of your car with another car. It just made no sense. But this confusion could give Joseph an advantage at times, and, though he would rarely admit it, he enjoyed seeing those slimy pigs just a tad flustered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Orion Williams makes his way through the pre-auction area like a fat leaf on the wind, stopping for only an instant here and there to comment or drop a joke into the waiting ear of sellers and buyers alike. Slipping in and out of conversations with the expertise of a man who has been working rooms like this is entire like, and indeed he has, he manages to makes his way around the room unimpeded several times before something at last truly catches his attention. “Well well well, seems like my dear friend Alexi is trying his luck once again. . .Man I want that vampire. . .'[/i] Orion would never actually do anything underhanded to obtain Joseph, but on more than one occasion he's tried to buy the slave away from Alexi, even going so far as to offering slaves worth three times as much as the vampire. However Alexi has turned him down politely each time.

“Such a good guy. . .” he murmurs, flitting across the room surprisingly nimbly despite his heavy set figure. He's not overly fat, but he has more than enough extra poundage to pass for a mack truck at a full sprint. Slipping to Joseph's line of view he catches the slave's eyes before waltzing up and giving him a friendly pat on the back. While he in no way sees non-magicals as equals, he's never seen any reason to treat them poorly unless they deserve it. “Joseph, good to see you again!” He openly glances down at the slave's wristband before looking him in the face again. “I see you're all alone today. Alexi too lazy to come again?” It is clear from his tone that he does not expect a response. He chuckles lightly at his own joke and waves a hand. “Nah, I know he'd be here if he could.”

Looking around the room he sweeps hi arm out to indicate the room on the whole. “Quite the selection today. Got some new stock in last night. Sold off a few of my more interesting catches already.” Looking out of the corner of his eye at Joseph a sly calculating look come to his face. “I fact, I got in something very interesting, and I have a few people already ready to empty their bank accounts over it.” He chuckles again, pressing a hand against the vampire's back briefly to indicate he wants the slave to walk with him, the other coming up to motion them forward. Not waiting to see if Joseph is following he starts walking, talking just loud enough for the other to hear.

“Yes, a lot of buyers, and some really good families too. The Alvanies, the Russets, all with an eye on this one. I planned on showing it to Alexi first, but it came in late last night rather than in the afternoon like it should have.” He glances over his shoulder, still looking rather sly. “But, Alexi is such a good friend, and this is right up his alley, so I told the other buyers they had to wait until he saw it. I can't make them wait too long, so I guess you'll have to do.” They move through a couple swinging doors as he talks until at last they arrive at the top of a set of stairs and head down into the basement holding cells. A few large non-magicals sit in their cages, most looking quite disheartened in their shackles and other control devices. Williams walks in silence now, the nice blue lights on the walls making the walkway between the cells glow pleasantly.

It isn't until they reach the last cell on the left that he finally stops and turns. Facing the cell he looks over at Joseph and motions for him to get a closer look. “Don't get too close though, it's got a decent reach through those bars.” He says with a smile. The light from the walkway illuminates the ten by fifteen cell relatively well, but at first it looks rather empty. Then in a corner of the ceiling a shadow moves and with a rustling noise the slave in question rushes down the wall, leaping the last couple feet so it lands on all fours in the middle of the cell. The magical looks mostly human, it's bright green eyes staring out at the two men. It's long canines catch the light as it snarls at the two of them, it's tattered clothing hanging off if him like rags. On it's back are wings that resemble dragonfly wings, the tips dragging slightly on the ground as it stalks towards the bars.

The young magical appears a little younger than Uwin, in relative human years, it's thick red hair settled like a mane against his back and framing his face. Crawling closer and closer to the bars, once he is in striking distance he leaps on the bars and lets out an almighty howl before leaping back and crawling up the back wall, his low growls echoing around the room. Despite his animalistic action, it is clear from his eyes that he is not a simple beast, a kind of intelligence that is unmistakable. Williams does not flinch back when the boy attacks the bars, his smile still in place as he waits for the vampire to say something. 'I know Alexi would recognize this one right away. They are so rare, and he's wanted one for years. I even told him that I'd have something he wanted today at the latest, and he still didn't show. . .I wonder what kept him away. . .'


"Master Alexi. . .Master Alexi, we're almost home. . .”

Alexi's eyes slide open slowly, the short nap almost doing more damage than good as he wakes to the odd sensation of unease and confusion. Taking a deep breath he looks to the source of the voice and meets Uwin's worried gaze I the rear view mirror. He gives the young slave a warm smile before sitting up carefully. The familiar feeling of the sleek leather back seat and smell of the air freshener brings him back into himself and he gives his driver a questioning look. “Thanks for letting me know Uwin. . .What is wrong? You look concerned.”

