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akje said
"Good luck. I'm sure someone will love it." Misha replied as he put the bell on a string and hung it around his neck. He wasn't sure what it was but it seemed valuable.He then looked at Vincus. Unknowing who Vincus really was, but somehow suspicious. This man could sing, and as they had sung together he'd noticed something off.He couldn't place his finger on it, but there was something. Some spark."My name is Misha by the way." He stuck out his hand "Are you here for the sacrifices as well? Or just to see the sights, hear the music and taste the food?"

Picking up his own reward, he looked at the mortal who had adressed him. The idea that he could have a casual conversation with one seemed appealing to him, so he kept up the illusion. "Both... In a way." He said mysteriously. Walking up to Misha and taking his hand with both of his own. "Nicely sung Misha. Very nicely sung. Might I say you have quite a talent for singing?" He said gratiously. Letting go of Misha's hand he turned to look at the pyre in the distance. "It looks like the sacrificing has begun. We wouldn't want to miss that would we!" He urged Misha to come with him towards the celebration while he began walking there himself.
Fellas, I'm a little lost. I'm not sure how or what to post because I'm not sure what's going on and I'm out of inspiration. Care to give me some ideas?

I know I could always throw in a new commoner or perhaps a champion, but I feel like I should continue with my current characters before suddenly creating a new one.
The15thSpycrab said
Flin had finished his drink and was heading back towards the fires when he saw the young lad from before coming out of a nearby alley. The boy look embarrassed and a little shocked, and was dressed only in his underwear. Flin approached the boy, smiling to reassure him, and offered his cloak."Bundle up, lad. It's going to get mighty cold when the sun goes down. What happened to your friend, the little girl?"

Berdagon said
Leaving his tent, Lod noticed a small box with a note on it. He read it, opened the box looked in it. It was a beautiful carved statue of a whale, but nothing more. Odd, he thought to himself. He put it in his bag and went on his way. Lod’s mind went to his sacrifice. What would he want to give to the gods? It had to be something special, so he couldn’t buy it. Even if Lod wanted to, he was broke. Maybe it had to be something he made. But making things wasn’t Lod’s strong side. He was a blacksmiths apprentice for a while, but he was rubbish at it. He also didn’t have the hands for woodworking or weaving. No, making wasn’t an option. It can also be something he carried. Like his clothes, or something only he held of value. However, Lod didn’t have much, and what he had he wanted to keep. What a mess, this way I’ll never have a good sacrifice. Lod was so deep in thought that he bumped into a man. When he looked up, he saw it was the well-known Flin. He went hunting with him once, for the old lord of this province. Lod didn’t do much of the hunting, he was just there to carry the dead bear home. “Sorry thare, Flin. Almoast didn’t see yer there. How’s life?”Only then Lod noticed the shaking little boy beside Flin. He stood there awkwardly, he wasn’t that good with children. “Heeyy… How ‘r you doin’?”

Ron looked up, in his eyes there was still the fear and embarrassment that had been there a moment ago, but as he slowly took the cloak from the man he smiled lightly, as if trying to show him some thankfulness. He didn't know who this man was, and he sure didn't know if he could trust him, but he small act of kindness showed that the man's intentions weren't inherently bad... as far as Ron knew. "Thank you sir..." He mumbled softly, and he wrapped the coat around himself. The shivering slowly stopped, and his teeth weren't clattering that much anymore.

"The girl..." He hesitated. Would he want to betray her? Of course he didn't owe her anything, and she had just threatened his life. While he did feel bad for the girl a moment ago, he couldn't come up with some kind of excuse, so he decided to tell the truth, or at least half of it. "She tricked me. She took my clothes and ran off. I don't know who she was, and I don't know where she went..." After explaining his situation, he looked up at the other man who had just approached and awkwardly asked him how he was doing. "Not too well sir... My clothes have just been stolen." He looked down to the ground and sighed. "Grampa is going to be so angry with me."

Then a roar of noise and music blasted through the street. The silence that came afterwards was almost as deafening. Ron could feel the sudden tension in the atmosphere. It was as if the world had suddenly fallen silent. For a moment, Ron wondered if he had gone deaf, but then the voice of Āwhātama sounded, and as he brought his message Ron's concerns about this evening realized. "Champions? Tests? Did you hear that as well?" He said loudly, almost completely forgetting the situation he had been in a moment ago. This was huge, and even though Ron was young he knew it. Gods, speaking openly to the mortals like this? It was legendary, and utterly terrifying to Ron.
akje said
The winds calmed down a little and a portal of still air opened respectfully for the old gardener.Lyah, the ribbon still wrapped around her hand, took the hand of her father and followed him trough.Behind them the winds whipped up once again. The bard, the thief and the herder stood in the eye of the storm still. A wide array of notes came from a single bell dancing in the twister.A new tune played around them. This time they knew the words that accompanied them. Strangely it was a song that rejected the gods and praised human ingenuity."I know these words!" Misha shouted over the winds. As he spoke the words they echoed trough the winds and amplified over the fields.He looked at the other two with a glimmer in his eyes.

