Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Disciple Cain
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Disciple Cain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Elizabeth Hazelquist
Gender: Female
Age: 24 human years
Appearance: General appearance. A picture can be added and would be recommended, but written is also allowed. Body type/height is also a good thing to add, since it gives people a sense of physical relations to other characters.
Personality: At first glance, Elizabeth seems to commonly be stuck in her own mind. She's a nervous individual. Restless, on occasion. Doesn't like standing or sitting still for very long, fidgets, sometimes paces around. Calmer moments are usually spent meditating, or out walking around. Generally fickle, but some aspects of her personality remain consistent depending on moods. Occasionally doubts decisions, unsure of self, but only before making decision. Once a decision is made, she commits. Her stubborn side shows most easily after a decision has been made, regardless of the type. Not necessarily untrusting, but generally dubious of other's intentions and motivations. She believes she has every reason to be. Seems to have an air of melancholy, with a little flicker of hope somewhere in it, as if accepting a grim fate but still trudging onward nevertheless. Generally well-tempered and patient, wants to get along and find camaraderie in others but seems to be a little reluctant to reach out.
Skills: Most notable...

Photographic Memory - Elizabeth has incredible mental clarity, allowing her to recall events and certain things she has seen as if the images are imprinted firmly in her mind.

Athleticism - Elizabeth is a natural athlete, quick and light on her feet, and at home running in either urban environments or in the wild.

Artist - Elizabeth was, and still is (when she has the downtime), an artist. Her drawings tend to be macabre in nature, displaying dark scenery and haunting imagery, usually featuring monsters and distorted realities. This was not always her style.

Stealthy - There is a reason Elizabeth hasn't been caught after all this time. Knowing where and how to hide in the city is just as important as knowing where and how to hide in the shadows.

Hand-to-hand Combatant - Elizabeth is competent in hand to hand, proficient enough to hold her own.


Wanted - For a handful of murders, four that she is suspected for, two that she would be convicted of, dead to rights for the evidence left and the witnesses that can testify. On top of this, countless acts of assault are assumed to be tied to her, some of which have evidence that prove her guilt. She has attracted the attention of more than just the law enforcement, however, as something in the underground has been stirred by her actions.

Blood Trails - It is impossible to go anywhere or live anywhere without a certain detriment of hers becoming a recurring issue. Her MO is already known. Bite marks, drained blood and, if retrieved soon enough, her DNA. She still hasn't learned to cover her tracks, and the blood trail she leaves brings suspicion to her whereabouts too commonly for comfort.

Almost No Allies - With her bad reputation and history, her parents want nothing to do with her, law enforcement wants her brought in, and the underground wants something as well, either dead or alive. Elizabeth has only one friend she can count on. Jason Fuller is the only one that will take her in and hide her, only because he has the resources to do so and... he also believes in her more than anyone else cares to. Having an FBI agent on your contacts list is a great thing, but if anything tied her to to Jason, they could easily be in huge trouble... whether Jason cares for her enough not to throw her under the bus to save his own ass isn't known for sure, and he refuses to discuss the subject with her. Running in the shadows is the best plan of action for now.

Bio: Elizabeth comes from the Pacific Northwest, a place most well known for it's tech industry, the city of Seattle (where she came from) and that fact that pretty much every serial killer ever goes through Washington state at some point. She spent most of her life in the city.

Up until the age of sixteen, she had everything going for her. Though she did have an attitude problem with some and a natural dislike for authority, she didn't seem to have much trouble making friends or getting by in school. Her nature as a psion was hidden from her classmates as suggested by her parents, but as children are she eventually thought it would be way more cool to show everyone what she was capable of rather than hide it away her whole life. This naturally gave rise to mixed reactions in school. It was unclear how the school system would deal with a psionic child, her friends had mixed opinions of her after the revelation, but her closest friends stayed with her. Needless to say, things fell together somehow even if they didn't fall together the same way they were before.