The elf shakes his head and look back to the road. After a minute however he speaks up. “You, looked like you were having a bad dream Master Alexi.” He swallows hard, wondering if it is best for him to go on. He thinks about it only a couple seconds before the worried words tumble form his lips. “You've slept in the car a lot over the years, and it's always been the same. You never make a noise or move, or any of that, but this time you sounded so upset, and I could see you flinching every now and then, and shaking, and I. . .” He falls silent as he spots his master still smiling and sighs. “It's none of my business really. Sorry Master Alexi.”

Alexi lets out a sigh of his own, glancing out the window as they pass through the front gates. “Do not worry Uwin, and I thank you for your concern. Things have been rather hectic lately, and I did not sleep all that well last night. I also think I may be coming down with something, but I should be fine.” Uwin nods, accepting his master's words without question and smiling back at him as he parks the vehicle. Hopping out he runs around to open the door for Alexi, giggling slightly when the human ruffles his hair affectionately. The slave owner knows he has to be more careful from now on. Not all of his slaves are so trusting. Uwin sets to work arranging for the car to get cleaned, watching out of the corner of his eye as Alexi makes his way carefully inside.

Once out of the garage and into the house proper Alexi does his best to stand up a little straighter. 'Can not have them seeing me gimping about like an invalid' He hums a tune softly, the emotions flowing through him seeming to calm as he goes slowly over his plan, poking and prodding at it to check for holes. As none seem to present themselves his confidence counteracts the depressing emotions and he manages an honest smile as he reaches the door to his room. Checking to make sure there are no slaves around he slips into the room, propping himself up against the door after it closes. His smiles stays in place as he looks around the room for his “guest”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ever his demure and patient self, Joseph politely smiled at the human and listened to his pointless chatter with the expected silence. He personally disliked Orion Williams for several reasons. The slaver was not particularly cruel to his “acquisitions,” but he would still do just about anything to them or sell them to anyone for a profit. He was the CEO of a corporation that employed its own private mercenaries to track down and root out Resistance cells, often receiving small bounties from the government, but more importantly, allowing them to keep and sell the slaves that they captured.

More personally, Mr. Williams had been trying to buy Joseph from his home and family for the last decade. His appearance at an auction like this always spurred a few calls to the Vandros household asking to purchase him, but Orion was certainly the most persistent. Of course, the vampire knew that his master would never sell him, even to a relatively tolerable owner like Orion, but he still found himself irrationally worried at the attempt.

Nevertheless, the slave followed Orion Williams through the crowd, expertly hiding his distrust of the man. Regardless of his own opinions, he had no desire to cause trouble in this environment. Besides, Mr. Williams did often procure some of the most rare and beautiful creatures that Joseph had ever come across, the exact kind of creatures that Master Alexi often preferred to purchase.

When they reached the cage, Joseph watched the creature's actions carefully, meeting his bright green eyes for the briefest of moments. Remarkable. A M'Tinak. I've never seen one at any auction before. He's gorgeous, and incredibly fierce. And he despises that cage. A wild individual like that is not meant for the chains of this life. No one is. But he hid his shock with his usual grace and turned to Orion.

“Impressive. Quite a unique acquisition you've found. What are you asking for him?” he questioned, speaking with confidence although he still did not quite meet the human's eyes.


Day 4? (I think.)

I feel absolutely ridiculous writing this. I should be trying to find a way to escape, or reading background information on Alexi's company, or... Well, fuck, I don't fucking know. I've already exercised myself as much as I can without pushing myself to exhaustion or breaking half the room. How much I wish I could go for a run right now. Before I was captured, I had not really and truly had a day off since I became Leader, 54 years ago. It's so strange to have nothing useful that I can do now, except read, and read some more, and write this stupid journal.

I still don't know what to think about Alexi. Damnit, I want to trust him. I want more than anything for his insane plan to be true, but I don't know. I have allowed this, but ultimately I'm trusting a man who still has me locked in a room, wearing slave clothes and a collar around my neck. It's downright absurd.

And these damn emotions! I am strong, confident, loved, adored, admired... and none of that is me. It's much closer to the person I wish I was. The person I have to project to inspire confidence in my men and women. They can't see how much I doubt every decision, how much I lie awake at night remembering those deaths. They can't see any of that. But Alexi will now, now that I let him into my head. I asked for him to prove that he was trustworthy, that he was telling the truth, not to take this potion and share my burdens. If he is telling the truth, then I certainly don't want to kill him. Is this honestly how he feels all the time? Where can I have his life? Ha.

