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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Ok to avoid confusion, this is a redo of another RP by the same name and maker (me).
Because there is a large number of new players the old one got confusing and I'm making this one Invite only to keep things organised.
We'll use the same opening post.
Come one and all.
We'll tell a tale like the mythos of old.
Step in the shoes of the old gods like Thor, Dionysus and Anubis.

Create a world of myth and magic, then create heroes to overcome the impossible challenges set by the gods.

It is the year 0. There is a small town at the shores of the sea, it's inhabitants call it Travels End. After many generations of nomadic tradition they settle down to farm and fish. The future holds many things in store for them: jealous rival cities, vicious sea monsters, festivities and tragedies. But most importantly: Religion.
These people are about to discover their gods. Will these divine beings use their might to help the town grow into a bustling trade city? Or will they torment the humans for their own amusement? Perhaps both.

In this game you'll make 1 god, up to 3 heroes (of other gods) and any number of commoners.

God characters are bound by no rules other than the rule of cool. You choose no powers or skills, you can do whatever seems fitting.
Gods appear as they will and can bend the rules of reality to their whims.
You'll choose a domain like fire, death, war or weather. (anything that follows "The god(dess) of" and isn't too similar to an already present god.

Heroes are mortal champions with superhuman powers. Often they are the bastard children of gods, sometimes they are given their powers by a god as a reward.
These characters might fight monsters, save a town from rampaging bandits, or maybe rage against the gods.
Examples are Hercules, Skjöldr, (first king of Denmark), Moses, etc.

Commoners are just that, normal humans, they have no powers you and I can't have. If you choose not to give them a name they are public domain and any player may control them. You can write a character sheet, but depending on how relevant this person might be it's not mandatory.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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Name: Tavon
Titles: God of harvest and grain, Keeper of the eternal garden, Protector of the golden rose
True name: Jared
Inspiration: Harvest, Agriculture, Plants cultivated by humans, God of nature
Appearance: A human male in simple clothes, carrying a golden rose in his hair
Symbols: A wooden rose
Portfolio: Plant Growth (Cultivated)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Servitars: Druids
Weapon: Scythe
Animal: Ox
Followers: Peasants, indentured servants, farmers and gardeners
Family: Brother Erä (MasterOfMetal)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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It was okay to use the same god right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Name: Erä
Titles: The Wild Wanderer, Father of beasts, keeper of the untamed
True name: Erämaa
Inspiration: Hircine, Pan. Great forests without paths, harsh highlands with sturdy moss
Appearance: A strong man with a leathery skin, sometimes naked, sometimes clad in hides. When Erä shows himself it is always with the skull of an animal as a head. He is never seen alone, when he appears, a pack of hunting beasts follow in his wake.
Symbols: Claws, hunting horns, a stag’s skull
Portfolio: Animal domain, plant growth (wild), natural progress
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Servitars: Shapeshifters and awakened animals
Weapon: Spear
Animal: Wolf/Bear
Followers: Hunters, Wanderers, Anarchists, Hermits
Family: Brother Tavon(LordMarwain)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

LordMarwain said
It was okay to use the same god right?

Yes. We're using the same premise, I'll be using the same opening IC. I think I'll change up the god. but that's optional.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Name: Katherin Winter
Titles: Winter Queen
True Name: Khione
Portfolio: Ice and snow
Basic Alignment: Lawful Good.
Servitars: Inuit
Weapons: Ice pick
Animal: Snow leapord
Followers: People like ice and snow
Family: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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KatherinWinter Katherin Winter
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Name: Mawhiti
Titles: Chain breaker, father of opportunity, windrider. The sanctity of free will
True name: Me
Inspiration:Prometheus (mythologie), wind elementals, escapism
Appearance: Mawhiti never shows himself physically to humans, he will always take the shape of an opportunity: an open door, an easily picked lock, a convenient ride.
Symbols: a black and a white feather. a small cat-bell made of white gold.
Portfolio: The domain of Liberty.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Servitars: Elemental creatures of wind, dust and lightning named "the unfettered". They are said to rush by and leave chaos in their wake. It is said that capturing one will grant you a wish in return for it's freedom, but this is nigh impossible. There are stories of a champion of Erä succeeding.
Weapon: sabre
Animal: storm crow, either jet black or bright white.
Followers: children, rebels, criminals, loners.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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LordMarwain said
KatherinWinter Katherin Winter