Now, back on subject. It was at age sixteen where she started to exhibit strange signs. She developed nervous habits that weren't present before, started talking to herself as if she were speaking to someone else, her powers started to grow, and she started to seem like she "wasn't all there". To skip forward through fluff and other details, her life began to fall apart around the age of nineteen, when she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She had already exhibited signs of growing mental illness before, but had dealt with it over time. It was the subject of much argument before, whether a psion was able to suffer from any kind of mental illness, as the event was entirely unprecedented since psions were believed to have greater mental clarity than normal human beings. As is expected, she was sent to a psych ward. Due to her power as a psion, and how dangerous the diagnosis of schizophrenia was assumed to be, there was no other choice.

Her condition continued to deteriorate as she started to suffer from horrible migraines, complaining about voices and images that were not actually present. Her presence of mind seemed to be entirely lost, leaving her locked inside herself and her own perceived insanity. The chaos came to a head when she broke out of her room during an 'episode'. While orderlies tried to detain her, she seemed to calm down for a moment. There was a space of three seconds where she ceased struggling and then proceeded to allow them to escort her back calmly without any trouble. After this, she suddenly snapped. One orderly was psychically forced through a window, the force throwing back several other people present at the scene, and the last one with a hold on her had his throat torn out by her teeth. It was reported that the man forced out the window died on impact with the asphalt he landed on, and the other shortly after bled to death, having his blood drained by Elizabeth Hazelquist. Reports vary, but she said something to the effect of 'He finally stopped talking', after wiping her mouth. She escaped the psych ward and has been on the run ever since. It is unclear what really happened to her, or why, but two murders are linked to her already.

Relationship: Single.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with swaying tendencies to evil and good. At the end of the day, she's looking out for herself.

Alias: Elizabeth has no alias as she was not given any identity after she escaped the psych ward except for her full name. She simply stayed hidden.

Origin of Powers: Elizabeth was a psion at birth, capable of using weaker powers at a young age, and honing with them continued use as she grew. The origin of the incredible power she exhibited while escaping the psych ward was given by something else, mentioned below.

Description of Powers: Psionic powers generally work on focus and will. Through willpower and focus, Elizabeth is able to interact with the world using the power of her latent psychic abilities, and also interact with others in the same way.

Telekinesis - Elizabeth has the ability to act upon the world using her mind. She can project psychic force, manipulate objects, and even her own positioning with the correct focus and finesse. She is capable of moving small and large objects. With enough psychic force and focus, she can lift the weight of a truck.

Telepathy - The ability to actively read surface thoughts through focus of the will and mind became second nature to Elizabeth in her teenage years, allowing her to read surface thoughts as easily as reading the expression upon someone's face. With greater focus, she can delve into the mind of another to search for information. It is not so much thieving of information as it is copying it down and calmly walking back out. Inversely, she is capable of leaving behind information and implanting her own images and thoughts, much like subliminal messaging. While one is awake, this can implant thought as previously described. While asleep or otherwise unconscious, this can be whole new way to speak with and share information with others. Or to instill nightmarish visions.

Raw Force - In the same vein as telekinesis, but less about manipulating objects or environment with the mind and more about exerting energy to throw raw, destructive force out. Either directed, or burst out wildly from the origin of the user in all directions. This force does not require as much focus as manipulating objects, and can be done on a whim. It's power can vary in strength, from the psychic equivalent of shoving someone with your hands, down to more subtle nudges, all the way up to tearing up asphalt and launching cars.

Healing And Assimilation - This is the act of binding wounds back together through psychically repairing the damage done, while assimilation refers to the act of tearing away the flesh and bone of fresh corpses to replace and repair lost tissue. The assimilated tissue is changed to conform to Elizabeth's original form, so there is no Frankenstein effect.

Shielding - The act of using psychic force and focus to generate a barrier with physical presence. The more force that is acting upon it, the more taxing it is to hold the barrier. While bullets do have high amount of impact force, they are generally small objects and act upon small areas. However, a speeding car would shatter , taking only a slight impact to it's speed as it continues on. This isn't to say she couldn't stop a speeding car with a high enough amount of psychic power, but there may be reasons not to try.