I enjoy the sensation, on some level. But on the other hand, I hate having a set of emotions that's not really mine in my head. It may not be breaking, and it may be pleasant, but its still kind of wrong that Alexi was willing to force this on me. Don't think that I won't let him have a piece of my mind on that too. He'll want me to distribute his damn antidote that he claims to have. (I guess I have to accept that that's true as well now...) Doesn't he realize that I can never go back after how terribly I failed? I led us right into a trap. There's no way in hell that they will take me back as Leader now, not after that. I've lost their trust.

But, alas... perhaps I can get answers. If Alexi is honest, then maybe I can help him in other ways. I don't relish seeing him suffer in my emotions... I should be thinking about ways that I cope with my emotions. I guess it's mostly training and fighting... and staying so busy that I don't have time to realize just how messed up I am. I wear a mask of the perfect Leader and push the real me down. And when it gets too much, I rant and rave to Raelin. He spots me while I train... and then when I need a hand on my shoulder to remind me I'm not alone, he's there.

I want to know the rest of his plan... I could refine it with him. Help him see that he needs another liaison. I can't lead again, but I know those who could. I have contacts who could still trust me enough to work with the antidote.

And there he is. That insane man, who might just be the most incredible person I've ever met. I hope your insane confidence is no where near as unfounded as it seems.

“Hello, Alexi,” the vampire began, walking up to the lord of the house. “You look terrible. Not as good at hiding it as you think. What's wrong?” he asked, immediately shattering any illusions the human might have thought he was portraying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Despite his rather distasteful job, Orion is a reasonable business man. Most sellers dealing with slave buyers use their influence over the slave to get themselves a better deal, however Mr. Williamss knows that if he tired anything of the like with the younger Vandros' mostbelovedd slave he would lose Alexi's business forever. He does however have a slight gleam in his eyes when Joseph moves right into buyers mode. 'I see you know your master's heart well Joseph. He would do almost anything to obtain this slave. I will be kind though. Alexi is a shrewd buyer, and no matter what he would offer a fair price to me. . .' Going over his numbers he quote a reasonable price to the elder vampire, adding on of course a few provisions such as a few control devices for his work, and adding in slyly a request for Joseph to ask his master if he would meet Orion for lunch some time.


His eyes soon alight on the vampire, settled down and writing in a notebook of some sort. Alexi's smile stays in place as Erik closes the book and look over at him. Upon entering his room Alexi had dropped his mask, letting the stress he'd been repressing all morning drift to the surface and sine in his eyes. He can feel the weakness in his legs even as the vampire begins walking over and he laughs lightly at the comment on his condition. He waves a hand an chuckles, pushing off the door and drifting over to his wardrobe. “Nothing is wrong, as far as I can tell. This is about how I should be feeling.” As he walks he strips off his clothes, dropping them on the floor without a care.

Once at his wardrobe he pulls it open and standing there in his birthday suit he picks out a loose button up shirt and slips it on quickly, doing a few of the buttons before shutting the door once more and tottering over to his bed. With a loud huff he flops on to the now clean and made bed and rolls around a bit before flopping on his side so he can see Erik. He smiles softly and says in an exhausted voice, “And you are wrong. I am excellent at hiding what is on the inside. I simply show it now because it's you. There is no need to hide anything about this experience. . .” He lets out a soft sigh and rolls to his stomach, the ache inside throbbing again now that he is once more near it's source. Though, in truth, at only once dose it is purely a mental perception that the proximity would make him feel the emotions more strongly, however Alexi is of the firm belief that he must learn to deal with them sooner rather than later, so when around Erik he does not try to repress them at all.


As the elder Vandros settles in for his evening paperwork the alarm suddenly goes off overhead and with a cool efficiency he slides back into his double holsters and is sprinting towards the garage along with the rest of his team. They are new for the most part, but a couple of his old team were left after the last transfer, giving him a most difficult team to handle. However when the attack alarm goes off all are of one mind. Skidding to a halt in front of the chief with the rest of the detective team leaders he confirms their target before racing off to inform his team. 'Why now? After losing their leader you'd think that they would take a break for a while. I know he was only one leader, but still. . . .' Glancing at the sheet in his hand his stomach drops. 'A bombing. . .At one of Alexi's factories. . .In the Shuba district. I guess it's another group. Erik's group operates mostly in the Jackson district, maybe as far as Grenwald, but Shuba. . . .It must have been huge to have them call out our station'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Joseph managed to negotiate Orion down by about 10% of his original asking cost, offering him a trade deal involving a similar discount on some of Alexi's more expensive products. In the end, he calculated that the money saved on this slave would outweigh the pittance lost on the control devices. Furthermore, Williams' use of some of Alexi's newer models would serve as advertising. For a few minutes, he was almost completely removed from his role as a slave, acting skillfully as Alexi's agent and negotiator, and earning him a much better price than he would have gotten had the M'Tinak had ever been put up for open auction. But it still made him sick to his stomach to discuss buying a beautiful sentient creature while standing a mere few meters from his cage. Still, as usual, he concealed his feelings on the matter and closed the deal with a shake of Orion's hand.