LOL I know it is abit redundant but I don't get to use her often :) This seemed like a good time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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im pretty sure Eskimo is an offensive term xD how about Inuit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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MasterOfMetal said
im pretty sure Eskimo is an offensive term xD how about Inuit

:) I know there was another word but I couldn't think of it. I will change it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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I think I'm going to change the plot around a little while I still can.
Wondering if I should keep things a surprise. hmmm
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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yes please
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll introduce it in game then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


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Name: Arcturius
Titles: God of War, Leader of Legions, The Great General
True name: Archemedes
Inspiration: Conquest and Victory, Strength and Power.
Portfolio: War Domain, Tactics and Strength.
Alignment: Lawful/Neutral
Servitars: Iron-clad giants, standing at 3 meters tall, and Gryphons.
Animal: Eagle
Followers: Soldiers, guards, mercenaries, anyone picking a fight or being threatened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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The15thSpycrab, Neutral/Orginized = Lawful Neutral, if we want to put it all in d&d perspective
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

LordMarwain said
The15thSpycrab, Neutral/Orginized = Lawful Neutral, if we want to put it all in d&d perspective

Sorry, never played d&d.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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The15thSpycrab said
Sorry, never played d&d.

You don't have to know any d&d terms don't worry. Some parts of the metaphysica are inspired by d&d and other tabletop games. but no knowledge of them is nessesaried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gorbo Grandman

Gorbo Grandman

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Name: Vincus Viére
Titles: God of the open mind and the gifted spirit. God of companionship. The great storyteller

True name: Ivondras Zúr
Gods use this name without any strange effects. Mortals percieve the name completely differently however. It is invoked by an emotion that is out of the spectrum of human emotions, the same way humans cannot percieve infra-red light. When a mortal is about to discover Vincus' true name, a feeling of amazement and wonder takes control of them, increasing until the emotion is so strong that it cannot possibly be natural for a human to comprehend. When the emotion reaches it's highest potential, the name reveals itself to the mortal. Then the mortal dies, their last thoughts being those of ultimate 'eureka'.

“Art is a form of communication that surpasses all boundaries. It is a message from one’s exposed core to that of another. It can unite and inspire emotions. It can open eyes to things that cannot be seen.”

Vincus Viére looks like a young man somewhere in his twenties. Long, voluminous black hair flows down to his shoulders, framing his face. He has a sharp, well shaven jaw and deep blue eyes, that always seem to look straight through you. Usually, a friendly smile will adorn Vincus’ face.

Relatively tall but not very broad, Vincus does not look like a man of strength. He wears loose, simple but neat light brown robes, and doesn’t have any other accessories or features on his person. This is how Vincus will usually appear in front of other gods.

Mortals who depict him, however, constantly seem to change his appearance. The variety of different depictions is vast, and even Vincus himself is not sure what the mortals believe he looks like.

Symbols: Vincus has no true symbol.

Portfolio: Art, Emotions and Commuion

Vincus Viére is the god of art, emotions and communion. Now at a first glance these domains seem like a strange selection. A bunch of random picks? Just taking what I think is cool? Not really. I got this idea from the pyramid of maslow. It’s the top three layers that these domains represent. Self-actualisation and creativity equal art, self-esteem and confidence equal emotions (taking it broadly, I admit) and friendship and family equal communion. His main domain is still mostly art though.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Vincus’ servitars are the materialization of pure emotions. Often they are mistaken for demons or succbi, but often they can be quite helpful if approached correctly. Vincus’ prime servitars are not bringers of emotion however. They are bringers of inspiration, and are there specificly to inspire the people of the world to become who they truly are. These servitars are often disguised as humans themselves, taking roles such as priests, teachers or bards.

A rapier or a quarterstaff. Though these are the most common, he has been depicted with various other weapons as well.
Animal: The wolf. Cliché? I think not. What better communion is there than the one of a wolf pack?

Though Vincus isn’t a very renown god, various people sacrifice to him now and then.
Families, some small tribes and in very few occasions cities have tried to sacrifice to him to give them the strength of unity. Artists have attempted to plea him for inspiration. To bestow his divine intervention on them and give their creative spirits purpose again. Some people suffering from depression have sacrificed to Vincus’ to beg him to release them of their pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think we have enough people to start. the others will pour in soon.
I'll put up the first IC. I added the gods to the "current gods" hider in the 1st OOC post.
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