Weaknesses of Powers: Elizabeth's weakness lies within the mental organism she shares a mind with. For her, it is as if another soul has taken residence in her body and lives only in her mind. Elizabeth can tap into the immense extra power this being affords her, but it comes at a hefty cost. The creature in her mind hates her, and whenever it is awake it will express it's hatred through a number of ways. The most notable is the migraines she experiences, as it's words are more like a psychic scream in her head, resonating through her mind and soul. It also taunts her, reminding her of what she has become since he came into her life. A murderer. A destroyer. A monster. She argues with him, fights with him, shouts back at herself to try to get to him but he won't let her win. He will awaken if she taps into too much of his power too quick, and he will also simply awaken overtime. The only way to get him to sleep again is by either doing what he tells her to, or drinking human blood. Fresh from a squirming body, a newly dead corpse, or a fridgerated bag doesn't matter. It's a disgusting habit, and he forces it upon her as the only way to get him to shut up and let her be.

If she overdraws on power and awakens him, he will waste no time in causing her pain. This will break her focus, leave her vulnerable until she can find a way to focus out the pain, and generally results in someone having their throat torn open in a desperate attempt to alleviate the pain after long enough. As such, her power is limited by her willingness to awaken him. He will never sleep on his own, and will stay awake until Elizabeth does what he asks. On his own, he will awaken within as little as a handful of days, or as long as a week and a half.

Role in the Media and Public Eye: Elizabeth is viewed by the media as an escaped patient at large, by the public eye as a terrifying force of nature, by the FBI as a heinous criminal, and by the underground as a threat. As such, she stays out of the public eye and keeps hidden.

Other: Like The Phoenix, I Will Motherfucking Rise
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Disciple Cain
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Disciple Cain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll uh... work out appearance. In a bit...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Disciple Cain
The healing ability at it's current stage isn't in a form to be accepted. However, if it were to be adjusted to having the larger the wound, the higher the power required. This would even it out, as it would come into playing your characters weakness should the wound in question prove to be more than the normal bruise, cut or scrape. Your character is accepted, but we would like you to keep this in mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Disciple Cain
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Disciple Cain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That was actually the idea in the first place, I just hadn't clarified it because I thought that went along with the theme of dire power equaling sure consequences. Reforming bones and repairing lost tissue takes more focus and power than she would've had before the demon entered her mind. Scrapes, cuts, and bruises would be healed up with no issue. Bullet wounds and gashes would push it. Broken bones, which are likely to happen from bullet wounds anyway, would be far more severe. Critical tissue damage, mortal damage, and restoring lost chunks of flesh all the way to lost limbs would guarantee an awakening. Except for the least severe examples, they all add up.

Anyway, what you described was the intention for the power, I just hadn't really... said that. Sorry bout that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I really want this to start
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 7 days ago

IC is supposedly supposed to come up tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Pathfinder said
@DragonBeastModeQuick question, since Suzy is a robot would your paralyzing kiss work on her?

I don't think so, and sorry super late but just read it xD. It only works on living humans. So if Suzy was human but with robotic parts then it would work but full robot it wouldn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Disciple Cain
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Disciple Cain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Asuras said
IC is supposedly supposed to come up tomorrow.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charter

Charter Exploring Unknown Territories

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Daniel Heart (prefers his alias over his actual name, if his name is known by other people)

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Appearance: Blue eyes, an icy blue skin-tone with black-ish fingers & toes. When wearing his battle-armour, he weighs about the same as a full grown horse.
Total Battle-Armour Height: 7' 3"
Actual + Life Suit Height: 6' 1"

Personality: Cold, blunt, calculating, to the point and uncaring about people and their well being if the person is of little consequence to himself. Can have lethal reactions to annoyances. Can be highly inpatient or bored when in a conversation.

Skills: Weapon knowledge, general understanding of cryogenics, minor medical understanding, military training. Plays a good 'bad-cop' in interrogation situations.

Weaknesses: Not a people person, views allies as assets to further his own goals. Had an allergy of peanuts, however, he's never tested if he still has this allergy after his accident.

Relationship: Single

Alignment: Neutral Evil - While a man of his word, Frostbite is ultimately out for himself. He'll keep his 'friends' alive if he considers them useful to his goals or if he's given them a promise of sorts. While he won't simply kill for the sake of it, he won't hesitate to do so if killing said person is more of a benefit then a downside.