“Please send the contract to Master Alexi. I have no doubt that he will sign it with no complaint. As far as the creature, please deliver him to Master Vandros' usual pick up area. And I will, of course, relay your request for a meeting. Is there anything else?” he asked politely, resisting the urge to sprint away and shower off the slimy feel from what he was doing. He wondered just how Master Alexi managed to deal with these kinds of people on a regular basis.


Erik turned away slightly, not wanting to intrude on Alexi's privacy. He had no idea how to begin, but he did feel partially responsible for the human's pain. A better man than him would probably tell the lord of the house that he had proven himself, and that he did not need to make himself suffer anymore with another dose. But in his heart, the vampire rebel knew full well that he could not be that trusting of anyone, much less a human slave owner who still held him captive.

Nevertheless, he pulled up a rolling desk chair and sat down next to the bed.

“Joseph asked me to help you with this. But I don't really know how to,” he announced gruffly, meeting Alexi's pained eyes. “I know the things that work for me, but that's about it. Do you think this will be a little more tolerable in the second dose? I'm not as angry at you now. Not since... not since I started to actually believe you. I don't know what this is doing to me, but I know it's not a breaking,” he explained, looking slightly away from the human. For all his detached airs, he hated watching anyone suffer, even a man whom he had despised only 48 hours ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The slave in question scuttles curiously around it's cage, not really understanding what's going on, but the odd behavior he's never seen before interests him greatly. The collard one, the pet, he seems sad maybe, but also strong. He wishes he was strong, big, tough, then no one would mess with him. NO one would cage him. He could fight and be free! But no, he's not strong. He has to wait, pick his fight, and find his freedom again. Return to the forest maybe, where he can hide, and where he can go where he wants to. That would be good.

As the deal is sealed with a handshake Orion openly admires Joseph once more. “You really are somethin' Joseph. You mister Vandros is lucky to have you. . .” His voice trails off as he looks the vampire up and down one last time before turning back tot he cage. “I'll have the creature bound and sedated, a little more securely than mister Vandros likes, but with an acquisition like this I'd rather not take any chances. As I recall you transport via car rather than a truck.” He glances at Joseph before smiling at the M'Tinak as it crawls over tot he bars. Wiggling his fingers at it he laughs as it snaps at him. “I'll send over the contract post haste. A pleasure doing business with you Joseph, I hope to see you again soon.” His tone makes it obvious that he's dismissing the slave and after a few more seconds he heads into the back room to type up the proper forms.


Alexi watches Erik, his eyes trained on the vampire almost as if he's the only thing in the world worth looking at. Even the crazy human knows that that is foolish, but if anything could be said about Alexi Vandros it's that when he becomes obsessed with something there is nothing in the world that will convince him it's not worth obsessing over. Crossing his arms he lays his head down on them as he watches Erik pull up a chair. 'He looks really pretty in that. I know I should not have to say this, but I did not just pick him for his looks. I am sure there are other reasons, but just because I can not think of them now does not mean they do not exist. I am not in my right mind right now, all this negativity tearing apart my innards. It is completely understandable that my recollection be faulty. How can he live like this? Always second guessing himself, always doubting. I know it is normal for most, but. . . .'

His thoughts trail off as Erik sits down and begins speaking. His smile is warm and soft as the rebel leader tries to tell him he has no idea what to do. Despite the pain raging inside him the younger Vandros never loses his soft feelings of caring for the other, and he really can't wait to show the man more. He lets out a soft sigh and begins tugging at his hair. “Do not worry Erik, I am sure I shall find a way to deal with this. I know Joseph is worried, but in truth I will simply have to go along with this if it is going to work properly. If I can not understand and deal with it on my own. . .” He lets out another sigh, turning his smile on Erik again. “I will deal with it. And yes, the second dose should ease this pain if you really feel less anger towards me. Right now I am simply suffering the echoes of your feelings at the time your blood was taken. After the second dose the actual open link should fall into place, though it will only work in close proximity.”

Stretching out on the bed he suddenly jolts and gasps as his bandaged wrist catches on the blanket and tugs at the wound. He lets out a rather childish whine and pulls his arm back in, cradling it. Staring at his arm he says softly almost to himself, “I would never break you. . .” After a few seconds he looks back at Erik, no longer looking like a man a million miles away. “What about you? How are my feelings settling with you? After yesterday’s display I hope they are remaining just as uplifting.” There is no arrogance in his voice, his smile honest, his expression curious.
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