Name: Hiro Tsung
Age: 36
Sex: Male
History Type:Oriental Occultist: Your character comes from the oriental area of the globe, a place of occults and insane asylum nutcases heavily affected by radiation. Your character is no stranger to radiation, in fact, and finds that it doesn't bother him save in lethal doses, which are higher in order to affect him in the first place. He also has a higher resistance to being infected by the various diseases and viruses floating around.
(Immunity to radiation poisoning’s symptoms and effects until it becomes lethal, it takes more radiation to reach the lethal limit, greater chance of resisting diseases and viruses of all kinds.)
Biography: Hiro was born in the Liaoning province. A poorly and unhealthy child that just seemed intent to keep going. Unlike many there is no tragic tale to Hiro, even to this day his parents, and grandparents and even one of his great grandparents were still alive, at least as of the time he decided to leave but we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Hiro was a sickly boy and grew slowly so his mother told him. Even so he had an aptitude for machines and a taste for old western films one or two of which his parents even managed to get on something called a VHS.
But as Hiro grew up his poor sickly childhood matured into a strong level headed young man. Hiro trained and became one of the guards of the community he was born in, a community he is loathe to reveal anything about lest it lead raiders to wonder what might become of an apparently prosperous community? But the truth is there was simply nothing worth mentioning. With cultists and mutants and all other unsavoury elements overrunning the country Hiro booked passage for himself and his robot companion on a ship bound for the mysterious and exotic United States to see the land of the whites. Though he tried to convince his family to go with him they were loathe to leave the lands of their birth unlike he.
Technical Information: This information is your character’s skill sets and inventory.Career Path: Pilot: The pilot is someone who has specialized themselves towards vehicles in general, ranging from aircraft to mechs to jeeps and tanks, they also tend to pick up mechanical skills and have the tendency to understand foreign technologies quicker than anyone else. As a benefit, they can also pass this knowledge onto others who might better benefit from certain technologies than the pilot would.
Pilots start with a small mech and simplistic personal equipment. They replace Civilian Clothing with a Mechanical Jumpsuit that offers them all the tools they need to do small time repairs in their mech in their pouches. This jumpsuit also protects them from certain elements, such as acid, but loses its stealth enhancing qualities. They also replace the First Aid Kit with a Technical Kit--they can use this to do more extreme repairs, and to analyze foreign and outright alien technology to unlock its secrets for the squad... Or for themselves.
Pilots can equip any unlocked modifications for their mech outside of a mission, but further slots are only unlocked through missions themselves, such as in analyzing enemy technology with the Technician’s Kit or bringing back scavenge for the Council to examine.
Mech: Designation: Dōngfāng jiàn
Size: Small.
Occupants: One.
General Description:
--Left Arm: Automatic 2 calibre shotgun.
--Right Arm: Automatic 2 calibre shotgun.
--Heavy Armour.
--Pilot Chamber. (Cannot be replaced!)
--Emergency Escape Hatch.
--Reinforced Ammo Feed
--Ammo Pack
--M242 Bushmaster Chaingun
--Infrared Scanning Package
--Standard Scanning Package.
Inventory: Your character’s inventory. You may add as many miscellaneous items as you wish, within reason. There are some things added here already: You get to keep these unless they’re replaced by a different item based on your career path. (ex: Pilots would replace Medkit with Technician Kit.)
Combat Knife: The standard army combat knife. A design over a century old still more than effective enough to carry on into the future.
Standard Issue Council Pistol: Your standard issue, eighteen shot clip pistol provided to nearly everyone in the bunkers and on most homesteads, to both civilians and armed personnel alike. This is based off of the glock-18 model, with some near-future modifications.
Standard Issue Council Rifle: Your standard issue, thirty shot clip semi-automatic rifle, based on the M16AR2 of old with some near-future treatment to make it a little more effective.
Civilian Clothing: You wear a set of civilian clothing. This has no armour value and is thus pretty good to sneak around in, but, then again, if anything so much as breathes on you, you're a dead man.
Light Armour: Standard issue armour. It's light weight and looks like it might be able to defend against a kitten assault if you hold it just the right way. Needless to say, this armour won't stop anything from harming you, but it may at least lessen the damage you take.
Techkit: A standard set of tools for mechanical maintenance with special tools specifically to mech repairs.
Radio: A simple radio for contacting others.
Frag Grenade: A small hand held explosive. Pull the pin and throw it into a small room for maximum effect, as it isn’t all that effective in a large area with several pieces of cover... Each character starts with two frag grenades.
Flashbang: A non-lethal version of the Frag Grenade, this weapon’s purpose is to cause a bright flash of light and a loud bang, blinding and deafening opponents. Each character starts with two flashbangs.
Anything that is just excess fluff in most situations, like dog-tags, or a watch.
Dog-Tags: A way to identify your horrible mangled corpse. Congratulations! At least you won't die forgotten mister... Uh... What was your name again?
Standard Watch: Your standard wrist watch, likely powered by gears and springs as in old clockwork, only compartmentalized to fit on the wrist.
Flash-Light: Useful in dark places. Often mounted on a shoulder or duct-taped to a weapon.
Series of Charms: A series of occult charms from his homeworld intended to ward off evil spirits, mutants and door to door salesmen.
Technology Marches On: All pilots are now equipped with a pair of nanotech gloves which have wireless technology. State of the art, these gloves allow them to attempt to hijack the controls of an opposing mech at short range, and grant them access to a small, mechanized companion. This can be anything from a small aerial gun drone to a robotic puppy. Their "companion" has two ability slots and so long as there is no interference in the gloves, will obey every command given to them.
The gloves are also quite hardy and thick to protect the nanotechnology, however, they aren't indestructible. Given that you will typically be wearing these gloves however, if they are damaged, it should be noted that the amount of force or heat to damage them will likely completely wreck the user's hand. So it's only a small concern, so long as the technology isn't hit with an electromagnetic pulse or other similar device-ruining weapon.
Companion:Johnny 5

Standard Scanning Package
Narrow Beam Laser
Signature: To agree to the rules, Kadaeux. This is just to verify that you understand, and agree to the fact, that I can kill your character without your permission. Playing smart and working in a team lowers your death odds, but even then... There’s always the chance your character won’t make it to the end.