Alias: Frostbite

Origin of Powers: A mission with one of his previous contracts didn't go as planned, causing Frostbite to be doused in an experimental chemical. Dr. Cold had her science team do their best in keeping him alive as well as trying out different experiments and pieces of experimental technology. The science team had created him a specialized 'bed' for him to rest in as well as two suits, a 'life' suit and his battle-armour. The 'life' suit is worn at all times other than sleep, even within his battle-armour. His battle-armour is the most intimidating part about him, making him a foot or so taller than most opponents. He's also armed with a unique 'freeze gun', making it his most iconic piece of equipment, this large pistol is hooked up to his battle-armour and can't be used without it.

Role in the Media and Public Eye: Frostbite is partially feared by the public, as there have been rumors spreading that he tortures those he interrogates. On top of that, the media love to paint him a villain of sorts, some however believe he's not as bad as he seems. Frostbite ultimately cares little about these opinions.

Other: I Will Rise

OOC note, or more of a personal request to everyone, can swearing be kept down to a minimum in the RP? I'm not saying don't have your char swear, just don't type the actual words used. I ask this because the internet I have access to blocks access to specific web-pages with 'too much weighted phrases'. I hope that's not too much to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Many parts of your CS are good, however the CS needs more detail. The bio doesn't exactly state how he got to the situation he is in now, etc. Also, your CS has multiple spelling mistakes. That's a minor issue, but can be irritating at times, so please try to proof-read your post.
One thing that both me and Monster picked up on was the fact that Daniel randomly got made a battle suit. It's understandable why he was made the life-suit, but why would Dr Cold make him a battle-suit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


Member Offline since relaunch

Charter said
OOC note, or more of a personal request to everyone, can swearing be kept down to a minimum in the RP? I'm not saying don't have your char swear, just don't type the actual words used. I ask this because the internet I have access to blocks access to specific web-pages with 'too much weighted phrases'. I hope that's not too much to ask.

I'm ok with that.
On a personal note: Every time I read a censored swear word the censoring sound from metalocolyps goes off in my head and that just makes me laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dixie would never swear. No worries!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

SΛΜ | Λaelith

Human - | Demon - Female

Human Form - 22 | Demon Form - 260

Height & Weight:
Human - 6'3 & 135Ibs | Demon - 9'5 & 415Ibs

Having an arrogant disposition, a calculating scowl, and using whatever means necessary, such as deception and undermining the trust of others, to achieve her goals, Aaelith is a true demon. Manipulative and power-hungry, she is always seeking a new challenge to test her prowess in combat. Despite this, there seems to be an underlying affinity to those she seems accustomed to - a loyalty of some sort. Perhaps she does care, though to express such affection - such care, would expose her to weakness. The more you care, the more you have to lose. She cannot afford to lose.

Silver-tongued, and talented in the art of intimidation, Sam is well-rounded in any conversation or conflict. Deception and manipulation are definitely part of her forte. Cunning, lithe and agile, Sam may not be big, but she can strike fear into some of the biggest baddies with a measured glare. She is an formidable tracker, with years of experience in hounding criminals and runaway demons. While in her human form, Sam can tap into her more basic strength enhancing abilities, but otherwise she relies on her static-gun and her curved dagger.

Whilst she is more of an actual being, the call of her inner strength beckons to her each and every waking hour, and visions of her previous glory come to pass in her dreams. She struggles each day to keep in line, and to have some semblance of control over her most primal instincts and desires. The one thing she relies heavily on, is her glamoured necklace, built specifically to hide her demon form behind a new skin, both human and vulnerable. While she is still wearing the glamour necklace, her powers are greatly hindered - leaving her to rely on human weapons, her instincts, and her brute strength.


Lawful Evil: Despite her predatory calling to devour any and all souls she can manage to leech, Sam has made a compromise. Her coming to live among her prey had not been without sacrifice, and adjusting to the human world had fit into that category perfectly. For as much evil in the world, there was good. She had come to admire those among the earth as much as she despised them. So, keeping true to her way of life, she would create something of a moral for herself. She would only hunt down the scum of the earth, devouring their souls always provided more sustenance anyhow. It wasn't like she cared for humanity... No - she was doing this for herself. Only herself...