The wind that surrounded vincus started to sing. It was a bewitching sound that it produced, almost hypnotising. He knew what this truly was however. This was the work of a divine being, trying to influence and manipulate the mortals that were within the typhoon with him. Still, he could very much appreciate what Āwhātama had produced here. Not nescesarily the composition of a genius, but the emotions that the melody carried was very powerful. When one of the mortals next to him started singing, he understood what was truly happening. Āwhātama was sending a message in the name of his god. What the message really conveyed was beyond Vincus at this point, but it would most likely have something to do with freedom and casting off the chains that humanity so comfortably and passively remains in. For not only Mawhiti knew that man was at the dawn of a new age. To truly evolve, these people had to let go of some of their old traditions.

But in all honesty, Vincus simply loved to sing, and he wouldn't let a chance to show off slip away just like that. Knowing that Āwhātama's message could be something rather extreme, Vincus decided to trust in him and Mawhiti's judgement, and gave in to the inspiring power of the zephyr. Even more so, Vincus enhanced the power of the message, letting the energy of the music flow stronger through the atmosphere. The music grew louder, and infinitely more complex. He granted the spirit of freedom more power to send his message to the people.

"I do not know what you have planned nor do I know what your motifs are, but we might as well turn this into one hell of a show!" these thoughts ran through Vincus' mind, and were sent out to Āwhātama himself. Then he emptied his mind and let his virtuous soul take over, releasing himself from any restraints he might've had at that point. He felt the wind ran through his hair, over his skin. His lungs sucked in the freshest air that he had tasted in years. Feelings of true liberty inspired his voice, and thus the voice of the men beside him.
akje said
that'd be a shame.The story is going a little slower than last time but we did that on purpose, so we'd have more time to develop our characters a little.The sacrificing will start after Āwhātama brings his message. Which will probably be after Gorbo's next post, depending on his post.

Apologies for not posting yet. I'll try to post this evening. I had a busy day today.
akje said
So Vincus is standing in human form with Tarvin and Misha? And Āwhātama thinks he has 3 humans in his grasp. And he's trying to get them to sing a song about rejecting the divine?heheheheh

So what is happening now is that Tavon and Lyah are going through portal that Āwhātama created, and now he is trying to enchant Tarvin, Misha and Vincus (of whom he doesn't know is a god) to sing a song about rejecting the gods? Is that right? Tarvin being the herder, Misha being the thief and Vincus being the bard?

I am still confused, but we can work this out. This could become a funny situation.
akje said
I'm a little confused though. Is the bard in the circle with the others a human bard? Or Vincus in disguise? Or was Vincus possessing him during the song?I'm going to work with the assumption that the bard is a human character. If I am wrong then let's just say that Āwhātama is also wrong, and didn't notice Vincus in his disguise.

Vincus inspired a group of bards, one of which I specifically mentioned being the woman with the strange looking lute. There are multiple there still making music, so you can simply choose one (or let vincus choose one).
MasterOfMetal said
'Too easy' Zaya thought to herself while she took the boys clothes as he took them off.When she had all she wanted (She led him keep his most likely soiled undergarments), she told the boy to turn around.Zaya started switching her clothes, rock still in hand. just in case the boy would be bold enough to turn around.When she was done, she slid away, but before disappearing back into the crowds, she whistled, high and sharp.The boy turned around.'My name is Zaya.' she told him, with her wonderful big eyes and the loveliest smile she had in her.Then she ran towards the festivities.

Left there in the cold, with nothign but his underwear to warm him, Ron shivered. It was late, maybe it was already past midnight. He knew for sure that if he didn't look for help soon he might get really sick, certainly after encountering the stray girl. But for some reason, he stood there for a moment, uncertain of what he should do next. The girl named Zaya had left him in quite the predicament, and surely his grandfather would be very angry at him. Looking around he hoped there was anyone else that could help him. Anyone who saw what happened.

He felt ashamed and ridiculed, standing near-naked in the dark alleyway. Almost too scared to face his grandfather, he slowly sauntered towards the crowd, the warmth and the light, following in Zaya's direction, even though he had already lost track of her.
akje said
No, I'm talking about the bard of course.To put simple: Unfettered (that's Mawhiti's angel) has a message for the humans. because he doesn't speak the mortal language he needs to temporarily posses someone. He wants to possess the bard. but he needs the bards consent, he asks Tavon (the god) to convince the bard to accept him for this.I'm being difficult aren't I?

Not at all, I was just confused. In this case, perhaps Tavon can ask Vincus to convince the bard! You're not being difficult at all, if anything you're opening up more RP possibilities.
akje said
Oh sorry, I only skimmed the OOC since there was a lot of it. Is it a big deal or can we just mash shit together? more people = more involved in the story.

I do not think It's a big deal, though it was my fault and I apologise.

akje said
"But I need a vessel that speaks their mortal tongue. And the vessel must be willing. That is my one chain. I wish to possess the entertainer. I request of you this wish in the name of Mawhiti."

I hope you don't mean Vincus with 'the entertainer' since that's actually my god-character. Dunno who you're referring to at this point.
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