Origin of Powers:
Her powers are connected solely to the evil within her - created along with her, forged from the darkness that hangs over humanity. As for her human form, that is granted to her by a glamoured necklace she was gifted for her deal.

Description of Powers:
The power granted to a demon is raw, fueled with the rage and suffering of broken souls. Aaelith was created with these abilities, they are as much a part of her as her free-will.
- Soul Eater: Latching onto a soul and feasting off of the black that stains it, is something that Aaelith has come to recognize as a way to regain power if she is feeling weak. This power is useless against androids and other kind of mechanics.
- Gazing into the Abyss: "If you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss shall stare back at you."Aaelith has the ability to locate any tainted souls, as she is the abyss, the demon devoid of light. Those who dabble often into the ways of darkness shall be seen by her gaze. She locates the souls in question by the color their soul takes, the color of their aura. It's an old demon hunting trick, one she has taken with her to this new world. While searching, her eyes will become entirely black.
- Demonic Strength: This is an ability that keys in with her original form - giving her the strength to lift 6 tons, estimating up to an ambulance.
- Demon Form: Her original and powerful form, which she can enter only upon removing her glamour necklace. Once in this form, she is a fiery rage of pure muscle and destruction for anything in her path. Since she is the smallest class of demon - her muscle stature is not particularly for strength. She is built for speed and stamina; her strength remains the same as it would in her human form.
- Sharp Claws and Teeth: Exactly as it sounds, she is equipped with dagger-sharp claws and teeth, able to shred through skin and light armor. She cannot puncture steel, or any armor stronger than that, as she is such a small class of demon.
- Durability: Her skin is akin to that of a rhino - smooth, and hard. She cannot deflect much due to her large size, but she can take a lot of damage before she falls. To put in perspective, she can deflect melee attacks easily, though she has a tougher time with blades and guns.

Weaknesses of Powers:
When she is fully reverted back to her original form, Aaelith is mentally incapable of making decisions, she will act based on her instincts and her situation. In addition, she will lack the ability to speak with full comprehension, as her native tongue is an ancient language - she can speak, but in broken words and fragments. Aaelith is also vulnerable to religious prayers, buildings, and items. Most specifically - holy water, which will leave severe burns in it's wake. If she is exposed to any of these things, she will suffer a pain like no other, her soul seemingly ripping itself apart piece by piece under the effects. She will be paralyzed, and riddled with pain.

Role in the Media/Public Eye:
Sam, to the citizens of Millennia City, is a mysterious figure. One who leaves destruction in her wake, but also promising results. Her beginning was riddled with questionable disappearances, even the murders of a few high strung criminals, giving way to a rocky start. As time progressed, she had somehow maintained keeping her true identity a secret, relying on her human abilities to gain the favor of the public. So far, she is seen as a neutral presence amongst the people. Many still find her questionable actions unforgivable, while others are extremely pleased with the result.

Even from the darkness, I will rise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

wow and im on a team with her O.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

DragonBeastMode said
wow and im on a team with her O.o

Good luck! ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Charter: I can respect this. Sam is definitely going to let a few choice words fly, but I will censor them.

@DragonBeastMode: Well, I wish you luck in your endeavors.

@Everyone: The IC post is in development.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Monster said
@Charter: I can respect this. Sam is definitely going to let a few choice words fly, but I will censor them. @DragonBeastMode: Well, I wish you luck in your endeavors.@Everyone: The IC post is in development.

Yeah IC xD, and I can tell Beauty and Sam might not like each other xD.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

while i'm waiting for the IC, I am going to watch the Terminator vs Robocop death battle

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

DragonBeastMode said
Yeah IC xD, and I can tell Beauty and Sam might not like each other xD.

Who knows? Perhaps they might get along. It's all up to how the rp goes. :D

@Yog Sothoth: I remember watching one of those videos with Wolverine with and Batman.
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